30 CFR 550.303; 304- Facilities described in new or revised EP,DPP, or DOCD

30 CFR Part 550, Subpart C, Pollution Prevention and Control


30 CFR 550.303; 304- Facilities described in new or revised EP,DPP, or DOCD

OMB: 1010-0057

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OCS Study

Draft User’s Guide for the 2017 Gulfwide
Offshore Activities Data System

U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

OCS Study

Draft User’s Guide for the 2017 Gulfwide
Offshore Activities Data System


Darcy Wilson
Stacie Enoch
Steve Mendenhall
Regi Oommen
Eastern Research Group, Inc.
Morrisville, North Carolina

Prepared under BOEM Contract
Eastern Research Group, Inc.
1600 Perimeter Park Drive
Morrisville, NC 27560

Published by
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

New Orleans
October 2016

This report was prepared under contract between the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
(BOEM) and Eastern Research Group, Inc. This report has been technically reviewed by BOEM,
and it has been approved for publication. Approval does not necessarily signify that the contents
reflect the views and policies of BOEM, nor does mention of trade names or commercial
products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

To download a PDF file of this Gulf of Mexico OCS Region report, go to the U.S. Department of
the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Environmental Studies Program Information
System website and search on OCS Study BOEM 2016-XXX.
This report can be viewed at select Federal Depository Libraries. It can also be obtained from the
National Technical Information Service; the contact information is below.
U.S. Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service
5301 Shawnee Rd.
Springfield, Virginia 22312
Phone: (703) 605-6000, 1 (800) 553-6847
Fax: (703) 605-6900
Website: http://www.ntis.gov/

Wilson, D., S. Enoch, S. Mendenhall, and R. Oommen. 2016. User’s guide for the 2017
Gulfwide Offshore Activities Data System (GOADS-2017). U.S. Dept. of the Interior,
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA.
OCS Study BOEM 2016-XXX.


LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... viii
1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1
1.1 Changes Made in GOADS-2017 .................................................................................... 1
1.2 Principles of Use and System Requirements .................................................................. 2
1.3 Installation ...................................................................................................................... 2
2. USING THE 2017 GULFWIDE OFFSHORE ACTIVITIES DATA SYSTEMS (GOADS2017) ..........................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Starting and Exiting GOADS-2017 ................................................................................ 6
2.2 Creating and Editing Data ............................................................................................ 14
2.2.1 Creating and Editing Structure Data ............................................................... 14
2.2.2 Creating and Editing Equipment Data ............................................................ 19
2.3 Quality Control Tests ................................................................................................... 21
2.4 Saving and Backing up Work....................................................................................... 22
2.5 Setting Status of Facilities and Equipment................................................................... 22
2.6 Finding Help and Extra Information ............................................................................ 23
3. UPON SURVEY COMPLETION ...........................................................................................25
3.1 How, When, and Where to Deliver Data Files ............................................................. 25
3.2 Failed Quality Control Tests ........................................................................................ 25
3.3 QA Summary Form ...................................................................................................... 25
4. HELP TEXT FILES .................................................................................................................27
4.1 User Information .......................................................................................................... 27
4.1.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 27
4.2 Structure Information ................................................................................................... 28
4.2.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 28
4.2.2 Sales Gas Data ................................................................................................ 29
4.2.3 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 29
4.3 Amine Gas Sweetening Unit ........................................................................................ 30
4.3.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 30
4.3.2 Model Inputs Tab ............................................................................................ 30
4.3.3 Ventilation System Tab for Acid Gas from the Reboiler ............................... 31
4.3.4 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 32
4.3.5 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 33
4.4 Boiler/Heater/Burner .................................................................................................... 34
4.4.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 34
4.4.2 Exhaust System Tab ........................................................................................ 35
4.4.3 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 35
4.4.4 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 36












Diesel or Gasoline Engine ............................................................................................ 37
4.5.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 37
4.5.2 Exhaust System Tab ........................................................................................ 38
4.5.3 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 38
4.5.4 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 39
Drilling Equipment ....................................................................................................... 40
4.6.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 40
4.6.2 Exhaust System Tab ........................................................................................ 40
4.6.3 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 40
4.6.4 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 41
Combustion Flare ......................................................................................................... 42
4.7.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 42
4.7.2 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 43
Fugitives ....................................................................................................................... 44
4.8.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 44
4.8.2 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 47
Glycol Dehydrator Unit ................................................................................................ 48
4.9.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 48
4.9.2 Ventilation System Tab – For Still Column Vent Only.................................. 49
4.9.3 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 50
4.9.4 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 50
Loading Operation........................................................................................................ 51
4.10.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 51
4.10.2 Ventilation System Tab................................................................................... 51
4.10.3 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 52
4.10.4 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 52
Losses From Flashing................................................................................................... 53
4.11.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 53
4.11.2 Ventilation System Tab................................................................................... 53
4.11.3 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 54
Mud Degassing ............................................................................................................. 55
4.12.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 55
4.12.2 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 55
Natural Gas Engine ...................................................................................................... 56
4.13.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 56
4.13.2 Exhaust System Tab ........................................................................................ 57
4.13.3 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 57
4.13.4 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 57
Natural Gas, Diesel, or Dual Fuel Turbine ................................................................... 58
4.14.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 58
4.14.2 Exhaust System Tab ........................................................................................ 59
4.14.3 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 60
4.14.4 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 60
Pneumatic Pumps ......................................................................................................... 61
4.15.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 61
4.15.2 Ventilation System Tab................................................................................... 61

4.15.3 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 61
4.16 Pneumatic Controllers .................................................................................................. 63
4.16.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 63
4.16.2 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 64
4.17 Storage Tank................................................................................................................. 65
4.17.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 65
4.17.2 Ventilation System Tab................................................................................... 66
4.17.3 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 67
4.17.4 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 67
4.18 Cold Vent ..................................................................................................................... 68
4.18.1 General Information Tab................................................................................. 68
4.18.2 Control Equipment Tab................................................................................... 69
4.18.3 QC Results Tab ............................................................................................... 69
5. GOADS-2017 QA SUMMARY FORM DATA FIELDS .......................................................71


Figure 1.

Populating GOADS-2017. .......................................................................................... 7

Figure 2.

New User screen. ........................................................................................................ 8

Figure 3.

GOADS-2017 main window. ..................................................................................... 9

Figure 4.

GOADS-2017 main menu. ....................................................................................... 11

Figure 5.

GOADS-2017 help menu. ........................................................................................ 12

Figure 6.

GOADS-2017 import screen. ................................................................................... 13

Figure 7.

GOADS-2017 export screen. .................................................................................... 14

Figure 8.

New structure dialog box. ........................................................................................ 15

Figure 9.

Structure screen in description edit mode. ................................................................ 16

Figure 10. Structure screen in activity edit mode. ..................................................................... 17
Figure 11. Sales gas screen. ....................................................................................................... 18
Figure 12. New equipment dialog box. ...................................................................................... 20
Figure 13. QC results tab. .......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 14. QA Summary Form screen. ...................................................................................... 26

Table 1.

Default Sales Gas Composition ................................................................................ 18

Table 2.

Speciation Fractions for Total Hydrocarbon (THC) Emissions by Stream Type ..... 44

Table 3.

Summary of Equipment Inventory Data (Number of Components) by Skid Type .. 46

Table 4.

GOADS-2017 QA Summary Form Equipment Type Codes ................................... 72

Table 5.

GOADS-2017 QA Summary Form Data Fields ....................................................... 73




The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), formerly Minerals Management Service,
mandated that offshore operators in the Gulf of Mexico on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
participate in an annual survey program for the years 2000, 2005, 2008, 2011, and 2014. BOEM
collected emissions information related to offshore oil and gas operations to establish the
Gulfwide emission inventory. For the 2000, 2005, 2008, 2011, and 2014 inventory efforts,
BOEM Gulfwide Offshore Activities Data System (GOADS) software was provided in order to
assist offshore operators in complying with the BOEM mandate. The GOADS software assists
users in recording information regarding emissions-related offshore activities and generates data
files that can be delivered to BOEM for calculation of emissions. For calendar year 2017, BOEM
has again provided an updated version of the software, GOADS-2017.



The following updates were made to GOADS-2017:



A new BOEM email address is provided to request static (descriptive) 2014 GOADS data
and for GOADS-2017 submittals, which is OCSEmissionsInventory@boem.gov.
Water depth is requested on the Structure screen (note that this field will be imported
from the GOADS-2014 static files provided by BOEM upon your request).
A QC check was added to flag platforms with no equipment activity reported, but
platform fuel use, production, or throughput values are populated on the Structure screen.
The requested Amine Unit unprocessed natural gas concentrations were expanded to add
CO2, N2, and O2.
The Drilling Rig equipment type is now called Drilling Equipment. If a rig is a fixed,
permanent structure on a platform, it should it be accounted for, and the platform drilling
rig name is to be included if known. This is a new field so if you imported your static
data, you must remember to populate this field. If a drilling rig is a mobile source, those
sources will be included in BOEM’s non-platform emissions inventory based on data
from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Field Operations
For Combustion Flares, you can now indicate if the pilot fuel feed rate is included in the
total volume flared value.
The requested Fugitives data includes noting if an active LDAR program is in place on
the platform, and if the component count is specific to the platform in question. This is a
new field so if you imported your static data, you must remember to populate this field.
The control device options for Natural Gas Engines and Natural Gas Turbines now
include selective catalytic reduction (SCR).
Pressure/Level Controllers are now referred to as Pneumatic Controllers, and you must
indicate the type of controller (high bleed, low bleed, intermittent, or zero bleed).
Fuel gas usage rates for Pneumatic Controllers and Pneumatic Pumps are no longer
optional. This is a new field so if you imported your static data, you must remember to
populate this field.

Like the GOADS-2014 data collection effort, the reported monthly GOADS-2017 volume vented
and flared data must be consistent with the information provided to the Office of Natural
Resources Revenue (ONRR) Oil and Gas Operations Report (OGOR) forms, including data
reported based on metered volumes.
Like GOADS-2014, users must enter activity information for all oil and gas production
platforms (i.e., you can no longer simply flag platforms as minor sources) and temporary
sources and equipment that operates intermittently, with the exception of equipment which is
intended for use exclusively in the event of equipment failure or for emergency response
purposes. Activities not associated with oil and gas production (e.g., painting, sanding, welding)
can be excluded.
Other revisions focused on programming errors associated with the QC checks and QA
Summary Form checks. As with previous data collection efforts, the GOADS-2017 QA
Summary Form must be submitted with the activity data file(s). If you are unable to generate this
form, send an email to OCSEmissionsInventory@boem.gov for assistance.



The GOADS-2017 requires an IBM-compatible personal computer (PC) equipped with the
Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, or Windows® 7, 8, or 10 operating systems. The
user should possess a modest familiarity with the Windows® operating environment and should
understand a few of its common features, such as point-and-click, file management, menu-driven
selection, and text boxes.



The GOADS-2017 website (http://www.boem.gov/Gulfwide-Offshore-Activity-Data-SystemGOADS-2017/) includes the User’s Guide, Installation Guide, lookup tables with BOEM
information such as operator IDs and other structure data, and the GOADS2017 SETUP.EXE
To install GOADS-2017, follow the steps below:
1. Download the GOADS-2017 installation files from the Internet and copy them
to your hard drive. It is highly recommended that you create a folder (e.g.
C:\GOADS2017InstallFiles) to store the files before downloading them in
order to keep track of them. There are 3 files that need to be downloaded:
b. Setup.exe
2. Navigate to the save location and double click on the file, “setup.exe.”.
3. Follow the instructions that appear on each successive screen. You will be
asked to select a folder on your computer where GOADS-2017 will be
installed. The default and recommended location is C:\GOADS\GOADS2017.

It is important to note that this will be the location of your initial working
database (GOADS.MDB).
4. After you have identified the location where GOADS-2017 should be
installed, click the big button in the top left of the window to complete the
During the installation, several “Version Conflict” messages may be displayed. This
is a notification that the file being copied over from the application is an older version
than the current file. For each instance this message box pops up, select the “Yes”
option to keep the more current version of the file.
If you encounter any problems during installation of GOADS-2017, please
send an email to OCSEmissionsInventory@boem.gov.
5. After installation is complete, you can start the GOADS-2017 program by following
the instructions in Section 2.1 below. Alternatively, you may create a shortcut to the
application on your desktop by following these steps:

Navigate to the folder where GOADS-2017 was installed. The default location is
Locate GOADS.EXE and right click the file, a menu will appear.
Skim down the menu that appears and left click the Send To item on the list, a
new menu appears
Left click the Desktop (create shortcut) item on the list. This action creates a
desktop shortcut to the file on your desktop
Once you close or minimize all the open windows, your desktop appears. Look
around for the new GOADS desktop shortcut. Simply double click the new
desktop icon to open the GOADS-2017 application.

6. The GOADS database should be backed up periodically by copying to a
secure location. The name of this file is GOADS.MDB, and it will be in the
folder where you installed GOADS. If you create other GOADS databases,
the GOADS.MDB file will be in the folder where you created it.
7. If you plan to have several people in your organization performing data entry,
install GOADS on each of their computers, then have one person “Create New
GOADS Database” on a shared file server. Each person performing data entry
will then open that shared database using the “Open a Different GOADS
Database” option on the file menu.
8. If you are a contractor doing data entry for multiple operators, use the “Create
New GOADS Database” option on the File menu to create separate databases
for each operator. You should give each new folder a name that will allow you
to easily identify it when you are opening it.
9. When supplying your activity data, if you do NOT select
No Emissions to Report BOEM will assume that the platform or
equipment is operating that month, and surrogate data will be used to develop

emission estimates if necessary. BOEM will also assume that activity values
that are left blank (Null) should be populated with surrogate data.




The GOADS-2017 software helps users complete monthly surveys of air emissions-related
activities that are associated with offshore OCS facilities. GOADS-2017 queries the user
regarding emissions-related operating data, saves the data on the user’s PC, and guides the user
to create copies of the data for backup or delivery to BOEM. Figure 1 describes the steps in
populating the GOADS-2017 database.

You should run GOADS-2017 to enter new operating data for each month.
For example, if production or throughput volumes change from month-tomonth, this new information should be entered for every month. Parameters
that remain constant do not need to be entered every month.


A saved data set corresponding to one month is called a “survey” or a
“monthly survey.” When you create a survey, you should enter information
that represents your offshore facility and all emissions-producing equipment
on the facility. GOADS-2017 provides a fill-in-the-blank approach to generate
structure, equipment, and production/throughput data.


As you enter and save data, the GOADS software performs numerous quality
control (QC) checks, including range checks and flags for missing required
data, to assist you in entering all required values and highlighting potentially
incorrect values. GOADS-2017 performs the following types of error checks:

Completeness: to identify missing data entries


Range: to determine when data entries fall outside of typical ranges


Consistency: to determine whether data entries are consistent with one


Month-to-month: to determine whether information that typically varies
by month has been reviewed and edited appropriately or to flag items
that change radically from one month to the next


The QC checks implemented are too extensive to list here, but the results in
the QC Results tab describe the errors found. These descriptions include:
required field left blank, value not in expected range (with the expected range
provided), etc. If you enter values that are correct but flagged as outside of the
expected range, please enter a comment that the value is valid as entered.


After the data are submitted, BOEM will attempt to reconcile missing or
unusual data by reviewing the comments or contacting you by email or
telephone, so please make sure your contact information is correct in the
GOADS software.




To open the Start menu, click the Start button

in the lower-left corner of your screen. Or

press the Windows® logo
on your keyboard. Upon starting GOADS-2017 for the first time,
the “New User” screen will appear (Figure 2). At this point you must fill in the requested contact
information in order to proceed. You will be able to revise this information if necessary each
time the Main Window (Figure 3) appears.




No., etc.

Inventory Year

Import GOADS2017
Structure Data

Add New



Run QC
Correct Data




Review QA

Run QC
Correct Data

Figure 1. Populating GOADS-2017.


Enter Sales
Gas Data

Email Data
Files to

Figure 2. New User screen.

The “New User” screen asks for “BOEM Company No.” It is extremely important that you use
the correct BOEM Company Number. It can be found in a separate file posted with the program
and User’s Guide. This ID cannot be changed once entered. For contact information, please enter
the lessee/operator contact name, address, phone number, and email. Not third party (contractor)


Figure 3. GOADS-2017 main window.

The GOADS-2017 program has a feature that distinguishes between static (descriptive) and
dynamic (activity) data. This feature is designed to reduce data entry time by requesting static
platform and equipment data only once (rather than every month). The title bar at the top of the
screen indicates the current edit mode. When you select Edit > Change to Description Edit Mode
from the main menu, or Edit Description Data on the lower left side of any screen, the
program allows you to enter or edit data that do not change from month to month. To edit the
descriptive data, select Edit Data on the lower right side of any screen.

When you select Edit > Change to Activity Edit Mode from the main menu, or
Edit Activity Data on the lower left side of any screen, the program allows you to enter or edit
monthly activity data that are likely to change from month to month. In this mode you see the
descriptive data, but it cannot be edited. Edit the activity data, select Edit Data on the lower
right side of any screen.


From the Main Window (Figure 4), you may perform the following tasks:

Import platform and equipment descriptions (will be made available by
BOEM as GOADS-2017 import files).


Edit user identification information (initially entered during program


View, create new, edit, save, or delete data for monthly surveys, facilities, or


Run QC on a selected monthly survey, platform, or piece of equipment.


Export the structure or equipment descriptions to a spreadsheet. (You must
first save and exit GOADS-2017 and re-open the program for this feature to


Print the current screen.


Directly access the BOEM GOADS Internet Site with Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) and this User’s Guide (Figure 5).


Export a saved monthly survey or entire annual database to CD for backup or
delivery to BOEM.


Export the QA Summary Form (must be provided when file is submitted to
BOEM; highlights key data elements that are missing) (see Section 3.3).


Figure 4. GOADS-2017 main menu.


Figure 5. GOADS-2017 help menu.

Use one of the following two ways to exit the program: (1) click File | Exit Program from the
Main Window menu, or (2) click the  symbol at the upper right to close the program window.
If GOADS-2014 data were not submitted for these facilities, you can skip this section and go
directly to Section 2.2 “Creating and Editing Data.” If GOADS-2014 data were submitted for
these facilities, you should read this section before proceeding.
You can request your GOADS-2014 platform and equipment descriptive static data from BOEM
by sending an email request to: OCSEmissionsInventory@boem.gov along with your Company
name, BOEM Company number, and the Complex/Structure IDs that you own/operate and are
requesting data for.
Do not use the “Open a different GOADS database” menu option to open a GOADS-2014
database. Updates have been made in the underlying GOADS-2017 database structure that will
cause program errors if you attempt to open a 2014 file.
You can then import the GOADS-2014 descriptive data file supplied by BOEM into GOADS2017 before proceeding (described below). This descriptive data may be slightly different from

your original submittal to BOEM; it has undergone extensive QA/QC by BOEM and may have
been adjusted as a result. You can and must edit the descriptive data after importing it to
reflect any structural or equipment changes since 2014. In addition, GOADS-2017 has
additional required data fields that will not be populated after import. These are listed in
Section 1.1 of this User’s Guide.
To import the BOEM-provided GOADS-2014 data, select File|Import GOADS-2017 Structure
data. (Named as such because the 2014 data are in the GOADS-2017 required structure.) A
dialog box will appear which lists any descriptive data that have been previously imported. The
first time you import a file, this list will be blank. Enter the path and file name of the GOADS2014 file you want to import in the box labeled “Import File Path and Filename.” You can also
use the “Browse” button to find the file you wish to import (Figure 6). After you have selected a
file, select Import Selected Structures . The GOADS-2014 file will be imported as January
2017 (this may take a few seconds). When the import process is complete, the survey name and
its associated structures and equipment types should appear in the Navigation tree on the left of
the screen. You must repeat this import process for all of your GOADS-2014 files (if you
received multiple 2014 files).

Figure 6. GOADS-2017 import screen.


You can also use the File|Import GOADS-2017 Structure data feature to upload data for a
structure that has been purchased in 2017 from another company. The User ID in the imported
file will automatically be updated to your User ID. This process will import descriptive and
monthly activity data, as available. The previous operator of that structure uses the
corresponding File|Export GOADS-2017 Structure data to create this file (Figure 7).

Figure 7. GOADS-2017 export screen.


Creating and Editing Structure Data

To create new structure data, from the Description Edit Mode, select Edit | New Structure from
the Main Window menu.


A New Structure Dialog Box will appear to request vital identification data for the structure
(Figure 8). See Section 4 for guidance on entering these data correctly.

Figure 8. New structure dialog box.

Enter the information and click OK . An icon for the new structure will appear in the Navigation
Tree on the left side of the Main Window. Highlight the new structure icon to view the Structure
Figures 9 and 10 show the Structure screen in Description Edit Mode and Activity Edit Mode.
In the Description Edit Mode, the Structure Screen contains three tabs: General Information,
Sales Gas, and QC Results. General Information shows contact and other general information for
the current structure. Note that production is the quantity of petroleum that was extracted from
the ground at the structure; throughput is the total quantity of petroleum handled at the structure,
including petroleum extracted at another location and transferred to the structure. Sales Gas
presents the volumetric composition of the natural gas processed at the structure and transferred
off the structure (Figure 11). QC Results tabulates any quality control errors that may be
encountered as data are completed for the current structure and its associated equipment (see
Section 2.3). In the Activity Edit Mode, the Sales Gas tab is not visible because it contains data
that do not change from month to month. If the Sales Gas information is not provided, the default
values listed in Table 1 will be applied during emissions calculation.


Figure 9. Structure screen in description edit mode.


Figure 10. Structure screen in activity edit mode.

The following buttons are available on the Structure Screen from either the Description Edit
Mode or the Activity Edit Mode:

Edit Data launches Edit Mode so that changes or new data may be entered.


Run QC runs quality control checks on all data saved for the current
structure and its associated equipment.


Print Screen to print the current screen for review.


Figure 11. Sales gas screen.

Table 1.
Default Sales Gas Composition

C3 Hydrocarbons
i-C4 Hydrocarbons
n-C4 Hydrocarbons
i-C5 Hydrocarbons
n-C5 Hydrocarbons
C6 Hydrocarbons
C7 Hydrocarbons
C8+ Hydrocarbons

Default Mol%


Mole Weight

Four additional buttons become available in the Activity Edit Mode:

Save (only available in Edit Mode) incrementally saves work and returns to
Edit Mode.


Cancel (only available in Edit Mode) discard recent changes and close Edit


End Edit & Save (only available in Edit Mode) saves changes and exits Edit


No Emissions to Report to flag a structure as inactive for a given month.

From the Activity Edit Mode, new monthly surveys can be created. An icon for the new survey
will appear in the Navigation Tree on the left side of the Main Window. Previously entered
equipment descriptive data (see Section 2.2.2) will automatically be copied into the new monthly
survey. Highlight the survey icon to view the Survey Screen. The Survey Screen contains only
one tab: QC Results. QC Results tabulates any quality control errors encountered during data
entry (see Section 2.3).

Creating and Editing Equipment Data

GOADS-2017 queries for information regarding the following sources of emissions:

Amine gas sweetening unit




Drilling equipment


Combustion flare


Fugitive losses


Gasoline/diesel engine


Glycol dehydrator


Loading operation


Losses from flashing


Mud degassing


Natural gas engine


Natural gas, diesel, or dual-fuel turbine


Pneumatic pumps


Pneumatic controllers (formerly called pressure/level controllers)


Storage tank


Cold vent

To create new equipment data, go to the Navigation Tree on the left side of the Main Window
and select the appropriate structure (into which the new equipment data will be placed). Select
Edit | New Equipment from the Main Window menu.

A New Equipment Dialog Box will request vital identification data for the equipment, such as
equipment ID number and equipment type (e.g., flares, turbines, etc.) (Figure 12). Enter the
information, then click OK . An icon for the new equipment will appear in the Navigation Tree
on the left side of the Main Window and a new screen will automatically open, specific to the
equipment type entered. You can return to this equipment screen at any time by highlighting the

Figure 12. New equipment dialog box.

Depending on the equipment type and the edit mode, the equipment screen will contain two to
four tabs: General Information, Exhaust/Ventilation System, Control Equipment, and QC
Results. General Information shows operating parameters for the current equipment. From the
Description Edit Mode, you can populate or edit static equipment description data that do not
change from month to month. When you create a new monthly survey, these data are
automatically copied. From the Activity Edit Mode, you are prompted to enter activity data that
can vary from month to month. These data are not copied automatically when a new monthly
survey is created.
Exhaust/Ventilation System presents variables that are related to equipment exhaust systems; this
screen is not visible when you are in Activity Edit Mode. Control Equipment permits users to
describe installed pollution control devices that were not accounted for on the General

Information tab; this screen is also not visible when you are in Activity Edit Mode. QC Results
tabulates any quality control errors that may be encountered as data are completed for the
equipment (see Section 2.3).
In Edit Activity Data you can select No Emissions to Report for a given month for the
entire platform or specific pieces of equipment. This is an important feature; BOEM will assume
that the platform or equipment are NOT operating for months flagged as such, regardless of other
values that may be populated for the month. The user does not have to fill in the forms with zeros
for inactive structures or equipment, merely check this box. Records flagged as no emissions to
report will not be QC checked in the inventory development process.
If you do NOT select No Emissions to Report , BOEM will assume that the platform or
equipment is operating that month, and surrogate data will be used to develop emission estimates
if necessary.
BOEM will also assume that activity values that are left blank (Null) should be populated with
surrogate data.
The following buttons are available on the Description Edit Mode and Activity Edit Mode
Equipment Screens:

Edit Data launches Edit Mode so that changes or new data may be entered.


Run QC runs quality control checks on data for the current equipment.


Print Screen to print the current screen for review.

Four additional buttons become available only in Activity Edit Mode:


Save (only available in Edit Mode) incrementally saves work and returns to
Edit Mode.
No Emissions to Report to flag equipment as inactive for a given month.


Cancel (only available in Edit Mode) discard recent changes and close Edit


End Edit & Save (only available in Edit Mode) saves changes and exits Edit


After you enter and save data, GOADS-2017 automatically runs a series of QC checks before
saving the data. If any entries are incomplete, atypical, or suspect, a pop-up message will appear,
and a list of QC errors will appear on the QC Results tab (Figure 13). You may choose to return
and correct the problems, to override QC check(s) (a comment is required), or to ignore
message(s) and save changes anyway. If QC problems remain uncorrected and uncommented
when the data are submitted, BOEM staff will attempt to reconcile missing, atypical, or suspect
data by reviewing the comments or contacting you.

Figure 13. QC results tab.


It is very important to periodically store data to a secure location other than
the hard drive (such as a CD). This minimizes data loss in the event of a
computer failure or other mishap.

After you complete and save data, the entries are saved to a working file on the hard drive. (To
discard changes, click Cancel instead of End Edit & Save .) To store data in an alternate
location, select File|Export GOADS-2017 Inventory Database on the main menu. A dialog
box will appear which will allow you to enter a File Path and Filename or browse to the location
in which you wish to create the file. After entering the path and file name, hit “OK.” You can
then copy the file you have created to CD or another secure location.



If equipment or an entire structure becomes inactive for an entire monthly survey period, the
change in status should be noted by selecting No Emissions to Report but only for the
affected survey period(s). Note that when a piece of equipment or a structure is active for any
part of a survey period, its status should NOT be set to No Emissions to Report.

Open an affected survey in the Navigation Tree on the left side of the Main Window. (Doubleclick the survey icon, or click the + symbol immediately to its left.) Select the affected structure
or equipment, and click Edit Data in order to launch Edit Mode. Use the Set Status data entry
boxes to change the status. Indicate the new status and its effective date and click End Edit &
Save in order to record the change in status.



Each screen has an associated help text file that contains technical details about the required data
entries, such as definitions, quality control checks, typical values, estimation methods, etc.
Access help by pressing the F1 key. You can also go to the Help menu and select “current
screen” to view the help file for the current screen or select “other screen” and see a list of all
available help files. Help files are reprinted in Section 4 of this User’s Guide. In addition, you
can directly access the BOEM GOADS Internet Site with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
and this User’s Guide from within GOADS-2017.






When the entire inventory is completed (12 monthly surveys), it should be exported to your harddrive for submittal to BOEM. To export the inventory, select File|Export GOADS-2017
Inventory Database on the main menu. A dialog box will appear which will allow you to enter
a File Path and Filename or browse to the location in which you wish to create the file. After
entering the path and file name, click “OK.” You can then copy the file you have created to the
appropriate medium for your internal file storage.
Files must be submitted to BOEM electronically through the following email address:
OCSEmissionsInventory@boem.gov. BOEM should receive all calendar year 2017 data files
before April 17, 2018.



When saving the file for delivery to BOEM, GOADS-2017 stores the results of all QC tests. If
the user returns to GOADS-2017 in order to address QC problems, the error messages may be
reviewed from the QC Results tab on the Survey Screen. If you ignore errors and submit the data
anyway, BOEM staff will attempt to reconcile the problems by reviewing comments or
contacting you.



From the Main Window (Figure 4), the File | Export Annual Inventory QA Summary Form
may be selected at any time to view and obtain an Adobe file of key missing and inconsistent
data elements (Figure 14). These data elements are critical if BOEM is to develop emission
estimates for the equipment listed. Many times BOEM will err on the side of caution and will
calculate higher emissions than what was intended if there is a discrepancy in the GOADS
database, so please make sure you complete all required data fields and correct the errors or
submit clarifying your intentions on all QC Results. The QA Summary Form Adobe file must be
submitted with your data files to facilitate review by BOEM staff. Section 5 presents the key data
elements in the QA Summary Form.


Figure 14. QA Summary Form screen.







General Information Tab

GOADS-2017 Registered User: Identifies the person to whom GOADS-2017 is registered; an
employee of the company that owns or operates structures in the Outer Continental Shelf.
This should be the primary lessee/operator contact person who is responsible for submitting
surveys to BOEM and not a contractor. The following lessee/operator contact information should
be provided:



Phone number


Fax number


Email address


Company name


Street address






Zip code





General Information Tab

BOEM Structure ID: A unique identifier code that is assigned to an offshore structure prior to its
construction by BOEM. This identifier code is tracked in BOEM’s records. Two digits.
BOEM Complex ID: A unique identifier code that is assigned to a group of related structures
prior to construction by BOEM. This identifier code is tracked in BOEM records. Five digits.
Area Name: Designated name of the geographic area in which the structure is located.
Block Number: Designated number of the geographical block in which the structure is located.
Name: A name or identifier that denotes a structure within its Area/Block.
Lease Number: The lease number issued by BOEM for the construction and operation of an
offshore structure.
Longitude (decimal degrees): An east-west coordinate that defines the position of an offshore
structure. Specify to at least four decimal places. (If you are a lessee/operator in the Alaska OCS
Region in the Chukchi, Beaufort, or the portion of the Hope Basin Planning Areas, which is the
North Slope Borough of the State of Alaska, and plan to conduct oil and gas activities for
calendar year 2017, please contact BOEM at OCSEmissionsInventory@boem.gov to obtain
guidance on submitting activity data under the BOEM NTL No. 2016-N03.)
Latitude (decimal degrees): A north-south coordinate that defines the position of an offshore
structure. Specify to at least four decimal places. (If you are a lessee/operator in the Alaska OCS
Region in the Chukchi, Beaufort, or the portion of the Hope Basin Planning Areas, which is the
North Slope Borough of the State of Alaska, and plan to conduct oil and gas activities for
calendar year 2017, please contact BOEM at OCSEmissionsInventory@boem.gov to obtain
guidance on submitting activity data under the BOEM NTL No. 2016-N03.)
Distance to shore (miles): The distance to the nearest U.S. shoreline. Specify to the nearest
1/10 mile.
Water Depth (feet): The estimated water depth at the facility location.
Production: Describes the natural gas or oil products that were extracted at this structure during
the specific survey period.

Crude Oil Production (barrels): The quantity of crude oil extracted at this


Natural Gas Production (million standard cubic feet): The quantity of natural
gas extracted at this structure, volume adjusted to standard temperature and
pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).

Throughput: The total volume of natural gas or oil products handled at the current structure
during the survey period, including production volumes and volumes transferred by pipeline
from another location.

Crude Oil Throughput (barrels): The total quantity of crude oil handled at the
current structure.


Natural Gas Throughput (million standard cubic feet): The total quantity of
natural gas handled at the current structure, volume adjusted to standard
temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).

Total fuel usage: The quantity of fuel consumed at this structure during the specific survey

Natural gas fuel usage (thousand standard cubic feet): The quantity of natural
gas consumed at this structure.


Gasoline usage (gallons): The quantity of gasoline consumed at this structure.


Diesel fuel usage (gallons): The quantity of diesel fuel consumed at this

No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the structure for the specific survey period.
“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the structure and all of its equipment were
unused for the entire month-long survey period. The Enter Edit Mode button will be
disabled for all equipment belonging to the structure, and all equipment will be treated as
Comments: A space for general user comments about this structure, with a maximum length of
255 characters.

Sales Gas Data

Sales Composition (mole percent): The volumetric composition (percent by volume = mole
percent) of the natural gas processed at the structure and transferred off the structure. If a
constituent is not present, enter 0. The composition should sum to 100%.

QC Results Tab

Error Source: List of input variables, structures, and equipment for this survey that have been
flagged with QC error messages.
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC




General Information Tab

Processed throughput (million standard cubic feet): The total volume of natural gas processed by
this amine unit during the specific monthly survey period, volume adjusted to standard
temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
Hours operated: The total number of hours that this amine unit was in operation during the
specific monthly survey period.
Unprocessed natural gas concentrations (percent by volume): The volumetric concentrations of
constituents present in the unprocessed natural gas stream, including the following:

Carbon dioxide (CO2)


Nitrogen (N2)


Oxygen (O2)


Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)


Methane (CH4)


Ethane (C2H6)


C3 Hydrocarbons (hydrocarbons with 3 carbon atoms in their molecular


C4 Hydrocarbons


C5 Hydrocarbons


C6 Hydrocarbons


C7 Hydrocarbons


C8+ Hydrocarbons (hydrocarbons with 8 or more carbon atoms in their
molecular structure)

Specify emissions by model inputs. Proceed to the model inputs screen.

Model Inputs Tab

Amine type: Indicates the type of amine used in this unit, monoethanolamine (MEA),
diethanolamine (DEA), tertiaryethanolamine (TEA), methyldiethanolamine (MDEA),
diglycolamine (DGA).
Unprocessed sour gas feed pressure (pounds per square inch gauge): The pressure of the
unprocessed sour gas feed.


Unprocessed sour gas feed temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of the
unprocessed sour gas feed.
Equipped with a flash tank? (yes/no): Indicates whether the system is equipped with a flash tank.
Flash tank temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of the flash tank.
Flash tank pressure (pounds per square inch gauge): The pressure of the flash tank.
Destination of flash gas: Indicates if the gas is vented to the atmosphere, routed to a separator,
recycled to an absorber, or burned in a flare.
Number of absorber trays: Indicates the number of absorber trays on this amine unit.
Lean amine feed pressure (pounds per square inch gauge): The pressure of the lean amine feed.
Lean amine feed temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of the lean amine feed.
Lean amine volumetric flowrate (gallons per minute): The rate of amine circulation through the
Lean amine feed amine content (percent by weight): The amine content of the lean amine feed.
Lean amine feed H2S concentration (percent by volume): The volumetric concentration of H2S
present in the lean amine feed.
Lean amine feed CO2 concentration (percent by volume): The volumetric concentration of CO2
present in the lean amine feed.
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the amine unit for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report” – Indicates that the equipment was unused for the
entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments about this structure, with a maximum length of
255 characters.

Ventilation System Tab for Acid Gas from the Reboiler

Emissions destination: Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented or flared
locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
Low-pressure vent/flare ID: Indicates the destination vent or flare identifier code (if emissions
are not vented or flared locally). It may be necessary to first create a vent or flare before it will
appear in the list (using the Edit|New Equipment menu).
Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The effective diameter of a process vent/flare.

Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the outlet of a process
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
outlet of a process vent.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the outlet from vertically upward. 0 indicates an
upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
Flare feed rate (standard cubic feet per hour): The volumetric feed rate to a process flare.
Combustion temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The combustion temperature of a process flare.
Combustion efficiency (percent): The combustion efficiency of a process flare, or the
completeness of hydrocarbon conversion to carbon dioxide (as CO2).
Installed control equipment: Indicates which common types of control devices are installed for
this equipment.
Condenser temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The operating temperature of a condenser installed
as a control device.
Condenser pressure (absolute pounds per square inch): The operating pressure of a condenser
installed as a control device.
Sulfur recovery efficiency (percent): The efficiency for a sulfur recovery unit that is installed as
a control device (as a percent of total sulfur).

Control Equipment Tab

Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether additional controls are installed, other than the
common control devices listed on the Ventilation System Tab.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required (other than those listed
on the Ventilation System Tab).
SOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in sulfur oxides emissions achieved by
all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).
NOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in nitrogen oxides emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).
CO efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in carbon monoxide emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organics emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).

PM10 efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in PM10 emissions (particulate matter
under 10 microns in diameter) achieved by all other installed control devices (other than those
listed on the Ventilation System Tab).

QC Results Tab

Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC





General Information Tab

Hours operated: The total number of hours that this boiler/heater/burner was in operation during
the specific monthly survey period.
Fuel type: The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
Fuel H2S content (parts per million by volume): The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in
gaseous fuel types.
Fuel sulfur content (percent by mass): The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
Fuel heating value (British thermal units/standard cubic feet): The energy content of gaseous fuel
Fuel heating value (British thermal units per pound): The energy content of liquid fuel types.
Max rated heat input (million British thermal units per hour): The manufacturer’s maximum
rated heat input rate.
Average heat input (million British thermal units per hour): The average heat input rate during
operation this survey period.
Max rated fuel usage (standard cubic feet per hour): The maximum rate of gaseous fuel usage,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
Average fuel usage (standard cubic feet per hour): The average rate of gaseous fuel usage during
operation this survey period, volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees
Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
Max rated fuel usage (pounds per hour): The maximum rate of liquid fuel usage.
Average fuel usage (pounds per hour): The average rate of liquid fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
Total fuel used (thousand standard cubic feet): Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere). If
you do not monitor actual fuel use for a boiler, heater, or burner, a value may be calculated
[Hours operated * average heat input (MMBtu/hr) * (106 Btu/MMBtu)]÷[fuel heating value
(1,050 Btu/scf) * (1,000 scf/Mscf)].


Total fuel used (pounds): Total liquid fuel used during this survey period. If you do not monitor
actual fuel use for a boiler, heater, or burner, a value may be calculated using:
[Hours operated * average heat input (MMBtu/hr) * (106 Btu/MMBtu)]÷[fuel heating value
(19,300 Btu/1b].
Note that the fuel heating value shown above is for diesel fuel.
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the boiler/heater/burner for the specific survey
• “No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the equipment was unused for the
entire month-long survey period.
Comments: A space for general user comments about this structure, with a maximum length of
255 characters.

Exhaust System Tab

Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of the exhaust outlet.
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the exhaust outlet.
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
exhaust outlet.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the exhaust outlet from vertically upward.
0 indicates an upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
Emission controls: Indicates which common types of control devices are installed for this

Control Equipment Tab

Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether additional controls are installed, other than the
common control devices listed on the Exhaust System Tab.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required (other than those listed
on the Exhaust System Tab).
SOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in sulfur oxides emissions achieved by
all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
NOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in nitrogen oxides emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).


CO efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in carbon monoxide emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organics emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
PM10 efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in PM10 emissions (particulate matter
under 10 microns in diameter) achieved by all other installed control devices (other than those
listed on the Exhaust System Tab).

QC Results Tab

Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC





General Information Tab

Hours operated: The total number of hours that this engine was in operation during the specific
monthly survey period.
Fuel type: The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
Fuel sulfur content (percent by mass): The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
Fuel heating value (British thermal units per pound): The energy content of liquid fuel types.
Max rated horsepower (horsepower): The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower output.
Operating horsepower (horsepower): The operating horsepower during operation this survey
Max rated fuel usage (British thermal units per horsepower-hour): The manufacturer’s maximum
rate of fuel usage.
Average fuel usage (British thermal units per horsepower-hour): The average rate of fuel usage
during operation this survey period.
Total fuel used (gallons): Total liquid fuel used during this survey period. If you do not monitor
actual fuel use for an engine, a value may be calculated using:
[Hours operated * average fuel usage (Btu/hp-hr) * operating horsepower]÷[fuel heating value
(19,300 Btu/lb) * (7.05 lbs/gal)].
Note that the fuel heating value and fuel density (7.05 lbs/gal) shown above are for diesel fuel.
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the engine for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the equipment was unused for the
entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.


4.5.2 Exhaust System Tab
Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of the exhaust outlet.
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the exhaust outlet.
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
exhaust outlet.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the exhaust outlet from vertically upward. 0
indicates an upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.

Control Equipment Tab

Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether additional controls are installed, other than the
common control devices listed on the Exhaust System Tab.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required (other than those listed
on the Exhaust System Tab).
SOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in sulfur oxides emissions achieved by
all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
NOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in nitrogen oxides emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
CO efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in carbon monoxide emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organics emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
PM10 efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in PM10 emissions (particulate matter
under 10 microns in diameter) achieved by all other installed control devices (other than those
listed on the Exhaust System Tab).


4.5.4 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC





General Information Tab

Hours operated: The number of hours that drilling equipment was present and working at this
Total diesel fuel usage (gallons): The total diesel fuel used by the drilling equipment during the
survey period.
Total gasoline fuel usage (gallons): The total gasoline fuel used by the drilling equipment during
the survey period.
Total natural gas fuel usage (thousand standard cubic feet): The total natural gas used by the
drilling equipment during the survey period, volume adjusted to standard temperature and
pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
Mobile Platform Drilling Rig Name (if available): Indicate the name of the platform drilling rig
associated with this facility.
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the drilling equipment for the specific survey

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the drilling equipment was absent
for the entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.

Exhaust System Tab

Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of the exhaust outlet.
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the exhaust outlet.
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
exhaust outlet.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the exhaust outlet from vertically upward. 0
indicates an upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.

Control Equipment Tab

Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether controls are installed.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required.

SOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in sulfur oxides emissions achieved by
all other installed control devices.
NOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in nitrogen oxides emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices.
CO efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in carbon monoxide emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices.
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organics emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices.
PM10 efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in PM10 emissions (particulate matter
under 10 microns in diameter) achieved by all other installed control devices.

QC Results Tab

Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comment, select an error message, then click “Add QC





General Information Tab

Note that flared emissions are combusted. If emissions are not combusted, create a Cold Vent
Hours operated, including upsets: The total number of hours that the flare was operated during
the survey period, including periods of upset flaring.
Volume flared (thousand standard cubic feet), including upsets: The total volume of gas flared
during the survey period, including periods of upset flaring, volume adjusted to standard
temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere). The GOADS volume flared
should match the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR)’s volume flared reported on the
Oil and Gas Operations Report (OGOR).
Pilot fuel feed rate included in total volume flared (yes/no): Indicate if pilot fuel feed rate is
included in total volume flared provided.
Flare gas H2S Concentration (parts per million by volume): The concentration of hydrogen
sulfide present in the flare feed gas.
Is there a continuous pilot? (yes/no): Indicates whether the flare stack is equipped with a
continuous pilot light.
Pilot fuel feed rate (thousand standard cubic feet per day): The feed rate of natural gas to a
continuous pilot light.
Flare combustion efficiency (percent): The flare combustion efficiency, or the completeness of
hydrocarbon conversion to carbon dioxide (as CO2).
Smoking condition: A qualitative assessment of the level of smoke emitted from the flare:

None (Soot emissions are approximately 0 pounds per million British thermal
units of flare gas consumed.)


Light (Soot emissions are approximately 40 pounds per million British
thermal units of flare gas consumed.)


Medium (Soot emissions are approximately 177 pounds per million British
thermal units of flare gas consumed.)


Heavy (Soot emissions are approximately 274 pounds per million British
thermal units of flare gas consumed.)

Stack outlet elevation (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the flare stack outlet above
mean sea level.

Stack inner diameter (inches): The effective diameter of the flare stack at its outlet.
Average exit velocity (feet per second), excluding upsets: The average exit velocity of flare feed
gas at the flare stack outlet during the survey period, excluding periods of upset conditions.
Average combustion temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The average flare combustion
temperature during the survey period.
Stack orientation (degrees): The deviation of the stack outlet from vertically upward. 0 indicates
an upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the flare for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the flare was unused for the entire
month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.

QC Results Tab

Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (to add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC





General Information Tab

Stream type: Indicates the type of process stream handled by the set of components to be
inventoried. (Components for different process streams at the same structure should be
inventoried separately.)

Light oil (API gravity ≥ 20°API)


Heavy oil (API gravity<20°API)


Oil/water mixture


Oil/water/gas mixture


Natural gas


Natural gas liquids

Facility Size: Indicates a rough estimate of the total count of all components at this facility that
handle the selected stream type.
Average VOC weight percent of fugitives: The average VOC content of fugitive emissions for
the inventoried components and the selected stream type. You may find it beneficial to use the
information in Table 2 as a starting point.
Table 2.
Speciation Fractions for Total Hydrocarbon (THC) Emissions by Stream Type

THC Fraction


Light Oil
Heavy Oil
(≥ 20 API Gravity) (<20 API Gravity)







Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC)





* Water/oil refers to water streams in oil service with a water content greater than 50% from the point of
origin to the point where the water content reaches 99%. For water streams with a water content greater
than 99%, the emission rate is considered negligible.

Average equipment elevation (feet above mean sea level): A good estimate is half the elevation
of the top deck.
Active leak detection and repair (LDAR) program in place (yes/no): Indicates if facility routinely
assesses and repairs leaking fugitive components.

Number of months between inspections: Indicates the LDAR program inspection frequency.
Method of inspection: Indicates if the LDAR program is based on the use of optical
instrumentation, vapor analyzer, or visual inspection.
Equipment inventory (number of components): An inventory of each type of component that
handles the selected process stream at this structure. You are encouraged to prepare an
equipment inventory by making direct counts of your components by service type.
Actual or default component counts: Identifies whether or not a facility-specific component
count is provided.
If you must use default component counts, you may find it beneficial to use the information
provided in Table 3 as a starting point. This information was compiled for BOEM by the
Offshore Operators Committee, and can be adjusted by service type for each component for each
part of the production train (i.e., for each skid type). Counts must be reported for each service
type (gas, heavy oil, light oil, oil/water).


Table 3.









0 0 15
0 0 25
0 0 9
0 0 34
0 0 70
0 0 9
0 0 69
0 0 9
0 0 12
0 0 45
0 0 21
0 0 32
0 15 8
0 0 9
0 0 121
0 0 10
0 0 43
0 0 11
0 0 0

Pressure Relief
Polished Rods
Other Relief Valves

Open Ended Lines
Compressor Seals*
Dump Arms


Pump Seals

Skid Type
Separator Skid
Heater Treater Skid
LACT Charge Pump Skid
Pipeline Pumps Skid
Pig Launcher/Receiver Skid
Compressor Skid
Filter/Separator Skid
Gas Dehydration Skid
Glycol Regeneration Skid
Gas Meter
Fuel Gas Skid
Flotation Cell Skid
Amine Unit
Line Heater
Production Manifold
Import or Export Pipeline


Summary of Equipment Inventory Data (Number of Components) by Skid Type





* Because there is a large variation in emissions for compressor seals, you are asked to specify the
compressor and seal type:

Centrifugal: wet seal;


Centrifugal: dry seal;


Reciprocating: shaft packing; or


Other (specify).

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.



QC Results Tab

Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC





General Information Tab

Note that the fire tube is considered to be a boiler/heater/burner. Information about the fire tube
should be entered on the data entry screen for boiler/heater/burner. Access the
boiler/heater/burner data entry screen by selecting Edit|New Equipment from the GOADS main
menu. Select “Boiler, Heater, or Burner” as the new equipment type.
Also note that recovered vapors, which are combusted elsewhere at the facility, should be
accounted for by the equipment type where they are combusted. Vapors that are vented or flared
locally or that are collected into the facility manifold system may be accounted for on the
Ventilation System Tab.
Processed throughput (million standard cubic feet): The total volume of natural gas processed by
this glycol unit during the specific monthly survey period, volume adjusted to standard
temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
Wet gas temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of the natural gas prior to glycol
Wet gas pressure (pounds per square inch gauge): The pressure of the natural gas prior to glycol
Equipped with a flash tank? (yes/no): Indicates whether the system is equipped with a flash tank
(or separator) that vents to the atmosphere.
Destination of flash gas: Indicates if the gas is routed back into the system, vented to the
atmosphere, or burned in a flare.
Flash tank temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of the flash tank.
Flash tank pressure (pounds per square inch gauge): The pressure of the flash tank.
Uses stripping gas?: Indicates what type of stripping gas (if any) is used in the regenerator to
improve water removal from the rich glycol.



Dry gas


Flash gas: Exhaust from the flash tank


Nitrogen: From a nitrogen supply

Stripping gas flow rate (standard cubic feet per minute): The flow rate of stripping gas to the
regenerator, volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit,
1 atmosphere).

No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the glycol dehydrator for the specific survey

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the equipment was unused for the
entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.

Ventilation System Tab – For Still Column Vent Only

Emissions destination: Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented or flared
locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
Low-pressure vent/flare ID: Indicates the destination vent or flare identifier code (if emissions
are not vented or flared locally). It may be necessary to first create a vent or flare before it will
appear in the list (using the Edit|New Equipment menu).
Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of a process vent/flare.
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the outlet of a process
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
outlet of a process vent.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the outlet from vertically upward. 0 indicates an
upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
Flare feed rate (standard cubic feet per hour): The volumetric feed rate to a process flare.
Combustion temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The combustion temperature of a process flare.
Combustion efficiency (percent): The combustion efficiency of a process flare, or the
completeness of hydrocarbon conversion to carbon dioxide (as CO2).
Installed control equipment: Indicates which common types of control devices are installed for
this equipment.
Condenser temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The operating temperature of a condenser installed
as a control device.
Condenser pressure (absolute pounds per square inch): The operating temperature of a condenser
installed as a control device.



Control Equipment Tab

Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether additional controls are installed, other than the
common control devices listed on the Ventilation System Tab.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required (other than those listed
on the Ventilation System Tab).
SOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in sulfur oxides emissions achieved by
all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).
NOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in nitrogen oxides emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).
CO efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in carbon monoxide emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organics emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).
PM10 efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in PM10 emissions (particulate matter
under 10 microns in diameter) achieved by all other installed control devices (other than those
listed on the Ventilation System Tab).

QC Results Tab

Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC


4.10.1 General Information Tab
Average elevation (feet above mean sea level): The approximate elevation of loading operations,
measured from mean sea level to the point of dispensing.
Storage tank paint color: The exterior paint color of the dispensing storage tank.
Storage tank paint condition: The exterior paint condition of the dispensing storage tank.
Product Reid vapor pressure (absolute pounds per square inch): The Reid vapor pressure of the
liquid contained within the dispensing storage tank.
Average percent by weight of VOCs in tank vapor (percent): The VOC content of vapors in the
storage tank headspace, measured as weight percent.
Average molecular weight of VOCs in tank vapor (pounds per pound-mol): The average
molecular weight of VOCs present in the storage tank headspace.
Volume loaded (barrels): The quantity of liquid hydrocarbon loaded into ships or barges at this
Bulk liquid temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The bulk temperature of the liquid contained
within the dispensing storage tank.
Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.
4.10.2 Ventilation System Tab
Emission destination: Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented or flared
locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
Remote vent/flare ID: Indicates the destination vent or flare identifier code (if emissions are
directed through a low-pressure vent/flare manifold system). It may be necessary to first create a
vent or flare before it will appear in the list (using the Edit|New Equipment menu).
Outlet height (feet): The height at the outlet of a process vent/flare above the loading operation
(measured from the point of dispensing to the top of the outlet).
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of a process vent/flare.
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the outlet of a process
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
outlet of a process vent.

Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the outlet from vertically upward. 0 indicates an
upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
Flare feed rate (standard cubic feet per hour): The volumetric feed rate to a process flare.
Combustion temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The combustion temperature of a process flare.
Combustion efficiency (percent): The combustion efficiency of a process flare, or the
completeness of hydrocarbon conversion to carbon dioxide (as CO2).
Installed control equipment: Indicates which common types of control devices are installed for
this equipment.
Condenser temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The operating temperature of a condenser installed
as a control device.
Condenser pressure (absolute pounds per square inch): The operating temperature of a condenser
installed as a control device.
4.10.3 Control Equipment Tab
Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether additional controls are installed, other than the
common control devices listed on the Ventilation System Tab.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required (other than those listed
on the Ventilation System Tab).
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organics emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).
4.10.4 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC


4.11.1 General Information Tab
Type of vessel: Indicates the type of vessel (separator, heater treater, surge tank, other) where the
flashing occurs.
API gravity of stored oil (degrees API): The API gravity of the oil/condensate contained within
the vessel where the flashing occurs.
Operating pressure of vessel (pounds per square inch gauge): Indicates the pressure setting of the
vessel where the flashing occurs.
Operating temperature of vessel (degrees Fahrenheit): Indicates the operating temperature of the
vessel where the flashing occurs.
Oil/condensate throughput (barrels): Indicates the actual throughput volume of oil/condensate for
each vessel for the specific monthly survey period.
Operating pressure immediately upstream of vessel (pounds per square inch gauge): Indicates
the operating pressure upstream of the vessel.
Operating temperature immediately upstream of vessel (degrees Fahrenheit): Indicates the
operating temperature upstream of the vessel.
Standard cubic feet of flash per barrel of oil (SCF/barrel): Indicate the SCF of flash per barrel of
oil/condensate specific to your source.
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the vessel for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the vessel was empty and unused for
the entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.
4.11.2 Ventilation System Tab
Emissions destination: Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented or flared
locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
Low-pressure vent/flare ID: Indicates the destination vent or flare identifier code (if emissions
are not vented or flared locally). It may be necessary to first create a vent or flare before it will
appear in the list (using the Edit|New Equipment menu).
Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.

Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of a process vent.
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the outlet of a process vent.
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
outlet of a process vent.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the outlet from vertically upward. 0 indicates an
upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
4.11.3 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC


4.12.1 General Information Tab
Days per month of drilling with mud (i.e., drilling fluid): The total number of 24-hour days that
drilling (with mud) occurred during the specific monthly survey period.
Type of mud: Indicates the type of mud used (drilling fluid) (water-based, oil-based, or
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the operation for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the equipment was unused for the
entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.
4.12.2 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC


4.13.1 General Information Tab
Hours operated: The total number of hours that this engine was in operation during the specific
monthly survey period.
Manufacturer: The company name of the engine manufacturer.
Model No.: The manufacturer’s model number of the engine.
Engine stroke: Indicates whether the engine is a 2-stroke design or a 4-stroke design.
Engine burn: Indicates the fuel burn conditions (lean-burn, rich-burn, or clean-burn).
Fuel H2S content (parts per million by volume): The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in
gaseous fuel types.
Fuel heating value (British thermal units per standard cubic feet): The energy content of gaseous
fuel types.
Max rated horsepower (horsepower) – The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower output.
Operating horsepower (horsepower): The operating horsepower during operation this survey
Max rated fuel usage (British thermal units per horsepower-hour): The manufacturer’s maximum
rate of fuel usage.
Average fuel usage (British thermal units per horsepower-hour): The average rate of fuel usage
during operation this survey period.
Total fuel used (thousand standard cubic feet): Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere). If
you do not monitor actual fuel use for an engine, a value may be calculated using:
[Hours operated * average fuel usage (Btu/hp-hr) * operating horsepower]÷[fuel heating value
(1,050 Btu/scf) * (1,000 scf/Mscf)].
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the engine for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the equipment was unused for the
entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.

4.13.2 Exhaust System Tab
Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of the exhaust outlet.
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the exhaust outlet.
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
exhaust outlet.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the exhaust outlet from vertically upward.
0 indicates an upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
Emission controls: Indicates which types of control device is installed for this equipment.
4.13.3 Control Equipment Tab
Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether additional controls are installed.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required.
SOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in sulfur oxides emissions achieved by
all other installed control devices.
NOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in nitrogen oxides emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices.
CO efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in carbon monoxide emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices.
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organic compound
emissions achieved by all other installed control devices.
PM10 efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in PM10 emissions (particulate matter
under 10 microns in diameter) achieved by all other installed control devices.
4.13.4 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC

4.14.1 General Information Tab
Manufacturer: The company name of the turbine manufacturer.
Model No.: The manufacturer’s model number of the turbine.
Engine purpose of use: The purpose for which this turbine is used.

Electricity Generation


Product Pressurization



Natural Gas Usage
Operating horsepower (horsepower): The operating horsepower during operation this survey
Average fuel usage (British thermal units per horsepower-hour): The average rate of gaseous fuel
usage during operation this survey period.
Fuel H2S content (parts per million by volume): The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in
gaseous fuel types.
Fuel heating value (British thermal units per standard cubic feet): The energy content of gaseous
fuel types.
Max rated horsepower (horsepower): The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower output.
Max rated fuel usage (British thermal units per horsepower-hour): The manufacturer’s maximum
rate of gaseous fuel usage.
Hours operated: The total number of hours that this turbine was in operation during the specific
monthly survey period.
Total fuel used (thousand standard cubic feet): Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere). If
you do not monitor actual fuel use for a turbine, a value may be calculated using:
[Hours operated * average fuel usage (Btu/hp-hr) * operating horsepower]÷[fuel heating value
(1,050 Btu/scf) * (1,000 scf/Mscf)].


Diesel Fuel Usage
Operating horsepower (horsepower): The operating horsepower during operation this survey
Average fuel usage (British thermal units per horsepower-hour): The average rate of diesel fuel
usage during operation this survey period.
Fuel sulfur content (percent by mass): The sulfur content of diesel fuel.
Fuel heating value (British thermal units per pound): The energy content of diesel fuel.
Max rated horsepower (horsepower): The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower output.
Max rated fuel usage (British thermal units per horsepower-hour): The manufacturer’s maximum
rate of fuel usage.
Hours operated: The total number of hours that this engine was in operation during the specific
monthly survey period.
Total fuel used (gallons): Total liquid fuel used during this survey period. If you do not monitor
actual fuel use for an engine, a value may be calculated using:
[Hours operated * average fuel usage (Btu/hp-hr) * operating horsepower]÷[fuel heating value
(19,300 Btu/lb) * (7.05 lbs/gal)].
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the turbine for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the equipment was unused for the
entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.
4.14.2 Exhaust System Tab
Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of the exhaust outlet.
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the exhaust outlet.
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
exhaust outlet.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the exhaust outlet from vertically upward. 0
indicates an upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
Emission controls: Indicates which type of control device is installed for this equipment.

4.14.3 Control Equipment Tab
Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether additional controls are installed, other than the
common control devices listed on the Exhaust System Tab.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required (other than those listed
on the Exhaust System Tab).
SOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in sulfur oxides emissions achieved by
all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
NOx efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in nitrogen oxides emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
CO efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in carbon monoxide emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organics emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
PM10 efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in PM10 emissions (particulate matter
under 10 microns in diameter) achieved by all other installed control devices (other than those
listed on the Exhaust System Tab).
4.14.4 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC


4.15.1 General Information Tab
Manufacturer: The company name of the equipment manufacturer. Examples include: Wilden
diaphragm pumps (M-1, M-2, M-4, M-8, M-15); and Texsteam chemical injection and
diaphragm pumps.
Model: The manufacturer’s model number of the pump. Only include pumps that are in natural
gas service. Do not include pumps in compressed air service.
Fuel gas usage rate (standard cubic feet per hour): The rate of natural gas usage during operation
this survey period. This information is no longer optional. You should obtain the fuel gas
usage rate for each specific make and model from the equipment vendor.
Hours operated: The total number of hours that the pump was in operation during the specific
monthly survey period.
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the pump for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report” – Indicates that the pump was unused for the entire
month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.
4.15.2 Ventilation System Tab
Emissions destination: Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented or flared
locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
Low-pressure vent/flare ID: Indicates the destination vent or flare identifier code (if emissions
are not vented or flared locally). It may be necessary to first create.
Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of a process vent.
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the outlet of a process vent.
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
outlet of a process vent.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the outlet from vertically upward. 0 indicates an
upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
4.15.3 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error

Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC


4.16.1 General Information Tab
Service Type: Indicates whether the equipment is in pressure control (PC), level control (LC),
flow control (FC), or other service.
[Note that service type options have been expanded to include flow control and other (e.g.,
temperature control).]
Manufacturer: The company name of the equipment manufacturer. Only include equipment that
is in natural gas service. Do not include equipment in compressed air service.
Model: The manufacturer’s model number of the equipment.
Number of this make-model: Number of equipment of this exact make and model.
Bleed rate: Indicate if device is:
• High-bleed (>6scfh)
• Low-bleed (<6scfh)
• Intermittent
• Zero-bleed
[Note bleed rate is a new field so if you imported your static data, you must populate this field.]
Fuel gas usage rate (standard cubic feet per hour): The rate of natural gas usage during operation
this survey period. This information is no longer optional. You should obtain the fuel gas
usage rate for each specific make and model from the equipment vendor.
Hours operated: The total number of hours that the equipment was in operation during the
specific monthly survey period.
Equipment elevation (feet above mean sea level): A good estimate is half the elevation of the top
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the equipment operations for the specific survey

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the equipment was unused for the
entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.


4.16.2 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC


4.17.1 General Information Tab
Product throughput (barrels): The volume of liquid hydrocarbon turned over through the storage
tank during the survey period.
Tank orientation (horizontal/vertical): Indicates whether the tank is elongated and narrow in the
horizontal direction (horizontal), or otherwise (vertical).
Tank shape (cylindrical/rectangular): Indicates whether the tank is cylindrical or rectangular in
Average liquid height (feet): The average height of stored liquid during the survey period,
measured from the bottom of the storage space to the top of the liquid.
Tank shell diameter (feet): The diameter of a cylindrical tank (either horizontal or vertical).
Tank shell height (feet): The vertical height of a cylindrical tank (oriented vertically) or of a
rectangular tank (oriented vertically or horizontally).
Tank shell length (feet): The longest horizontal dimension of a horizontal tank.
Tank shell width (feet): The horizontal width of a rectangular tank (oriented vertically or
2nd Tank shell width (feet): The 2nd horizontal width of a rectangular tank (oriented vertically).
Is the roof fixed (not floating)? (yes/no): Indicates whether the tank has a fixed or floating roof.
Roof shape: Indicates the shape of a vertical tank’s roof.

Cone: cylindrical tanks


Dome: cylindrical tanks


Flat: cylindrical or rectangular


Peaked: rectangular

Roof height above shell (feet): The height of a fixed roof measured from the top of the tank shell
to the highest point of the roof.
Breather vent pressure setting (pounds per square inch gauge): The pressure setting of the tank
breather valve.
Breather vent vacuum setting (pounds per square inch gauge): The vacuum setting of the tank
breather valve.

Paint color: The exterior paint color of the storage tank.
Paint condition: The exterior paint condition of the storage tank.
Bulk liquid temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The bulk temperature of the liquid contained
within the storage tank.
Product type (crude/condensate): Indicates whether the storage tank contains crude oil or
condensates. It is not mandatory that you enter data for jet fuel storage tanks.
API gravity (degrees API): The API gravity of the liquid contained within the storage tank.
Product Reid vapor pressure (absolute pounds per square inch): The Reid vapor pressure of the
liquid contained within the storage tank.
Average percent by weight of VOCs in tank vapor (percent): The VOC content of vapors in the
storage tank headspace, measured as weight percent.
Average molecular weight of VOCs in tank vapor (pounds per pound-mol): The average
molecular weight of VOCs present in the storage tank headspace.
Equipped with a flash tank? (yes/no): Indicates whether the storage tank is equipped with an
upstream flash tank.
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the storage for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the tank was empty and unused for
the entire month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.
4.17.2 Ventilation System Tab
Emissions destination: Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented or flared
locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
Low-pressure vent/flare ID: Indicates the destination vent or flare identifier code (if emissions
are not vented or flared locally). It may be necessary to first create.
Outlet height (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the stack outlet above mean sea level.
Outlet inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of a process vent or the effective diameter of a
Exit velocity (feet/second): The exit velocity of emissions through the outlet of a process


Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The temperature of gaseous emissions measured at the
outlet of a process vent.
Outlet orientation (degrees): The deviation of the outlet from vertically upward. 0 indicates an
upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
Flare feed rate (standard cubic feet per hour): The volumetric feed rate to a process flare.
Combustion temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The combustion temperature of a process flare.
Combustion efficiency (percent): The combustion efficiency of a process flare, or the
completeness of hydrocarbon conversion to carbon dioxide (as CO2).
Installed control equipment: Indicates which common types of control devices are installed for
this equipment.
Condenser temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The operating temperature of a condenser installed
as a control device.
Condenser pressure (absolute pounds per square inch): The operating pressure of a condenser
installed as a control device.
4.17.3 Control Equipment Tab
Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether additional controls are installed, other than the
common control devices listed on the Ventilation System Tab.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required (other than those listed
on the Ventilation System Tab).
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organics emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices (other than those listed on the Ventilation System Tab).
4.17.4 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC




4.18.1 General Information Tab
Note that vented emissions are NOT combusted. If emissions are combusted, create a
Combustion Flare record.
Hours operated, including upsets – The total number of hours that the vent was operated during
the survey period, including periods of upset venting.
Volume vented (thousand standard cubic feet), including upsets: The total volume of gas vented
during the survey period, including periods of upset venting, volume adjusted to standard
temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere). The GOADS volume vented
should match the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR)’s volume vented reported on the
Oil and Gas Operations Report (OGOR).
Vent type: Indicates whether vent gases are released at high pressure or low pressure.
Vent gas H2S Concentration (parts per million by volume): The concentration of hydrogen
sulfide present in the vented gas.
Vent gas VOC Concentration (parts per million by volume): The concentration of volatile
organic compounds present in the vented gas.
Average molecular weight of VOCs (lb/lb-mol): The average molecular weight of VOCs present
in the vented gas.
Stack outlet elevation (feet above mean sea level): The elevation of the vent stack outlet above
mean sea level.
Stack inner diameter (inches): The inner diameter of the vent stack at its outlet.
Average exit velocity (feet per second): The average exit velocity of vented gas at the stack
Exit temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The average temperature of vented gas at the stack outlet.
Stack orientation (degrees): The deviation of the stack outlet from vertically upward. 0 indicates
an upward pointing outlet; 180 indicates a downward pointing outlet.
Installed control equipment: Indicates which common types of control devices are installed on
the vent.
Condenser temperature (degrees Fahrenheit): The operating temperature of a condenser installed
as a control device.

Condenser pressure (absolute pounds per square inch): The operating pressure of a condenser
installed as a control device.
No Emissions to Report: Indicates the status of the vent for the specific survey period.

“No Emissions to Report”: Indicates that the vent was unused for the entire
month-long survey period.

Comments: A space for general user comments regarding this structure, with a maximum length
of 255 characters.
4.18.2 Control Equipment Tab
Other control device? (yes/no): Indicates whether controls are installed.
Description: If present, a description of other control devices is required.
VOC efficiency (percent): The total combined reductions in volatile organics emissions achieved
by all other installed control devices.
4.18.3 QC Results Tab
Error Source: List of input variables for this equipment that have been flagged with QC error
Error Description: List of the reasons that QC error messages were assigned.
Operator Comment: List of user’s explanations for unusual or unexpected values that were
flagged with QC error messages. An operator comment indicates that the user wishes to override
the QC error message. (To add Operator Comments, select an error message, then click “Add QC




This section indicates the data fields that will be flagged in the QA Summary Form if they are
missing or inconsistent from month to month. If all of your GOADS-2017 entries are complete
and the values are within two standard deviations of the average for all values in that field, the
QA Summary Form will be blank.
The data fields in the QA Summary Form are critical to developing emission estimates. If an
element appears on the QA Summary Form printout, you should re-evaluate your GOADS-2017
file and complete or correct the data you entered for the equipment or month shown. If the
flagged value is legitimate, you may annotate the QA Summary Form using colored ink, or
attach additional sheets which specify why a value is valid and does not need to be changed.
You must export the GOADS-2017 QA Summary Form and submit it with your data files. If any
values are flagged as incomplete or inconsistent, BOEM may contact you. Please make sure you
review the QA Summary Form closely, correct any errors that are flagged, and provide separate
documentation to note that flagged entries that are valid. The following table lists the type codes
used on the QA Summary Form.


Table 4.
GOADS-2017 QA Summary Form Equipment Type Codes


Amine gas sweetening unit
Diesel or gasoline engine
Drilling equipment
Combustion flare
Glycol dehydrator unit
Loading operation
Losses from flashing
Mud degassing
Natural gas engine
Natural gas, diesel, and dual-fuel turbine
Pneumatic pumps
Pneumatic controllers
Storage tank
Cold vent


Table 5.
GOADS-2017 QA Summary Form Data Fields
General Operator Information
Lessee/operator name and phone number
Company name
Survey Information
12 surveys included
Structure Information
Distance to shore
Gas production
Crude oil production
Natural gas usage for all 12 months consistent with survey data
Diesel fuel usage for all 12 months consistent with survey data
Gasoline usage for all 12 months consistent with survey data
Equipment records present for active platform
Number and unique pieces of equipment consistent for all 12 mos.
Sales gas composition


Table 5.
GOADS-2017 QA Summary Form Data Fields (continued)
Equipment Information
Amine Gas Sweetening Unit
Processed throughput
Hours operated
Unprocessed natural gas concentration (% by volume)
Amine type
Equipped with a flash tank (yes/no)
Disposition of flash gas
Vented into low-pressure system
Gases vented or flared
Fuel type
Maximum rated heat input
Hours of operated
Average heat input
Same equipment units reported for each month/survey
Diesel or Gasoline Engine
Fuel type
Maximum rated horsepower
Hours operated
Operating horsepower
Maximum rated fuel usage
Average fuel usage
Same equipment units reported for each month/survey
Drilling Equipment
Hours operated
Total diesel fuel usage
Total gasoline usage
Total natural gas fuel usage


Table 5.
GOADS-2017 QA Summary Form Data Fields (continued)
Equipment Information
Combustion Flare
Volume flared reported for continuous and episodic flaring
Continuous pilot
Pilot fuel feed rate
Stream type (gas, heavy oil, light oil, or water/oil)
Average VOC weight %
Number of components that handle the stream type
Glycol Dehydrator Unit
Processed throughput
Equipped with a flash tank (yes/no)
Disposition of flash gas
Loading Operation
Volume loaded to ships and barges
Tank color
Tank condition
Losses from Flashing
Type of vessel
API gravity of stored oil
Operating pressure of each vessel
Operating temperature of each vessel
Operating pressure upstream of vessel
Operating temperature upstream of vessel
Oil/condensate throughput for each vessel
Disposition of flash gas
Mud Degassing
Number of drilling days (with mud)
Mud type used (water-based, synthetic, oil-based)


Table 5.
GOADS-2017 QA Summary Form Data Fields (continued)
Equipment Information
Natural Gas Engine
Engine stroke
Engine burn
Hours operated
Operating horsepower
Maximum rated fuel usage
Average fuel usage
Same equipment units reported for each month/survey
Natural Gas, Diesel, or Dual-Fuel Turbine
Hours operated
Operating horsepower
Maximum rated fuel usage
Average fuel usage
Same equipment units reported for each month/survey
Pneumatic Pumps
Hours operated
Pneumatic Controllers
Bleed rate
Hours operated
Service type


Table 5.
GOADS-2017 QA Summary Form Data Fields (continued)
Equipment Information
Storage Tank
Product throughput
Product type
Tank color
Tank condition
Tank shape
Tank orientation
Tank shell height
Tank shell diameter
Tank shell width
Roof shape
Roof height above shell
Equipped with a flash tank (yes/no)
Cold Vent
Hours operated, including upsets
Volume vented, including upsets
Control device identified
Average vent feed


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorJody Tisano
File Modified2016-10-28
File Created2016-10-28

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