HUD Form 52614
OMB Approval 2577-0276 (Expires 2/29/16)
S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program
Financing Plan
Table of Contents
N/A |
1 |
Conversion Overview |
2 |
Current Conversion Type |
3 |
RAD Physical Condition Assessment & Scope of Work |
4 |
Completed Environmental Review |
5 |
Development Budget |
6 |
Development Team |
7 |
Proposed Financing |
8 |
Operating Pro Forma |
9 |
Market Study |
10 |
Evidence of Approval of PHA/MTW Plan or Significant Amendment of PHA/MTW Plan |
11 |
Approval of Non-Dwelling Real Property |
12 |
Approved Amendment to Attachment A of the MTW Agreement |
13 |
Fair Housing, Civil Rights and Relocation Checklist with evidence of approvals |
14 |
Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan |
15 |
New Construction Site Selection & Neighborhood Standards Documentation |
16 |
Unit Reduction or Configuration Change |
17 |
Change in Occupancy |
18 |
Estimate of Public Housing Funds Available for HAP Subsidy (Initial Year Funding Tool) |
19 |
Transfer of Assistance |
20 |
Resident Comments |
21 |
Title Report |
22 |
Other Documents |
23 |
Financing Plan Certification |
1. Conversion Overview
Complete and upload the following:
Section 1: General Information |
PHA is an MTW Agency: |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
PIC Development No: (Note: If combining units from multiple PICs into one CHAP, input all PIC Numbers and number of RAD units from each PIC) |
Number Units in AMP (Column A):: |
Number of Units Converting to RAD to be Removed from AMP (Column B): |
Number of Non-Converting
Units to be Removed from AMP (if any) |
Total Number of Units to be Removed from AMP (sums of columns B and C): |
Subsidy Type: |
Number of HAP Contracts Term Length of Each Contract: |
PBV HAP Contract Administrator (PBV only; enter Name of PHA & PHA Code): |
Name of current ownership entity: |
Proposed Project Ownership Entity Name, Address, Contact Phone & Email: |
Proposed ownership type: |
☐ Public Body ☐ Non-profit ☐ For-profit (in LIHTC only) |
Financing Type: |
☐ None or PH Funds Only ☐ FHA Insured Mortgage ☐ Conventional ☐ Tax Credits ☐ Other: Click here to enter text. |
Scope of Work: |
☐ Rehab (Length of Rehab: months) ☐ New Construction (Length of Construction: months) ☐ Critical Repairs Only ☐ None |
Special Features (check all that apply): |
☐ Multiphase Award ☐ Portfolio Award ☐ Sole or Remaining Project to Convert ☐ Existing Mixed Finance ☐ “Many to One” Conversion ☐ Choice-Mobility Exemption ☐ Rent Bundling ☐ Existing Section 18 Approval ☐ CNI ☐ HOPE VI ☐ Other: Click here to enter text. |
PHA Desired Closing Date: |
Click here to enter a date. |
Tax Credit Closing Deadline (if applicable): |
Click here to enter a date. |
Section 2: Narratives
Overview of Proposed RAD Conversion: Provide a detailed description of the proposed conversion. At a minimum, this description should include: the number and type of buildings converting, neighborhood/location, resident type, bedroom types, proposed de minimis unit reduction (if applicable), proposed scope of work, and plans for relocation. Be sure to highlight any unusual or unique aspects including, for example, if this is a partial AMP conversion, if the conversion includes a transfer of assistance, or if demolition/new construction is proposed.
Changes to Bedroom/Unit Configurations: If the conversion proposes changes to bedroom types (for example, converting efficiencies to 1 Bedrooms or 1 Bedrooms to 2 Bedroom, etc.), please provide a brief description of those changes, including how any “right to return” issues with residents have been addressed:
Transfer of Assistance: If the conversion proposes to transfer some or all of the assistance to another site, please describe the location of the new site, what will become of the existing site, whether the new site is existing housing, and how this will impact existing tenants at both the original and new sites, including any relocation plans. For example, if Site A has 100 units prior to conversion and the PHA is proposing to keep 40 units on Site A and put 60 units on Site B, please explain if the transactions are occurring simultaneously or in phases:
Relocation: Please describe any planned relocation of residents, be it temporary or permanent, and whether any residents are waiving their right to return. In the case of a waiver of right to return, please describe the documentation received. If the PHA plans to relocate residents prior to closing, please notate here and be advised that HUD approval is required.
Changes in rent levels: If the conversion proposes changes in rent levels as a result of rent bundling, changes in responsibility for utilities (landlord to tenant or tenant to landlord), the use of MTW authority to supplement rents, different rent levels for similar unit sizes (such as two different rent levels for different types of one-bedroom apartments), the use of local Project Based Vouchers, or if there are any errors shown in the CHAP, please provide a listing of the unit types and proposed rent levels:
Ownership: Please describe any changes in ownership and creation of a Single Asset Entity (“SAE”) if the PHA is planning to administer the PBVs for the property:
Waivers and other key issues: Please describe any specific programmatic or regulatory waivers sought, and describe any important or unique transaction features or special approvals that the PHA wishes to communicate to HUD.
Section 3: Development Budget |
☐Yes ☐No |
☐Yes ☐No |
☐Yes ☐No |
Section 4: Identification of Existing Loans or Debt |
Note: Complete this section only if the proposed conversion has existing loans/debts on the property. |
☐Yes ☐No |
☐Yes ☐No |
2. Current Conversion Type
Indicate whether your current selection of either Project Based Vouchers or Project Based Rental Assistance has changed by checking the box that reads “check here if this is incorrect.”
3. RAD Physical Condition Assessment (RPCA) & Scope of Work
Upload the latest version of the PCA. This includes the written narrative and the EXCEL tool, as applicable.
4. Completed Environmental Review
Upload the completed environmental review.
5. Development Budget
(Reference: Final Notice, Attachment 1A.1.F.)
Update the RAD Resource Desk Transaction Log with the latest sources and uses. Upload the completed subsidy layering review and EPC approval letter, as applicable. (Continued on following page)
$ |
$ |
New First Mortgage Loan |
Acquisition Costs |
Public Housing Operating Reserves |
Building and Land Acquisition |
Public Housing Capital Funds |
Other Costs |
Replacement Housing Factor |
Payoff Existing Loans |
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Equity - 4% |
Construction Costs |
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Equity - 9% |
Relocation Costs |
Professional Fees |
Architecture |
Other Federal Funds |
Engineering |
Other State/Local Funds |
Physical Condition Assessment |
Other Private Funds |
Borrower’s Legal Counsel |
Seller Take Back Financing (Acquisition) |
Lender’s Legal Counsel |
Other: |
Feasibility Studies |
Other: |
Environmental Reports |
Other: |
Appraisal / Market Study |
Other: |
Accounting |
Other: |
Survey |
Other: |
Costs |
Total Sources |
Loan Fees and Costs |
FHA Application Fee |
FHA Inspection Fee |
Financing Fee |
Organizational Costs |
Title Insurance/Exam Fee |
Recordation Fee |
Closing Escrow Agent Fee |
Prepayment Penalty/Premium |
Payables |
Construction Interest |
Construction Loan Fees |
Cost of Bond Issuance |
Costs |
Reserves |
Initial Deposit to Replacement Reserve |
Initial Operating Deficit Escrow |
Operating Reserve |
Tax and Insurance Escrow |
Other |
Developer Fees |
Total Uses |
6. Development Team
Upload an organization chart that details all participants for each entity, a narrative description of each entity including the entity name, its role in the conversion and a description of relevant experience. If converting to PBRA, upload evidence of 2530 approval.
7. Proposed Financing
Upload a copy of the latest lender, investor or grantor engagement letter and submit the
following information for all sources of funds:
(list each condition; be specific) |
(identify each milestone and an estimated date) |
___ YES (UPLOADED) ___ N/A |
8. Operating Pro Forma
Upload a complete operating pro forma that projects out for the term of the initial HAP contract as well as supporting documentation for expenses and insurance estimates. If applicable, upload a narrative discussion of the energy and water savings that are anticipated as a result of the proposed rehab or construction and the basis for those estimates. If PILOT or other real estate tax exemption will apply after conversion, upload a draft legal opinion based on state and local law of continuation of PILOT after conversion that will be executed at the time of closing. The RAD Transaction Log must also be updated.
$ |
GPR Market Rate Apartments |
GPR Affordable Apartments (other than RAD) |
GPR Commercial |
Vacancy Loss |
Bad Debt Loss |
Other Income |
Effective Gross Income |
Administrative |
Ordinary Maintenance and Ops |
Utility Expense |
Insurance |
Real Estate Tax |
Tenant Services |
Asset Management Fee (Non-cash flow expense) |
Other General Expenses |
Total Operating Expenses |
Replacement Reserve Deposit |
Net Operating Income |
First Mortgage Debt Service |
Operating Cash Flow |
9. Market Study
Upload any market study required by any financing source or check the box stating that no financing source required a market study.
10. Evidence of Approval of PHA/MTW Plan or Significant Amendment to PHA/MTW Plan
Upload a copy of the letter from HUD indicating approval of the Plan or Significant Amendment.
11. Approval of Non-Dwelling Real Property
No upload by the PHA required.
12. Approved Amendment to Attachment A of the MTW Agreement
Upload the executed Amendment A of the MTW Agreement (if applicable).
13. Fair Housing, Civil Rights and Relocation Checklist
Upload the completed FHEO Accessibility and Relocation Plan Checklist and associated approvals obtained prior to financing plan submission.
14. Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (PBRA & FHA only)
Upload a copy of the fully executed HUD form 935.2A.
15. New Construction Site Selection & Neighborhood Standards Documentation
For new construction, upload the below information as well as documentation that the site meets Site Selection & Neighborhood Standards requirements. This is due prior to Financing Plan submission pursuant to the requirements of the Notice.
Instructions: Submit the information below using this template or in a format of your choosing. Once complete, upload to the RAD Resource Desk Financing Plan grid by selecting “New Construction Site Selection & Neighborhood Standards Documentation” as the Milestone Document type.
1) General Project Information:
PIC Development Number: |
Name of Project: |
Address (or cross-streets) of project: |
Financing Plan Submission Date: (expected or actual) |
Total Number of Units at the project by type of assistance for the units (e.g., number of PBV/PBRA units, LIHTC, market rate units): |
Occupancy Type of Project (e.g., elderly, family, disabled): |
The neighborhood1 of the project: |
The housing market area2 of the Project: |
The racial/ethnic characteristics of the census tract and the MSA from the most recent Decennial Census (2010 Census, DP-1).3 The following format may be used:
Hispanic or Latino and Race |
Census Tract % |
MSA % |
Hispanic or Latino (total) |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
Black or African American alone |
American Indian and Alaska Native alone |
Asian alone |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone |
Two or More Races |
Some Other Race |
Total |
The PHA’s determination of whether the site is located in an area of minority concentration, based on the racial/ethnic data for the census tract and MSA and the definition of minority neighborhood.4
☐ The site is not located in an area of minority concentration. Skip the rest of this question and continue to item #4.
☐ The site is located in an area of minority concentration. Identify and provide a complete justification of which of the following exceptions applies: (1) sufficient, comparable opportunities or (2) overriding housing need. For a definition of these exceptions, please see 24 CFR 983.57 for PBV or Appendix III of the RAD Notice for PBRA. The PHA must submit a narrative discussion of how it determined that the site meets the applicable exception and the information that it relied upon to make this determination.
The PHA’s determination of whether the site is located in a racially mixed area. A racially mixed area is an area that is neither minority concentrated, nor a non-minority area. A non-minority area is an area in which the minority population is lower than 10 percent.
☐ The site is not located in a racially mixed area. Skip the rest of this question.
☐ The site is located in a racially mixed area. The PHA must demonstrate that the project will not cause a significant increase in the proportion of minority to non-minority residents in the area.
16. Unit Reduction or Configuration Change
Upload the below information if the conversion includes a reduction in the number of units or a change in the unit configuration as a result of conversion. A description of the proposed change, justification for the change, a discussion of compliance with accessibility requirements, and a discussion on how the residents’ right to return will be impacted should also be included.
RAD Scenario: Reduction of units or change in unit configuration, including when occurring during a transfer of assistance
Instructions: Complete items 1-10 below. Once complete, upload to the RAD Resource Desk Financing Plan grid by selecting “Unit or Configuration Change” as the Milestone Document type.
Financing Plan Submission date (expected or actual): Click here to enter a date.
PHA Name:
PIC Development Number: Click here to enter text.
Project Name: Click here to enter text.
Project Address: Click here to enter text.
Complete the grid below with information on current and proposed unit changes. Except where indicated, all fields should be completed for a single converting property.
Please identify the occupancy type of the overall housing stock, the UFAS accessibility and the waiting list and if the applicable occupancy type is mixed, please also provide the bedroom information by occupancy type.
Public Housing Information: All conversions that involve a reduction of units or change in unit configuration must complete this section. |
UFAS Information: Complete this section only if the conversion will involve a reduction of units or change in unit configuration of UFAS units. |
PHA’s Public Housing Stock
Public Housing Waiting List |
UFAS-Accessibility |
UFAS Waiting List |
Bedrooms |
PHA’s Public Housing Stock |
Current # of public housing units at the property |
# of occupied units |
Post-conversion # of RAD units at the property |
# of families on the public housing waiting list |
PHA’s UFAS Public Housing Stock |
Current # of UFAS accessible public housing units at the property |
Post-conversion # of UFAS accessible units at the property |
# of families on the waiting list requesting UFAS units |
General |
Mixed |
Elderly Only |
Disabled Only |
Total |
Elderly |
Disabled |
General |
Mixed |
Elderly Only |
Disabled Only |
Elderly |
Disabled |
Family |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Total |
A narrative description of the proposed change:
A justification for the changes, including data from the Consolidated Plan or Census that support the need for the proposed changes:
Describe the impact that the reduction or reconfiguration of UFAS units will have on the ability of the PHA to be in compliance with the requirement that a minimum of 5% of units be accessible to persons with mobility impairments and 2% be accessible to persons with hearing/vision impairments and the requirement that accessible units be available in a range of bedroom sizes:
Describe whether any families that need an accessible unit reside in any of the UFAS units being eliminated or reconfigured. If yes, describe how the PHA will accommodate the family so that they can return to the project, if they choose. A family requiring an accessible unit cannot be denied their right to return to the project due to the lack of an accessible unit.:
Describe whether any families that currently reside at the project will not be able to return due to a reduction in units or change in bedroom distribution. If yes, provide the demographic information (i.e., race, national origin, disability, familial status) below:
For reductions in units, provide the demographic characteristics of the residents of the units being eliminated, the residents of the project, the residents of the PHA, the census tract of the site, and the PHA’s jurisdiction.
For changes in bedroom distribution, provide the demographic characteristics of the residents that will not be able to return due to the change in bedroom distribution, the residents of the project, the residents of the PHA, the census tract of the site, and the PHA’s jurisdiction.
If you are eliminating or reconfiguring units resulting in a loss of four bedroom or larger units, please provide data on the racial/ethnic characteristics of the families occupying those unit sizes at the project, as well as the racial/ethnic characteristics of the families in the public housing portfolio, the census tract and the MSA:
Would the unit reduction or reconfiguration significantly reduce or eliminate certain types of units (e.g. units of particular bedroom size or occupancy type or UFAS-accessible units) from the public housing stock? If yes, does the PHA have comparable units in its other programs (e.g. PBV or PBRA)?:
17. Change in Occupancy
Upload the below information if your conversion includes a change in occupancy type. A description of the proposed change, justification for the change, a description of any alternative housing resources that are available to the group that will no longer be eligible to reside at the project at a comparable rent/size, a discussion on how the residents’ right to return will be impacted should also be included.
Instructions: Complete items 1-9 below. Once complete, upload to the RAD Resource Desk Financing Plan grid by selecting “Change in Occupancy” as the Milestone Document type.
Financing Plan Submission date (expected or actual): Click here to enter a date.
Name of PHA:
PIC Development Number: Click here to enter text.
Project Name: Click here to enter text.
Project Address: Click here to enter text.
Current occupancy type
Proposed occupancy type
Complete the grid below with information on current and proposed unit changes. Except where indicated, all fields should be completed for a single converting property.
Please provide a separate chart for each subsidy type (public housing, PBV and PBRA).
PHA’s Public Housing Stock |
Public Housing Waiting List |
UFAS-Accessibility |
UFAS Waiting List |
Bedrooms |
PHA’s Public Housing Stock |
Current # of public housing units at the property |
Type of families in occupied units at the property |
Type of families in occupied units PHA-wide |
# of families on the public housing waiting list |
PHA’s UFAS Public Housing Stock |
Current # of UFAS accessible public housing units at the property |
Types of families occupying UFAS units at the property. (Provide this information only for families that need the accessible features of the unit.) |
Types of families occupying UFAS units PHA-wide. (Provide this information only for families that need the accessible features of the unit.) |
# of families on the waiting list requesting UFAS units |
General |
Mixed |
Elderly Only |
Disabled Only |
Family |
Elderly |
Disabled |
Family |
Elderly |
Disabled |
Total |
Elderly |
Disabled |
General |
Elderly Only |
Disabled Only |
Family |
Elderly |
Disabled |
Family |
Elderly |
Disabled |
Family |
Elderly |
Disabled |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Total |
A narrative description of the proposed change:
A justification for the changes, including data from the Consolidated Plan or Census that support the need for the proposed changes:
Describe any alternative housing resources that are actually available to the group that will no longer be eligible to reside at the project (i.e., families with children or non-elderly disabled families) at a comparable rent to the designated public housing units and of a comparable size to those being designated:
Indicate whether any families that currently reside at the project will not be able to return due to a change in occupancy. If yes, provide the demographic characteristics of the residents that will not be able to return due to the change in occupancy type, the residents of the project, the residents of the PHA, the census tract of the site, and the PHA’s jurisdiction. Also, provide the demographic characteristics of the group that will no longer be eligible (i.e., families with children or non-elderly disabled families) in the PHA’s programs, the census tract of the site, and the PHA’s jurisdiction, and the demographic characteristics of the elderly population in the PHA’s programs, the census tract of the site, and the PHA’s jurisdiction.
Provide the demographic characteristics of the group that will no longer be eligible (i.e., families with children or non-elderly disabled families) in the PHA’s programs, the census tract of the site, and the PHA’s jurisdiction, and the demographic characteristics of the elderly population in the PHA’s programs, the census tract of the site, and the PHA’s jurisdiction.
If you are changing to elderly occupancy, please provide data on the racial/ethnic characteristics of the households occupying the project, as well as the racial/ethnic characteristics of the elderly population in the public housing portfolio, the census tract and the MSA:
18. Estimate of Public Housing Funds Available for Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Subsidy
Upload a copy of the completed RAD Initial Year Funding Tool.
19. Transfer of Assistance
If proposing a transfer of assistance to a new site, the PHA should upload documentation containing the address or geographical description of the new site, the poverty concentration of the zip code in which the site is located, a brief description of the proposed transaction, a description of the existing public housing site(s) form which assistance is being transferred (including whether conversion on-site is economically non-viable and whether the existing site is physically obsolete or severely distressed), and a description of the impact the transfer will have on residents of the existing site. If the assistance will be transferred to an existing LIHTC property, a description of whether the transfer is necessary to help with the de-concentration of poverty and/or the de-densification of a public housing project with extensive capital needs should also be included. The PHA should also indicate if the DOT will be released in conjunction with closing or at a later date, including all supporting documentation.
20. Resident Comments
Upload copies of the responses to resident comments on the proposed conversion that were received in connection with the resident meeting (or meetings, where applicable) held following the issuance of the CHAP.
21. Title Report
Upload a complete Title Report, as well as a summary of whether the Converting Project is currently encumbered under a DOT and any other liens, encroachments, easements, or other recordation against the property.
22. Other Documents
The PHA may upload any additional documents not covered by the items above.
23. Financing Plan Certification and Submission
Upload a copy of the executed certification.
Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Convictions may result in criminal or civil penalties. 18 USC Sections 1001, 1010; 31 USC Sections 3729, 3802.
I have reviewed this RAD Program Financing Plan and all uploaded files and certify that the information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to notify HUD if any new or conflicting information comes to my attention after this date.
_____________________________________ __________________
PHA Executive Director Date
Printed Name: _________________________
1 In general, the analysis should use the Census Tract as a proxy for the neighborhood. To identify your Census Tract, enter the address here:
2 A housing market area is the geographic region from which it is likely that residents of the housing at the proposed site would be drawn for a given multifamily project. A housing market area generally corresponds to, as applicable: (1) the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MetroSA), (2) the Micropolitan Statistical Area (MicroSA), or (3) if the site is in neither a MetroSA or a MicroSA, either (x) the county or statistically equivalent area or (y) the PHA’s service area, whichever is larger. To identify your MetroSA or MicroSA, enter the address here:
3 DP-1 is available here:
4 See for a definition of “Minority Neighborhood.”
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | HUD User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |