OMB #: xxxx-xxxx
18 - Mobile Device Employment Survey
Module D: Not applicable to these sites
Micro Survey Web Link Text
[Programming note: text for when father responds with something other than the number corresponding to a response: Sorry, your response did not match any of the options for this question. Please try again.]
Fielding Assumption:
Our goal is to use information we download from nFORM -- about treatment assignment, enrollment, and attended which sessions -- to target when someone is eligible to receive the first module. All subsequent modules will be assigned in a random order for the subsequent weeks, except for Module B. A father must be absent during a given week to be eligible for Module B. The response options for all questions may need to be tailored to the control group.
Sample/Frequency: This module could be asked of any cohort in any week, for program and control group participants in any site. To test whether receiving these questions primes either group, we suggest sending the module to a portion of the sample at one time and then sending it to the other portion a week later. This way we can still capture the responses of the full sample, but can eventually look at the MIS data to determine if we see an uptick in participation in the week or two that follows the message receipt.
I1. Hi [NAME OF FATHER], this is the study of the [B3 PROGRAM NAME]. We would like to ask you up to 6 QUICK questions about the program.
Standard messaging rates apply. Text “STOP” to opt out. More info on the project can be found at
You will receive $5 retail gift code for answering today. How would you like to get it?
email me the gift code
text me the gift code (not recommended if you do not have a smartphone)
Text back the number next to your answer.
A1. Since last [day of the week], did you attend a [B3 PROGRAM NAME]2?
Yes [SKIP TO A3]
Do not know [END SURVEY]
A2. What was the main reason you did not go? [programming note: only for those answering ‘no’ to A1 and randomize response categories 1 – 5]
Not supposed to attend [END SURVEY]
Do not really like the program [END SURVEY]
Scheduling conflict [GO TO QUESTION A2B]
No longer in the program [END SURVEY]
Forgot [SKIP TO A6]
A reason not listed here [SKIP TO A6]
A2B. Was the scheduling conflict work related or personal?
Work related [END SURVEY]
Personal [END SURVEY]
A3. What was your biggest motivation to attend? [programming note: randomize response categories 1 – 5]
Reminders from [B3 PROGRAM NAME] staff [SKIP TO A4]
Another father encouraged me [SKIP TO A4]
Knowing a meal would be provided3 [SKIP TO A4]
Program helped with transportation/child care [SKIP TO A4]
Future job help [SKIP TO A4]
Something else [SKIP TO A3_OTHER]
A3_OTHER: Please tell us in a couple of words what motivated you to attend
________________(VERBETIM RESPONSE)
A4. What do you like MOST about [B3 PROGRAM NAME]? [programming note: randomize response categories 1 – 3]
Seeing staff
Interacting with other fathers
Learning stuff
Something else
I do not like anything
A5. Since last [day of the week], how difficult was it to attend the sessions you were scheduled for?
Very hard
A little hard
Not hard at all [END SURVEY]
A6. What was the MAIN reason it was difficult to attend since last [day of the week]? [programming note: randomize response categories 1 – 5]
Not interested [END SURVEY}
Transportation [END SURVEY]
Conflict with job/interview [END SURVEY]
Legal or law enforcement issues [END OF SURVEY]
Personal/family issues [ GO TO QUESTION A6b]
None of the above [END SURVEY]
A6b. What type of personal or family issue was it?
Lack of childcare
Living situation
Conflict with child’s other parent
Something else
Phew, you made it through all the questions! Your $5 gift code will be emailed in about a week or texted to you later today.
Sample/Frequency: This module could be asked of any cohort in any week, for program group participants in any site. Fathers who did not attend the program in the past 2 weeks will be targeted, assuming we can use the nFORM data to determine this. This will never be the first module a father receives.
B1. Hi [NAME OF FATHER], this is the [B3 PROGRAM NAME] study again. We have another weekly survey for you. This one is no more than 3 QUICK questions. Text back the number next to your answer.
You will receive $5 retail gift code for answering today. How would you like to get it?
email me the gift code
text me the gift code (not recommended if you do not have a smartphone)
Text back the number next to your answer.
More info on the project can be found at
B2. What is the MAIN reason you have not attended [B3 PROGRAM NAME] recently? [programming note: randomize response categories 1 – 4]
I did not like the program [SKIP to B3]
I was not interested in the topics [END SURVEY]
Difficult to attend [GO TO B2b]
Got a job [END SURVEY]
Some other reason
There’s a mistake. I recently attended the [B3 PROGRAM]. [END SURVEY]
B2B.What was the main reason it was difficult to attend?
Not motivated that day [END SURVEY]
Not a convenient location [END SURVEY]
Not a convenient time [END SURVEY]
Too busy [END SURVEY]
B3. Why did you not like the program? [programming note: randomize response categories 1 – 2]
The content [GO TO B3b_PRG]
The people [GO TO B3B_PPL]
B3b_PRG. What specifically did you not like? [programming role: randomize response categories 1-5]
Services do not help me [END SURVEY]
Too many program hassles [END SURVEY]
The workshop topics [END SURVEY]
The program was too slow to help [END SURVEY]
Program was boring [END SURVEY]
B3b_PPL. Who specifically did you not like?
The staff leading the workshops [END SURVEY]
Other staff members [END SURVEY]
Other fathers [END SURVEY]
I didn’t like any of them [END SURVEY]
That is the last question we have for today. Thank you for your help!! Your $5 gift code will be emailed in about a week or texted to you later today.
Sample/Frequency: This module could be asked of all cohorts in all weeks for program and control group participants in any site.
I1. Good [morning/evening] [NAME OF FATHER]! This is the [B3 PROGRAM NAME] study. I only have 2 SHORT questions for you today.
Text “STOP” to opt out. Text back the number next to your answer. More info on the project can be found at
You will receive $5 retail gift code for answering today. How would you like to get it?
email me the gift code
text me the gift code (not recommended if you do not have a smartphone)
Text back the number next to your answer.
C1. Since last [day of the week], did a [B3 PROGRAM NAME] staff person help you?
C2. Since last [day of the week], where have you MOST used the skills you learning from the [B3 PRGRAM NAME] workshops? [programming note: randomize response categories 1 – 5]
Looking for work/at work
Dealing with my child
Dealing with my child’s other parent
Dealing with another adult
I did not use skills from workshop
That is the last question we have for today. Thank you for your help!! Your $5 gift code will be emailed in about a week or texted to you later today.
MODULE D: Not applicable to these sites
Sample/Frequency: This module could be asked of any cohort in any week, for program group participants in any site.
E1. Hi [NAME OF FATHER], this is the [B3 PROGRAM NAME] study. We have a short 3 question survey today about other fathers you hang out with.
Text “STOP” to opt out. More info on the study can be found at Text back the number next to your answer
Since last [day of the week], how many times did you get help or support from another father you know? It could be at the program or not.
Zero times
Three times or more
E2. Other than at workshops, have you hung out with fathers that you’ve met at [B3 PROGRAM NAME]?
Yes [GO TO E4]
No [GO TO E3]
E3. Do you ever communicate by text or other ways with fathers you have met at [B3 PROGRAM NAME]?
E4. Have you hung out with your [B3 PROGRAM NAME] friends since [day of the week]?
END SURVEY MESSAGE: Thanks for your answers! Have a great week!
Micro Survey Web Link Text
Welcome to the Building Bridges and Bonds study (B3) website. You may remember agreeing to participate in this study when you enrolled in services at [B3 PROGRAM NAME]. One part of the study is answering a few questions sent to your mobile phone to learn about your opinions of the program. The questions will be sent to you through text message and you will have multiple answers to choose from that best describe your experience.
You will be asked to answer one short survey about once a week for no more than 6 total surveys. Each survey includes no more than 6 questions and answering the questions will take no more than 5 minutes each time. When eligible, you will receive $5 for completing a survey, getting up to $20 total for completing all of the surveys. You will receive the money with an electronic gift card either by text message or email, your choice, after completing the eligible surveys.
Answering the mobile survey is your choice. There are no penalties if you decide to not take the survey, or skip one or more questions. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary.
Your name will not be included in any written reports and your responses will be kept private to the extent permitted by law.
MDRC is conducting the B3 study on behalf of ACF. ACF obtained Office of Management and Budget approval for the collection of this information.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the B3 study team at or INSERT PHONE.
collection of information is voluntary and will be used to learn
about the effects of parenting and employment services for fathers.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is
estimated to average 7 minutes per module for up to five modules,
including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of
information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is
not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control number.
The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0XXX and the
expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of
this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden to Erika
Lundquist; 16 E 34th
St, MDRC, 19th
Floor, New York, NY 10016;
(212) 340-8605; Attn: OMB-PRA (xxxx-xxxx).
1 Text for the URL is on the last page.
2 The [B3 PROGRAM NAME] reference will be tailored to the name each of the program and control group members will know as their program.
3 This response may not be applicable in each site so could be removed in those cases.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | post 2nd FRN back to HHS |
Author | Michelle Manno |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |