Attachment B.10 – Paper School Food Authority Survey
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is OMB-NEW. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 60 minutes or 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
The purpose of this SFA School Nutrition Management Information System (MIS) Survey is to assess your School Food Authority’s (SFA) school nutrition electronic management information system (MIS). In addition to a general description of the features of your MIS, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is interested in what data are available in your MIS, the level of aggregation of such data, and how you use such data to manage your school nutrition program operations. The information that you provide will be used only for the purposes of this study.
Definitions: For this survey, the term school nutrition includes only the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP).
School nutrition MIS means computer software and electronic systems used to record, manage and track major program functions such as meal claiming, point of service, verification, household applications and certification, direct verification and certification, menu planning, production records, and others. We do not consider information captured, stored, and analyzed in spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel to be an electronic MIS. Subsequent mentions of “MIS” refer to your school nutrition MIS.
Structure of the Survey: This survey is organized into three main sections, each covering a major topic. These sections are:
The questions in each of these three sections are organized to allow different individuals to provide answers, if needed. Ideally, the Director of Food Services or a designated representative who is familiar with the school nutrition MIS would answer the questions in Sections 1 and 2. Section 3 is best answered by an individual with technical understanding of the school nutrition MIS. These are just suggestions; any SFA or school district staff member who is knowledgeable about the MIS may respond. |
In this section, we ask questions about the background of your current school nutrition MIS and the costs associated with acquiring and maintaining it.
The questions are grouped into three areas:
We will start by asking you some general questions about your SFA and the electronic tools you use to manage your operations. |
In general, how do you manage your SFA’s school nutrition program data? Remember that use of spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel is not considered an electronic MIS for our purposes. Check all that apply.
Custom software developed in-house |
Q3 |
Custom software developed by a vendor (not including commercial off-the-shelf [COTS] software that is later customized) |
Q3 |
Software purchased or licensed from a vendor (including commercial off-the-shelf [COTS] software that is later customized) |
Q3 |
We use a statewide MIS provided by our state’s child nutrition agency |
Q3 |
We use basic spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel |
Q2 |
We collect and store the data manually on paper |
Q2 |
Why do you not use an electronic MIS to manage at least part of your school nutrition program data? Check all that apply.
The available software is too expensive |
We cannot find a product that will work for us |
We do not have the staff to develop one |
We do not have staff trained to use the software |
We tried in the past, but it didn’t work for us |
Other reason (please specify) ____________________________________________________ |
How many individuals employed in your SFA school nutrition operations are users of your school nutrition MIS? (Please include all individuals who enter, view, download, or upload data and/or reports.)
Number of Users_________________________________
Which of the following modules do you have in your current school nutrition MIS? Please indicate the vendor of the modules you have and approximately how long you have had them.
Module |
Have |
Vendor |
No. of Years |
Applications Scanner |
Yes No |
{Select from dropdown list}
{Select from dropdown list} Less
than 1 year
Online Application |
Yes No |
Eligibility Determination |
Yes No |
Direct Certification (Matching) |
Yes No |
Meal Claiming |
Yes No |
Point of Sale (POS) System |
Yes No |
Financial Management (School Nutrition Revenues and Expenditures) |
Yes No |
Inventory Management |
Yes No |
Facilities and Physical Asset Management |
Yes No |
USDA Foods Tracking |
Yes No |
Online Payments from Households |
Yes No |
Order Processing |
Yes No |
Meal Production |
Yes No |
Menu/Nutrient Analysis |
Yes No |
Menu Planning |
Yes No |
Tracking Staff Training (e.g. food safety/HACCP) |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Please tell us if your needs for the following modules are fully met, partially met, or not met at all by your current school nutrition MIS.
Module |
Fully met |
Partially met |
Not met at all |
Applications Scanner |
Online Application |
Eligibility Determination |
Direct Certification (Matching) |
Meal Claiming |
Point of Sale (POS) System |
Financial Management (School Nutrition Revenues and Expenditures) |
Inventory Management |
Facilities and Physical Asset Management |
USDA Foods Tracking |
Online Payments from Households |
Order Processing |
Meal Production |
Menu/Nutrient Analysis |
Menu Planning |
Tracking Staff Training (e.g. food safety/HACCP) |
Other (please specify) ________ |
What entity primarily manages your school nutrition MIS? By primarily manage we mean responsible for arranging staff access to the system and overseeing contracts with vendor(s) (if applicable). Check only one.
School Nutrition department |
Q7 |
School District/LEA IT department |
Q7 |
State School Nutrition agency |
Q7 |
Vendor/Contractor |
Q7 |
Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________ |
Q7 |
Next, we will ask you questions about the costs of your current school nutrition MIS, including cost to develop, implement, upgrade, and operate your school nutrition MIS and the sources of funds used to finance it. Please estimate costs related to NSLP/SBP operations only.
The first questions focus on the costs your state incurred in procuring or developing your current school nutrition MIS and for any subsequent upgrades. For initial development, please include costs of direct development, software development tools, hardware and any other resources expended in initially developing or purchasing each module. For upgrades, please include costs for changes, other than routine updates, made to the software by the software vendor or your in-house IT staff to either enhance existing functions or add new functions. These are sometimes called “add-on” enhancements and should only include changes procured outside of any maintenance contract(s). |
Please indicate the cost to initially develop and implement each of the modules in your current school nutrition MIS and for any subsequent upgrades. Please choose one response in each column for each module.
Module |
Initial Development and Implementation Costs |
Upgrade Costs (If non-routine upgrade[s] occurred after initial implementation) |
Applications Scanner |
No direct cost to state school nutrition agency (upgrades are made by state IT staff) Less than $50,000 $50,000 - $99,000 $100,000 - $299,999 $300,000 - $499,999 $500,000 - $699,999 $700,000 - $999,999 $1,000,000 -$4,999,999 $5,000,000 or more Don’t know |
No upgrades purchased No direct cost to SFA (upgrades are made by SFA IT staff) Less than $50,000 $50,000 - $99,000 $100,000 - $299,999 $300,000 - $499,999 $500,000 - $699,999 $700,000 - $999,999 $1,000,000 -$4,999,999 $5,000,000 or more Don’t know |
Online Application |
Eligibility Determination |
Direct Certification (Matching) |
Meal Claiming |
Point of Sale (POS) System |
Financial Management (School Nutrition Revenues and Expenditures) |
Inventory Management |
Facilities and Physical Asset Management |
USDA Foods Tracking |
Online Payments from Households |
Order Processing |
Meal Production |
Menu/Nutrient Analysis |
Menu Planning |
Tracking Staff Training (e.g. food safety/HACCP) |
Other (please specify) ________ |
How did you fund the initial development or purchase of your current school nutrition MIS? Check all that apply.
Local Education Agency (LEA)/General education funds |
Q9 |
Funds from the nonprofit school food service account |
Q9 |
State school nutrition funds |
Q9 |
Federal school nutrition grants |
Q9 |
Other federal funds (please specify)_______________________________________________ |
Q9 |
Obtained a loan |
Q9 |
Other grant monies (please specify) _______________________________________________ |
Q9 |
Other source (please specify) ______________________________________________ |
Q9 |
I don’t know |
Q9 |
Next, we are interested in how often you upgrade your school nutrition MIS. “Upgrade” means changes other than routine updates made to the software by the software vendor or your in-house IT staff to either enhance existing functions or add new functions. |
Generally, how often do you upgrade your school nutrition MIS modules (both in-house or software purchased from a vendor)? Check all that apply.
On an as needed basis |
Q10 |
Quarterly |
Q10 |
Semi-annually |
Q10 |
Annually |
Q10 |
Other (please specify) ________________________________________________________ |
Q10 |
Don’t know |
Q10 |
Never upgraded |
Q10 |
For the components of your current school nutrition MIS that are provided by a vendor, do you own or lease (pay regular license fees for) them? Check all that apply.
We own the software (i.e., own copyright or equivalent) |
Q11 |
We have a renewable license to use the software |
Q11 |
We have no MIS components provided by a vendor |
Q11 |
State owns rights to software but grants our SFA usage rights |
Q11 |
We use open source software (available for free to anyone) |
Q11 |
Other (please specify) __________________________________________ |
Q11 |
Next, we will ask you about the costs of operating and maintaining your MIS. “Operating” refers to the regular use of your MIS to manage your school nutrition activities. “Maintaining” refers to scheduled or ad-hoc activities you perform on your school nutrition MIS to ensure optimal performance. Please estimate costs related to NSLP/SBP operations only. |
You indicated that you purchased all or some of your current school nutrition MIS from a vendor. Do you have a maintenance contract with your vendor(s)? Check only one.
Yes, our SFA has maintenance contract(s) with all of our vendor(s) |
Q13 |
Yes, our SFA has maintenance contract(s) with some of our vendor(s) |
Q12 |
No, we have no maintenance contracts with any of our vendors |
Q12 |
You indicated that you do NOT have a maintenance contract with at least one of your current school nutrition MIS vendor(s). How do you update that vendor’s school nutrition MIS? Check all that apply.
We make changes using in-house IT staff |
Q13 |
We make changes using contracted software developers |
Q13 |
We do not make any changes to it |
Q13 |
Other (please specify) _______________ |
Q13 |
What support functions does your maintenance contract(s) cover? Check all that apply.
Regular updates to conform with FNS policies |
Q14 |
Other updates to system functionality or features |
Q14 |
Patches and fixes to problems |
Q14 |
Training (remote, on- or off-site) |
Q14 |
Backup and recovery |
Q14 |
In-person software support |
Q14 |
In-person hardware support |
Q14 |
Remote software support |
Q14 |
Technical support via telephone or online |
Q14 |
Other (please specify) _______________________________________ |
Q14 |
Don’t know |
Q14 |
Turning now to annual school nutrition MIS operational costs, for each of the following items, indicate the cost to operate your current school nutrition MIS in the 2015-2016 school year. Please enter $0 if there was no cost for a particular item.
Operational cost item |
Annual cost ($) |
Maintenance contract fees |
Software updates made to comply with FNS policy changes (e.g., new reporting forms, new meal patterns) |
Hardware replacement (If you update hardware less frequently than once per year, please estimate the per year cost of those expenses) |
License fees to use school nutrition software |
{If Q10 answer choice 2 selected, this should not equal $0} |
Other (please specify) _____________________________________ |
Other (please specify) _____________________________________ |
Next, we will ask you about plans and expectations you may have for replacing your school nutrition MIS in the next 12 months. When answering questions on plans over the next 12 months, please exclude updates made to your school nutrition MIS to comply with policy updates by FNS. Policy updates refer to the regulations or policy memoranda that FNS occasionally issues to change requirements or provide guidance on the administration of the school nutrition programs.
Are you expecting to make non-routine upgrades or expansions to your current school nutrition MIS in the next 12 months? Check all that apply.
Purchase new modules |
Q16 |
Perform software upgrades |
Q16 |
Perform hardware upgrades |
Q16 |
Add new sites to the system |
Q16 |
Other upgrade (please specify) _______________________________________ |
Q16 |
No upgrades or expansions planned for next 12 months |
Q16 |
Don’t know |
Q16 |
In less than 1 year |
Q17 |
1 year to less than 3 years |
Q17 |
3 years to less than 6 years |
Q17 |
6 years or more |
Q17 |
No current replacement plans |
Q19 |
Don’t know |
Q19 |
You indicated that you expect to replace all or part of your current school nutrition MIS in the future. How do you anticipate acquiring a new MIS or a module? Check all that apply.
Develop customized MIS using in-house resources |
Q18 |
Develop customized MIS using a vendor |
Q18 |
Purchase a new MIS product from a vendor |
Q18 |
We have not yet made a decision |
Q18 |
Other (please specify) _______________________________________________________ |
Q18 |
Don’t know |
Q18 |
How much do you anticipate the cost, in total, will be to replace all or part of your current school nutrition MIS? Include all costs such as personnel, software licenses, and hardware. Check only one.
Less than $50,000 |
Q19 |
$50,000 - $99,000 |
Q19 |
$100,000 - $249,000 |
Q19 |
$250,000 – $499,999 |
Q19 |
$500,000 - $999,999 |
Q19 |
$1,000,000 - $2,999,999 |
Q19 |
$3,000,000 or more |
Q19 |
Don’t know |
Q19 |
Section 2 of the survey focuses on the types of data or data “elements” you collect in your current school nutrition MIS. Some of these are data you report to the State agency or FNS, but others may not be reported outside of your SFA.
We have grouped the data into five categories:
In addition to asking whether the data are in your school nutrition MIS, we also want to know how frequently you collect them, the level of detail (either SFA or school/site), and whether you generate reports with the data.
First, we will ask you about the capabilities of your current school nutrition MIS in helping you manage reimbursement claims. |
Does your school nutrition MIS track or assign eligibility to meals that qualify for additional FNS reimbursements for SFAs serving a high percentage of low-income students? Please choose Frequency, Finest level of detail and Internal SFA reports for all data that are available in your MIS.
Reimbursement type |
Data are available in MIS |
Frequency of collection (Please select most frequent level for entering data) |
Finest level of detail available |
Internal SFA reports are generated from these data |
Additional 2-cent reimbursement for lunches served in low-income schools (60% or more qualify for free or reduced price meals from the second preceding school year) |
Yes No Not Applicable |
{Choose one from dropdown box}
{Choose one from dropdown box}
Yes No |
Reimbursements for breakfasts served in schools eligible for Severe Need breakfasts |
Yes No Not Applicable |
Yes No |
Next, we will ask you some questions about the capabilities of your current school nutrition MIS in helping you manage free and reduced price eligibility determinations and verification. |
Yes |
Q21 |
No |
Q22 |
Don’t know |
Q22 |
Not applicable, all schools using Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) or Provision 2 or 3 |
Q22 |
You indicated that you use your current school nutrition MIS to assist with verification of household applications. Which of the following data elements does your MIS track for verification? Check all that apply.
Error Prone applications |
Q22 |
Applications selected for verification sample |
Q22 |
Applications and students confirmed through Direct Verification |
Q22 |
Results for Free Categorically Eligible verifications, by applications and students (no change, responded changed to reduced price or paid, no response paid) |
Q22 |
Results for Free Income verifications, by applications and students (no change, responded changed to reduced price or paid, no response paid) |
Q22 |
Results for Reduced Price Income verifications, by applications and students (no change, responded changed to free or paid, no response paid) |
Q22 |
Total number of questionable applications verified for cause as of November 15 |
Q22 |
The next set of questions focuses on the data in your MIS related to meal service and nutrition. We are interested in how you collect and store information on reimbursable meals. |
At what level of detail do you record reimbursable meal information? Check all that apply.
We record information for each meal for each student |
Q23 |
We record total number of reimbursable meals served to all students |
Q23 |
Other (please specify) _________________________________________________ |
Q23 |
How do you record reimbursable breakfast and lunch meals served at the point of sale? Check all that apply.
Point of Sale (POS) terminal that links to the MIS |
Q24 |
Manually such as paper, tally sheet or clicker |
Q29 |
Other (please specify) ____________________________________________ |
Q29 |
You indicated that you use your POS system to record reimbursable meals served. How does it record the meals served? Check all that apply.
Finger imaging |
Q25 |
Student enters/keys in ID number |
Q25 |
Cashier student identification and selection on terminal screen |
Q25 |
Student ID card swipe |
Q25 |
Student ID card scan |
Q25 |
Other (please specify) ______________________________________________________ |
Q25 |
Does your POS system have the capability to record each lunch meal component served to a child as a part of his/her reimbursable meal?
Yes |
Q26 |
No |
Q28 |
Don’t know |
Q28 |
Yes |
Q27 |
No |
Q28 |
You indicated that cashiers record each lunch meal component served in the POS. Does the POS system determine whether the meal is reimbursable?
Yes, if the cashier enters the correct number and type of components in the transaction, the meal is counted as reimbursable |
Q28 |
No, the cashier enters the components, but then also selects a separate key or button indicating that the meal is reimbursable. The cashier makes the final decision. |
Q28 |
Student certification data is not imported; it is entered manually |
Q29 |
Free certification status is imported |
Q29 |
Free certification status and the source of direct certification is imported (e.g., SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, Foster) |
Q29 |
I don’t know |
Q29 |
Data |
Are Data available in MIS? |
USDA Standardized Recipes used |
Yes No I don’t know |
Child Nutrition Labeled items used |
Yes No I don’t know |
Local Recipes |
Yes No I don’t know |
Smart Snacks Nutrition Profiles |
Yes No I don’t know |
Next, we will ask you about the types of financial data your school nutrition MIS collects and generates. Financial data include revenues received and expenditures incurred as part of your regular school nutrition operations.
For each of the following types of revenue data, please indicate whether the data element is available in your school nutrition MIS, and if so, the frequency with which it is collected, the level of detail, and whether reports are generated from the data.
Revenue line item |
Data are available in MIS |
Frequency of collection (Please select most frequent level for entering data) |
Finest level of detail available |
Internal SFA reports available from these data |
USDA Meal Reimbursements |
Yes No |
{Choose one from dropdown box}
{Choose one from dropdown box}
Yes No |
Student Meal Payments |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Adult Meal Revenues |
Yes No |
Yes No |
State/Local Meal Reimbursements |
Yes No |
Yes No |
USDA Foods Monetary Value |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Non-Program Food Sales, including A La Carte Sales, second meals and Vending |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Contracted/Catering Sales |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other State Funding |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Funds Transferred in |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Grants |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Interest |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other(please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
For each of the following types of expenditure data, please indicate whether the data element is available in your school nutrition MIS and, if so, the frequency with which it is collected, the level of detail, and whether reports are generated from the data.
Expenditure line items |
Data are available in MIS |
Frequency of collection (Please select most frequent level for entering data) |
Finest level of detail available |
Internal SFA reports available from these data |
Purchased Food |
Yes No |
{Choose one from dropdown box}
{Choose one from dropdown box}
Yes No |
Food Production and Operating Supplies |
Yes No |
Yes No |
USDA Foods Delivery/Handling/Storage Charges |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Labor Costs (Salaries and Benefits) |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Equipment Purchases (>$5000) |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Purchased Services |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Indirect Cost Charges |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Funds Transferred Out |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Does your School Food Authority sell non-program foods? ”Non-program foods” means foods and beverages purchased with nonprofit school food service account funds and sold to students but not as a reimbursable meal or snack (including a la carte, second meals and vending).
Yes |
Q33 |
No |
Q34 |
You indicated that your SFA sells non-program foods. Does your current school nutrition MIS collect non-program food costs, revenues, and sales data? Please choose Frequency, Finest level of detail and Internal SFA reports for all data available in your MIS.
Non-program foods data |
Data are available in MIS |
Frequency of collection (Please select most frequent level for entering data) |
Finest level of detail available |
Internal SFA reports available from these data |
Food Costs |
Yes No |
{Choose one from dropdown box}
{Choose one from dropdown box}
Yes No |
Labor Costs |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Revenues |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Individual Item Sales |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Does your current school nutrition MIS generate paid lunch equity calculations? These are the annual calculations required to determine whether you need to raise your paid lunch prices or contribute an equivalent amount of funds to the nonprofit school food service account.
Yes |
Q35 |
No |
Q35 |
Don’t know |
Q35 |
What types of performance and operating efficiency measures does your current school nutrition MIS generate? Please choose Frequency of collection and Finest level of detail for all data available in your MIS.
Performance and operating efficiency measures |
Data to calculate these measures are available in MIS |
Calculated measures are available in MIS |
Frequency of collection (Please select most frequent level for entering data) |
Finest level of detail available |
Meals per labor hour |
Yes No |
Yes No |
{Choose one from dropdown box}
{Choose one from dropdown box}
Meal equivalents (e.g., ratio of breakfasts to lunch) |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Percentage of certified students served by meal type (Free/Reduced Price/Paid) |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Percentage of meals reimbursed by category (Free/Reduced Price/Paid) |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Targeted maximum cost per meal (“plate costs”) |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) _____________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) _____________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
The next set of questions on data elements do not fall into any of the previous categories. They focus on data available on SFA operational and other administrative activities. |
What types of professional standards and training data does your current school nutrition MIS collect? Please choose Frequency, Finest level of detail and Internal SFA reports for all data available in your MIS.
Professional standards and training data |
Data are available in MIS |
Frequency of collection (Please select most frequent level for entering data) |
Finest level of detail available |
Internal SFA reports available from these data |
Training hours offered |
Yes No |
{Choose one from dropdown box}
{Choose one from dropdown box}
Yes No |
Training hours logged (total) |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Individual SFA employee training hours tracking |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Employees meeting professional standards |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ____________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) _____________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
What types of school food safety inspection data does your current school nutrition MIS collect? Please choose Frequency, Finest level of detail and Internal SFA reports for all data available in your MIS.
School food safety inspection data |
Data are available in MIS |
Frequency of collection (Please select most frequent level for entering data) |
Finest level of detail available |
Internal SFA reports available from these data |
Number of inspections |
Yes No |
{Choose one from dropdown box}
{Choose one from dropdown box}
Yes No |
Results of food safety inspections (e.g., scores or pass/fail) |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Corrective actions taken after inspection results |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Does your SFA have a contract with a food service management company (FSMC)?
Yes |
Q39 |
No |
Q40 |
What types of FSMC contracts data does your current school nutrition MIS collect? Please choose Frequency, Finest level of detail and Internal SFA reports for all data available in your MIS.
FSMC contracts data |
Data are available in MIS |
Frequency of collection (Please select most frequent level for entering data) |
Finest level of detail available |
Internal SFA reports available from these data |
Data to support monitoring of the contract (e.g. tracking receipt of rebates, discounts and credits) |
Yes No |
{Choose one from dropdown box}
{Choose one from dropdown box}
Yes No |
Data to support SFA recordkeeping |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Data and logs to support bids/procurement of FSMC services |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Yes No |
The next questions focus on the reporting capabilities of your current school nutrition MIS and the quality of the data in the MIS. We also ask about the processes you have within your school nutrition MIS to ensure that data is accurate (e.g., edit checks) and has not been tampered with or manipulated (data integrity). |
Do you use your current school nutrition MIS to automatically generate any of the following mandatory reports to the state? ”Automatically” refers to the ability to generate the report from your MIS without compiling information manually from multiple sources. For each report type, please indicate which of the four quality categories best describes your rating of the report generated in your school nutrition MIS.
Report name |
MIS generates this report |
Quality |
Form FNS-10, Report on School Program Operations (monthly claim for reimbursement) |
Yes No |
Form FNS-742, School Food Authority Verification Collection Report |
Yes No |
Form FNS-874 (formerly 742A), LEA Second Review of Applications Report |
Yes No Not applicable |
Form FNS-822, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Participation Report (FFVP schools, enrollment, and funding) |
Yes No Not applicable |
Form FNS-828, SFA Paid Lunch Report (most frequently charged price at elementary, middle and high school levels) |
Yes No Not applicable |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Other (please specify) ________ |
Yes No |
Which of the following types of analysis and tracking of data are you able to perform using your current school nutrition MIS? Check all that apply.
Standard, summary reports that came with the software |
Q42 |
Standard, detailed reports that came with the software |
Q42 |
Customized reports by choosing data categories |
Q42 |
Customized reports by writing code such as structured query language (SQL), Crystal Reports, etc. |
Q42 |
Management dashboards or interfaces that provide visual analysis of data or key indicators |
Q42 |
Scorecards that show progress of specified measures against their targets |
Q42 |
Other reports (please specify) ________________________________________ |
Q42 |
Our school nutrition MIS does not perform analysis and tracking of data |
Q42 |
What data quality and integrity checks are built into your current school nutrition MIS? Check all that apply.
Incomplete applications |
Q44 |
Over-claims (for example, number of meals claimed greater than student enrollment) |
Q44 |
Duplicate students (for example, same student claimed more than once for same meal service) |
Q44 |
Required claim edit checks |
Q44 |
Reasonableness of data (for example, system only accepts values within an anticipated range) |
Q44 |
Audit logs which record all user activities |
Q44 |
Reports with missing data are rejected |
Q44 |
Checks to ensure data are not manipulated outside of the software |
Q44 |
Other (please specify) ______________________________________________________ |
Q44 |
Other (please specify)______________________________________________________ |
Q44 |
Other (please specify)______________________________________________________ |
Q44 |
Don’t know |
Q43 |
Our school nutrition MIS does not provide data quality and integrity checks |
Q43 |
You indicated that your current school nutrition MIS does not provide data quality and integrity checks or that you are unsure if it does. How do you ensure that your data is accurate? Check all that apply.
Manually check all reports |
Q44 |
Manually check randomly selected reports |
Q44 |
We don’t check data accuracy |
Q44 |
Other (please specify) _______________________________________________________ |
Q44 |
Don’t know |
Q44 |
In using your school nutrition MIS, do you face any of the following challenges concerning data collection? Check all that apply.
The level of detail does not meet our needs |
Q45 |
The data is not adequately secured or protected from external manipulation |
Q45 |
The level of security makes it difficult to use the system |
Q45 |
Not all users are adequately trained to use the system |
Q45 |
Data is collected to fulfill an old FNS/State report form and there is too much lag time to reprogram the system to meet the requirements of the new report form |
Q45 |
Other (please specify) _______________________________________ |
Q45 |
I do not face any challenges with data collection |
Q45 |
In using your school nutrition MIS, do you face any of the following challenges concerning data aggregation? Check all that apply
Our data are spread over disparate systems, making data aggregation time consuming |
Q46 |
The data are too fine-grained, making it difficult to aggregate them |
Q46 |
Compiling all or some of our data requires manual data re-entry tasks |
Q46 |
Other (please specify) _______________________________________ |
Q46 |
I do not face any challenges with data aggregation |
Q46 |
In using your school nutrition MIS, do you face any of the following challenges concerning reporting? Check all that apply.
Reports do not cover all topics relevant to management of the program |
Q47 |
Reports are not available at the level of detail needed to support program management |
Q47 |
All or some of the reports to the state involve manual compilation |
Q47 |
Data is reported in a format to fulfill an old FNS/State report form and there is too much lag time to reprogram the system to meet the requirements of the new report form |
Q47 |
Other (please specify) _______________________________________ |
Q47 |
I do not face any challenges with reporting |
Q47 |
Section 3 of the survey contains questions about the technical features of your current school nutrition MIS. In particular, we will cover the following topics:
The following questions focus on copyright protection for your in-house or custom developed software. |
Is any component of your in-house or custom-built school nutrition MIS protected by copyright? Check only one. [Note to Programmer: Ask only if Question 1=1 or 2, that is “Custom software developed in-house” or “Custom software developed by a contractor (not including commercial off-the-shelf software that is later customized”, else skip to Question 48.]
Yes |
Q48 |
No |
Q49 |
We do not have a custom-built MIS |
Q49 |
Don’t know |
Q49 |
Our SFA or LEA |
Q49 |
The State |
Q49 |
The Vendor/Contractor |
Q49 |
Our Food Purchasing Coop |
Q49 |
Our Food Service Management Company |
Q49 |
Don’t know |
Q49 |
Can your current school nutrition MIS be shared for no cost as an open source with other SFAs?
Yes |
Q50 |
No |
Q50 |
Don’t know |
Q50 |
We will now ask about interoperability, which refers to how your school nutrition MIS connects to other data systems. |
Do you or your software vendor implement any interoperability standards within your current school nutrition MIS? By interoperability standards, we mean following third-party defined protocols to support efficient interactions between software/data systems. Check all that apply.
Not part of any standards |
Q51 |
School Interoperability Framework (SIF) |
Q51 |
Ed-Fi Alliance |
Q51 |
Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) |
Q51 |
Other standards (please specify) ______________________________________________ |
Q51 |
Part of some standards but do not know the name |
Q51 |
To your knowledge, do you share data (send to or receive data from) in your school nutrition MIS with any of the following programs or agencies? Check all that apply.
SNAP State or Local Agencies |
Q52 |
TANF State or Local Agencies |
Q52 |
Foster Care/Department of Children and Family Services |
Q52 |
State or local Medicaid agencies |
Q52 |
Other (please specify) ____________________________________________ |
Q52 |
Do not share data____________________________________________ |
Q53 |
How do you share data (send to or receive data from) with the state agency that administers NSLP/SBP? Check all that apply.
Manually key in data to the State system |
Q53 |
File import/export stored on a secure server |
Q53 |
File import/export using removable media such as flash drive, CD, DVD, etc. |
Q53 |
The state agency can log in to our school nutrition system |
Q53 |
We can log in to the state school nutrition system |
Q53 |
Other collaborative platforms such as SharePoint |
Q53 |
Other means (please specify) _____________________________________________ |
Q53 |
The next questions focus on how your school nutrition MIS is physically deployed and operated. In particular, FNS is interested in whether your data are stored locally or in the cloud. |
Locally at each school/site |
Q54 |
At a central LEA/SFA location |
Q54 |
In the cloud, hosted by the vendor |
Q54 |
Other (please specify) _______________________________________________________ |
Q54 |
Don’t know |
Q54 |
What type of database management system does your school nutrition MIS use to store data? Check all that apply.
Oracle Q55
Microsoft SQL Q55
PostgresSQL Q55
IBM Informix Q55
SAP Sybase Q55
Teradata Q55
Non-relational database (e.g., MonoDB, Cassandra, HBase, Neo4j) Q55
Other (please specify) _______________________________ Q55
Don’t know Q55
The next questions focus on your backup and data security systems and protocols. ”Protocols” refers to the set of rules and procedures that governs backup and security of your school nutrition MIS. |
How long does your SFA retain data in your current school nutrition MIS? By retain we mean that the data are electronically available in your system without the need to restore the data from an archive. Check only one.
Just the current school year |
Q56 |
1 year to less than 4 years |
Q56 |
4 years to less than 7 years |
Q56 |
7 years to less than 10 years |
Q56 |
Indefinitely |
Q56 |
Other time period (please specify)______________________________________________ |
Q56 |
Do you have any of the following security protocols to protect the data in your current school nutrition MIS, specifically those related to personally identifiable information? Check all that apply.
Login requirements |
Data encryption |
Confidential data maintained in a secure environment |
User profiles with access to only specific data |
Virus protection |
Security penetration testing |
Virtual private network (VPN) |
Training for users to protect from phishing (i.e., email scams) |
Other (please specify) ________________________________________________________ |
Other (please specify) ________________________________________________________ |
Other (please specify) ________________________________________________________ |
Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. As we noted at the beginning, the information that you provided will be used only for the purposes of this study.
Please provide the following information about any staff members who have assisted you in completing this survey.
Job Title |
# of Years at SFA |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
If you have any questions about completion of this survey please contact Madeleine Levin at 202-774-1982 or
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Samuel Kofi Ampaabeng |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |