Burden Charts


Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (40 CFR part 60, subpart Cf) (Proposed Rule)

Burden Charts

OMB: 2060-0720

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Sheet 1: A1-Public

Table 1.A. Annual Respondent Burden and Cost of Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for the Emission Guidelines

for publically-owned Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Subpart Cf - Year 1, Proposed Option 2.5/34

Burden Item (A) Respondent Hours per Occurrencea (B1)
Annualized Non-Labor Capital Costs Per Occurrence
Annual Non-Labor O&M Costs Per Occurrence
Number of Occurrences Per Respondent Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
(E) Technical Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
Number of Respondents Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician per Year @ $49.85
(H) Technical Hours per Year @ $86.46 (E X F) (I) Clerical Hours per Year @ $30.28 (H X 0.1) (J) Management Hours per Year @ $109.43 (H X .05) (K) Total Labor Costs Per Year b (L) Total Annualized Non-Labor Capital and O&M Costs Per Year ((B1+B2) x Cx F) (M) Total Number of Responses per Year (C X F)c (N) Capital/Start-up Costs per occurance Footnotes Annualized Capital/start-up O&M

1. Applications na

2. Surveys and Studies na

3. Reporting Requirements

A. Read and Understand Rule Requirements

1. Open or controlling landfills 40 $0
1 0 40 482 0 19,277 1,928 964 $1,830,491 $0 0

2. Closed uncontrolled landfills and other small landfills 10 $0
1 0 10 647 0 6,471 647 324 $614,439 $0 0

B. Required Activities

1. Initial performance test report 12 $1,984 $1,000 1 0 12 309 0 3,703 370 185 $351,597 $920,634 309 18,067 e, f

2. Surface methane monitoring quarterly 43 $454
4 172 0 372 63,890 0 0 0 $3,185,178 $675,208 0
a, g

3. Wellhead monitoring monthly 40 $17
12 480 1 372 178,666 0 0 0 $8,907,209 $75,933 0
a, g

C. Create Information Included in 3B

D. Gather Information Included in 3B

E. Report Preparation

1. Initial design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 177 0 353 35 18 $33,541 $0 177

2. Amended design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 23 0 46 5 2 $4,395 $0 23

3. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 1) 8 $0
1 0 8 81 0 648 65 32 $61,510 $0 81

4. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 2) 12 $2,455
1 0 12 81 0 972 97 49 $92,265 $198,805 81 10,067 j, k

5. Landfill Closure Report 1 $0
1 0 1 14 0 14 1 1 $1,302 $0 14

6. Equipment Removal Report 36 $0
1 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

7. Collection and Control System Design Plan 80 $0
1 0 80 309 0 24,685 2,468 1,234 $2,343,979 $0 309

8. Revised design plan 20 $0
1 0 20 31 0 617 62 31 $58,599 $0 31

9. Initial Performance Test Included in 3B

10. Compliance Report Included in 3B

11. Annual Report 27 $0
1 0 27 372 0 10,050 1,005 502 $954,311 $0 372

Reporting Subtotal

242,556 66,835 6,683 3,342 $18,438,818 $1,870,581 1,396 $28,134

4. Recordkeeping Requirements

A. Read Instructions Included in 3a

B. Plan Activities na

C. Implement Activities na

D. Develop Record System na

E. Record Information

1. Data Compilation and Review (controllers) 5 $0
12 0 60 372 0 22,333 2,233 1,117 $2,120,691 $0 0

2. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (controllers) 11 $0
12 0 132 372 0 49,133 4,913 2,457 $4,665,521 $0 0

3. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (others) 4 $0
1 0 4 272 0 1,090 109 54 $103,461 $0 0

E. Personnel Training na

F. Time for Audits na

Recordkeeping Subtotal

0 72,556 7,256 3,628 $6,889,673 $0 0 $0


242,556 139,391 13,939 6,970 $25,328,491 $1,870,581 1,396 $28,134


a We have assumed all respondent hours equals the number of Technical Hours except for surface methane monitoring and wellhead monitoring which fall under Civil Engineer Technician Hours.

b This ICR uses mean hourly wage for the following labor categories from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2013, “National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates United States”: Managers, All Other for Managerial labor, Civil Engineer for Technical labor, and Office Clerks, General for Clerical labor. The rates have been increased by 110 percent to account for the benefit packages available to those employed by private industry.

c Includes only responses that are submitted as reports.

d Number of occurrences is based on the total number of landfills that are subject to the standard. This is a one time requirement for new respondents. We have assumed that all open or controlled landfills will take 40 hours to read instructions as part of their reporting requirements. While other closed and smaller landfills are subject there requirements are very minimal and their time to read the rule would be much less. Based on the regulatory database, 61% of these respondents are public and 39% are private.

e Based on the annualized capital costs for method 25, 25A, or 25C over 15 years, which is the expected lifetime of the flare or other destruction device. Other capital costs related to flare station monitoring include a thermocouple, flowmeter and data recorder. The costs for these equipment purchases were provided based on industry comment on the ICR renewal 1557.09 burden. These capital/start-up costs were also annualized over 15 years, since this is a one-time requirement. In addition, the industry comments also reported an annual O&M cost for these equipment in the most recent ICR renewal, and these costs were incorporated here.

f We have assumed that 538 controlled open landfills will be subject to this requirement during the first year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. This is a one-time requirement. Closed landfills with controls are exempt from the performance test or resubmittal of the GCCS design plan.

g Assumes 649 controlled landfills during the first year of this ICR period, 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The average acreage of controlled sites is estimated to be 169 acres under the proposed 2.5/34 option. We assumed weekly equipment rental costs at $350/week, and one week per occurrence. In addition, the landfill will need to purchase calibration gases and hydrogen fuel to operate the surface monitoring equipment. For wellhead monitoring: The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $2000 per month during the most recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW (ICR# 1557.09), or approximately 40 hours of technician labor time. The burden provided did not breakdown labor vs. non-labor costs, therefore we have not incorporated equipment rental costs in this estimate. We did however include costs for calibration gases for the wellhead equipment. Cost of re-monitoring for exceedances of surface monitoring or wellhead monitoring are not included because the rule does not require remonitoring unless an exceedance is found. Landfills can minimize the number of exceedances found by ensuring the GCCS is well-operated and the surface is well sealed.

h Based on the regulatory database, there are 203 landfills with design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume and thus will complete the initial design capacity report in the first year of this ICR. This is a one-time requirement. Based on the regulatory database, 87% of these respondents are public and 13% are private.

i Subpart Cf applies to each existing MSW landfill for which construction, reconstruction, or modification was commenced before July 17, 2014. Modification means an increase in the permitted volume design capacity of the landfill by either lateral or vertical expansion based on its permitted design capacity as of July 17, 2014. Modification does not occur until the owner or operator commences construction on the horizontal or vertical expansion. According to Subpart Cf (60.38f(b)) These landfills would submit an amended report within 90 days of receiving a permitted increase in volume. But, once the landfill commences construction on the permitted increase in volume these landfills would be modified and become subject to Subpart XXX instead of Subpart Cf. Estimate of landfills with a change is design capacity is based on the number of landfills that reported recent modifications or were anticipated to modify during the period of 2014-2018. See: Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Impacts Analysis of Landfill Regulations for more discussion of how modified landfills were identified. 60% of these respondents are public and 40% are private.

j We have assumed that 50 percent of uncontrolled open landfills will use Tier 1 calculations annually and 50 percent will use Tier 2 calculations once every 5 years for their NMOC reports. Of the landfills estimated to remain uncontrolled in the regulatory database 74% are public and 26% are private.

k Based on the annualized labor and capital costs for method 25 , 25A, or 25C over 5 years, since a Tier 2 test must be repeated every 5 years. Labor burden is assigned once every 5 years.

l We have assumed that 23 controlled landfills will close during the first year of the ICR period. This is based on the closure dates reported in the regulatory database.

m We have assumed that no landfills will remove equipment during this ICR period. Equipment Removal Report requires inclusion of 3 successive NMOC rates using Tier 2 calculations to demonstrate landfill is below the NMOC threshold.

n We have assumed that 10% of controlled landfill will revise their design plan.

o Assumes 649 controlled landfills during the first year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $5000 per year for compliance reporting (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). Since this estimate included an assumption of a semi-annual report to satisfy the requirements of the landfills NESHAP, we adjusted this estimate by half to account for the single report required by this NSPS, or $2500, which is approximately 27 technical hours per occurance.

p Assumes 649 controlled landfills during the first year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $1000 per month for recordkeeping and data storage per month and $500 for data compilation and review per month (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). This is approximately 5 technical hours per occurance for data compilation and review and 11 hours for recordkeeping and data storage.

q Number of occurrences is based on the total number of all landfills that are subject to the standard that are not controlling. Based on the regulatory database, 65% of these respondents are public and 35% are private.

Sheet 2: B1-Priv

Table 1.B. Annual Respondent Burden and Cost of Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for the Emission Guidelines

for privately-owned Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Subpart Cf - Year 1, Proposed Option 2.5/34

Burden Item (A) Respondent Hours per Occurrencea (B1)
Annualized Non-Labor Capital Costs Per Occurrence
Annual Non-Labor O&M Costs Per Occurrence
Number of Occurrences Per Respondent Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
(E) Technical Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
Number of Respondents Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician per Year @ $49.85
(H) Technical Hours per Year @ $86.46 (E X F) (I) Clerical Hours per Year @ $30.28 (H X 0.1) (J) Management Hours per Year @ $109.43 (H X .05) (K) Total Labor Costs Per Year b (L) Total Annualized Non-Labor Capital and O&M Costs Per Year ((B1+B2) x Cx F) (M) Total Number of Responses per Year (C X F)c (N) Capital/Start-up Costs per occurance Footnotes Annualized Capital/start-up O&M

1. Applications na

2. Surveys and Studies na

3. Reporting Requirements

A. Read and Understand Rule Requirements

1. Open or controlling landfills 40 $0
1 0 40 303 0 12,123 1,212 606 $1,151,151 $0 0

2. Closed uncontrolled landfills and other small landfills 10 $0
1 0 10 407 0 4,069 407 203 $386,405 $0 0

B. Required Activities

1. Initial performance test report 12 $1,984 $1,000 1 0 12 229 0 2,753 275 138 $261,444 $684,574 229 18,067 e, f

2. Surface methane monitoring quarterly 43 $454
4 172 0 277 47,508 0 0 0 $2,368,466 $502,078 0
a, g

3. Wellhead monitoring monthly 40 $17
12 480 1 277 132,854 0 0 0 $6,623,309 $56,463 0
a, g

C. Create Information Included in 3B

D. Gather Information Included in 3B

E. Report Preparation

1. Initial design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 26 0 53 5 3 $5,012 $0 26

2. Amended design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 3 0 7 1 0 $657 $0 3

3. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 1) 8 $0
1 0 8 28 0 224 22 11 $21,292 $0 28

4. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 2) 12 $2,455
1 0 12 28 0 336 34 17 $31,938 $68,817 28 10,067 j, k

5. Landfill Closure Report 1 $0
1 0 1 9 0 9 1 0 $882 $0 9

6. Equipment Removal Report 36 $0
1 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

7. Collection and Control System Design Plan 80 $0
1 0 80 229 0 18,355 1,836 918 $1,742,959 $0 229

8. Revised design plan 20 $0
1 0 20 23 0 459 46 23 $43,574 $0 23

9. Initial Performance Test Included in 3B

10. Compliance Report Included in 3B

11. Annual Report 27 $0
1 0 27 277 0 7,473 747 374 $709,616 $0 277

Reporting Subtotal

180,362 45,862 4,586 2,293 $13,346,704 $1,311,932 854 $28,134

4. Recordkeeping Requirements

A. Read Instructions Included in 3a

B. Plan Activities na

C. Implement Activities na

D. Develop Record System na

E. Record Information

1. Data Compilation and Review (controllers) 5 $0
12 0 60 277 0 16,607 1,661 830 $1,576,924 $0 0

2. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (controllers) 11 $0
12 0 132 277 0 36,535 3,653 1,827 $3,469,234 $0 0

3. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (others) 4 $0
1 0 4 67 0 266 27 13 $25,300 $0 0

E. Personnel Training na

F. Time for Audits na

Recordkeeping Subtotal

0 53,408 5,341 2,670 $5,071,459 $0 0 $0


180,362 99,270 9,927 4,964 $18,418,163 $1,311,932 854 $28,134


a We have assumed all respondent hours equals the number of Technical Hours except for surface methane monitoring and wellhead monitoring which fall under Civil Engineer Technician Hours.

b This ICR uses mean hourly wage for the following labor categories from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2013, “National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates United States”: Managers, All Other for Managerial labor, Civil Engineer for Technical labor, and Office Clerks, General for Clerical labor. The rates have been increased by 110 percent to account for the benefit packages available to those employed by private industry.

c Includes only responses that are submitted as reports.

d Number of occurrences is based on the total number of landfills that are subject to the standard. This is a one time requirement for new respondents. We have assumed that all open or controlled landfills will take 40 hours to read instructions as part of their reporting requirements. While other closed and smaller landfills are subject there requirements are very minimal and their time to read the rule would be much less. Based on the regulatory database, 61% of these respondents are public and 39% are private.

e Based on the annualized capital costs for method 25, 25A, or 25C over 15 years, which is the expected lifetime of the flare or other destruction device. Other capital costs related to flare station monitoring include a thermocouple, flowmeter and data recorder. The costs for these equipment purchases were provided based on industry comment on the ICR renewal 1557.09 burden. These capital/start-up costs were also annualized over 15 years, since this is a one-time requirement. In addition, the industry comments also reported an annual O&M cost for these equipment in the most recent ICR renewal, and these costs were incorporated here.

f We have assumed that 538 controlled open landfills will be subject to this requirement during the first year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. This is a one-time requirement. Closed landfills with controls are exempt from the performance test or resubmittal of the GCCS design plan.

g Assumes 649 controlled landfills during the first year of this ICR period, 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The average acreage of controlled sites is estimated to be 169 acres under the proposed 2.5/34 option. We assumed weekly equipment rental costs at $350/week, and one week per occurrence. In addition, the landfill will need to purchase calibration gases and hydrogen fuel to operate the surface monitoring equipment. For wellhead monitoring: The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $2000 per month during the most recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW (ICR# 1557.09), or approximately 40 hours of technician labor time. The burden provided did not breakdown labor vs. non-labor costs, therefore we have not incorporated equipment rental costs in this estimate. We did however include costs for calibration gases for the wellhead equipment. Cost of re-monitoring for exceedances of surface monitoring or wellhead monitoring are not included because the rule does not require remonitoring unless an exceedance is found. Landfills can minimize the number of exceedances found by ensuring the GCCS is well-operated and the surface is well sealed.

h Based on the regulatory database, there are 203 landfills with design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume and thus will complete the initial design capacity report in the first year of this ICR. This is a one-time requirement. Based on the regulatory database, 87% of these respondents are public and 13% are private.

i Subpart Cf applies to each existing MSW landfill for which construction, reconstruction, or modification was commenced before July 17, 2014. Modification means an increase in the permitted volume design capacity of the landfill by either lateral or vertical expansion based on its permitted design capacity as of July 17, 2014. Modification does not occur until the owner or operator commences construction on the horizontal or vertical expansion. According to Subpart Cf (60.38f(b)) These landfills would submit an amended report within 90 days of receiving a permitted increase in volume. But, once the landfill commences construction on the permitted increase in volume these landfills would be modified and become subject to Subpart XXX instead of Subpart Cf. Estimate of landfills with a change is design capacity is based on the number of landfills that reported recent modifications or were anticipated to modify during the period of 2014-2018. See: Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Impacts Analysis of Landfill Regulations for more discussion of how modified landfills were identified. 60% of these respondents are public and 40% are private.

j We have assumed that 50 percent of uncontrolled open landfills will use Tier 1 calculations annually and 50 percent will use Tier 2 calculations once every 5 years for their NMOC reports. Of the landfills estimated to remain uncontrolled in the regulatory database 74% are public and 26% are private.

k Based on the annualized labor and capital costs for method 25 , 25A, or 25C over 5 years, since a Tier 2 test must be repeated every 5 years. Labor burden is assigned once every 5 years.

l We have assumed that 23 controlled landfills will close during the first year of the ICR period. This is based on the closure dates reported in the regulatory database.

m We have assumed that no landfills will remove equipment during this ICR period. Equipment Removal Report requires inclusion of 3 successive NMOC rates using Tier 2 calculations to demonstrate landfill is below the NMOC threshold.

n We have assumed that 10% of controlled landfill will revise their design plan.

o Assumes 649 controlled landfills during the first year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $5000 per year for compliance reporting (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). Since this estimate included an assumption of a semi-annual report to satisfy the requirements of the landfills NESHAP, we adjusted this estimate by half to account for the single report required by this NSPS, or $2500, which is approximately 27 technical hours per occurance.

p Assumes 649 controlled landfills during the first year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $1000 per month for recordkeeping and data storage per month and $500 for data compilation and review per month (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). This is approximately 5 technical hours per occurance for data compilation and review and 11 hours for recordkeeping and data storage.

q Number of occurrences is based on the total number of all landfills that are subject to the standard that are not controlling. Based on the regulatory database, 65% of these respondents are public and 35% are private.

Sheet 3: A2-Public

Table 2.A. Annual Respondent Burden and Cost of Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for the Emission Guidelines

for publically-owned Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Subpart Cf - Year 2, Proposed Option 2.5/34

Burden Item (A) Respondent Hours per Occurrencea (B1)
Annualized Non-Labor Capital Costs Per Occurrence
Annual Non-Labor O&M Costs Per Occurrence
Number of Occurrences Per Respondent Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
(E) Technical Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
Number of Respondents Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician per Year @ $49.85
(H) Technical Hours per Year @ $86.46 (E X F) (I) Clerical Hours per Year @ $30.28 (H X 0.1) (J) Management Hours per Year @ $109.43 (H X .05) (K) Total Labor Costs Per Year b (L) Total Annualized Non-Labor Capital and O&M Costs Per Year ((B1+B2) x Cx F) (M) Total Number of Responses per Year (C X F)c (N) Capital/Start-up Costs per occurance Footnotes Annualized Capital/start-up O&M

1. Applications na

2. Surveys and Studies na

3. Reporting Requirements

A. Read and Understand Rule Requirements

1. Open or controlling landfills 40 $0
1 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

2. Closed uncontrolled landfills and other small landfills 10 $0
1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

B. Required Activities

1. Initial performance test report 12 $1,984 $1,000 1 0 12 2 0 28 3 1 $2,614 $927,479 2 18,067 e, f

2. Surface methane monitoring quarterly 43 $454
4 172 0 343 58,869 0 0 0 $2,934,879 $622,149 0
a, g

3. Wellhead monitoring monthly 40 $17
12 480 1 343 164,626 0 0 0 $8,207,259 $69,966 0
a, g

C. Create Information Included in 3B

D. Gather Information Included in 3B

E. Report Preparation

1. Initial design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

2. Amended design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 23 0 46 5 2 $4,395 $0 23

3. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 1) 8 $0
1 0 8 79 0 636 64 32 $60,382 $0 79

4. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 2) 12 $2,455
1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $198,805 0 10,067 j, k

5. Landfill Closure Report 1 $0
1 0 1 16 0 16 2 1 $1,472 $0 16

6. Equipment Removal Report 36 $0
1 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

7. Collection and Control System Design Plan 80 $0
1 0 80 2 0 184 18 9 $17,427 $0 2

8. Revised design plan 20 $0
1 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

9. Initial Performance Test Included in 3B

10. Compliance Report Included in 3B

11. Annual Report 27 $0
1 0 27 343 0 9,260 926 463 $879,319 $0 343

Reporting Subtotal

223,495 10,169 1,017 508 $12,107,747 $1,818,399 466 $28,134

4. Recordkeeping Requirements

A. Read Instructions Included in 3a

B. Plan Activities na

C. Implement Activities na

D. Develop Record System na

E. Record Information

1. Data Compilation and Review (controllers) 5 $0
12 0 60 343 0 20,578 2,058 1,029 $1,954,042 $0 0

2. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (controllers) 11 $0
12 0 132 343 0 45,272 4,527 2,264 $4,298,893 $0 0

3. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (others) 4 $0
1 0 4 302 0 1,207 121 60 $114,571 $0 0

E. Personnel Training na

F. Time for Audits na

Recordkeeping Subtotal

0 67,057 6,706 3,353 $6,367,506 $0 0 $0


223,495 77,226 7,723 3,861 $18,475,253 $1,818,399 466 $28,134


a We have assumed all respondent hours equals the number of Technical Hours except for surface methane monitoring and wellhead monitoring which fall under Civil Engineer Technician Hours.

b This ICR uses mean hourly wage for the following labor categories from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2013, “National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates United States”: Managers, All Other for Managerial labor, Civil Engineer for Technical labor, and Office Clerks, General for Clerical labor. The rates have been increased by 110 percent to account for the benefit packages available to those employed by private industry.

c Includes only responses that are submitted as reports.

d Number of occurrences is based on the total number of landfills that are subject to the standard. This is a one time requirement for new respondents. We have assumed that all new open or controlled landfills will take 40 hours to read instructions as part of their reporting requirements. While other closed and smaller landfills are subject there requirements are very minimal and their time to read the rule would be much less. Based on the regulatory database, 61% of these respondents are public and 39% are private.

e Based on the annualized capital costs for method 25, 25A, or 25C over 15 years, which is the expected lifetime of the flare or other destruction device. Other capital costs related to flare station monitoring include a thermocouple, flowmeter and data recorder. The costs for these equipment purchases were provided based on industry comment on the ICR renewal 1557.09 burden. These capital/start-up costs were also annualized over 15 years, since this is a one-time requirement. In addition, the industry comments also reported an annual O&M cost for these equipment in the most recent ICR renewal, and these costs were incorporated here.

f We have assumed that 4 controlled open landfills will be subject to this requirement during the second year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. This is a one-time requirement. Closed landfills with controls are exempt from the performance test or resubmittal of the GCCS design plan.

g Assumes 598 controlled landfills during the second year of this ICR period, 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The average acreage of controlled sites is estimated to be 169 acres under the proposed 2.5/34 option. We assumed weekly equipment rental costs at $350/week, and one week per occurrence. In addition, the landfill will need to purchase calibration gases and hydrogen fuel to operate the surface monitoring equipment. For wellhead monitoring: The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $2000 per month during the most recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW (ICR# 1557.09), or approximately 40 hours of technician labor time. The burden provided did not breakdown labor vs. non-labor costs, therefore we have not incorporated equipment rental costs in this estimate. We did however include costs for calibration gases for the wellhead equipment. Cost of re-monitoring for exceedances of surface monitoring or wellhead monitoring are not included because the rule does not require remonitoring unless an exceedance is found. Landfills can minimize the number of exceedances found by ensuring the GCCS is well-operated and the surface is well sealed.

h All additional landfills with design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume were estimated to complete the one-time initial design capacity report in the first year of this ICR - no respondents in years 2&3.

i Subpart Cf applies to each existing MSW landfill for which construction, reconstruction, or modification was commenced before July 17, 2014. Modification means an increase in the permitted volume design capacity of the landfill by either lateral or vertical expansion based on its permitted design capacity as of July 17, 2014. Modification does not occur until the owner or operator commences construction on the horizontal or vertical expansion. According to Subpart Cf (60.38f(b)) These landfills would submit an amended report within 90 days of receiving a permitted increase in volume. But, once the landfill commences construction on the permitted increase in volume these landfills would be modified and become subject to Subpart XXX instead of Subpart Cf. Estimate of landfills with a change is design capacity is based on the number of landfills that reported recent modifications or were anticipated to modify during the period of 2014-2018. See: Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Impacts Analysis of Landfill Regulations for more discussion of how modified landfills were identified. 60% of these respondents are public and 40% are private.

j We have assumed that 50 percent of uncontrolled open landfills with use Tier 1 calculations annually and 50 percent will use Tier 2 calculations once every 5 years for their NMOC reports. Of the landfills estimated to remain uncontrolled in the regulatory database 74% are public and 26% are private.

k Based on the annualized labor and capital costs for method 25 , 25A, or 25C over 5 years, since a Tier 2 test must be repeated every 5 years. Labor burden is assigned once every 5 years.

l We have assumed that 26 controlled landfills will close during the second year of the ICR period. This is based on the closure dates reported in the regulatory database.

m We have assumed that no landfills will remove equipment during this ICR period. Equipment Removal Report requires inclusion of 3 successive NMOC rates using Tier 2 calculations to demonstrate landfill is below the NMOC threshold.

n We have assumed that 10% of controlled landfill will revise their design plan.

o Assumes 598 controlled landfills during the second year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $5000 per year for compliance reporting (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). Since this estimate included an assumption of a semi-annual report to satisfy the requirements of the landfills NESHAP, we adjusted this estimate by half to account for the single report required by this NSPS, or $2500, which is approximately 27 technical hours per occurance.

p Assumes 598 controlled landfills during the second year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $1000 per month for recordkeeping and data storage per month and $500 for data compilation and review per month (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). This is approximately 5 technical hours per occurance for data compilation and review and 11 hours for recordkeeping and data storage.

q Number of occurrences is based on the total number of all landfills that are subject to the standard that are not controlling. Based on the regulatory database, 65% of these respondents are public and 35% are private.

Sheet 4: B2-Priv

Table 2.B. Annual Respondent Burden and Cost of Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for the Emission Guidelines

for privately-owned Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Subpart Cf - Year 2, Proposed Option 2.5/34

Burden Item (A) Respondent Hours per Occurrencea (B1)
Annualized Non-Labor Capital Costs Per Occurrence
Annual Non-Labor O&M Costs Per Occurrence
Number of Occurrences Per Respondent Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
(E) Technical Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
Number of Respondents Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician per Year @ $49.85
(H) Technical Hours per Year @ $86.46 (E X F) (I) Clerical Hours per Year @ $30.28 (H X 0.1) (J) Management Hours per Year @ $109.43 (H X .05) (K) Total Labor Costs Per Year b (L) Total Annualized Non-Labor Capital and O&M Costs Per Year ((B1+B2) x Cx F) (M) Total Number of Responses per Year (C X F)c (N) Capital/Start-up Costs per occurance Footnotes Annualized Capital/start-up O&M

1. Applications na

2. Surveys and Studies na

3. Reporting Requirements

A. Read and Understand Rule Requirements

1. Open or controlling landfills 40 $0
1 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

2. Closed uncontrolled landfills and other small landfills 10 $0
1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

B. Required Activities

1. Initial performance test report 12 $1,984 $1,000 1 0 12 2 0 20 2 1 $1,944 $689,664 2 18,067 e, f

2. Surface methane monitoring quarterly 43 $454
4 172 0 255 43,775 0 0 0 $2,182,346 $462,623 0
a, g

3. Wellhead monitoring monthly 40 $17
12 480 1 255 122,414 0 0 0 $6,102,833 $52,026 0
a, g

C. Create Information Included in 3B

D. Gather Information Included in 3B

E. Report Preparation

1. Initial design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

2. Amended design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 3 0 7 1 0 $657 $0 3

3. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 1) 8 $0
1 0 8 28 0 220 22 11 $20,901 $0 28

4. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 2) 12 $2,455
1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $68,817 0 10,067 j, k

5. Landfill Closure Report 1 $0
1 0 1 10 0 10 1 1 $997 $0 10

6. Equipment Removal Report 36 $0
1 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

7. Collection and Control System Design Plan 80 $0
1 0 80 2 0 136 14 7 $12,959 $0 2

8. Revised design plan 20 $0
1 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

9. Initial Performance Test Included in 3B

10. Compliance Report Included in 3B

11. Annual Report 27 $0
1 0 27 255 0 6,886 689 344 $653,853 $0 255

Reporting Subtotal

166,189 7,280 728 364 $8,976,490 $1,273,131 300 $28,134

4. Recordkeeping Requirements

A. Read Instructions Included in 3a

B. Plan Activities na

C. Implement Activities na

D. Develop Record System na

E. Record Information

1. Data Compilation and Review (controllers) 5 $0
12 0 60 255 0 15,302 1,530 765 $1,453,006 $0 0

2. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (controllers) 11 $0
12 0 132 255 0 33,664 3,366 1,683 $3,196,613 $0 0

3. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (others) 4 $0
1 0 4 88 0 353 35 18 $33,562 $0 0

E. Personnel Training na

F. Time for Audits na

Recordkeeping Subtotal

0 49,319 4,932 2,466 $4,683,180 $0 0 $0


166,189 56,599 5,660 2,830 $13,659,670 $1,273,131 300 $28,134


a We have assumed all respondent hours equals the number of Technical Hours except for surface methane monitoring and wellhead monitoring which fall under Civil Engineer Technician Hours.

b This ICR uses mean hourly wage for the following labor categories from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2013, “National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates United States”: Managers, All Other for Managerial labor, Civil Engineer for Technical labor, and Office Clerks, General for Clerical labor. The rates have been increased by 110 percent to account for the benefit packages available to those employed by private industry.

c Includes only responses that are submitted as reports.

d Number of occurrences is based on the total number of landfills that are subject to the standard. This is a one time requirement for new respondents. We have assumed that all new open or controlled landfills will take 40 hours to read instructions as part of their reporting requirements. While other closed and smaller landfills are subject there requirements are very minimal and their time to read the rule would be much less. Based on the regulatory database, 61% of these respondents are public and 39% are private.

e Based on the annualized capital costs for method 25, 25A, or 25C over 15 years, which is the expected lifetime of the flare or other destruction device. Other capital costs related to flare station monitoring include a thermocouple, flowmeter and data recorder. The costs for these equipment purchases were provided based on industry comment on the ICR renewal 1557.09 burden. These capital/start-up costs were also annualized over 15 years, since this is a one-time requirement. In addition, the industry comments also reported an annual O&M cost for these equipment in the most recent ICR renewal, and these costs were incorporated here.

f We have assumed that 4 controlled open landfills will be subject to this requirement during the second year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. This is a one-time requirement. Closed landfills with controls are exempt from the performance test or resubmittal of the GCCS design plan.

g Assumes 598 controlled landfills during the second year of this ICR period, 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The average acreage of controlled sites is estimated to be 169 acres under the proposed 2.5/34 option. We assumed weekly equipment rental costs at $350/week, and one week per occurrence. In addition, the landfill will need to purchase calibration gases and hydrogen fuel to operate the surface monitoring equipment. For wellhead monitoring: The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $2000 per month during the most recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW (ICR# 1557.09), or approximately 40 hours of technician labor time. The burden provided did not breakdown labor vs. non-labor costs, therefore we have not incorporated equipment rental costs in this estimate. We did however include costs for calibration gases for the wellhead equipment. Cost of re-monitoring for exceedances of surface monitoring or wellhead monitoring are not included because the rule does not require remonitoring unless an exceedance is found. Landfills can minimize the number of exceedances found by ensuring the GCCS is well-operated and the surface is well sealed.

h All additional landfills with design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume were estimated to complete the one-time initial design capacity report in the first year of this ICR - no respondents in years 2&3.

i Subpart Cf applies to each existing MSW landfill for which construction, reconstruction, or modification was commenced before July 17, 2014. Modification means an increase in the permitted volume design capacity of the landfill by either lateral or vertical expansion based on its permitted design capacity as of July 17, 2014. Modification does not occur until the owner or operator commences construction on the horizontal or vertical expansion. According to Subpart Cf (60.38f(b)) These landfills would submit an amended report within 90 days of receiving a permitted increase in volume. But, once the landfill commences construction on the permitted increase in volume these landfills would be modified and become subject to Subpart XXX instead of Subpart Cf. Estimate of landfills with a change is design capacity is based on the number of landfills that reported recent modifications or were anticipated to modify during the period of 2014-2018. See: Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Impacts Analysis of Landfill Regulations for more discussion of how modified landfills were identified. 60% of these respondents are public and 40% are private.

j We have assumed that 50 percent of uncontrolled open landfills with use Tier 1 calculations annually and 50 percent will use Tier 2 calculations once every 5 years for their NMOC reports. Of the landfills estimated to remain uncontrolled in the regulatory database 74% are public and 26% are private.

k Based on the annualized labor and capital costs for method 25 , 25A, or 25C over 5 years, since a Tier 2 test must be repeated every 5 years. Labor burden is assigned once every 5 years.

l We have assumed that 26 controlled landfills will close during the second year of the ICR period. This is based on the closure dates reported in the regulatory database.

m We have assumed that no landfills will remove equipment during this ICR period. Equipment Removal Report requires inclusion of 3 successive NMOC rates using Tier 2 calculations to demonstrate landfill is below the NMOC threshold.

n We have assumed that 10% of controlled landfill will revise their design plan.

o Assumes 598 controlled landfills during the second year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $5000 per year for compliance reporting (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). Since this estimate included an assumption of a semi-annual report to satisfy the requirements of the landfills NESHAP, we adjusted this estimate by half to account for the single report required by this NSPS, or $2500, which is approximately 27 technical hours per occurance.

p Assumes 598 controlled landfills during the second year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $1000 per month for recordkeeping and data storage per month and $500 for data compilation and review per month (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). This is approximately 5 technical hours per occurance for data compilation and review and 11 hours for recordkeeping and data storage.

q Number of occurrences is based on the total number of all landfills that are subject to the standard that are not controlling. Based on the regulatory database, 65% of these respondents are public and 35% are private.

Sheet 5: A3-Public

Table 3.A. Annual Respondent Burden and Cost of Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for the Emission Guidelines

for publically-owned Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Subpart Cf - Year 3, Proposed Option 2.5/34

Burden Item (A) Respondent Hours per Occurrencea (B1)
Annualized Non-Labor Capital Costs Per Occurrence
Annual Non-Labor O&M Costs Per Occurrence
Number of Occurrences Per Respondent Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
(E) Technical Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
Number of Respondents Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician per Year @ $49.85
(H) Technical Hours per Year @ $86.46 (E X F) (I) Clerical Hours per Year @ $30.28 (H X 0.1) (J) Management Hours per Year @ $109.43 (H X .05) (K) Total Labor Costs Per Year b (L) Total Annualized Non-Labor Capital and O&M Costs Per Year ((B1+B2) x Cx F) (M) Total Number of Responses per Year (C X F)c (N) Capital/Start-up Costs per occurance Footnotes Annualized Capital/start-up O&M

1. Applications na

2. Surveys and Studies na

3. Reporting Requirements

A. Read and Understand Rule Requirements

1. Open or controlling landfills 40 $0
1 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

2. Closed uncontrolled landfills and other small landfills 10 $0
1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

B. Required Activities

1. Initial performance test report 12 $1,984 $1,000 1 0 12 53 0 640 64 32 $60,778 $1,086,622.46 53 18,067 e, f

2. Surface methane monitoring quarterly 43 $454
4 172 0 394 67,631 0 0 0 $3,371,675 $714,743 0
a, g

3. Wellhead monitoring monthly 40 $17
12 480 1 394 189,127 0 0 0 $9,428,740 $80,379 0
a, g

C. Create Information Included in 3B

D. Gather Information Included in 3B

E. Report Preparation

1. Initial design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

2. Amended design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 23 0 46 5 2 $4,395 $0 23

3. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 1) 8 $0
1 0 8 45 0 360 36 18 $34,141 $0 45

4. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 2) 12 $2,455
1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $198,805 0 10,067 j, k

5. Landfill Closure Report 1 $0
1 0 1 12 0 12 1 1 $1,132 $0 12

6. Equipment Removal Report 36 $0
1 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

7. Collection and Control System Design Plan 80 $0
1 0 80 53 0 4,267 427 213 $405,186 $0 53

8. Revised design plan 20 $0
1 0 20 5 0 107 11 5 $10,130 $0 5

9. Initial Performance Test Included in 3B

10. Compliance Report Included in 3B

11. Annual Report 27 $0
1 0 27 394 0 10,638 1,064 532 $1,010,188 $0 394

Reporting Subtotal

256,758 16,070 1,607 803 $14,326,365 $2,080,549 586 $28,134

4. Recordkeeping Requirements

A. Read Instructions Included in 3a

B. Plan Activities na

C. Implement Activities na

D. Develop Record System na

E. Record Information

1. Data Compilation and Review (controllers) 5 $0
12 0 60 394 0 23,641 2,364 1,182 $2,244,861 $0 0

2. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (controllers) 11 $0
12 0 132 394 0 52,010 5,201 2,600 $4,938,695 $0 0

3. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (others) 4 $0
1 0 4 251 0 1,002 100 50 $95,183 $0 0

E. Personnel Training na

F. Time for Audits na

Recordkeeping Subtotal

0 76,653 7,665 3,833 $7,278,739 $0 0 $0


256,758 92,723 9,272 4,636 $21,605,104 $2,080,549 586 $28,134


a We have assumed all respondent hours equals the number of Technical Hours except for surface methane monitoring and wellhead monitoring which fall under Civil Engineer Technician Hours.

b This ICR uses mean hourly wage for the following labor categories from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2013, “National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates United States”: Managers, All Other for Managerial labor, Civil Engineer for Technical labor, and Office Clerks, General for Clerical labor. The rates have been increased by 110 percent to account for the benefit packages available to those employed by private industry.

c Includes only responses that are submitted as reports.

d Number of occurrences is based on the total number of landfills that are subject to the standard. This is a one time requirement for new respondents. We have assumed that all new open or controlled landfills will take 40 hours to read instructions as part of their reporting requirements. While other closed and smaller landfills are subject there requirements are very minimal and their time to read the rule would be much less. Based on the regulatory database, 61% of these respondents are public and 39% are private.

e Based on the annualized capital costs for method 25, 25A, or 25C over 15 years, which is the expected lifetime of the flare or other destruction device. Other capital costs related to flare station monitoring include a thermocouple, flowmeter and data recorder. The costs for these equipment purchases were provided based on industry comment on the ICR renewal 1557.09 burden. These capital/start-up costs were also annualized over 15 years, since this is a one-time requirement. In addition, the industry comments also reported an annual O&M cost for these equipment in the most recent ICR renewal, and these costs were incorporated here.

f We have assumed that 93 controlled open landfills will be subject to this requirement during the third year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. This is a one-time requirement. Closed landfills with controls are exempt from the performance test or resubmittal of the GCCS design plan.

g Assumes 598 controlled landfills during the second year of this ICR period, 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The average acreage of controlled sites is estimated to be 169 acres under the proposed 2.5/34 option. We assumed weekly equipment rental costs at $350/week, and one week per occurrence. In addition, the landfill will need to purchase calibration gases and hydrogen fuel to operate the surface monitoring equipment. For wellhead monitoring: The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $2000 per month during the most recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW (ICR# 1557.09), or approximately 40 hours of technician labor time. The burden provided did not breakdown labor vs. non-labor costs, therefore we have not incorporated equipment rental costs in this estimate. We did however include costs for calibration gases for the wellhead equipment. Cost of re-monitoring for exceedances of surface monitoring or wellhead monitoring are not included because the rule does not require remonitoring unless an exceedance is found. Landfills can minimize the number of exceedances found by ensuring the GCCS is well-operated and the surface is well sealed.

h All additional landfills with design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume were estimated to complete the one-time initial design capacity report in the first year of this ICR - no respondents in years 2&3.

i Subpart Cf applies to each existing MSW landfill for which construction, reconstruction, or modification was commenced before July 17, 2014. Modification means an increase in the permitted volume design capacity of the landfill by either lateral or vertical expansion based on its permitted design capacity as of July 17, 2014. Modification does not occur until the owner or operator commences construction on the horizontal or vertical expansion. According to Subpart Cf (60.38f(b)) These landfills would submit an amended report within 90 days of receiving a permitted increase in volume. But, once the landfill commences construction on the permitted increase in volume these landfills would be modified and become subject to Subpart XXX instead of Subpart Cf. Estimate of landfills with a change is design capacity is based on the number of landfills that reported recent modifications or were anticipated to modify during the period of 2014-2018. See: Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Impacts Analysis of Landfill Regulations for more discussion of how modified landfills were identified. 60% of these respondents are public and 40% are private.

j We have assumed that 50 percent of uncontrolled open landfills with use Tier 1 calculations annually and 50 percent will use Tier 2 calculations once every 5 years for their NMOC reports. Of the landfills estimated to remain uncontrolled in the regulatory database 74% are public and 26% are private.

k Based on the annualized labor and capital costs for method 25 , 25A, or 25C over 5 years, since a Tier 2 test must be repeated every 5 years. Labor burden is assigned once every 5 years.

l We have assumed that 20 controlled landfills will close during the third year of the ICR period. This is based on the closure dates reported in the regulatory database.

m We have assumed that no landfills will remove equipment during this ICR period. Equipment Removal Report requires inclusion of 3 successive NMOC rates using Tier 2 calculations to demonstrate landfill is below the NMOC threshold.

n We have assumed that 10% of controlled landfill will revise their design plan.

o Assumes 687 controlled landfills during the third year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $5000 per year for compliance reporting (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). Since this estimate included an assumption of a semi-annual report to satisfy the requirements of the landfills NESHAP, we adjusted this estimate by half to account for the single report required by this NSPS, or $2500, which is approximately 27 technical hours per occurance.

p Assumes 687 controlled landfills during the third year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $1000 per month for recordkeeping and data storage per month and $500 for data compilation and review per month (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). This is approximately 5 technical hours per occurance for data compilation and review and 11 hours for recordkeeping and data storage.

q Number of occurrences is based on the total number of all landfills that are subject to the standard that are not controlling. Based on the regulatory database, 65% of these respondents are public and 35% are private.

Sheet 6: B3-Priv

Table 3.B. Annual Respondent Burden and Cost of Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for the Emission Guidelines

for privately-owned Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Subpart Cf - Year 3, Proposed Option 2.5/34

Burden Item (A) Respondent Hours per Occurrencea (B1)
Annualized Non-Labor Capital Costs Per Occurrence
Annual Non-Labor O&M Costs Per Occurrence
Number of Occurrences Per Respondent Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
(E) Technical Hours per Respondent Per Year
(A X C)
Number of Respondents Per Year
Civil Engineer Technician per Year @ $49.85
(H) Technical Hours per Year @ $86.46 (E X F) (I) Clerical Hours per Year @ $30.28 (H X 0.1) (J) Management Hours per Year @ $109.43 (H X .05) (K) Total Labor Costs Per Year b (L) Total Annualized Non-Labor Capital and O&M Costs Per Year ((B1+B2) x Cx F) (M) Total Number of Responses per Year (C X F)c (N) Capital/Start-up Costs per occurance Footnotes Annualized Capital/start-up O&M

1. Applications na

2. Surveys and Studies na

3. Reporting Requirements

A. Read and Understand Rule Requirements

1. Open or controlling landfills 40 $0
1 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

2. Closed uncontrolled landfills and other small landfills 10 $0
1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

B. Required Activities

1. Initial performance test report 12 $1,984 $1,000 1 0 12 40 0 476 48 24 $45,194 $808,001.31 40 18,067 e, f

2. Surface methane monitoring quarterly 43 $454
4 172 0 293 50,290 0 0 0 $2,507,143 $531,475 0
a, g

3. Wellhead monitoring monthly 40 $17
12 480 1 293 140,633 0 0 0 $7,011,115 $59,769 0
a, g

C. Create Information Included in 3B

D. Gather Information Included in 3B

E. Report Preparation

1. Initial design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

2. Amended design capacity report 2 $0
1 0 2 3 0 7 1 0 $657 $0 3

3. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 1) 8 $0
1 0 8 16 0 124 12 6 $11,818 $0 16

4. Report of NMOC rate (Tier 2) 12 $2,455
1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $68,817 0 10,067 j, k

5. Landfill Closure Report 1 $0
1 0 1 8 0 8 1 0 $767 $0 8

6. Equipment Removal Report 36 $0
1 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 0

7. Collection and Control System Design Plan 80 $0
1 0 80 40 0 3,173 317 159 $301,292 $0 40

8. Revised design plan 20 $0
1 0 20 4 0 79 8 4 $7,532 $0 4

9. Initial Performance Test Included in 3B

10. Compliance Report Included in 3B

11. Annual Report 27 $0
1 0 27 293 0 7,911 791 396 $751,165 $0 293

Reporting Subtotal

190,923 11,778 1,178 589 $10,636,683 $1,468,063 403 $28,134

4. Recordkeeping Requirements

A. Read Instructions Included in 3a

B. Plan Activities na

C. Implement Activities na

D. Develop Record System na

E. Record Information

1. Data Compilation and Review (controllers) 5 $0
12 0 60 293 0 17,579 1,758 879 $1,669,256 $0 0

2. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (controllers) 11 $0
12 0 132 293 0 38,674 3,867 1,934 $3,672,363 $0 0

3. Recordkeeping and Data Storage (others) 4 $0
1 0 4 50 0 202 20 10 $19,145 $0 0

E. Personnel Training na

F. Time for Audits na

Recordkeeping Subtotal

0 56,455 5,645 2,823 $5,360,764 $0 0 $0


190,923 68,233 6,823 3,412 $15,997,447 $1,468,063 403 $28,134


a We have assumed all respondent hours equals the number of Technical Hours except for surface methane monitoring and wellhead monitoring which fall under Civil Engineer Technician Hours.

b This ICR uses mean hourly wage for the following labor categories from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2013, “National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates United States”: Managers, All Other for Managerial labor, Civil Engineer for Technical labor, and Office Clerks, General for Clerical labor. The rates have been increased by 110 percent to account for the benefit packages available to those employed by private industry.

c Includes only responses that are submitted as reports.

d Number of occurrences is based on the total number of landfills that are subject to the standard. This is a one time requirement for new respondents. We have assumed that all new open or controlled landfills will take 40 hours to read instructions as part of their reporting requirements. While other closed and smaller landfills are subject there requirements are very minimal and their time to read the rule would be much less. Based on the regulatory database, 61% of these respondents are public and 39% are private.

e Based on the annualized capital costs for method 25, 25A, or 25C over 15 years, which is the expected lifetime of the flare or other destruction device. Other capital costs related to flare station monitoring include a thermocouple, flowmeter and data recorder. The costs for these equipment purchases were provided based on industry comment on the ICR renewal 1557.09 burden. These capital/start-up costs were also annualized over 15 years, since this is a one-time requirement. In addition, the industry comments also reported an annual O&M cost for these equipment in the most recent ICR renewal, and these costs were incorporated here.

f We have assumed that 93 controlled open landfills will be subject to this requirement during the third year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. This is a one-time requirement. Closed landfills with controls are exempt from the performance test or resubmittal of the GCCS design plan.

g Assumes 598 controlled landfills during the second year of this ICR period, 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The average acreage of controlled sites is estimated to be 169 acres under the proposed 2.5/34 option. We assumed weekly equipment rental costs at $350/week, and one week per occurrence. In addition, the landfill will need to purchase calibration gases and hydrogen fuel to operate the surface monitoring equipment. For wellhead monitoring: The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $2000 per month during the most recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW (ICR# 1557.09), or approximately 40 hours of technician labor time. The burden provided did not breakdown labor vs. non-labor costs, therefore we have not incorporated equipment rental costs in this estimate. We did however include costs for calibration gases for the wellhead equipment. Cost of re-monitoring for exceedances of surface monitoring or wellhead monitoring are not included because the rule does not require remonitoring unless an exceedance is found. Landfills can minimize the number of exceedances found by ensuring the GCCS is well-operated and the surface is well sealed.

h All additional landfills with design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume were estimated to complete the one-time initial design capacity report in the first year of this ICR - no respondents in years 2&3.

i Subpart Cf applies to each existing MSW landfill for which construction, reconstruction, or modification was commenced before July 17, 2014. Modification means an increase in the permitted volume design capacity of the landfill by either lateral or vertical expansion based on its permitted design capacity as of July 17, 2014. Modification does not occur until the owner or operator commences construction on the horizontal or vertical expansion. According to Subpart Cf (60.38f(b)) These landfills would submit an amended report within 90 days of receiving a permitted increase in volume. But, once the landfill commences construction on the permitted increase in volume these landfills would be modified and become subject to Subpart XXX instead of Subpart Cf. Estimate of landfills with a change is design capacity is based on the number of landfills that reported recent modifications or were anticipated to modify during the period of 2014-2018. See: Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Impacts Analysis of Landfill Regulations for more discussion of how modified landfills were identified. 60% of these respondents are public and 40% are private.

j We have assumed that 50 percent of uncontrolled open landfills with use Tier 1 calculations annually and 50 percent will use Tier 2 calculations once every 5 years for their NMOC reports. Of the landfills estimated to remain uncontrolled in the regulatory database 74% are public and 26% are private.

k Based on the annualized labor and capital costs for method 25 , 25A, or 25C over 5 years, since a Tier 2 test must be repeated every 5 years. Labor burden is assigned once every 5 years.

l We have assumed that 20 controlled landfills will close during the third year of the ICR period. This is based on the closure dates reported in the regulatory database.

m We have assumed that no landfills will remove equipment during this ICR period. Equipment Removal Report requires inclusion of 3 successive NMOC rates using Tier 2 calculations to demonstrate landfill is below the NMOC threshold.

n We have assumed that 10% of controlled landfill will revise their design plan.

o Assumes 687 controlled landfills during the third year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $5000 per year for compliance reporting (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). Since this estimate included an assumption of a semi-annual report to satisfy the requirements of the landfills NESHAP, we adjusted this estimate by half to account for the single report required by this NSPS, or $2500, which is approximately 27 technical hours per occurance.

p Assumes 687 controlled landfills during the third year of this ICR period. 57% of which are public and 43% of which are private. The estimated burden was based on industry consultation of $1000 per month for recordkeeping and data storage per month and $500 for data compilation and review per month (see comment on recent ICR renewal for subpart WWW, ICR# 1557.09). This is approximately 5 technical hours per occurance for data compilation and review and 11 hours for recordkeeping and data storage.

q Number of occurrences is based on the total number of all landfills that are subject to the standard that are not controlling. Based on the regulatory database, 65% of these respondents are public and 35% are private.

Sheet 7: C1-Fed

Table C.1. Annual Federal Government Burden and Cost of Recordkeeping and Reporting
for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Subpart Cf - Year 1, Proposed Option 2.5/34

Burden Item

EPA hours per occurrence (A) Number of occurrences per year (B) EPA hours per occurrence per year (C=AxB) Technical hours per year (D=C) Management hours per year (E=Dx0.05) Clerical hours per year (F=Dx0.1) (H) Costs, $ m Footnotes
1. Read and understand rule requirements

40 10 400 400 20 40 $21,145 a
2. Enter and update information into agency recordkeeping system 2 988 1,976 1,976 99 198 $104,456 b
3. Required activities

A. Observe initial performance test

12 108 1,291 1,291 65 129 $68,256 c, d

B. Observe surface methane monitoring quarterly

20 130 2,596 2,596 130 260 $236,398 c

C. Review operating parameters

1 538 538 538 27 54 $28,440 d

D. Review continuous parameter monitoring

1 649 649 649 32 65 $34,308 e

E. Review notification of performance test

2 538 1,076 1,076 54 108 $56,880 d
4 Excess Emissions Enforcement Activities

24 54 0 0 0 0 $0 f
5. Reporting requirements

A. Review initial design capacity report

1 203 203 203 10 20 $10,731 g

B. Review amended design capacity report

1 27 27 27 1 3 $1,406 h

C. Review annual NMOC emission rate report

2 218 436 436 22 44 $23,048 i

D. Review landfill closure report

1 23 23 23 1 2 $1,216 j

E. Review equipment removal report

1 0 0 0 0 0 $0 k

F. Review Collection and Control System Design Plan

15 538 8,070 8,070 404 807 $426,600 d

G. Review Revised Collection and Control System Design Plan

5 54 269 269 13 27 $14,220 l

H. Review Initial Performance Test

12 538 6,456 6,456 323 646 $341,280 d

I. Review Annual Report

2 649 1,298 1,298 65 130 $68,615 e
6. Travel Expenses for Tests Attended

3 days * ($118 hotel + $58 meals/incidentals) + ($600 round trip) = $1128 per trip

$267,787 n

25,308 1,265 2,531 $1,704,785


a Number of occurrences is the number of EPA Regions (10 regions). This is a one-time occurence that is only incurred during the first year of compliance.

b Number of occurrences is based on the total number of landfills that are subject to the standard based on size as well as the number of open landfills that fall below the thresholds of the standard.
c Number of occurrences is based on the assumption that EPA personnel will observe 20% of the landfills where initial performance tests and surface methane monitoring that occur. Cost to conduct surface methane monitoring includes time for monitor rental for agency as well as agency labor, which is $764 per occurrence based on the size of the landfills expected to install controls beginning in year 2020.
d Number of occurrences is based on the estimated number of controlled open landfills in the first year of the ICR. This is a one-time occurence that is only incurred during the first year of compliance.
e Number of occurrences is based on the estimated number of all controlled landfills in the first year of the ICR.
f Number of occurrences is based on the assumption that of the landfills that test, 10% of them will have exceedances and need enforcement.

g Based on the regulatory database, there are 203 existing open landfills with design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume and thus will complete the initial design capacity report in the first year of this ICR. This is a one-time requirement.
h Number of occurences is based on the number of landfills that reported recent modifications or were anticipated to modify during the period of 2014-2018. See: Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Impacts Analysis of Landfill Regulations for more discussion of how modified landfills were identified.
i Number of occurrences is the number of uncontrolled open landfills that use Tier 1 or Tier 2 calculations for their NMOC reports.

j Based on the estimated number of landfills closing in the first year of this ICR, according to the regulatory database.

k We have assumed that no landfills will remove equipment during this ICR period.

l Assumes 10 percent of respondents submitting a design plan will submit a revised design plan to account for changes to the landfill or the GCCS as allowed for in 60.38f(e).

m Assumes the following labor rates: $63.52 per hour for Management labor; $47.14 per hour for Technical labor, and $25.50 per hour for Clerical labor. These rates are from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 2014 General Schedule, which excludes locality rates of pay. The rates have been increased by 60 percent to account for the benefit packages available to government employees. These rates can be obtained from the OPM web site, https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/2014/general-schedule/.
n Total cost is based on the number of trips taken by EPA to observe performance tests in year 1 (3.A. & 3.B.) multiplied by $1128 per trip. The source for hotel and meals/incidental costs is based on FY' 15 per diem rates, averaged across all locations in the United States. Airfares are estimated based on experience from other rulemakings. See: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/100120

Sheet 8: C2-Fed

Table C.2. Annual Federal Government Burden and Cost of Recordkeeping and Reporting
for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Subpart Cf - Year 2, Proposed Option 2.5/34

Burden Item

EPA hours per occurrence (A) Number of occurrences per year (B) EPA hours per occurrence per year (C=AxB) Technical hours per year (D=C) Management hours per year (E=Dx0.05) Clerical hours per year (F=Dx0.1) (H) Costs, $ k Footnotes
1. Read and understand rule requirements

40 0 0 0 0 0 $0 a
2. Enter and update information into agency recordkeeping system 2 988 1,976 1,976 99 198 $104,456 b
3. Required activities

A. Observe initial performance test

12 1 10 10 0 1 $507 c, d

B. Observe surface methane monitoring quarterly

20 120 2,392 2,392 120 239 $217,821 c

C. Review operating parameters

1 4 4 4 0 0 $211 d

D. Review continuous parameter monitoring

1 598 598 598 30 60 $31,612 e

E. Review notification of performance test

2 4 8 8 0 1 $423 d
4 Excess Emissions Enforcement Activities

24 0 0 0 0 0 $0 f
5. Reporting requirements

A. Review initial design capacity report

1 0 0 0 0 0 $0 g

B. Review amended design capacity report

1 27 27 27 1 3 $1,406 h

C. Review annual NMOC emission rate report

2 107 214 214 11 21 $11,313 i

D. Review landfill closure report

1 26 26 26 1 3 $1,374 j

E. Review equipment removal report

1 0 0 0 0 0 $0 k

F. Review Collection and Control System Design Plan

15 4 60 60 3 6 $3,172 d

G. Review Revised Collection and Control System Design Plan

5 0 2 2 0 0 $106 l

H. Review Initial Performance Test

12 4 48 48 2 5 $2,537 d

I. Review Annual Report

2 598 1,196 1,196 60 120 $63,223 e
6. Travel Expenses for Tests Attended

3 days * ($118 hotel + $58 meals/incidentals) + ($600 round trip) = $1128 per trip

$135,811 n

6,560 328 656 $573,974


a Number of occurrences is the number of EPA Regions (10 regions). This is a one-time occurence that is only incurred during the first year of compliance.

b Number of occurrences is based on the total number of landfills that are subject to the standard based on size as well as the number of open landfills that fall below the thresholds of the standard.
c Number of occurrences is based on the assumption that EPA personnel will observe 20% of the landfills where initial performance tests and surface methane monitoring that occur. Cost to conduct surface methane monitoring includes time for monitor rental for agency as well as agency labor, which is $764 per occurrence based on the size of the landfills expected to install controls beginning in year 2020.
d Number of occurrences is based on the estimated number of additional controlled open landfills in the second year of the ICR. This is a one-time occurence that is only incurred during the first year of compliance.
e Number of occurrences is based on the estimated number of all controlled landfills in the second year of the ICR.
f Number of occurrences is based on the assumption that of the landfills that test, 10% of them will have exceedances and need enforcement.

g Based on the regulatory database, no additional existing landfills with design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume and thus will complete the initial design capacity report will report in the second year of this ICR. This is a one-time requirement and the small open landfills were assumed to report in the first year of the ICR.
h Number of occurences is based on the number of landfills that reported recent modifications or were anticipated to modify during the period of 2014-2018. See: Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Impacts Analysis of Landfill Regulations for more discussion of how modified landfills were identified.
i Number of occurrences is the number of uncontrolled open landfills that use Tier 1 or Tier 2 calculations for their NMOC reports.

j Based on the estimated number of landfills closing in the second year of this ICR, according to the regulatory database.

k We have assumed that no landfills will remove equipment during this ICR period.

l Assumes 10 percent of respondents submitting a design plan will submit a revised design plan to account for changes to the landfill or the GCCS as allowed for in 60.38f(e).

m Assumes the following labor rates: $63.52 per hour for Management labor; $47.14 per hour for Technical labor, and $25.50 per hour for Clerical labor. These rates are from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 2014 General Schedule, which excludes locality rates of pay. The rates have been increased by 60 percent to account for the benefit packages available to government employees. These rates can be obtained from the OPM web site, https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/2014/general-schedule/.
n Total cost is based on the number of trips taken by EPA to observe performance tests in year 1 (3.A. & 3.B.) multiplied by $1128 per trip. The source for hotel and meals/incidental costs is based on FY' 15 per diem rates, averaged across all locations in the United States. Airfares are estimated based on experience from other rulemakings. See: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/100120

Sheet 9: C3-Fed

Table C.3. Annual Federal Government Burden and Cost of Recordkeeping and Reporting
for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Subpart Cf - Year 3, Proposed Option 2.5/34

Burden Item

EPA hours per occurrence (A) Number of occurrences per year (B) EPA hours per occurrence per year (C=AxB) Technical hours per year (D=C) Management hours per year (E=Dx0.05) Clerical hours per year (F=Dx0.1) (H) Costs, $ k Footnotes
1. Read and understand rule requirements

40 0 0 0 0 0 $0 a
2. Enter and update information into agency recordkeeping system 2 988 1,976 1,976 99 198 $104,456 b
3. Required activities

A. Observe initial performance test

12 19 223 223 11 22 $11,799 c, d

B. Observe surface methane monitoring quarterly

20 137 2,748 2,748 137 275 $250,239 c

C. Review operating parameters

1 93 93 93 5 9 $4,916 d

D. Review continuous parameter monitoring

1 687 687 687 34 69 $36,316 e

E. Review notification of performance test

2 93 186 186 9 19 $9,832 d
4 Excess Emissions Enforcement Activities

24 9 0 0 0 0 $0 f
5. Reporting requirements

A. Review initial design capacity report

1 0 0 0 0 0 $0 g

B. Review amended design capacity report

1 27 27 27 1 3 $1,406 h

C. Review annual NMOC emission rate report

2 61 121 121 6 12 $6,396 i

D. Review landfill closure report

1 20 20 20 1 2 $1,057 j

E. Review equipment removal report

1 0 0 0 0 0 $0 k

F. Review Collection and Control System Design Plan

15 93 1,395 1,395 70 140 $73,743 d

G. Review Revised Collection and Control System Design Plan

5 9 47 47 2 5 $2,458 l

H. Review Initial Performance Test

12 93 1,116 1,116 56 112 $58,994 d

I. Review Annual Report

2 687 1,374 1,374 69 137 $72,633 e
6. Travel Expenses for Tests Attended

3 days * ($118 hotel + $58 meals/incidentals) + ($600 round trip) = $1128 per trip

$175,968 n

10,012 501 1,001 $810,216


a Number of occurrences is the number of EPA Regions (10 regions). This is a one-time occurence that is only incurred during the first year of compliance.

b Number of occurrences is based on the total number of landfills that are subject to the standard based on size as well as the number of open landfills that fall below the thresholds of the standard.
c Number of occurrences is based on the assumption that EPA personnel will observe 20% of the landfills where initial performance tests and surface methane monitoring that occur. Cost to conduct surface methane monitoring includes time for monitor rental for agency as well as agency labor, which is $764 per occurrence based on the size of the landfills expected to install controls beginning in year 2020.
d Number of occurrences is based on the estimated number of additional controlled open landfills in the third year of the ICR. This is a one-time occurence that is only incurred during the first year of compliance.
e Number of occurrences is based on the estimated number of all controlled landfills in the third year of the ICR.
f Number of occurrences is based on the assumption that of the landfills that test, 10% of them will have exceedances and need enforcement.

g Based on the regulatory database, no additional existing landfills with design capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume and thus will complete the initial design capacity report will report in the second year of this ICR. This is a one-time requirement and the small open landfills were assumed to report in the first year of the ICR.
h Number of occurences is based on the number of landfills that reported recent modifications or were anticipated to modify during the period of 2014-2018. See: Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Impacts Analysis of Landfill Regulations for more discussion of how modified landfills were identified.
i Number of occurrences is the number of uncontrolled open landfills that use Tier 1 or Tier 2 calculations for their NMOC reports.

j Based on the estimated number of landfills closing in the third year of this ICR, according to the regulatory database.

k We have assumed that no landfills will remove equipment during this ICR period.

l Assumes 10 percent of respondents submitting a design plan will submit a revised design plan to account for changes to the landfill or the GCCS as allowed for in 60.38f(e).

m Assumes the following labor rates: $63.52 per hour for Management labor; $47.14 per hour for Technical labor, and $25.50 per hour for Clerical labor. These rates are from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 2014 General Schedule, which excludes locality rates of pay. The rates have been increased by 60 percent to account for the benefit packages available to government employees. These rates can be obtained from the OPM web site, https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/2014/general-schedule/.
n Total cost is based on the number of trips taken by EPA to observe performance tests in year 1 (3.A. & 3.B.) multiplied by $1128 per trip. The source for hotel and meals/incidental costs is based on FY' 15 per diem rates, averaged across all locations in the United States. Airfares are estimated based on experience from other rulemakings. See: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/100120

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