Continuum of Care (CoC) Web Survey Draft
Westat, an independent research firm located in Rockville, Maryland, has been contracted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to conduct a survey of all Continuums of Care (CoCs) to assess the status of homeless, housing, and service systems for youth and young adults, ages 14-24 years old, including those that may be pregnant and parenting. This survey is part of a larger evaluation Westat is conducting on the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project in 13 CoCs across the country. The goals of the survey are to understand for your CoC:
the types of housing and services available to youth and young adults who are experiencing or at risk for homelessness,
how youth and young adults access housing and services,
the degree to which housing and services are coordinated across providers within the youth homeless service systems, and
the level of coordination between youth homeless service systems and other systems (e.g., child welfare, juvenile justice, education) that serve the population of youth and young adults experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes to complete for the CoC web survey. HUD may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number 2528-xxxx, expiring xx-xx-xxxx.
All the information we collect will remain confidential. The information requested under this collection is protected and held private in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 1306, 20 CFR 401 and 402, 5 U.S.C.552 (Freedom of Information Act), 5 U.S.C. 552a (Privacy Act of 1974) and OMB Circular No. A-130. Only Westat staff will have access to this survey. We will share data in reports that do not present identifiable information. At the end of the study in 2021, we will give an aggregate copy of the dataset without names and identifying information to HUD for their records. Please complete this survey by [DATE].
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey as your feedback is very important to us.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email Dr. Debra Rog at 301-279-4594 or debrarog@westat.com.
What CoC (number and name) do you represent? _____________________________________
What agency do you work for? _______________________________________
What is your role within the CoC? _______________________________
Has the CoC conducted a youth-specific needs assessment or other study that identified the needs of youth experiencing and at risk of homelessness in your community?
Yes When
was it conducted? _________________________
[IF YES] Do what extent has the needs assessment guided the community’s efforts to address homelessness for youth/young adults?
Not at all [SKIP TO Q.6]
Very little
Quite a lot
Please describe how the needs assessment has guided the community’s efforts?
System Overview
Please indicate if there are youth-specific programs and processes currently in place in the following areas in your CoC or planned for the future. This may include programs that are funded by the CoC and those that are not funded by the CoC, but are available in the community (e.g., programs funded by other agencies, faith-based programs, privately funded programs). By youth-specific, we mean programs and processes, like coordinated entry or outreach, that are specifically targeted to 18-24 year olds. These may be programs and processes that are include other populations but have youth-specific guidelines or policies.
Fully implemented, system-wide |
Partially implemented (not all pieces in place or not all youth/young adult populations served) |
In planning phase |
Not in place |
Don’t Know |
Coordinated entry - a process that coordinates providers to ensure all youth/young adults experiencing homelessness or other housing crises are quickly identified, assessed for, referred, and connected with housing and homeless assistance |
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Outreach (identification and engagement) - identifying and engaging youth/young adults at risk for or experiencing homelessness and connecting them with assistance |
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Prevention - supportive services and/or rent assistance to prevent homelessness for at risk youth/young adults |
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Diversion - short- to medium-term financial assistance and/or supportive services to divert youth/young adults from entering shelter |
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Shelter – emergency shelter specifically for youth/young adults |
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Housing - including transitional housing, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, and host homes specifically for youth/young adults |
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Case management or navigation services – assistance to guide youth/young adults through the system of housing and services |
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Family and natural support engagement services - counseling, mediation, and reunification assistance to help youth/young adults strengthen family ties and return to their families, or to identify new kinship supports and housing opportunities for youth/young adults |
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Education and employment assistance - education and employment resources, counseling, skill building programs, and trainings for youth/young adults |
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Coding Instructions: Respondents who indicate “fully implemented”, or “partially implemented” ” to each of the above programs/processes will be lead to additional questions about each program/process. Respondents who indicate “in planning phase”, “not in place”, or “don’t know” will be omitted from the follow-up questions.
[IF COORDINATED ENTRY IS PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED] When do you expect coordinated entry to be fully implemented? ___________________________
How do youth/young adults primarily access the coordinated entry process? [Mark all that apply.]
Telephone-based process
Both in-person and telephone
Other: _________________________________________
[IF IN PERSON/BOTH IN-PERSON AND TELEPHONE] Are there multiple points of entry?
One point of entry
Multiple points of entry
Are there youth-specific:
Yes |
No |
Access points to receive assistance? |
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Case management or navigation services? |
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Other:________________________________ |
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Other:________________________________ |
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Other:________________________________ |
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Who is eligible to enter coordinated entry in the youth/young adult system? [Mark all that apply.]
Youth under 18 years old
Youth/young adults 18-24 years old
What definitions of homelessness are used to be eligible for youth-specific coordinated entry?
How are the needs of youth/young adults assessed as part of the coordinated entry process? [Mark all that apply.]
No assessment process
Providers’ own assessments
Assessment through coordinated entry
Other: _________________________________________________
[IF ASSESSMENT THROUGH COORDINATED ENTRY] Which tool or tools are used? [Mark all that apply.]
Next Step Tool
Community created assessment tool
Other: _________________________________________________
Yes |
No |
accessing shelter? |
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making housing referrals? |
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making service referrals? |
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Other:________________________ |
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Other:________________________ |
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18.) Are the following in place to identify and engage youth/young adults who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness? |
IF YES, Are these services specifically tailored to youth and young adults?
IF YES, Who is eligible for these services?
[Mark all that apply.]
IF YES, Are these services targeted to only specific subpopulations or to all youth/young adults?
IF TARGETED TO SPECIFIC SUBPOPULATIONS, Which specific subpopulation are they targeted to?
[Mark all that apply.]
a. Mobile vans? |
b. Street outreach workers? |
c. Drop-in centers? |
d. A central intake website or hotline? |
e. School-based outreach? |
f. Other outreach efforts? (Specify: ________) |
19.) Are the following prevention efforts in place? |
IF YES, Are these services specifically tailored to youth/young adults?
IF YES, Who is eligible for these services?
[Mark all that apply.]
IF YES, Are these services targeted to only specific subpopulations or to all youth/young adults?
IF TARGETED TO SPECIFIC SUBPOPULATIONS, Which specific subpopulation are they targeted to?
[Mark all that apply.]
a. Rental assistance? |
b. Family counseling/intervention services? |
c. Legal assistance? |
d. Supportive services? |
e. Financial assistance for something other than rent? |
f. Other prevention efforts? (Specify:________) |
20.) Are the following efforts provided to divert youth/young adults before they enter shelter or another homeless situation? |
IF YES, Are these services specifically tailored to youth/young adults?
IF YES, Who is eligible for these services?
[Mark all that apply.]
IF YES, Are these services targeted to only specific subpopulations or to all youth/young adults?
IF TARGETED TO SPECIFIC SUBPOPULATIONS, Which specific subpopulation are they targeted to?
[Mark all that apply.]
a. Rental assistance? |
b. Family counseling/intervention services? |
c. Legal assistance? |
d. Supportive services? |
e. Financial assistance for something other than rent? |
f. Other diversion efforts? (Specify:________) |
21.) Are the following types of shelter or housing are available in your CoC specifically for youth/young adults? Please provide the date as of which these data are current. _______________________ |
Current number of beds or vouchers |
Are any beds/vouchers designated for specific subpopulations of youth/young adults? |
IF TARGETED TO SPECIFIC SUBPOPULATIONS, Which specific subpopulation are they targeted to?
[Mark all that apply.]
a. Emergency shelter |
b. Transitional housing |
c. Permanent supportive housing |
d. Rapid re-housing |
e. Host homes (for youth) |
f. Other: __________________ |
22.) Are the following family and natural support engagement services available for youth/young adults? |
IF YES, Are these services specifically tailored to youth/young adults?
IF YES, Who is eligible for these services?
[Mark all that apply.]
IF YES, Are these services targeted to only specific subpopulations or to all youth/young adults?
IF TARGETED TO SPECIFIC SUBPOPULATIONS, Which specific subpopulation are they targeted to?
[Mark all that apply.]
a. Family mediation/ counseling? |
b. Case management with youth/young adults and family supports? |
c. Help in identifying natural supports? |
d. Other family/natural support engagement efforts? (Specify:________) |
23.) Are the following education and employment efforts available for youth and young adults who are experiencing homelessness? |
IF YES, Are these services specifically tailored to youth and young adults?
IF YES, Who is eligible for these services?
[Mark all that apply.]
IF YES, Are these services targeted to only specific subpopulations or to all youth/young adults?
IF TARGETED TO SPECIFIC SUBPOPULATIONS, Which specific subpopulation are they targeted to?
[Mark all that apply.]
a. GED classes or other certificate or training programs? |
b. Job preparation/job search services? |
c. Paid or unpaid work experience, such as internships or apprenticeships? |
d. Support or coaching while employed? |
e. Transportation to attend school or work? |
f. Other assistance (e.g., text books, work clothes, or equipment)? |
f. Other employment or education services? (Specify:________) |
24.) Is the [FILL IN NAME OF SYSTEM LISTED BELOW] coordinated with homeless service system for youth and young adults? |
IF YES, What is the level of coordination between these systems?
[Mark all that apply.]
a. child welfare system? |
b. juvenile justice system? |
c. school system? |
d. health care system? |
e. mental health/ substance abuse services? |
f. other mainstream services? (Specify:________) |
Is there a youth-specific governance structure or workgroup in your CoC?
[IF YES] Does this body report directly to the CoC board?
[IF NO] Specify how the youth-specific governance structure or workgroup works with the CoC?
Is there a strategic plan for addressing youth/young adult homelessness in your CoC?
Yes –a plan specific for youth/young adults
Yes—a plan that covers youth/young adults and other populations
Other Describe: __________________________________________________________________
Does the CoC actively include youth/young adults who have experienced homelessness in the decision-making process?
Yes When
did this practice begin? ____________________
[IF YES] In what ways?
What are the major challenges in the youth/young adult homeless system?
What are the major service gaps?
Are there specific subgroups that are underserved? Please describe.
Youth under 18 years old
Youth/young adults 18-24 years old
Youth/young adults aging out of foster care
Youth/young adults involved in juvenile justice system
LGBTQ youth/young adults
Pregnant/parenting youth/young adults
Immigrant/refugee youth/young adults
Sexually exploited/trafficked youth/young adults
Youth/young adults with substance abuse problems
Youth/young adults with mental health problems
Other :_________________________________________
Other :_________________________________________
Other :_________________________________________
This is the end of the survey. Thank you for taking the time to share information about your CoC with us.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Ellie Kerr |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |