Question |
Options |
Type |
myUSCIS important |
Multiple Channels |
How did you hear about this site? |
A USCIS public event |
Select multiple |
3 |
N |
Please check all that apply. |
Social media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) |
Email from USCIS with a link |
Search engine results (i.e. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) |
A community‐based organization or non‐profit organization |
Internet advertisement or Internet media (e.g., video) |
Other media advertisement (i.e. flier, radio, television, brochure, etc.) |
Other |
What other way did you hear about this site? |
Text field |
3 |
N |
How easy or difficult was it for you to get to this site? |
Very difficult |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Somewhat difficult |
Somewhat easy |
Very easy |
How often do you visit this site? |
This is my first time on this site |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Once Every Few Months |
How likely are you to recommend this site? |
Not likely at all |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Somewhat likely |
Likely |
Very likely |
From start to finish, about how many times did you need to log into your account to complete your application? |
1 time |
Select one |
1 |
N |
2‐3 times |
4‐5 times |
More than 5 times |
I don't know |
From start to finish, about how long did it take you to complete this application? |
0‐2 hours |
Select one |
1 |
N |
3‐4 hours |
5‐6 hours |
More than 6 hours |
What was the hardest part of completing your application? |
Text field |
1 |
N |
How often do you check your case status? |
Every day |
Select one |
1 |
N |
Once or twice a week |
Once or twice a month |
Only when I get a notice |
Have you ever used a paper form to apply for a USCIS benefit? |
Yes |
Select one |
1 |
N |
No |
Which experience was easier? |
Online filing |
Select one |
1 |
N |
Paper filing |
Did your case status have all the information you needed? |
Yes |
Select one |
1 |
N |
No |
What information would you like in your case status that |
Text field |
1 |
N |
was not there? |
Do you plan to continue using this site in the future for your |
Yes |
Select one |
1 |
N |
clients? |
No |
Please let us know why you do not plan to continue using |
Text field |
1 |
N |
this site for your clients? |
Did you experience any technical issues during your visit today? |
Yes |
Select one |
2 |
N |
No |
Please explain your technical issue: |
Text field |
2 |
N |
Which would you like to do? |
Leave a suggestion |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
Make a complaint |
Offer a compliment |
Neither |
General suggestion about your interaction with USCIS |
What kind of suggestion would you like to offer? |
Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS Contact Center 1-800 line |
Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS' virtual assistant "Emma" |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS' live agent chat |
What kind of suggestion would you like to offer? |
General suggestion about the pages |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
Suggestion about the pages' navigation |
Suggestion about the pages' content |
Suggestion about the pages' style |
Please leave your suggestion below |
Text field |
1 |
Y |
General suggestion about your interaction with USCIS |
What kind of complaint/feedback would you like to offer? |
Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS Contact Center 1-800 line |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS' virtual assistant "Emma" |
Suggestion about the interaction with the USCIS' live agent chat |
What kind of complaint/feedback would you like to offer? |
General complaint about the pages |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
Complaint about the pages' navigation |
Complaint about the pages' content |
Complaint about the pages' style |
Please leave your complaint/feedback below |
Text field |
1 |
Y |
What kind of compliment/feedback would you like to offer? |
General compliment about the pages |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
Compliment about the pages' navigation |
Compliment about the pages' content |
Compliment about the pages' style |
Please leave your compliment/feedback below |
Text field |
1 |
Y |
What do you like most about myUSCIS? |
Text field |
2 |
N |
What do you like least about myUSCIS? |
Text field |
1 |
N |
What features would you like to see in myUSCIS? |
Text field |
1 |
N |
How often do you contact USCIS support (phone, secure message) for help with an issue or question? |
Never |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
Rarely (once a month) |
Occasionally ( twice a month) |
Very often (every week) |
Extremely often (every day) |
Before contacting USCIS, did you try to find the answer on the USCIS website? |
Yes |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
No |
Have you visited myUSCIS before today? |
Yes |
Select one |
3 |
N |
No |
In your online filing process, was there something you expected to see but didn’t? |
Yes |
Select one |
1 |
N |
No |
What was missing? |
Free text |
1 |
N |
Who are you visiting this site for?/ Who are you contacting USCIS for? |
Myself |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Spouse |
Fiancé/fiancée |
Other family member |
Friend |
Client |
Employer/employee |
Other |
For what other person are you visiting this site? / For what other person are you contact USCIS for? |
Text field |
2 |
Y |
Please finish the sentence: I am a… |
U.S. citizen by birth |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Naturalized U.S. citizen |
Permanent resident (Green Card holder) |
Conditional resident |
Temporary worker/nonimmigrant |
Student or exchange visitor |
Visitor to the USA |
Other |
How else would you describe your current status? |
Text field |
2 |
Y |
I am contacting USCIS for someone else who is a |
Naturalized U.S. citizen |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Permanent resident (Green Card holder) |
Conditional resident |
Temporary worker/nonimmigrant |
Student or exchange visitor |
Visitor to the USA |
Native born in the USA |
Other |
I am visiting this site for someone else who is a |
Naturalized U.S. citizen |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Permanent resident (Green Card holder) |
Conditional resident |
Temporary worker/nonimmigrant |
Student or exchange visitor |
Visitor to the USA |
Native born in the USA |
Other |
How else would you describe the current status of the person you are contact USCIS for today? |
Text field |
2 |
y |
How else would you describe the current status of the |
Text field |
2 |
Y |
person for whom you are visiting this site today? |
What is your gender? |
Female |
Select one |
3 |
Y |
Male |
Other |
I prefer not to respond |
Please select the age category that best describes you. |
17 and under |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
18 – 24 |
25 – 34 |
35 – 44 |
45 – 54 |
55 – 64 |
65 and over |
I prefer not to respond |
Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have attained? |
Have not graduated high school |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
High school graduate |
Some college, trade, technical or vocational training |
College graduate |
Post graduate degree |
I prefer not to respond |
How comfortable are you with using technology such as computers, cell phones (smartphones) or tablets? |
Very uncomfortable |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Somewhat uncomfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Very comfortable |
Where do you currently live? |
USA….if in the USA which State? |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Outside of USA |
I prefer not to respond |
Is English your first language |
Yes |
2 |
Y |
No |
What is your first language? |
Text field |
2 |
Y |
How comfortable do you feel reading in English? |
Very uncomfortable |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Somewhat uncomfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Very comfortable |
I prefer not to respond |
What other languages do you read? |
Text field |
2 |
Y |
How comfortable do you feel speaking in English? |
Very uncomfortable |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Somewhat uncomfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Very comfortable |
I prefer not to respond |
What other languages do you speak? |
Text field |
2 |
Y |
How comfortable do you feel understanding English? |
Very uncomfortable |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Somewhat uncomfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Very comfortable |
I prefer not to respond |
What other language(s) do you understand? |
Text field |
2 |
Y |
How comfortable do you feel writing English? |
Very uncomfortable |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Somewhat uncomfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Very comfortable |
I prefer not to respond |
What other language(s) do you write in? |
Text field |
2 |
Y |
How easy or difficult was it to sign up for your account? |
Very difficult |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Somewhat difficult |
Somewhat easy |
Very easy |
How easy or difficult was it to access your account profile? |
Very difficult |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Somewhat difficult |
Somewhat easy |
Very easy |
What were the main tasks you were trying to do during your visit to the site today? |
Find information |
Select multiple |
1 |
N |
You can select up to three. |
Find a doctor |
Check a case status |
Change an address |
Practice the civics test |
Find a civics or English class |
Make an appointment |
File a form online |
Respond to a Request for Evidence |
Other |
What additional tasks were you trying to do during your visit to the site today? |
Add a paper‐filed case |
Select multiple |
1 |
N |
Enter a representative passcode |
Verify your identity |
Other |
What other tasks were you trying to do during your visit to |
Text field |
1 |
N |
the site today? |
During your interaction with USCIS today, please rate how easy or difficult it was to find the information you were looking for |
Very difficult |
select one |
2 |
Y |
somewhat difficult |
somewhat easy |
very easy |
please tell us why you were not able to obtain the information you were looking for during your interaction with USCIS |
free text |
2 |
Y |
During your visit today, please rate how easy or difficult it was to find the information you were looking for… |
Very difficult |
select one |
2 |
N |
somewhat difficult |
somewhat easy |
very easy |
please tell us why you were not able to obtain the information you were looking for during your visit to the site today…. |
free text |
2 |
N |
How much of this task were you able to complete during your interaction with USCIS today? |
None of it |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Some of it |
Most of it |
All of it |
How much of this task were you able to complete during your visit to the site today? |
None of it |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Some of it |
Most of it |
All of it |
Please tell us why you were unable to complete any or all of |
Text field |
2 |
Y |
your task today. |
How easy or difficult was it for you to upload your documents? |
Very difficult |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Somewhat difficult |
Somewhat easy |
Very easy |
Why was it difficult for you to upload your documents? |
File size limit unclear |
Select one |
2 |
N |
File size limit too small |
Number of documents allowed was not enough |
Other |
Please tell us why it was difficult for you to upload your |
Text field |
2 |
N |
documents. |
What do you do when you first see the online form? |
I click through all parts of the online form before beginning to fill it out |
Select one |
2 |
N |
I follow the form step by step |
Other |
Please tell us what you do when the online application first |
Text field |
2 |
N |
loads. |
To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the information on this site during your visit today? |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Information was readily available. |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Information was accurate. |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Information was easy to understand. |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Information answered my questions. |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
2 |
Y |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
To what extent do you agree with the following statements about this site? |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
3 |
N |
This site is an official government website for services related to citizenship and immigration. |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
This site is a useful resource for citizenship and immigration information. |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
3 |
N |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
I feel this site is helping me navigate my immigration process. |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
1 |
N |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
This site makes tasks difficult to complete. |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
This site saves me time. |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
This site meets my needs. |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
2 |
N |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
I trust this site to give me accurate information and keep my data secure. |
Strongly disagree |
Select one |
1 |
N |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Would you like to participate in usability testing, feedback sessions, and/or focus groups? |
Yes |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
No |
(if yes) Please provide your name, email address, and area of immigration experience (for example, applying for a Green Card or petitioning for a relative) |
Free text boxes with format mask |
Did our response answer your questions |
Yes |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
No |
How would you rate the quality of our response? |
Poor |
Select one |
1 |
Y |
Fair |
Good |
Very Good |
Excellent |
Public Engagement Outreach Survey |
A. Engagements |
1. Have you participated in a USCIS Public Engagement Division stakeholder engagement in the past 30 days? YES / NO |
a. If YES, what was the topic or title? (list engagements for responders to select) |
b. The information shared during the engagement answered my questions about the topic. |
Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
c. The information presented was clear and easy to understand. |
Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
d. I know where to find additional information on this topic. |
Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
e. How can we improve this engagement to make it more effective? (Select all that apply.) |
a. Nothing to improve |
b. The presentation should be shorter |
c. The presentation should be longer |
d. The presentation was too detailed |
e. The presentation should include more detail |
f. More handouts would be helpful |
g. More time for questions and answers |
h. Other (please specify): |
f. This interaction increased my confidence in the USCIS Public Engagement Division. Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
Stakeholder Messages |
2. Have you read a stakeholder message from the USCIS Public Engagement Division in the past 30 days? YES / NO |
a. What was the topic of the message?(list messages for responders to select) |
b. Was the message clear and easy to understand? YES / NO |
c. Was the information timely? YES / NO |
d. Do you know where to find additional information on the topic? YES / NO |
e. How can we improve this message to make it more effective? (Select all that apply.) |
a. Nothing to improve |
b. The message should be shorter |
c. The message should be longer |
d. The message was too detailed |
e. The message should include more detail |
f. It should be easier to receive USCIS stakeholder messages |
g. Other (please specify): |
f. This interaction increased my confidence in the USCIS Public Engagement Division. Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
PED Mailbox |
3. Have you sent an email to USCIS Public Engagement in the past 30 days? YES / NO |
a. What USCIS mailbox did you use? |
o |
o |
o |
o Other (please specify) |
b. What was the reason for your email? (Choose one.) |
a. Asking about a case |
b. Requesting general information |
c. Providing feedback |
d. Requesting outreach |
e. Other (please specify) |
c. Did you receive a response to your email? YES / NO |
d. Was the response helpful? YES / NO |
e. How could we improve our response to make it more effective? (Select all that apply.) |
a. Nothing to improve |
b. The response should be shorter |
c. The response should be longer |
d. The response should be more timely |
e. The response should provide more detailed information |
f. Other (please specify): |
f. This interaction increased my confidence in the USCIS Public Engagement Division. Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree |
Contact Center Questions |
[Q1] |
Please tell me if you used any of the below resources to receive help with your questions before your most recent call to the USCIS 1-800-Line. |
The USCIS Website |
EMMA - The Interactive Virtual Assistance on the USCIS website |
The Website Self-Help Tools such as: "Case Status On-Line" |
A USCIS Field Office |
Other, please specify: |
[Q2] – ONLY ask if EMMA is selected in Q1 |
Please tell me where you would place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree with the service Emma provided, the Interactive Virtual Assistant on |
[Q3] – ONLY ask if USCIS Website is not selected in Q1 |
Why did you decide to call the USCIS 1-800-Line rather than visit the USCIS website for answers? Please pick one of the following: |
Do not frequently use computer |
Do not know where to look for information |
Website would not have the information I need |
Wanted to talk to somebody |
Other, please specify |
[Q4] – ONLY ask if USCIS Website is selected in Q1 |
Why did you decide to call the USCIS 1-800-Line after visiting the USCIS website for answers? Please pick one of the following: |
You couldn't find the information you needed on the web site |
The information on the web site was incomplete |
The information on the web site was not updated |
The information on the web site was confusing |
You didn't trust the information on the website |
You wanted to talk to somebody |
Other, please specify |
[Q5] |
Thinking about your entire immigration experience thus far with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency, how satisfied are you with USCIS as a whole? Please tell me where you would place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree |
[Q6] |
How many times in the past month have you called the USCIS 1-800-Line? |
1 time |
2 times |
3 times |
4 times |
5-10 times |
11-20 times |
21-50 times |
Don't know |
[Q7] – Only ask if answer was 2 or more times in Q6 |
Please tell me which of the reasons, if any, that might have led you to call the USCIS 1-800 Line more than once: |
· You did not receive the information you needed |
To check case status |
To verify information |
You were not able to reach a live representative |
To ask for additional information (various reasons) |
Could not enter receipt number |
Technical issues with the USCIS 800-line. |
Long wait time and discontinued call |
Other, please specify: |
[Q8] |
Thinking specifically about your entire experience the last time you called the USCIS 1-800-Line, to include the USCIS 1-800-Line Call Menu (IVR) and any telephone representatives you may have spoken with. Please tell me where you would place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree with that call to the USCIS 1-800-Line. |
[Q9] |
What is the primary reason that you had mixed feelings or were dissatisfied with your entire USCIS 1-800-Line experience? Please pick one of the following: |
The recording was difficult to follow |
The recording did not provide enough information |
I was not able to reach a representative |
I had to wait too long on hold |
The agent was not able to help me |
I did not receive the Information I needed |
I am unsure if the information I received is what I needed |
I received inconsistent Information from different people on the USCIS 1-800-line |
Don’t Know / No Answer |
[Q10] |
Is there anything that could be done to improve the service on the USCIS 1-800-line? OPEN END -- |
[Q11] |
Please select the main reason for your most recent call to the USCIS 1-800 Line. What was the primary or most important reason? |
Check the status of an application or case |
Change an address |
Appointment related issue |
Correct error on a document received |
USCIS Local Office information or ASC |
Report fraud or security issue |
Don’t Know / No Answer |
Other |
[Q12] – Only ask if “Check the status of an application or case' at question” was selected in Q11 |
Please select from the list of cases or applications that might have led you to call the USCIS 1-800-line. |
I90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card |
I485, Application to register Permanent Residence of Adjust Status |
N400, Application for Naturalization |
I765, Application for Employment Authorization Document (Work Permit) |
I131, Petition for Travel Documents (includes Reentry Permit or Advance Parole) |
I751, Petition to Remove Conditions of Residence |
I130, Petition for Alien Relative |
N600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship |
I129f, Petition for Alien Fiancé |
I821, Application for Temporary Protected Status |
Other, please specify: |
[Q13] |
On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, was the |
The USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR) easy to use. |
[Q14] |
Please select which of the reasons, if any, might have made the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR) less easy to use. |
There are too many options in each section of the menu |
The menu options are too technical to understand |
There is no option to answer my question /the options are too difficult to understand |
There is no option to reach a representative |
Unable to enter a receipt number |
Other, please specify: |
[Q15] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the length of the USCIS 1-800-line call menu recorded information was just right. |
[Q16] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the speed of the USCIS 1-800-line call menu recorded information was just right. |
[Q17] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the quality of the USCIS 1-800-line call menu recording was clear. |
[Q18] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the USCIS 1-800-line call menu recording gave me the information I needed. |
[Q19] |
Thinking specifically about your experience with the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR), where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree when thinking about your experience using the 1-800-line call menu (IVR)? |
[Q20] |
What is the primary reason you had mixed feelings or were dissatisfied with the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR)? Please select the following that apply: |
Did not receive the information I needed |
Had to wait too long on hold |
Unable to reach a representative |
The recording was difficult to follow |
The recording was not specific enough to answer your question |
The recording did not provide an option to answer my question |
Other, please specify |
[Q21] What specific information did you need that the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR) recording did not provide? Please select the following that apply: |
Case status information |
Application information |
Green Card (general information) |
Length of process |
Change of Address |
How to bring someone to the US |
Order form |
Citizenship/Naturalization (general information) |
Appointment/Interview information |
USCIS local office information |
Work Permit (general information) |
Other, please specify |
[Q22] What is the primary reason you were satisfied with the USCIS 1-800-line call menu (IVR)? Was it because: |
You received all of the information you needed |
You received some of the information you needed |
It was quick and easy to use |
You reached a representative |
[Q23] Why were you unable to reach a representative during your most recent call? Please select the following that apply: |
I received all the information I was looking for in the USCIS 1-800-line call menu. |
There was no option in the menu to reach a representative. |
The wait time for a representative was too long, and I discontinued my call. |
The menu was too difficult to follow. |
There was no option in the menu to answer my question. |
There were too many options in each section of the menu. |
I did speak to a live representative in my last call to the USCIS 1-800-line |
Other, please specify |
[Q24] |
Please think about the recent call you made to USCIS in which you spoke to a Tier 1 Information Specialist, what was the main reason you chose to speak to a Information Specialist? Was it because: |
The recording was unable to answer my question |
You wanted to speak with a live person |
Other, please specify |
[Q25] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 1 Information Specialist seemed to fully understand my question. |
[Q26] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 1 Information Specialist was polite. |
[Q27] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 1 Information Specialist did not rush me. |
[Q28] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 1 Information Specialist answered my question promptly. |
[Q29] |
Did the Information Specialist give you the information you needed? |
Yes |
No |
[Q30] What particular information were you looking for that you did not receive from the Information Specialist? Please select the following that apply: |
· Next steps to continue with my case |
· Specific details about my case |
· Processing times information |
· Information about a letter or document sent by USCIS |
· General information (please specify) |
· Other (please specify) |
[Q31] |
On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, how satisfied were you with the Information Specialist? |
[Q32] |
When you were directed to the Immigration Service Officer did you utilize the Call Back Feature? |
Yes |
No |
[Q33] |
Did you find the Call Back Feature helpful? |
Yes |
No |
[Q34] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 2 Immigration Services Officer seemed to fully understand my question. |
[Q35] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 2 Immigration Services Officer was polite. |
[Q36] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 2 Immigration Services Officer did not rush me. |
[Q37] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the Tier 2 Immigration Services Officer answered my question promptly. |
[Q38] |
Did the Immigration Services Officer give you the information you needed? |
Yes |
No |
[Q39] |
What particular information were you looking for that you did not receive from the Immigration Services Officer? Please select the following that apply: |
· Next steps to continue with my case |
· Specific details about my case |
· Processing times information |
· Information about a letter or document sent by USCIS |
· General information (please specify) |
· Other, please specify |
[Q40] |
On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, how satisfied were you with the Immigration Services Officer (ISO). |
[Q41] |
What is your gender? |
Male |
Female |
Do not want to answer |
[Q42] |
Which of the following age groupings captures your age? Are you between: |
18 and 30 |
31 and 40 |
41 and 50 |
51 and 60, or |
61 or above |
[Q43] How can USCIS help you reach a representative in the future? |
[Q44] Why is it difficult for you to reach a representative? |
Q43 |
Was your immigration issue/concern clearly addressed? |
Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
Q44 |
Was your response free of grammatical, format and punctuation errors? |
Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
Q45 |
Was your response delivered in a timely manner? |
Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
Q46 |
Was the issue/concern that you inquired about resolved? |
Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
Q47 |
In your response, were there other ways listed for you to reconnect with USCIS? |
Yes or No |
Q48 |
Was the response you received easy to understand? |
Yes or No |
Q49 |
Could USCIS have done anything else to assist you? |
Yes or No |
If yes, please explain |
Q50 |
If your letter had multiple immigration issues/concerns were they all addressed in the response you received by USCIS? |
Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
Q51 |
Did you require any follow up assistance after receiving your response? |
Yes or No |
If yes, please explain |
Q52 |
Are you satisfied with our response to your immigration matter? |
Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
Q53 |
If we called you, were your immigration matters resolved? |
Please pick from a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. |
Q54 |
Was the Case Resolution Analyst (CRA) knowledgeable of your specific immigration matter? |
Yes or No |
If No, please explain |
Q55 |
Did the CRA state the agency he/she was calling from? |
Yes or No |
Q56 |
The CRA with whom you interacted with was he/she courteous and professional? |
Yes or No |
Q57 |
Overall were you satisfied with the service you received? |
Yes or No |
If No, please explain |
[Q58] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the live agent chat representative seemed to fully understand my question. |
[Q59] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the live agent chat representative was polite. |
[Q60] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the live agent chat representative did not rush me. |
[Q61] On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 you strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree, the live agent chat representative answered my question promptly. |
[Q62] |
Did the live agent chat representative give you the information you needed? |
Yes |
No |
[Q62] |
Did Emma, USCIS’ virtual assistant give you the information you needed? |
Yes |
No |
[Q63] |
What information did Emma, USCIS’ virtual assistant, not provide you during your interaction? |
[Q64] What can USCIS do to improve your experience with Emma, our virtual assistant? |