1. Facility name, city, and state. |
2. Name of FGIS field office. |
3. Check the box indicating kind of elevator. |
4. Storage capacity of elevator. |
5. Authorization Code-circle the numbers that apply to the intended sampler use. |
6. Sampler Make & Model; e.g., Gamet 6800S. |
7. Sampler Serial Number. |
8. Is the sampler in a spout or on a belt end? For spout samplers-diameter or length x width |
cross sectional measurements or; |
9. Belt Size-width and depth of grain carried. |
10. General location of sampler; e.g., Headhouse 6th Floor; or Gallery. |
11. Spout/belt name; e.g., Scale #1 lower garner. |
12. Spout angle-90_ is vertical. Belt Angle-0_ is horizontal. Show normal angle and max/min |
limits of travel, if angle can be varied. |
13. Belt speed-measure with belt loaded. |
14. Check the box showing type of power. |
15. Body dimensions for the sampler. |
16. Pelican stroke is the distance traveled from one side to the other. |
17. Length and width of the pelican opening. |
18. Distance in feet from release point. |
19. Distance grain falls is used to estimate impact and breakage. For example, measure from |
sampler to bin bottom. |
20. Is access to the sampler by approved ladder or stairs, and does the platform have an |
approved railing? |
21. Are the inspection doors properly located on the sampler? Do they have appropriate seal |
hasps and hinges? |
22. Check verified after you determine that the system controls have no bypasses, dump |
counters, timer interrupts, or programmable controllers. |
23. Location of lockout ok-does the lockout provided meet FGIS requirements? |
24. Light for examinations-can all exterior examination checks be made with lighting supplied? |
25. For pneumatic/hydraulic samplers-is pressure sufficient to move the pelican across the |
stream of grain evenly, without lagging or slowing down. |
26. For pneumatic/hydraulic samplers-pressure returns to maximum before next cut is initiated. |
27. For pneumatic samplers-gauge pressure at rest. Maximum reached when no cuts are |
initiated. |
28. Timer Make & Model; e.g., Eagle HP5 Model 9. |
29. Flow past sampler should be figured out by timing a known amount, such as one scale draft, |
as it passes the sampler. |
30. Calculate the timer setting in seconds based on grain flow rate past sampler. Also show |
whether this is based on a 200, 350, or 500 bushel sampling rate. |
31. Secondary Sampler (divider) Make & Model; e.g., InterSystems MD300. |
32. Secondary Sampler Serial Number. |
33. Check box indicating type of sample delivery system. |
34. Weight in grams received for the official sample. |
35. Total number of samples needed for all interested parties. |
36. Are the quantity adjustment features on secondary sampler fixed or sealed in place? |
37. Is the sample delivery system secure from the air inlet to the collection box? |
38. Is excess grain automatically returned from the secondary to the lot from which the sample |
was taken? |
39. Location of dust collection ducts-are they located where they can affect the sample |
constituents? The measurements will serve as a record of approved duct work. |
40. Weights-are weights official; i.e., supervised under the USGSA as Class X or Y-are weights |
Certified; i.e., supervised unofficially by a local organization-or are weights unofficial and |
not supervised, or not provided? |
41. Shipping bins-number used. |
42. Shipping bin depth(s). |
43. Grading-will bin be held for grade or factor results before being released? |
44. Procedures to stop breakage-will the bins require use of cushion level indicators, grain |
ladders, or baffles to reduce impact of grain and resulting breakage? |
45. Carrier identification or stowage locations. |
46. Special restrictions-any special procedural restrictions; e.g., weighback belt must be sealed, |
turnhead must be locked in position, cushion must be maintained in shipping bin, etc. |
47. Name or signature of the official personnel who filled out the questionnaire. |
48. Date information obtained. |