The public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to be one half hour. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number is displayed.
Expiration Date:
The purpose of this research is to understand the characteristics, interaction with public housing authorities (PHAs), and activities of ROSS Service Coordinator (ROSS-SC). {Grantee} received a ROSS-SC grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order to fund your efforts to help their public housing residents attain economic and housing self-sufficiency, or to age-in-place and maintain independent living. This survey asks you for details about:
The role and activities of your current position as a service coordinator;
Characteristics and needs of the residents you serve;
How you interact with these residents;
The local service providers you work with in your role; and
The types of support you receive from {grantee}.
Your responses will provide us with information on the type of work done by Service Coordinators, and will help us accurately represent the scope of Service Coordinators’ work in our report to HUD.
The survey consists of 78 questions and should take about 30 minutes to complete. Your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. Your refusal to participate will not affect your program’s funding or your employment as a Service Coordinator. You may also discontinue the survey at any time with no penalty.
The risks to participating are minimal; we will report the results in aggregate, and neither your name nor the name of your employer will be used in any reporting. HUD will receive a copy of the survey responses with all personally identifying information removed so that your responses cannot be connected to you. All information will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. For questions or concerns, please contact Chris Hayes at 202-261-5650 or
I understand the above information and consent to participate in the survey.
No [exits survey]
This section asks about your individual tenure and work schedule in your current role as Service Coordinator for {grantee}.
How many months have you worked in your current position as Service Coordinator?
Fewer than 6 months
7-12 months
12-24 months
More than 24 months
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
On average, how many hours per week do you work for the ROSS-SC program?
Fewer than 20 hours per week
Between 20 and 34 hours per week
35 hours per week or more
Don’t know
This section asks about the residents you serve and your responsibilities in your role as a Service Coordinator.
About how many residents do you currently serve in your role as a ROSS service coordinator?
Fewer than 25
More than 150
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
How many individual residents come to you every month to receive any type of assistance, on average?
Fewer than 10
More than 50
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
On average, how often do you meet with the residents who you meet with at least once a month?
Two to three times a week
At least once a week
At least once every two weeks
Intermittently or as needed
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
How long do meetings with residents typically last?
Less than 15 minutes
15-30 minutes
30-45 minutes
45-60 minutes
More than 60 minutes
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
Where do you meet with residents? Select all that apply.
In the resident's home
In an office located in the public housing development
In an office or other space located in the same neighborhood
In an office or other space located in a different neighborhood
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
Does your organization have a Local Program Coordinating Committee (PCC) or something similar? The purpose of a PCC is to secure public and private resources to support ROSS-SC by establishing a network of advisors and service providers. The PCC may include representatives from the PHA, public housing residents, local government, local service providers, and/or local employers.
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
(If Q8 is answered “No” or “Don’t Know”, skip to question Q11)
How frequently does the PCC schedule meetings? Please consider both meetings attended by all members of the PCC, as well as those attended by a smaller number of members who are available.
More than once a month
Every other month
Intermittently or as needed
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
How effective is the PCC in helping {grantee} achieve its goals?
Very effective
Somewhat effective
Not at all effective
Don't know
Prefer not to answer
Which of the following functions are you performing as a service coordinator? Select all that apply.
Organizing a Local Program Coordinating Committee
Marketing the program to residents
Coordinating services on behalf of individual residents
Overseeing the routine delivery of services
Ensuring quality of services delivered
Coordinating educational events related to self-sufficiency topics
Encouraging residents to build informal self-sufficiency support networks
Supporting community-based groups to support self-sufficiency efforts
Tracking service provision
Reporting to HUD the progress of residents enrolled in the program
Documenting overall program performance
Have you assisted families in resolving any of the following issues that require immediate attention? That is, issues that had to be addressed that day? Select all that apply.
Eviction prevention
Domestic violence
Food insecurity
Property management/ maintenance
Providing transportation to appointments
Health emergencies
Drug-related emergencies
Working with child protective services
Other immediate/emergency problems (specify)
This section asks about the type of people you serve and their service needs.
What types of residents live at the property (or properties) you serve? Select all that apply.
Single occupants
Working-age families without children
Working-age families with children
Senior or elderly residents
Non-elderly residents with disabilities
Other (Please specify)
What types of people do you target for ROSS-SC? Select all that apply.
Elderly residents
Families with children
Residents with physical disabilities
Residents with mental health needs
Unemployed residents
Working residents
Non-English-speaking residents
Other (Please specify)
Do you serve disabled residents for ROSS-SC?
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
(If Q15 is answered “No”, “Don’t know” or “Prefer not to answer”, skip to Q17}
What proportion of your disabled clients are non-elderly, disabled?
All or nearly all
More than three quarters of your disabled clients
More than half but less than three-quarters of your disabled clients
Less than half of your disabled clients
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
What proportion of residents eligible to receive services don’t speak English?
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
What provisions do you make for serving non-English-speaking residents? Select all that apply.
{Grantee} staff provide translation services
Partner organization provides translation services
Service coordinators (including yourself) are multi-lingual
Partner organizations providing self-sufficiency services specialize in serving non-English-speaking clients
Other (Please specify)
For each of the following potential service areas, please indicate whether it is one of the needs of your target population. Note that we are not asking whether {grantee} or its partners provide the service.
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
Prefer not to answer |
_________________________________________________________________ |
This section asks about how you interact with the residents you currently serve.
What types of residents are most likely to use services? Select all that apply.
Elderly residents
Single parent families
Families with children
Residents with physical disabilities
Residents with mental health needs
Unemployed residents
Working residents
Non-English-speaking residents
How do you know if a resident needs help? Select all that apply.
Direct community outreach
Neighbor referral
Information from property managers
Information from service provider at a property
Information from a service provider not operating at the property
Information from {grantee}
Informal assessment
Formal intake assessment
Other (please specify)
How often do you conduct a formal assessment of participants?
Only at intake
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
What share of participants has a formal intake assessment?
All participants
Most participants
Some participants
None of the participants
Don't know
Prefer not to answer
Do you use Individual Training Service Plans (ITSPs), which are intended to help residents identify actions needed to become self-sufficient?
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
(If Q33 is answered “No”. “Don’t know” or “Prefer not to answer”, skip to Q38)
How do you use Individual Training Service Plans (ITSPs)? Select all that apply.
To identify resident needs
To direct residents to available services
To track resident engagement with service providers
To help residents set personal goals
To track resident progress toward goals
Other (please specify)
In your estimation, what share of residents has an Individual Training Service Plan?
All participants
Most participants
Some participants
None of the participants
Don't know
Prefer not to answer
How effective are Individual Training Service Plans in assisting participants with their goals?
Very effective
Very ineffective
Don't know
Prefer not to answer
For which type(s) of residents do the Individual Training Service Plans help obtain the services they need? Select all that apply.
Elderly residents
Single parent families
Families with children
Residents with physical disabilities
Residents with mental health needs
Unemployed residents
Working residents
Non-English-speaking residents
This section asks about how you track your interactions with engaged residents.
How do you track client interactions?
Paper records
Off-the-shelf case management software (Please specify)
Custom-design case management software
Other (please specify)
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
Please indicate whether you track resident outcomes in each of the following categories.
Outcome |
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
Prefer not to answer |
This section asks about how you interact with {grantee}, how {grantee} supports your work as service coordinator, and what services {grantee} provides to the residents you serve.
Please indicate how satisfied you are with each of the following ways in which {grantee} supports you in your role as service coordinator.
Very satisfied |
Satisfied |
Unsatisfied |
Very unsatisfied |
Don’t know |
Prefer not to answer |
This section asks about your partnerships with local service providers.
For the following types of services, do you refer residents to service providers in that category? If so, do the service providers have the capacity to meet the demand for the services they offer?
Service |
Not available |
Refer to partner organizations to provide services? |
Partner organization(s) able to meet resident demand for service? |
Yes – single partner organization |
Yes – multiple partner organizations |
No |
Don’t know |
Prefer not to answer |
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
Prefer not to answer |
________________________ |
This final section asks you to describe yourself.
How do you describe your gender?
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
Do you describe your ethnicity as Hispanic or Latino/a?
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
How do you describe your race?
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Other (Please specify)
Don’t Know
Prefer not to answer
In what year were you born? [4-digit year]
What is the highest level of education that you have ever completed?
Less than high school
High school diploma, GED or equivalent
Some technical, vocational or business courses
Vocational/tech/business certificate or diploma
Some college
Associate’s degree or technical certificate
Four-year college degree
Some graduate school
Graduate or professional degree
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
How many years of total work experience do you have?
Less than 1 year
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
More than 10 years
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
Do you have any professional certifications that help you in your role as service coordinator?
Don't know
Prefer not to answer
Please list your certifications that help you in your role as service coordinator. [Open ended]
What is your total compensation from {grantee}?
Less than $15,000
$15,000 – 29,999
$30,000 - $44,999
$45,000 - $59,999
$60,000 or more
Don’t know
Prefer not to answer
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Myhre, Marina L |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |