OMB83C Change Memo MGLS2017 OFT & Recruitment for MS Base-year

MGLS2017 OFT & Recruitment for MS Base-year Study Materials Change Memo.docx

Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-18 (MGLS:2017) Operational Field Test (OFT) and Recruitment for Main Study Base-year

OMB83C Change Memo MGLS2017 OFT & Recruitment for MS Base-year

OMB: 1850-0911

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MEMORANDUM OMB # 1850-0911 v.12

DATE: November 29, 2016

TO: Robert Sivinski

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget

FROM: Carolyn Fidelman

National Center for Education Statistics

THROUGH: Kashka Kubzdela

National Center for Education Statistics

SUBJECT: Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-18 (MGLS:2017) Operational Field Test (OFT) and Recruitment for Main Study Base-year Study Materials Change Request


The Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-18 (MGLS:2017) is the first study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to follow a nationally-representative sample of students as they enter and move through the middle grades (grades 6-8). The data collected through repeated measures of key constructs will provide a rich descriptive picture of the academic experiences and development of students during these critical years and will allow researchers to examine associations between contextual factors and student outcomes. The study will focus on student achievement in mathematics and literacy along with measures of student socioemotional wellbeing and other outcomes. The study will also include a special sample of students with different types of disabilities that will provide descriptive information on their outcomes, educational experiences, and special education services. Main Study Base-year data for the MGLS:2017 will be collected from a nationally-representative sample of 6th grade students beginning in January 2018, with annual follow-ups beginning in January 2019 and in January 2020 when most of the students in the sample will be in grades 7 and 8, respectively. In preparation for the national data collection, referred to as the Main Study, the data collection instruments and procedures must be field tested. An Item Validation Field Test (IVFT) was conducted in the winter/spring 2016 to determine the psychometric properties of items and the predictive potential of assessment and survey items so that valid, reliable, and useful assessment and survey instruments can be composed for the Main Study. An Operational Field Test (OFT) will begin in January 2017 to test the near final instruments and the recruitment and data collection processes and procedures in preparation for the Main Study.

OMB approved the recruitment of schools, school districts, and parents to participate in the OFT in December 2015 with the latest change request approved in March 2016 (OMB# 1850-0911 v.6,9,10). The request to conduct the OFT data collection, Main Study recruitment, and tracking of OFT students was approved on December 2, 2016 (OMB# 1850-0911 v.11).

This Request

This request is to modify language in the parent contacting materials, the video introductory script for the student session, and the study questionnaires (student, parent, math teacher, special education teacher, school administrator, and facilities observation checklist). These changes are driven by the recently completed analyses of IVFT results. The data collection for the OFT will begin January 23, 2017. Main Study recruitment will also commence in January 2017.

Modified Language in Contacting Materials

We have updated the text to describe the contractor throughout the contacting materials from a “nonprofit research organization based in North Carolina” to “a U.S.-based nonprofit research organization”. Some additional wording changes were made in the parent contacting materials to improve the existing language.

Modified Script for Video Introduction to the Student Instrument

An instructional video will be used to get students started on the session immediately upon arrival (see Appendix OFT1-D3 for details), rather than waiting for all students to arrive and be seated before hearing an oral presentation by the session facilitator. This video uses the script provided in the original package with the addition of language to instruct the student on how to navigate the instrument. Specifically, the text describes when the student will be able to go back to previous items in each component of the session, and also provides instructions on how to access the audio read aloud accommodation. Additional changes were made to the video script to improve its narrative’s clarity.

Modified Questionnaire Language

The purpose of the OFT is to test the instruments on at least 1,000 students in grade 6, with 250 respondents with IEP diagnoses in disability groups including specific learning disability, autism, and emotional disturbance. In addition to the student component, survey data will be collected from school administrators, parents, math teachers, and special education teachers. A facilities observation checklist will also be completed by the study Session Facilitator. Globally, based on IVFT results, we changed the soft check text to standardize language across instruments. Other changes were made to add clarity to the survey items. Changes made in each of the surveys are described below. These changes do not alter the estimated respondent burden, nor do they impact cost to the federal government.

Student survey. We removed text from the initial screens of the survey to reduce redundancy from the information already conveyed in the instruction video. Two new questions were added to gauge English language proficiency, which will help us to compare student report to the information provided by the school and to determine whether additional components should be translated into Spanish language for the Main Study. Other changes to the student survey include widening the year range for date of birth, changes to the format for capturing “other, specify” information, updates to validation messages, and changes to text and punctuation to ensure consistency throughout the instrument. In addition, items that included a slider to provide a response were changed to use dropdown menus to capture hours and minutes. This change was made to reduce respondent burden on these items.

Parent survey. We made changes to confirm the respondent’s identity, provide clarity about the person of reference throughout the instrument, and minimize data entry error. A “none of the above” option is recommended on several items in the household roster to accommodate all living situations, and a “don’t know” option was added to several items based on IVFT feedback. We recommend adding text to clarify activities occurring during the school year for temporal consistency. Directions were edited in several sections for clarity.

Mathematics teacher survey. We revised questions about internet connectivity in the classroom to enrich the quality of the data collected. “None of the above” and “Not applicable” options were added based on IVFT feedback. Additional text indicating information such as class name, period number, and student name were added throughout the survey to help the teacher keep track of the student for which he or she is reporting. Help text was moved to the response options for clarity on the student competency items.

Special Education teacher survey. As with the mathematics teacher questionnaire, we added the student name as conditional text to help the teacher keep track of the student for whom he or she is reporting. We moved the help text to be included in the response option text for clarity on the student competency items. In addition, some instructions were deleted because the functionality of the online questionnaire makes them unnecessary.

School Administrator survey. We added text to provide additional instructions for respondents and to revise instructional text to ensure consistency with the functionality of the instrument. Other changes were made to focus the instrument on only the sixth grade and to improve the quality of data reporting.

Facilities Checklist. We made revisions to item wording to ensure consistency throughout the checklist and to correct grammatical issues in the instrument.

The included here Exhibits 1 through 6 provide tables documenting and justifying the changes to the instruments.

Updates to reflect proposed changes were made in Part C and Appendices: OFT1- and MS1- A-D, D3, E-G, and J; as well as OFT1-I and S; OFT2-A, F-I; and Appendices U and V.

Exhibit 1. Proposed changes to the Student Questionnaire


Item #

Original Item

New/Updated Item



Introduction to Part 1

Welcome to the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-18 (MGLS:2017) Student Questionnaire

Survey Information

Thank you for being part of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-18 (MGLS:2017) field test.

First we want to learn about you and some of the things you may think or do.

Press "Next" to continue

The first questions are about you.

Please click START to start the next assignment.

An instructional video plays at the beginning of the student session to introduce the session. (See Appendix OFT1-D3 for details.) This screen was simplified to avoid repetition.


Introduction to Part 1

How to complete the survey

Before you get started, here are a few helpful hints.

  • Press the "Next" button to move forward.

  • Press the "Back" button to go back.

  • If you are not sure what the question is asking, look for this symbol [insert image of icon] or text in blue like this. You can press on either to get extra information that may help you understand the question or response option.

We hope you will answer each question, but if you do want to you can skip a question by pressing the "Next" button on that screen. If you press "Next" without answering the question, a message will pop up to make sure you meant to skip that question. If you did, then press “Next.” If you did not mean to skip it, please answer and then press the“Next” button.


The instructional video will account for navigation, so this screen is removed.


Soft Check for Skipping Items on Grid Questions

“Please provide an answer to the question you missed and press “Next” to move on. To skip the question, just press the “Next” button.” should appear when one or more items are missing on a screen.

Your responses are very important. Please answer as many questions as possible. Press “Edit” to return to this screen or press “Next” to continue. ”should appear when all items are missing on a screen.

Updates the language to be consistent with the button labels and only prompts the respondent when all items are missing.


Soft Check for Skipping 3 Consecutive Questions

It appears that the last three questions were left blank. Please provide answers to the questions you missed or just press “Next” to continue.

It is very important to the success of the study that you continue to provide complete responses. Please use the PREVIOUS button at the bottom of each page to back up and answer questions that were left blank.

Updated the language for consistency across instruments.


All “Other specify” items

“Please specify”: For “other” questions, respondents are asked to “please specify” what they were referring to when selecting a response option

“Please type your answer”

There is concern that with “please specify,” respondents of this age group may not know the meaning of “specify”. Changing it to “Please type your answer” would be more appropriate.





New question: “Is English your first language?”

Responses: Yes, No

Question was added to assess Spanish language needs for the Main Study.





New question: “How well do you read English?”

Responses: Very well, Well, Not well, Not at all

Question was added to assess Spanish language needs for the Main Study.




Response option: Textbox for years

Response option:

Dropdown with options: 9 or younger, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or older

Reduces error in typing age.






SOFT CHECK: IF MONTH = 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, OR 12, DAY CAN BE 1-31. IF MONTH = 2,

DAY CAN BE 1-29. IF MONTH = 4, 6, 9, 11, DAY CAN BE 1-30.

IF MONTH = 2 & DAY = 29 & YEAR ≠ 2004, OR IF MONTH = 2 & DAY = 30 OR 31, Q1.02= OUT OF RANGE.

IF MONTH = 4, 6, 9, 11 & DAY =31, Q1.02= OUT OF RANGE.

IF Q1.02= OUT OF RANGE: You entered <MONTH entered> <DAY entered> <YEAR entered> as your birthdate. Is that right?

SOFT CHECK: IF MONTH = 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, OR 12, DAY CAN BE 1-31. IF MONTH = 2,

DAY CAN BE 1-29. IF MONTH = 4, 6, 9, 11, DAY CAN BE 1-30.

IF MONTH = 2 & DAY = 29 & YEAR ≠ 2004 & YEAR ≠ 2008, OR IF MONTH = 2 & DAY = 30 OR 31, Q1.02= OUT OF RANGE.

IF MONTH = 4, 6, 9, 11 & DAY =31, Q1.02= OUT OF RANGE.

IF Q1.02= OUT OF RANGE: You entered <MONTH entered> <DAY entered> <YEAR entered> as your birthdate. Is that right?

Soft check validation updated to allow February 29, 2008.




YEAR range (2002-2007)

YEAR range (2001-2009)

Widen the YEAR range to help the question be more inclusive and reflective of the possible age ranges of the study sample.






f. Other school clubs


New question if Q1.04f>1: “In what other school clubs did you [participate/participate as an officer, leader, or captain]? Please type your answer.”

This item is inside a grid question, so to be able to capture the “other, specify” information, the respondent will type the response on a separate screen.





g. Other school-sponsored activities

(Please type in your answer)


New question if Q1.04g>1: “In what other school-sponsored activities did you [participate/participate as an officer, leader, or captain]? Please type your answer.”

This item is inside a grid question, so to be able to capture the “other, specify” information, the respondent will type the response on a separate screen.










Split question into two separate questions.

This question was split across two screens to avoid scrolling on the Chromebook.




SOFT CHECK: IF 11:00AM-3:00AM; “You entered <HOUR entered>:<MINUTE entered> <AM/PM entered> as the time you usually wake up on school days. Is that right?”

SOFT CHECK: IF 11:00AM-3:00AM; “You answered <HOUR entered>:<MINUTE entered> <AM/PM entered> as the time you usually wake up on school days. If this is wrong, press “Edit” to return to this screen. If this is right, press “Next” to continue.”

If partial answer: “Please enter the hours, minutes, and AM or PM that you usually wake up on school days. Press "Edit" to return to this screen or press "Next" to continue.”

Updated the validation message to match the button labels and added a second soft check message to address a partial response.




SOFT CHECK: IF 2:00AM-7:00PM; “You entered <HOUR entered>:<MINUTE entered> <AM/PM entered> as the time you usually go to sleep on school nights. Is that right?”

SOFT CHECK: IF 2:00AM-7:00PM ; “You answered <HOUR entered>:<MINUTE entered> <AM/PM entered> as the time you usually go to sleep on school nights. If this is wrong, press “Edit” to return to this screen. If this is right, press “Next” to continue.”

If partial answer: “Please enter the hours, minutes, and AM or PM that you usually go to sleep on school nights. Press "Edit" to return to this screen or press "Next" to continue.”

Updated the validation message to match the button labels and added a second soft check message to address a partial response.


End of Part 1

We’ll have some more questions about you later. Now, let’s do something else.

Press “Next” to continue to the next section.

Thank you. Next are some math problems.

Please click START to start the next assignment.

Updated the text to explain what the respondent will be doing next.


Introduction to Part 2

Welcome to the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-18 (MGLS:2017) Student Questionnaire Part 2. Survey Information

Now we have some more questions about you.

Press "Next" to continue.

Next are some more questions about you.

Press "Next" to continue.

Simplified the text between components for consistency throughout the session.






e. Doing other activities outside of school? (Please type in your answer.)


New question if Q2.01e>1: “What other activities do you do outside of school? Please type your answer.”

This item is inside a grid question, so to be able to capture the “other, specify” information, the respondent will type the response on a separate screen.















Split question into two separate questions.

This question was split across two screens to avoid scrolling on the Chromebook.






j. Do some other activity using a computer, tablet, phone, or similar device? (Please type in your answer.)


What other activity do you do using a computer, tablet, phone, or similar device? Please type your answer.

This item is inside a grid question, so to be able to capture the “other, specify” information, the respondent will type the response on a separate screen.




On a typical weekday, how much time do you spend using all electronic devices (including phone, tablet, computer, video game systems, television, iPod, etc.) for school-related activities?

Move the arrow on the slider scale to point to the number of hours you spend on a typical weekday.

On a typical weekday, how much time do you spend using all electronic devices (including phone, tablet, computer, video game systems, television, iPod, etc.) for school-related activities?

Response option was changed from slider to two dropdown menus to reduce burden on respondent for capturing hours and minutes.




On a typical weekday, how much time do you spend using all electronic devices (including phone, tablet, computer, video game systems, television, iPod, etc.) for any activity?

Move the arrow on the slider scale to point to the number of hours you spend on a typical weekday.

On a typical weekday, how much time do you spend using all electronic devices (including phone, tablet, computer, video game systems, television, iPod, etc.) for any activity?

Response option was changed from slider to two dropdown menus to reduce burden on respondent for capturing hours and minutes.




On a typical weekend day, how much time per day do you spend using all electronic devices (including phone, tablet, computer, video game systems, television, iPod, etc.) for school-related activities?

Move the arrow on the slider scale to point to the number of hours you spend on a typical weekend day.

On a typical weekend day, how much time per day do you spend using all electronic devices (including phone, tablet, computer, video game systems, television, iPod, etc.) for school-related activities?

Response option was changed from slider to two dropdown menus to reduce burden on respondent for capturing hours and minutes.




On a typical weekend day, how much time per day do you spend using all electronic devices (including phone, tablet, computer, video game systems, television, iPod, etc.) for any activity?

Move the arrow on the slider scale to point to the number of hours you spend on a typical weekend day.

On a typical weekend day, how much time per day do you spend using all electronic devices (including phone, tablet, computer, video game systems, television, iPod, etc.) for any activity?

Response option was changed from slider to two dropdown menus to reduce burden on respondent for capturing hours and minutes.




Are you Hispanic or Latino/Latina?

Select the one that best describes you.

Are you Hispanic or Latino/Latina?

Removed the instruction because this is a yes/no question.




Please type in your answer

Please type your answer.

Updated text and punctuation for consistency throughout instrument.




Please type in your answer

Please type your answer.

Updated text and punctuation for consistency throughout instrument.















Split question into two separate questions.

This question was split across two screens to avoid scrolling on the Chromebook.











Split question into two separate questions.

This question was split across two screens to avoid scrolling on the Chromebook.


End of Part 2

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions about what your school, friends, and home life are like, the activities you do, and how you think about yourself and school!

Press “Next” to continue to the next section.

Next you will be completing some reading activities.

Press “Next” to continue to the next section.

Updated the text to explain what the respondent will be doing next.

Exhibit 2. Proposed changes to the Parent Questionnaire


Item #

Original Item

New/Updated Item


Parent Survey

A01a, no QID

Thank you for being a part of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017) field test. This will help us learn about children’s development during an important time in their lives.

We also want to learn about family and school experiences that shape children’s development. This is where we need your help. This survey should be filled out by the parent, guardian, or person living with the study child who knows the most about {his/her} development, schooling, and home life. Your answers are very important to the study’s success and we hope you will complete the survey. This survey is voluntary and you can skip questions you do not want to answer. [You will receive a ($10-50) check for completing this survey.]

Please click the “Next” button below.

Thank you for being a part of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017) field test. This will help us learn about children’s development during an important time in their lives.

We also want to learn about family and school experiences that shape children’s development. This is where we need your help. This survey should be filled out by the parent, guardian, or person living with {CFNAME} who knows the most about {his/her} development, schooling, and home life. Your answers are very important to the study’s success and we hope you will complete the survey. This survey is voluntary and you can skip questions you do not want to answer. [You will receive a ($10-50) check for completing this survey.]

Please click the “Next” button below.

Replaced “the study child” with child’s first name to avoid the generic reference associated with a specific gender fill.

Parent Survey

A01c, no QID

Thank you very much for participating! Before you get started, here are a few helpful hints.

To answer a question, click the box to choose your response.

Press the "Next" button to move forward.

Press the "Back" button to go back.

Some questions offer text to help you understand the question or the response options. If you see an information icon there is help text available. If you would like to see the help text, please click the icon.

The "Log out" button can be used to save your responses and finish later (button is in the upper right hand corner of each page).

To protect your data, your responses will be automatically saved and you will be logged off if you are idle for more than 30 minutes.

Please click “Next” to begin.

Before you get started, here are a few helpful hints.

To answer a question, click the box to choose your response.

Press the "Next" button to move forward.

Press the "Back" button to go back.

Some questions offer text to help you understand the question or the response options. Click on the HELP icon at the top of the screen or the help icon in the survey to see the help text.

If you need to take a break and leave the interview at any time, click the "Log out" button in the top left-hand corner of your screen. When you log back in, the survey will start from the screen you were on when you logged out.

To protect your data, your responses will be automatically saved and you will be logged off if you are idle for more than 30 minutes.

Please click “Next” to begin.

Changes made to match the updated survey interface and navigation.

Parent Survey

A02 (5010200) HARD CHECK


Hard check if A02=missing:

Please respond to this question so you may continue.

Confirmation of identity (is respondent individual from school materials?) is required for proper survey routing.

Parent Survey

A03a (5010301)

Does {CFNAME} live with you?

Does {CFNAME} {CLNAME} live with you?

Last name added for clarity on first question about the study child.

Parent Survey

A03a (5010301)HARD CHECK


Hard check if A03A=missing:

Please respond to this question so you may continue.

Hard check added for purposes of determining appropriate individual (one who lives with study child) is completing the survey.

Parent Survey

A05b (5010503-5010506)

Great! Please select Next to be taken back to the introductory page of this questionnaire and ask him or her to begin from there. If that person cannot complete the questionnaire right now, please select Log out so he or she can log back in at a later time. Thank you very much!

Great! Please provide the name of the person living in this household who knows the most about {CFNAME}’s development, schooling, and home life.

First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:


A05b has been split into 2 screens. The survey first collects preload information of the new appropriate survey respondent. This allows for survey to properly preload information for appropriate individual. Respondent is then sent to FPPREINTRO, which instructs respondents how to continue with the survey, or log out.

Parent Survey

A05b (5010502)

Great! Please select Next to be taken back to the introductory page of this questionnaire and ask him or her to begin from there. If that person cannot complete the questionnaire right now, please select Log out so he or she can log back in at a later time. Thank you very much!

FPPREINTRO. If [NAME FROM A05B] is available now, please select “Next” to be taken back to the introductory page of this questionnaire and ask [NAME] to begin from there. If [NAME] cannot complete the questionnaire right now, please select “LOGOUT” in the top left area of the screen so [NAME] can log back in at a later time. Thank you very much!

A05b has been split into 2 screens. The survey first collects preload information of the new appropriate survey respondent. This allows for survey to properly preload information for appropriate individual. Respondent is then sent to FPPREINTRO, which instructs respondents how to continue with the survey, or log out.

Parent Survey

A06 (5010601-5010606)

The MGLS:2017 team would like to contact a parent, guardian, or person who lives with {CFNAME} and knows about {his/her} development, schooling, and home life. Please enter the contact information for this person now and a team member will be in touch soon.

First name

Last name

Phone Number


The MGLS:2017 team would like to contact a parent, guardian, or person who lives with {CFNAME} and knows about {his/her} development, schooling, and home life. Please enter the contact information for this person now and a team member will be in touch soon.

First name

Middle name

Last name


Phone Number


Middle name and Suffix will now be collected throughout the survey to prevent mistakes due to family members with the same name.

Parent Survey

A07 (5010701-5010704)

Please check the spelling of {CFNAME}’s full name.

First name:[CFNAME]

Middle name: [CMNAME]

Last name:[CLNAME]

Suffix: [CSUFFIX]

If the study child’s name is not spelled right, please fix it below. If everything is spelled right, press Next to continue.

Please check the spelling of {CFNAME}’s full name.

First name:[CFNAME]

Middle name: [CMNAME]

Last name:[CLNAME]

Suffix: [CSUFFIX]

If [CFNAME]’s name is not spelled right, please fix it below. If everything is spelled right, press Next to continue.

Study child’s name added to question to avoid awkward “study child” phrasing.

Parent Survey

A09CONFIRM (5010905)


Just to confirm, is {CFNAME} {AGE IN YEARS} years old?

Confirmation screen added to prevent data entry error, which could cause issues in programming in the remainder of the survey.

Parent Survey

A09a (5010904) soft check

SOFT CHECK: IF NO RESPONSE, “Please enter {CFNAME}’s age in years, or press Next to skip this item.”

SOFT CHECK: IF NO RESPONSE, “Please provide {CFNAME}’s age in years. If you don’t know the exact age, please use your best guess.”

Soft check reworded to ask respondent to estimate child’s age, which is important for programming in the remainder of the survey.

Parent Survey



In addition to you and {CFNAME}, who else lives in your household? To add someone, fill in that person’s first name, last name, and suffix (if applicable), then click “Add.” When all the people living in your household are listed, press “Next.”

In addition to you and {CFNAME}, does anyone else live in the household?

Item B01 from the IVFT has been split into multiple items to capture the dynamic nature of the household roster and to remind the parent who should be included in the household roster.

Parent Survey

B01b (5021001-5021203)

In addition to you and {CFNAME}, who else lives in your household? To add someone, fill in that person’s first name, last name, and suffix (if applicable), then click “Add.” When all the people living in your household are listed, press “Next.”

Who else lives in the household?

We are only interested in knowing about people who normally live in your household. Please do not include anyone staying with you temporarily, such as someone visiting the household who usually lives somewhere else.

Item B01 from the IVFT has been split into multiple items to capture the dynamic nature of the household roster and to remind the parent who should be included in the household roster.

Parent Survey

B01b_2, no QID

In addition to you and {CFNAME}, who else lives in your household? To add someone, fill in that person’s first name, last name, and suffix (if applicable), then click “Add.” When all the people living in your household are listed, press “Next.”

In addition to those shown above, does anyone else live in the household?

Recall that we are only interested in knowing about people who normally live in your household. Please do not include anyone staying with you temporarily, such as someone visiting the household who usually lives somewhere else.

Item B01 from the IVFT has been split into multiple items to capture the dynamic nature of the household roster and to remind the parent who should be included in the household roster.

Parent Survey

B02a, 5022001, 5022101, 5022201

What is this person’s age?

What is [your/{CFNAME}’s/{HHNAME}’s] age?

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

B02b, 5022002, 5022102, 5022202

What is this person’s sex?

What is [your/{CFNAME}’s/{HHNAME}’s] sex?

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

B02c, 5022003, 5022103, 5022203

Is this person Hispanic or Latino/Latina?

[Are you/Is {CFNAME}/IS {HHNAME}] Hispanic or Latino/Latina?

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

B02d, 5022004, 5022104, 5022204

Which of the following choices describes this person’s race? You may choose more than one.

Which of the following choices describes [your/{CFNAME}’s/{HHNAME}’s] race? You may choose more than one.

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

B02e_1, 5022005, 5022105, 5022205

Which of the following best describes this person?

  1. Mexican, Mexican-American, or Chicano

  2. Cuban

  3. Dominican

  4. Puerto Rican

  5. Central American

  6. South American

  7. Other (please specify)

  8. Asian Indian

  9. Chinese

  10. Filipino

  11. Japanese

  12. Korean

  13. Vietnamese

  14. Other (please specify)

Which of the following best describes [you/{CFNAME}/{HHNAME}]?

  1. Mexican, Mexican-American, or Chicano

  2. Cuban

  3. Dominican

  4. Puerto Rican

  5. Central American

  6. South American

  7. Other (please specify)

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member. Response options broken into two questions to accommodate respondents who identify as Asian and Hispanic

B02e_2, 5022015, 5022115, 5022215

Which of the following best describes this person?

  1. Mexican, Mexican-American, or Chicano

  2. Cuban

  3. Dominican

  4. Puerto Rican

  5. Central American

  6. South American

  7. Other (please specify)

  8. Asian Indian

  9. Chinese

  10. Filipino

  11. Japanese

  12. Korean

  13. Vietnamese

  14. Other (please specify)

Which of the following best describes [you/{CFNAME}/{HHNAME}]?

  1. Asian Indian

  2. Chinese

  3. Filipino

  4. Japanese

  5. Korean

  6. Vietnamese

  7. Other (please specify)

Wording in these items have changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member. Response options broken into two questions to accommodate respondents who identify as Asian and Hispanic

B02f, 5022006, 5022106, 5022206

What is this person’s relationship to [CFNAME]?

What is [your/{HHNAME}’s] relationship to [CFNAME]?

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

B02h, 5022007, 5022107, 5022207

What is this person’s marital status?

What is [your/{HHNAME}’s] marital status?

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

B02i, 5022009, 5022109, 5022209

What is the highest level of education this person has completed?

What is the highest level of education [you have/{HHNAME} has] completed?

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

B02j, 5022010, 5022110, 5022210

During the past week did this person work at a job for pay?

During the past week did [you/{HHNAME}] work at a job for pay?

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

B02k, 5022011, 5022111, 5022211

In which country was this person born?

In which country [were you/was {HHNAME}] born?

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

B02l, 5022012, 5022112, 5022212

In what year did this person move to the United States permanently?

In what year did [you/{HHNAME}] move to the United States permanently?

Wording in these items has changed to allow for conditional fills dependent on whether question applies to respondent, study child, or another household member.

Parent Survey

B03b (5020302) Programmer Box


populate response options with the first and last name of each member of the household WHO is 16 years old or older (and has not been selected in a previous loop of b03a and b03b).


populate response options with the first and last name of each member of the household WHO is 16 years old or older (and has not been selected in a previous loop of b03a and b03b) AS well as a ‘None of the above’ option.

A ‘None of the above’ option has been added to questions about marriage/domestic partnership/cohabiting to accommodate more diverse family situations.

Parent Survey

B04b (5020402)Programmer box


populate response options with the first and last name of each member of the household WHO is 16 years old or older (and has not been selected previously in B03a, b03b or b04a or an earlier loop of b04b).


populate response options with the first and last name of each member of the household WHO is 16 years old or older (and has not been selected previously in B03a, b03b or b04a or an earlier loop of b04b) AS well as a ‘None of the above’ option.

A ‘None of the above’ option has been added to questions about marriage/domestic partnership/cohabiting to accommodate more diverse family situations.

Parent Survey

B05a (5020501) Programmer Box

populate response options with the first and last name of each member of the household WHO is 16 years old or older (and has not been selected previously in b03b, b04b, or an earlier loop of b05a).

populate response options with the first and last name of each member of the household WHO is 16 years old or older (and has not been selected previously in b03b, b04b, or an earlier loop of b05a) AS well as a ‘None of the above’ option.

A ‘None of the above’ option has been added to questions about marriage/domestic partnership/cohabiting to accommodate more diverse family situations.

Parent Survey

D01f (5041101)

How often does {CFNAME} tell you about… {His/Her} friends without you asking (for example, which friends {he/she} hangs out with and how {his/her} friends feel about various things)?

How often does {CFNAME} tell you about … {His/Her} friends without you asking (for example, which friends {he/she} hangs out with and how {his/her} friends feel about things)?

Word ‘various’ deleted to eliminate redundancy/wordiness.

Parent Survey

D02c (5040202)

Have any of the following things happened to {CFNAME}? Has {he/she}… Ever used drugs (e.g., marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, or 'bath salts')?

Have any of the following things happened to {CFNAME}? Has {he/she}…

Ever used drugs (for example, marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, or 'bath salts')?

Abbreviation ‘e.g.’ replaced with ‘for example’ for clarity.

Parent Survey

D03g (5040307) HELP TEXT




By “run down homes” we mean houses in very bad condition because of age or lack of care.

Definition for ‘run down homes’ added after feedback from the IVFT.

Parent Survey

E04 (5050400)

Since starting kindergarten, how many times has {CFNAME} ever been suspended or expelled from school? Do not count detentions.

DROP DOWN: R=0-10 or more

Since starting kindergarten, how many times has {CFNAME} ever been suspended or expelled from school? Do not count detentions.

DROP DOWN: R=0-10 or more, Don’t know

Don’t know’ option added after IVFT feedback.

Parent Survey

E05A (5050501-5050511)

What was the reason for the [IF E04>1 INSERT “most recent”] suspension or expulsion?

1. Repeated violation of the school rules 2. Use of profanity (swearing) 3. Threatening students or teachers 4. Defacing or destroying school property. 5. Bringing a weapon to school 6. Fighting with another student 7. Ganging up (with one or more students) on another student 8. Threatening to use or making a false report of the use of an explosive device at school 9. Assaulting a teacher, principal, or other school personnel 10. Other (Specify)

What was the reason for the [IF E04>1 INSERT “most recent”] suspension or expulsion?

1. Repeated violation of the school rules 2. Use of profanity (swearing) 3. Threatening students or teachers 4. Defacing or destroying school property. 5. Bringing a weapon to school 6. Fighting with another student 7. Ganging up (with one or more students) on another student 8. Threatening to use or making a false report of the use of an explosive device at school 9. Assaulting a teacher, principal, or other school personnel 10. Other (Specify) 11. Don’t know

Don’t know” option added to correspond with the addition of the option for E04.

Parent Survey

E06 (5050600)

How many days was the [IF E04>1 INSERT “most recent”] suspension or expulsion?

Days for most recent suspension or expulsion

{CFNAME} was expelled permanently

How many days was the [IF E04>1 INSERT “most recent”] suspension or expulsion?

Days for most recent suspension or expulsion

Check this box if {CFNAME} was expelled permanently

Explicit directions added for parents to indicate child was permanently expelled.

Parent Survey

E13a (5051301)

Did {CFNAME} ever take a field trip focused on science, for example to a science museum or center, a science lab, a planetarium, or a nature center?

During the current school year, has {CFNAME} taken a field trip focused on science, for example to a science museum or center, a science lab, a planetarium, or a nature center?

During the school year” added across questions E13a, b, c for temporal consistency.

Parent Survey

E13b (5051302)

How many times did {he/she} take a field trip focused on science, for example to a science museum or center, a science lab, a planetarium, or a nature center?

During the current school year, how many times did {he/she} take a field trip focused on science, for example to a science museum or center, a science lab, a planetarium, or a nature center?

During the school year” added across questions E13a, b, c for temporal consistency.

Parent Survey

E13c (5051303)

Other than school field trips, how many times did {CFNAME} visit a science museum or center, a science lab, a planetarium, or a nature center this year?

Other than school field trips, how many times did {CFNAME} visit a science museum or center, a science lab, a planetarium, or a nature center during the current school year?

During the school year” added across questions E13a, b, c for temporal consistency.

Parent Survey

F09 (5060901-5060922)

What was the diagnosis?

If you don’t see your child’s diagnosis in the list below, please type it in the “Other, Please Specify” box.

What was the diagnosis?

If you don’t see [CFNAME]’s diagnosis in the list below, please select “Other” and type it in the “Please Specify” box.

User directions clarified.

Parent Survey

F13B (5061303)

How old was {CFNAME} when {he/she} received the [IF F09=1-20 INSERT ITEM TEXT; IF F09 = 99 INSERT TEXT ENTERED AT F09_specify]?

How old was {CFNAME} when {he/she} received the diagnosis or diagnoses?

Changes made for clarity.

Parent Survey

H02 (5080200)

Since {CFNAME} started kindergarten, how many different places has {CFNAME} lived for four months or more? 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or more

Since {CFNAME} started kindergarten, how many different places has {CFNAME} lived for four months or more? 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or more, Don’t know

Don’t know’ option added.

Parent Survey

H03A (5080301)

How many times has {CFNAME} changed schools since {he/she} started kindergarten as a result of grade promotion? 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or more

How many times has {CFNAME} changed schools since {he/she} started kindergarten as a result of grade promotion? 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or more, Don’t know

Don’t know’ option added.

Parent Survey

H03B (5080302)

How many times has {CFNAME} changed schools since {he/she} started kindergarten for a reason other than grade promotion? 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or more

How many times has {CFNAME} changed schools since {he/she} started kindergarten for a reason other than grade promotion? 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or more, Don’t know

Don’t know’ option added.

Parent Survey

I03 (5010041-5010049)

Finally, a very important part of this study is learning about how students do over time, so we want to make sure we are able to get in touch with you and your family next year. To help us be able to do that, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of a relative or close friend who does not live with you, but will know how to get in touch with you.

Finally, a very important part of this study is learning about how students do over time, so we want to make sure we are able to get in touch with you and your family next year. To help us be able to do that, please provide the name, email address, street address, and telephone number of a relative or close friend who does not live with you, but will know how to get in touch with you.

Directions edited to more accurately reflect the information requested.

Exhibit 3. Proposed changes to the Math Teacher Questionnaire


Item #

Original Item

New/Updated Item


Math Teacher Survey

All class specific questions

For all questions where the math teacher is asked to answer questions about a particular class, the question wording “this class” has been replaced with the preloaded class name and period.


Class and period information added to help teachers focus on which class they should be reporting on.

Math Teacher Survey

All student specific questions

For all questions where the math teacher is asked to answer questions about a particular student, the question wording “this student” has been replaced with the preloaded student name.


Class and period information added to help teachers focus on which class they should be reporting on.


All school specific questions

For all questions where the math teacher is asked to answer questions about their school, the question wording “this school” has been replaced with the preloaded school name..


School name fill was added to clarify which school the math teacher should report on.

Math Teacher Survey


Yes, although I am not currently teaching [FILL PRELOADED STUDENT NAME] math

Yes, although I am not the current math teacher for [FILL PRELOADED STUDENT NAME]

The question wording was clarified so that we more specifically asked whether the teacher was a student’s math teacher or not since it’s possible they teach math to a student but are not the student’s math teacher.

Math Teacher Survey


Open educational resources “please specify” option

What open educational resources did you use as your primary basis for instruction for this [CLASS NAME, PERIOD]? What open educational resources did you use as your primary basis for instruction for this [CLASS NAME, PERIOD]?Other

This question was added so that teachers could enter an open-ended response if they selected “open educational resources” in the previous question.

Math Teacher Survey


Please indicate the publication year of [FILL TEXTBOOK NAME FROM B03].

Please indicate the publication year of your primary textbook.[FILL TEXTBOOK NAME FROM B03].

Added question wording “primary textbook” for clarity.

Math Teacher Survey


Please indicate the grade level of [FILL TEXTBOOK NAME from B03].

Please indicate the grade level of your primary textbook [FILL TEXTBOOK NAME from B03].

Added question wording “primary textbook” for clarity.

Math Teacher Survey


To what extent have you or will you teach each of the following topics in this course during this school year?

How many full class periods have you or will you teach the following topics in this course during this school year?

Question wording updated so that the scale categories presented in the response options answer the question asked.

Math Teacher Survey


How often do you connect to the internet from your classroom?

How often do you connect to the internet from your classroom for school-related work?

Added “school-related work” to enrich the quality of data we are collecting by distinguishing between personal use and classroom/work use.

Math Teacher Survey


How often do your students connect to the internet from your classroom?

How often do your students connect to the internet from your classroom for school-related work?

Added “school-related work” to enrich the quality of data we are collecting by distinguishing between personal use and classroom/work use

Math Teacher Survey


New item

None of the above

A “none of the above” option was added since it is possible the teacher does not use any additional textbooks ore e-books to supplement instruction.

Math Teacher Survey


How many hours of professional development did you receive this year that was focused on math?

How many hours of professional development did you receive this year that was focused on math? Please enter whole numbers only.

Added instruction “Please enter whole numbers only” to screen to avoid potentially frustrating respondents who may try to enter decimals to indicate partial hours.

Math Teacher Survey


Rarely-a few to several times a year


The extra detail was removed for consistency.

Math Teacher Survey


New item

Not applicable

A “not applicable” option was added since it is possible the math teacher never communicates with a special education provider about their students.

Exhibit 4. Proposed changes to the Special Education Teacher Questionnaire


Item #

Original Item

New/Updated Item


Special Education Teacher Survey


Have you reviewed {STUDENT NAME}’s records related to special education services provided before this school year?.Select only one.

1. Yes

2. No, I don’t have access to the records.

3. No, I have access to the records, but have not reviewed them.

Have you reviewed {STUDENT NAME}’s records related to special education services provided before this school year?

1. Yes

2. No, I don’t have access to the records.

3. No, I have access to the records, but have not reviewed them.

Instruction is not needed since the nature of radio buttons allows only one item to be selected.

Special Education Teacher Survey


What are the multiple disabilities the student receives services for?

Please specify the other multiple disabilities for which the student receives services.

Please specify” wording updated for clarity.

Special Education Teacher Survey


What are the other health impairments this student receives services for?

Please specify the other health impairments for which the student receives services.

Please specify” wording updated for clarity.

Special Education Teacher Survey


Has this student received any special education or related services because of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

1. Yes

2. No

Has [STUDENT NAME] received any special education or related services because of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
1. Yes
2. No

Question wording was updated from “this student” to fill with the preloaded student name.

Special Education Teacher Survey


Which of the following describe(s) the IEP goals for this child during this school year?


Consider the IEP goals for [STUDENT NAME] during this school year.

Select all of the areas in which this student has IEP goals.

Question wording was for clarity.

Special Education Teacher Survey


Has this child received any of the following?

Has [STUDENT NAME] received any of the following?

Question wording was updated from “this student” to fill with the preloaded student name.

Special Education Teacher Survey


Don’t know

Don’t know” option added.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


1. Not yet
2. Beginning
3. In progress
4. Intermediate
5. Proficient
6. I am unable to assess the student

1. Not yet-Student has not yet demonstrated skill, knowledge, or behavior

2. Beginning-Student is just beginning to demonstrate skill, knowledge, or behavior but does so very inconsistently

3. In progress- Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with some regularity but varies in level of competence

4. Intermediate-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior with increasing regularity and average competence but is not completely proficient

5. Proficient-Student demonstrates skill, knowledge, or behavior competently and consistently

6. I am unable to assess the student.

Response options were modified to include text that was originally help text to reduce respondent burden.

Special Education Teacher Survey


Did not include introductory text.

The introductory text that appeared later in the questionnaire at item 7030100 was added here: Next, we would like to ask about your years of experience.

Text was moved to appear before the first item in which years of experience are asked.

Exhibit 5. Proposed changes to the School Administrator Questionnaire


Item #

Original Item

New/Updated Item


School Administrator


To jump to another section, click on the desired section in the progress bar at the top of the screen. You will be taken to the first question in the section.

To jump to another section, click on the desired section in the progress bar at the top of the screen. You will be taken to the first question in the section. You will not be able to use the progress bar to jump to the Administrator Background section until you have answered the first question in that section.

Revised wording to reflect the functionality of the survey.

School Administrator


In order to save your responses, you must press the "Next" button. To protect your answers, your responses will be automatically saved and you will be logged off if you are idle for more than 30 minutes.

In order to save your responses, you must press the "Next" button. To protect your answers, you will be logged off if you are idle for more than 20 minutes.

Revised wording to reflect the functionality of the survey.

School Administrator


Approximately what percentage(s) of your sixth-grade students are in each of the following instructional programs?

Approximately what percentage[s) of your sixth-grade students are in each of the following instructional programs?

If the program is available but no students currently receive it, enter 0 for that program.

Added onscreen instructions to provide guidance for respondents.

School Administrator


For each of the following programs and supports, please indicate what percentage of students with IEPs in your school receive this program or support during the current school year. Please include programs provided by alternate service providers.

For each of the following programs and supports, please indicate what percentage of students with IEPs in your school receive this program or support during the current school year. Please include programs provided by alternate service providers.

If a program or support is available but no students currently receive it, enter 0 in the “Percentage of students with IEPs” column.

If a program or and supports are not available at your school, check the box in the "Program and supports not available" column.

Added onscreen instructions to provide guidance for respondents.

School Administrator


Please indicate whether the following subject areas are part of your typical interdisciplinary teaching team for sixth grade by checking the box.

Grade 6

English/Language arts

Please indicate whether the following subject areas are part of your typical interdisciplinary teaching team for sixth grade by checking the box.

English/Language arts

Removed heading “Grade 6” since the question is only focusing on the sixth grade for OFT. The heading was redundant.

School Administrator


Please indicate whether the following programs or practices have never been used, are currently used, are not currently used but have been in the past, or are not currently being used but will likely be implemented in the near future at your school.

Minimum competency tests for promotion to next grade 1. Never been used

2. Currently used

3. Used in the past

4. Use in the future

Please indicate whether the following programs or practices have never been used, are currently used, are not currently used but have been in the past, or are not currently being used but will likely be implemented in the future at your school.

Minimum competency tests for promotion to next grade 1. Never been used

2. Currently used

3. Used in the past, no longer in use

4. Not currently used, plan to use in the future

Removed “near” in the question wording as is too vague and subjective.

Also revised the response options to be more consistent with the question wording.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF1: 5th/6th/7th], [AF2: 6th/7th/8th]

Wording fill AF1 was changed to fifth and AF2 was changed to sixth

Changed question wording to focus only on the transition from fifth to sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


[AF3: 6th/7th/8th], [AF4: 7th/8th/9th]

Wording fill AF3 was changed to sixth and AF4 was changed to seventh

Changed question wording to focus only on sixth grade.

School Administrator


On average, how much time do teachers regularly meet with students for advising? Your best estimate is fine.

Grade 6 Average advising time per week

Grade 7 Average advising time per week

Grade 8 Average advising time per week

On average, how much time do teachers regularly meet with sixth-grade students for advising? Your best estimate is fine.

Average advising time per week

Changed to focus on sixth grade only.

Changed format of response options to be consistent with other items.

School Administrator


Are sixth-grade students offered instruction on…

New response option added.

Instruction was not offered for any of the topics listed

Added to improve data reporting quality.

School Administrator


Have you received any specialized training in the instructional and organizational needs of a middle school?

New response option added.

Never received any specialized training

Added to improve data reporting quality.

School Administrator

Section Review

The following sections of your survey have not yet been fully completed:


SECTION B: School Characteristics

SECTION D: School Programs

SECTION E: School Environment

SECTION F: School's Teachers

SECTION G: Administrator Background

The following sections of your survey have not yet been fully completed:


School Characteristics

School Programs

School Environment

School's Teachers

Administrator Background

Removed “SECTION X:” because it is not meaningful to respondents.

Exhibit 6. Proposed changes to the Facilities Checklist


Item #

Original Item

New/Updated Item


Facilities Checklist


Please indicate all features you observe at this school

Please indicate all features you observed at this school

Changed question wording to match the response options

Facilities Checklist


Please note the time of day that you observed the items in A1:

Please note the time of day that you observed the items below :

Changed question wording because A1 is not shown on screen

Facilities Checklist


The next questions are about the general upkeep of the entrance and the hallways and displays at the school.

Please note the time of day that you observed the items in B1:

Please note the time of day that you observed the items below:

The next questions are about the general upkeep of the entrance and the hallways and displays at the school.

Rearranged the order to be consistent with similar item, 9010100. Also changed question wording because B1 is not shown on screen.

Facilities Checklist


Ceiling in disrepair (e.g., falling in, water damage, missing tiled, or plaster)

Ceiling in disrepair (e.g., falling in, water damage, missing tiles, or plaster)

Correcting a grammatical error

Facilities Checklist


School accomplishments include award display cases that highlight or highlighting both sports and/or academic accomplishments, individual student success may be highlighted such as student of the month, caught being good, banners announcing exemplary programming and school awards and designations.

School accomplishments include award display cases that highlight both sports and/or academic accomplishments, individual student success may be highlighted such as student of the month, caught being good, banners announcing exemplary programming and school awards and designations.

Fixing a grammatical error in the help text wording for this item.

Facilities Checklist


Learning resources such as how to find circumference, how to edit an essay, abbreviations for measurements such as ounce, pound, inch, foot, and their equivalents [ex: 16 oz. = 1 lb.]

Learning resources include displays of information such as how to find circumference, how to edit an essay, abbreviations for measurements such as ounce, pound, inch, foot, and their equivalents [ex: 16 oz. = 1 lb.]

Fixing a grammatical error in the help text wording for this item.

Facilities Checklist


During a change in classes or other time when classes are not in session, enter at least one classroom in which students in grade 6 are taught. For each item listed, indicate the extent to which you notice the following factors in the classroom.

During a change in classes or other time when classes are not in session, enter at least one classroom in which students in grade 6 are taught. For each item listed, indicate the extent to which you notice the following factors in the classroom.

Note: If no windows available, mark as No opportunity to observe.

Moved the note from the below the grid to above the grid so respondent would see it prior to answering the questions. Also changed the wording of the note to reflect the response options.

Facilities Checklist


Where to get assistance (e.g., school support services such as Counselor, Social Worker, Media Specialist, Nurse, or Health care assistance)

Where to get assistance (e.g., school support services such as Counselor, Social Worker, Media Specialist, Nurse, or Health Care Assistant)

Correcting a grammatical error.

Facilities Checklist


Are all areas of the school accessible to students with a disability? (For example, are there routes that do not have stairs? If the building is multi-level, are there ramps, elevators, or lifts available?)

Are all areas of the school accessible to students with disabilities? (For example, are there routes that do not have stairs? If the building is multi-level, are there ramps, elevators, or lifts available?)

Revised wording to be consistent with the rest of the survey.

Facilities Checklist


Mobility problems include difficulty moving around, such as a need for use of walkers or wheelchairs.

Accessibility might include an elevator, ramp, or lift to access that level to a social space or resource room.

Accessibility might include an elevator, ramp, or lift to access that level to a social space or resource room.

Mobility problems include difficulty moving around, such as a need for use of walkers or wheelchairs.

Rearranged the order of the help text to be consistent with the order the in which the items fall.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHerget, Debbie R.
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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