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pdfHamilton, Douglas H. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS)
Reed, Christie (CDC on behalf of Reed, Christie (CDC/CGH/DPDM)
Monday, March 31, 2014 11:52 AM
Rollin, Pierre (CDC/OID/NCEZID); Knust, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCEZID); Manning, Craig
Nichol, Stuart T. (CDC/OID/NCEZID); Gittelman, David (CDC/CGH/DPDM); Halsey, Eric S.
Fwd: Request for support
VSPB_contacts_3_23_14 plus Liberia.xlsx
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Follow up
Dear VSPB colleagues,
We were just informed dtoday that 2 of the specimens collected at Foya Hospital in Lofa last week from a woman
and her caretaker, who was also her sister, tested POSITIVE for Ebola. The woman who died on or about March 21
was reportedly married to a Guinean and came to Liberia to seek treatment. The sister had subsequently been
in quarantine at a site in Lofa but became symptomatic at some point and managed to travel Saturday night on a
public taxi with several other passengers to her home in Firestone Compound #2 near the international airport in
Margibi County, which is adjacent to Montserrado County where Monrovia is located. The number of contacts is
still being determined but is in the double digits. The health care system is stressed to its limits to try and contain
this new development and deal with a rising level of hysteria.
Please see the written request from Dr. Bernice Dahn, Chief Medical Officer for the Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare (MOHSW) of Liberia requesting assistance from the CDC with surveillance efforts and case management
related to the current Ebola situation in Liberia. The Ambassador and her staff are aware of this request to the CDC,
support it, and are willing to help in any way possible to facilitate a team's travel with GOL counterparts (visas, on
the ground logistics, etc.).
As mentioned to you on our last call, I am the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) advisor, the only US physician at
the Embassy, and currently starting the main PMI event of the year: a two week process of meetings to develop the
next operational plan with the Liberia Malaria Control program and our colleagues who have flown in for this event
from Washington and Atlanta.
Therefore, the immediate needs would be for at least two persons:
One to fulfill the role I have been playing and further assist both:
o USG in its response int terms of epidemiology and communications with the MOHSW (
and potentially USG in neighboring countries upon the imminent departure of the Medical Attache);
o MOHSW and other partners (e.g. WHO, UNICEF) onsite in Monrovia with:
accurate and up to date central registry of suspected cases, contacts, their status etc.;
coordinating surveillance, case reporting and investigation; and
communication and messaging
An additional person familiar with enhanced surveillance techniques through at least one incubation period
from the last possible exposure either to a Guinea or Liberia case to:
o travel to Lofa to mentor the County Health Team in conducting enhanced surveillance and provide
monitoring and evaluation to ensure adequate coverage; and
o assist with development of specimen transfer systems.
Rod Thompson, from USAID, will now be your point of contact, to assist with logistics, aided by others on the
attached list of contacts.
Please let us know if any additional information would assist you. The Embassy would be happy to participate in a
phone conversation if that would be of assistance or to set one up with the MOHSW.
Thank you,
Christie Reed MD, MPH, FAAP
CDC PMI Resident Advisor Liberia
American Embassy Monrovia
502 Benson Street
1000 Monrovia 10 Liberia
Phone: +231 77 677 7000 Ext 7172
Cell: +231 (0)77712803
FAX +231 77 677 7370
Mail Address via Embassy pouch:
Christie Reed, CDC
8800 Monrovia Place
Dulles , VA 20189-8800
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Bernice Dahn
Date: Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 8:25 PM
Subject: Request for support
To: ""
Cc: walter gwenigale
Dear Christie;
The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is requesting support from CDC to help control the Ebola situation.
As you are aware, 7 suspected cases have been identified. With the additional information that is coming from
Guinea, we would appreciate your expert experience in helping Liberia in addressing the situation. We are
particularly requesting you to support us in surveillance and case management. The support is your actual field
presence and material support as well.
We look forward to favorable respond.
Sincerely Yours;
Bernice T. Dahn MD, MPH
Deputy Minister & Chief Medical Officer , RL
-Christie Reed MD, MPH, FAAP
CDC PMI Resident Advisor Liberia
American Embassy Monrovia
502 Benson Street
1000 Monrovia 10 Liberia
Phone: +231 77 677 7000 Ext 7172
Cell: +231 (0)77712803
FAX +231 77 677 7370
Mail Address via Embassy pouch:
Christie Reed, CDC
8800 Monrovia Place
Dulles , VA 20189-8800
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Outlook - Memo Style |
Author | dhh0 |
File Modified | 2014-07-07 |
File Created | 2014-07-07 |