Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 2017-18 through 2019-20

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 2017-18 through 2019-20

IPEDS 2017 GR200 Graduation Rates 200 8-18-2017

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 2017-18 through 2019-20

OMB: 1850-0582

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Graduation Rates 200
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 2017-18

The changes from the memo are listed on the next page. They have not
yet been incorporated into the survey package below.

Revision to the Voluntary Burden Time Question
For all institutions
Existing question:

Replace Existing question with the following:
Question 1: How many staff from your institution only were involved in the data collection and
reporting process of this survey component?
_______ Number of Staff (including yourself)

Question 2: How many hours did you and others from your institution only spend on each of the
steps below when responding to this survey component?
Exclude the hours spent collecting data for state and other reporting purposes

Staff member
Your office
Other offices

Collecting Data
______ hours
______ hours

Revising Data to Match
IPEDS Requirements
______ hours
______ hours

Entering Data
______ hours
______ hours

Revising and
Locking Data
______ hours
______ hours

IPEDS Help Desk
(877) 225-2568 or
NCES National Center for Education Statistics

date: 8/4/2017

2017-18 Survey Materials > Form

200% Graduation Rates for 4-year institutions

Graduation Rates 200 Overview
Welcome to the IPEDS Graduation Rates 200 (GR200) survey component. The GR200 component is a further extension of the traditional Graduation Rates (GR)
component which carries forward 100% and 150% graduation rates data previously reported in the GR component and requests information on any additional completers
and exclusions from the cohort between 151% and 200% of normal time for students to complete all requirements of their program of study. This information is collected
to assist institutions with complying with the requirements of the Higher Education Act, as amended.
Data Reporting Reminders
The reporting of data for the 200% completion period is not cumulative. Respondents are ONLY asked to report data for the time period between 151% and 200% of
normal time to completion.
When reporting award levels for sub-baccalaureate certificates, determine program length by the number of credit or contact hours, NOT the academic year length in
parentheses. The academic year length is meant only to provide context.

The survey materials package for this component can be downloaded using the following link: Survey Materials
If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.

Screening Question
Your institution reported to the GR survey component as having the following number of students who did not complete, but were still enrolled at your institution:

Do you have students to report who, 1) received an award between 151% and 200% of the normal time to complete OR are still enrolled as of 200% of normal time?

Completers within 200%
For 4-year institutions, report on the 2009 cohort of full-time, first-time bachelor's or equivalent degree-seeking students.
Information for this cohort was originally reported by your institution in the 2015-16 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component. The data on lines 1-5 are preloaded
based on the information provided.

Graduation rates

Revised cohort


Exclusions within 150%


Adjusted cohort 150%


Number of students in the cohort who completed a bachelor’s degree within 100% of normal time to completion


Number of students in the cohort who completed a bachelor’s degree within 150% of normal time to completion


Additional exclusions (between 151% and 200% of normal time)


Adjusted cohort 200% (line 3 - line 6)


Number of students in the cohort who completed a bachelor’s degree between 151% and 200% of normal time to completion


Still enrolled as of 200% of normal time to completion

10 Total completers within 200% of normal time (line 5 + line 8)
You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above. These context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website, and should
be written to be understood by students and parents.

U.S. Department of Education

Software Provider Resources

Use of Cookies

Section 508 Compliance

Browsers Supported


NCES Privacy Policy

IPEDS Help Desk
(877) 225-2568 or
NCES National Center for Education Statistics

2017-18 Survey Materials > Instructions

date: 8/4/2017

200% Graduation Rates Full Instructions - 4-year institutions

Purpose of Survey
General Instructions
Reporting period covered
Context boxes

Where to get help
Where data appears
Uploading Files to the IPEDS Data Collection System
Data Reporting Instructions
Purpose of the Survey
The primary purpose of the IPEDS GR200 survey component is to collect more extensive data on graduation rates as required by the Higher
Education Act, as amended. The necessary data are collected to calculate graduation rates at 200% of normal time to complete all
requirements of their program of study for the cohort of full-time, first-time bachelor's or equivalent degree-seeking students at 4-year
institutions; and for all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students at less than 4-year institutions.

General Instructions
Reporting period covered
This survey component collects data on the cohort of full-time, first-time bachelor's or equivalent degree-seeking undergraduate students
enrolled at your institution either (1) as of October 15, 2009 (or the institution's official fall reporting date) for institutions that offer a
predominant number of programs based on standard academic terms (e.g., semesters, trimesters, quarters, or 4-1-4 plan); or (2) during
the period between September 1, 2009 and August 31, 2010 for institutions that do not offer a predominant number of programs based
on standard academic terms. Institutions are to report the status of these students as of August 31, 2017.
The status of this cohort of students (the 2009 Graduation Rates cohort) within 150% of normal time to completion was previously
reported on the 2015-16 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component. The GR200 component further tracks the status of these students at
200% of normal time to completion.

Context Boxes
Context boxes are provided to allow institutions to provide more information regarding survey component items. Note that some context
boxes are posted on the College Navigator Website, which is the college search tool offered by NCES. NCES will review entries in these
context boxes for applicability and appropriateness before posting them on the College Navigator Website; institutions should check
grammar and spelling of their entries.

Data on the cohort of full-time, first-time bachelor's or equivalent degree-seeking undergraduate students in your institution's 2009
Graduation Rates cohort, previously reported on the 2015-16 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component, are preloaded into the GR200
survey. The parameters for coverage of the original cohort are outlined below.

Who to include in the cohort
Include all full-time, first-time students seeking a bachelor's or equivalent degree upon entering the institution either during the fall term
or during the 12-month period as described above. For institutions that do not determine degree intent upon entry, this should include any
students whose intent was not known. Include students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior
summer term and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduating from high school).
Students must be enrolled in courses creditable toward a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award. Include students enrolled in
courses that are part of a vocational or occupational program, INCLUDING those enrolled in off-campus centers and those enrolled in
distance learning/home study programs.
Be sure to include full-time students taking remedial courses if the student is considered degree-seeking for the purpose of student
financial aid determination. This includes students who:
Received any type of federal financial aid, regardless of what courses they took at any time
Received any state or locally based financial aid with an eligibility requirement that the student be enrolled in a degree, certificate, or
transfer-seeking program
Obtained a student visa to study at a U.S. postsecondary institution
A student who is designated as a member of the 2009 cohort remains in the 2009 cohort, even if the student:
Becomes a part-time student
Transfers to another institution
Drops out of the institution
Stops out of the institution
Has not fulfilled the institution's requirements to receive a degree or certificate

Who to exclude from the cohort
Do NOT include students in the cohort who are:
Enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a formal award or the completion of a vocational program (i.e., nondegree/certificate-seeking students)
Exclusively taking CEUs
Exclusively auditing classes
Enrolled part-time
Transfers into the institution
Foreign students who are only taking coursework at a host institution (e.g., an American institution overseas), if these students are
not enrolled at a U.S. institution

Where to Get Help with Reporting
IPEDS Help Desk
Phone: 1-877-225-2568

Web Tutorials
You can also consult the IPEDS Website Trainings & Outreach page which contains several tutorials on IPEDS data collection, a self-paced
overview of IPEDS tools, and other valuable resources.

IPEDS Resource Page
The IPEDS Website Reporting Tools page contains frequently asked questions, a link to data tip sheets, tutorials, taxonomies, information
centers (e.g., academic libraries, average net price, human resources, race/ethnicity, etc.), and other valuable information.

Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Data collected through IPEDS will be accessible at the institution- and aggregate-levels.
At the institution-level, data will appear in the:
College Navigator Website
IPEDS Data Center
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
College Affordability and Transparency Center Website

At the aggregate-level, data will appear in:
IPEDS First Looks
IPEDS Table Library
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
The Digest of Education Statistics
The Condition of Education

Uploading Files to the IPEDS Data Collection System
The File Import/Upload option is found under the Tools menu. In order to perform the upload you’ll need to have a file formatted to
specifications. Upload specifications are included with the survey materials found under the Help menu. There are two upload formats
available for the GR200 survey component:
Fixed width file
Key value file

Data Reporting Instructions
The GR200 survey component collects additional data on the cohort of full-time, first-time bachelor's degree-seeking undergraduate students
in your institution's 2009 Graduation Rates cohort, as first reported on the 2015-16 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component. Institutions
must report the status of these students as of August 31, 2017 so that a 200% graduation rate may be calculated. One hundred percent and
150% graduation rates were previously calculated in the 2015-16 Graduation Rates survey.
Graduation rates data reported in the GR200 component are NOT reported by race and ethnicity.
A number of data elements are preloaded in this survey. Lines 1-5 are preloaded based on your institution's 2015-16 Graduation Rates
reporting. These fields may not be updated. The 100% and 150% graduation rates calculated for the cohort based on the data reported in
2015-16 are also preloaded and may not be adjusted.
On line 6, please enter any additional allowable exclusions to the cohort. This should include any additional students who left your institution
between 151% and 200% of the normal time to complete their program (and have neither graduated nor transferred to another institution)
due to one of the following documented reasons:
a. The student is deceased or is totally and permanently disabled and thus unable to return to school.
b. The student left school to serve in the armed forces or was called up to active duty. (DO NOT include students already in the military
who transfer to another duty station.)
c. The student left school to serve with a foreign aid service of the Federal Government, such as the Peace Corps.
d. The student left school to serve on an official church mission.
NOTE: Students who leave the institution for one of the reasons noted above, but return prior to the status date of August 31, 2017, may

still be reported as exclusions.
Line 7, the 200% adjusted cohort, is a calculated value representing the difference between the 150% adjusted cohort (line 3) and the
additional exclusions reported on line 6.
On line 8, report the number of students who completed a bachelor's degree or equivalent within the period from September 1, 2015 through
August 31, 2017. Once you save the page, the total completers within 200% and the 200% graduation rate will be calculated in the
appropriate boxes on line 10.
On line 9, report the number of students who are still enrolled at your institution as of 200% of normal time to completion.


date: 8/4/2017



Adjusted cohort

The result of removing any allowable exclusions from a cohort (or subcohort). For the Fall Enrollment component, it is the cohort for
calculating retention rate; for the Graduation Rates component, this is the cohort from which graduation and transfer-out rates are
calculated; and for the Outcome Measures component, these are the four cohorts (first-time, full-time; first-time, part-time; non-firsttime, full-time; or non-first-time, part-time) for which outcomes rates are calculated at 4, 6, and 8 years.

Bachelor's degree

An award (baccalaureate or equivalent degree, as determined by the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education) that normally requires at
least 4 but not more than 5 years of full-time equivalent college-level work. This includes all bachelor's degrees conferred in a 5-year
cooperative (work-study) program. A cooperative plan provides for alternate class attendance and employment in business, industry, or
government; thus, it allows students to combine actual work experience with their college studies. Also includes bachelor's degrees in
which the normal 4 years of work are completed in 3 years.

Bachelor's or equivalent degreeseeking subcohort

In the G R component of IPEDS, a cohort of students who were seeking a bachelor's or equivalent degree upon entry.


A specific group of students established for tracking purposes.


Those students who may be removed (deleted) from a cohort (or subcohort). For the Graduation Rates, Outcome Measures, and Fall
Enrollment retention rate reporting, students may be removed from a cohort if they left the institution for one of the following reasons:
death or total and permanent disability; service in the armed forces (including those called to active duty); service with a foreign aid
service of the federal government, such as the Peace Corps; or service on official church missions.

Fall cohort

The group of students entering in the fall term established for tracking purposes. For the Graduation Rates component, this includes
all students who enter an institution as full-time, first-time degree or certificate-seeking undergraduate students during the fall term of
a given year. For the Outcome Measures component, all degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who enter an institution
during the fall term of a given year must be placed in one of four cohorts: full-time, first-time; part-time, first-time; full-time, nonfirst-time; and part-time, non-first-time.

First-time student

A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the
undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled in academic or occupational programs. It also includes students enrolled in the
fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college
credits or postsecondary formal award earned before graduation from high school).

Full-time student

Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, or 12 or more quarter credits, or 24 or more contact hours a week
each term. Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or 9 or more quarter credits, or a student involved in thesis or
dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution. Doctor's degree - Professional practice - as defined by the

Full-year cohort

This is a group of students entering at any time during the 12-month period for tracking and reporting. For Graduation Rate (GR), a
full-year cohort is from September 1 through August 31 and is used primarily offer occupational programs of varying lengths. Students
must be full-time and first-time to be considered in the cohort. For Outcome Measures (OM) component, all degree-granting
institutions report on a full-year cohort from July 1 through June 30. Students are reported once in one of the four OM cohorts: firsttime, full-time; first-time, part-time: non-first-time, full-time; or non-first-time, part-time.

Graduation rate

The rate required for disclosure and/or reporting purposes under Student Right-to-Know Act. This rate is calculated as the total number
of completers within 150% of normal time divided by the revised adjusted cohort.

Graduation Rates (GR)

This annual component of IPEDS was added in 1997 to help institutions satisfy the requirements of the Student Right-to-Know
legislation. Data are collected on the number of students entering the institution as full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students in a particular year (cohort), by race/ethnicity and gender; the number completing their program within 150
percent of normal time to completion; the number that transfer to other institutions if transfer is part of the institution's mission. Prior
to 2007, institutions who offered athletically-related student aid were asked to report, by sport, the number of students receiving aid
and whether they completed within 150 percent of normal time to completion. Now, these institutions only need to report a URL where
the athletic data is located on their website, when available. GR automatically generates worksheets that calculate rates, including
average rates over 4 years.

Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System (IPEDS)

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual institutionlevel data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of Postsecondary
Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report data using a webbased data collection system. IPEDS currently consists of the following components: Institutional Characteristics (IC); 12-month
Enrollment (E12);Completions (C); Admissions (ADM); Student Financial Aid (SFA); Human Resources (HR) composed of Employees by
Assigned Position, Fall Staff, and Salaries; Fall Enrollment (EF); Graduation Rates (GR); Outcome Measures (OM); Finance (F); and
Academic Libraries (AL).

Normal time to completion

The amount of time necessary for a student to complete all requirements for a degree or certificate according to the institution's
catalog. This is typically 4 years (8 semesters or trimesters, or 12 quarters, excluding summer terms) for a bachelor's degree in a
standard term-based institution; 2 years (4 semesters or trimesters, or 6 quarters, excluding summer terms) for an associate's degree
in a standard term-based institution; and the various scheduled times for certificate programs.

Revised cohort

Initial cohort after revisions are made. Cohorts may be revised if an institution discovers that incorrect data were reported in an earlier

Student Right-to-Know Act

Also known as the "Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act" (P.L. 101-542), which was passed by Congress November 9, 1990.
Title I, Section 103, requires institutions eligible for Title IV funding to calculate completion or graduation rates of certificate- or
degree-seeking, full-time students entering that institution, and to disclose these rates to all students and prospective students.
Further, Section 104 requires each institution that participates in any Title IV program and is attended by students receiving athleticallyrelated student aid to submit a report to the Secretary of Education annually. This report is to contain, among other things,
graduation/completion rates of all students as well as students receiving athletically-related student aid by race/ethnicity and gender
and by sport, and the average completion or graduation rate for the four most recent years. These data are also required to be
disclosed to parents, coaches, and potential student athletes when the institution offers athletically-related student aid. The Graduation
Rates component of IPEDS was developed specifically to help institutions respond to these requirements. See Graduation Rates for the
current description of data collected.


A predefined subset of the initial cohort or the revised cohort established for tracking purposes. Degree/certificate-seeking students in
the bachelor's degree-seeking group in the Graduation Rates (GR) component and Pell-Grant, non-first-time, part-time students in the
Outcome Measures (OM) component are examples of subcohorts.

Title IV institution

An institution that has a written agreement with the Secretary of Education that allows the institution to participate in any of the Title IV
federal student financial assistance programs (other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) and the National Early Intervention
Scholarship and Partnership (NEISP) programs).

U.S. Department of Education

Software Provider Resources

Use of Cookies

Section 508 Compliance

Browsers Supported


NCES Privacy Policy

IPEDS Help Desk
(877) 225-2568 or
NCES National Center for Education Statistics

date: 8/4/2017

2017-18 Survey Materials > Form

200% Graduation Rates for less-than-4-year institutions reporting on a fall cohort (academic reporters)

Graduation Rates 200 Overview
Welcome to the IPEDS Graduation Rates 200 (GR200) survey component. The GR200 component is a further extension of the traditional Graduation Rates (GR)
component which carries forward 100% and 150% graduation rates data previously reported in the GR component and requests information on any additional completers
and exclusions from the cohort between 151% and 200% of normal time for students to complete all requirements of their program of study. This information is collected
to assist institutions with complying with the requirements of the Higher Education Act, as amended.
Data Reporting Reminders
The reporting of data for the 200% completion period is not cumulative. Respondents are ONLY asked to report data for the time period between 151% and 200% of
normal time to completion.
When reporting award levels for sub-baccalaureate certificates, determine program length by the number of credit or contact hours, NOT the academic year length in
parentheses. The academic year length is meant only to provide context.

The survey materials package for this component can be downloaded using the following link: Survey Materials
If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.

Screening Question
Your institution reported to the GR survey component as having the following number of students who did not complete, but were still enrolled at your institution:

Do you have students to report who, 1) received an award between 151% and 200% of the normal time to complete OR are still enrolled as of 200% of normal time?

Completers within 200%
For less than 4-year institutions, report on the 2013 cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students.
Information for this cohort was originally reported by your institution in the 2016-17 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component. The data on lines 1-5 are preloaded
based on the information provided.

Graduation rates

Revised cohort


Exclusions within 150%


Adjusted cohort 150%


Number of students in the cohort who completed a program within 100% of normal time to completion


Number of students in the cohort who completed a program within 150% of normal time to completion


Additional exclusions (between 151% and 200% of normal time)


Adjusted cohort 200% (line 3 - line 6)


Number of students in the cohort who completed a program between 151% and 200% of normal time to completion


Still enrolled as of 200% of normal time to completion

10 Total completers within 200% of normal time (line 5 + line 8)
You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above. These context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website, and should
be written to be understood by students and parents.

U.S. Department of Education

Software Provider Resources

Use of Cookies

Section 508 Compliance

Browsers Supported


NCES Privacy Policy

IPEDS Help Desk
(877) 225-2568 or
NCES National Center for Education Statistics

2017-18 Survey Materials > Instructions

date: 8/4/2017

200% Graduation Rates Full Instructions - Less Than 4-Year Institutions

Purpose of Survey
General Instructions
Reporting period covered
Context boxes

Where to get help
Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Uploading Files to the IPEDS Data Collection System
Data Reporting Instructions
Purpose of the Survey
The primary purpose of the IPEDS GR200 survey component is to collect more extensive data on graduation rates as required by the Higher
Education Act, as amended. The necessary data are collected to calculate graduation rates at 200% of normal time to complete all
requirements of their program of study for the cohort of full-time, first-time bachelor's or equivalent degree-seeking students at 4-year
institutions; and for all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students at less than 4-year institutions.

General Instructions
Reporting period covered
This survey component collects data on the cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled at
your institution either (1) as of October 15, 2013 (or the institution's official fall reporting date) for institutions that offer a predominant
number of programs based on standard academic terms (e.g., semesters, trimesters, quarters, or 4-1-4 plan); or (2) during the period
between September 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014 for institutions that do not offer a predominant number of programs based on standard
academic terms. Institutions are to report the status of these students as of August 31, 2017.
The status of this cohort of students (the 2013 Graduation Rates cohort) within 150% of normal time to completion was previously
reported on the 2016-17 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component. The GR200 component further tracks the status of these students at
200% of normal time to completion.

Context Boxes
Context boxes are provided to allow institutions to provide more information regarding survey component items. Note that some context
boxes are posted on the College Navigator Website, which is the college search tool offered by NCES. NCES will review entries in these
context boxes for applicability and appropriateness before posting them on the College Navigator Website; institutions should check
grammar and spelling of their entries.

Data on the cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students in your institution's 2013 Graduation Rates
cohort, previously reported on the 2016-17 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component, are preloaded into the GR200 survey. The
parameters for coverage of the original cohort are outlined below.

Who to include in the cohort
Include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students entering the institution either during the fall term or
during the 12-month period as described above. Include students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the
prior summer term and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduating from high school).
Students must be enrolled in courses creditable toward a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award. Include students enrolled in
courses that are part of a vocational or occupational program, INCLUDING those enrolled in off-campus centers and those enrolled in
distance learning/home study programs.
Be sure to include full-time students taking remedial courses if the student is considered degree-seeking for the purpose of student
financial aid determination. This includes students who:
Received any type of federal financial aid, regardless of what courses they took at any time
Received any state or locally based financial aid with an eligibility requirement that the student be enrolled in a degree, certificate, or
transfer-seeking program
Obtained a student visa to study at a U.S. postsecondary institution
A student who is designated as a member of the 2013 cohort remains in the 2013 cohort, even if the student:
Becomes a part-time student
Transfers to another institution
Drops out of the institution
Stops out of the institution
Has not fulfilled the institution's requirements to receive a degree or certificate

Who to exclude from the cohort
DO NOT include students in the cohort who are:
Enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a formal award or the completion of a vocational program (i.e., nondegree/certificate-seeking students)
Exclusively taking CEUs
Exclusively auditing classes
Enrolled part-time
Transfers into the institution
Foreign students who are only taking coursework at a host institution (e.g., an American institution overseas), if these students are
not enrolled at a U.S. institution.

Where to Get Help with Reporting
IPEDS Help Desk
Phone: 1-877-225-2568

Web Tutorials
You can also consult the IPEDS Website Trainings & Outreach page which contains several tutorials on IPEDS data collection, a self-paced
overview of IPEDS tools, and other valuable resources.

IPEDS Resource Page
The IPEDS Website Reporting Tools page contains frequently asked questions, a link to data tip sheets, tutorials, taxonomies, information
centers (e.g., academic libraries, average net price, human resources, race/ethnicity, etc.), and other valuable information.

Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Data collected through IPEDS will be accessible at the institution- and aggregate-levels.
At the institution-level, data will appear in the:
College Navigator Website
IPEDS Data Center
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
College Affordability and Transparency Center Website

At the aggregate-level, data will appear in:
IPEDS First Looks
IPEDS Table Library
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
The Digest of Education Statistics
The Condition of Education

Uploading Files to the IPEDS Data Collection System
The File Import/Upload option is found under the Tools menu. In order to perform the upload you’ll need to have a file formatted to
specifications. Upload specifications are included with the survey materials found under the Help menu. There are two upload formats
available for the GR200 survey component:
Fixed width file
Key value file

Data Reporting Instructions
The GR200 survey component collects additional data on the cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
in your institution's 2013 Graduation Rates cohort, as first reported on the 2016-17 Graduation Rates survey component. Institutions
must report the status of these students as of August 31, 2017 so that a 200% graduation rate may be calculated. One hundred percent and
150% graduation rates were previously calculated in the 2016-17 Graduation Rates survey.
Graduation Rates data reported in the GR200 component are NOT reported by race and ethnicity.
A number of data elements are preloaded in this survey. Data elements 1-5 are preloaded based on your institution's 2016-17 Graduation
Rates reporting. These fields may not be updated. The 100% and 150% graduation rates calculated for the cohort based on the data
reported in 2016-17 are also preloaded, and may not be adjusted.
On line 6, please enter any additional allowable exclusions to the cohort. This should include any additional students who left your institution
between 151% and 200% of the normal time to complete their program (and have neither graduated nor transferred to another institution)
due to one of the following documented reasons:
a. The student is deceased or is totally and permanently disabled and thus unable to return to school.
b. The student left school to serve in the armed forces or was called up to active duty. (DO NOT include students already in the military
who transfer to another duty station.)
c. The student left school to serve with a foreign aid service of the Federal Government, such as the Peace Corps.
d. The student left school to serve on an official church mission.
NOTE: Students who leave the institution for one of the reasons noted above, but return prior to the status date of August 31, 2017, may
still be reported as exclusions.
Line 7, 200% adjusted cohort, is a calculated value representing the difference between the 150% adjusted cohort (line 3) and the

additional exclusions reported on line 6.
On line 8, report the number of students who completed a program (including eligible transfer-preparatory programs; as outlined in the
instructions for the Graduation Rates survey component) within the period of 151% to 200% of normal time. Once you save the page, the
total completers within 200% and the 200% graduation rate will be calculated in the appropriate boxes on line 10.
On line 9, report the number of students who are still enrolled at your institution as of 200% of normal time to completion.


date: 8/4/2017



Adjusted cohort

The result of removing any allowable exclusions from a cohort (or subcohort). For the Fall Enrollment component, it is the cohort for
calculating retention rate; for the Graduation Rates component, this is the cohort from which graduation and transfer-out rates are
calculated; and for the Outcome Measures component, these are the four cohorts (first-time, full-time; first-time, part-time; non-firsttime, full-time; or non-first-time, part-time) for which outcomes rates are calculated at 4, 6, and 8 years.


A specific group of students established for tracking purposes.


Those students who may be removed (deleted) from a cohort (or subcohort). For the Graduation Rates, Outcome Measures, and Fall
Enrollment retention rate reporting, students may be removed from a cohort if they left the institution for one of the following reasons:
death or total and permanent disability; service in the armed forces (including those called to active duty); service with a foreign aid
service of the federal government, such as the Peace Corps; or service on official church missions.

Fall cohort

The group of students entering in the fall term established for tracking purposes. For the Graduation Rates component, this includes
all students who enter an institution as full-time, first-time degree or certificate-seeking undergraduate students during the fall term of
a given year. For the Outcome Measures component, all degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who enter an institution
during the fall term of a given year must be placed in one of four cohorts: full-time, first-time; part-time, first-time; full-time, nonfirst-time; and part-time, non-first-time.

First-time student

A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the
undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled in academic or occupational programs. It also includes students enrolled in the
fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college
credits or postsecondary formal award earned before graduation from high school).

Full-time student

Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, or 12 or more quarter credits, or 24 or more contact hours a week
each term. Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or 9 or more quarter credits, or a student involved in thesis or
dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution. Doctor's degree - Professional practice - as defined by the

Full-year cohort

This is a group of students entering at any time during the 12-month period for tracking and reporting. For Graduation Rate (GR), a
full-year cohort is from September 1 through August 31 and is used primarily offer occupational programs of varying lengths. Students
must be full-time and first-time to be considered in the cohort. For Outcome Measures (OM) component, all degree-granting
institutions report on a full-year cohort from July 1 through June 30. Students are reported once in one of the four OM cohorts: firsttime, full-time; first-time, part-time: non-first-time, full-time; or non-first-time, part-time.

Graduation rate

The rate required for disclosure and/or reporting purposes under Student Right-to-Know Act. This rate is calculated as the total number
of completers within 150% of normal time divided by the revised adjusted cohort.

Graduation Rates (GR)

This annual component of IPEDS was added in 1997 to help institutions satisfy the requirements of the Student Right-to-Know
legislation. Data are collected on the number of students entering the institution as full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students in a particular year (cohort), by race/ethnicity and gender; the number completing their program within 150
percent of normal time to completion; the number that transfer to other institutions if transfer is part of the institution's mission. Prior
to 2007, institutions who offered athletically-related student aid were asked to report, by sport, the number of students receiving aid
and whether they completed within 150 percent of normal time to completion. Now, these institutions only need to report a URL where
the athletic data is located on their website, when available. GR automatically generates worksheets that calculate rates, including
average rates over 4 years.

Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System (IPEDS)

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual institutionlevel data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of Postsecondary
Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report data using a webbased data collection system. IPEDS currently consists of the following components: Institutional Characteristics (IC); 12-month
Enrollment (E12);Completions (C); Admissions (ADM); Student Financial Aid (SFA); Human Resources (HR) composed of Employees by
Assigned Position, Fall Staff, and Salaries; Fall Enrollment (EF); Graduation Rates (GR); Outcome Measures (OM); Finance (F); and
Academic Libraries (AL).

Normal time to completion

The amount of time necessary for a student to complete all requirements for a degree or certificate according to the institution's
catalog. This is typically 4 years (8 semesters or trimesters, or 12 quarters, excluding summer terms) for a bachelor's degree in a
standard term-based institution; 2 years (4 semesters or trimesters, or 6 quarters, excluding summer terms) for an associate's degree
in a standard term-based institution; and the various scheduled times for certificate programs.

Revised cohort

Initial cohort after revisions are made. Cohorts may be revised if an institution discovers that incorrect data were reported in an earlier

Student Right-to-Know Act

Also known as the "Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act" (P.L. 101-542), which was passed by Congress November 9, 1990.
Title I, Section 103, requires institutions eligible for Title IV funding to calculate completion or graduation rates of certificate- or
degree-seeking, full-time students entering that institution, and to disclose these rates to all students and prospective students.
Further, Section 104 requires each institution that participates in any Title IV program and is attended by students receiving athleticallyrelated student aid to submit a report to the Secretary of Education annually. This report is to contain, among other things,
graduation/completion rates of all students as well as students receiving athletically-related student aid by race/ethnicity and gender
and by sport, and the average completion or graduation rate for the four most recent years. These data are also required to be
disclosed to parents, coaches, and potential student athletes when the institution offers athletically-related student aid. The Graduation
Rates component of IPEDS was developed specifically to help institutions respond to these requirements. See Graduation Rates for the
current description of data collected.

Title IV institution

An institution that has a written agreement with the Secretary of Education that allows the institution to participate in any of the Title IV
federal student financial assistance programs (other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) and the National Early Intervention
Scholarship and Partnership (NEISP) programs).

Transfer-preparatory program

A program designed specifically to provide a student with the basic knowledge needed to transfer into a higher level program. For
example, this may be the first 2 years of a baccalaureate level program for which the institution does not offer an award, or 2 years of
undergraduate study needed for entrance into a first-professional program, or 1 or more years of undergraduate study needed for
entrance into health services fields.

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date: 8/4/2017

2017-18 Survey Materials > Form

200% Graduation Rates for less-than-4-year institutions reporting on a full-year cohort (program reporters)

Graduation Rates 200 Overview
Welcome to the IPEDS Graduation Rates 200 (GR200) survey component. The GR200 component is a further extension of the traditional Graduation Rates (GR)
component which carries forward 100% and 150% graduation rates data previously reported in the GR component and requests information on any additional completers
and exclusions from the cohort between 151% and 200% of normal time for students to complete all requirements of their program of study. This information is collected
to assist institutions with complying with the requirements of the Higher Education Act, as amended.
Data Reporting Reminders
The reporting of data for the 200% completion period is not cumulative. Respondents are ONLY asked to report data for the time period between 151% and 200% of
normal time to completion.
When reporting award levels for sub-baccalaureate certificates, determine program length by the number of credit or contact hours, NOT the academic year length in
parentheses. The academic year length is meant only to provide context.

The survey materials package for this component can be downloaded using the following link: Survey Materials
If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.

Screening Question
Your institution reported to the GR survey component as having the following number of students who did not complete, but were still enrolled at your institution:

Do you have students to report who, 1) received an award between 151% and 200% of the normal time to complete OR are still enrolled as of 200% of normal time?

Completers within 200%
For less than 4-year institutions, report on the 2013 cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students.
Information for this cohort was originally reported by your institution in the 2016-17 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component. The data on lines 1-5 are preloaded
based on the information provided.

Graduation rates

Revised cohort


Exclusions within 150%


Adjusted cohort 150%


Number of students in the cohort who completed a program within 100% of normal time to completion


Number of students in the cohort who completed a program within 150% of normal time to completion


Additional exclusions (between 151% and 200% of normal time)


Adjusted cohort 200% (line 3 - line 6)


Number of students in the cohort who completed a program between 151% and 200% of normal time to completion


Still enrolled as of 200% of normal time to completion

10 Total completers within 200% of normal time (line 5 + line 8)
You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above. These context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website, and should
be written to be understood by students and parents.

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2017-18 Survey Materials > Instructions

date: 8/4/2017

200% Graduation Rates Full Instructions - Less Than 4-Year Institutions

Purpose of Survey
General Instructions
Reporting period covered
Context boxes

Where to get help
Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Uploading Files to the IPEDS Data Collection System
Data Reporting Instructions
Purpose of the Survey
The primary purpose of the IPEDS GR200 survey component is to collect more extensive data on graduation rates as required by the Higher
Education Act, as amended. The necessary data are collected to calculate graduation rates at 200% of normal time to complete all
requirements of their program of study for the cohort of full-time, first-time bachelor's or equivalent degree-seeking students at 4-year
institutions; and for all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students at less than 4-year institutions.

General Instructions
Reporting period covered
This survey component collects data on the cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled at
your institution either (1) as of October 15, 2013 (or the institution's official fall reporting date) for institutions that offer a predominant
number of programs based on standard academic terms (e.g., semesters, trimesters, quarters, or 4-1-4 plan); or (2) during the period
between September 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014 for institutions that do not offer a predominant number of programs based on standard
academic terms. Institutions are to report the status of these students as of August 31, 2017.
The status of this cohort of students (the 2013 Graduation Rates cohort) within 150% of normal time to completion was previously
reported on the 2016-17 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component. The GR200 component further tracks the status of these students at
200% of normal time to completion.

Context Boxes
Context boxes are provided to allow institutions to provide more information regarding survey component items. Note that some context
boxes are posted on the College Navigator Website, which is the college search tool offered by NCES. NCES will review entries in these
context boxes for applicability and appropriateness before posting them on the College Navigator Website; institutions should check
grammar and spelling of their entries.

Data on the cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students in your institution's 2013 Graduation Rates
cohort, previously reported on the 2016-17 IPEDS Graduation Rates survey component, are preloaded into the GR200 survey. The
parameters for coverage of the original cohort are outlined below.

Who to include in the cohort
Include all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students entering the institution either during the fall term or
during the 12-month period as described above. Include students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the
prior summer term and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduating from high school).
Students must be enrolled in courses creditable toward a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award. Include students enrolled in
courses that are part of a vocational or occupational program, INCLUDING those enrolled in off-campus centers and those enrolled in
distance learning/home study programs.
Be sure to include full-time students taking remedial courses if the student is considered degree-seeking for the purpose of student
financial aid determination. This includes students who:
Received any type of federal financial aid, regardless of what courses they took at any time
Received any state or locally based financial aid with an eligibility requirement that the student be enrolled in a degree, certificate, or
transfer-seeking program
Obtained a student visa to study at a U.S. postsecondary institution
A student who is designated as a member of the 2013 cohort remains in the 2013 cohort, even if the student:
Becomes a part-time student
Transfers to another institution
Drops out of the institution
Stops out of the institution
Has not fulfilled the institution's requirements to receive a degree or certificate

Who to exclude from the cohort
DO NOT include students in the cohort who are:
Enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a formal award or the completion of a vocational program (i.e., nondegree/certificate-seeking students)
Exclusively taking CEUs
Exclusively auditing classes
Enrolled part-time
Transfers into the institution
Foreign students who are only taking coursework at a host institution (e.g., an American institution overseas), if these students are
not enrolled at a U.S. institution.

Where to Get Help with Reporting
IPEDS Help Desk
Phone: 1-877-225-2568

Web Tutorials
You can also consult the IPEDS Website Trainings & Outreach page which contains several tutorials on IPEDS data collection, a self-paced
overview of IPEDS tools, and other valuable resources.

IPEDS Resource Page
The IPEDS Website Reporting Tools page contains frequently asked questions, a link to data tip sheets, tutorials, taxonomies, information
centers (e.g., academic libraries, average net price, human resources, race/ethnicity, etc.), and other valuable information.

Where the Reported Data Will Appear
Data collected through IPEDS will be accessible at the institution- and aggregate-levels.
At the institution-level, data will appear in the:
College Navigator Website
IPEDS Data Center
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
College Affordability and Transparency Center Website

At the aggregate-level, data will appear in:
IPEDS First Looks
IPEDS Table Library
IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
The Digest of Education Statistics
The Condition of Education

Uploading Files to the IPEDS Data Collection System
The File Import/Upload option is found under the Tools menu. In order to perform the upload you’ll need to have a file formatted to
specifications. Upload specifications are included with the survey materials found under the Help menu. There are two upload formats
available for the GR200 survey component:
Fixed width file
Key value file

Data Reporting Instructions
The GR200 survey component collects additional data on the cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students
in your institution's 2013 Graduation Rates cohort, as first reported on the 2016-17 Graduation Rates survey component. Institutions
must report the status of these students as of August 31, 2017 so that a 200% graduation rate may be calculated. One hundred percent and
150% graduation rates were previously calculated in the 2016-17 Graduation Rates survey.
Graduation Rates data reported in the GR200 component are NOT reported by race and ethnicity.
A number of data elements are preloaded in this survey. Data elements 1-5 are preloaded based on your institution's 2016-17 Graduation
Rates reporting. These fields may not be updated. The 100% and 150% graduation rates calculated for the cohort based on the data
reported in 2016-17 are also preloaded, and may not be adjusted.
On line 6, please enter any additional allowable exclusions to the cohort. This should include any additional students who left your institution
between 151% and 200% of the normal time to complete their program (and have neither graduated nor transferred to another institution)
due to one of the following documented reasons:
a. The student is deceased or is totally and permanently disabled and thus unable to return to school.
b. The student left school to serve in the armed forces or was called up to active duty. (DO NOT include students already in the military
who transfer to another duty station.)
c. The student left school to serve with a foreign aid service of the Federal Government, such as the Peace Corps.
d. The student left school to serve on an official church mission.
NOTE: Students who leave the institution for one of the reasons noted above, but return prior to the status date of August 31, 2017, may
still be reported as exclusions.
Line 7, 200% adjusted cohort, is a calculated value representing the difference between the 150% adjusted cohort (line 3) and the

additional exclusions reported on line 6.
On line 8, report the number of students who completed a program (including eligible transfer-preparatory programs; as outlined in the
instructions for the Graduation Rates survey component) within the period of 151% to 200% of normal time. Once you save the page, the
total completers within 200% and the 200% graduation rate will be calculated in the appropriate boxes on line 10.
On line 9, report the number of students who are still enrolled at your institution as of 200% of normal time to completion.


date: 8/4/2017



Adjusted cohort

The result of removing any allowable exclusions from a cohort (or subcohort). For the Fall Enrollment component, it is the cohort for
calculating retention rate; for the Graduation Rates component, this is the cohort from which graduation and transfer-out rates are
calculated; and for the Outcome Measures component, these are the four cohorts (first-time, full-time; first-time, part-time; non-firsttime, full-time; or non-first-time, part-time) for which outcomes rates are calculated at 4, 6, and 8 years.


A specific group of students established for tracking purposes.


Those students who may be removed (deleted) from a cohort (or subcohort). For the Graduation Rates, Outcome Measures, and Fall
Enrollment retention rate reporting, students may be removed from a cohort if they left the institution for one of the following reasons:
death or total and permanent disability; service in the armed forces (including those called to active duty); service with a foreign aid
service of the federal government, such as the Peace Corps; or service on official church missions.

Fall cohort

The group of students entering in the fall term established for tracking purposes. For the Graduation Rates component, this includes
all students who enter an institution as full-time, first-time degree or certificate-seeking undergraduate students during the fall term of
a given year. For the Outcome Measures component, all degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who enter an institution
during the fall term of a given year must be placed in one of four cohorts: full-time, first-time; part-time, first-time; full-time, nonfirst-time; and part-time, non-first-time.

First-time student

A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the
undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled in academic or occupational programs. It also includes students enrolled in the
fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college
credits or postsecondary formal award earned before graduation from high school).

Full-time student

Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, or 12 or more quarter credits, or 24 or more contact hours a week
each term. Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or 9 or more quarter credits, or a student involved in thesis or
dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution. Doctor's degree - Professional practice - as defined by the

Full-year cohort

This is a group of students entering at any time during the 12-month period for tracking and reporting. For Graduation Rate (GR), a
full-year cohort is from September 1 through August 31 and is used primarily offer occupational programs of varying lengths. Students
must be full-time and first-time to be considered in the cohort. For Outcome Measures (OM) component, all degree-granting
institutions report on a full-year cohort from July 1 through June 30. Students are reported once in one of the four OM cohorts: firsttime, full-time; first-time, part-time: non-first-time, full-time; or non-first-time, part-time.

Graduation rate

The rate required for disclosure and/or reporting purposes under Student Right-to-Know Act. This rate is calculated as the total number
of completers within 150% of normal time divided by the revised adjusted cohort.

Graduation Rates (GR)

This annual component of IPEDS was added in 1997 to help institutions satisfy the requirements of the Student Right-to-Know
legislation. Data are collected on the number of students entering the institution as full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking
undergraduate students in a particular year (cohort), by race/ethnicity and gender; the number completing their program within 150
percent of normal time to completion; the number that transfer to other institutions if transfer is part of the institution's mission. Prior
to 2007, institutions who offered athletically-related student aid were asked to report, by sport, the number of students receiving aid
and whether they completed within 150 percent of normal time to completion. Now, these institutions only need to report a URL where
the athletic data is located on their website, when available. GR automatically generates worksheets that calculate rates, including
average rates over 4 years.

Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System (IPEDS)

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual institutionlevel data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of Postsecondary
Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report data using a webbased data collection system. IPEDS currently consists of the following components: Institutional Characteristics (IC); 12-month
Enrollment (E12);Completions (C); Admissions (ADM); Student Financial Aid (SFA); Human Resources (HR) composed of Employees by
Assigned Position, Fall Staff, and Salaries; Fall Enrollment (EF); Graduation Rates (GR); Outcome Measures (OM); Finance (F); and
Academic Libraries (AL).

Normal time to completion

The amount of time necessary for a student to complete all requirements for a degree or certificate according to the institution's
catalog. This is typically 4 years (8 semesters or trimesters, or 12 quarters, excluding summer terms) for a bachelor's degree in a
standard term-based institution; 2 years (4 semesters or trimesters, or 6 quarters, excluding summer terms) for an associate's degree
in a standard term-based institution; and the various scheduled times for certificate programs.

Revised cohort

Initial cohort after revisions are made. Cohorts may be revised if an institution discovers that incorrect data were reported in an earlier

Student Right-to-Know Act

Also known as the "Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act" (P.L. 101-542), which was passed by Congress November 9, 1990.
Title I, Section 103, requires institutions eligible for Title IV funding to calculate completion or graduation rates of certificate- or
degree-seeking, full-time students entering that institution, and to disclose these rates to all students and prospective students.
Further, Section 104 requires each institution that participates in any Title IV program and is attended by students receiving athleticallyrelated student aid to submit a report to the Secretary of Education annually. This report is to contain, among other things,
graduation/completion rates of all students as well as students receiving athletically-related student aid by race/ethnicity and gender
and by sport, and the average completion or graduation rate for the four most recent years. These data are also required to be
disclosed to parents, coaches, and potential student athletes when the institution offers athletically-related student aid. The Graduation
Rates component of IPEDS was developed specifically to help institutions respond to these requirements. See Graduation Rates for the
current description of data collected.

Title IV institution

An institution that has a written agreement with the Secretary of Education that allows the institution to participate in any of the Title IV
federal student financial assistance programs (other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) and the National Early Intervention
Scholarship and Partnership (NEISP) programs).

Transfer-preparatory program

A program designed specifically to provide a student with the basic knowledge needed to transfer into a higher level program. For
example, this may be the first 2 years of a baccalaureate level program for which the institution does not offer an award, or 2 years of
undergraduate study needed for entrance into a first-professional program, or 1 or more years of undergraduate study needed for
entrance into health services fields.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorLawley, Tara
File Modified2017-08-18
File Created2017-08-18

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