Form 4 Attachment 1 Exam Forms for Third Gen, NOS & Omni

The Framingham Study (NHLBI)

Attach 1 Exam Forms for Third Gen,NOS & Omni

Participant Components Exam Cycle 3 Exam at study Center

OMB: 0925-0216

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OMB Control Number: 0925-0216 Expiration Date: 10/2016

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 90 or 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0216). Do not return the completed form to this address.

A01 Participant Information


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Participant Information

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Date of this FHS exam (today's date)


Year of this FHS exam


Shape6 Site Heart Study

Nursing home Residence Other


Imported Validated Information

Shape8 IDTYPE 2 - NOS

3 - Gen 3

72 - Omni Gen 2 (FHS idtype)

Shape9 ID

(FHS ID (4-digit))

Participant's last name


Participant's first name


Date of birth


Year of birth


Age (in years)


Shape15 Sex Male


Date of last exam


Year of last exam


Date of last medical health update


Date of last medical information:


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Additional Comments

Participant Information

M01 Medical Encounters


Gen3 Exam3 12-3-15

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Medical Encounters

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

1st Examiner ID


Since you last provided medical information ([lastmedinfodate]) have you had any of the following?

Shape25 Hospitalizations (not just E.R.)? No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

Shape26 Hospitalization #1 Reason


Shape27 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape28 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


Shape31 Have you had another hospitalization? No Yes


Shape32 Hospitalization #2 Reason


Shape33 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape34 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


Shape37 Have you had another hospitalization? No Yes


Shape38 Hospitalization #3 Reason

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Shape39 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape40 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


Shape43 Have you had another hospitalization? No Yes


Shape44 Hospitalization #4 Reason


Shape45 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape46 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


If participant has had more than 4 hospitalizations, provide details in "Additional comments" below.

Shape49 E.R. visits only? No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

Shape50 E.R. Visit #1 Reason


Shape51 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape52 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


Shape55 Have you had another E.R. visit? No

Yes Unknown

Shape56 E.R. Visit #2 Reason


Shape57 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape58 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital


Shape60 Have you had another E.R. visit? No

Yes Unknown

Shape61 E.R. Visit #3 Reason


Shape64 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape65 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


Shape68 Have you had another E.R. visit? No

Yes Unknown

Shape69 E.R. Visit #4 Reason


Shape70 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape71 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


If participant has had more than 4 E.R. visits, provide details in "Additional comments" below.

Shape74 Day surgery? No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

Shape75 Day Surgery #1 Reason


Shape76 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape77 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital/doctor


Location of hospital/doctor


Shape80 Have you had another day surgery? No Yes


Day Surgery #2


Shape82 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape83 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital/doctor


Location of hospital/doctor


Shape86 Have you had another day surgery? No Yes


Shape87 Day Surgery #3 Reason


Shape88 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape89 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital/doctor


Location of hospital/doctor


Shape92 Have you had another day surgery? No Yes


Shape93 Day Surgery #4 Reason


Shape94 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape95 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of hospital/doctor


Location of hospital/doctor


If participant has had more than 4 day surgeries, provide details in "Additional comments" below.

Shape98 Major illness with visit to doctor? No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

Shape99 Major Illness #1 Reason


Shape100 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape101 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Shape104 Have you had another major illness with visit to No

doctor? Yes


Shape105 Major Illness #2 Reason


Shape107 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape108 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Shape111 Have you had another major illness with visit to No

doctor? Yes


Shape112 Major Illness #3 Reason


Shape113 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape114 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Shape117 Have you had another major illness with visit to No

doctor? Yes


Shape118 Major Illness #4 Reason


Shape119 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape120 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


If participant has had more than 4 major illnesses, provide details in "Additional comments" below.

Shape123 Check up by doctor or other health care provider? No Yes


If "Yes"

Shape124 Check Up #1 Reason


Shape125 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape126 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Shape129 Have you had another check up by doctor or other No

health care provider? Yes


Shape130 Check Up #2 Reason


Shape131 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape132 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Shape135 Have you had another check up by doctor or other No

health care provider? Yes


Shape136 Check Up #3 Reason


Shape137 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape138 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Shape141 Have you had another check up by doctor or other No

health care provider? Yes


Shape142 Check Up #4 Reason


Shape143 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape144 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


If participant has had more than 4 check ups, provide details in "Additional comments" below.


Additional Comments

Medical Encounters

Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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M03 Aspirin Medication Treatment Questions




Aspirin Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Shape150 Do you take aspirin REGULARLY? No Yes


If "Yes" to taking aspirin REGULARLY

Shape151 Usual dose of aspirin? 081mg Baby

160mg Half

250mg e.g. Excedrin 325mg Usual

500mg Extra strength Other


If dose of Aspirin is 'Other'

Shape153 (Dose in mg )

How many aspirin?

Shape154 (99=unknown)

Shape155 How often do you take [numaspirin] ([doseaspirin]) Day

aspirin? Week

Month Year Unk


Medication Treatment Questions

High blood pressure or hypertension

Shape157 Have you been TOLD by your doctor you have high blood No pressure or hypertension? Yes


Shape158 Are you CURRENTLY taking medication for high blood No

pressure or hypertension? Yes


High blood cholesterol or high triglycerides

Shape159 Have you been TOLD by doctor you have high blood No

cholesterol or high triglycerides? Yes Unknown

Shape160 Are you CURRENTLY taking medication for high blood No

cholesterol or high triglycerides? Yes Unknown

High blood sugar or diabetes

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Shape161 Have you been TOLD by doctor you have high blood No

sugar or diabetes? Yes


Shape162 Are you CURRENTLY taking medication for high blood No

sugar or diabetes? Yes


Shape163 Are you CURRENTLY taking medication for No

cardiovascular disease? (for example angina/chest Yes

pain, heart failure, atrial fibrillation/heart rhythm Unknown abnormality, stroke, leg pain when walking,

peripheral artery disease)


Additional Comments

Additional comments for Aspirin and Medication Treatment Questions

Gen3 Exam3 12-3-15

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M04 Prescription Andor Non Prescription Medication




Prescription and Non-Prescription Medications in Last Month as Directed by Your Health Care Provider

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Shape167 In the past month have you taken any prescription No

and/or non prescription as directed by HCP? Yes, as directed by HCP Unknown

Shape168 Medication bag with medications brought to exam? No Yes


Prescription and Non-Prescription Medications As Directed by Your Health Care Provider

Medication name #1


Medication name #2


Medication name #3


Medication name #4


Medication name #5


Medication name #6


Medication name #7


Medication name #8


Medication name #9


Medication name #10



New prescription and/or non prescription directed by HCPMedications ADD medication if not on drop down list

Shape181 Are there any medications that you could not find on No

the list? Yes

Medication (new) name #1


Medication (new) name #2


Medication (new) name #3


Medication (new) name #4


Medication (new) name #5


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Shape188 Are you taking any over the counter products i.e. No

vitamins, supplements, plant extracts, alternatives? Yes Unknown

Shape189 Check all OTC you are taking: Vitamins

Supplements Plant extracts Alternatives Other

Comment on vitamins


Comment on supplements


Comment on plant extracts


Comment on alternatives


Comment on other over the counter products



Additional Comments

Additional comment for Prescription and Non-Prescription Medications in Last Month

M05 Female Repro Pregnancy


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Female Reproductive History

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Participant is male. Select "Save and go to Next Form".



Shape200 Since your last exam have you taken or used birth No

control pills, shots, or hormone implants for birth Yes, now

control or medical indications (not post menopausal Yes, not now

hormone replacement)? Unk.

Shape201 Have you ever tried to become pregnant for >=1 year No without becoming pregnant? Yes


Shape202 Have you been pregnant since last exam? No Yes Unk.

If "Yes",

Number of pregnancies?


Shape204 During any of these pregnancies, were you told you No

had high blood pressure or hypertension? Yes Unk.

Shape205 During any of these pregnancies, were you told you No

had eclampsia, pre-eclampsia (toxemia)? Yes Unk.

Shape206 During any of these pregnancies, were you told you No

had high blood sugar or diabetes? Yes Unk.

Shape207 Have you had any births since your last exam? No Yes

If "Yes",

Number of live births since last exam


Now, I would like to ask you about how much each of your children weighed at birth and whether you breastfed.

Baby #1

Shape209 Full term? < 37 weeks

=>37 weeks Unk.

Birth weight (pounds)


Birth weight (ounces)


Shape212 Did you breast feed ( include expressed breast milk)? No Yes Unk.

Shape213 If yes, how long? < 6 weeks

6 to 11 weeks

3 to 6 months

>6 months Unk.


Baby #2

Shape215 Full term? < 37 weeks

=>37 weeks Unk.

Birth weight (pounds)


Birth weight (ounces)


Shape218 Did you breast feed (include expressed breast milk)? No Yes Unk.

Shape219 If yes, how long? < 6 weeks

6 to 11 weeks

3 to 6 months

>6 months Unk.


Baby #3

Baby #4

Shape237 Full term? < 37 weeks

=>37 weeks Unk.

Birth weight (pounds)


Birth weight (ounces)


Shape240 Did you breast feed (include expressed breast milk)? No Yes Unk.

Shape241 If yes, how long? < 6 weeks

6 to 11 weeks

3 to 6 months

>6 months Unk.


Baby #5

Shape243 Full term? < 37 weeks

=>37 weeks Unk.

Birth weight (pounds)


Birth weight (ounces)


Shape246 Did you breast feed (include expressed breast milk)? No Yes Unk.

Shape247 If yes, how long? < 6 weeks

6 to 11 weeks

3 to 6 months

>6 months Unk.


Baby #6

Baby #7

Shape249 Full term? < 37 weeks

=>37 weeks Unk.

Birth weight (pounds)


Birth weight (ounces)


Shape252 Did you breast feed (include expressed breast milk)? No Yes Unk.

Shape253 If yes, how long? < 6 weeks

6 to 11 weeks

3 to 6 months

>6 months Unk.


Additional Comments

Female Repro - Pregnancy

M06 Female Repro Menopause


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Participant is male. Select "Save and go to Next Form".

Shape258 What is the best way to describe your periods? 1=Not stopped

(Check the BEST answer - only one.) 2=Stopped due to pregnancy, breast feeding, hormonal contraceptive

Shape259 3=Stopped due to low body weight, exercise, medication or health conditions

Shape260 4=Stopped for less than 1 year (perimenopausal) 5=Stopped for 1 year or more

6=Stopped but now have periods induced by hormones (Check the BEST answer - only one.)

For option 3 above, write in cause.


Shape262 For option 4 above, write in number of months since

last period. (99=Unknown)

For option 6 above, write in number of months period stopped before hormones started.



When was the first day of your last menstrual period


  • month ? (88=period stopped for more than 1 year or using postmenopausal hormones, 99=Unknown)

Shape265 When was the first day of your last menstrual period

  • day ? (99=Unknown, 88=period stopped for more than 1

year or using postmenopausal hormones)

When was the first day of your last menstrual period


  • year ? (9999=Unknown, 8888=period stopped for more than 1 year or using postmenopausal hormones)

How many periods have you had in past 12 months?


(99=Unknown, 88=periods stopped for more than 1 year or using postmenopausal hormones)

Age when periods stopped. If periods now induced by hormones, code age when periods naturally stopped. (00=not stopped, 99=Unknown)

Shape268 Was your menopause natural or the result of surgery, Still menstruating chemotherapy, or radiation? Natural

Surgical Chemo/radiation Other


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Shape269 Have you since your last exam taken hormone No

replacement therapy (estrogen/progesterone) or a Yes, now selective estrogen receptor modulator (such as evista Yes, not now or raloxifene)? Unk.


Surgery History

Shape271 Since your last exam have you had a hysterectomy No

(uterus/womb removed)? Yes


If yes, age at hysterectomy?

Shape272 (99=Unknown)

If yes, date of surgery (month)

Shape273 (99=Unk.)

If yes, date of surgery (year)

Shape274 (9999=Unk.)

Shape275 Since last exam have you had an operation to remove No one or both of your ovaries? Yes


If yes, age when ovaries removed?


(If more than one surgery, use age at last surgery. 99=Unk )

Shape277 If yes, number of ovaries removed? One ovary Two ovaries

Unknown number of ovaries Part of an ovary

(If more than one surgery, use age at last surgery. 99=Unk )


Additional Comments

Female Repro - Menopause

M07 Smoking


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]



Shape282 Since your last exam have you smoked cigarettes No

regularly? Yes


If "Yes"

Shape283 Have you smoked cigarettes regularly in the last No

year? (No means less than 1 cigarette a day for 1 Yes

year.) Unknown

Shape284 Do you smoke cigarettes (as of 1 month ago)? No Yes


How many cigarettes do you smoke per day now?

Shape285 (99 = Unknown)

Questions below refer to "whole lifetime"

Shape286 On the average of the entire time you smoked, how

many cigarettes did you smoke per day? (99 = Unknown)

Shape287 How old were you when you first started regular

cigarette smoking? (99 = Unknown)

Shape288 If you have stopped smoking cigarettes completely,

how old were you when you stopped? (00 = Not stopped, 99 = Unknown)

Shape289 When you were smoking, did you ever stop smoking No

for > 6 months? Yes


If "Yes"

Shape290 For how many years in total did you stop smoking

cigarettes? (1 = 6 months - 1 year, 99 = Unknown)

Page 2 of 2


Pipes or Cigars

Shape292 Since your last exam have you regularly smoked a pipe No or cigar? Yes


If "Yes"

Shape293 Do you smoke a pipe or cigar now? No Yes




Shape295 E-cigarettes are battery-powered and produce vapor instead of smoke. Have you ever tried an e-cigarette? No


Refused to answer Don't know

If "Yes"

Shape296 Have you ever been a regular user of e-cigarettes No

(at least once per week)? Yes

Refused to answer Don't know

If "Yes"

How long did you use e-cigarettes? (# of years)

Shape297 (99 = Unknown)

Shape298 How many days per week, on average, did you use

e-cigarettes while you were a regular user? (1 = 1 day or less per week, 9 = Unknown)

Shape299 In the past 5 days, including today, on how many 0 days

days did you smoke an e-cigarette? 1 day 2 days

  1. days

  2. days

  3. days

Refused to answer Don't know


Additional Comments


M08 Alcohol Consumption


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Alcohol Consumption

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Now I will ask you questions regarding your alcohol use.

Shape303 Do you drink beer at least once a month? (serving 12 No

oz. bottle, glass, can) Yes


If "Yes"

Shape304 Do you drink beer at least once week? No Yes


If "Yes"

Number of beers per week

Shape305 (999 = Unknown)

If "No"

Number of beers per month

Shape306 (999 = Unknown)

Shape307 Do you drink wine at least once a month? (serving red No or white, 4oz. glass) Yes


If "Yes"

Shape308 Do you drink wine at least once a week? No Yes


If "Yes"

Number of glasses of wine per week

Shape309 (999 = Unknown)

If "No"

Number of glasses of wine per month

Shape310 (999 = Unknown)

Shape311 Do you drink liquor/ spirits at least once a month? No

(serving 1 oz. cocktail/ highball) Yes


If "Yes"

Shape312 Do you drink liquor/ spirits at least once per week? No Yes


If "Yes"

Page 2 of 2

Number of drinks per week

Shape313 (999 = Unknown)

If "No"

Number of drinks per month

Shape314 (999 = Unknown)

At what age did you stop drinking alcohol?


(000 = Not stopped, 888 = Never drinker, 999 = Unknown)

Over the past year, on average, on how many days per

week did you drink an alcoholic beverage of any type? (0 = No days, 1 = 1 day or less, 9 = Unknown)

Shape316 Over the past year, on a typical day when you drink,

how many drinks do you have? (0 = No drinks, 1 = 1 or less, 99 = Unknown)

What was the maximum number of drinks you had in a 24

hour period during the past month? (0 = No drinks, 1 = 1 or less, 99 = Unknown)

Shape317 Since your last exam has there been a time when you No

drank 5 or more alcoholic drinks of any kind almost Yes

daily? Unknown

Shape318 Over the past year, does participant drink less than No

one alcoholic drink of any type per month? Yes


Additional Comments

Alcohol Consumption

M09 Respiratory Symptoms


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Respiratory Symptoms

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]



In the past 12 months . . .

Shape324 Do you usually have a cough? (Exclude clearing of the No throat) Yes


Shape325 Do you usually have a cough at all on getting up or No

first thing in the morning? Yes


If "Yes" to either of 2 questions directly above

Shape326 Do you cough like this on most days for three No

consecutive months or more during the past year? Yes Unknown

How many years have you had this cough? (# of years)

(1 = 1 year or less, 99 = Unknown)



In the past 12 months . . .

Shape328 Do you usually bring up phlegm from your chest? No Yes


Shape329 Do you usually bring up phlegm at all on getting up No

or first thing in the morning? Yes


If "Yes" to either of 2 questions directly above

Shape330 Do you bring up phlegm from your chest on most days No for three consecutive months or more during the year? Yes


How many years have you had trouble with phlegm? (# of years) (1 = 1 year or less, 99 = Unknown)

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In the past 12 months . . .

Shape332 Have you had wheezing or whistling in your chest at No

any time? Yes


If "Yes"

Shape333 How often have you had this wheezing or whistling? MOST days or nights

A few days or nights a WEEK

A few days or nights a MONTH A few days or nights a YEAR Unknown

Shape334 Have you had this wheezing or whistling in the chest No

when you had a cold? Yes


Shape335 Have you had this wheezing or whistling in the chest No

apart from colds? Yes


Shape336 Have you had an attack of wheezing or whistling in No

the chest that made you feel short of breath? Yes Unknown

M09b Sleep Apnea and CHF Opinion


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Sleep Apnea and CHF Opinion

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]


Sleep Related Symptoms (days/ nights)

Since your last exam . . .

Shape340 On average how many nights a week did you snore? Never

Rarely (1-2 nights/week)

Occasionally (3-4 nights/week) Frequently (5 or more nights/week) I don't know


Shape341 On average, how many nights a week do you snort, Never

gasp, or stop breathing while you are asleep? Rarely (1-2 nights/week) Occasionally (3-4 nights/week) Frequently (5 or more nights/week) I don't know


Shape342 On average, how many days a week have you had Never

excessive (too much) daytime sleepiness? Rarely (1-2 nights/week) Occasionally (3-4 nights/week) Frequently (5 or more nights/week) I don't know



Nocturnal Chest Symptoms

Since your last exam . . .

Shape344 Have you been awakened by shortness of breath? No Yes


Shape345 Have you been awakened by a wheezing/ whistling in No

your chest? Yes


Shape346 Have you been awakened by coughing? No Yes


If "Yes"

Shape347 How often have you been awakened by coughing? MOST days or nights

A few days or nights a WEEK

A few days or nights a MONTH A few days or nights a YEAR Unknown


Shortness of Breath

Since your last exam . . .

Shape349 Are you troubled by shortness of breath when hurrying No on level ground or walking up a slight hill? Yes


If "Yes"

Shape350 Do you have to walk slower than people of your age No

on level ground because of shortness of breath? Yes Unknown

Shape351 Do you have to stop for breath when walking at your No

own pace on level ground? Yes


Shape352 Do you have to stop for breath after walking 100 No

yards (or after a few minutes) on level ground? Yes Unknown

Shape353 Do you/ have you needed to sleep on two or more No

pillows to help you breathe (Orthopnea)? Yes Unknown

Shape354 Have you had swelling in both your ankles (ankle No

edema)? Yes


Shape355 Have you been told by your doctor that you had heart No

failure or congestive heart failure? Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

Shape356 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? No


If "No"

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Date of visit - year

Shape359 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape360 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape361 Have you been to a hospital/ E.R. for heart failure? No Yes


If "Yes"

Shape362 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? No


If "No"

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


Date of hospitalization - year

Shape365 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape366 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)


CHF First Examiner Opinion

Shape368 First Examiner believes CHF No

Yes Maybe Unknown


Additional Comments

Sleep Apnea and CHF Opinion

Blood Pressure 1st MD Reading

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Systolic (to nearest 2 mm Hg)


Diastolic (to nearest 2 mm Hg)


Shape372 BP cuff size Pedi

Regular adult Large adult Thigh Unknown

Shape373 Protocol modification No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

Comments for Protocol modification



Additional Comments

Blood Pressure 1st MD Reading

Chest Discomfort and CHD Opinion

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Shape379 Since you last provided medical information No

([lastmedinfodate]) have you experienced any chest Yes

discomfort? (Please provide narrative comments in Maybe

addition to completing the appropriate questions.) Unknown If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape380 Chest discomfort with exertion or excitement No Yes

Maybe Unknown

Shape381 Chest discomfort when quiet or resting No Yes

Maybe Unknown

Chest Discomfort Characteristics

Date of onset - year

Shape385 (2002-2021)

Shape386 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Usual duration (minutes)


(1 = 1 min or less, 900 = 15 hrs or more, 999 = Unknown)

Longest duration (minutes)


(1 = 1 min or less, 900 = 15 hrs or more, 999 = Unknown)

Shape389 Location No

Central sternum and upper chest Left upper quadrant

Left lower ribcage Right chest

Other Combination Unknown

Shape390 Radiation No

Left shoulder or left arm Neck

Right shoulder or right arm, Back

Abdomen Other Combination Unknown

Number of episodes of chest pain in past month

Shape391 (999 = Unknown)

Number of episodes of chest pain in past year

Shape392 (999 = Unknown)

Shape393 Type Pressure, heavy, vise

Sharp Dull Other Unknown

Relief by nitroglycerin in < 15 minutes

No Yes Not tried Unknown

Shape394 Shape395 Shape396 Shape397 Shape398 Shape399 Shape400 Shape401 Relief by rest in < 15 minutes

Shape402 Shape403 Shape404 Shape405 Relief spontaneously in < 15 minutes

Shape406 Shape407 Shape408 Shape409 Relief by other cause in < 15 minutes

Shape410 Since you last provided medical information No

([lastmedinfodate]) have you been told by a doctor Yes

you had a heart attack, myocardial infarction or Maybe

angina? Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape411 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? No


If "No"

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Date of visit - year

Shape414 (2002-2021)

Shape415 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape416 Since you last provided medical information No

([lastmedinfodate]) have you been to a hospital/ E.R. Yes

for a heart attack, myocardial infarction or angina? Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape417 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? No


If "No"

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


Date - year

Shape420 (2002-2021)

Shape421 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)


CHD First Examiner Opinions

Shape423 Angina pectoris No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape424 Angina pectoris since revascularization procedure No Yes

Maybe Unknown

Shape425 Coronary insufficiency No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape426 Myocardial infarct No

Yes Maybe Unknown


Additional Comments

Chest Discomfort and CHD Opinion

Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

Page 1 of 3

M12 Atrial Fibrillation Syncope Syncope Opinion




Atrial Fibrillation, Syncope & Syncope Opinion

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Atrial Fibrillation

Since your last exam or medical history update....

Shape430 Have you been told you have/had atrial fibrillation? No Yes

Maybe Unknown

Shape431 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? Yes


If "No"

Date of first episode - year


Shape433 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape434 ER/hospitalized or saw M.D. No

Hosp/ER Saw M.D.


Name of the hospital (write Unk. if unknown)


Name of M.D. (write Unk. if unknown)



Shape437 Have you fainted or lost consciousness? No Yes

Maybe Unknown

Number of episodes in the past two years

Shape438 (999=Unknown)

Date of first episode (month)

Shape439 (99=Unknown)

Date of first episode (year)

Shape440 (9999=Unknown)

Usual duration of loss of consciousness (minutes)

Shape441 (999=Unk., 1=1 min or less)

Shape442 Did you have any injury caused by the event? No Yes

Maybe Unknown

(999=Unk., 1=1 min or less)

Shape443 ER/hospitalized or saw M.D. No

Hosp/ER Saw M.D.


(999=Unk., 1=1 min or less)

Name of the hospital (write Unk. if unknown)


Name of M.D. (write Unk. if unknown)


Shape446 Have you had a head injury with loss of No

consciousness? Yes

Maybe Unknown

Shape447 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? Yes


If "No",

Shape448 Date of serious head injury with loss of consciousn.

- year (9999=Unknown)

Shape449 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape450 Have you had a seizure? No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape451 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? Yes


If "No",

Date of most recent seizure - year

Shape452 (9999=Unknown)

Shape453 Are you being treated for a seizure disorder? No Yes

Maybe Unknown

Syncope First Examiner Opinion

Shape454 Syncope (needs second opinion) No

Yes Maybe

Presyncope Unk.

Shape455 Cardiac syncope No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape456 Vasovagal syncope No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape457 Other syncope No

Yes Maybe Unknown




Additional Comments

Atrial Fibrillation Syncope Syncope Opinion

M13 Cerebrovascular Disease and Opinion


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Cerebrovascular Disease and Opinion

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]


Cerebrovascular Disease

Since you last provided medical information ([lastmedinfodate]) have you had . . .

Shape463 Shape464 Sudden muscular weakness Sudden speech difficulty Sudden visual defect Sudden double vision

Sudden loss of vision in one eye Sudden numbness, tingling

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape465 Shape466 Shape467 Shape468 Shape469 Shape470 Shape471 Shape472 Shape473 Shape474 Shape475 Shape476 Shape477 Shape478 Shape479 Shape480 Shape481 Shape482 Shape483 If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape484 Numbness and tingling is positional No Yes

Maybe Unknown


Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape486 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? No


If "No"

Name of facility


Location of facility


Date - year

Shape489 (2002-2021)

Shape490 Shape491 Shape492

Shape493 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)


Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape495 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? No


If "No"

Name of facility


Location of facility


Date - year

Shape498 (2002-2021)

Shape499 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape500 Seen by neurologist No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape501 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? No


If "No"

Name of neurologist


Location of neurologist


Date - year

Shape504 (2002-2021)

Shape505 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Have you been told by a doctor you had a stroke or TIA (transient ischemic attack,


No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape506 Shape507 Shape508 Shape509 Shape510 Shape511 Shape512 Shape513 Have you been told by a doctor you have Parkinson's disease?

Shape514 Shape515 Shape516 Shape517 Have you been told by a doctor you have memory problems, dementia or Alzheimer's disease?

Shape518 Shape519 Shape520 Shape521 Do you feel or do other people think that you have memory problems that prevent you from doing things you've done in the past?

Shape522 Shape523 Shape524 Shape525 Do you feel your memory is becoming worse?


Cerebrovascular Disease First Examiner Opinion

Shape527 TIA or stroke took place No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Date of TIA or stroke - year

Shape528 (2002-2021)

Shape529 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Observed by


Duration - number of days

Shape531 (99 = Unknown)

Duration - number of hours

Shape532 (0 - 23, 99 = Unknown)

Duration - number of minutes

Shape533 (0 - 59, 99 = Unknown)

Shape534 Hospitalized or saw MD No

Hosp/ER Saw MD Unknown

Shape535 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? No


If "No"

Name of hospital


Location of hospital


Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Date - Year

Shape540 (2002-2021)

Shape541 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)


Additional Comments

Cerebrovascular Disease and Opinion

M14 Venous and PAD and IC Opinion


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Venous and Peripheral Arterial Disease and Intermittent Claudication Opinion Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex]

Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]


Venous Disease

Since you last provided medical information ([lastmedinfodate]) have you had . . .

Shape546 Deep vein thrombosis - DVT (blood clots in legs or No

arms) Yes

Maybe Unknown

Shape547 Pulmonary embolus - PE (blood clot in lungs) No Yes

Maybe Unknown


Peripheral Arterial Disease

Since you last provided medical information ([lastmedinfodate]) . . .

Shape549 Do you get discomfort in either leg on walking? No Yes


If "Yes"

Shape550 Does this discomfort ever begin when you are No

standing still or sitting? Yes


When walking at an ordinary pace on level ground,


how many city blocks until symptoms develop? (where (1 = 1 block or less, 99 = Unknown) 10 blocks = 1 mile. Code as No if more than 98

blocks required to develop symptoms)

Claudication Symptoms

Discomfort in calf while walking

  • left

No Yes Unknown

Shape552 Shape553 Shape554 Shape555 Shape556 Shape557 Discomfort in calf while walking

  • right

Shape558 Shape559 Shape560 Discomfort in lower leg (not calf) while walking - left

Shape561 Shape562 Shape563 Discomfort in lower leg (not calf) while walking - right

Shape564 If discomfort in either left or right not calf "Yes" Write in site of discomfort

Shape565 Occurs with first steps (code worse leg) No Yes


Shape566 Do you get the discomfort when you walk up a hill or No

hurry? Yes


Shape567 Does the discomfort ever disappear while you are No

still walking? Yes


Shape568 What do you do if you get discomfort when you are Stop

walking? Slow down

Continue at same pace Unknown

Shape569 Time for discomfort to be relieved by stopping

(minutes) (000 = No relief with stopping, 999 = Unknown)

Number of days/month of lower limb discomfort

Shape570 (1 = 1 day/month or less, 99 = Unknown)

Shape571 Since your last exam have you been told by a doctor No

you have intermittent claudication or peripheral Yes

artery disease? Unknown

If "Yes"

Shape572 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? No


If "No"

Name of doctor


Location of doctor


Date of visit - year

Shape575 (2002-2021)

Shape576 DATE details (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape577 Since your last exam have you been told by a doctor No

you have spinal stenosis? Yes



Intermittent Claudication First Examiner Opinion

Shape579 Intermittent claudication No

Yes Maybe Unknown


Additional Comments

Venous and Peripheral Arterial Disease and Intermittent Claudication Opinion

M15 CVD Procedures


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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CVD Procedures

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Since you last provided medical information ([lastmedinfodate]) did you have any of the following cardiovascular procedures?

(if procedure was repeated, code only first and provide narrative)

Shape584 Heart valvular surgery No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape585 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape586 Exercise tolerance test No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape587 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape588 Coronary arteriogram No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape589 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape590 Coronary artery angioplasty or stent No Yes

Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape591 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape592 Coronary bypass surgery No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape593 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape594 Permanent pacemaker insertion No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape595 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape596 Carotid artery surgery or stent No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape597 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape598 Thoracic aorta surgery No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape599 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape600 Abdominal aorta surgery No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape601 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape602 Femoral or lower extremity surgery No Yes

Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape603 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape604 Lower extremity amputation No

Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape605 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Shape606 Other cardiovascular procedure (specify below) No Yes

Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Year done

Shape607 (2002 - 2021, 9999 = Unknown)

Specify other cardiovascular procedure


Write in other procedures, year done, location if more than one.


Additional Comments

CVD Procedures

Blood Pressure 2nd MD Reading

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Systolic (to nearest 2 mm Hg)


Diastolic (to nearest 2 mm Hg)


Shape612 BP cuff size Pedi

Regular adult Large adult Thigh Unknown

Shape613 Protocol modification No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

Comments for Protocol modification



Additional Comments

Blood Pressure 2nd MD Reading


Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Shape619 Since your last provided medical information No

([lastmedinfodate]) have you had a cancer or tumor? Yes Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape620 Cancer or tumor - #1 Esophagus

Stomach Colon Hand Rectum Pancreas Larynx

Trachea?Bronchus/Lung Leukemia

Skin Breast

Cervix/Uteru Ovary Prostate Bladder Kidney

Brain Lymphoma Other

Cancer or tumor site for "Other" - #1 ([cancersite1])


Shape622 Diagnosis - #1 ([cancersite1]) Cancer

Maybe cancer Benign

Shape623 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01 - No

#1 ([cancersite1]) Yes

If "No"

Year first diagnosed - #1 ([cancersite1])


Shape625 DATE details for diagnose - #1 ([cancersite1]) (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of MD for diagnose - #1 ([cancersite1])


Location of MD for diagnose - #1 ([cancersite1])


Shape628 Was a diagnostic biopsy done? - #1 ([cancersite1]) No Yes

If "Yes"

Year of biopsy - #1 ([cancersite1])


Shape633 DATE details for biopsy - #1 ([cancersite1])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc)

Name of MD for biopsy - #1 ([cancersite1])


Location of MD for biopsy - #1 ([cancersite1])


Shape636 Have you had another cancer or tumor? No Yes

Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape637 Site of cancer or tumor - #2 Esophagus

Stomach Colon Hand Rectum Pancreas Larynx

Trachea?Bronchus/Lung Leukemia

Skin Breast

Cervix/Uteru Ovary Prostate Bladder Kidney

Brain Lymphoma Other

Cancer or tumor site for "Other" - #2 ([cancersite2])


Shape639 Diagnosis - #2 ([cancersite2]) Cancer

Maybe cancer Benign

Shape640 Have medical encounter details been entered on M02 - No

#2 ([cancersite2]) Yes

If "No"

Year first diagnosed - #2 ([cancersite2])


Shape642 DATE details for diagnose - #2 ([cancersite2]) (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of MD for diagnose - #2 ([cancersite2])


Location of MD for diagnose - #2 ([cancersite2])


Shape645 Was a diagnostic biopsy done? - #2 ([cancersite2]) No Yes

If "Yes"

Year of biopsy - #2 ([cancersite2])


Shape647 DATE details for biopsy - #2 ([cancersite2])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc)

Name of MD for biopsy - #2 ([cancersite2])


Location of MD for biopsy - #2 ([cancersite2])


Shape650 Have you had another cancer or tumor? No Yes

Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape651 Site of cancer or tumor - #3 Esophagus

Stomach Colon Hand Rectum Pancreas Larynx

Trachea?Bronchus/Lung Leukemia

Skin Breast

Cervix/Uteru Ovary Prostate Bladder Kidney

Brain Lymphoma Other

Cancer or tumor site for "Other" - #3 ([cancersite3])


Shape653 Diagnosis - #3 ([cancersite3]) Cancer

Maybe cancer Benign

Shape654 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01 - No

#3 ([cancersite3]) Yes

If "No"

Year first diagnosed - #3 ([cancersite3])


Shape656 DATE details for diagnose - #3 ([cancersite3]) (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of MD for diagnose - #3 ([cancersite3])


Location of MD for diagnose - #3 ([cancersite3])


Shape659 Was a diagnostic biopsy done? - #3 ([cancersite3]) No Yes

If "Yes"

Year of biopsy - #3 ([cancersite3])


Shape661 DATE details for biopsy - #3 ([cancersite3])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc)

Name of MD for biopsy - #3 ([cancersite3])


Location of MD for biopsy - #3 ([cancersite3])


Shape664 Have you had another cancer or tumor? No Yes

Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape665 Other

Cancer or tumor site for "Other" - #4 ([cancersite4])


Shape667 Diagnosis - #4 ([cancersite4]) Cancer

Maybe cancer Benign

Shape668 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01 - No

#4 ([cancersite4]) Yes

If "No"

Year first diagnosed - #4 ([cancersite4])


Shape670 DATE details for diagnose - #4 ([cancersite4]) (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of MD for diagnose - #4 ([cancersite4])


Location of MD for diagnose - #4 ([cancersite4])


Shape673 Was a diagnostic biopsy done? - #4 ([cancersite4]) No Yes

If "Yes"

Year of biopsy - #4 ([cancersite4])


Shape675 DATE details for biopsy - #4 ([cancersite4])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc)

Name of MD for biopsy - #4 ([cancersite4])


Location of MD for biopsy - #4 ([cancersite4])


Shape678 Have you had another cancer or tumor? No Yes

Maybe Unknown

If "Yes" or "Maybe"

Shape697 Other

Cancer or tumor site for "Other" - #5 ([cancersite5])


Shape699 Diagnosis - #5 ([cancersite5]) Cancer

Maybe cancer Benign

Shape700 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01 - No

#5 ([cancersite5]) Yes

If "No"

Year first diagnosed - #5 ([cancersite5])


Shape702 DATE details for diagnose - #5 ([cancersite5]) (e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Name of MD for diagnose - #5 ([cancersite5])


Location of MD for diagnose - #5 ([cancersite5])


Shape705 Was a diagnostic biopsy done? - #5 ([cancersite5]) No Yes

If "Yes"

Year of biopsy - #5 ([cancersite5])


Shape707 DATE details for biopsy - #5 ([cancersite5])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc)

Name of MD for biopsy - #5 ([cancersite5])


Location of MD for biopsy - #5 ([cancersite5])



Additional Comments




Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

Page 1 of 3




Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]





MD Name



Rhythm - predominant

Shape735 Rhythm Normal sinus (including s. tach, s. brady, s.

arrhy, 1 degree AV block)

Shape736 2nd degress AV block, Mobitz I (Wenckebach) 2nd degree AV block, Mobitz II

3rd degree AV block / AV dissociation Atrial fibrillation / atrial flutter

Nodal Paced

Other or combination of above (list)

Shape737 If "Other or combination of above (list)" Specify combination


Ventricular Conduction Abnormalities

Shape739 IV block No


Fully paced or unknown

If "Yes"

Shape740 Pattern Left

Right Indeterminate Unknown

Shape741 IV block complete or incomplete Incomplete (QRS interval < .12 sec) Complete (QRS interval >= .12 sec) Unknown

Shape742 Hemiblock No

Left ant. Left post.

Fully paced or unknown

Page 2 of 3

Shape743 WPW syndrome No

Yes Maybe

Fully paced or unknown



Shape745 Atrial premature beats No


Atr. aber. Unknown

Shape746 Ventricular premature beats No

Simple Multifoc. Pairs Run

R on T Unknown

If "Simple", "Multifoc.", "Pairs', "Run" or "R on T"

Number of ventricular premature beats in 10 seconds (see 10 second rhythm strip)


Myocardial Infarction Location

Shape748 Anterior No

Yes Maybe

Fully paced or unknown

Shape749 Inferior No

Yes Maybe

Fully paced or unknown

Shape750 True posterior No

Yes Maybe

Fully paced or unknown


Hypertrophy, Enlargement, and Other ECG Diagnoses

Shape752 Nonspecific S-T segment abnormality No

S-T depression S-T flattening Other

Fully paced or unknown

Shape753 Nonspecific T-wave abnormality No

T inversion T flattening Other

Fully paced or unknown

Shape754 Left Right Both

Atrial fib. or unknown

Shape755 RVH (If complete RBBB or LBBB present, code RVH = None

Unknown) Yes


Fully paced or unknown

Shape756 LVH (If complete LBBB present, code LVH = Unknown) None

LVH with strain

LVH with mild S-T segment abn. LVH by voltage only

Fully paced or unknown


Additional Comments


M19 Clinical Diagnostic Impression


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Clinical Diagnostic Impression

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Have you ever been told you have . . .


Heart Diagnoses

Shape762 Shape763 Shape764 Shape765 Aortic valve disease Mitral valve disease

No Yes Maybe Unknown


Shape767 Shape768 Shape769 Shape770 Shape771 Shape772 Shape773 Shape774 Neurological Disease

Dementia/ TIA Parkinson's's Disease Adult seizure disorder Migraine

Other neurological disease

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape775 Shape776 Shape777 Shape778 Shape779 Shape780 Shape781 Shape782 Shape783 Shape784 Shape785 Shape786 Shape787 Shape788 Shape789 Shape790 Specify other neurological disease





Thyroid disease Diabetes Mellitus

Other endocrine disorders

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape793 Shape794 Shape795 Shape796 Shape797 Shape798 Shape799 Shape800 Shape801 Shape802 Shape803 Shape804 Specify other endocrine disorders



Renal disease

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape808 Shape809 Shape810 Shape811 Specify renal disease


Prostate disease Gynecological problems

No Yes Maybe Male/Female Unknown

Shape813 Shape814 Shape815 Shape816 Shape817 Shape818 Shape819 Shape820 Shape821 Shape822 Specify gynecological problems




Emphysema Pneumonia Asthma

Other pulmonary disease

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape825 Shape826 Shape827 Shape828 Shape829 Shape830 Shape831 Shape832 Shape833 Shape834 Shape835 Shape836 Shape837 Shape838 Shape839 Shape840 Specify other pulmonary disease



Rheumatologic Disorders


Degenerative joint disease Rheumatoid arthritis

Other muscular or connective tissue disease

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape843 Shape844 Shape845 Shape846 Shape847 Shape848 Shape849 Shape850 Shape851 Shape852 Shape853 Shape854 Shape855 Shape856 Shape857 Shape858 Specify other muscular or connective tissue disease




Gallbladder disease GERD/ ulcer disease Liver disease

Other GI disease

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape861 Shape862 Shape863 Shape864 Shape865 Shape866 Shape867 Shape868 Shape869 Shape870 Shape871 Shape872 Shape873 Shape874 Shape875 Shape876 Specify other GI disease



Hematologic disorder Bleeding disorder

No Yes Maybe Unknown


Shape879 Shape880 Shape881 Shape882 Shape883 Shape884 Shape885 Shape886 Infectious Disease

Infectious disease

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape887 Shape888 Shape889 Shape890 Specify infectious disease



Mental Health

Depression Anxiety

Other mental health

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape893 Shape894 Shape895 Shape896 Shape897 Shape898 Shape899 Shape900 Shape901 Shape902 Shape903 Shape904 Specify other mental health





Skin Other

No Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape907 Shape908 Shape909 Shape910 Shape911 Shape912 Shape913 Shape914 Shape915 Shape916 Shape917 Shape918 Shape919 Shape920 Shape921 Shape922 Specify other



Additional Comments

Clinical Diagnostic Impression

M20 Second Examiner Opinions


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

Page 1 of 2



Second Examiner Opinion

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

This form is not completed for exams performed OFFSITE. Choose Save and go to Next Form to continue. No second opinions are required for this participant. Choose Save and go to Next Form to continue.

Shape927 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped


Second examiner ID number



Coronary Heart Disease

Shape931 Provide initiators, qualities, radiation, severity, timing, presence after procedures done 2nd opinion for congestive heart failure No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape932 2nd opinion for cardiac syncope No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape933 2nd opinion for angina pectoris No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape934 2nd opinion for coronary insufficiency No Yes

Maybe Unknown

Shape935 2nd opinion for myocardial infarct No Yes

Maybe Unknown

Comments about heart disease

Page 2 of 2


Intermittent Claudication

Shape937 Provide initiators, qualities, radiation, severity, timing, presence after procedures done 2nd opinion for intermittent claudication No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Comments about peripheral artery disease


Cerebrovascular Disease

Shape939 Provide initiators, qualities, severity, timing, presence after procedures done 2nd opinion for stroke No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Shape940 2nd opinion for TIA No

Yes Maybe Unknown

Comments about possible cerebrovascular disease


Additional Comments

Second Examiner Opinions

M21 Referral Tracking


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Referral Tracking

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]


Further Medical Evaluation

Shape946 Was further medical evaluation recommended for this No

participant? Yes




Shape948 Blood pressure No


Result - Systolic (mmHg)


Result - Diastolic (mmHg)


Phone call if SBP >= 200 or DBP >= 110 Expedite if SBP >= 180 or DBP >= 100 Elevated if SBP >= 140 or DBP >= 90

Shape951 ECG abnormality No


Specify abnormality


Shape953 Clinic physician identified medical problem No Yes

Specify medical problem


Shape955 Other No


Specify other



Method used to inform . . . Participant

No Yes

Page 2 of 2

Shape958 Shape959 Shape960 Shape961 Face-to-face in clinic Phone call

Shape962 Shape963 Shape964 Shape965 Result letter Other


Method used to inform . . . Participant's personal physician

Phone call

Result letter mailed

Result letter FAX'd (inform staff if FAX needed)

No Yes

Shape967 Shape968 Shape969 Shape970 Shape971 Shape972 Shape973 Shape974 Other

Date referral made


ID number of person completing referral


Notes documenting conversation with participant or participant's personal physician

Shape977 For Omni participants only: Which language was English

primarily used in conversing with the participant? Spanish Mixed Unknown


Additional Comments

Referral Tracking

Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

Page 1 of 2

S01 General Information Sociodemographic



General Information (Sociodemographic)

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

What is your current marital status?

Shape981 Single or never married

Married or living as married/living with partner Separated

Divorced Widowed

Prefer not to answer

What is the HIGHEST degree or level of school you have completed? (if currently enrolled, mark the highest grade completed, degree received)

Shape982 Grades 1-8

Grades 9-11

Completed high school (12th grade) or GED Some college but no degree

Technical school certificate

Associate degree (Junior college AA, AS) Bachelor's degree (BA, AB, BS)

Graduate or professional (master's, doctorate, MD etc.) Prefer not to answer

Please choose which of the following best describes your current employment status?

Shape983 Homemaker, not working outside the home Employed (or self-employed) full time Employed (or self-employed) part time Employed, but on leave for health reasons Employed, but temporarily away from my job Unemployed or laid off

Retired from usual occupation and not working Retired from usual occupation but working for pay Retired from usual occupation but volunteering Pefer not to answer

Unemployed due to disability Full-time student

Shape984 Shape985 Shape986 Shape987 What is your current occupation?

Using the occupation coding sheet choose the code that best describes your occupation

High degree Medium degree Training required Entry level Other

Page 2 of 2

Please select which income group that best represents your combined family income for the past 12 months.

Shape989 Under $20,000

$20,000 - $34,999

$35,000 - $54,999

$55,000 - $74,999

$75,000 - $100.000

Over $100,000 Prefer not to answer

Shape990 How many people are supported by this income?


Additional Comments

Additional comments for General Information (Sociodemographic)

S02 Health Insurance and Medications


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Health Insurance and Medications

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]


Health Insurance

Shape995 Do you currently have health insurance? No Yes

Prefer not to answer Unknown

If "Yes"

Shape996 HMO or other private insurance such as Blue Cross, No

Aetna, Harvard-Pilgrim, etc. Yes

Prefer not to answer Unknown

If "Yes"

Blue Cross Blue Shield Harvard-Pilgrim

Tufts Aetna

United Health Care Other

No Yes Unknown

Shape997 Shape998 Shape999

Shape1000 Shape1001 Shape1002 Shape1003 Shape1004 Shape1005 Shape1006 Shape1007 Shape1008 Shape1009 Shape1010 Shape1011 Shape1012 Shape1013 Shape1014 Shape1015 Specify other health insurance

Shape1016 Medicare No


Prefer not to answer Unknown

Shape1017 Medicaid No


Prefer not to answer Unknown

Shape1018 Military or Veteran's Administration sponsored No Yes

Prefer not to answer Unknown

Shape1019 Other No


Prefer not to answer Unknown

Page 2 of 2

Shape1020 Do you have prescription drug coverage? No Yes

Prefer not to answer Unknown

If "Yes" (Check one, Joanne will find the most common prescription drug plans in MA)



Shape1022 Do you take any medications? No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

The questions below refer to medication recommended to you by your doctor or health care provider.

Did you ever forget to take your medicine?

No Yes Unknown

Shape1023 Shape1024 Shape1025 Shape1026 Shape1027 Shape1028 Are you careless at times about taking your medicine?

Shape1029 Shape1030 Shape1031 When you feel better do you stop taking your medicine?

Shape1032 Shape1033 Shape1034 Sometimes if you feel worse when you take the medicine, do you stop taking it?

Shape1035 How often do you forget to take your medicine? Never

More than once per week Once per week

More than once per month Once per month

Less than once per month


Health Survey (SF-12) part 1

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

This questionnaire asks for your views about your health. This information will help you keep track of how you feel and how well you are able to do your usual activities.

Please answer every question by marking one box. If you are unsure about how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can.

  1. Shape1037 In general, would you say your health is: Poor Fair Good

Very Good Excellent

The following questions are about activities you might do during a typical day. Does your health now limit you in these activities? If so, how much?

  1. Shape1038 Moderate activities, such as moving a table, No, not limited at all

pushing a vacuum cleaner, bowling, or playing golf Yes, limited a little Yes, limited a lot

  1. Shape1039 Climbing several flights of stairs No, not limited at all Yes, limited a little Yes, limited a lot

During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of your physical health?

  1. Shape1040 Accomplished less than you would like Yes No

  1. Shape1041 Were limited in the kind of work or other Yes

activities No

During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of any emotional problems (such as feeling depressed or anxious)?

  1. Shape1042 Accomplished less than you would like Yes No

  1. Shape1043 Didn't do work or other activities as carefully as Yes

usual No

Health Survey (SF-12) part 2

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]


8. During the past 4 weeks ...

Shape1047 how much did pain interfere with your normal work (including both work outside the home and housework)?

Not at all (=0) A little Bit (=1) Moderately (=2) Quite a Bit (=3) Extremely (=4)

Shape1048 Shape1049 Shape1050 Shape1051 These questions are about how you feel and how things have been with you during the past 4 weeks. For each question, please give the one answer that comes closest to the way you have been feeling.


How much of the time during the past 4 weeks...

  1. Have you felt calm and peaceful?

All of the time (=5)

Most of the time (=4)

A good bit of the time (=3)

Some of the time (=2)

A little of the time (=1)

None of the time (=0)

  1. Shape1053 Shape1054 Shape1055 Shape1056 Shape1057 Shape1058 Shape1059 Shape1060 Shape1061 Shape1062 Shape1063 Shape1064 Did you have a lot of energy?

  2. Shape1065 Shape1066 Shape1067 Shape1068 Shape1069 Shape1070 Have you felt downhearted and blue?

  1. Shape1071 During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time has All of the time your physical health or emotional problems interfered Most of the time with your social activities (like visiting friends, Some of the time

relatives, etc.)? A little of the time

None of the time


Bleeding History

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

These questions are being asked because in rare situations some people or families have clinical bleeding problems or abnormalities. Since we are conducting blood cell counts, measurements of blood RNA and biomarkers, and tests of blood platelet reactivity, it is helpful to know about any individual or family clinical bleeding history since this can help in interpretation and analysis of results.

Shape1073 Does your FAMILY have a history of bleeding problems No or complications? (EXAMPLES: frequent nosebleeds, Yes prolonged or excessive bleeding or bruising after

cuts/trauma, gum bleeding, excess bleeding after dental or other medical or surgical procedures, extreme bleeding with your period)

Shape1074 Have YOU ever experienced frequent (>=1week) No

nosebleeds in your lifetime? Yes

Shape1075 Had nosebleeds lasting longer than 5 minutes or which No required medical attention? Yes

Shape1076 Do YOU experience frequent or heavy bruising No

disproportionate to the size of trauma? Yes

Shape1077 Do YOU ever experience prolonged bleeding (>5minutes) No with minor cuts, or with bites to lip, cheek or Yes tongue?

Shape1078 Have YOU experienced prolonged bleeding at the No

dentist that delayed a procedure, or after leaving a Yes dentist's office?

Shape1079 Have YOU experienced bleeding that a No surgeon/physician termed abnormal, caused a delay in Yes discharge, or required supportive treatment (for

example: re-suturing, re-admission, transfusion, iron therapy)?


Have YOU ever experienced or been told you have any of the following?

Skin bleeding/red spots (petechiae)

No Yes

Shape1082 Shape1083 Shape1084 Shape1085 Shape1086 Shape1087 Shape1088 Shape1089 Spontaneous Gum bleeding Vomiting blood (hematemesis) Black, tarry stools (melena)

Page 2 of 2

Shape1090 Shape1091 Blood stools (hematochezia)

Shape1092 Shape1093 Excess bleeding w/your period (menorrhagia)

Shape1094 Shape1095 Excess bleeding w/delivery requiring medical intervention (post-partum hemorrhage)

Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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T01 Basic Information and Anthropometrics




Basic Information and Anthropometrics

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1099 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped



Basic Information

Shape1103 What state do you reside in? (If reside outside the AL = Alabama USA, code ZZZ, if plans to wear accelerometer while AK = Alaska visiting USA code state of visit) AZ = Arizona

AR = Arkansas CA = California CO = Colorado

CT = Connecticut DE = Delaware

FL = Florida GA = Georgia HI = Hawaii ID = Idaho

IL = Illinois IN = Indiana IA = Iowa

KS = Kansas KY = Kentucky LA = Louisiana ME = Maine

MD = Maryland

MA = Massachusetts MI = Michigan

MN = Minnesota MS = Mississippi MO = Missouri MT = Montana NE = Nebraska NV = Nevada

NH = New Hampshire NJ = New Jersey

NM = New Mexico NY = New York

NC = North Carolina ND = North Dakota OH = Ohio

OK = Oklahoma OR = Oregon

PA = Pennsylvania RI = Rhode Island SC = South Carolina SD = South Dakota TN = Tennessee

TX = Texas UT = Utah

VT = Vermont VA = Virginia

WA = Washington WV = West Virginia WI = Wisconsin

WY = Wyoming

ZZ = Outside United States



Weight (to nearest pound)


(400 = 400 or more, 888 = Refused, 999 = Not done or unknown)

Shape1106 Protocol modification - weight No


If "Yes"

Comments protocol modification - weight


Height (inches, to next lower 1/4 inch)


(88.88 = Refused, 99.99 = Not done or unknown)

Shape1109 Protocol modification - height No


If "Yes"

Comments protocol modification - height


Shape1111 Waist Girth at umbilicus (inches, to next lower 1/4

inch) (88.88 = Refused, 99.99 = Not done or unknown)

Shape1112 Protocol modification - waist girth No Yes

If "Yes"

Comments protocol modification - waist girth


Hip Girth (inches, to next lower 1/4 inch)


(88.88 = Refused, 99.99 = Not done or unknown)

Shape1115 Protocol modification - hip girth No


If "Yes"

Comments protocol modification - hip girth



Additional Comments

Basic Information and Anthropometry Comments

T02 CESD and Rosow Breslau Questions


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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CES-D and Rosow-Breslau Questions Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex]

Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1121 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped




The questions below ask about your feelings. For each statement, please say how often you felt that way DURING THE PAST WEEK

Shape1124 I was bothered by things that don't usually bother Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) me. Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1125 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1126 I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)

Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1127 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1128 I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) the help of my family or friends. Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1129 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1130 I felt that I was just as good as other people. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1131 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1132 I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)

Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1133 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Page 2 of 3

Shape1134 I felt depressed. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1135 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1136 I felt everything I did was an effort. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1137 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1138 I felt hopeful about the future. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1139 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1140 I thought my life had been a failure. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1141 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1142 I felt fearful. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)

Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1143 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1144 My sleep was restless. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1145 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1146 I was happy. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1147 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1148 I talked less than usual. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1149 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1150 I felt lonely. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)

Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1151 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1152 People were unfriendly. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1153 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1154 I enjoyed life. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1155 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1156 I felt sad. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day)

Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1157 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1158 I felt that people disliked me. Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1159 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)

Shape1160 I could not get "going". Rarely or none of the time (less than 1 day) Some or a little of the time (1-2 days)

Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time (3-4 days)

Shape1161 Most or all of the time (5-7 days)




Rosow-Breslau Questions

Shape1164 Are you able to do heavy work around the house, like No

shoveling snow or washing windows, walls, or floors Yes

without help? Unknown

Shape1165 Are you able to walk half a mile without help? No

(About 4-6 blocks) Yes


Shape1166 Are you able to walk up and down one flight of stairs No

without help? Yes



Additional Comments

Additional comments for CESD and Rosow-Breslau Questions

Physical Activity Index (PAI)

[firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Name: [lastname],

Technician Number

Check here to skip this form


Reason why skipped

Rest and Activity for a Typical Day over the past year. (A typical day = most days of the week)

(Activities must equal 24 hours)

Sleep Number of hours that you typically sleep?

Sedentary Number of hours typically sitting?

Slight Activity Number of hours with activities such

as standing, walking?

Moderate Activity Number of hours with activities

such as housework (vacuum, dust, yard chores, climbing stairs, light sports such as bowling, golf)?

Shape1172 Heavy Activity Number of hours with activities such as heavy household work, heavy yard work such as stacking or chopping wood, exercise such as intensive sports--jogging, swimming etc.?

Shape1173 Total number of hours (should be the total of above

items) (Must add up to 24)


Additional Comment

Additional comments for Physical Activity Index

Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 1

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1179 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped


Now I'll ask you about your Physical Activities. Only include the time spent actually doing the activity. For example, sitting by the pool does not count as time swimming; sitting in a chair lift does not count for skiing.

First I'll ask about vigorous activities. Vigorous activities increase your heart rate, or make you sweat doing them, or make your breathe hard, or raise your body temperature. If you do an activity but not vigorously, please include it later when I ask you about other non-strenuous activities.

For all estimates, round up to nearest whole number.

In the past 12 months for at least one hour total time in any month did you do the following activities? For example, you may have done three 20 minute sessions in the month.

Shape1181 Jog or run? No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?


(99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?


(99 = Unknown)

Shape1187 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Shape1188 Do vigorous racket sports? No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?


(99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?


(99 = Unknown)

Shape1191 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Shape1192 Bicycle faster than 10 miles/hour or exercise hard on No

an exercise bicycle? or other machine such as... Yes Unknown

if "Yes"

Page 2 of 2

How many months did you do this activity?


(99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?


(99 = Unknown)

Shape1195 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Shape1196 Swim? No

Yes Unknown

if "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?


(99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?


(99 = Unknown)

Shape1199 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)


Additional Comments

Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 1

Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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T05 Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 2




Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 2

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1204 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped


In the past 12 months for at least one hour total time in any month did you...

Shape1206 Do a vigorous exercise class or vigorous dancing? No Yes


if "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1207 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?

Shape1208 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1209 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Shape1210 Do any vigorous job activities such as lifting, No

carrying, or digging? Yes


if "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1211 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?

Shape1212 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1213 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Shape1214 Do any home activities such as snow shoveling, moving No heavy objects, or weight lifting (including weight Yes

training)? Unknown

if "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1215 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?

Shape1216 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1217 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Page 2 of 2

Shape1218 Do other strenuous sports such as basketball, No

football, skating, skiing, etc.? Yes


If "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1219 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?

Shape1220 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1221 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Now, I'd like to ask you about more leisurely activities.

Shape1222 In the past 12 months for at least one hour total time in any month did you... Do non-strenuous sports such as softball, shooting No

baskets, volleyball, ping pong, or leisurely jogging, Yes swimming or biking, which we haven't included above? Unknown

If "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1223 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?

Shape1224 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1225 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)


Additional Comments

Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 2

Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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T06 Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 3




Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 3

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1230 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped


In the past 12 months for at least one hour total time in any month did you...

Shape1232 Take walks or hikes or walk to work? No Yes


if "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1233 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?


Shape1235 How long did you do this activity on average each time? (# of minutes)

Shape1236 Bowl or play golf? No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1237 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?

Shape1238 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1239 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Shape1240 Do home exercise or calisthenics? No Yes


If "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1241 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?

Shape1242 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1243 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Page 2 of 2

Shape1244 Do home maintenance or gardening, including No

carpentry, painting, raking, mowing, etc.? Yes Unknown

if "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1245 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?

Shape1246 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1247 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)

Shape1248 Do non-strenuous weight training including free No

weights or machines such as Nautilus? Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

How many months did you do this activity?

Shape1249 (99 = Unknown)

How many times per month did you do this activity?

Shape1250 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1251 How long did you do this activity on average each

time? (# of minutes) (999 = Unknown)


Additional Comments

Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 3

Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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T07 Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 4




Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 4

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1256 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped


Now I'm going to ask you some questions about your physical activity during the past year at WORK ONLY.

Shape1258 Do you work? No

Yes Unknown

if "Yes"

How many hours per week do you work? (number of hours)

(999 = Unknown) Please answer for the work you do most of the year if you are a seasonal worker.

At work do you SIT

At work do you STAND At work do you WALK

Never(0 hrs) Seldom Sometimes Often Always Do notrecall

Shape1259 Shape1260 Shape1261 Shape1262 Shape1263 Shape1264 Shape1265 Shape1266 Shape1267 Shape1268 Shape1269 Shape1270 Shape1271 Shape1272 Shape1273 Shape1274 Shape1275 Shape1276 My next question is about your leisure time.

Shape1277 In the past week, about how many hours per day did None or < 1 hour you sit and watch TV or videos? 1 hour

  1. hours

  2. hours

  3. hours

  4. hours or more Unknown

Shape1278 In the past week, about how many hours per day did None or < 1 hour you use a computer or play computer games or play 1 hour

video games? 2 hours

  1. hours

  2. hours

  3. hours or more Unknown

Page 2 of 2


Additional Comments

Physical Activity Questionnaire - Part 4

T08 Respiratory Disease Questionnaire


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Respiratory Disease Questionnaire

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1284 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped



Respiratory Diagnoses

Since your last exam...

Shape1287 Have you had asthma? No

Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

Shape1288 Do you still have it? No

Yes Unknown

Shape1289 Was it diagnosed by a doctor or other health care No

professional? Yes


If it started since your last exam, at what age did


it start? (Age in years) If it started before last (88 = N/A, 99 = Unknown) exam enter 88 = N/A

Shape1291 If you no longer have it, at what age did it stop?

(Age in years) (88 = Still have it, 99 = Unknown)

Shape1292 Have you received medical treatment for this in the No

past 12 months? Yes


Shape1293 Have you had any of the following conditions diagnosed by a doctor or other health care professional? Chronic Bronchitis No

Yes Unknown

Shape1294 Emphysema No

Yes Unknown

Shape1295 COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) No Yes


Page 2 of 2

Shape1296 Sleep Apnea No

Yes Unknown

Shape1297 Pulmonary Fibrosis No

Yes Unknown


Additional Comments

Respiratory Disease Questionnaire

T09 Fractures


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

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Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1302 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped


If more than 1 fracture at one site on the same side, enter it as a separate fracture.

Shape1304 Since you last provided medical information No

([lastmedinfodate]) have you broken any bones? Yes Unknown

If "Yes"

Shape1305 Location of fracture - #1 Hip

Upper arm (Humerus) Forearm or wrist


Clavicle (Collar bone) Rib

Back or vertebra Pelvis

Leg Ankle Foot Other

Location of fracture - #1 ([fracture1])


Shape1307 Side of fracture - #1 ([fracture1]) Left Right N/A

Unknown (don't remember)

Year of fracture - #1 ([fracture1])

Shape1308 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape1309 DATE details - #1 ([fracture1])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape1310 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? - No

#1 ([fracture1]) Yes

If "No"

Hosp/MD for fracture - #1 ([fracture1])


Location of Hosp/MD - #1 ([fracture1])


Shape1313 Have you broken any more bones? No Yes


If "Yes"

Shape1314 Location of fracture - #2 Hip

Upper arm (Humerus) Forearm or wrist


Clavicle (Collar bone) Rib

Back or vertebra Pelvis

Leg Ankle Foot Other

Location of fracture - #2 ([fracture2])


Shape1316 Side of fracture - #2 ([fracture2]) Left Right N/A

Unknown (don't remember)

Year of fracture - #2 ([fracture2])

Shape1317 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape1318 DATE details - #2 ([fracture2])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape1319 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? - No

#2 ([fracture2]) Yes

If "No"

Hosp/MD for fracture - #2 ([fracture2])


Location of Hosp/MD - #2 ([fracture2])


Shape1322 Have you broken any more bones? No Yes


If "Yes"

Shape1323 Location of fracture - #3 Hip

Upper arm (Humerus) Forearm or wrist


Clavicle (Collar bone) Rib

Back or vertebra Pelvis

Leg Ankle Foot Other

Location of fracture - #3 ([fracture3])


Shape1325 Side of fracture - #3 ([fracture3]) Left Right N/A

Unknown (don't remember)

Year of fracture - #3 ([fracture3])

Shape1326 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape1327 DATE details - #3 ([fracture3])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape1328 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? - No

#3 ([fracture3]) Yes

If "No"

Hosp/MD for fracture - #3 ([fracture3])


Location of Hosp/MD - #3 ([fracture3])


Shape1331 Have you broken any more bones? No Yes


If "Yes"

Shape1332 Location of fracture - #4 Hip

Upper arm (Humerus) Forearm or wrist


Clavicle (Collar bone) Rib

Back or vertebra Pelvis

Leg Ankle Foot Other

Location of fracture - #4 ([fracture4])


Shape1334 Side of fracture - #4 ([fracture4]) Left Right N/A

Unknown (don't remember)

Year of fracture - #4 ([fracture4])

Shape1335 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape1336 DATE details - #4 ([fracture4])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape1337 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? - No

#4 ([fracture4]) Yes

If "No"

Hosp/MD for fracture - #4 ([fracture4])


Location of Hosp/MD - #4 ([fracture4])


Shape1340 Have you broken any more bones? No Yes


If "Yes"

Shape1341 Upper arm (Humerus) Forearm or wrist


Clavicle (Collar bone) Rib

Back or vertebra Pelvis

Leg Ankle Foot Other

Location of fracture - #5 ([fracture5])


Shape1343 Side of fracture - #5 ([fracture5]) Left Right N/A

Unknown (don't remember)

Year of fracture - #5 ([fracture5])

Shape1345 (9999 = Unknown)

Shape1346 DATE details - #5 ([fracture5])(e.g. 10/2, April, Summer, August-Nov., Unknown etc.)

Shape1347 Have medical encounter details been entered on M01? - No

#5 ([fracture5]) Yes

If "No"

Hosp/MD for fracture - #5 ([fracture5])


Location of Hosp/MD - #5 ([fracture5])



Additional Comments


Hand Grip Test

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1352 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped


Right hand Measured to the nearest kilogram

Trial 1

Shape1357 (99 = Unknown)

Trial 2

Shape1358 (99 = Unknown)

Trial 3

Shape1359 (99 = Unknown)

Left hand Measured to the nearest kilogram

Trial 1

Shape1360 (99 = Unknown)

Trial 2

Shape1361 (99 = Unknown)

Trial 3

Shape1362 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1363 Was this test NOT completed or NOT attempted? No Yes

If "Yes"

Shape1364 If not attempted or completed, why not? Physical limitation Refused

Other Unknown

Other: Write in



Additional Comments

Hand Grip Test

Tonometry Worksheet

Name: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex] Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]


Tonometry Worksheet Questions

Shape1368 Have you had any caffeinated drinks in the last 6 No

hours? Yes


If "Yes"

How many cups?

Shape1372 (99 = Unknown)

Shape1373 Have you eaten anything else including a fat freee No

cereal bar this morning? Yes


Shape1374 Have you smoked cigarettes in the last 6 hours? No Yes


If "Yes"

Shape1375 How many hours since your last cigarette? - hour

portion (99 = Unknown)

How many minutes since your last cigarette? - minute portion (99 = Unknown)


Tonometry Test

Tonometry Sonographer ID


Date of Tonometry scan?


Shape1379 Was Tonometry done? No, test was not attempted or done

Yes, test was done, even if all 4 pulses could not be acquired and recorded

If "No"

Shape1380 Subject refusal No


Shape1381 Subject discomfort No


Page 2 of 2

Shape1382 Time constraint No


Shape1383 Equipment problem No


If "Yes"

Specify equipment problem


Shape1385 Other No


Shape1386 If "Yes" Specify other


Additional Comments

Tonometry Worksheet

T12 Exiting


Gen 3, NOS, Omni 2 Cohort Exam 3

Page 1 of 2



Exit Interview and Adverse EventsName: [lastname], [firstname]DOB: [dob]Age: [age] Sex: [sex]

Date of last exam: [lastexamdate]

Date of last medical health update: [lastmhudate]

Technician Number


Shape1391 Check here to skip this form Yes

Reason why skipped


Shape1393 Removed and shredded bar code bracelet No Yes


Exit Interview

Shape1395 Procedure sheet reviewed No

Yes Unknown

Shape1396 Referral sheet reviewed No

Yes Unknown

Shape1397 Dietary questionnaire provided (if not completed in No

clinic) Yes


Shape1398 Left clinic with accelerometer No

Yes Unknown

Shape1399 Left clinic w/ belongings No

Yes Unknown

Shape1400 Explanation of microbiome; agreed to participate No Yes


Shape1401 Feedback No feedback

Positive feedback Negative feedback Other


Comments for Exit Interview


Page 2 of 2


Adverse Events

(not requiring further medical evaluation)

Technician Number


Shape1405 Was there an adverse event in clinic that does not No

require further medical evaluation? Yes Unknown



Shape1407 Technician who reviewed that all REDCap form questions were completed


Additional Comments

Additional comments for Exit Interview and Adverse Events

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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