Using Citizen Scientists to Measure Coastal Acidification in Estuaries
This project provides high quality, and more affordable, new technology to citizen scientist organizations to measure variability of coastal acidification among estuaries in New England. Organizations will measure pH and collect water samples for total alkalinity. We will also collaborate with a complementary citizen science project organized by the Northeast Coastal Acidification Network (NECAN).
Data collected under the auspices of the Clean Water Act. For example, CWA §104, authorizes EPA to encourage, cooperate with and render technical services to individuals, including the general public, to promote the coordination and acceleration of demonstrations, studies and training relating to the causes, effects, prevention and elimination of water pollution. CWA §320, which establishes the National Estuary Program, also authorizes research and monitoring activities, and CWA §304, authorizes research to determine factors that impact aquatic life. This project is coordinating with research conducted by ORD under the research theme SSWR (sustainable water resources).
Results from measurements of these parameters will help estimate levels of carbonate saturation in coastal waters at selected estuaries.
Participants will collect water samples from docks and piers using bottles and a protocol provided by EPA Region 1. The samples will be delivered to EPA Region 1 Regional Laboratory for analysis of Total Alkalinity. Participants will also record observations of pH in the same water sample using a meter provided by EPA Region 1. Participants will also record observations of temperature, salinity and oxygen using their own water quality sensors. EPA Region 1 will provide a data form to record observations. We expect that the training will begin around July 2019, initial samples will be collected in August and September of 2019, and most samples will be collected in 2020. The project will wrap up in the fall of 2020.
Category of Respondent |
No. of Respondents |
Number of responses per respondent |
Participation Time per response |
Burden Hours |
Training of volunteers, including citizen science organization staff |
10 to 20 |
1 |
8 hours |
80 to 160 |
Data collection by volunteers, including citizen science organization staff |
10 to 20 |
5 to 15 |
1 to 3 hours |
50 to 900 |
Totals |
10 to 20 |
130 to 1060 |
AGENCY COST: The estimated annual cost to the Federal government is $50,000 for the internal Regional-State Innovation Project grant, plus additional costs for purchase of equipment and supplies totaling an additional $10,000. Finally, we estimate 0.5 FTE for two EPA staff, costing approximately $100,000. Total: $160,000
EPA Region 1 will compile the data, and conduct the statistical analyses of the data. We will calculate standard population statistics, such as mean, median and measures of variability. Analysis of variance will be employed to evaluate factors that contribute to the variability of results, including estuary, temperature, salinity, and other factors.
EPA Region 1 will review data to evaluate whether data quality objectives were met and evaluate whether data quality indicators (for example, precision, accuracy, sensitivity, completeness) performance goals and were met. EPA Region 1 will develop and approve a QAPP for this project. We will be assisted by on-site contractors (Techlaw, under the ESAT contract), as well as colleagues at AED Narragansett.
[ ] Web-based or Social Media
[ ] Telephone
[x] In-person
[x] Other, Explain
The instrument is a pH sensor, linked to a data analyzer that records observations. The system does not automatically log data. As the project progresses, however, we may be able to connect a tablet or other computer to the data analyzer and log data, depending on funding and technical capacity. All water quality measurements (described above) will be recorded on paper data sheets. Total Alkalinity will be measured in the EPA Region 1 laboratory. The ESAT contractors will assist with development of the sampling protocols.
INSTRUMENT: See attached draft of the submission template and datasheet on the following page. Final versions will include EPA Form Numbers, the OMB Control Number and expiration date, and a Burden Statement.
CONTACT NAME: Matthew Liebman EMAIL: liebman.matt@epa.gov
Coastal Acidification Network 2019 Field Datasheet
Name of organization _________________________________________________________________
Sampler name(s) _____________________________________________________________________
Site information
Date _____________________________ Time (24 hours) ___________________________
Station ____________________________________________________________________________
Site Description ______________________________________________________________________
Latitude _________________________________ Longitude ________________________________
Weather/Conditions __________________________________________________________________
Sample Water Depth (m) ______________________________________________________________
Organization data (if not filled out on separate organization sheet)
Sonde used: (YSI model number, e.g.) _____________________ Calibrated? ____________________
Observed tidal stage (flooding, ebbing, slack high or low) ____________________________________
Temperature (○C) ________________________ Salinity (ppt, or psu) ________________________
Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) ___________________ pH _______________________________________
Chlorophyll a (if available) _________________ Secchi depth (m) ___________________________
Sonde Data logged? (yes/no) _______________ File name ________________________________
Coastal Acidification Network data
Durafet reading pH units (report to .001) _________________________________________________
Durafet reading period time start ____________________ time end __________________________
Total Alkalinity bottle sample label ID ________________
QC sample? (duplicate, blank) ______________________ Chain of custody form filled out? _______
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |