Form Approved OMB
No. 0920-1011 Exp.
Date 03/31/2017
Disease Cluster
Medical Record Form
This form is intended to be used as a supplement to the Novel Influenza A Case Report Form for patients with severe outcomes (hospitalization or death). Please complete all sections of this form for each patient with a severe outcome in addition to the Novel Influenza A Case Report Form. Once this form is complete, please submit it as an email attachment to or fax the completed form to 404-471-8119.
I. Reporter Information |
State/Territory _____ |
State/Territory Epi Case ID ________________________ |
State/Territory Lab ID _______________________ |
Date form completed: ____/____/_____ |
CDC Case ID ______________________ |
Person completing form: |
First Name:______________ |
Last Name:_____________ |
Phone: ____________ |
Email:___________________ |
What are the source(s) of data for this report? (check all that apply) |
Medical chart |
Death certificate |
Case report form |
II. Patient Information and Medical Care |
1. Patient Date of birth: ____/____/______ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
2. Did the patient have an outpatient or ER medical care encounter during this illness? |
Yes, date: ____/____/______ (if multiple, list most recent) |
No |
Unknown |
3. Was the patient admitted to the hospital for this illness? |
Yes, date: ____/____/______ Time: ____:____ AM PM |
No |
Unknown |
4. Was patient hospitalized previously at another facility during this illness? |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
Admission date: ____/_____/______ |
Discharge date: ____/_____/______ |
Was discharge from prior hospital a transfer? |
Yes |
No |
Please note initial vital signs at hospital admission/ER presentation. Date taken: ____/____/______ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
5. Body Mass Index: |
________ |
6. Height |
________ |
Inches Cm |
Height Unknown |
7. Weight: |
_________ |
Lbs. Kg |
Weight Unknown |
8. Blood Pressure ____ /_____ |
9. Respiratory Rate ______ per min |
10. Heart Rate ___________ beats/min |
Temperature: ______ °C °F |
11. O2 Sat ______% |
12. Fraction of inspired oxygen ______ % L |
13. Using: O2 mask room air ventilator Specify O2 mask type:___________________________ |
III. Illness Signs and Symptoms |
14. Please mark all signs and symptoms experienced or listed in the admission note. |
Date of initial symptom onset: ____/____/______ |
Fever (measured) highest temp. ______ °C °F |
Date of fever onset ____/____/______ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Feverishness (temperature not measured) |
Wheezing |
Altered mental status |
Cough |
Chills |
Red or draining eyes (conjunctivitis) |
With sputum (i.e., productive) |
Headache |
Abdominal pain |
Hemoptysis or bloody sputum |
Excessive crying/fussiness (< 5 years old) |
Vomiting |
Sore throat |
Fatigue/weakness |
Diarrhea |
Runny nose (rhinorrhea) |
Muscle pain/myalgia |
Rash, location _______________________ |
Dyspnea/difficulty breathing |
Location ________________________ |
Other_______________________________ |
Chest pain |
Seizure |
_____________________________________ |
IV. Patient Medical History |
V. Hematology and Serum Chemistries |
16. Were any hematology or serum chemistries performed at hospital admission/presentation to care? |
Yes |
No (skip to Q. 35) |
Unknown (skip to Q. 35) |
Please note initial values at admission/presentation to care. Date values were taken: ____/____/______ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
17. White blood cell count (WBC) |
cells/mm3 |
19. Hematocrit (Hct) |
% |
24. Serum creatinine |
mg/dL |
18. Differential: |
Neutrophils |
% |
20. Platelets (Plt) |
103/mm3 |
25. Serum glucose |
mg/dL |
Bands |
% |
21. Sodium (Na) |
U/L |
26. SGPT/ALT |
U/L |
Lymphocytes |
% |
21. Potassium (K) |
U/L |
27. SGOT/AST |
U/L |
Eosinophils |
% |
22. Bicarbonate (HCO3) |
U/L |
28. Total bilirubin |
mg/dL |
23. Serum albumin |
g/dL |
29. C-reactive protein (CRP) |
mg/dL |
Please describe other significant lab findings (e.g., CSF, protein). |
Type of test |
Specimen type |
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Result |
31. |
_____/_____/________ |
32. |
_____/_____/________ |
33. |
_____/_____/________ |
34. |
_____/_____/________ |
VI. Bacterial Pathogens – Sterile or respiratory site only |
35. Was a pneumococcal urinary antigen test performed? |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
If yes, result: |
Positive |
Negative |
Unknown |
35. Was a Legionella urinary antigen test performed? |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
If yes, result: |
Positive |
Negative |
Unknown |
35. Were any bacterial culture tests performed (regardless of result)? |
Yes |
No (skip to Q.41) |
Unknown (skip to Q.41) |
36. Indicate sites from which specimens were collected (check all that apply): |
Blood |
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) |
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) |
Sputum |
Pleural fluid |
Endotracheal aspirate |
Other:_____________________ |
37. Was there culture confirmation of any bacterial infection? |
Yes |
No (skip to Q.41) |
Unknown (skip to Q.41) |
38a. Positive Culture 1 collection date: _____/_____/________ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
38b. Specimen type: |
Blood |
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) |
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) |
Sputum |
Pleural fluid |
Endotracheal aspirate |
Other:__________________________ |
38c. Pathogen(s) identified: |
S. aureus |
S. pyogenes |
S. pneumoniae |
H. influenzae |
Other:_____________________________ |
38d. If Staphylococcus aureus, specify: |
Methicillin resistant (MRSA) |
Methicillin sensitive (MSSA) |
Sensitivity unknown |
39a. Positive Culture 2 collection date: _____/_____/________ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
39b. Specimen type: |
Blood |
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) |
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) |
Sputum |
Pleural fluid |
Endotracheal aspirate |
Other:__________________________ |
39c. Pathogen(s) identified: |
S. aureus |
S. pyogenes |
S. pneumoniae |
H. influenzae |
Other:_____________________________ |
39d. If Staphylococcus aureus, specify: |
Methicillin resistant (MRSA) |
Methicillin sensitive (MSSA) |
Sensitivity unknown |
40a. Positive Culture 3 collection date: _____/_____/________ (mm/dd/yyyy) |
40b. Specimen type: |
Blood |
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) |
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) |
Sputum |
Pleural fluid |
Endotracheal aspirate |
Other:__________________________ |
40c. Pathogen(s) identified: |
S. aureus |
S. pyogenes |
S. pneumoniae |
H. influenzae |
Other:_______________________________ |
40d. If Staphylococcus aureus, specify: |
Methicillin resistant (MRSA) |
Methicillin sensitive (MSSA) |
Sensitivity unknown |
VII. Respiratory Viral Pathogens |
41. Was the patient tested for any other viral pathogens? |
Yes |
No (skip to Q.42) |
Unknown (skip to Q.42) |
Positive |
Negative |
Not Tested/Unknown |
Collection Date |
Specimen Type |
a. Respiratory syncytial virus/RSV |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
b. Adenovirus |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
c. Parainfluenza 1 |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
d. Parainfluenza 2 |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
e. Parainfluenza 3 |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
f. Human metapneumovirus |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
g. Rhinovirus |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
h. Coronavirus |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
i. Other, specify: ________________ |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
j. Other, specify: ________________ |
____/____/______ |
___________________________ |
VIII. Medications |
42. Did the patient receive influenza antiviral medications during illness? |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
Date started |
Date stopped |
Frequency |
Dose |
Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) |
PO IV Inhaled |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
Zanamivir (Relenza) |
PO IV Inhaled |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
Peramivir |
PO IV Inhaled |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
Other influenza antiviral:___________ |
PO IV Inhaled |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
Other influenza antiviral:___________ |
PO IV Inhaled |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
43. Did the patient receive antibiotics during the illness? |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
If yes, name |
Date started |
Date stopped |
Dose |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
44. Did the patient receive steroids (excluding inhaled steroids or one time injections) or other immune modulating treatment specifically for this illness? |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
If yes, name |
Date started |
Date stopped |
Dose |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
____/____/_______ |
45. Additional treatment comments: |
IX. Chest Radiograph – Based on final impression/conclusion of the radiology report Please include a copy of the radiology report with the form. |
46. Did the patient have a chest x-ray within 3 days of admission? |
Yes, date ____/____/_______ |
No (skip to Q.52) |
Unknown (skip to Q.52) |
47. If yes, was the chest x-ray abnormal? |
Yes, date ____/____/_______ |
No (skip to Q.52) |
Unknown (skip to Q.52) |
48. For the abnormal chest x-ray, please transcribe the final impression/conclusion and check all that apply: |
Final impression/conclusion: |
Consolidation: |
Single lobar infiltrate |
Multi-lobar infiltrate (unilateral) |
Multi-lobar infiltrate (bilateral) |
Lobar or segmental collapse |
Cavitation/Abscess/Necrosis |
Round pneumonia |
Other Infiltrate: |
Alveolar (air space) disease |
Interstitial disease |
Mixed (airspace and interstitial) disease |
Pleural Effusion: |
Unilateral |
Bilateral |
Bronchiolitis: |
Complicated |
Uncomplicated |
Other: |
Air leak/Pneumothorax |
Lymphadenopathy |
Chest wall invasion |
Specify:________________ |
49. Did the patient have another chest x-ray within 3 days of admission? |
Yes, date ____/____/_______ |
No (skip to Q.52) |
Unknown (skip to Q.52) |
50. If yes, was the chest x-ray abnormal? |
Yes, date ____/____/_______ |
No (skip to Q.52) |
Unknown (skip to Q.52) |
51. For the abnormal chest x-ray, please transcribe the final impression/conclusion and check all that apply: |
Final impression/conclusion: |
Consolidation: |
Single lobar infiltrate |
Multi-lobar infiltrate (unilateral) |
Multi-lobar infiltrate (bilateral) |
Lobar or segmental collapse |
Cavitation/Abscess/Necrosis |
Round pneumonia |
Other Infiltrate: |
Alveolar (air space) disease |
Interstitial disease |
Mixed (airspace and interstitial) disease |
Pleural Effusion: |
Unilateral |
Bilateral |
Bronchiolitis: |
Complicated |
Uncomplicated |
Other: |
Air leak/Pneumothorax |
Lymphadenopathy |
Chest wall invasion |
Specify:________________ |
X. Chest CT or MRI – Based on final impression/conclusion of the radiology report please include a copy of the radiology report with the form. |
52. Did the patient have a chest CT/MRI scan within 3 days of admission? |
Yes, date ____/____/_______ |
No (skip to Q.56) |
Unknown (skip to Q.56) |
52. If yes, please select one: |
CT: contrast |
CT: non-contrast |
54. If yes, was the CT/MRI abnormal? |
Yes, date ____/____/_______ |
No (skip to Q.56) |
Unknown (skip to Q.56) |
55. For abnormal chest CT/ MRI, please check all that apply and please transcribe the final impression/conclusion: |
Final impression/conclusion: |
Consolidation: |
Single lobar infiltrate |
Multi-lobar infiltrate (unilateral) |
Multi-lobar infiltrate (bilateral) |
Lobar or segmental collapse |
Cavitation/Abscess/Necrosis |
Round pneumonia |
Other Infiltrate: |
Alveolar (air space) disease |
Interstitial disease |
Mixed (airspace and interstitial) disease |
Pleural Effusion: |
Unilateral |
Bilateral |
Bronchiolitis: |
Complicated |
Uncomplicated |
Other: |
Air leak/Pneumothorax |
Lymphadenopathy |
Chest wall invasion |
Specify:________________ |
XI. Clinical Course and Severity of Illness |
56. At any time during the current illness, did the patient require or have the diagnosis of : |
a. Admission to intensive care unit (ICU) |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
Admission date: |
____/____/_______ |
Discharge date: |
____/____/_______ |
If multiple admissions, 2nd ICU admission date: |
____/____/_______ |
2nd ICU discharge date: |
____/____/_______ |
If more than 2 ICU admissions, please provide dates in the comments section (Q.66) |
b. Supplemental oxygen |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
Date started: |
____/____/_______ |
Date stopped |
____/____/_______ |
c. Ventilatory support |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
Check all that apply: |
Intubation |
Date started: |
____/____/______ |
Date stopped: |
____/____/_______ |
Date started: |
____/____/______ |
Date stopped: |
____/____/_______ |
Date started: |
____/____/______ |
Date stopped: |
____/____/_______ |
Date started: |
____/____/______ |
Date stopped: |
____/____/_______ |
d. Vasopressor medications (e.g. dopamine, epinephrine) |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
Date started: |
____/____/_______ |
Date stopped |
____/____/_______ |
e. Dialysis (Acute) |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
Date started: |
____/____/_______ |
Date stopped |
____/____/_______ |
f. Resuscitation, CPR |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
g. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
h. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
i. Hemophagocytic syndrome |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
j. Bronchiolitis |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
k. Pneumonia |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
l. Stroke (Acute) |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
m. Sepsis |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
n. Shock |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
Type: |
hypovolemic |
cardiogenic |
septic |
toxic |
o. Acute myocarditis |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
p. Acute myocardial dysfunction |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
q. Acute myocardial infarction |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
r. Seizures |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
s. Reye’s syndrome |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
t. Acute encephalitis / encephalopathy |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
u. Guillain-Barre syndrome |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
v. Rhabdomyolysis |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
w. Acute liver impairment |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
x. Acute renal failure |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
No |
Unknown |
y. Other, specify: ____________________________ |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
z. Other, specify: ____________________________ |
Yes, date started:___/___/_____ |
stopped: ___/___/_____ |
XII. Outcomes |
57. Did the patient die during this illness? |
Yes, date ____/____/_______ |
No (skip to Q.62) |
Unknown (skip to Q.62) |
58. What was the location of death? |
Home |
Hospital |
ER |
Hospice |
Other, specify__________________________ |
59. Did the patient have a DNR (do not resuscitate) order? |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
60. Was an autopsy performed? |
Yes (please attach a copy of the autopsy form to this report if available) |
No |
Unknown |
61. What were the causes of death (immediate and underlying) in order of appearance on the death certificate or medical record? |
1. |
4. |
7. |
2. |
5. |
8. |
3. |
6. |
9. |
62. Has the patient been discharged from the hospital? |
Yes, date ____/_____/______ |
No |
Unknown |
63. If yes, please indicate to where: |
Home |
Other hospital |
Hospice |
Rehabilitation Facility |
Other long-term care facility |
Other, specify: ______________________ |
Unknown |
63. If no, please indicate status: |
Hospitalized on ward |
Hospitalized in ICU |
Died |
64. If patient was pregnant, please indicate pregnancy status at discharge or final update: |
Still pregnant |
Uncomplicated labor/delivery |
Complicated labor/delivery Describe ______________________________________________ |
Fetal loss Date ____/____/_____ |
64. If pregnancy resulted in delivery, please indicate neonatal outcome: Birth date: ____/_____/______ |
Healthy newborn |
Ill newborn, describe: _______________________________ |
Newborn died: Date ____/____/______ |
Unknown |
65. Additional notes regarding discharge: |
XIII. Additional Comments |
66. Additional Comments: |
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1011).
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Biggerstaff, Matthew (CDC/OID/NCIRD) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |