Emerging Infections Program
OMB Control No. 0920-0978
Non-Substantive Change Request
February 29, 2016
Lee Samuel
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Office of the Director
1600 Clifton Rd
Atlanta GA 30333
The National Center for National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is requesting approval of non-substantive changes to seven data collection forms that have previously been approved under OMB no. 0920-0978—expiration date 2/28/2019—and the addition of one new form.
These forms are used to conduct surveillance to determine the incidence and epidemiologic characteristics of invasive disease due to specific active core bacterial infections, non-invasive Pneumoccocal Pneumonia, H. influenzae, specific foodborne diseases that is captured within FoodNet, Influenza (specifically for the All Age Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance (Flu Hosp) project Clostridium difficile, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and Multi-Site Resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli infections (MuGSI).
The forms for which approval for changes are being sought include:
2016 ABCs Case Report Form (Attachment 1)
2016 ABCs Non-Invasive Pneumococcal Pneumonia (Attachment 2)
2015 ABCs H. influenzae Neonatal Sepsis Expanded Surveillance Form (New form) (Attachment 3)
2016 FoodNet Surveillance Variable List (Attachment 4)
2015-2016 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Case Report Form (Attachment 5)
2016 Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) Case Report Form (Attachment 6)
2016 Invasive Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Case Report Form (Attachment 7)
2016 Multi-site Gram-Negative Surveillance Initiative (MuGSI) Case Report Form (Attachment 8)
Description of Changes
Minor changes are being requested for the 2016 ABCs Case Report Form, the 2014 ABCs Invasive Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Case Report Form, the 2016 ABCs Non Invasive Pneumoccocal Pneumonia in order to streamline and enhance disease surveillance for the pathogens under surveillance. Additionally, a new form has been added: 2015 ABCs Haemophilus. influenzae Neonatal Sepsis Expanded Surveillance. The burden associated with this inclusion is minimal as it is only for 10 hours (see Table A.1) and is an extension to the case report form when the criteria is met. Criteria include infants less than 30 days or less and pregnant and postpartum women who have tested positive for H. influenza identified on the case report form that is already approved by OMB under this package. See Appendix A. for background statement on Haemophilus influenzae serotype b (Hib).
Minor changes are being requested for the 2016 FoodNet Variable list in order to improve disease surveillance under FoodNet surveillance.
There is no impact on burden due to the changes on the 2015-16 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project_Case Report Form. Minor changes have been made to 1) Better capture information regarding signs/symptoms at the time of admission, question E2 was expanded to include the following additional sign/symptoms commonly noted in the medical chart: Fatigue/weakness and URI/ILI. The original intent of the question was preserved. 2) The underlying medical condition variable Atrial Fibrillation for question E10e is currently a variable collected on the Microsoft Access database. This variable reflects responses commonly written in the “Other: specify” field in the CRF. It was added back to easily capture this information on the paper case report form.
Minor changes are being requested for the 2016 CDI Case Report Form to improve surveillance for CDI. The changes from the previously approved forms will have minimal impact on the burden of data collection. Minor changes are being requested for the 2016 Multi-site Gram-Negative Surveillance Initiative (MuGSI) Case Report Form. The requested changes will have no impact on the burden of data collection. Minor changes are being requested for the 2016 Invasive Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Case Report Form in order to enhance disease surveillance. The requested changes will have minimal impact on data collection burden.
In total, this non-substantive change request accounts for an additional 51 burden hours to this collection per year.
Detailed Description of Changes
2016 ABCs Case Report Form
There is no impact on burden due to the changes on this form. The changes include:
Question 18b, adding space to collect Facility ID
Question 22a – Adding the question:
“If survived, discharged to: Home, LTC/SNF, LTAC, Other, Unknown” and will need to specify the facility ID for LTC/SNF and LTAC options.
Question 24c. Adding the checkbox:
“Mark if this is a HiNSES fetal death with placenta and/or amniotic fluid isolate, a stillbirth or neonate <22 weks gestation.
Question 27 - Adding/removing underlying causes or prior illnesses.
Question 31a – changing question to below and adding more dose fields as well as vaccine type column to table.
“Did patient receive meningococcal vaccine?”
Question 31b – adding the question:
“If survived, did patient have any of the following sequelae evident upon discharge?” plus checkbox options (see crosswalk table).
2016 Surveillance for Non-invasive Pneumococcal Pneumonia (SNiPP) Case Report Form
There is minor impact on burden due to an increase in the number of respondents per response from 100 to 125. The changes include:
Title of the form is changing from “Non-Bacteremic Pneumococcal Disease” to “Non-Invasive Pneumococcal Pneumonia”
Increase in the number of responses per respondent from 100 to 125 which leads to an increase of 41 burden hours/year.
2015 ABCs H. influenzae Neonatal Sepsis Expanded Surveillance Form
This is a new form. The burden associated with this inclusion is minimal as it is only for 10 hours and is an extension to the case report form when the criteria is met. Criteria include infants less than 30 days or less and pregnant and postpartum women who have tested positive for H. influenza identified on the case report form that is already approved by OMB under this package.
2016 FoodNet Variable list changes include:
Dropped 5 variables (‘Comorb1-Comorb5’) which collected information on underlying conditions for Listeria cases.
Reasons: the information was not being collected consistently by all sites, we were not using it at CDC, and there is a plan to incorporate these fields into the national case report form for Listeria.
Added 1 variable ‘CEA_Sampled’
Reason: this variable indicates whether or not a case was selected to be interviewed for case exposure data. It will used to create a denominator to evaluate whether we are meeting performance standards for collection of CEA data. It will only be filled out in sites that have sampling schemes for CEA cases.
Revised our picklist for an existing variable (‘OutFetal’) which indicates the outcome of the pregnancy in the event of a pregnancy-associated Listeria case.
Reason: to make the categories consistent with those on the national case report form for Listeria.
2015-16 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Case Report Form
There is no impact on burden due to the changes on this form.
To better capture information regarding signs/symptoms at the time of admission, question E2 was expanded to include the following additional sign/symptoms commonly noted in the medical chart: Fatigue/weakness and URI/ILI. The original intent of the question was preserved.
The underlying medical condition variable Atrial Fibrillation for question E10e is currently a variable collected on the Microsoft Access database. This variable reflects responses commonly written in the “Other: specify” field in the CRF. It was added back to easily capture this information on the paper case report form.
2016 CDI Case Report Form changes include:
Question 8c: Location of stool collection
A line has been added to capture the Facility ID for each of the following locations: Hospital Inpatient, Long Term Acute Care Hospital, and Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility
Question 10: Where was the patient a resident 4 days prior to stool collection?
A line has been added to capture the Facility ID for each of the following locations: Hospital Inpatient, Long Term Acute Care Hospital, and Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility
Question 12: Was patient admitted due to CDI?
The question was rewritten to read as follows: “Was CDI a primary or contributing reason for patient’s admission?
Question 11c: Was the patient admitted from Long Term Care Facility/Skilled Nursing Facility or another acute care setting?
A line has been added to capture the Facility ID of where the patient was admitted from, if the response to the question is “Yes”
Question 14: Exclusion criteria for CA-CDI
A line has been added to capture the Facility ID for each of the following locations where the patient had an overnight stay in the prior 12 weeks of stool collection: Hospital, Long Term Acute Care Hospital, and Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility
Question 16: Patient outcome
A line has been added to capture the Facility ID for each of the following locations where a patient who had survived was discharged to: Long Term Acute Care Hospital and Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility
Question 20.1: Laboratory Findings a. Albumin < 2.5g/dl
Changed the order of the boxes for the responses in order to be in alignment with the other questions in this section
Question 24d: Antimicrobial therapy
Removed the following 5 antibiotics from the previous list: Cefaclor, Cefprozil, Ceftizoxime, Ofloxacin and Ticarcillin/Clavulanic Acid. Replaced the 5 antibiotics with the following: Ampicillin, Aztreonam, Cefoxitin, Rifampin and Rifaximin.
Question 24: Medications taken 12 weeks prior to incident stool collection date
Added a separate part to Q24 (part e) to ask if the patient was treated for previous suspected or confirmed CDI in the prior 12 weeks, and added check boxes for medications that were taken for prior CDI treatment. This part was added to streamline the process for capturing prior antibiotic treatment for CDI.
2016 Invasive MRSA Case Report Form changes include:
The title has been changed from "Active Bacterial Core surveillance" to "Healthcare Associated Infections Community Interface" to reflect administrative changes in the program.
New question added, "if patient was hospitalized, was this patient admitted to the ICU during hospitalization?" to better capture the severity of illness
Added data element "facility ID" to questions 15, 16, 18, and 21 to allow sites to keep track of specific healthcare facilities where patients have been to for better data validation and to improve flexibility of data elements in the future. This information is already obtained during a regular course of operations, and this change gives sites a place on the form to note the information.
2016 Multi-site Gram-Negative Surveillance Initiative (MuGSI) Case Report Form changes include:
Question 5: Where was the patient located on the 4th calendar day prior to the date of initial culture?
Two data entry lines for Facility ID next to the LTCF and LTACH check boxes. This is new data that is being captured, the user already knows these ids, we are just asking for them to record them.
Re-worded question: Was the patient transferred from this hospital? This data was previously being captured in a different way.
Question 10: Location of culture collection
Two data entry lines for Facility ID next to the LTCF and LTACH check boxes. This is new data that is being captured, the user already knows these ids, we are just asking for them to record them.
Question 12: Patient outcome, if survived, transferred to:
Two data entry lines for Facility ID next to the LTCF and LTACH check boxes. This is new data that is being captured, the user already knows these ids, we are just asking for them to record them.
Question 13c: Was the initial isolate tested for carbapenemases?
Added check box for “laboratory not testing”. This information was previously being tested under “unknown”. The “unknown” check box will be re-defined from the users prospective.
Question 13c: If yes, what testing method was used (check all that apply):
Adding two check boxes, one for “Carba-NP” and one for “Automated Molecular Assay”. These are new tests, and will reduce users burden because they will only have to check a box instead of writing in the test into the other specify each time.
Adding an “other specify” box for the “Automated Molecular Assay” check box only so that we can keep track of these types of tests. This is a very new test.
Question 14b: Record the colony count for the organism indicated in Q13a:
Adding a check box for “unknown” will save the user from having to write it in, when the value is unknown.
Question 15: Were cultures of other sterile site(s) or urine positive in the 30 days after the date of initial culture, for the same organism (Q13a)?
Question is being reworded to reduce confusion for users: Was the same organism (Q13a) cultured from a different sterile site or urine in the 30 days after the date of initial culture (or this current episode)?
Question 17d: If yes, specify organism, date of culture and stateid of the first positive Enterobacteriaceae culture in the year prior:
Question is being reworded to reduce confusion for users: If yes, specify organism, date of culture and stateid of the first positive Enterobacteriaceae culture in the year prior to the date of initial culture:
Question 21: Risk factors of interest
Adding “If known, prior facility id” for the following sub questions: “Residence in a LTCF within year before date of initial culture” and “Admitted to a LTACH within year before initial culture date”. This is new data that is being captured, the user already knows these ids, we are just asking for them to record them.
Cross walk of 2016 form changes
2016 ABCs Case Report Form
Current question |
Requested change |
18b. If resident of a facility, what was the name of the facility? ____________
18b. If resident of a facility, what was the name of the facility? ___________ Facility Id ___________________ |
N/A |
22a. If survived, patient discharged to: □ Home □ LTC/SNF □ LTACH □ Other ____________ □ Unknown If discharged to LTC/SNF or LTACH, what is the Facility ID ___________________ |
N/A |
24c. □ Mark if this is a HiNSES fetal death with placenta and/or amniotic fluid isolate, a stillbirth, or neonate <22 wks gestation. |
27. Underlying causes or prior illnesses |
27. Added: TIA, Chronic Liver Disease/cirrhosis, Connective Tissue Disease (Lupus, etc), Myocardial Infarction, Peptic Ulcer Disease, and Peripheral Vascular Disease.
Removed/Changed: Cirrhosis/Liver Failure, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) |
31. Did patient receive meningococcal vaccine? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown If yes, please complete the following information:
31. Did patient receive meningococcal vaccine? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown If yes, complete the table:
Type Codes: 1= ACWY conjugate (Menactra, Menveo, MenHibrix) 2= ACWY polysaccharide (Menomune) 3= B (Bexsero, Trumenba) 9= Unknown |
N/A |
31b. If survived, did patient have any of the following sequelae evident upon discharge? (check all that apply) □ None □ Unknown □ Hearing deficits □ Amputation (digit) □ Amputation (limb) □ Seizures □ Paralysis or spasticity □ Skin Scarring/necrosis |
2016 ABCs Non Invasive Pneumococcal Pneumonia Form
Current item |
Requested change |
Title: Active Bacterial Core Surveillance (ABCs) Case Report Non-Bacteremic Pneumococcal Disease |
Title: Surveillance for Non-Invasive Pneumococcal Pneumonia (SNiPP) Case Report Form |
2015 ABCs H. influenzae Neonatal Sepsis Expanded Surveillance Form
This is a new form. The burden associated with this inclusion is minimal as it is only for 10 hours and is an extension to the case report form when the criteria is met. Criteria include infants less than 30 days or less and pregnant and postpartum women who have tested positive for H. influenza identified on the case report form that is already approved by OMB under this package.
2014 FoodNet Variable list
Current variable list |
Requested change |
CEA_Sampled |
OutFetal Still pregnant; Fetal death; Induced abortion; Delivery; Unknown |
2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Case Report Form
Current question |
Requested change |
E2. Acute signs/symptoms at admission [within 2 weeks prior to positive flu test]: Altered mental status/confusion Chest pain Congested/runny nose Conjunctivitis/pink eye Cough Diarrhea Fever/chills Headache Myalgia/muscle aches Nausea/vomiting Rash Seizures Shortness of breath/resp distress Sore throat Wheezing Other, non-respiratory |
E2. Acute signs/symptoms at admission [within 2 weeks prior to positive flu test]: Altered mental status/confusion Chest pain Congested/runny nose Conjunctivitis/pink eye Cough Diarrhea Fatigue/weakness Fever/chills Headache Myalgia/muscle aches Nausea/vomiting Rash Seizures Shortness of breath/resp distress Sore throat URI/ILI Wheezing Other, non-respiratory |
E10E. Cardiovascular Disease Yes No/Unknown Artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) Cerebral vascular incident/Stroke Congenital heart disease Coronary artery disease (CAD) Heart failure/CHF Other, specify _______________ |
E10E. Cardiovascular Disease Yes No/Unknown Artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) Atrial Fibrillation Cerebral vascular incident/Stroke Congenital heart disease Coronary artery disease (CAD) Heart failure/CHF Other, specify _______________ |
CDI Case Report Form:
Current question |
Requested change |
8c. Location of stool collection □ Hospital Inpatient □ Long Term Acute Care Hospital □ Emergency Room □ Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility □ Outpatient □ Other (specify) _____________ □ Unknown □ Observation Unit/CDU
8c. Location of stool collection □ Hospital Inpatient Facility ID _____________ □ Long Term Acute Care Hospital Facility ID _____________ □ Emergency Room □ Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility Facility ID _____________ □ Outpatient □ Other (specify) _____________ □ Unknown □ Observation Unit/CDU
Q10. Where was the patient a resident 4 days prior to stool collection? □ Hospital Inpatient □ Long Term Acute Care Hospital □ Home □ Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility □ Homeless □ Incarcerated □ Unknown □ Other (specify) _____________
Q10. Where was the patient a resident 4 days prior to stool collection? □ Hospital Inpatient Facility ID _____________ □ Long Term Acute Care Hospital Facility ID _____________ □ Home □ Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility Facility ID _____________ □ Homeless □ Incarcerated □ Unknown □ Other (specify) _____________
Q12. Was patient admitted due to CDI? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
Q12. Was CDI the primary or contributing reason for patient’s admission? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown |
Q11. HCFO classification questions: c. If no, was the patient admitted from LTC/SNF or another acute care setting? □ Yes (HCFO) □ No (CO – complete CRF)
Q11. HCFO classification questions: c. If no, was the patient admitted from LTC/SNF or another acute care setting? □ Yes (HCFO) Facility ID _____________ □ No (CO – complete CRF)
Q14. Exclusion criteria for CA-CDI (check all that apply) □ None □ Unknown
□ Hospitalized (overnight) at any time in the 12 weeks prior to stool collection date. If yes, Date of most recent discharge:
Date of Discharge
□ Overnight stay in LTACH at any time in the 12 weeks prior to stool collection date
□ Residence in LTCF/SNF at any time in the 12 weeks prior to stool collection date |
Q14. Exclusion criteria for CA-CDI □ None □ Unknown
□ Hospitalized (overnight) at any time in the 12 weeks prior to stool collection date. If yes, Date of most recent discharge:
Date of Discharge
Facility ID _____________
□ Overnight stay in LTACH at any time in the 12 weeks prior to stool collection date Facility ID _____________
□ Residence in LTCF/SNF at any time in the 12 weeks prior to stool collection date Facility ID _____________
Q16. Patient outcome □ Unknown □ Survived Date of Discharge
□ Died Date of Death
If survived, patient was discharged to:
□ Long Term Acute Care Hospital □ Home □ Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility □ Other _________________ □ Unknown
Q16. Patient outcome □ Unknown □ Survived Date of Discharge
□ Died Date of Death
If survived, patient was discharged to:
□ Long Term Acute Care Hospital Facility ID _____________ □ Home □ Long Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facility Facility ID _____________ □ Other _________________ □ Unknown |
Q20.1 Laboratory Findings (within 7 days before or after incident C. diff+ stool): a Albumin < 2.5g/dl: □ Yes □ Not Done □ No □ Information not available
b White blood cell count < 1,000/µl: □ Yes □ No □ Not Done □ Information not available
c White blood cell count > 15,000/µl: □ Yes □ No □ Not Done □ Information not available |
Q20.1 Laboratory Findings (within 7 days before or after incident C. diff+ stool): a Albumin < 2.5g/dl: □ Yes □ No □ Not Done □ Information not available
b White blood cell count < 1,000/µl: □ Yes □ No □ Not Done □ Information not available
c White blood cell count > 15,000/µl: □ Yes □ No □ Not Done □ Information not available |
Q24d. Antimicrobial therapy (check all that apply) □ Yes, name unknown □ None □ Unknown
□ Amikacin □ Amoxicillin □ Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid □ Amp/sulb □ Azithromycin □ Cefaclor □ Cefazolin □ Cefdinir □ Cefepime □ Cefotaxime □ Cefpodoxime □ Cefprozil □ Ceftazidime □ Ceftizoxime □ Ceftriaxone □ Cefuroxime □ Cephalexin □ Ciprofloxacin □ Clarithromycin □ Clindamycin □ Daptomycin □ Doxycycline □ Ertapenem □ Gentamicin □ Imipenem □ Levofloxacin □ Linezolid □ Meropenem □ Metronidazole □ Moxifloxacin □ Nitrofurantoin □ Ofloxacin □ Penicillin □ Piperacillin-Tazobactam □ Tetracycline □ Ticarcillin/Clavulanic Acid □ Tigecycline □ Tobramycin □ Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole □ Vancomycin (IV) □ Other (specify)______________ |
Q24d. Antimicrobial therapy (check all that apply) □ Yes, name unknown □ None □ Unknown
□ Amikacin □ Amoxicillin □ Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid □ Ampicillin □ Amp/sulb □ Azithromycin □ Aztreonam □ Cefazolin □ Cefdinir □ Cefepime □ Cefotaxime □ Cefoxitin □ Cefpodoxime □ Ceftazidime □ Ceftriaxone □ Cefuroxime □ Cephalexin □ Ciprofloxacin □ Clarithromycin □ Clindamycin □ Daptomycin □ Doxycycline □ Ertapenem □ Gentamicin □ Imipenem □ Levofloxacin □ Linezolid □ Meropenem □ Metronidazole □ Moxifloxacin □ Nitrofurantoin □ Penicillin □ Piperacillin-Tazobactam □ Rifampin □ Rifaximin □ Tetracycline □ Tigecycline □ Tobramycin □ Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole □ Vancomycin (IV) □ Other (specify)______________ |
N/A |
Q24e. Was patient treated for previous suspected or confirmed CDI in the prior 12 weeks? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
If YES, which medication was taken (check all that apply, or unknown if applicable): □ Metronidazole □ Vancomycin □ Fidaxomicin □ Other (specify):_____________ □ Unknown |
Invasive MRSA Case Report Form
Current question |
Requested change |
N/A |
10b. If patient was hospitalized, was this patient admitted to the ICU during hospitalization? |
15. Where was the patient located on the 4th calendar day prior to the date of initial culture? □ Long Term Care Facility □ Long Term Acute Care Hospital □ Hospital Inpatient |
15. Where was the patient located on the 4th calendar day prior to the date of initial culture? □ Long Term Care Facility Facility ID ______________ □ Long Term Acute Care Hospital Facility ID ______________ □ Hospital Inpatient Facility ID ______________ |
16. Location of culture collection: (Check one) □ LTCF □ LTACH |
16. Location of culture collection: (Check one) □ LTCF Facility ID ______________ □ LTACH Facility ID ______________ |
18. Patient outcome: — If survived, was the patient transferred to a LTCF? □ Yes □ No — If survived, was the patient transferred to a LTACH? □ Yes □ No |
18. Patient outcome: — If survived, was the patient transferred to a LTCF? □ Yes □ No If Yes, Facility ID ______________ — If survived, was the patient transferred to a LTACH? □ Yes □ No If Yes, Facility ID ______________ |
21. Prior healthcare exposure — healthcare-associated and community-associated: (check all that apply) □ Hospitalization within year before initial culture date. □ Residence in a long-term care facility within year before initial culture date. □ Admitted to a LTACH within year before initial culture date. |
21. Prior healthcare exposure — healthcare-associated and community-associated: (check all that apply) □ Hospitalization within year before initial culture date. If known, Facility ID ______________ □ Residence in a long-term care facility within year before initial culture date. If known, Facility ID ______________ □ Admitted to a LTACH within year before initial culture date. If known, Facility ID ______________ |
MuGSI Case Report Form
Current question |
Requested change |
5: Where was the patient location on the 4th calendar day prior to the date of initial culture?
5: Where was the patient location on the 4th calendar day prior to the date of initial culture?
Facility ID_______ |
10b: Location of culture collection
10b: Location of culture collection
12: Patient outcome, If survived, transferred to
Add option to collect the provider ID for 12: Patient outcome, If survived, transferred to
13c: Was the initial isolate tested for carbapenemase?
13c: Was the initial isolate tested for carbapenemase?
Q13c: If yes, what testing method was used (check all that apply):
Q13c: If yes, what testing method was used (check all that apply):
14b Record the colony count for the organism indicated in Q13a: _____________________________________ |
14b. Record the colony count for the organism indicated in Q13a:
________________________ Unknown |
15. Were cultures of OTHER sterile sites(s) or urine positive in the 30 days after the date of initial culture, for the SAME organism (Q13a)? |
15. Was the same organism (Q13a) cultured from a different sterile site or urine in the 30 days after the date of initial culture (of this current episode)? |
17d. If yes, specify organism, date of culture and stateid of the first positive Enterobacteriaceae culture in the year prior: |
17d. If yes, specify organism, date of culture and stateid of the first positive Enterobacteriaceae culture in the year prior to the date of initial culture: |
21. Risk Factors of Interest
21. Risk Factors of Interest
If known, prior facility ID:____________
If known, prior facility ID:____________ |
Table A.1 Estimated Annualized Burden Hours
Items in Bold are forms for which we are requesting changes.
Items in Red are forms that impact the total burden.
Type of Respondent |
Form Name |
No. of respondents |
No. of responses per respondent |
Avg. burden per response (in hours) |
Approved burden (in hours) |
Requested burden (in hours) |
+/- |
State Health Department
ABCs Case Report Form (Att. 1) |
10 |
809 |
20/60 |
2697 |
2697 |
Invasive Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ABCs Case Report Form (Att. 7) |
10 |
609 |
20/60 |
2030 |
2030 |
ABCs Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Children Case Report Form |
10 |
22 |
10/60 |
37 |
37 |
ABCs Non-Bacteremic Pneumococcal Disease Case Report Form (Att. 2) |
10 |
125 |
10/60 |
167 |
208 |
41 |
ABCs H. influenzae Neonatal Sepsis Expanded Surveillance Form (Att. 3) |
10 |
6 |
10/60 |
0 |
10 |
10 |
Neonatal Infection Expanded Tracking Form |
10 |
37 |
20/60 |
123 |
123 |
ABCs Legionellosis Case Report Form |
10 |
100 |
20/60 |
333 |
333 |
Campylobacter |
10 |
637 |
20/60 |
2123 |
2123 |
Cryptosporidium |
10 |
130 |
10/60 |
217 |
217 |
Cyclospora |
10 |
3 |
10/60 |
5 |
5 |
Listeria monocytogenes |
10 |
13 |
20/60 |
43 |
43 |
Salmonella |
10 |
827 |
20/60 |
2757 |
2757 |
Shiga toxin producing E. coli |
10 |
90 |
20/60 |
300 |
300 |
Shigella |
10 |
178 |
10/60 |
297 |
297 |
Vibrio |
10 |
20 |
10/60 |
33 |
33 |
Yersinia |
10 |
16 |
10/60 |
27 |
27 |
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome |
10 |
10 |
1 |
100 |
100 |
Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project Case Report Form (Att. 5) |
10 |
400 |
15/60 |
1000 |
1000 |
Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project Vaccination Telephone Survey |
10 |
100 |
5/60 |
83 |
83 |
Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project Vaccination Telephone Survey Consent Form |
10 |
100 |
5/60 |
83 |
83 |
EIP site
CDI Case Report Form (Att. 6) |
10 |
1650 |
20/60 |
5500 |
5500 |
CDI Treatment Form |
10 |
1650 |
10/60 |
2750 |
2750 |
Resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli Case Report Form (MuGSI) (Att. 8) |
10 |
500 |
20/60 |
1667 |
1667 |
Person(s) in the community infected with C. difficile (CDI Cases)
Screening Form |
600 |
1 |
5/60 |
50 |
50 |
Telephone interview |
500 |
1 |
40/60 |
333 |
333 |
Total |
22,755 |
22,806 |
51 |
In total, this non-substantive change request accounts for an additional 51 burden hours to this collection per year.
Appendix A.
Background: Haemophilus influenzae serotype b (Hib) was once the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States with high rates of invasive Hib disease seen among children less than 5 years of age. Although the incidence of invasive Hib disease in children less than 5 years of age has decreased by 98% since the introduction of the Hib vaccine, H. influenzae (Hi) continues to cause invasive disease; in the post-vaccine era, non-typeable Hi now causes the majority of invasive disease in all age groups. The highest rates of invasive Hi disease are seen in infants <1 year of age (8.39 per 100,000); 48% of cases in this age group are neonates (<1 month of age) [ABC data, 2004-2013].
There are limited population-studies in the United States describing Hi disease in neonates; most data are from case-reports and suggest an association between neonatal Hi and premature rupture of the membranes, prematurity, and high morbidity and mortality. To our knowledge, there are no population-based studies in the United States looking at either maternal factors (signs of maternal infection or labor and delivery course) in neonatal Hi infections or Hi infection in pregnant or post-partum women and subsequent infection in neonates; several small population-based studies in Europe found a 6-25 fold increased risk of invasive Hi during pregnancy and an increased risk of pregnancy loss among women with invasive Hi.
Gathering extended data (prenatal history, labor and delivery course) for both neonates and pregnant and post-partum women with Hi disease will aid in better understanding the burden of disease and possible risk factors for disease. These data may inform possible strategies for preventing disease and negative outcomes.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | CDC User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |