Form 1615-0121 OmniChannel Question Bank

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

Consolidated questions and channel questions.xlsx

OmniChannel Question Bank

OMB: 1615-0121

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PRA Statement and PN
Tier 4

Sheet 1: PRA Statement and PN

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated at 1 minute per response.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: External Affairs Directorate, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 111 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20002. OMB No. 1615-0121.  Do not return a completed form to this address.

DHS Privacy Notice
Omnichannel Survey
AUTHORITIES: The information requested on this survey, and the associated evidence, is collected under the Immigration and Nationality Act sections [101, 103, 221,245.; Public Law 103-62 “Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA);” Public Law 111-352 “Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010”; Public Law 107-347 “E-Government Act of 2002”; 31 U.S. Code § 1115, “Federal Government and agency performance plans”.
PURPOSE: The primary purpose for providing the requested information on this survey is to provide USCIS with the feedback to make improvements to the services provided to the public.
DISCLOSURE: The information you provide is voluntary.
ROUTINE USES: DHS may share the information you provide on this survey and any additional requested evidence with other Federal, state, local, and foreign government agencies and authorized organizations. DHS follows approved routine uses described in the associated published system of records notices [DHS/ALL-016 Correspondence Records] and the published privacy impact assessments [DHS/ALL/PIA-006- DHS General Contacts List, DHS-USCIS-PIA-054 National Customer Service Center, and DHS/USCIS/PIA-065 Live Chat] which you can find at DHS may also share this information, as appropriate, for law enforcement purposes or in the interest of national security.

Sheet 2: TOC

This documents contains custom questions that USCIS CAIS plans to use in surveys via the omni-channel tool

They are arranged by the channel with the most direct usage of the question, but all channels are open to use any questions, provided they make sense with only minor grammatical changes.

1 myUSCIS These are surveys that will be triggered on the website
2 PED Public Engagement Outreach surveys
3 T1T2T3Telephony These are questions that directly related to the experience of calling the 1800 number
4 T2T3Emails These have to do with email interactions and callbacks from the contact center
5 Tier 4 Questions pertaining to Tier 4 engagements
6 LiveChat Questions directly addressing the Live Chat interactions on the website

Sheet 3: myUSCIS

Question Options Type myUSCIS important Multiple Channels
How did you hear about this site? A USCIS public event Select multiple 3 N
Please check all that apply. Social media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
Email from USCIS with a link
Search engine results (i.e. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)
A community‐based organization or non‐profit organization
Internet advertisement or Internet media (e.g., video)
Other media advertisement (i.e. flier, radio, television, brochure, etc.)
What other way did you hear about this site?
Text field 3 N

How easy or difficult was it for you to get to this site? Very difficult Select one 2 N
Somewhat difficult
Somewhat easy
Very easy

How often do you visit this site? This is my first time on this site Select one 2 N
Once Every Few Months

How likely are you to recommend this site? Not likely at all Select one 2 N
Somewhat likely
Very likely

From start to finish, about how many times did you need to log into your account to complete your application? 1 time Select one 1 N
2‐3 times
4‐5 times
More than 5 times
I don't know

From start to finish, about how long did it take you to complete this application? 0‐2 hours Select one 1 N
3‐4 hours
5‐6 hours
More than 6 hours

What was the hardest part of completing your application?
Text field 1 N

How often do you check your case status? Every day Select one 1 N
Once or twice a week
Once or twice a month
Only when I get a notice

Have you ever used a paper form to apply for a USCIS benefit? Yes Select one 1 N

Which experience was easier? Online filing Select one 1 N
Paper filing

Did your case status have all the information you needed? Yes Select one 1 N
What information would you like in your case status that
Text field 1 N
was not there?

Do you plan to continue using this site in the future for your Yes Select one 1 N
clients? No
Please let us know why you do not plan to continue using Text field 1 N
this site for your clients?

Did you experience any technical issues during your visit today? Yes Select one 2 N


Please explain your technical issue:
Text field 2 N

Which would you like to do? Leave a suggestion Select one 1 Y
Make a complaint
Offer a compliment

General suggestion about your interaction with USCIS

What kind of suggestion would you like to offer? Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS Contact Center 1-800 line

Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS' virtual assistant "Emma" Select one 1 Y

Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS' live agent chat

What kind of suggestion would you like to offer? General suggestion about the pages Select one 1 Y
Suggestion about the pages' navigation
Suggestion about the pages' content
Suggestion about the pages' style
Please leave your suggestion below
Text field 1 Y

General suggestion about your interaction with USCIS

What kind of complaint/feedback would you like to offer? Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS Contact Center 1-800 line Select one 1 Y

Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS' virtual assistant "Emma"

Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS' live agent chat

What kind of complaint/feedback would you like to offer? General complaint about the pages Select one 1 Y
Complaint about the pages' navigation
Complaint about the pages' content
Complaint about the pages' style
Please leave your complaint/feedback below
Text field 1 Y
What kind of compliment/feedback would you like to offer? General compliment about the pages Select one 1 Y

Compliment about the pages' navigation

Compliment about the pages' content

Compliment about the pages' style
Please leave your compliment/feedback below
Text field 1 Y

What do you like most about myUSCIS?
Text field 2 N
What do you like least about myUSCIS?
Text field 1 N
What features would you like to see in myUSCIS?
Text field 1 N

How often do you contact USCIS support (phone, secure message) for help with an issue or question? Never Select one 1 Y
Rarely (once a month)
Occasionally ( twice a month)
Very often (every week)
Extremely often (every day)

Before contacting USCIS, did you try to find the answer on the USCIS website? Yes Select one 1 Y

Have you visited myUSCIS before today? Yes Select one 3 N

In your online filing process, was there something you expected to see but didn’t? Yes Select one 1 N
What was missing?
Free text 1 N

Who are you visiting this site for?/ Who are you contacting USCIS for? Myself Select one 2 Y
Other family member
For what other person are you visiting this site? / For what other person are you contact USCIS for?
Text field 2 Y

Please finish the sentence: I am a… U.S. citizen by birth Select one 2 Y
Naturalized U.S. citizen
Permanent resident (Green Card holder)
Conditional resident
Temporary worker/nonimmigrant
Student or exchange visitor
Visitor to the USA
How else would you describe your current status?
Text field 2 Y
I am contacting USCIS for someone else who is a Naturalized U.S. citizen Select one 2 Y

Permanent resident (Green Card holder)

Conditional resident
Temporary worker/nonimmigrant
Student or exchange visitor
Visitor to the USA
Native born in the USA

I am visiting this site for someone else who is a Naturalized U.S. citizen Select one 2 Y

Permanent resident (Green Card holder)

Conditional resident
Temporary worker/nonimmigrant
Student or exchange visitor
Visitor to the USA
Native born in the USA
How else would you describe the current status of the person you are contact USCIS for today?
Text field 2 y
How else would you describe the current status of the
Text field 2 Y
person for whom you are visiting this site today?

What is your gender? Female Select one 3 Y
I prefer not to respond

Please select the age category that best describes you. 17 and under Select one 2 Y
18 – 24
25 – 34
35 – 44
45 – 54
55 – 64
65 and over
I prefer not to respond

Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have attained? Have not graduated high school Select one 2 Y
High school graduate
Some college, trade, technical or vocational training
College graduate
Post graduate degree
I prefer not to respond

How comfortable are you with using technology such as computers, cell phones (smartphones) or tablets? Very uncomfortable Select one 2 Y
Somewhat uncomfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable

Where do you currently live? USA….if in the USA which State? Select one 2 Y
Outside of USA
I prefer not to respond

Is English your first language Yes
2 Y
What is your first language?
Text field 2 Y
How comfortable do you feel reading in English? Very uncomfortable Select one 2 Y
Somewhat uncomfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable
I prefer not to respond
What other languages do you read?
Text field 2 Y
How comfortable do you feel speaking in English? Very uncomfortable Select one 2 Y
Somewhat uncomfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable
I prefer not to respond
What other languages do you speak?
Text field 2 Y
How comfortable do you feel understanding English? Very uncomfortable Select one 2 Y
Somewhat uncomfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable
I prefer not to respond
What other language(s) do you understand?
Text field 2 Y
How comfortable do you feel writing English? Very uncomfortable Select one 2 Y
Somewhat uncomfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable
I prefer not to respond
What other language(s) do you write in?
Text field 2 Y

How easy or difficult was it to sign up for your account? Very difficult Select one 2 N

Somewhat difficult
Somewhat easy
Very easy

How easy or difficult was it to access your account profile? Very difficult Select one 2 N
Somewhat difficult
Somewhat easy
Very easy

What were the main tasks you were trying to do during your visit to the site today? Find information Select multiple 1 N
You can select up to three. Find a doctor

Check a case status

Change an address

Practice the civics test

Find a civics or English class

Make an appointment

File a form online

Respond to a Request for Evidence

What additional tasks were you trying to do during your visit to the site today? Add a paper‐filed case Select multiple 1 N
Enter a representative passcode
Verify your identity
What other tasks were you trying to do during your visit to
Text field 1 N
the site today?

During your interaction with USCIS today, please rate how easy or difficult it was to find the information you were looking for Very difficult select one 2 Y
somewhat difficult
somewhat easy
very easy

please tell us why you were not able to obtain the information you were looking for during your interaction with USCIS
free text 2 Y

During your visit today, please rate how easy or difficult it was to find the information you were looking for… Very difficult select one 2 N
somewhat difficult
somewhat easy
very easy
please tell us why you were not able to obtain the information you were looking for during your visit to the site today….
free text 2 N

How much of this task were you able to complete during your interaction with USCIS today? None of it Select one 2 Y
Some of it
Most of it
All of it

How much of this task were you able to complete during your visit to the site today? None of it Select one 2 Y
Some of it
Most of it
All of it
Please tell us why you were unable to complete any or all of
Text field 2 Y
your task today.

How easy or difficult was it for you to upload your documents? Very difficult Select one 2 N
Somewhat difficult
Somewhat easy
Very easy
Why was it difficult for you to upload your documents? File size limit unclear Select one 2 N
File size limit too small
Number of documents allowed was not enough
Please tell us why it was difficult for you to upload your
Text field 2 N

What do you do when you first see the online form? I click through all parts of the online form before beginning to fill it out Select one 2 N

I follow the form step by step

Please tell us what you do when the online application first
Text field 2 N

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the information on this site during your visit today? Strongly disagree Select one 2 N
Information was readily available. Disagree


Strongly agree
Information was accurate. Strongly disagree Select one 2 Y
Strongly agree
Information was easy to understand. Strongly disagree Select one 2 Y
Strongly agree
Information answered my questions. Strongly disagree Select one 2 Y
Strongly agree

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about this site? Strongly disagree Select one 3 N
This site is an official government website for services related to citizenship and immigration. Disagree


Strongly agree
This site is a useful resource for citizenship and immigration information. Strongly disagree Select one 3 N
Strongly agree
I feel this site is helping me navigate my immigration process. Strongly disagree Select one 1 N
Strongly agree
This site makes tasks difficult to complete. Strongly disagree Select one 2 N
Strongly agree
This site saves me time. Strongly disagree Select one 2 N
Strongly agree
This site meets my needs. Strongly disagree Select one 2 N
Strongly agree
I trust this site to give me accurate information and keep my data secure. Strongly disagree Select one 1 N
Strongly agree
Would you like to participate in usability testing, feedback sessions, and/or focus groups? Yes Select one 1 Y
(if yes) Please provide your name, email address, and area of immigration experience (for example, applying for a Green Card or petitioning for a relative)
Free text boxes with format mask

Did our response answer your questions Yes Select one 1 Y
How would you rate the quality of our response? Poor Select one 1 Y
Very Good

Sheet 4: PED

Public Engagement Outreach Survey
A.    Engagements

1.     Have you participated in a USCIS Public Engagement Division stakeholder engagement in the past 30 days? YES / NO

a.     If YES, what was the topic or title? (list engagements for responders to select)

b.     The information shared during the engagement answered my questions about the topic.
Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
c.     The information presented was clear and easy to understand.
Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

d.     I know where to find additional information on this topic.
Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
e.     How can we improve this engagement to make it more effective? (Select all that apply.)
a.     Nothing to improve
b.     The presentation should be shorter
c.     The presentation should be longer
d.     The presentation was too detailed
e.     The presentation should include more detail
f.      More handouts would be helpful
g.     More time for questions and answers
h.     Other (please specify):
f.      This interaction increased my confidence in the USCIS Public Engagement Division. Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
Stakeholder Messages
2.     Have you read a stakeholder message from the USCIS Public Engagement Division in the past 30 days? YES / NO

a.     What was the topic of the message?(list messages for responders to select)
b.     Was the message clear and easy to understand? YES / NO
c.     Was the information timely? YES / NO
d.     Do you know where to find additional information on the topic? YES / NO
e.     How can we improve this message to make it more effective? (Select all that apply.)
a.     Nothing to improve
b.     The message should be shorter
c.     The message should be longer
d.     The message was too detailed
e.     The message should include more detail
f.      It should be easier to receive USCIS stakeholder messages
g.     Other (please specify):
f.      This interaction increased my confidence in the USCIS Public Engagement Division. Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
PED Mailbox
3.     Have you sent an email to USCIS Public Engagement in the past 30 days? YES / NO
a.     What USCIS mailbox did you use?
o   Other (please specify)
b.     What was the reason for your email? (Choose one.)
a.     Asking about a case
b.     Requesting general information
c.     Providing feedback
d.     Requesting outreach
e.     Other (please specify)

c.     Did you receive a response to your email? YES / NO

d.     Was the response helpful? YES / NO

e.     How could we improve our response to make it more effective? (Select all that apply.)
a.     Nothing to improve
b.     The response should be shorter
c.     The response should be longer
d.     The response should be more timely
e.     The response should provide more detailed information
f.      Other (please specify):
f. This interaction increased my confidence in the USCIS Public Engagement Division. Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

Sheet 5: T1T2T3Telephony

Contact Center Questions


Please tell me if you used any of the below resources to receive help with your questions before your most recent call to the USCIS 1-800-Line. 

 The USCIS Website

 EMMA - The Interactive Virtual Assistance on the USCIS website

 The Website Self-Help Tools such as: "Case Status On-Line"

 A USCIS Field Office

Other, please specify: 

[Q2] – ONLY ask if EMMA is selected in Q1

Please tell me where you would place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree with the service Emma provided, the Interactive Virtual Assistant on

[Q3] – ONLY ask if USCIS Website is not selected in Q1

Why did you decide to call the USCIS 1-800-Line rather than visit the USCIS website for answers?  Please pick one of the following:

 Do not frequently use computer

 Do not know where to look for information

 Website would not have the information I need

 Wanted to talk to somebody

 Other, please specify 

[Q4] – ONLY ask if USCIS Website is selected in Q1

Why did you decide to call the USCIS 1-800-Line after visiting the USCIS website for answers?  Please pick one of the following:

 You couldn't find the information you needed on the web site

 The information on the web site was incomplete

 The information on the web site was not updated

 The information on the web site was confusing

 You didn't trust the information on the website

 You wanted to talk to somebody

 Other, please specify 


Thinking about your entire immigration experience thus far with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency, how satisfied are you with USCIS as a whole? Please tell me where you would place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree


How many times in the past month have you called the USCIS 1-800-Line? 

 1 time

 2 times

 3 times

 4 times

 5-10 times

 11-20 times

 21-50 times

 Don't know    

[Q7] – Only ask if answer was 2 or more times in Q6

Please tell me which of the reasons, if any, that might have led you to call the USCIS 1-800 Line more than once:


·       You did not receive the information you needed

 To check case status

 To verify information

 You were not able to reach a live representative

 To ask for additional information (various reasons)

 Could not enter receipt number

 Technical issues with the USCIS 800-line.

 Long wait time and discontinued call

Other, please specify: 


Thinking specifically about your entire experience the last time you called the USCIS 1-800-Line, to include the USCIS 1-800-Line Call Menu (IVR) and any telephone representatives you may have spoken with.  Please tell me where you would place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree with that call to the USCIS 1-800-Line.


What is the primary reason that you had mixed feelings or were dissatisfied with your entire USCIS 1-800-Line experience? Please pick one of the following:   

 The recording was difficult to follow

 The recording did not provide enough information

 I was not able to reach a representative

 I had to wait too long on hold

 The agent was not able to help me

 I did not receive the Information I needed

 I am unsure if the information I received is what I needed

 I received inconsistent Information from different people on the USCIS 1-800-line

 Don’t Know / No Answer                            


Is there anything that could be done to improve the service on the USCIS 1-800-line? OPEN END --


Please select the main reason for your most recent call to the USCIS 1-800 Line. What was the primary or most important reason?

 Check the status of an application or case

 Change an address

 Appointment related issue

 Correct error on a document received

 USCIS Local Office information or ASC

 Report fraud or security issue

 Don’t Know / No Answer                  


[Q12] – Only ask if “Check the status of an application or case' at question” was selected in Q11

Please select from the list of cases or applications that might have led you to call the USCIS 1-800-line. 

 I90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card

 I485, Application to register Permanent Residence of Adjust Status

 N400, Application for Naturalization

 I765, Application for Employment Authorization Document (Work Permit)

 I131, Petition for Travel Documents (includes Reentry Permit or Advance Parole)

 I751, Petition to Remove Conditions of Residence

 I130, Petition for Alien Relative

 N600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship

 I129f, Petition for Alien Fiancé

 I821, Application for Temporary Protected Status

Other, please specify: 


On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, was the 

The USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR) easy to use.


Please select which of the reasons, if any, might have made the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR) less easy to use. 

 There are too many options in each section of the menu

 The menu options are too technical to understand

 There is no option to answer my question /the options are too difficult to understand

 There is no option to reach a representative

 Unable to enter a receipt number

Other, please specify: 

[Q15] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the length of the USCIS 1-800-line call menu recorded information was just right.

[Q16] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the speed of the USCIS 1-800-line call menu recorded information was just right.

[Q17] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the quality of the USCIS 1-800-line call menu recording was clear.

[Q18] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the USCIS 1-800-line call menu recording gave me the information I needed.


Thinking specifically about your experience with the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR), where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree when thinking about your experience using the 1-800-line call menu (IVR)?


What is the primary reason you had mixed feelings or were dissatisfied with the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR)?  Please select the following that apply:

 Did not receive the information I needed

 Had to wait too long on hold

 Unable to reach a representative

 The recording was difficult to follow

 The recording was not specific enough to answer your question

 The recording did not provide an option to answer my question

 Other, please specify 

[Q21] What specific information did you need that the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR) recording did not provide? Please select the following that apply:

 Case status information

 Application information

 Green Card (general information)

 Length of process

 Change of Address

 How to bring someone to the US

 Order form

 Citizenship/Naturalization (general information)

 Appointment/Interview information

 USCIS local office information

 Work Permit (general information)

 Other, please specify 

[Q22] What is the primary reason you were satisfied with the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR)? Was it because:

 You received all of the information you needed

 You received some of the information you needed

 It was quick and easy to use

 You reached a representative

[Q23] Why were you unable to reach a representative during your most recent call? Please select the following that apply:

 I received all the information I was looking for in the USCIS 1-800-line call menu.

 There was no option in the menu to reach a representative.

 The wait time for a representative was too long, and I discontinued my call.

 The menu was too difficult to follow.

 There was no option in the menu to answer my question.

 There were too many options in each section of the menu.

 I did speak to a live representative in my last call to the USCIS 1-800-line

 Other, please specify 



Please think about the recent call you made to USCIS in which you spoke to a Tier 1 Information Specialist, what was the main reason you chose to speak to a Information Specialist?  Was it because:

 The recording was unable to answer my question

 You wanted to speak with a live person

 Other, please specify 

[Q25] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 1 Information Specialist seemed to fully understand my question.

[Q26] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 1 Information Specialist was polite.

[Q27] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 1 Information Specialist did not rush me.

[Q28] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 1 Information Specialist answered my question promptly.


Did the Information Specialist give you the information you needed?



[Q30] What particular information were you looking for that you did not receive from the Information Specialist? Please select the following that apply:

·       Next steps to continue with my case

·       Specific details about my case

·       Processing times information

·       Information about a letter or document sent by USCIS

·       General information (please specify)

·       Other (please specify)


On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, how satisfied were you with the Information Specialist?



When you were directed to the Immigration Service Officer did you utilize the Call Back Feature?




Did you find the Call Back Feature helpful?



[Q34] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 2 Immigration Services Officer seemed to fully understand my question.

[Q35] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 2 Immigration Services Officer was polite.

[Q36] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 2 Immigration Services Officer did not rush me.

[Q37] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 2 Immigration Services Officer answered my question promptly.


Did the Immigration Services Officer give you the information you needed?




What particular information were you looking for that you did not receive from the Immigration Services Officer? Please select the following that apply:

·       Next steps to continue with my case

·       Specific details about my case

·       Processing times information

·       Information about a letter or document sent by USCIS

·       General information (please specify)

·       Other, please specify


On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, how satisfied were you with the Immigration Services Officer (ISO).


What is your gender?



Do not want to answer


Which of the following age groupings captures your age? Are you between:

 18 and 30

 31 and 40

 41 and 50

 51 and 60, or

 61 or above

[Q43] How can USCIS help you reach a representative in the future? 

[Q44] Why is it difficult for you to reach a representative? 

Q43 Was your immigration issue/concern clearly addressed? Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.
Q44 Was your response free of grammatical, format and punctuation errors? Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.
Q45 Was your response delivered in a timely manner? Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.
Q46 Was the issue/concern that you inquired about resolved? Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.
Q47 In your response, were there other ways listed for you to reconnect with USCIS? Yes or No
Q48 Was the response you received easy to understand? Yes or No
Q49 Could USCIS have done anything else to assist you? Yes or No
If yes, please explain
Q50 If your letter had multiple immigration issues/concerns were they all addressed in the response you received by USCIS? Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.
Q51 Did you require any follow up assistance after receiving your response? Yes or No
If yes, please explain
Q52 Are you satisfied with our response to your immigration matter? Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.
Q53 If we called you, were your immigration matters resolved? Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.
Q54 Was the Case Resolution Analyst (CRA) knowledgeable of your specific immigration matter? Yes or No
If No, please explain
Q55 Did the CRA state the agency he/she was calling from? Yes or No
Q56 The CRA with whom you interacted with was he/she courteous and professional? Yes or No
Q57 Overall were you satisfied with the service you received? Yes or No
If No, please explain

[Q58] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the live agent chat representative seemed to fully understand my question.

[Q59] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the live agent chat representative was polite.

[Q60] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the live agent chat representative did not rush me.

[Q61] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the live agent chat representative answered my question promptly.

Did the live agent chat representative give you the information you needed?

Did Emma, USCIS’ virtual assistant give you the information you needed?

What information did Emma, USCIS’ virtual assistant, not provide you during your interaction?

[Q64] What can USCIS do to improve your experience with Emma, our virtual assistant?

Sheet 6: T2T3Emails

Omni-Channel Survey - Tier 2/3 Survey Questions- email engagements and call back resolutions/responses. Updated 04/09/2020

No Email Engagements Survey Questions Key
1 Have we addressed the immigration inquiry which you contacted us about? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
2 Was our response easy to understand? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
3 Was our response delivered in a timely manner? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
4 Does our response clearly identify the reasons you contacted us about? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
5 Did we explain what actions you must take next? Yes or No
6 In our response, did we encourage you to use our digital resources and/or my USCIS account. Yes or No
9 Did you require any follow up assistance after receiving our response? Yes or No
If yes, please explain
10 Are you satisfied with our response to your immigration inquiry? Have we resolved your inquiry? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
11 If we called you, was a level of professionalism maintained during our call? Yes or No
If No, please explain
12 If we scheduled in- person appointment for you in one of our field offices or ASCs, did we explain all actions you must take, including documentary evidence? Yes or No
15 Overall were you satisfied with the service you received? Yes or No
If No, please explain

Sheet 7: Tier 4

Omni-Channel Survey - Tier 4 Survey Questions

No Email & Letter Survey Questions Key
1 Was your immigration issue/concern clearly addressed? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
2 Was your response free of grammatical, format and punctuation errors? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
3 Was your response delivered in a timely manner? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
4 The issue/concern that you wrote about, was it resolved? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
5 In your response, were there other ways listed for you to reconnect with USCIS? Yes or No
6 Was the response you receive easy to understand? Yes or No
7 Could USCIS have done anything else to assist you? Yes or No
If yes, please explain
8 If your letter had multiple immigration issues/concerns were they all addressed in the response you received by USCIS? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
9 Did you require any follow up assistance after receiving your response? Yes or No
If yes, please explain
10 Are you satisfied with our response to your immigration matter? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
11 If we called you, were your immigration matters resolved? Strongly agree or Strongly disagree
12 Was the Case Resolution Analyst (CRA) knowledgeable of your specific immigration matter? Yes or No
If No, please explain
13 Did the CRA state the agency he/she was calling from? Yes or No
14 The CRA with whom you interacted with was he/she courteous and professional? Yes or No
15 Overall were you satisfied with the service you received? Yes or No
If No, please explain

Sheet 8: LiveChat

Omni-Channel Survey – “Live Chat” Survey Questions

No Live Chat Survey Questions Key
1 Was your immigration issue/concern clearly addressed? Yes or No
If No, please explain

Did you receive the information you need? Yes or No
If No, please explain

Did you require any follow up assistance after receiving your response? Yes or No
If No, please explain

If you had multiple immigration issues/concerns, were they all addressed by USCIS? Yes or No
If No, please explain

Are you satisfied with our response to your immigration matter? Yes or No
If No, please explain

Was the Case Resolution Analyst (CRA) knowledgeable of your specific immigration matter? Yes or No
If No, please explain

In your own words, describe how you feel about the interaction you had with the “Representative” during the live chat.

Do you have any recommendations to improve our process?

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