D Final_ Change Memo_Attachment D - Additional Data Elemen

Maternal and Child Health Bureau Performance Measures for Discretionary Grant Information System (DGIS)

Final_ Change Memo_Attachment D - Additional Data Elements

Maternal and Child Health Bureau Performance Measures for Discretionary Grants

OMB: 0915-0298

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OMB Number: 0915-0298

Expiration Date: 06/30/2019

Table of Contents

Technical Assistance/ Collaboration Form 3

Products, Publications and Submissions Data Collection Form 5

MCH Training Program Data Forms 12

MCH Training Program Training Follow-up Survey 15

MCH Pipeline Program Graduate Follow-up Questions 22

Heathy Start Site Form 23

The OMB control number for this project is 0915-0298.  Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 36 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N39, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Health Resources and Services Administration

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Discretionary Grant Performance Measures

OMB No. 0915-0298

Expires: 06/30/2019

Attachment D

Part 3

Additional Data Elements

OMB Clearance Package

The OMB control number for this project is 0915-0298.  Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 36 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N39, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.


DEFINITION: Technical Assistance/Collaboration refers to mutual problem solving and collaboration on a range of issues, which may include program development, clinical services, collaboration, program evaluation, needs assessment, and policy & guidelines formulation. It may include administrative services, site visitation and review/advisory functions. Collaborative partners might include State or local health agencies, and education or social service agencies. Faculty may serve on advisory boards to develop &/or review policies at the local, State, regional, national or international levels. The technical assistance (TA) effort may be a one-time or on-going activity of brief or extended frequency. The intent of the measure is to illustrate the reach of the training program beyond trainees.

Provide the following summary information on ALL TA provided

Total Number of Technical Assistance/Collaboration Activities

TA Activities by Type of Recipient

Number of TA Activities by

Target Audience


Other Divisions/ Departments in a University

Title V (MCH Programs)

State Health Dept.

Health Insurance/ Organization


Medicaid agency

Social Service Agency

Mental Health Agency

Juvenile Justice or other Legal Entity

State Adolescent Health

Developmental Disability Agency

Early Intervention

Other Govt. Agencies

Mixed Agencies

Professional Organizations/Associations

Family and/or Consumer Group


Clinical Programs/ Hospitals

Other: Please Specify__________


Title V

Within State

Another State












B. Provide information below on the 5-10 most significant technical assistance/collaborative activities in the past year. In the notes, briefly state why these were the most significant TA events.


Topic of Technical Assistance/Collaboration

Select one from list A and all that apply from List B.

Recipient of TA/Collaborator

Intensity of TA

Primary Target Audience

List A (select one)

  1. Clinical care related (including medical home)

  2. Cultural Competence Related

  3. Data, Research, Evaluation Methods (Knowledge Translation)

  4. Family Involvement

  5. Interdisciplinary Teaming

  6. Healthcare Workforce Leadership

  7. Policy

  8. Prevention

  9. Systems Development/ Improvement

List B (select all that apply)

  1. CSHCN/Developmental Disabilities

  2. Autism

  3. Prenatal Care

  4. Perinatal/ Postpartum Care

  5. Well Woman Visit/ Preventive Health Care

  6. Depression Screening

  7. Safe Sleep

  8. Breastfeeding

  9. Newborn Screening

  10. Quality of Well Child Visit

  11. Child Well Visit

  12. Injury Prevention

  13. Family Engagement

  14. Medical Home (Access to and use of medical home)

  15. Transition

  16. Adolescent Well Visit

  17. Injury Prevention

  18. Screening for Major Depressive Disorder

  19. Health Equity

  20. Adequate health insurance coverage

  21. Tobacco and eCigarette Use

  22. Oral Health

  23. Nutrition

  1. Other Divisions/ Departments in a University

  2. Title V (MCH Programs)

  3. State Health Dept.

  4. Health Insurance/ Organization

  5. Education

  6. Medicaid agency

  7. Social Service Agency

  8. Mental Health Agency

  9. Juvenile Justice or other Legal Entity

  10. State Adolescent Health

  11. Developmental Disability Agency

  12. Early Intervention

  13. Other Govt. Agencies

  14. Mixed Agencies

  15. Professional Organizations/Associations

  16. Family and/or Consumer Group

  17. Foundations

  18. Clinical Programs/ Hospitals

  19. Other (specify)

  1. One time brief (single contact)

  2. One time extended (multi-day contact provided one time)

  3. On-going infrequent (3 or less contacts per year)

  4. On-going frequent (more than 3 contacts per year)

  1. Local

  2. Title V

  3. Within State

  4. Another State

  5. Regional

  6. National

  7. International



G- Policy

21- Oral Health

E - Education



C. In the past year have you provided technical assistance on emerging issues that are not represented in the topic list above? YES/ NO.

If yes, specify the topic(s):_____________________________________________________________________

Products, Publications and Submissions Data Collection Form

Part 1

Instructions: Please list the number of products, publications and submissions addressing maternal and child health that have been published or produced with grant support (either fully or partially) during the reporting period. Count the original completed product, not each time it is disseminated or presented.



In Press peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals

Please include peer reviewed publications addressing maternal and child health that have been published by project faculty and/or staff during the reporting period. Faculty and staff include those listed in the budget form and narrative and others that your program considers to have a central and ongoing role in the project whether they are supported or not supported by the grant.

Submission(s) of peer-reviewed publications to scholarly journals


Book chapters

Reports and monographs (including policy briefs and best practices reports)

Conference presentations and posters presented

Web-based products (Blogs, podcasts, Web-based video clips, wikis, RSS feeds, news aggregators, social networking sites)

Electronic products (CD-ROMs, DVDs, audio or videotapes)

Press communications (TV/Radio interviews, newspaper interviews, public service announcements, and editorial articles)

Newsletters (electronic or print)

Pamphlets, brochures, or fact sheets

Academic course development

Distance learning modules

Doctoral dissertations/Master’s theses


Part 3

Instructions: For each product, publication and submission listed in Part 1, complete all elements marked with an “*.”

Data collection form for: primary author in peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals – published

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s): ____________________________________________________________________

*Publication: __________________________________________________________________

*Volume: ______ *Number: _______ Supplement: _____ *Year: _______ *Page(s):________

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL): ________________________________________________________

*Dissemination Vehicles: TV/ Radio Interview___ Newspaper/ Print Interview___ Press Release___

Social Networking Sites/ Social Media___ Listservs___ Conference Presentation___

Key Words (No more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form for: contributing author in peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals – published

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s): ____________________________________________________________________

*Publication: __________________________________________________________________

*Volume: ______ *Number: _______ Supplement: _____ *Year: _______ *Page(s):________

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL): ________________________________________________________

*Dissemination Vehicles: TV/ Radio Interview___ Newspaper/ Print Interview___ Press Release___

Social Networking Sites/ Social Media___ Listservs___ Conference Presentation___

Key Words (No more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals – submitted, not yet published

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s): ____________________________________________________________________

*Publication: __________________________________________________________________

*Year Submitted: _______

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

Key Words (No more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Books

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s): ____________________________________________________________________

*Publisher: ____________________________________________________________________

*Year Published: _______

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

Key Words (No more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form for: Book chapters

Note: If multiple chapters are developed for the same book, list them separately.

*Chapter Title: ________________________________________________________________

*Chapter Author(s): _____________________________________________________________

*Book Title: __________________________________________________________________

*Book Author(s): ______________________________________________________________

*Publisher: ___________________________________________________________________

*Year Published: ______

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: _______________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Reports and monographs

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s)/Organization(s): _______________________________________________________

*Year Published: _________

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: _______________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Conference presentations and posters presented

(This section is not required for MCHB Training grantees.)

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s)/Organization(s): _______________________________________________________

*Meeting/Conference Name: ______________________________________________________

*Year Presented: _________




*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Web-based products

*Product: _____________________________________________________________________

*Year: _________




Web-based video clips


RSS feeds

News aggregators

Social networking sites

Other (Specify)

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL): ________________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Electronic Products

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s)/Organization(s): _______________________________________________________

*Year: _________




Audio tapes


Other (Specify)

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Press Communications

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s)/Organization(s): _______________________________________________________

*Year: _________


TV interview

Radio interview

Newspaper interview

Public service announcement

Editorial article

Other (Specify)

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Newsletters

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s)/Organization(s): _______________________________________________________

*Year: _________





*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

*Frequency of distribution: Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually Other (Specify)

Number of subscribers: __________________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Pamphlets, brochures or fact sheets

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s)/Organization(s): _______________________________________________________

*Year: _________




Fact Sheet

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Academic course development

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s)/Organization(s): _______________________________________________________

*Year: _________

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Distance learning modules

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s)/Organization(s): _______________________________________________________

*Year: _________

*Media Type:



Web-based video clips


RSS feeds

News aggregators

Social networking sites



Audio tapes


Other (Specify)

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________

Data collection form: Doctoral dissertations/Master’s theses

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author: ______________________________________________________________________

*Year Completed: _________


Doctoral dissertation

Master’s thesis

*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________


(Note, up to 3 may be entered)

*Title: ________________________________________________________________________

*Author(s)/Organization(s): _______________________________________________________

*Year: _________

*Describe product, publication or submission: ________________________________________


*Target Audience: Consumers/Families ___ Professionals ___ Policymakers ___ Students ____

*To obtain copies (URL or email): _________________________________________________

Key Words (no more than 5): _____________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________


Faculty and Staff Information

List all personnel (faculty, staff, and others) contributing1 to your training project, including those listed in the budget form and budget narrative and others that your program considers to have a central and ongoing role in the leadership training program whether they are supported or not supported by the grant.

Personnel (Do not list trainees)



(Hispanic or Latino, Not Hispanic or Latino, Unrecorded)


(American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, More than One Race, Unrecorded)


(Male or Female)


Year Hired in MCH Leadership Training Program








Trainee Information (Long–term Trainees Only)

Definition: Long-term trainees (those with greater than or equal to 300 contact hours within the training program) benefiting from the training grant (including those who received MCH funds and those who did not).

Total Number of long-term trainees participating in the training program* __________
Address (For supported trainees ONLY)




Discipline(s) upon Entrance to the Program


Degree Program in which enrolled

Received financial MCH support? [ ] Yes [ ] No Amount: $_________________

If yes….

[ ] Stipend [ ] Tuition [ ] Stipend and Tuition [ ] Other

Type: [ ] Undergraduate [ ] Pre-doctoral [ ] Post-doctoral

[ ] Part-time student [ ] Full-time student

Epidemiology training grants ONLY

Length of time receiving support: ____________

Research Topic or Title________________________________________________________

*All long-term trainees participating in the program, whether receiving MCH stipend support or not.

Former Trainee Information – REVISED SEPT 2015

The following information is to be provided for each long-term trainee who completed the Training Program 2 years and 5 years prior to the current reporting year.

Definition of Former Trainee = Long-term trainees who completed a long-term (greater than or equal to 300 contact hours) MCH Training Program 2 years and 5 years ago, including those who received MCH funds and those who did not. 

Project does not have any trainees who have completed the Training Program 2 years prior to current reporting year.


Year Graduated

Degree(s) Earned with MCH support

(if applicable)

Was University able to contact the trainee?

City of Residence

State of Residence

Country of Residence

Current Employment Setting
(see pick list below*)

Working in Public Health organization or agency (including Title V)? (Yes/No)

Working in MCH? (Yes/No)

Working with underserved populations or vulnerable groups**?


Met criteria for Leadership in Performance Measure Training 10? (Yes/No)

Met criteria for interdisciplinary practice in Performance Measure Training 12? (Yes/No)

Project does not have any trainees who have completed the Training Program 5 years prior to current reporting year.

* Employment pick list

  • Student

  • Schools or school system includes EI programs, elementary and secondary

  • Post-secondary setting

  • Government agency

  • Clinical health care setting (includes hospitals, health centers and clinics)

  • Private sector

  • Other (specify)

** The term “underserved” refers to “Medically Underserved Areas and Medically Underserved Populations with shortages of primary medical care, dental or mental health providers. Populations may be defined by geographic (a county or service area) or demographic (low income, Medicaid-eligible populations, cultural and/or linguistic access barriers to primary medical care services) factors. The term "vulnerable groups," refers to social groups with increased relative risk (i.e. exposure to risk factors) or susceptibility to health-related problems. This vulnerability is evidenced in higher comparative mortality rates, lower life expectancy, reduced access to care, and diminished quality of life.

Vulnerable Groups refers to social groups with increased relative risk (i.e. exposure to risk factors) or susceptibility to health-related problems. This vulnerability is evidenced in higher comparative mortality rates, lower life expectancy, reduced access to care, and diminished quality of life. (i.e., Immigrant Populations Tribal Populations, Migrant Populations, Uninsured Populations, Individuals Who Have Experienced Family Violence, Homeless, Foster Care, HIV/AIDS, etc) Source: Center for Vulnerable Populations Research. UCLA. http://www.nursing.ucla.edu/orgs/cvpr/who-are-vulnerable.html


Contact / Background Information

*Name (first, middle, last):

Previous Name (if used while enrolled in the training program):






Primary Email:

Permanent Contact Information (someone at a different address who will know how to contact you in the future, e.g., parents)

*Name of Contact:







What year did you complete the MCH Training Program? _________

Degree(s) earned while participating in the MCH Training Program _____________ (a pick list will be provided- same as the one provided in the EHB faculty information form)

Ethnicity: (choose one)

Hispanic is an ethnic category for people whose origins are in the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America or who identify with a Spanish-speaking culture. Individuals who are Hispanic may be of any race.

__ Hispanic or Latino

__ Not Hispanic or Latino

__ Unrecorded

Race: (choose one)

__ American Indian and Alaskan Native refer to people having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment. Tribe: __________

__ Asian refers to people having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent (e.g. Asian Indian).

__ Black or African American refers to people having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.

__ Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander refers to people having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

__ White refers to people having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

__ More than One Race includes individuals who identify with more than one racial designation.

__ Unrecorded is included for individuals who do not indicate their racial category.


Please answer all of the following questions as thoroughly as possible. When you have filled out the entire survey, return it to your Center/Program.

1. What best describes your current employment setting:

__ Student

__ Schools or school system (includes EI programs, elementary and secondary)

__ Post-secondary setting

__ Government agency

__ Clinical health care setting (includes hospitals, health centers and clinics)

__ Private sector

__ Other: please specify: ____________________________________

2. Do you currently work in a public health organization or agency (including Title V)? Y/N

3. Does your current work focus on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) populations (i.e. women, infants and children, adolescents, young adults, and their families including fathers, and children or young adults with special health care needs?)

__ yes

__ no

4. Does your current work focus on populations considered to be underserved or vulnerable2 (e.g., immigrant, tribal, migrant, or uninsured populations, individuals who have experienced family violence, homeless, foster care, HIV/AIDS, people with disabilities)

__ yes

__ no

5. Have you done any of the following activities since completing your training program? (check all that apply)


a. Participated on any of the following as a group leader, initiator, key contributor or in a position of influence/authority: committees of state, national or local organizations; task forces; community boards; advocacy groups; research societies; professional societies; etc. 


b. Served in a clinical position of influence (e.g. director, senior therapist, team leader, etc.) 


c. Provided consultation or technical assistance in MCH areas 


d. Taught/mentored in my discipline or other MCH related field 


e. Conducted research or quality improvement on MCH issues 


f. Disseminated information on MCH Issues (e.g., Peer reviewed publications, key presentations, training manuals, issue briefs, best practices documents, standards of care)  


g. Served as a reviewer (e.g., for a journal, conference abstracts, grant, quality assurance process) (ac, c)


h. Procured grant and other funding in MCH areas


i. Conducted strategic planning or program evaluation


j. Participated in public policy development activities (e.g., Participated in community engagement or coalition building efforts, written policy or guidelines, provided testimony, educated policymakers, etc)


k. None

6. If you checked any of the activities above, in which of the following settings or capacities would you say these activities occurred? (check all that apply)

__ a. Academic

__ b. Clinical

__ c. Public Health

__ d. Public Policy & Advocacy

7. Have you done any of the following interdisciplinary activities since completing your training program? (check all that apply)

  • a. Sought input or information from other professions or disciplines to address a need in your work

  • b. Provided input or information to other professions or disciplines.

  • c. Developed a shared vision, roles and responsibilities within an interdisciplinary group.

  • d. Utilized that information to develop a coordinated, prioritized plan across disciplines to address a need in your work

  • e. Established decision-making procedures in an interdisciplinary group.

  • f. Collaborated with various disciplines across agencies/entities

  • g. Advanced policies & programs that promote collaboration with other disciplines or professions

  • h. None

(end of survey)

Confidentiality Statement

Thank you for agreeing to provide information that will enable your training program to track your training experience and follow up with you after the completion of your training. Your input is critical to our own improvement efforts and our compliance with Federal reporting requirements. Please know that your participation in providing information is entirely voluntary. The information you provide will only be used for monitoring and improvement of the training program. Please also be assured that we take the confidentiality of your personal information very seriously. We very much appreciate your time and assistance in helping to document outcomes of the Training Program. We look forward to learning about your academic and professional development.

Medium Term Trainees

DEFINITION: Medium term trainees are trainees with 40 - 299 contact hours in the current reporting year.

Medium-term Trainees with 40-149 contact hours during the past 12-month grant period

Total Number ______

Disciplines (check all that apply):



Dentistry – Other

Education/Special Education

Family Member/Community Member

Genetics/Genetic Counseling

Health Administration


Medicine-Adolescent Medicine

Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities


Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology

Medicine – Other


Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner


Nursing – Other


Occupational Therapy

Person with a disability or special health care need

Physical Therapy



Public Health

Respiratory Therapy

Social Work

Speech-Language Pathology

Other (Specify)

Medium Term Trainees with 150-299 contact hours

The totals for gender, ethnicity, race and discipline must equal the total number of medium term trainees with 150-299 contact hours

Total Number ________


(number not percent)

Male _____

Female _____


(number not percent)

Hispanic or Latino _____

Not Hispanic or Latino ______

Unrecorded _______


(number not percent)

American Indian or Alaska Native: _____

Asian: _____

Black or African American: _____

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: ______

White: ______

More than One Race: ______



Number Discipline

____ Audiology

____ Dentistry-Pediatric

____ Dentistry – Other

____ Education/Special Education

____ Family Member/Community Member

____ Genetics/Genetic Counseling

____ Health Administration

____ Medicine-General

____ Medicine-Adolescent Medicine

____ Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

____ Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

____ Medicine-Pediatrics

____ Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology

____ Medicine – Other

____ Nursing-General

____ Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

____ Nursing-Midwife

____ Nursing – Other

____ Nutrition

____ Occupational Therapy

____ Person with a disability or special health care need

____ Physical Therapy

____ Psychiatry

____ Psychology

____ Public Health

____ Respiratory Therapy

____ Social Work

____ Speech-Language Pathology

____ Other (Specify)_________

TOTAL Number of Medium term Trainees
: _________

Short Term Trainees

DEFINITION: Short-term trainees are trainees with less than 40 contact hours in the current reporting year. (Continuing Education participants are not counted in this category)

Total number of short term trainees during the past 12-month grant period________

Indicate disciplines (check all that apply)



Dentistry – Other

Education/Special Education

Family Member/Community Member

Genetics/Genetic Counseling

Health Administration


Medicine-Adolescent Medicine

Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities


Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology

Medicine – Other


Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner


Nursing – Other


Occupational Therapy

Person with a disability or special health care need

Physical Therapy



Public Health

Respiratory Therapy

Social Work

Speech-Language Pathology

Other (Specify)

Continuing Education Form

Continuing Education is defined as continuing education programs or trainings that serve to enhance the knowledge and/or maintain the credentials and licensure of professional providers. Training may also serve to enhance the knowledge base of community outreach workers, families, and other members who directly serve the community. Additional details about CE activities will be collected in the annual progress report.

A. Provide information related to the total number of CE activities provided through your training program last year.

Total Number of CE Participants


Total Number of CE Sessions/Activities


Number of CE Sessions/Activities by Primary Target Audience


Number of Within Your State CE Activities


Number of CE Activities With Another State


Number of Regional CE Activities


Number of National CE Activities

Number of International CE Activities



Number of CE Sessions/Activities for which Credits are Provided


B. Topics Covered in CE Activities Check all that apply

  1. Clinical Care-Related (including medical home)

  2. Diversity or Cultural Competence-Related

  3. Data, Research, Evaluation Methods (Knowledge Translation)

  4. Family Involvement

  5. Interdisciplinary Teaming

  6. Healthcare Workforce Leadership

  7. Policy

  8. Prevention

  9. Systems Development/ Improvement

  • Women’s Reproductive/ Perinatal Health

  • Early Childhood Health/ Development (birth to school age)

  • School Age Children

  • Adolescent Health

  • CSHCN/Developmental Disabilities

  • Autism

  • Emergency Preparedness

  • Health Information Technology

  • Mental Health

  • Nutrition

  • Oral Health

  • Patient Safety

  • Respiratory Disease

  • Vulnerable Populations*

  • Health Disparities

  • Health care financing

  • Other (specify) ___________________________________

* “Vulnerable populations" refers to social groups with increased relative risk (i.e. exposure to risk factors) or susceptibility to health-related problems. This vulnerability is evidenced in higher comparative mortality rates, lower life expectancy, reduced access to care, and diminished quality of life. Center for Vulnerable Populations Research. UCLA. http://www.nursing.ucla.edu/orgs/cvpr/who-are-vulnerable.html.


Please answer all of the following questions as thoroughly as possible. When you have filled out the entire survey, return it to your Pipeline Program Director.

What year did you graduate from the MCH Pipeline Program? _________

  1. Are you currently enrolled or have you completed a graduate school program that is preparing you to work with the MCH population?



NOTE: Graduate programs preparing graduate students to work in the MCH population include:

Medicine (e.g. Pediatric, Ob/Gyn, Primary Care),  public health, MCH nutrition, public health social work, MCH nursing, pediatric dentistry, psychology, health education, health administration, pediatric occupational/physical therapy, speech language pathology.

  1. Have you worked with Maternal and Child Health (MCH) populations since graduating from the MCH Pipeline Training Program? (i.e., women, infants and children, adolescents, young adults, and their families, including fathers, and children and youth with special health care needs,)?



  1. Have you worked with populations considered to be underserved or vulnerable3 since graduating from the MCH Pipeline Training program? (e.g., Immigrant Populations Tribal Populations, Migrant Populations, Uninsured Populations, Individuals Who Have Experienced Family Violence, Homeless, Foster Care, HIV/AIDS, health disparities, etc)




Section 1. Grantee Information

Grant #____________________________________________

Grantee Name _______________________________________

Street Address_______________________________________

City_______________________________________ State _________ ZIP Code______________

Project Director Name______________________________________________________________

Phone 1___________________________ Phone 2________________________________________

(Complete section below for each service delivery site)

Section 2. Healthy Start Sites

Site 1

Project Manager Name_______________________________________________________________

Project Name_______________________________________________________________________

Street Address______________________________________________________________________

City__________________________________ State__________ ZIP Code______________________

Service Area State(s)_________________________________________________________________

Service Area Zip Code(s)_____________________________________________________________

Initial Year of Funding_____________________ Initial Funding Amount ______________________

Site 2

Project Manager Name_______________________________________________________________

Project Name_______________________________________________________________________

Street Address______________________________________________________________________

City__________________________________ State__________ ZIP Code______________________

Service Area State(s)_________________________________________________________________

Service Area Zip Code(s)_____________________________________________________________

Initial Year of Funding_____________________ Initial Funding Amount ______________________

1 A ‘central’ role refers to those that regularly participate in on-going training activities such as acting as a preceptors; teaching core courses; and participating in other core leadership training activities that would be documented in the progress reports.

2 The term “underserved” refers to “Medically Underserved Areas and Medically Underserved Populations with shortages of primary medical care, dental or mental health providers. Populations may be defined by geographic (a county or service area) or demographic (low income, Medicaid-eligible populations, cultural and/or linguistic access barriers to primary medical care services) factors. The term "vulnerable groups," refers to social groups with increased relative risk (i.e. exposure to risk factors) or susceptibility to health-related problems. This vulnerability is evidenced in higher comparative mortality rates, lower life expectancy, reduced access to care, and diminished quality of life.

3 The term “underserved” refers to “Medically Underserved Areas and Medically Underserved Populations with shortages of primary medical care, dental or mental health providers. Populations may be defined by geographic (a county or service area) or demographic (low income, Medicaid-eligible populations, cultural and/or linguistic access barriers to primary medical care services) factors. The term "vulnerable groups," refers to social groups with increased relative risk (i.e. exposure to risk factors) or susceptibility to health-related problems. This vulnerability is evidenced in higher comparative mortality rates, lower life expectancy, reduced access to care, and diminished quality of life.

Vulnerable Groups refers to social groups with increased relative risk (i.e. exposure to risk factors) or susceptibility to health-related problems. This vulnerability is evidenced in higher comparative mortality rates, lower life expectancy, reduced access to care, and diminished quality of life. (i.e, Immigrant Populations Tribal Populations, Migrant Populations, Uninsured Populations, Individuals Who Have Experienced Family Violence, Homeless, Foster Care, HIV/AIDS, etc) Source: Center for Vulnerable Populations Research. UCLA. http://www.nursing.ucla.edu/orgs/cvpr/who-are-vulnerable.html

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File TitleDGIS OMB Package
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File Created2021-01-23

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