Site Wide Survey
Revised November 3, 2015
Launch from sticky button on selected trigger pages.
is looking for your feedback. Thanks for taking a moment to tell us
about your experience today on!” – Insert
OMB clearance number and related information about here.
(RADIO) Including today, how many times have you visited since [INSERT Relevant Date: e.g., November 1, 2015]? [HSG4]
a. |
Today was the only time |
b. |
2 to 3 times |
c. |
4 to 5 times |
d. |
6 to 10 times |
e. |
More than 10 times |
(RADIO) How much time did you spend on today? [HSG4]
a. |
Less than 1 hour |
b. |
1 to 2 hours |
c. |
2 to 3 hours |
d. |
3 to 4 hours |
e. |
4 to 5 hours |
f. |
5 hours or more |
(RADIO) Which of these best describes you? [K1]
a. |
An individual or family interested in getting Marketplace health insurance for the first time (code as ‘new’) (Go to Q4) |
b. |
An individual or family interested in getting Marketplace health insurance again (code as ‘re-enrolling’) (Go to Q4) |
c. |
A small business employee (skip to Q23) |
d. |
A small business employer (skip to Q23) |
e. |
A CMS call center representative (skip to Q23) |
f. |
A CMS certified assister or navigator (Go to Q4) |
g. |
A CMS certified broker or agent (skip to Q23) |
h. |
An insurance company representative (skip to Q23) |
i. |
None of these (skip to Q23) |
(RADIO) What did you do most recently today on [BG1]
a. |
Looked at information about Marketplace health insurance [Go to Q5 ] |
b. |
[if Q3=a] Created an account [Go to Q7 ] |
c. |
plans and prices BEFORE
filling out an application (“See
Plans and Prices”) |
d. |
Started or continued an Application [Go to Q10] |
e. |
Shopped and compared plans AFTER filling out the Application [Go to Q15] |
f. |
Enrolled or renewed a plan[Go to Q18] |
g. |
I didn’t do any of these today[Go to Q23] |
for/reading information
(RADIO) (if Q4=a or Q4=b) Did you find the information you were looking for on [BG6B]
a. |
Yes (Go to Q23) |
b. |
No (Go to Q6) |
c. |
Not applicable |
(TEXT AREA) What information were you looking for that you couldn’t find? (Open-end) [BG6A]
(Go to overall satisfaction – Q23)
a Account
(RADIO) [if Q4=b] Overall, how easy or difficult was it to create your account? [PG1]
a. |
Very easy |
b. |
Somewhat easy |
c. |
Somewhat difficult |
d. |
Very difficult |
(Go to overall satisfaction – Q23)
plans and costs
(RADIO) Before you apply/applied for insurance, how helpful was See Plans and Prices in showing plans that may be available to you and the estimated prices? [PG8]
a. |
Very helpful |
b. |
Somewhat helpful |
c. |
Not very helpful |
d. |
Not at all helpful |
e. |
Not applicable |
How much do you agree or disagree that See Plans and Prices made it clear that the plan prices were an estimate and not the final prices? [PG9]
a. |
Strongly agree |
b. |
Somewhat agree |
c. |
Somewhat disagree |
d. |
Strongly disagree |
e. |
Not applicable |
(Go to overall satisfaction –
or completing the Application
(RADIO) (if Q4=d) Overall, how easy or difficult was it to fill out the Application? [PG10]
a. |
Very easy |
b. |
Somewhat easy |
c. |
Somewhat difficult |
d. |
Very difficult |
e. |
Not applicable |
(RADIO) Did you submit your application for health insurance on by pressing the SUBMIT APPLICATION button? [US1]
a. |
Yes (Go to Q12) |
b. |
No (Go to overall satisfaction – Q23) |
(RADIO) After you submitted your application, did the website give you a detailed Eligibility Report (a PDF file to download) showing if you are eligible to get help paying for insurance? [US1]
a. |
Yes (Go to Q13) |
b. |
No (Go to overall satisfaction – Q23) |
c. |
I don’t know (Go to overall satisfaction – Q23) |
(CHECK BOXES) Did the Eligibility Report say that someone in your household qualifies for any of these? (Check all that apply, except e. is exclusive) [US1A]
(RADIO) Overall, how easy or difficult was it to understand your Eligibility Report? [US2C]
a. |
Very easy |
b. |
Somewhat easy |
c. |
Somewhat difficult |
d. |
Very difficult |
e. |
I didn’t read the Eligibility Report |
to overall satisfaction – Q23)
and comparing health plans
(RADIO) (if Q4=e) Overall, how easy or difficult was it to shop for a health plan on [US2C]
a. |
Very easy |
b. |
Somewhat easy |
c. |
Somewhat difficult |
d. |
Very difficult |
e. |
I didn’t shop for a health plan |
(CHECKBOX) When reviewing plans, did you do any of these activities? (Check all that apply, except h. is exclusive) [US1A]
a. |
Read “3 Things to know” about how to select a plan |
b. |
View monthly premiums |
c. |
View out-of-pocket costs (like deductible, copayment, or coinsurance) |
d. |
View maximum out-of-pocket cost (the most you would pay in a year) |
e. |
View plan details (such as benefits, types of medical services included, etc.) |
f. |
Look for a directory of doctors or hospitals |
g. |
Compare two or more plans |
h. |
I didn’t do any of these things [accept only if a-g not checked] |
(RADIO) (if Q16g is checked) Overall, how easy or difficult was it to compare plans? [US2C]
a. |
Very easy |
b. |
Somewhat easy |
c. |
Somewhat difficult |
d. |
Very difficult |
e. |
I didn’t compare plans |
to overall satisfaction – Q23)
in a plan
(RADIO) (if Q 4 = f) How easy or difficult was it to enroll in the plan that you selected on [US2C]
a. |
Very easy |
b. |
Somewhat easy |
c. |
Somewhat difficult |
d. |
Very difficult |
e. |
I did not enroll in a plan (Go to Q23) |
(RADIO) How confident are you that you enrolled in a health plan that meets your health and financial needs? [SOI2D]
a. |
Very confident |
b. |
Somewhat confident |
c. |
Not very confident |
d. |
Not at all confident |
e. |
I did not enroll in a plan (Go to Q23) |
(CHECKBOX) What was the most difficult part of the process of getting insurance on, if any? (Check all that apply, except h. is exclusive) [PG1]
a. |
Creating or accessing my account |
b. |
Completing or revising the application |
c. |
Finding out how much my plan would cost |
d. |
Understanding the tax credit or subsidy |
e. |
Choosing a plan |
f. |
Finding the information I needed |
g. |
Something else |
h. |
None of these (accept only if a-g not checked) |
(CHECKBOX) Did you get help enrolling in a Health Insurance Marketplace plan from any of the following? (Choose all that apply, except d. is exclusive) [KG8]
a. |
An in-person assister |
b. |
A customer service representative at the Marketplace 1-800 number |
c. |
An insurance agent or broker |
d. |
I did not contact any of these (accept only if a-c not checked) |
(MATRIX TABLE) How satisfied are you with the following? [ISG1]
Very satisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Not very satisfied |
Not at all satisfied |
N/A |
to overall satisfaction – Q23)
Overall satisfaction
(MATRIX TABLE) How satisfied are you with the following [ISG1]:
Very satisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Not very satisfied |
Not at all satisfied |
N/A |
AREA) [If Q26=not very
satisfied or not at all satisfied] Please tell us the reason that
you were not satisfied. (Open-end text to be output along with
corresponding categorical information from Q3, Q13, Q26, Q29, Q34,
Q35, Q36.) [ISG1]
(RADIO) How likely are you to recommend to family or friends who need health insurance? [BG8]
a. |
Very likely |
b. |
Somewhat likely |
c. |
Not very likely |
d. |
Not at all likely |
e. |
Not applicable |
(RADIO) Which of the following was true regarding your insurance before today? [ING3]
a. |
I was uninsured for more than 2 years |
b. |
I was uninsured for between 1 and 2 years |
c. |
I was uninsured for between 6 months and 1 year |
d. |
I was uninsured for less than 6 months |
e. |
I enrolled in a Health Insurance Marketplace health plan for 2015 and I came to to change plans or re-enroll in my current plan |
f. |
I had other health insurance in 2015, but came to to get a new plan |
(RADIO) (If Q29=e) Did you enroll in the same Health Insurance Marketplace plan as in 2016? [BG1]
Yes, I enrolled in the same plan
No, I enrolled in a different plan
have not re-enrolled yet
(RADIO) (Q29=e) Which of the following is true about your 2016 plan, if any? [PG3]
My plan costs increased
My plan costs decreased
My plan costs stayed the same
don’t know
(RADIO) (Q29=e) Which of the following is true about your 2016 plan, if any? [PG3]
My plan moved to a higher metal level (example: silver to gold)
My plan moved to a lower metal level (example: silver to bronze)
My plan stayed at the same metal level
I don’t know
(RADIO) (Q29=e) Which of the following is true about your 2016 plan, if any? [PG3]
The coverage changed and is better for me now
The coverage changed and it is not as good for me now
The coverage did not change
My plan was discontinued
I don’t know
(TEXT) What year were you born? [DG2]
(RADIO) How many people in your household are applying/have applied for coverage for 2016? [DG7]
a. |
None (not applying for coverage) |
b. |
One |
c. |
Two |
d. |
Three |
e. |
Four |
f. |
Five |
g. |
Six |
h. |
Seven |
i. |
Eight or more |
j. |
I have not decided |
(RADIO) What is your household’s total annual income before taxes? [DG10]
a. |
$0-14,999 |
b. |
$15,000-24,999 |
c. |
$25,000-34,999 |
d. |
$35,000-49,999 |
e. |
$50,000-74,999 |
f. |
$75,000-99,999 |
g. |
$100,000-149,999 |
h. |
$150,000 or more |
i. |
I prefer not to answer |
If you would like to be notified of future research by email, provide your name and email address:
Q37. Name: _____________________
Email Address: ____________________
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.
PRA Disclosure Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-1247. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 4 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. Please do not send applications, claims, payments, medical records or any documents containing sensitive information to the PRA Reports Clearance Office. Please note that any correspondence not pertaining to the information collection burden approved under the associated OMB control number listed on this form will not be reviewed, forwarded, or retained. If you have questions or concerns regarding where to submit your documents, please contact Allyssa Allen at (410) 786-8436 or
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-12 |