Burden Chart Changes for FNS 366 B only

Att-1 FPRS Burden Chart 366B.xlsx

Food Programs Reporting System (FPRS)

Burden Chart Changes for FNS 366 B only

OMB: 0584-0594

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0083 fns 366A-B

Sheet 1: 0083 fns 366A-B

Affect public 0584-0594 Worksheet Number Title of Worksheet Estimated No. of Respondents Frequency of Response per Respondent Total Annual Response Estimated Hrs per Response Annual Burden Hrs Previous Burden Changes due to Program Adjustments Changes due to Program Changes 
State Agencies FNS-366B Program and Budget Summary Statement: Program Activity Statement 53.0 1.0 53.0 35.0 1,855.0 1298.5 -556.5 905

53 ---- 53.0 ---- 1,855.0 1298.5 -556.5 905


Food and Nutrition Service Data Collection Information (by Program)

Annual Burden Hours

Affected Public Current OMB Control Number Worksheet Number Title of Worksheet Estimated No. of Respondents1 Frequency of Response per Respondent2 Total Annual Response Estimated Hrs per Response Annual Burden Hrs Hourly Wage Rate3 Respondent Cost Notes
State, Local and Tribal Agencies
Child Nutrition Program

0584-0002 FNS-10 Report of School Program Operations 56.0 33.8 1,891.0 2.3 4,255.0 $24.25 $103,183.75

0584-0075 FNS-13 Annual Report of State Revenue Matching 57.0 1.0 57.0 8.0 456.0 $24.25 $11,058.00

0584-0280 FNS-418 Summer Food Service Program for Children 53.0 3.0 159.0 2.0 318.0 $24.25 $7,711.50

0584-0055 FNS-44 Report of Child and Adult Care Food Program 56.0 24.0 1,344.0 1.0 1,344.0 $24.25 $32,592.00

0584-0067 FNS-777(SAE) NSLP, SBP, SMP, CACFP and Food Distribution Program (FDP) 87.0 4.0 348.0 0.5 174.0 $24.25 $4,219.50

0348-0061 SF-425 NSLP 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 SBP 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 SMP 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CACFP 55.0 4.0 220.0 1.5 330.0 $24.25 $8,002.50

0348-0061 SF-425 SFSP 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0 $24.25 $7,711.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN Team Nutrition 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN - Administrative Review & Training (I) 57.0 2.0 114.0 1.5 171.0 $24.25 $4,146.75

0348-0061 SF-425 CN - Administrative Review & Training (II) 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN - Summer Food Service Program Pilot Programs 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN - Direct Certification & Verfication 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN - CACFP Child Care Wellness Grants 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN Direct Certification and Improvement 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN National School Lunch Program Equipment Grants 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0 $24.25 $8,293.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN National Food Service Management Institute (FSMI) 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 6.0 $24.25 $145.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN FSMI Produce Safety University Support 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 6.0 $24.25 $145.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN FSMI Food Safety 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 6.0 $24.25 $145.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN FSMI General Education 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 6.0 $24.25 $145.50

0348-0061 SF-425 CN Community Gardens Pilot Program 150.0 4.0 600.0 1.5 900.0 $24.25 $21,825.00

0348-0061 SF-425 CN Hunger-Free Community Grants 150.0 4.0 600.0 1.5 900.0 $24.25 $21,825.00


Special Nutrition Assistance Program

0584-0025 FNS-101 Participation in Food Programs-By Race 2,719.0 1.0 2,719.0 2.0 5,438.0 $24.25 $131,871.50

0584-0069 FNS-209 Status of Claims Against Households 53.0 4.0 212.0 3.0 636.0 $24.25 $15,423.00

0584-0083 FNS-366A Program and Budget Summary Statement: Budget Projection 53.0 1.0 53.0 13.0 689.0 $24.25 $16,708.25

0584-0083 FNS-366B Program and Budget Summary Statement: Program Activity Statement & Updates 53.0 1.0 53.0 35.0 1,855.0 $35.55 $65,945.25

0584-0081 FNS-388 State Issuance and Participation Estimates 53.0 11.3 600.0 5.7 3,390.0 $24.25 $82,207.50

0584-0081 FNS-388A Project Area Issuance and Participation 53.0 2.3 120.0 14.8 1,779.6 $24.25 $43,155.30

0584-0542 FNS-759 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) EARS Reporting Form 52.0 1.0 52.0 54.0 2,808.0 $24.25 $68,094.00

0584-NEW FNS-778 SNAP 53.0 4.0 212.0 16.8 3,561.6 $24.25 $86,368.80 New Burden

0584-NEW FNS-778a SNAP 7.0 4.0 28.0 1.0 28.0 $24.25 $679.00 New Burden

0584-0339 FNS-583 SNAP Employment and Training Program Activity Report 53.0 13.2 698.0 31.3 21,858.6 $24.25 $530,072.02

0584-0080 FNS-46 Issuance Reconciliation Report 54.0 12.0 648.0 4.0 2,592.0 $24.25 $62,856.00

0584-0037 FNS-292A&B Disaster Relief 55.0 2.0 110.0 0.4175 45.9 $24.25 $1,113.68

0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Outreach 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0 $24.25 $7,711.50

0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Health and Census Pilot 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0 $24.25 $7,711.50

0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Participation 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0 $24.25 $7,711.50

0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Increasing Participation Among Elderly 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0 $24.25 $7,711.50

0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Healthy Incentives 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0 $24.25 $7,711.50


Food Distribution Program

0584-0293 FNS-667 Report of The Emergency Food Assistance Programs (TEFAP) Administrative Costs 55.0 5.0 275.0 3.5 962.5 $24.25 $23,340.63

0584-0293 FNS-152 Monthly Distribution of Donated Food to Family Units 97.0 12.0 1,164.0 2.5 2,910.0 $24.25 $70,567.50

0584-0293 FNS-153 Monthly Report of the CSFP and Quarterly Administrative Financial Status Report 20.0 12.0 240.0 6.3 1,512.0 $24.25 $36,666.00

0348-0061 SF-425 CSFP 42.0 1.0 42.0 1.5 63.0 $24.25 $1,527.75

0584-0025 FNS-191 CSFP Racial/Ethnic Group Participation 192.0 1.0 192.0 2.0 384.0 $24.25 $9,312.00

0584-0025 FNS-101 Participation in Food Programs-By Race 111.0 1.0 111.0 2.4 268 $24.25 $6,499.00

0348-0061 SF-425 FDPNE 111.0 4.0 444.0 1.5 666.0 $24.25 $16,150.50

0348-0061 SF-425 FDPIR-NET 111.0 1.0 111.0 1.5 166.5 $24.25 $4,037.63

0348-0061 SF-425 FDPIR 111.0 4.0 444.0 1.5 666.0 $24.25 $16,150.50

0348-0061 SF-425 TEFAP - Infrastructure 150.0 4.0 600.0 1.5 900.0 $24.25 $21,825.00


Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

0584-0447 FNS-683 WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) Annual Financial Report 45.0 1.0 45.0 3.0 135.0 $24.25 $3,273.75

0584-0447 FNS-203 WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Report 45.0 1.0 45.0 1.0 45.0 $24.25 $1,091.25

0584-0541 FNS-683A Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) Annual Financial and Program Data Report 51.0 1.0 51.0 2.0 102.0 $24.25 $2,473.50

0584-0431 FNS-648 WIC Local Agency Directory 90 1.0 90.00 0.167 15.0 $24.25 $363.75

0584-0045 FNS-798 WIC Financial Management and Participation Report 90.0 15.0 1,350.0 3.1 4,185.0 $24.25 $101,486.25

0584-0045 FNS-798A Addendum to WIC Financial Management and Participation Report - NSA Expenditures 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.7 153.0 $24.25 $3,710.25

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.5 135.0 $24.25 $3,273.75

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC General Infrastructure 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.5 135.0 $24.25 $3,273.75

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC General Infrastructure State Agency Model 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0 $24.25 $13,095.00

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC State Agency Model 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0 $24.25 $13,095.00

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC State to State Technical Assistance 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.5 135.0 $24.25 $3,273.75

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Technology State Agency Model 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0 $24.25 $13,095.00

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Special Project Full Grant 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0 $24.25 $13,095.00

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Special Project Concept Grant 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0 $24.25 $13,095.00

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Breastfeeding Performance Bonus 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.5 135.0 $24.25 $3,273.75

0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Electronic Benefits Transfer 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0 $24.25 $13,095.00

0348-0061 SF-425 ARRA WIC Electronic Benefits Transfer 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0 $24.25 $13,095.00

0348-0061 SF-425 ARRA WIC State Agency Model 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0 $24.25 $13,095.00

0348-0061 SF-425 ARRA WIC Technology State Agency Model 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0 $24.25 $13,095.00


Grants Management

0348-0061 SF-425 Food Safety - Center of Excellence 3.0 4.0 12.0 1.5 18.0 $24.25 $436.50


3,266.0 7.13779240661359 23,312.0 3.32157967367063 77,432.8

Reviewers Notes:
- Methodology used to calculate annual burden hours is as folllows: Estimated No. of Respondents1 x Frequency of Response per Respondent x Estimated Hrs per Response2. The hourly wage rate is an hourly mean wage for education-related occupations for functions performed by State agency and local agency program staff.

- Additional tabs are provided as summaries for Control Numbers with more than one form in the collection.

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