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pdfThe Information Technology Services Office (ITSO) has contracted Gartner, Inc., one of the world's leading IT research
firms, to measure your current satisfaction with the delivery of IT Infrastructure Services at CDC. Your input is critical to
improving ITSO service, and we thank you in advance for your participation.
The deadline for submitting your response is February 2, 2018. The survey is streamlined to allow you to answer
questions about the service areas that are important to you. The survey should only take approximately 15 minutes to
complete. If you encounter difficulties, please contact the ITSO Customer Satisfaction Survey Team at for assistance.
This survey is hosted by Gartner and is located on their website to ensure participant confidentiality and independent
results. If you are using assistive technology and experience any difficulty with the survey, please contact Gartner via
email at Someone will respond to your email within 24 hours to provide assistance.
NOTE: Please use the buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate through the survey (do not use your browser's
"Back" button). If you need to exit and return to the survey at a later time, just click "SAVE" at the bottom of the page and
then click on the link contained in the email invitation to return.
Thank you for your participation!
Public reporting burden of this collection of information varies from 15 to 20 minutes with an estimated average of 15 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data/information sources, gathering and maintaining the data/information needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently
valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1050).
Please select all the IT services that you use and would like to evaluate.
Acquisition and Installation of IT Hardware - Includes purchasing
arrangements for hardware options and pricing, hardware procurement
processes for which ITSO staff are responsible. This also includes the
installation of hardware.
Meeting Management Services - Includes Conference Room
Scheduling System (CRSS), video conferencing (Envision), web
conferencing (Adobe Connect), audio conferencing (phone bridge) tools
and services as well as Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services.
Acquisition and Installation of IT Software - Includes software
procurement processes but does not include the process for Level III
software approvals. This also includes the installation of software.
Network Services - Includes the availability and reliability of general
network connectivity, Internet/Intranet performance such as the
responsiveness to accessing sites, reliability of access, and the impact of
filtering inappropriate/malicious web sites/services. This does not include
the rating of specific CDC internet or intranet sites.
Automated Request Processing Tools - These tools are found at and include the RSA SecurID System, Elevated
Privileges System (EPv), Multi User Share Tool (MUST), Security Patch
Schedule Exception System, Software Request Tool (SRT), Distribution
List Management Tool (DLMT), Loaner Laptop, FTP, and ITSO Request
Forms (ServiceDesk, New User and Organizational Mailbox).
Skype for Business - Includes presense, chat, audio, video, calendar
interface, voice messaging, desktop sharing and online meetings.
Customer Communications - Includes communication avenues such as
e-mail alerts/notices sent to CDC staff/customers, the ITSO Newsletter,
and the OCIO Intranet site.
Remote Access - Includes reliability, responsiveness and ease of use of
CITGO, Virtual Private Network (VPN), XenMobile for iOS and Android,
Blackberry and access to Webmail through CDC Portal.
Customer Service - Includes the overall responsiveness and staff
competency of ITSO personnel such as the ITSO ServiceDesk
Technicians, onsite technicians, Remote Field Staff Support (RFSS)
Team, the Section 508 Helpdesk and the Technology Services
Executives (TSE).
Server Hosting - ITSO's provisioning and support of project-based
servers, virtual servers and dedicated server systems that host customer
Data Management - Includes Storage, files shares and print services
such as personal network storage, multi user or organizational shares,
legacy share and file restoration.
Telephone Services - Includes support of desktop and meeting room
telephone services including local and long distance calling.
E-Mail Services - Includes email delivery, calendar, Global Address List
(GAL), spam/junk mail reduction and CDC Webmail portal.
SharePoint Services - Includes the availability and responsiveness of
SharePoint, Project Server, Team Foundation Server, and Dynamics
CRM. This does not include the rating of specific Program SharePoint
Sites and forms.
For each of the services you selected, please rate the IMPORTANCE of each service to you on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0, with 1.0 being low and 5.0
being high.
Acquisition and Installation of IT Hardware - Includes purchasing arrangements for hardware options and pricing, hardware procurement
processes for which ITSO staff are responsible. This also includes the installation of hardware.
Acquisition and Installation of IT Software - Includes software procurement processes but does not include the process for Level III software
approvals. This also includes the installation of software.
Automated Request Processing Tools - These tools are found at and include the RSA SecurID System, Elevated Privileges
System (EPv), Multi User Share Tool (MUST), Security Patch Schedule Exception System, Software Request Tool (SRT), Distribution List
Management Tool (DLMT), Loaner Laptop, FTP, and ITSO Request Forms (ServiceDesk, New User and Organizational Mailbox).
Customer Communications - Includes communication avenues such as e-mail alerts/notices sent to CDC staff/customers, the ITSO
Newsletter, and the OCIO Intranet site.
Customer Service - Includes the overall responsiveness and staff competency of ITSO personnel such as the ITSO ServiceDesk Technicians,
onsite technicians, Remote Field Staff Support (RFSS) Team, the Section 508 Helpdesk and the Technology Services Executives (TSE).
Data Management - Includes Storage, files shares and print services such as personal network storage, multi user or organizational shares,
legacy share and file restoration.
E-Mail Services - Includes email delivery, calendar, Global Address List (GAL), spam/junk mail reduction and CDC Webmail portal.
Meeting Management Services - Includes Conference Room Scheduling System (CRSS), video conferencing (Envision), web conferencing
(Adobe Connect), audio conferencing (phone bridge) tools and services as well as Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services.
Network Services - Includes the availability and reliability of general network connectivity, Internet/Intranet performance such as the
responsiveness to accessing sites, reliability of access, and the impact of filtering inappropriate/malicious web sites/services. This does not
include the rating of specific CDC internet or intranet sites.
Skype for Business - Includes presense, chat, audio, video, calendar interface, voice messaging, desktop sharing and online meetings.
Remote Access - Includes reliability, responsiveness and ease of use of CITGO, Virtual Private Network (VPN), XenMobile for iOS and
Android, Blackberry and access to Webmail through CDC Portal.
Server Hosting - ITSO's provisioning and support of project-based servers, virtual servers and dedicated server systems that host customer
Telephone Services - Includes support of desktop and meeting room telephone services including local and long distance calling.
SharePoint Services - Includes the availability and responsiveness of SharePoint, Project Server, Team Foundation Server, and Dynamics
CRM. This does not include the rating of specific Program SharePoint Sites and forms.
For each of the services you selected, please rate your SATISFACTION with ITSO's ability to meet your IT needs on a scale from 1.0 to 5.0,
with 1.0 being low and 5.0 being high.
Acquisition and Installation of IT Hardware - Includes purchasing arrangements for hardware options and pricing, hardware procurement
processes for which ITSO staff are responsible. This also includes the installation of hardware.
Acquisition and Installation of IT Software - Includes software procurement processes but does not include the process for Level III software
approvals. This also includes the installation of software.
Automated Request Processing Tools - These tools are found at and include the RSA SecurID System, Elevated Privileges
System (EPv), Multi User Share Tool (MUST), Security Patch Schedule Exception System, Software Request Tool (SRT), Distribution List
Management Tool (DLMT), Loaner Laptop, FTP, and ITSO Request Forms (ServiceDesk, New User and Organizational Mailbox).
Customer Communications - Includes communication avenues such as e-mail alerts/notices sent to CDC staff/customers, the ITSO
Newsletter, and the OCIO Intranet site.
Customer Service - Includes the overall responsiveness and staff competency of ITSO personnel such as the ITSO ServiceDesk Technicians,
onsite technicians, Remote Field Staff Support (RFSS) Team, the Section 508 Helpdesk and the Technology Services Executives (TSE).
Data Management - Includes Storage, files shares and print services such as personal network storage, multi user or organizational shares,
legacy share and file restoration.
E-Mail Services - Includes email delivery, calendar, Global Address List (GAL), spam/junk mail reduction and CDC Webmail portal.
Meeting Management Services - Includes Conference Room Scheduling System (CRSS), video conferencing (Envision), web conferencing
(Adobe Connect), audio conferencing (phone bridge) tools and services as well as Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services.
Network Services - Includes the availability and reliability of general network connectivity, Internet/Intranet performance such as the
responsiveness to accessing sites, reliability of access, and the impact of filtering inappropriate/malicious web sites/services. This does not
include the rating of specific CDC internet or intranet sites.
Skype for Business - Includes presense, chat, audio, video, calendar interface, voice messaging, desktop sharing and online meetings.
Remote Access - Includes reliability, responsiveness and ease of use of CITGO, Virtual Private Network (VPN), XenMobile for iOS and
Android, Blackberry and access to Webmail through CDC Portal.
Server Hosting - ITSO's provisioning and support of project-based servers, virtual servers and dedicated server systems that host customer
Telephone Services - Includes support of desktop and meeting room telephone services including local and long distance calling.
SharePoint Services - Includes the availability and responsiveness of SharePoint, Project Server, Team Foundation Server, and Dynamics
CRM. This does not include the rating of specific Program SharePoint Sites and forms.
Below is a list of evaluation criteria related to IT services delivery. Please check all criteria that are important to your evaluation of
satisfaction with IT infrastructure services.
Impact on Your Work - The ability to increase your performance in the
achievement of your organization's mission.
System Functionality - Includes compatibility, ease of use, flexibility,
integration, and usefulness of the service.
Support Availability - Includes accessibility, coverage, and ease in
contacting ITSO support staff.
System Performance - Includes speed, responsiveness, throughput and
turnaround time for general system performance.
Support Expertise - Includes business knowledge, competence, and
problem resolution skills of ITSO support staff.
System Quality - Includes the reliability, dependability, uptime and
overall quality of ITSO systems.
Support Responsiveness - Includes communications skills, courtesy,
attitude, professionalism, timeliness, training, follow-up, and followthrough of ITSO staff.
For each of the criteria you selected, please rate the IMPORTANCE of each criterion to you on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0, with 1.0 being low and 5.0
being high.
Impact on Your Work - The ability to increase your performance in the achievement of your organization's mission.
Support Availability - Includes accessibility, coverage, and ease in contacting ITSO support staff.
Support Expertise - Includes business knowledge, competence, and problem resolution skills of ITSO support staff.
Support Responsiveness - Includes communications skills, courtesy, attitude, professionalism, timeliness, training, follow-up, and followthrough of ITSO staff.
System Functionality - Includes compatibility, ease of use, flexibility, integration, and usefulness of the service.
System Performance - Includes speed, responsiveness, throughput and turnaround time for general system performance.
System Quality - Includes the reliability, dependability, uptime and overall quality of ITSO systems.
For each of the criteria you selected, please rate your SATISFACTION with ITSO's ability to meet your IT needs on a scale from 1.0 to 5.0, with
1.0 being low and 5.0 being high.
Impact on Your Work - The ability to increase your performance in the achievement of your organization's mission.
Support Availability - Includes accessibility, coverage, and ease in contacting ITSO support staff.
Support Expertise - Includes business knowledge, competence, and problem resolution skills of ITSO support staff.
Support Responsiveness - Includes communications skills, courtesy, attitude, professionalism, timeliness, training, follow-up, and followthrough of ITSO staff.
System Functionality - Includes compatibility, ease of use, flexibility, integration, and usefulness of the service.
System Performance - Includes speed, responsiveness, throughput and turnaround time for general system performance.
System Quality - Includes the reliability, dependability, uptime and overall quality of ITSO systems.
If you have contacted ITSO within the past 6 months, how satisfied were you with your most recent experience?
Very Satisfied
Neither Satisfied no Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
What is your first source of support for technical support issues?
ITSO ServiceDesk
What is your best source of support for technical support issues?
ITSO ServiceDesk
What is the primary tool you use for self help?
"Right Answers" on the ITSO Service Desk Site
ITSO Tools
CDC Intranet
Product web site
How would you rate your satisfaction with the above selected self-help tool?
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
With which Organizational Unit are you associated? (This list is based on the current CDC Organizational chart posted at
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
Center for Global Health (CGH)
Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS)
CIMS Program Management Office (CPMO)
Enterprise IT Portfolio Office
Ethics Office
FOIA Office
Human Resources Office (HRO)
Management Analysis and Services Office (MASO)
Management Information Systems Office (MISO)
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)
National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP)
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
Office of the Chief Information Security Office (OCISO)
Office of Financial Resources (OFR)
Office of Safety Security and Asset Management (OSSAM)
Office of Diversity Management and Equal Employment Opportunity (ODMEEO)
Office of General Counsel/HHS (OGC)
Office of Infectious Diseases (OID)
Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE)
Office of Noncommunicable Diseases, Injury and Environmental Health (ONDIEH)
Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR)
Office of State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (OSTLTS)
Office of the Associate Director for Communications (OADC)
Office of the Associate Director for Policy (OADP)
Office of the Associate Director for Science (OADS)
Office of the Chief of Staff (OCS)
Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO)
Office of the Director (OD)
At which campus do you primarily work?
Atlanta - Century Center
Atlanta - Chamblee
Atlanta - Clifton Road/Roybal
Atlanta - Corporate Square
Atlanta - Lawrenceville
Atlanta - PGO Warehouse
Atlanta - University Park (Koger)
Fort Collins
Research Triangle Park (RTP)
San Juan
Washington DC
What is your employment status?
Commissioned Corps
Guest Researcher
Are you in a supervisory or management position?
At what relative grade level do you work?
Executive (e.g., SES, Corps O-7/O-8)
Senior Managers (e.g., GS 14/15, Corps O-6)
Managers (e.g., GS13, Corps O-5)
Staff (e.g., GS 12 and below, Corps O-4 and below)
Please select your primary job function:
Emergency Response
Informatics and Information Technology
Laboratory/Animal Care
Library Services
Physical Security
Public Health Advisor/Analyst
Please use this section to provide any additional feedback/commentary regarding ITSO staff, tools, systems or services that may not have
been covered in this survey.
Thank you for completing the survey. Please click the "Submit" button, located below, to submit and register your final responses.
Your survey responses will be received by Gartner and processed. Results will be tallied and reported at a later date.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2017-12-07 |
File Created | 2017-12-06 |