60-Day FR Notice


Follow-Up Activities for Product-Related Injuries

60-Day FR Notice

OMB: 3041-0029

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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 120 / Wednesday, June 22, 2016 / Notices
2016 and written comments must be
received on or before Friday, August 19,
For specific dates, times, and
locations of the public meetings, see
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on the reserves and coastal program
NOAA intends to evaluate by any of the
following methods:
Public Meeting and Oral Comments:
A public meeting will be held in
Tuckerton, New Jersey for the Jacques
Cousteau Reserve, Moss Point
Mississippi for the Grand Bay Reserve,
and Spanish Fort, Alabama for the
Alabama Coastal Management Program.
For specific locations, see
Written Comments: Please direct
written comments to Carrie Hall,
Evaluator, Policy, Planning and
Communications, Office for Coastal
Management, NOS/NOAA, 1305 EastWest Highway, 11th Floor, N/OCM1,
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, or email
comments Carrie.Hall@noaa.gov.
Carrie Hall, Evaluator, Policy, Planning
and Communications, Office for Coastal
Management, NOS/NOAA, 1305 EastWest Highway, 11th Floor, N/OCM1,
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, or
Carrie.Hall@noaa.gov. Copies of the
program’s most recent evaluation and
performance report, as well as the
evaluation notification letter to the state
may be obtained upon request by
contacting the person identified under
Copies of the most recent final
evaluation findings may also be
downloaded or viewed on the Internet
at http://coast.noaa.gov/czm/
312 and 315 of the Coastal Zone
Management Act (CZMA) require
NOAA to conduct periodic evaluations
of federally approved coastal
management programs and national
estuarine research reserves. The process
includes a public meeting,
consideration of written public
comments and consultations with
interested Federal, state, and local
agencies and members of the public. For
the evaluation of National Estuarine
Research Reserves, NOAA will consider
the extent to which the state has met the
national objectives, adhered to its
management plan approved by the
Secretary of Commerce, and adhered to
the terms of financial assistance under
the Coastal Zone Management Act. The
evaluation of Coastal Management
Programs require findings concerning

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the extent to which a state or territory
has met the national objectives, adhered
to its Coastal Management Program
document approved by the Secretary of
Commerce, and adhered to the terms of
financial assistance awards funded
under the Coastal Zone Management
Act. When the evaluation is completed,
NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management
will place a notice in the Federal
Register announcing the availability of
the Final Evaluation Findings.
Specific information on the periodic
evaluation of reserves and coastal
management programs that are the
subject of this notice are detailed below
as follows:
Grand Bay National Estuarine Research
Reserve Evaluation
You may participate or submit oral
comments at the public meeting
scheduled as follows:
Date: August 24, 2016.
Time: 4:30 p.m., local time.
Location: 6005 Bayou Heron Road,
Room 100, Moss Point, Mississippi
Written comments must be received
on or before September 2, 2016.
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine
Research Reserve Evaluation
You may participate or submit oral
comments at the public meeting
scheduled as follows:
Date: August 16, 2016.
Time: 6:30 p.m., local time.
Location: Cousteau Center, 130 Great
Bay Boulevard, Tuckerton, New Jersey,
Written comments must be received
on or before August 19, 2016.
Alabama Coastal Management Program
You may participate or submit oral
comments at the public meeting
scheduled as follows:
Date: August 10, 2016.
Time: 5:30 p.m., local time.
Location: Five Rivers Tensaw Theater,
30945 Five Rivers Boulevard, Spanish
Fort, Alabama 36527.
Written comments must be received
on or before August 19, 2016.
(Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog 11.419;
Coastal Zone Management Program
Dated: June 2, 2015.
John King,
Deputy Director, Office for Coastal
Management, National Ocean Service,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[FR Doc. 2016–14607 Filed 6–21–16; 8:45 am]

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[Docket No. CPSC–2009–0102]

Collection of Information; Proposed
Extension of Approval; Comment
Request—Follow-Up Activities for
Product-Related Injuries
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice.

As required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (‘‘PRA’’) (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35), the Consumer
Product Safety Commission (‘‘CPSC’’ or
‘‘Commission’’) requests comments on a
proposed extension of approval of a
collection of information from persons
who have been involved in, or have
witnessed incidents associated with,
consumer products. The Commission
will consider all comments received in
response to this notice before requesting
an extension of approval of this
collection of information from the Office
of Management and Budget (‘‘OMB’’).
DATES: The Office of the Secretary must
receive comments not later than August
22, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No. CPSC–2009–
0102, by any of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit
electronic comments to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at: http://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
The Commission does not accept
comments submitted by electronic mail
(email), except through
www.regulations.gov. The Commission
encourages you to submit electronic
comments by using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal, as described above.
Written Submissions: Submit written
submissions in the following way: Mail/
Hand delivery/Courier (for paper, disk,
or CD–ROM submissions), preferably in
five copies, to: Office of the Secretary,
Consumer Product Safety Commission,
Room 820, 4330 East-West Highway,
Bethesda, MD 20814; telephone (301)
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this notice. All
comments received may be posted
without change, including any personal
identifiers, contact information, or other
personal information provided, to:
http://www.regulations.gov. Do not
submit confidential business
information, trade secret information, or
other sensitive or protected information
that you do not want to be available to
the public. If furnished at all, such




Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 120 / Wednesday, June 22, 2016 / Notices

information should be submitted in
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to: http://
www.regulations.gov, and insert the
docket number, CPSC–2009–0102, into
the ‘‘Search’’ box, and follow the
further information contact: Robert H.
Squibb, Consumer Product Safety
Commission, 4330 East-West Highway,
Bethesda, MD 20814; (301) 504–7815, or
by email to: rsquibb@cpsc.gov.

mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

A. Background
Section 5(a) of the Consumer Product
Safety Act, 15 U.S.C. 2054(a), requires
the Commission to collect information
related to the causes and prevention of
death, injury, and illness associated
with consumer products. That section
also requires the Commission to
conduct continuing studies and
investigations of deaths, injuries,
diseases, other health impairments, and
economic losses resulting from
accidents involving consumer products.
The Commission obtains information
about product-related deaths, injuries,
and illnesses from a variety of sources,
including newspapers, death
certificates, consumer complaints, and
medical facilities. In addition, the
Commission receives information
through its Internet Web site through
forms reporting on product-related
injuries or incidents.
The Commission also operates a
surveillance system known as the
National Electronic Injury Surveillance
System (‘‘NEISS’’) that provides timely
data on consumer product-related
injuries treated as well as U.S.
childhood poisonings. NEISS data
comes from a statistically valid sample
from approximately 100 hospital
emergency departments. The NEISS
system has been in operation since
1971. NEISS emergency department
records are reviewed by hospital
employees or contractors (‘‘NEISS
From these sources, Commission staff
selects cases of interest for further
investigation by face-to-face or
telephone interviews with persons who
witnessed, or were injured in, incidents
involving consumer products. The CPSC
plans to begin conducting investigations
through internet-based questionnaires in
the next year to supplement telephone
interviews. On-site investigations are
usually made in cases where CPSC staff
need photographs of the incident site,
the product involved, or detailed

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information about the incident. This
information can come from face-to-face
interviews with persons who were
injured or who witnessed the incident,
as well as contact with state and local
officials, including police, coroners, and
fire investigators, and others with
knowledge of the incident.
The Commission uses the information
to support the development and
improvement of voluntary standards;
rulemaking proceedings; information
and education campaigns; compliance
and enforcement efforts and related
administrative and judicial proceedings.
Commission activities are, in many
cases, data driven, and incident data is
crucial in advancing the agency’s
mission. In addition, the CPSC also
collects information through NEISS for
other federal agencies through
Interagency Agreements including the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (‘‘CDC’’) and the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration
OMB approved the collection of
information concerning product-related
injuries under control number 3041–
0029. OMB’s most recent extension of
approval will expire on September 30,
2016. The Commission now proposes to
request an extension of approval of this
collection of information.
B. NEISS Estimated Burden
The NEISS system collects
information on consumer-product
related injuries from about 100 hospitals
in the U.S. Respondents to NEISS
include hospitals that directly report
information to NEISS and hospitals that
allow CPSC contractors to collect the
data on behalf of the agency. In FY
2015, there were 137 NEISS respondents
(total hospitals and CPSC contractors).
The NEISS respondents reviewed an
estimated 5.05 million emergency
department records and reported
739,673 total cases.
Collecting emergency department
records for review each day takes about
10 minutes. Each record takes about 30
seconds to review. Coding and reporting
records that involve consumer products
or other injuries takes about 2 minutes
per record. Coding and reporting
additional special study information
takes about 90 seconds per record.
Respondents also spend about 36 hours
per year in related activities (training,
evaluations, and communicating with
other hospital staff).
The total burden hours for all NEISS
respondents are estimated to be 81,210
for FY2015. The average burden hour
per respondent is 593 hours. However,
the total burden hour on each
respondent varies due to differences in

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size of the hospital (e.g., small rural
hospitals versus large metropolitan
hospitals). The smallest hospital
reported 202 cases with a burden of
about 111 hours, while the largest
hospital reported 60,405 cases with a
burden of about 4,222 hours.
The total costs to NEISS respondents
for FY2015 are estimated to be
$3,271,621 per year. NEISS respondents
enter into contracts with CPSC and are
compensated for these costs. The
average cost per respondent is estimated
to be about $23,880. The average cost
per burden hour is estimated to be
$40.29 per hour (including wages and
overhead). However, the actual cost to
each respondent varies due to the type
of respondent (hospital versus CPSC
contractor), size of hospital, and
regional differences in wages and
overhead. Therefore, the actual annual
cost for any given respondent may vary
between $1,199 at a small rural hospital
and $281,953 at the largest metropolitan
C. Other Burden Hours
In cases that require more information
regarding product-related incidents or
injuries, the CPSC staff conducted faceto-face interviews of approximately 220
persons each year. On average, an onsite interview takes about 4.5 hours. The
CPSC staff also conducts about 1760 indepth investigations by telephone. Each
in-depth telephone investigation
requires about 20 minutes. In addition,
the staff is planning to conduct about
200 internet-based questionnaires per
year that require about 20 minutes each.
The CPSC staff estimates 1,643 annual
burden hours on these respondents: 989
hours for face-to-face interviews; 587
hours for in-depth telephone interviews,
and 67 hours for internet-based
questionnaires. The burden required for
reporting is estimated at $32.82 an hour
(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
‘‘Employer Costs for Employee
Compensation,’’ March 2016, Table 9,
Total compensation for all sales and
office workers in goods-producing
industries: http://www.bls.gov/ncs). At
this valuation, the estimated annual cost
to the public is about $53,923.
This request for the approval of an
estimated 82,853 (81,210 NEISS and
1,643 other) burden hours per year is an
increase of 37,845 hours since this
collection of information was last
approved by OMB in 2013. The increase
in the burden hours is largely due to the
inclusion of information collected
through NEISS for other federal agencies
through Interagency Agreements
including CDC and NHTSA, which were
not otherwise accounted for by those
agencies. In order to account for all the



Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 120 / Wednesday, June 22, 2016 / Notices

mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

burden hours associated with the NEISS
information collection, we have added
those hours to the collection of
information. The increase in burden
hours also includes the increase
associated with offering internet-based
questionnaires in addition to in-person
and telephone interviews.
This information collection request
excludes the burden associated with
other publicly available Consumer
Product Safety Information Databases,
such as internet complaints, Hotline,
and Medical Examiners and Coroners
Alert Project (‘‘MECAP’’) reports, which
are approved under OMB control
number 3041–0146. This information
collection request also excludes the
burden associated with follow-up
investigations conducted by other
federal agencies.
The annual cost to the government of
the collection of the NEISS information
is estimated to be about $4.9 million a
year. This estimate includes $3.3
million in compensation to NEISS
respondents described in section 12(a)
above. This estimate also includes
$1.603 million for about 150 CPSC
professional staff months each year. The
estimate of professional staff months
includes the time required to: Oversee
NEISS operations (e.g., administration,
training, quality control); prepare
questionnaires, interviewer guidelines,
and other instruments and instructions
used to collect the information; conduct
face-to-face and telephone interviews;
and evaluate responses obtained from
interviews and completed forms. Each
month of professional staff time costs
the Commission about $10,683.83. This
is based on a GS–12 mid-level salaried
employee. The average yearly wage rate
for a mid-level salaried GS–12 employee
in the Washington, DC metropolitan
area (effective as of January 2016) is
$87,821 (GS–12, step 5). This represents
68.5 percent of total compensation (U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, ‘‘Employer
Costs for Employee Compensation,’’
March 2016, Table 1, percentage of
wages and salaries for all civilian
management, professional, and related
employees: http://www.bls.gov/ncs/).
Adding an additional 31.5 percent for
benefits brings average yearly
compensation for a mid-level salaried
GS–12 employee to $128,206.
D. Request for Comments
The Commission solicits written
comments from all interested persons
about the proposed collection of
information. The Commission
specifically solicits information relevant
to the following topics:
• Whether the collection of
information described above is

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necessary for the proper performance of
the Commission’s functions, including
whether the information would have
practical utility;
• Whether the estimated burden of
the proposed collection of information
is accurate;
• Whether the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be collected
could be enhanced; and
• Whether the burden imposed by the
collection of information could be
minimized by use of automated,
electronic or other technological
collection techniques, or other forms of
information technology.
Dated: June 17, 2016.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2016–14729 Filed 6–21–16; 8:45 am]

Office of the Secretary
Charter Renewal of Department of
Defense Federal Advisory Committees
Department of Defense.
Renewal of Federal Advisory


The Department of Defense
(DoD) is publishing this notice to
announce that it is renewing the charter
for the United States Naval Academy
Board of Visitors (‘‘the Board’’).
Freeman, Advisory Committee
Management Officer for the Department
of Defense, 703–692–5952.
committee’s charter is being renewed in
accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA) of 1972 (5
U.S.C., Appendix, as amended) and 41
CFR 102–3.50(a). The charter and
contact information for the Board’s
Designated Federal Officer (DFO) can be
obtained at http://
The Board provides independent
advice and recommendations to the
President of the United States on the
state of morale and discipline,
curriculum, instruction, physical
equipment, fiscal affairs, academic
methods, and other matters relating to
the Academy that the Board decides to
consider. The Board shall be constituted
annually and composed of 15 members:
(a) The Chair of the Senate Committee
on Armed Services, or designee; (b)
Three other members of the Senate
designated by the Vice President or the

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President pro tempore of the Senate,
two of whom are members of the Senate
Committee on Appropriations; (c) The
Chair of the House Committee on
Armed Services, or designee; (d) Four
other members of the House of
Representatives designated by the
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
two of whom are members of the House
Committee on Appropriations; and (e)
Six persons designated by the President.
Board members who are full-time or
permanent part-time Federal officers or
employees shall be appointed as regular
government employee members
pursuant to 41 CFR 102–3.130(a). Board
members who are not full-time or
permanent part-time Federal officers or
employees shall be appointed as experts
or consultants pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3109
to serve as special government
employee members. The Department of
Defense, as necessary and consistent
with the Board’s mission and DoD
policies and procedures, may establish
subcommittees, task forces, or working
groups to support the Board, and all
subcommittees must operate under the
provisions of FACA and the
Government in the Sunshine Act.
Subcommittees will not work
independently of the Board and must
report all recommendations and advice
solely to the Board for full deliberation
and discussion. Subcommittees, task
forces, or working groups have no
authority to make decisions and
recommendations, verbally or in
writing, on behalf of the Board. No
subcommittee or any of its members can
update or report, verbally or in writing,
directly to the DoD or any Federal
officers or employees. The Board’s DFO,
pursuant to DoD policy, must be a fulltime or permanent part-time DoD
employee, and must be in attendance for
the duration of each and every Board/
subcommittee meeting. The public or
interested organizations may submit
written statements to the Board
membership about the Board’s mission
and functions. Such statements may be
submitted at any time or in response to
the stated agenda of planned Board. All
written statements must be submitted to
the Board’s DFO who will ensure the
written statements are provided to the
membership for their consideration.
Dated: June 17, 2016.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2016–14733 Filed 6–21–16; 8:45 am]



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