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pdfMCM Coordinator
Common Responsibilities and Associated Skills
The Division of State and Local Readiness (DSLR) Training Team identified a set of six Medical Countermeasure
(MCM) Coordinator common responsibilities and associated skills to aid in assessing the training needs of MCM
Coordinators across the country. These responsibilities and skills were developed with input from Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) MCM subject matter experts, the National Association of County and City
Health Officials (NACCHO), and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO). Each of the six
common responsibilities is generally defined and includes six to nine associated skills that more specifically illustrate
skills used for each responsibility.
1) Emergency Response Communication and Information Management
Identifying information and communication needs before, during, and after an emergency.
Associated Skills:
Analyzing written resources including technical materials, rules, regulations, instructions, reports, charts,
graphs, or tables, and applying what is learned to develop program plans and public messaging
Writing materials that organize, compose, and present technical information in a clear and organized
manner for intended audiences
Adhering to internal and external emergency response communication plans
Reporting potentially relevant incident information through the appropriate chain of command
Applying principles of crisis and risk communication to manage information related to an emergency
Identifying the systems and resources needed to maintain consistent interagency communications during
an emergency
Managing multiple emergency communications systems used to communicate with health department staff
and Medical Reserve Corps volunteers during emergencies
Coordinating regular drills to evaluate efficiency of alerting communications systems
2) Incident Management
Applying knowledge of the strategies, tactics, technologies, principles, and processes needed to analyze, prioritize,
and manage incidents.
Associated Skills:
Understanding how federal, state, local, and tribal response partners interact during an emergency response
Adhering to standardized national processes for organizing functions in an emergency response
Developing and following jurisdictional plans that are based on the National Response Framework (NRF) and
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Acting within the scope of a jurisdiction’s legal authority
Providing written and oral communication on training, guidance, and operational objectives to direct staff
and volunteers
Responding rapidly to changing circumstances by adapting strategies based on changing demands
Identifying systems and procedures for tracking response progress and maintaining situational awareness
over the course of a response
Maintaining 24/7 response capacity at all times
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
3) Leveraging Partnerships
Establishing and leveraging a network of internal and external partners in order to achieve a common goal.
Associated Skills:
Building relationships within and outside of the organization (public and private) including people from varied
backgrounds, jurisdictions, and disciplines
Leveraging expertise and contacts to gain knowledge, solve problems, and plan for, respond to, and recover
from public health emergencies
Eliciting and maintaining partner collaboration to accomplish objectives
Communicating regularly with partners both orally and in writing to:
- Ensure partnership engagement
- Review emergency response plans, roles, and functions
Applying the organizational structure, leadership, and authority to achieve objectives
Documenting the role of partners in response plans and determining partners’ capacity and capability to
Serving as liaison and coordinator with other support agencies/partners for resources needed during a public
health emergency response, such as contractors and emergency supplies
4) Program Evaluation and Technical Assistance
Expanding program capabilities through exercise, evaluation, and improvement planning and tracking. Providing
technical assistance and serving as an authoritative source on job related skills and information.
Associated Skills:
Analyzing data and evaluation results to determine the effectiveness of programs
Using planning and operational elements of the MCM Operational Readiness Review (ORR) to evaluate and
measure progress toward implementation status goals
Evaluating exercises and responses to identify capability gaps, conduct improvement planning, and follow
up on necessary changes, using a Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation (HSEEP)-based system
Assessing training needs and opportunities, and coordinating the delivery of these trainings to staff,
volunteers, and other partners
Facilitating learning through formal and informal training methods
Developing a multi-year training and exercise plan that is reflective of the most recent jurisdictional risk
assessment, recent exercise findings, and other specific local, state, and federal requirements and priorities
5) Program Planning and Operations
Formulating objectives and identifying priorities for MCM programs to inform the planning process and ensure
operational readiness.
Associated Skills:
Applying knowledge of program management policies and public health preparedness concepts to develop
strategies to implement program initiatives
Developing program plans targeting general or specific audiences with input from internal and external
Analyzing policy, including legislation, regulations, procedures, and administrative actions, to support
decision making and recommendations
Ensuring the Receiving, Staging, and Storing (RSS) sites are properly staffed and can rapidly and efficiently
receive and distribute MCM to PODs, treatment centers, and other locations during an emergency
Providing guidance for and developing point of dispensing (POD) operations plans that identify staffing
requirements and desired throughput to dispense medication to the affected population during incidents
Maintaining an inventory management system and ensuring health department emergency response
vehicles, equipment, and supplies are operationally ready for a public health emergency response
Developing and maintaining a resource management system for training, rostering, and tracking tactical and
non-tactical resources when activated for an incident response
Making recommendations on financial, technical, and staffing resources based on Public Health Emergency
Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement requirements
Analyzing program management policies to support policy development for improving program operations
6) Grants Management and Administration
Ensuring MCM-related activities are conducted and reported appropriately.
Associated Skills:
Coordinating emergency preparedness related grant activities, including grant opportunity identification,
preparation, submission, oversight, reporting, and spend-down activities
Assessing and interpreting grant guidelines to ensure all proposed grant expenditures meet the requirements
for federal, state, and local grants
Seeking and writing service provider solicitations (e.g., requests for proposals (RFPs) and requests for
information (RFIs))
Advising on selection of vendors/contractors and monitoring contracts to ensure compliance
Performing budget preparations, justifications, and submissions
Conducting budget projections, reviews, and reconciliations
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | CDC Fact Sheet |
Author | CDC User |
File Modified | 2018-05-01 |
File Created | 2017-07-28 |