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pdfFederal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554
Approved by OMB
Instructions for Hearing Aid Compatibility Status Reporting Form (FCC Form 655)
Who Must File This Form?
Access to Electronic Filing System for FCC Form 655
Instructions for Completing FCC Form 655
A. Company Information
B. Handset Model Information
B1. Fields for Handset Model Information
B2. Editing and Deleting Handset Model Information
C. Consumer Outreach
Certifying, Submitting, Updating and Printing Filed Reports
FCC Notice Required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
Figures in Appendix
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
Figure 22
Register and Receive an FCC Registration Number .................................................... 14
Login Page ................................................................................................................... 15
License Manager Page ................................................................................................. 16
My Applications Page -- Summary .............................................................................. 17
Company Information Page 1 ...................................................................................... 18
Company Information Page 2 ...................................................................................... 19
Company Information Page 3 ...................................................................................... 20
Handset Model Information Page 1 ............................................................................. 21
Handset Model Information Page 2a............................................................................ 22
Handset Model Information Page 2b ......................................................................... 23
Handset Model Information Page 3 ........................................................................... 24
Handset Model Information Page 4a.......................................................................... 25
Handset Model Information Page 4b ......................................................................... 26
Report Summary for Handset Information Section.................................................... 27
Edit the Handset Information ..................................................................................... 28
Consumer Outreach Page 1 ........................................................................................ 29
Consumer Outreach Page 2a ...................................................................................... 30
Consumer Outreach Page 2b ...................................................................................... 31
Certification Page ....................................................................................................... 32
Confirmation Page ..................................................................................................... 33
My Applications Page -- Saved Report...................................................................... 34
My Applications Page -- Submitted Report ............................................................... 35
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) electronic Form 655 collects information on
the status of compliance with the FCC’s hearing aid compatibility requirements by digital
commercial mobile radio service (“CMRS”) providers and manufacturers of devices used in the
delivery of these services. The use of electronic FCC Form 655 helps each filer ensure that its
report (“Hearing Aid Compatibility Report”) includes all of the required information in a
consistent format, facilitates filing subsequent reports, and facilitates the FCC’s compilation of
data from the reports. The electronic form also provides the public with improved access to
review the filed status reports.
Digital commercial mobile radio service providers, including mobile virtual network operators
(“MVNO”) and resellers, and manufacturers of devices used in the delivery of these services are
required to use this electronic form to provide the FCC with hearing aid compatibility information.
Specifically, these reporting requirements apply to “providers of digital CMRS in the United
States to the extent that they offer real-time, two-way switched voice or data service that is
interconnected with the public switched network and utilizes an in-network switching facility that
enables the provider to reuse frequencies and accomplish seamless hand-offs of subscriber calls,
and such service is provided over frequencies in the 698 MHz to 6 GHz bands.” 47 C.F.R. §
20.19(a)(1). These requirements also apply to “the manufacturers of the wireless handsets that are
used in the delivery of the[se aforementioned] services.” 47 C.F.R. § 20.19(a)(2).
Obtaining an FCC Registration Number (FRN)
In order to access the electronic filing system for Hearing Aid Compatibility Reports, each
Service Provider or Device Manufacturer must use its FCC Registration Number (FRN). A
company may choose to obtain a new FRN for the purpose of filing its Hearing Aid Compatibility
Report or it may use an existing FRN that is assigned to it. If an agent files reports for multiple
entities, the agent should obtain a separate FRN for each reporting entity. The same FRN can be
used for the entity’s future filings. FRNs can be obtained at (see Figure 1 in the Appendix).
Accessing the Hearing Aid Compatibility Reporting Site
The Hearing Aid Compatibility reporting site can be accessed at This
web page contains a link to the License Manager Login page (see Figure 2 in the Appendix) in
the FCC’s Universal Licensing System (ULS). The Login page can also be accessed through the
FCC Forms page ( on the main FCC website, the Forms and
Fees page ( on the FCC Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) website, or the Equipment Authorization System page
( on the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET)
website. After login, click “My Reports,” then “File Hearing Aid Compatibility Status Report” on
the left panel to start filing your report (see Figure 3). If you want to update a submitted or saved
report, click the “HAC Submitted” or “Saved” link (see Figure 4). If you do not see the “My
Reports” link, that means you have already submitted a report for the current filing window. You
FCC Form 655 Instructions
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must then click the “HAC Submitted” link from the “My Applications” summary page to update
your report. This mechanism is installed to prevent a filer from submitting two reports for the
same filing period (i.e., submitting a new report rather than amending the existing report).
Each year Hearing Aid Compatibility Reports must be filed electronically on FCC Form 655 by
July 15 for Device Manufacturers and January 15 for Service Providers. The report provides
information for the preceding year – July 1st through June 30th for Device Manufacturers, and
January 1st through December 31st for Service Providers. When the 15th of the month falls on a
weekend or holiday, the report is due on the next business day. The electronic filing system is
designed to be user-friendly with many illustrative texts and information icons. If you are a
returning filer, i.e., you filed a report using the electronic filing system in a previous filing period,
the system will allow you to pre-fill certain information from your previous report to the current
report, update and add any necessary information. Because the electronic FCC Form 655
periodically changes, you must review the accuracy of all copied or pre-filled information, and
update and/or complete any missing information.
Company Information
Provide the requested information for the reporting entity. You can edit the company information
while in this section (see Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7). You also can come back to edit the
company information when you are on the Report Summary screen (after initiating the Handset
Model Information section) by clicking the edit icon ( ) to the left of the company name (see
Figure 14). Letters, numbers and common punctuation characters may be used to enter your
information. The system will accept the following characters: , . ' _ - ( ) ? ! @ [ ] : ; # " $ | / &.
However, common word processing software will often embed hidden characters that convey
additional information, typically about formatting, and are considered ‘invalid characters’ by the
electronic version of the form. Invalid characters are detected by our data entry system when
copying text from word processing software into a data entry field. These characters may appear
as a square or other symbol such as + ~ * etc. Instead of copying information from word
processing software, one alternative is to copy that information from a basic text editor that does
not embed hidden characters. Windows Notepad is one example of a basic text editor. Another
alternative is to delete the text and re-key the information directly into the data entry field.
• Type of Company: The electronic filing system will automatically indicate whether the
reporting entity is a Device Manufacturer or Service Provider.
• De Minimis Exception (see Figure 6): Under the de minimis exception, Service
Providers and Device Manufacturers that offer two or fewer digital wireless handsets in
the U.S. for a particular air interface are under some circumstances exempt from
requirements to offer hearing aid-compatible handsets over that air interface. Specifically,
beginning September 8, 2012, companies that are not “small entities” as defined by the
U.S. Small Business Administration, and that have not been “small entities” within the
last two years, will not qualify for the de minimis exception after their first two years
offering handsets or services over an air interface even if they offer two or fewer handsets
over that air interface. An entity that qualifies for the de minimis exception is still subject
to the annual reporting requirements. See 47 C.F.R. Sections 20.19(e) and 20.19(i).
o If you are a Service Provider, answer the question: “Did you offer any handsets
to subscribers in the United States during the reporting period?” A handset is a
device used in delivery of covered services that contains a built-in speaker and is
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typically held to the ear in any of its ordinary uses. ("Typically” encompasses
any intended or anticipated ordinary use, and does not mean “usually” or “most
often.”) If you answer “No” to this question, the system will use this information
to take you directly to the Consumer Outreach Information section after you
finish the Company Information section.
o If you answer “Yes” to this question because you are a Service Provider that
offered at least one handset to subscribers during this reporting period, or if you
are a Device Manufacturer, answer the question: “Have you been offering
handsets in the United States for at least three years prior to the end of the
reporting period?” A Service Provider or Device Manufacturer that offers two or
fewer handsets over an air interface is eligible for the de minimis exception if it
has been offering handsets over that air interface for less than two years. Answer
this question “No” only if the reporting entity has been offering handsets in the
U.S. for less than three years prior to the end of the reporting period (i.e., two
years prior to the beginning of the reporting period) over ALL air interfaces;
otherwise answer “Yes.” A “Yes” answer does not affect the applicability of the
de minimis exception to a particular air interface if you have been offering
handsets over that air interface for less than two years prior to the relevant date.
If you answered “No” to this question, enter the “Date that you began offering
handsets in the United States” in the relevant box in the “MM/YY” format. For
example, April 2011 should be entered as 04/11, not 04/2011 or 4/11.
o Answer the question: “Are you a small entity?” A small entity is eligible for the
de minimis exception for any air interface over which it offers two or fewer
handsets. Answer “Yes” if you are a Device Manufacturer with 750 or fewer
employees or a Service Provider with 1500 or fewer employees, including
employees of a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate company under common ownership
or control; otherwise, answer “No.”
o If you answered “No” to the “Are you a small entity?” question above, answer
the question: “Were you a small entity at any time during the three years prior to
the end of the reporting period?” A Service Provider or Device Manufacturer is
eligible for the de minimis exception for any air interface over which it offers two
or fewer handsets if it has been a small entity within the previous two years.
Answer this question “Yes” if you have been a small entity within the last three
years prior to the end of the reporting period (i.e., two years prior to the
beginning of the reporting period); otherwise answer “No.” If you answered
“Yes” to this question, enter the “Date that you ceased to be a small entity” in the
relevant box in the “MM/YY” format. For example, April 2011 should be entered
as 04/11, not 04/2011 or 4/11.
Company Information: Provide the company name for the reporting entity. If the
reporting entity also has a “Doing Business As (dba)” name, include both the company
name and the dba name in the Company Name box. The format can be “Company Name
dba Doing Business As Name.”
Brand Name(s) Included:
o For a Service Provider, provide the brand names under which you are offering
digital commercial mobile radio services. For example, if you are offering both
postpaid and prepaid services under a common brand name ABC, enter ABC in
the box. If you are offering a postpaid service under a brand name ABC and a
prepaid service under another brand name XYZ, enter ABC and XYZ in two
separate boxes. If you have more than five brand names, enter the first four
names separately in the first four boxes, and enter all the remaining names in the
last box using format "EDF/GHI/LMN.”
FCC Form 655 Instructions
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For a Device Manufacturer, provide the brand names under which you are
offering handsets. For example, if you are offering all handsets under one brand
name ABC (most likely the manufacturer's name), enter ABC in the box. If you
are offering handsets under two brand names ABC and XYZ, enter ABC and XYZ
in two different boxes. This can happen when one manufacturer acquired another
manufacturer and decided to keep both brand names. If you have more than five
brand names, enter the first four names separately in the first four boxes, and
enter all the remaining names in the last box using format "EDF/GHI/LMN.”
Address: Provide the company address for the reporting entity. If you are a non-U.S.
company, please use your U.S. business office address for filing purposes. If you do not
have a U.S. business office address, please use your U.S. agent's address.
Contact Information: Provide the name, 10-digit U.S. phone number, 10-digit U.S. FAX
number, and e-mail address of the contact person for the reporting entity. If you are a
non-U.S. company, please use your U.S. business office contact information for filing
purposes. If you do not have U.S. business office contact information, please use your
U.S. agent's contact information. All fields are required except the U.S. FAX number. If
you do not have a U.S. FAX number, leave the field blank.
Filing Agent: If the report is being filed by an agent (such as a law firm) in the U.S. on
behalf of a Device Manufacturer or Service Provider, select “Yes” and provide the name,
address and contact information for the agent as well.
Handset Model Information
You must complete a separate Handset Model Information screen submission for each handset
model you offered to subscribers (if a Service Provider) or in the United States (if a Device
Manufacturer) that counts as a unique model for hearing aid compatibility purposes. A handset is
a device used in delivery of covered services that contains a built-in speaker and is typically held
to the ear in any of its ordinary uses. ("Typically” encompasses any intended or anticipated
ordinary use, and does not mean “usually” or “most often.”) If you marketed the same model
under more than one name, all of the names must be reported as part of the same model.
For purposes of compliance with the hearing aid compatibility deployment requirements, two
handsets marketed as separate models must be counted as a single model if they do not differ in
form, features, or capabilities (for example, if they differ only in being marketed through different
service providers or in cosmetic respects such as color). A difference in hearing aid compatibility
rating is considered a difference in form, features, or capabilities.
For example, manufacturer X markets two models, the TalkMaster X1 and the Talk2Me,
that are indistinguishable in form, features, and capabilities. It also produces another
model, the TalkMaster X2, that offers different features from the TalkMaster X1. All of
these models are certified under the same FCC ID number. The manufacturer must report
the TalkMaster X1 and the Talk2Me on the same Handset Model Information screen
submission, and the TalkMaster X2 on a separate Handset Model Information screen
Fields for Handset Model Information
Specific attributes of a handset model need to be entered in this section. These attributes include
handset maker, handset model name, air interfaces and frequency bands used by the handset
model, hearing aid compatibility ratings, etc. Once you complete the information required for one
handset model, you can add information for another handset model or continue to the next section
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on consumer outreach information if you have completed information for all handset models.
If you have filed a report using the electronic filing system in a previous filing period, the system
will pre-fill your report with certain handset model information that you reported in your most
recent filing. Because the electronic FCC Form 655 periodically changes, you must review the
accuracy of all pre-filled information for each handset model, and update and/or complete any
missing information about previously submitted handset models. For example, you will be
required either to enter a new Ending Available Date that is within the current reporting period or
to delete the handset model if you did not offer it during the current reporting period. In addition,
you may be prompted to enter a corrected FCC ID if the FCC ID that you previously reported is
invalid or not granted. You must also review the attributes of each handset model (e.g., air
interfaces and frequency bands, etc.) to make any other necessary corrections to the pre-filled
HANDSET MAKER: This is the manufacturer of the handset (see Figure 8).
• If the Handset Maker name is in the dropdown list in the Handset Maker box, select it
from the list.
• If the Handset Maker is not on the list, select "Other" at the bottom of the list and enter
the name in the box to the right of the Handset Maker box.
HANDSET MODEL: Select “No” if you marketed the Handset Model under only one name,
“Yes” if you marketed the Handset Model under multiple names (see Figure 8).
• If “No” is selected:
o Provide the Handset Model name either by selecting a name from the dropdown
list in the Handset Model name box or by selecting “Other” from the dropdown
list and entering a new Handset Model name in the box to the right of the
Handset Model name box.
o Provide the associated FCC ID(s) for the Handset Model in the FCC ID boxes. If
there is one FCC ID associated with the Handset Model, enter it in the first FCC
ID box. If there are multiple FCC IDs associated with the Handset Model, enter
each FCC ID in a separate FCC ID box. The system sometimes automatically
pre-fills one or more FCC IDs if they are available. You can over-write or delete
a pre-filled FCC ID if it is not correct or not relevant (see Figure 9).
o If the system does not accept the entered FCC ID(s) because it is either invalid
(such as mistyped) or not granted by the FCC, please check your FCC ID(s) for
the Handset Model. If you can not immediately find the correct FCC ID(s) for
this model, you may delete the model temporarily and continue to fill out the
Handset Model Information section with another handset model. You must return
to this section and add the deleted handset model with the correct FCC ID(s)
before certifying and filing your report.
• If “Yes” is selected:
o Provide the first name for the Handset Model, either by selecting a name from
the dropdown list in the Handset Model name box or by selecting “Other” from
the dropdown list and entering a new Handset Model name in the box to the right
of the Handset Model name box.
o Provide the associated FCC ID(s) for this Handset Model name in the FCC ID
boxes. If there is one FCC ID associated with this Handset Model name, enter it
in the first FCC ID box. If there are multiple FCC IDs associated with this
Handset Model name, enter each FCC ID in a separate FCC ID box. The system
sometimes automatically pre-fills one or more FCC IDs if they are available. You
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can over-write or delete a pre-filled FCC ID if it is not correct or not relevant.
Click “Add Another Handset Model Name” to add another marketing Handset
Model name and associated FCC ID(s).
o Repeat until all marketing Handset Model names have been entered (see Figure
If you initially select “Yes” and later need to remove Handset Model names, you can do
that by choosing the edit icon ( ) for the handset model on the Report Summary screen
(appears after finishing each Handset Model Information submission) and selecting the
delete icon ( ) for the unneeded Handset Model name(s) on the Handset Model
Information Summary screen (see Figure 14).
If you initially select “No” and later need to add Handset Model names, you can do that
by choosing the edit icon ( ) for the handset on the Report Summary screen (appears
after finishing each Handset Model Information submission) and selecting the “Add
Another Handset Model Name” button on the Handset Model Information Summary
screen (see Figure 14).
AIR INTERFACES / FREQUENCY BANDS: Select the air interface technology and
corresponding frequency band(s) for each air interface that can be used by this handset model for
voice communications. Include all air interfaces over which the handset model is capable of
being operated for voice communications, including any air interface or frequency band that may
not currently have hearing aid compatibility deployment requirements (see Figure 11). A
handset is considered capable of voice communication over an air interface or frequency band if
it could be made capable of voice communication through the use of software, whether or not that
software is currently commercially available. Some acronyms have been commonly used to
indicate certain frequency bands, e.g., Cellular band for the 850 MHz band, PCS for the 1900
MHz band, and AWS-1 for the 1700/2100 MHz bands.
DATES: Enter “Starting Available Date” and “Ending Available Date” in the relevant boxes in
the “MM/YY” format. For example, April 2008 should be entered as 04/08, not 04/2008 or 4/08.
If this handset is still being offered as of the end of the reporting period, enter the ending month
of the reporting period as the ending available date. The current reporting period will be listed at
the top of the screen for your reference (see Figure 11).
• For Device Manufacturers (see Figure 12):
o Select “No” if the handset model has not received an M-Rating certification.
o Select “Yes” if the handset model has received an M-Rating certification.
Select the appropriate rating from the dropdown list in the M-Rating box.
Provide the M-Rating Certification Date in the format MM/DD/YY.
If either M3 or M4 is selected in the M-Rating box for a handset model
with the GSM air interface and 1900 MHz frequency band box selected
in the AIR INTERFACES / FREQUENCY BANDS section, then answer
the question: “Did this handset meet the criteria for an M3 rating for
operations over GSM at 1900 MHz by enabling the user optionally to
reduce the maximum power at which the handset will operate by no more
than 2.5 decibels, except for emergency calls to 911?” See 47 C.F.R.
Section 20.19(e)(iii). If this question is not applicable to the particular
handset, it does not appear in the electronic version of Form 655.
However, it still appears on the printed version under each listed handset,
whether GSM, CDMA, or WCDMA, etc., is selected. Please ignore the
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question on the printed version of the report under the listed handsets.
For Service Providers (see Figure 13):
o Select the appropriate rating from the dropdown list in the M-Rating box. If the
handset model has not received an M-Rating certification, you must select
o If either M3 or M4 is selected in the M-Rating box for a handset model with the
GSM air interface and 1900 MHz frequency band box selected in the AIR
INTERFACES / FREQUENCY BANDS section, then answer the question: “Did
this handset meet the criteria for an M3 rating for operations over GSM at 1900
MHz by enabling the user optionally to reduce the maximum power at which the
handset will operate by no more than 2.5 decibels, except for emergency calls to
911?” See 47 C.F.R. Section 20.19(e)(iii). If this question is not applicable to the
particular handset, it does not appear in the electronic version of Form 655.
However, it still appears on the printed version under each listed handset,
whether GSM, CDMA, or WCDMA, etc., is selected. Please ignore the question
on the printed version of the report under the listed handsets.
• For Device Manufacturers (see Figure 12):
o Select “No” if the handset model has not received a T-Rating certification.
o Select “Yes” if the handset model has received a T-Rating certification.
Select the appropriate rating from the dropdown list in the T-Rating box.
Provide the T-Rating Certification Date in the format MM/DD/YY.
• For Service Providers (see Figure 13):
o Select the appropriate rating from the dropdown list in the T-Rating box. If the
handset model has not received a T-Rating certification, you must select “N/A.”
ANSI C63.19 STANDARD: (Applies to Device Manufacturers only.) If you are a Device
Manufacturer, select the “2005,” “2006,” “2007,” or “2011” button to indicate which version of
the ANSI C63.19 standard was used during the certification process for the rating(s).
FUNCTIONALITY LEVEL: (Applies to Service Providers only.) Each Service Provider is
required to offer customers a range of hearing aid-compatible models with differing levels of
functionality (e.g., operating capabilities, features offered, prices). Each Service Provider may
determine the criteria for determining these differing levels of functionality. This entry should
indicate into which provider-defined level of functionality each individual handset model falls. If
this handset model is not rated either “M3” or “M4”, you may enter “N/A”. Filers who are
reporting only one hearing aid-compatible handset model may also enter “N/A” (see Figure 13).
REMARKS: Provide any remarks or comments concerning the handset model (see Figure 12 or
Figure 13).
Editing and Deleting Handset Model Information
As you complete the information required for each handset model, the system will take you to the
Report Summary screen for the Handset Model Information section (see Figure 14), where the
company name and other basic information such as the handset maker name, handset model
name(s), and FCC ID(s) for each submitted handset model will be on display. From this screen,
you can:
• Edit Company Information by clicking the edit icon ( ) to the left of the company name
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on the upper left corner of the screen (see Figure 14).
Edit the Handset Model Information for a specific handset model by clicking the edit icon
( ) for the handset model in the right-most column of the table showing the individual
handset models reported. The system allows you to edit the Handset Model name(s) and
FCC ID(s) (see Figure 15).
o However, if the Handset Maker name needs to be changed, you need to return to
the Report Summary screen (Figure 14), delete the handset model by clicking
the delete icon ( ), and add the handset model back by selecting “Report New
Handset Model” at the bottom of the screen (at which point you will be able to
select the correct Handset Maker).
Delete a handset model or a duplicated handset model by clicking the delete icon ( ) in
the right-most column of the table showing the individual handset models reported (see
Figure 14).
Continue to the Consumer Outreach section by selecting “Continue” at the bottom of the
Consumer Outreach
PRODUCT LABELING AND DISCLOSURE: Provide the requested information for the
reporting entity.
Question 1: “Do all hearing aid-compatible handsets include labeling?”
Answer “Yes” if all of your handsets comply with this requirement. If you have handsets that do
not comply with this requirement, answer “No” and explain (see Figure 16). Under Section
20.19(f) of the FCC’s rules, Device Manufacturers and Service Providers must ensure that the
rating of hearing aid-compatible handsets is clearly displayed on the packaging material of the
handset. In the event that a hearing aid-compatible handset achieves different radio frequency
(RF) interference or inductive coupling capability ratings over different air interfaces or different
frequency bands, the RF interference reduction and inductive coupling capability ratings
displayed shall be the lowest rating assigned to that handset for any air interface or frequency
band. An explanation of the ANSI C63.19 rating system must also be included in the device’s
user’s manual or as an insert in the packaging material for the handset. If your answer is “Yes” to
Question 1, then there is no “Explain” option. However, the “Explain” option still appears on the
printed version of the report. Please ignore the “Explain” option on the printed version if your
answer to Question 1 is “Yes.” If you want to add an explanation even though you answer “Yes,”
please do so in the Report Remarks box at the end of the report.
Question 2: “Do all hearing aid-compatible handsets that were tested only under ANSI C63.192007, and that are capable of voice communication over any air interface or frequency band that
does not have hearing aid compatibility technical standards under ANSI C63.19-2007, include the
required language disclosing that the handset has not been rated for hearing aid compatibility with
respect to such operation?”
Answer “Yes” if all of your handsets comply with this requirement. If you have handsets that do
not comply with this requirement, answer “No” and explain (see Figure 16). Answer “N/A” if
you did not offer any such handsets. Effective March 8, 2011, the following disclosure language
is required: “This phone has been tested and rated for use with hearing aids for some of the
wireless technologies that it uses. However, there may be some newer wireless technologies used
in this phone that have not been tested yet for use with hearing aids. It is important to try the
FCC Form 655 Instructions
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different features of this phone thoroughly and in different locations, using your hearing aid or
cochlear implant, to determine if you hear any interfering noise. Consult your service provider or
the manufacturer of this phone for information on hearing aid compatibility. If you have
questions about return or exchange policies, consult your service provider or phone retailer.”
However, handsets that were already in a Service Provider’s inventory as of March 8, 2011, may
include other language clearly and effectively disclosing that the phone has not been rated for
hearing aid compatibility with respect to Wi-Fi operation.”
Question 3: “Do all hearing aid-compatible handsets that were certified only under ANSI C63.192007, but that the manufacturer also tested and found not to meet hearing aid compatibility
requirements under ANSI C63.19-2011 for one or more operations that are not covered under
ANSI C63.19-2007, include language informing users by clear and effective means that the
handset does not meet the relevant rating or ratings with respect to such operation(s)?”
Answer “Yes” if all of your handsets comply with this requirement. If you have handsets that do
not comply with this requirement, answer “No” and explain (see Figure 16). Answer “N/A” if
you did not offer any such handsets.
Question 4: “Do all handsets that are capable of use for Voice over LTE, and that were certified
for inductive coupling capability under ANSI C63.19-2011 without being tested for inductive
coupling capability over VoLTE, include language disclosing that they were not tested with
respect to this operation?”
Answer “Yes” if all of your handsets comply with this requirement. If you have handsets that do
not comply with this requirement, answer “No” and explain (see Figure 16). Answer “N/A” if
you did not offer any such handsets. The following disclosure language may be used: “This phone
has been tested and rated for use with hearing aids for some of the wireless technologies that it
uses. However, there may be some newer wireless technologies used in this phone that have not
been tested yet for use with hearing aids. It is important to try the different features of this phone
thoroughly and in different locations, using your hearing aid or cochlear implant, to determine if
you hear any interfering noise. Consult your service provider or the manufacturer of this phone
for information on hearing aid compatibility. If you have questions about return or exchange
policies, consult your service provider or phone retailer.” Alternatively, Device Manufacturers or
Service Providers may develop more descriptive and informative disclosure language for these
handsets. Device Manufacturers and Service Providers are advised to consult with Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau staff before using any alternative language.
Question 5 (if applicable): If the reporting entity answered “Yes” for any handset model to the
Handset Model Information question “Did this handset meet the criteria for an M3 rating for
operations over GSM at 1900 MHz by enabling the user optionally to reduce the maximum power
at which the handset will operate by no more than 2.5 decibels, except for emergency calls to
911?”, then it must answer Question 5: “Do all handsets that meet the criteria for an M3 rating by
allowing the user to reduce the maximum power for GSM operation in the 1900 MHz band
include the required disclosure?”
Answer “Yes” if all of the applicable handsets comply with this requirement. If there are handsets
that do not comply with this requirement, answer “No” and explain (see Figure 16). Each Device
Manufacturer and Service Provider shall ensure that, wherever the M rating is displayed for a
handset that meets the criteria for an M3 rating for GSM operation at 1900 MHz by means of a
user-controlled power reduction, it discloses to consumers, by clear and effective means (e.g.,
inclusion of call-out cards or other media, revisions to packaging materials, supplying of
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
information on Web sites), that user activation of a special mode is necessary to meet the hearing
aid compatibility standard. In addition, each Device Manufacturer or Service Provider must
ensure that the device manual or a product insert explains how to activate the special mode and
that doing so may result in a reduction of coverage.
As a remark, if Question 5 is not applicable, it does not appear in the Product Labeling section of
the electronic version of Form 655. However, it still appears on the printed version of the filed
report and should be ignored.
PUBLIC WEBSITE: Under Section 20.19(h) of the FCC’s rules, Service Providers and Device
Manufacturers that are subject to the hearing aid compatibility requirements of that section and
which operate a publicly-accessible website must include on that website a list of all hearing aidcompatible models currently offered, the ratings of those models, and an explanation of the rating
system. Service Provider websites must also include the levels of functionality that the Service
Provider has defined, the level under which each hearing aid-compatible model falls, and an
explanation of how the functionality of the handsets varies at the different levels.
Answer “Yes” if you maintain such a website, and provide the website address. One website
address is sufficient if the information is clearly accessible from that web page, even if there are
multiple sub-pages. If you do not maintain a website with this information, answer “No” and
explain (e.g., the reporting entity does not maintain any public website) (see Figure 16).
CONSUMER OUTREACH: Provide information on the reporting entity’s outreach efforts with
regard to hearing aid compatibility within the reporting period (see Figure 17 and Figure 18).
HEARING AID COMPATIBILITY TESTING: (Applies to Device Manufacturers only.) Enter
the number of handset models that were tested for hearing aid compatibility during the reporting
period. You need not include models that have not received certification from the FCC (see
Figure 17).
METHODOLOGY FOR FUNCTIONALITY LEVELS: (Applies to Service Providers only.)
Provide an explanation of the methodology used to define functionality levels for handsets
offered to consumers, pursuant to Section 20.19(d)(4)(ii) of the FCC’s rules. Each Service
Provider is required to offer customers a range of hearing aid-compatible models with differing
levels of functionality (e.g., operating capabilities, features offered, prices). Each Service
Provider may determine the criteria for determining these differing levels of functionality. Filers
who are not reporting more than one hearing aid-compatible handset model (M3 or M4) may
enter “N/A” (see Figure 18).
REPORT REMARKS: Add any other information that you may choose to provide (see Figure 17
and Figure 18).
Certifying and Submitting Your Report: Upon finishing the Consumer Outreach Information
section, you need to certify your report by selecting the “Certify Filing” button at the bottom of
the Consumer Outreach Information Screen (see Figure 17 or Figure 18). On the Certification
screen, you must provide your name and title. You must then submit your report by selecting the
“Submit Filing” button at the bottom of the Certification screen (see Figure 19). The system will
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
then provide you with a Filing Confirmation Number. Please write down this confirmation
number for your future reference (see Figure 20). You must submit your report on or before
the filing deadline. Failure to submit your report in a timely manner may trigger FCC
enforcement action.
Saving without Submitting Your Report: You can stop at any time while completing your
report by selecting the “Quit Application” button at the top-right corner of the screen (see Figure
8). Whenever you select “Quit Application,” your report will be saved and put into the “Saved”
category (see Figure 4). A “Saved” report is not considered to be a “HAC Submitted” report.
You must remember to submit your report on or before the filing deadline. To submit a saved
report, you must update the report, certify it and submit it.
If you are accidentally timed out by the system, your report will be placed in the “Saved”
category. You will need to re-login to the system and update your report (see below on updating a
saved report).
Updating Your Report: You can update your saved or submitted report at any time before the
filing deadline. However, you cannot update your report once the deadline has passed. To update
your report, you need to access the electronic Form 655 and go to the “Saved” category if you
have a saved report or the “HAC Submitted” category if you have a submitted report (see Figure
4). After clicking on the appropriate link to your report (either “Not Assigned” or a File No.),
select “Continue” or “Update” to update your saved or submitted report (see Figure 21 or Figure
22). The system will take you directly to the Report Summary screen (see Figure 14). From there,
you can update your report. After completing your update, you must submit your report again in
order for it to be considered “HAC Submitted.” A submitted report that has been opened for
updating but not re-submitted will be placed in the “Saved” category and not the “HAC
Submitted” category.
The Hearing Aid Compatibility Reports always have a purpose code of “HA.” Knowing this will
help you find your Hearing Aid Compatibility Report.
Printing Your Report: When you are on the Filing Confirmation screen, you can view your
report by clicking the “Print Report” button ( ) at the top of the screen (see Figure 20). The
system will generate a PDF file that contains all the information you have entered into your report
as well as the FRN you used for filing the report.
We have estimated that each response to this collection of information will take, on average, two
and a half (2.5) hours. Our estimate includes the time to read the instructions, look through
existing records, gather and maintain the required data, enter the data in the Form 655 on-line
template, and submit it electronically. If you have any comments on this estimate, or how we can
improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write the Federal
Communications Commission, AMD-PERM, Washington, D.C. 20554, Paperwork Reduction
Project (3060-0999). We also will accept your comments via the Internet if you send them to DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FCC FORM 655 TO THIS ADDRESS.
Remember – You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the
Federal government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it
displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. This
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060-0999.
Reporting entities failing to file FCC Form 655 in a timely fashion may be subject to penalties
under the Communications Act, including sections 502 and 503(b).
REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, PUBLIC LAW 104-13, OCTOBER 1, 1995, 44 U.S.C.
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 1 Register and Receive an FCC Registration Number
Obtain a new FCC Registration Number (FRN) for the purpose of filing
Hearing Aid Compatibility status reports for each reporting entity. The
same FRN can be used again to file future reports for the entity. Each
reporting entity should use its own FRN.
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 2 Login Page
Enter Your FRN
and Password
Click Here if You
Need a FRN
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 3 License Manager Page
Click My Reports
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 4 My Applications Page -- Summary
Saved Report
Saved Report
(not finished
and/or not-submitted)
and/or not submitted)
Submitted Report
File Hearing Aid
Compatibility Report
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 5 Company Information Page 1
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 6 Company Information Page 2
Information icon for handset definition
This Date box will appear if you click “No” above
This question will appear if you click “No” above
This Date box will appear if you click “Yes” above
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 7 Company Information Page 3
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 8 Handset Model Information Page 1
(Handset Maker / Handset Model)
Handset Maker
(a dropdown box)
Print report
Indicate whether the model is
marketed under multiple names
Quit Application
(report will be saved
but not submitted)
Indicates that you are in the
Handset Model Information section
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 9 Handset Model Information Page 2a
(Single Handset Model Name / FCC ID)
Handset Model Name
(a dropdown box)
Cancel (return to Report
Summary page)
FCC ID(s) associated
with the Handset
Save and Continue
Technical Support
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 10 Handset Model Information Page 2b
(Multiple Handset Model Names / FCC ID)
Handset Maker
Handset Model Name
Another Marketing
Name for the Same
Cancel (return to
Report Summary
Add Another
Marketing Name for
the Same Handset
Save and Continue
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 11 Handset Model Information Page 3
(Air Interfaces / Frequency Bands)
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 12 Handset Model Information Page 4a
(Hearing Aid Compatibility Ratings --For Device Manufacturers)
M-Rating (a dropdown box)
M-Rating Certification
Date (MM/DD/YY)
Answer this question if the handset is M3 or M4
rated and operates over GSM at 1900 MHz
T-Rating (a dropdown box)
T-Rating Certification
Date (MM/DD/YY)
Remarks for the Handset
Cancel button (return to Report Summary screen)
Save and Continue button
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 13 Handset Model Information Page 4b
(Hearing Aid Compatibility Ratings --For Service Providers)
M-Rating (a dropdown box)
Answer this question if the handset is M3 or M4
rated and operates over GSM at 1900 MHz
T-Rating (a dropdown box)
Functionality Level
Remarks for the Handset
Cancel button (return to Report Summary page)
Save and Continue button
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 14 Report Summary for Handset Information Section
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 15 Edit the Handset Information
Click here to edit the name(s)
and FCC ID(s) for this handset
Click here to add
another marketing
name for this handset
Click here to edit additional
information for this handset
Return to Report
Summary page
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 16 Consumer Outreach Page 1
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 17 Consumer Outreach Page 2a
(Consumer Outreach Efforts -- Device Manufacturers)
Consumer Outreach Efforts
Number of Tested Handsets
Remarks for the Report
Back (to the previous page)
Certify Filing
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 18 Consumer Outreach Page 2b
(Consumer Outreach Efforts – Service Providers)
Outreach Efforts
Description of Methodology
for Functionality Levels
Remarks for the Report
Back (to the
previous page)
Certify Filing
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 19 Certification Page
Certification Signature
Submit Filing
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 20 Confirmation Page
Click here to see if your report is in the
submitted category
Confirmation Number
Print Report
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 21 My Applications Page -- Saved Report
“Not Assigned” indicating
the report was saved
before being submitted
(no confirmation number)
“Saved” Status
(but not
Purpose Code will be
“HA” (for Hearing Aid
Compatibility report)
the Report
Delete the
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
Figure 22 My Applications Page -- Submitted Report
Purpose Code will be
“HA” (for Hearing Aid
Should be “HA”
Update the
Delete the
FCC Form 655 Instructions
June 2015
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Instructions for Hearing Aid Compatibility Status Report |
Author | Tom McCudden |
File Modified | 2015-09-17 |
File Created | 2015-09-17 |