Form CJ-44 2016 Survey of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

2016 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS)

2016 LEMAS Core Instrument_Revised_042816

2016 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) Survey

OMB: 1121-0240

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RALEIGH, NC 27616-2925


Telephone: TBD (toll-free)

Fax: TBD Email: TBD

2016 Law Enforcement Management

and Statistics (LEMAS) Survey

Form CJ-44
2016 Survey of State and Local
Law Enforcement Agencies

U.S. Department of Justice
Bureau of Justice Statistics



In correspondence about this survey, please refer to the number at the top left of this box. (Please correct any error in name and mailing address in the box below. If the

label is correct, please check the box in the bottom right hand corner.)

Agency ID:






Shape11 The label is correct



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TELEPHONE Area Code Number Extension FAX Area Code Number




Completion and Return Instructions

  • Unless otherwise noted, please answer all questions using June 30, 2016 as a reference.

  • Please do not leave any items blank. If the answer to a question is unknown or not available, write “DK” in the space provided. If the answer is not applicable, write “NA” in the space provided. If the answer to a question is none or zero, write “0” in the space provided.

  • There are four ways to submit this survey:

    • Online at https://TBD Please use the Agency ID and Password listed above to access the survey on the secure, encrypted website. This method allows for the ability to save partial data and return at a later time. If you or another staff member needs to access the survey multiple times, please only “submit” the survey once it is complete.

    • Mail the survey to RTI International (RTI) in the enclosed postage-paid envelope

    • Fax each page of the survey to XXX-XXX-XXXX (toll free)

    • Scan and email the survey to

  • Please submit your completed questionnaire by XX XX, 2016.

  • If you have questions about the survey, items on the questionnaire, or how to submit completed responses, please contact the Survey Team at RTI by email at or call the Help Line at XXX-XXX-XXXX (toll free). The Help Line is available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST). When communicating about the survey, please reference your Agency ID.

  • If you have general comments or suggestions for improving the survey, please contact Shelley S. Hyland, LEMAS Program Manager, Bureau of Justice Statistics, by phone at 202-616-1706 or by email at

  • Please retain a copy of your completed survey for one year. Questionnaires completed through the online option can be printed for your records.

  • The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (42 USC 3732), authorizes this information collection. Although this survey is voluntary, we need your participation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. We greatly appreciate your assistance.

Burden Statement

Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 3 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street NW, Washington, DC 20531.

Section I: Descriptive Information

Unless otherwise noted, please answer all questions using June 30, 2016, as a reference.

1. Enter the number of AUTHORIZED full-time paid agency positions and ACTUAL full-time and part-time paid agency employees as of June 30, 2016. Full-time employees are those regularly scheduled for 35 or more hours per week. If none, enter '0.'


full-time paid positions


paid agency employees



a. Sworn personnel with general arrest powers

b. Officers/deputies with limited or no arrest powers (e.g., jail or court officers in some agencies)

c. Non-sworn employees

d. TOTAL (sum of lines ‘a’ through ‘c’)

2. Of the total number of FULL-TIME SWORN personnel with general arrest powers (as entered in 1.a, column 2), enter the number of each of the following: (Personnel may be counted more than once. If none, enter '0.')

a. Uniformed officers with REGULARLY ASSIGNED DUTIES that include responding to citizen calls/requests for service

b. Community Policing or Relations Officers, or other sworn personnel specifically designated to engage in community policing activities

c. School Resource Officers, School Liaison Officers, or other general sworn personnel whose primary duties are related to school safety (exclude crossing guards)

3. As of June 30, 2016, how many RESERVE or AUXILIARY OFFICERS did your agency have? Enter the full-time and part-time numbers below. If none, enter '0.'



a. Sworn

b. Limited/no arrest powers

c. Non-sworn

4. Enter the number of FULL-TIME personnel according to their PRIMARY job responsibility as of June 30, 2016. Count each full-time staff person only once. If a person performs more than one function, enter that person’s count in the job category in which s/he spent most of her/his time. If none, enter ‘0’


Limited/no arrest powers


a. Administration -- Chief of police or sheriff, assistants and other personnel who work in administrative capacity. Include finance, personnel and internal affairs.

b. Field operations – Police officers, deputies, detectives, inspectors, supervisors, and other personnel providing direct law enforcement services. Include traffic, patrol, investigations and special operations.

1. Patrol/field officers only

2. Detectives/investigators only

c. Technical support – Dispatchers, records clerks, data processors, and other personnel providing support services other than administrative. Include communications, fleet management and training.

d. Jail-related duties – Correctional officers, guards, and other support personnel who primarily work in the jail.

e. Court related duties – Bailiffs, security guards, process servers, etc.

f. Other (e.g., crossing guards, parking enforcement, etc.)

5. Enter your agency's total operating budget for the fiscal year that included June 30, 2016. If the budget is not available, provide an estimate and check the box below. Include jails administered by your agency. Do NOT include building construction costs or major equipment purchases.

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$ , , ,

Please mark here if this figure is an estimate

Shape26 Please indicate the date range of your agency’s fiscal year that included June 30, 2016:

Shape27 Start End

mm dd mm dd

6. Enter the total estimated value of money, goods, and property received by your agency from an ASSET FORFEITURE program during the fiscal year that included June 30, 2016. If data are not available, provide an estimate and check the box below. Include federal, state and local funds. If no money, goods or property were received, enter '0’.

Shape29 Shape30 Shape31 Shape28

$ , , ,

Please mark here if this figure is an estimate

Section II: Personnel

Unless otherwise noted, please answer all questions using June 30, 2016, as a reference.

7a. Indicate your agency's minimum education requirement which new officer recruits must have at hiring or within two years of hiring. Mark only 1 response.

  • Four-year college degree required

  • Two-year college degree required

  • Some college but no degree required

(Total credit hours required: ________ )

  • High school diploma or equivalent required

  • No formal education requirement (SKIP to Question 8)

7b. Does your agency consider MILITARY SERVICE as an exemption to this minimum education requirement?

  • Yes No

8. Does your agency require a new officer recruit to be a U.S. citizen before hire?

  • Yes No

9. How many total hours of ACADEMY training and FIELD training (e.g., with FTO) are required of your agency's new officer recruits? Include law enforcement training only. Include both state/POST requirements plus additional agency requirements. If no training of that type is required, enter '0’.

Total Hours

a. Academy training

b. Field training

10. On average, how many hours of IN-SERVICE training are required annually for your agency's NON- PROBATIONARY field/patrol officers? Include law enforcement training only. Include both state/POST requirements plus additional agency requirements. If no in-service training is required, enter ‘0’.

Average annual hours per officer

11. Which of the following screening techniques are used by your agency in selecting new officer recruits?

Background/record checks



a. Background investigation

b. Credit history check

c. Criminal history check

d. Driving record check

e. Social media check

Personal attributes



f. Personal interview

g. Personality/Psychological inventory

h. Polygraph exam

i. Psychological interview

  1. Voice stress analyzer

k. Written aptitude test

l. Analytical/problem-solving ability assessment

Community relations skills



m. Assessment of understanding diverse cultural populations

n. Mediation/conflict management skills assessment

Physical attributes



o. Drug test

p. Medical exam

q. Vision test

r. Physical agility/fitness test

12. Enter the number of FULL-TIME agency personnel who were bi- or multilingual as of June 30, 2016. Full-time employees are those regularly scheduled for 35 or more hours per week. If none, enter ‘0’.

a. Sworn

b. Limited/no arrest powers

c. Non-sworn

13. Enter the number of FULL-TIME SWORN personnel who were HIRED or SEPARATED during the fiscal year including June 30, 2016 by RACE, HISPANIC ORIGIN and SEX. The TOTAL rows should have the same values. If none, enter ‘0’.

New Hires


  1. White, non-Hispanic

  1. Black or African American, non-Hispanic

  1. Hispanic or Latino

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native, non-Hispanic

  1. Asian, non-Hispanic

  1. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic

  1. Two or more races

  1. Not known

  1. TOTAL (sum ‘a’ to ‘h’)

  1. Male

  1. Female

  1. TOTAL (sum ‘j’ and ‘k’)

14. Enter the number of FULL-TIME SWORN personnel by RACE, HISPANIC ORIGIN and SEX for the pay period that included June 30, 2016. If none, enter ‘0’.



  1. White, non-Hispanic

  1. Black or African American, non-Hispanic

  1. Hispanic or Latino

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native, non-Hispanic

  1. Asian, non-Hispanic

  1. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic

  1. Two or more races

  1. Not known

  1. TOTAL (sum ‘a’ to ‘h’)

15. Enter the SEX, RACE and HISPANIC ORIGIN of the chief executive (i.e., Chief of Police, Sheriff, Commissioner) for the pay period that included June 30, 2016.

a. Male Female

  1. White, non-Hispanic
    Black or African American, non-Hispanic

Hispanic or Latino

American Indian or Alaskan Native, non-Hispanic

Asian, non-Hispanic

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic

Two or more races

Not known

16. Enter the number of FULL-TIME SWORN personnel by RACE, HISPANIC ORIGIN and SEX who held the following supervisory positions for the pay period that included June 30, 2016. If a position does not exist in your agency, enter ‘N/A’. If none, enter ‘0’.

Intermediate supervisor
(below chief executive and above sergeant or first-line supervisor)

Sergeant or equivalent
first-line supervisor

  1. White, non-Hispanic

  1. Black or African American, non-Hispanic

  1. Hispanic or Latino

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native, non-Hispanic

  1. Asian, non-Hispanic

  1. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic

  1. Two or more races

  1. Not known

  1. TOTAL (sum ‘a’ to ‘h’)

  1. Male

  1. Female

  1. TOTAL (sum ‘j’ and ‘k’)

17. Is collective bargaining authorized for your agency’s employees?




a. Sworn

b. Limited/no arrest powers

c. Non-sworn

Section III: Operations

18. Enter the total number of calls for service (e.g., 911 calls, non-emergence calls, alarm or other source) received and dispatched by your agency during the fiscal year including June 30, 2016. If none, enter ‘0’. If data are not available, provide an estimate and check the corresponding box.

Total Number


a. Calls/requests for service received

b. Calls/requests for service resulting in dispatch of officer(s) or use of on-site unit

19. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2016, did your agency use the following TYPES OF PATROL?


As Needed


a. Automobile

b. Motorcycle

c. Foot

d. Horse

e. Bicycle

f. Human transporter (e.g., Segway)

g. Manned aviation (e.g., airplane or helicopter)

h. Marine (e.g., boat)

i. Other (please specify):


Section IV: Community Policing

20. As of June 30, 2016, did your agency’s mission statement include a community policing component?

  • Yes

  • No

  • N/A – agency does not have a mission statement

21. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2016, which of the following did your agency do?



a. Maintain a written community policing plan

b. Use technology to support the analysis of community problems

c. Conduct a citizen police academy

22. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2016, what proportion of agency personnel received at least eight hours of community policing training (e.g., problem solving, SARA, or community partnerships)? Mark one choice per line. If your agency did not conduct training for a particular type of employee, please mark 'None.' If your agency did not have a particular type of employee for the specified time period, please mark 'N/A.'





a. New officer recruits

b. In-service sworn personnel

23. As of June 30, 2016, how many FULL-TIME SWORN personnel with primary responsibility for patrol/field duties (reported in 4.b.1, column 1) were encouraged to engage in SARA-type problem solving projects? If none, enter ‘0’.

Full-time patrol/field officers

24. As of June 30, 2016, how many FULL-TIME SWORN personnel with primary responsibility for patrol/field duties (reported in 4.b.1, column 1) were assigned to specific geographic areas/beats? If none, enter ‘0’.

Full-time patrol/field officers

25. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2016, did your agency have a problem-solving partnership or written agreement with any of the following?



a. Advocacy groups

b. Business groups

c. Other local law enforcement agencies

d. Neighborhood associations

e. University or research group

f. Other (please specify):


26. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2016, did your agency conduct or sponsor a formal survey of local residents on crime experiences, fear of crime, or satisfaction with police?

  • Yes No

27. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2016, did your agency use information from a survey of citizens for any of the following?

  • Agency did not conduct or sponsor a citizen survey at any time (skip to 28)



a. Prioritizing crime/disorder problems

b. Allocating resources to neighborhoods

c. Evaluating officer or agency performance

d. Training development

e. Informing agency policies and procedures

Section V: Equipment

28. Does your agency supply or give a cash allowance to its FULL-TIME SWORN personnel to purchase the following? Mark all that apply in each row.

Agency supplies

Agency provides cash allowance

Neither (officer provides)

Equipment not authorized

a. Primary sidearm

b. Backup sidearm

c. Body armor

d. Uniform

29. Which types of sidearms are authorized for use by your agency’s FULL-TIME SWORN personnel? Mark all that apply in each row.

On-duty primary sidearm

On-duty backup sidearm


Equipment not authorized

  1. Semiautomatic

  1. Revolver

30. Which types of secondary firearms does your agency issue to FULL-TIME SWORN personnel or authorize for use? Mark all that apply.

  • Fully automatic rifle (e.g., M-16)

  • Semi-automatic rifle (e.g., AR-15)

  • Manual rifle

  • Shotgun (any type)

  • Other (please specify):


  • N/A – no secondary firearms authorized

31. As of June 30, 2016, which of the following types of WEAPONS or ACTIONS were authorized for use by your agency’s FULL-TIME SWORN personnel?

Authorized for:

Not authorized


Some sworn

a. Open hand techniques

b. Closed hand techniques

c. Takedown techniques (e.g., straight arm bar)

d. Hold or neck restraint (e.g., carotid hold)

e. Leg hobble or other restraints (not including handcuffs)

f. OC spray/foam

g. Chemical agent projectile (e.g., CS/tear gas, OC pellets)

h. Baton

i. Blunt force projectile (e.g., bean bag, rubber bullets)

j. Conducted energy device (e.g., Taser, stun gun, Stinger)

k. Explosives

l. Other (please specify):


32. As of June 30, 2016, does your agency require written documentation when the following types of WEAPONS or ACTIONS are used by your agency’s FULL-TIME SWORN?




  1. Open hand techniques

  1. Closed hand techniques

  1. Takedown techniques (e.g., straight arm bar)

  1. Hold or neck restraint (e.g., carotid hold)

  1. Leg hobble or other restraints (not including handcuffs)

  1. OC spray/foam

  1. Chemical agent projectile (e.g., CS/tear gas, OC pellets)

  1. Baton

  1. Blunt force projectile (e.g., bean bag, rubber bullets)

  1. Display of conducted energy device (e.g., Taser flashing)

  1. Use of conducted energy device

  1. Explosives

  1. Display of firearm

  1. Discharge of a firearm

33. Does your agency REQUIRE uniformed field/patrol officers to wear protective body armor while in the field?

  • Yes - all the time

  • Yes - in some circumstances

  • No

34. Does your agency REQUIRE uniformed field/patrol officers to wear their seat belt while driving or riding in an agency vehicle?

  • Yes - all the time

  • Yes - in some circumstances

  • No

35. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2016, did your agency operate any of the following types of motorized vehicles or equipment?



a. Marked cars

b. Other marked vehicles (e.g., SUV, truck, or van)

c. Unmarked cars

d. Other unmarked vehicles (e.g., SUV, truck, or van)

e. Armored military-type vehicles (e.g., MRAP, tank, BearCat or other SWAT carrier)

f. All-terrain vehicles (ATVs)

g. Motorcycles

h. Boats

i. Manned aviation (e.g., airplane or helicopter)

j. Unmanned aerial drones

k. Other (please specify):


36. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2016, how many of the following types of video cameras were operated by your agency on a REGULAR basis? If none, enter ‘0’.

Total Number

a. Fixed-site surveillance in public areas

b. Mobile surveillance

c. In patrol cars

d. On police officers (e.g. body-worn cameras)

e. On weapons

f. On aerial drones

Section VI: Technology

37. As of June 30, 2016, did your agency maintain a website for any of the following?

  • Agency did not maintain a website (skip to 38)



a. Providing direct access to crime statistics/data

b. Providing direct access to stop (i.e., motor vehicle or street/field) statistics/data

c. Providing direct access to arrest statistics/data

d. Enabling citizens to report crimes or problems

e. Enabling citizens to ask questions and/or provide feedback

f. Enabling citizens to file complaints about police behavior or actions

38. As of June 30, 2016, did your agency use any of the following social media channels to communicate with the public?



a. Twitter

b. Facebook, Google+, or similar service

c. Blogs

d. YouTube or other video sharing service

e. Mass communication/notification system (e.g. Nixle)

39. As of June 30, 2016, did your agency use computers for any of the following functions?



a. Crime analysis (including crime mapping or hotspot identification)

b. Social network analysis

c. Intelligence gathering

d. Inter-agency information transmission

e. Automated booking

40. As of June 30, 2016, what was the PRIMARY method for transmitting criminal incident reports from the field to your agency’s record management system? Mark only one response.

  • Paper report

  • Voice (cellphone, telephone, recording, radio)

  • In-car fixed laptop/tablet

  • Mobile laptop/tablet or phone

  • Other (please specify):


41. As of June 30, 2016, did your agency use any of the following technologies on a REGULAR basis?



a. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)

b. Facial recognition

c. License plate readers (LPR)

d. Infrared (thermal) imagers

e. Electrical/engine disruption

f. Stolen vehicle tracking (e.g., LoJack)

g. Tire deflation devices

h. Gunshot detection (e.g., Shotspotter)

i. Firearm tracing (e.g., eTrace)

j. Ballistic imaging (e.g., NIBN, IBIS)

k. GPS

42. As of June 30, 2016, did your agency’s field/patrol officers have direct access to the following types of information using in-field vehicle-mounted or mobile computers?

  • Agency did not use in-field computers (skip to 43)



a. Motor vehicle records

b. Driving records

c. Criminal history records

d. Warrants

e. Protection orders

f. Inter-agency information system

g. Address history (e.g., repeat calls for service)

h. Crime statistics/mapping

43. As of June 30, 2016, did your agency have an operational computer-based personnel performance monitoring/assessment system (e.g., Early Warning or Early Intervention System) for monitoring or responding to problematic officer behavior?

  • Yes No

44. As of June 30, 2016, did your agency maintain its own computerized files with any of the following information?



a. Arrests

b. Calls for service

c. Civilian complaints

d. Criminal incident reports

e. Firearms recovered, seized or found

f. Gangs

g. Informants

h. Intelligence related to terrorist activity

i. Motor vehicle stops

j. Motor vehicle accidents

k. Pawn shop data

l. Protective orders

m. Stolen property

n. Street/field stops

o. Use of force incidents

p. Video surveillance

q. Warrants

Section VII: Policies and Procedures

Unless otherwise noted, please answer all questions using June 30, 2016, as a reference.

45. Which of the following best describes your agency’s written policy for pursuit driving? Mark only one response.

  • Prohibition (prohibits all pursuits)

  • Discouragement (discourages all pursuits but does not prohibit)

  • Restrictive (restricts decisions of officers to specific criteria such as type of offense or speed)

  • Judgmental (leaves decision to officer’s discretion)

  • N/A- Agency does not have a written policy pertaining to vehicle pursuits

46. Does your agency have written policy or procedural directives on the following?

Officer conduct



  1. Use of deadly force/firearm discharge

  1. Use of less-lethal force

  1. Code of conduct and appearance

  1. Maximum work hours allowed

  1. Off-duty conduct

Dealing with special populations/situations



  1. Mentally ill persons

  1. Homeless persons

  1. Domestic disputes

  1. Juveniles




  1. In-custody deaths

  1. Racial profiling/unbiased policing

  1. Civilian complaints

  1. Strip searches

  1. Acts of terrorism

  1. Active shooter

  1. Stop and frisk

  1. Foot pursuits

  1. Motor vehicle stops

  1. Investigation of employee misconduct

  1. Prisoner transport

  1. Mass demonstrations

  1. Reporting use of force

  1. Body-worn cameras

  1. Social media

  1. Cultural awareness training

47. As of June 30, 2016, does your agency require an external investigation in the following situations? Only include investigations conducted by another law enforcement or criminal investigative body. Do NOT include civilian reviews.



  1. Use of force resulting in a subject sustaining serious bodily injury

  1. Use of force resulting in a subject’s death

  1. In-custody death not due to use of force (e.g., suicide, intoxication or accident)

  1. Discharge of a firearm at or in the direction of a person

48. Is there a civilian complaint review board or agency in your jurisdiction that reviews complaints against officers in your agency?

  • Yes No (skip to 51)

49. Does the civilian complaint review board or agency have independent investigative authority with subpoena powers?

  • Yes- For all complaint cases

  • Yes- Only for certain complaint types

  • No

50. Does your agency have a written policy requiring that civilian complaints about USE OF FORCE receive separate investigation outside the chain of command where the accused officer is assigned?

  • Yes No

Section VIII: Special Problems/Tasks

51. As of June 30, 2016, how did your agency address the following problems/tasks? Mark the most appropriate box for each problem/task listed below. Mark only one box per row.

Type of problem/task


Agency HAS specialized unit with personnel assigned FULL-TIME to address this problem/task

Agency DOES NOT HAVE a specialized unit

with full-time personnel


Agency’s jurisdiction does not have this problem (N/A)


Agency has designated personnel to address this problem/task


Agency addresses this problem/task, but does not have designated personnel


Agency does not formally address this problem/task

  1. Bias/hate crime

  1. Bomb/explosive disposal

  1. Child abuse / endangerment

  1. Crime prevention

  1. Community policing

  1. Crime analysis

  1. Cybercrime

  1. Domestic violence

  1. Drug education in schools

  1. Drug enforcement

  1. Environmental crimes

  1. Financial crimes

  1. Firearms

  1. Gangs

  1. Human trafficking

  1. Impaired drivers (DUI/DWI)

  1. Internal affairs

  1. Juvenile crimes

  1. Missing children

  1. Repeat offenders

  1. Research and planning

  1. School safety

  1. Special operations (e.g. SWAT)

  1. Terrorism/homeland security

  1. Victim assistance

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHyland, Shelley
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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