Centennial National Household Survey - Pretest

National Park Service Centennial National Household Survey - Pretest

Pretest Questionnaire NPSCNHS 9-27-2016.NPS

Centennial National Household Survey - Pretest

OMB: 1024-0254

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OMB Control Number 1024-0254

Current Expiration Date XX-XX-XXXX

National Park Service

Centennial National Household Survey


PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT: The National Park Service (NPS) is authorized by 54 USC 100702 to collect this information. The purpose of this collection is to pre-test questions that will be used by the NPS Social Science Branch to develop the final National Park Service Centennial National Household Survey. The final survey will be used to measure the awareness, engagement, values, and preferences of both visitors and non-visitors to assess the relevancy of NPS as well as to assess change over time, which in turn will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of NPS efforts to increase its relevancy. Responses to this request are voluntary and anonymous. Your name will never be associated with your answers, and all contact information will be destroyed at the end of the data collection process. No action may be taken against you for refusing to supply the information requested. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number and expiration date.

BURDEN ESTIMATE STATEMENT: Public reporting burden for this is estimated to average 25 minutes per response. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to: Bret Meldrum, Chief, Social Science Program, National Park Service, bret_meldrum@nps.gov (email).

Introductory Script

Hello, my name is _________. I’m calling on behalf of the National Park Service, and I’m not selling anything. I’m working with a research group at the University of Wyoming to produce the National Park Service Centennial Survey. Your phone number was randomly chosen. I will need about 25 minutes of your time to ask some questions about the services the National Park Service offers. The purpose of this survey is to document the length of the interview so that the burden to the public is minimized. Would you be able to help me out with this?

If hesitation or “I don’t know”

It’s really important that we hear from all kinds of households, whether you think you know much about national parks or not. The National Park Service wants input from the American people about managing parks. So, may I continue?

If Yes or maybe, Skip to PRIVATE



Okay. Would you be willing to answer just five questions for me? It will take less than five minutes of your time.

If Yes or maybe, Skip to NON-RESPONSE (script for non-response is presented in a separate file entitled “Non-response Script NPSCNHS”.)

If No, Skip to THANKS


Thank you for your time.


Have I reached you at a private household in one of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia?

If Yes, Skip to VOLUNTARY

If Not private or not U.S., Skip to SORRYPH

If Don’t know/Not sure Skip to SORRYPH

If No answer/Refused Skip to SORRYPH


I am sorry, but we are interviewing only private households. Thank you for your time.


I won't ask for your name, address or other personal information that may identify you. Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You don't have to answer any questions you don't want to and you may end the interview at any time.

If you have questions about your rights as a research subject you can call the University of Wyoming Internal Review Board and I can provide that number. May I continue?

Only if asked: The number for the University of Wyoming IRB administrator is (307) 766-5320

If Yes or maybe, Skip to AGE

If No, Skip to THANKS


Thank you for your time.


I need to make certain that I am talking with someone who is at least 18 years of age. Are you 18 years old or older?

If Yes, Skip to CELL1

If No, May I please speak with an adult in the household?

If Yes,

Hello, my name is _________. I’m calling on behalf of the National Park Service, and I’m not selling anything. I’m working with a research group at the University of Wyoming to produce the National Park Service Centennial Survey. Your phone number was randomly chosen. I will need about 25 minutes of your time to ask some questions about the services the National Park Service offers. The purpose of this survey is to document the length of the interview so that the burden to the public is minimized. Would you be able to help me out with this?

If Yes, Skip to CELL1

If No, I am sorry to have bothered you. Good bye.


And I need to ask. Have I reached you on a cell phone?

If Yes, Skip to CELL2

If No, Skip to question 1


I am not allowed to interview you while you are driving, or doing anything else that may be dangerous if you are distracted. May I continue or should I call at another time?

If Yes, Skip to SINTRO

If Call at another time Schedule a call back.



During the survey I will ask you questions about your visitation to national parks, your knowledge and experience with National Park Service programs outside of parks, and, if relevant, your child’s experience in national parks.

My first question is about your perception of the National Park Service.

1. Please tell me how satisfied you are with the way the National Park Service manages the national parks, national seashores, historic sites, battlefields, national monuments and other designations. In general, are you:

1. Very satisfied

2. Somewhat satisfied

3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

4. Somewhat dissatisfied, or

5. Very dissatisfied?

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

2. In what state do you currently live, or do you live in D.C.?

________ (enter state or D.C.)

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

3. What is your age?

________ (type answer here)

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

4. How many children under the age of 18 do you have living with you?

______ (type answer here)

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

If question 4 = 0, skip to PV1

5. Of those children, how many are age 12 to 17?

______ (type answer here)

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused


In this next series of questions I will be asking you about your history of park visitation. The National Park System consists of all the park units managed by the National Park Service. Park units include national parks, national seashores, historic sites, battlefields, national monuments and other designations. Although these different designations exist, I will refer to all park units in this survey as ‘national parks.’

PV1. How many times in the past two years have you visited a national park?

________ (type number of visits here)

If PV1 > zero, skip to PV4

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

PV2. Have you ever, in your lifetime, visited a national park?

1. Yes

2. No (skip to PV4)

998. Don't know/Not sure (skip to PV4)

999. No Answer/Refused (skip to PV4)

PV3. We would like to know about the last time you visited a national park. Was your most recent visit …

1. More than 5 years ago

2. From 2 to 5 years ago

3. (Volunteered: Within the past two years)

4. (Volunteered: Never)

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

PV4. Please tell us whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement:

"I plan to visit a national park within the next 12 months."

1. Strongly agree

2. Somewhat agree

3. Neither agree nor disagree

4. Somewhat disagree

5. Strongly disagree

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

If PV1= zero, skip to NV1

PV5. Which national park did you LAST visit?

1. Successfully named a national park from the list of national park units

2. Did not name a national park (skip to NV1)

998. Don't know/Not sure (skip to NV1)

999. No Answer/Refused (skip to NV1)

PV5a. So, we're calling [Park Name] your most recent visit to a national park. Do I have that right?

1. Yes

2. No

If No, make a correction to the park name last visited.

PV6. During your last visit to [Park Name], how much time did you spend in the national park itself?

1. One day or less

2. Multiple days

998. Don't know/Not sure (skip to PV8)

999. No Answer/Refused (skip to PV8)

PV7a. Including yourself, how many people were in your group during your last visit to [Park Name]?

________ (type number in group here)

998. Don't know/Not sure (skip to PV7c)

999. No Answer/Refused (skip to PV7c)

If PV7a = 1, skip to PV7c

PV7b. How many were children?

________ (type number in group here)

PV7c. As you know, some of the costs of travel such as gasoline, hotels, rental cars, and airline tickets often increase. Would you still have made your most recent visit to [Park Name] if your personal share of total trip costs were $ [bid amount] more than the amount you spent on this trip?

If PV6=1, bid amount will be randomly selected from the following bid vector:

2, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 350, 500, 750

If PV6=2, bid amount will be randomly selected from the following bid vector:

5, 15, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 350, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

Thinking about your last visit to [Park Name], please tell me how important was each of the following reasons for you to visit [Park Name]. How important was it …

PV8. to spend time with friends/family.

PV9. to view wildlife or natural scenery.

PV10. to get physical exercise.

PV11. to relax.

PV12. to learn more about American history and culture.

PV13. to learn more about nature.

PV14. to hear the sound of nature/quiet.

PV15. to experience solitude.

PV16. to be outdoors.

PV17. to view dark night sky/stars.

PV18. to visit a National Park.

PV19. Other (please specify).

1. Very important

2. Important

3. Not so important

4. Not important at all

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

PV20. On your last visit to [Park Name] did you or any member of your personal group use any of the following programs or services?

Attend a ranger-led activity, such as a tour or talk?

Talk informally with a ranger?

View outdoor exhibits?

View indoor exhibits?

Attend a cultural demonstration or performance?

Read the park brochure or newspaper?

Go to the visitor center?

Watch movies or videos about the park, or listen to an audio tour or podcast?

Participate with a child in your group in a youth program? Please specify youth program.

Use a smart phone app specific to the park unit?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

How important is each of the following to you when visiting a national park?

PV21. Attending a ranger-led activity, such as a tour or talk? Is it…

PV22. Talking informally with a ranger?

PV23. Viewing outdoor exhibits?

PV24. Viewing indoor exhibits?

PV25. Attending a cultural demonstration or performance?

PV26. Reading the park brochure or newspaper?

PV27. Going to the visitor center?

PV28. Watching movies or videos about the park, or listen to an audio tour or podcast?

PV29. Participating with a child in your group in a youth program?

PV30. Using a smart phone app specific to the park unit?

1. Very important

2. Important

3. Not so important

4. Not important at all

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

Thinking about your last visit to [Park Name], please tell me if you used any of the following information sources to plan your visit, either before you arrived or during your trip.

PV31. Did not obtain information prior to this visit. (If yes, skip to PV47)

PV32. Previous visits.

PV33. Friends/relatives/word of mouth.

PV34. Inquiry to park via phone, mail, or email.

PV35. National park Service website.

PV36. Other website (Please specify).

PV37. Local businesses (hotels, motels, restaurants, etc.).

PV38. Maps/brochures.

PV39. Newspaper/magazine articles.

PV40. Other units of the national park System.

PV41. School class/program.

PV42. Social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

PV43. State welcome center/visitors bureau/chamber of commerce.

PV44. Television/radio programs/DVDs.

PV45. Travel guides/tour books (such as AAA, etc.).

PV46. Other (Please specify).

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

Now please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the each of the following statements.

PV47. “I feel a sense of pride in my heritage when I am at a National park.”

PV48. “I have a feeling of peacefulness when I am at a National park.”

PV49. “Visiting National parks is an opportunity for me to be around people who share my values.”

PV50. “Visiting a National park is a good way to spend my free time.”

PV51. “Given the chance, I would visit a National park again.”

Do you….

1. Strongly agree

2. Somewhat agree

3. Neither agree nor disagree

4. Somewhat disagree

5. Strongly disagree

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

Skip to NV16


We're interested in why people don't visit national parks or don’t visit more often. In the following series of questions I will be asking you about possible reasons for non-visitation.


I'm going to read a series of statements. I'd like you to think of your own experiences, and tell me how much you agree or disagree with each statement:

I don’t visit national parks or don’t visit more often because:

NV1. Entrance fees are too expensive high at national parks.

NV2. The travel distance is too far from my home to get to any national parks I’m interested in visiting.

NV3. National parks are too crowded.

NV4. National parks are not accessible to people with disabilities.

NV5. I don’t know much about what there is to do in national parks.

NV6. National parks are unpleasant places for me to be.

NV7. It costs too much money to travel to a national park.

NV8. I don’t share the same interests as people who visit national parks.

NV9. There aren’t good transportation options for me to get to a national park.

NV10. The risk of crime or vandalism in national parks makes me feel unsafe.

NV11. I’m just not that interested in national parks.

NV12. I don’t have much in common with people who work in the national parks.

NV13. Personal health issues keep me from visiting the national parks.

NV14. I don’t like being out of touch with family and friends due to lack of connectivity in parks.

NV15. I’m just not that interested in travel/tourism

Do you

1. Strongly agree

2. Somewhat agree

3. Neither agree nor disagree

4. Somewhat disagree

5. Strongly disagree

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

NV16. What is the ONE most important thing the National Park Service can do to encourage you to visit or visit more often?

________________________________ (List answer here)

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

I’m going to list things that people might do during their leisure, or free time. We are interested in how important these are to you personally. For each one, tell me how important it is to you personally to engage in the activity during your leisure, or free time.)

NV17. Volunteering in your community

NV18. Using a bike/pedestrian/multi-use path

NV19. Going outside to experience nature

NV20. Learning about the environment

NV21. Learning about American history or culture

NV22. Attending art, music, or other performing arts events

NV23. Participating in an organized sport or recreational activity

NV24. Playing video games

NV25. Attending a sporting event

NV26. Reading a book, the newspaper, or a magazine

NV27. Shopping

NV28. Surfing the Internet

NV29. Watching television

NV30. Other (please specify)

It is

1. Very important

2. Important

3. Not so important

4. Not important at all

998. (Don't know/Not sure)

999. (No Answer/Refused)

NV31. Of the things you do during your free or leisure time, which one is most important to you?

________________________________ (Type response here)

998. (Don't know/Not sure)

999. (No Answer/Refused)


The National Park Service offers numerous programs outside of the National Parks. These programs range from education to assisting communities with preserving their cultural heritage, protecting local natural resources, and expanding recreational opportunities. This next series of questions concerns these four types of National Park Service programs.


The National Park Service offers a variety of online educational content and programming.

Please tell me yes or no if you or any one in your household has ever used online educational programs or content provided by the National Park Service.

EP1. To explore and learn about historical places important to U.S. history have you used online content such as Teaching with Historic Places, Network to Freedom, and Virtual Museum Exhibits?

EP2. To learn about geology or paleontology have you used online content such as Geologic Time, Meet a Paleontologist, or National Fossil Day?

EP3. To learn about biodiversity, habitats, and other environmental issues have you used online content such as Discover Biodiversity and Natural Sounds Gallery?

Skip to EP5 if question 4 = 0

EP4. Has your child used online content and programs such as Every Kid in a Park, Junior Paleontologist, or WebRangers?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

I’m going to list some additional internet-based/digital activities offered by the National Park Service. Please tell me if you or anyone in your household has ever participated in these activities.

EP5. Have you listened to a podcast produced by the National park Service on iTunes?

EP6. Have you watched a video produced by the National Park Service on You Tube?

EP7. Have you watched a park webcam showing a natural setting?

EP8. Do you follow the National Park Service or a specific park or program on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

EP9. Please tell me yes or no if the National Park Service has visited your community to engage in conversations about issues affecting parks and the environment?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

EP10. Many national parks provide opportunities for the public to actively participate in scientific data collection. Have you or has any one in your household participated in scientific data collection, also known as citizen science like BioBlitz, with the National Park Service?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

EP11. How important is it to you personally that the National Park Service offers educational programs which help children and adults learn about historical, cultural and environmental topics?

1. Very important

2. Important

3. Not so important

4. Not important at all

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused


Next, I am going to ask about your awareness of your community’s experience with cultural programs provided by the National Park Service. Cultural programs include assistance with the preservation of local historic buildings and sites which commemorate American history and culture or significant events and people.

By experience we mean the full range from being aware of the program to being involved in the program.

Please tell me yes or no based upon your current level of awareness …

CP1. Has your community received help from the National Park Service to document buildings, landscapes or other resources of significance to our national cultural heritage?

CP2. Has your community received financial assistance from the National Park Service in the form of grants and/or tax credits to support historic preservation projects?

CP3. Has your community received technical assistance from the National Park Service to identify, preserve, manage, or protect cultural resources?

CP4. Is there property within your community listed in the National Register of Historic Places?

CP5. Is there a National Historic Landmark within your community?

CP6. Is your community part of or near a National Heritage Area?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

CP7. How important is it to you personally that the National Park Service offers communities assistance with the preservation of local historic buildings and sites which commemorate American history and culture or significant events and people?

1. Very important

2. Important

3. Not so important

4. Not important at all

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused


Next, I am going to ask about your awareness of your community’s experience with recreational programs offered by the National Park Service.

Please tell me yes or no based upon your current level of awareness …

RP1. Has your community received assistance from the National Park Service to create new or expand existing local trails and open space?

RP2. Has your community received a grant from the Land and Water Conservation Fund?

RP3. Does your community have or is it near a designated National Trail System such as the [regional specific: trail 1, trail 2 and trail 3]?

RP4. Has your community created a new park or expanded an existing park with the help of the National Park Service through a transfer of federal land?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

RP5. How important is it to you personally that the National Park Service assist local communities with conserving river corridors, developing recreational trails, and protecting park land, wildlife habitat, and open space?

1. Very important

2. Important

3. Not so important

4. Not important at all

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused


The following questions concern the National Park Service’s efforts to works with communities and landowners to protect local ecological, biological and geological resources.

NNL1. I see you live in [state], is this correct?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure (skip to NNL5)

999. No Answer/Refused (skip to NNL5)

If no, ask about what state they live in again.

NOTE TO REVIEWERS: The “areas” in this question are all designated National Natural Landmarks (NNL) within the state/location proximate to the respondent.

NNL2. Have you heard of or are you familiar with any of the following areas in [state]: [area 1], [area 2], or [area 3]?

1. Yes

2. No (skip to NNL5)

998. Don't know/Not sure (skip to NNL5)

999. No Answer/Refused (skip to NNL5)

NNL3. Did you know that these areas are designated as National Natural Landmarks?

1. Yes

2. No (skip to NNL5)

998. Don't know/Not sure (skip to NNL5)

999. No Answer/Refused (skip to NNL5)

NNL4. Have you ever used resources, for example their website, provided by the National Park Service to find out more about these areas?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

NNL5. How important is it to you personally that the National Park Service works with local communities and landowners to protect local ecological, biological and geological resources?

1. Very important

2. Important

3. Not so important

4. Not important at all

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused


PA1. What is the ONE most important thing the National Park Service can do to encourage you to participate in their assistance or educational programs outside of visiting a national park?

____________________________(Type answer here)

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

Now I am going to read a few statements. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with each.

PA2. “The National Park Service is important to the national identity of the United States of America.”

PA3. “The National Park Service contributes to the character of my state.”

PA4. “The National Park Service works to preserve historical places in my community.”

PA5. “The National Park Service works to preserve natural areas in or near my community.”

PA6. “National parks are only important for people who visit them.”

PA7. “The National Park Service contributes to my understanding of historical and cultural events and environmental topics.”

PA8. “The National Park Service works to expand recreational opportunities in or near my community.”

1. Strongly agree

2. Somewhat agree

3. Neither agree nor disagree

4. Somewhat disagree

5. Strongly disagree

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused


To finish, I’d like to ask you some questions so we can be sure our sample is representative.

D1. What is the highest grade of school or year of college that you have completed?

1. Up to 8th grade

2. 9th to 11th grade

3. High school graduate or GED certificate

4. Some college, no degree

5. Degree from technical school or community college

6. University degree—BA/BS

7. Some graduate school, no advanced degree

8. Graduate degree—MA/MS/JD/MD/PhD, etc.

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

D2. Which one of the following best describes your situation?

1. Single

2. Married

3. Living with a life partner

4. Divorced

5. Widowed

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

D3. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

1. Yes

2. No

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

D4. I’m going to read a list of racial categories. Please select one or more to describe your race. Are you …

1. American Indian or Alaska Native

2. Asian

3. Black or African American

4. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific islander

5. White

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

D5. Which one of the following income groups best describes your total household income in [previous year] before taxes? Please stop me when I read the correct category.

1. Less than 10,000 dollars

2. 10,000 to 24,999 dollars

3. 25,000- to 49,999 dollars

4. 50,000- to 74,999 dollars

5. 75,000 to 99,999 dollars

6. 100,000 to 150,000 dollars

7. Over 150,000 dollars

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

D6. And which one of the following best describes you?

1. Employed full time

2. Employed part time

3. Full time student

4. Retired

5. Not at all employed

6. Other________________

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

D7. And I’m required to ask, are you male or female?

1. Male

2. Female

998. Don't know/Not sure

999. No Answer/Refused

If question 5 > 0, skip to YEPARENT in the next section

That concludes the survey. Thank you very much for participating! Do you have any questions for me?



Earlier in the survey you stated that you have children living with you between the ages of 12 and 17. We are interested in understanding their perspectives on national parks. The survey will only take 5 minutes.

If Yes, skip to YESELECT

If No, Ok. Thank you for your time.

If hesitation or “I don’t know”

I can read you those questions if you like.

If Yes, read questions from “Youth Engagement Survey NPSCNHS”

If Ok but doesn’t want to hear questions, skip to YESELECT

If question 5=1, skip upcoming birthday selection


If possible, may I speak to the child over the age of 12 with the next upcoming birthday?

If Yes, go to “Youth Engagement Survey NPSCNHS.”

If No, Ok. Thank you for your time.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAugust 26, 1999
AuthorFred Solop
Last Modified ByPonds, Phadrea D.
File Modified2016-10-14
File Created2016-09-27

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