Attachment H Burden Chart for 0584-0006 7 CFR Part 210 National School Lunch Program

Attachment H NSLP #0584-0006 Burden Chart 2-12-16.xlsx

7 CFR Part 210, National School Lunch Program

Attachment H Burden Chart for 0584-0006 7 CFR Part 210 National School Lunch Program

OMB: 0584-0006

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60 day Summ
Burden Summary

Sheet 1: RecordKeeping


A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Record-keepers Records Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Record Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Due to Authorizing Statute Due to Program Change - Rule Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level



210.19(f) SA provides the CACFP SA with a list of all NSLP schools with at least 50% or more children eligible for free or reduced price meals by February 1 each year. MOVE TO REPORTING
56 0 - 2.00 - 112

(112) (112)
FNS-10 210.20(b)(1&2) & 210.23(c) & 210.5 SA maintains accounting records and source documents to control the receipt, custody and disbursement of Federal NSLP funds and documentation supporting all SFA claims paid by the SA. FNS-10 50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 354 19,824 3.00 59,472 57,862

1,610 1,610
FNS-13 210.20(b)(3) & 210.17(g)&(h) SA maintains documentation to support the amount of State funds reported used for State revenue matching requirements. FNS-13 56 reported annually on the FNS-13 1 56 1.00 56 20,858

(20,802) (20,802)
FNS-640 210.20(b)(6) & 210.18(p)(f)(k,l,m) & 210.23(c) SA maintains records of all reviews and audits (including Program violations, corrective action, fiscal action and withholding of payments). FNS-640 56 Total SFAs / SAs divided by 3 for every three years. 118 6,608 8.00 52,864 10,628

42,236 42,236

210.20(b)(8) & 210.19(c) & 210.18(p) SA maintains documentation of fiscal action taken to disallow improper claims submitted by SFAs, as determined through claims processing, reviews, and USDA audits.
56 Total SFAs / SAs divided by 3 for every three years. 118 6,608 0.50 3,304 3,962

(658) (658)

210.20(b)(11) & 210.19(b) SA shall prepare records on schools eligible to received USDA donated foods.
50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 1 56 3.00 168 168

0 -

210.20(b)(12) SA maintains records from SFAs of food safety inspections obtained by schools.
56 Total SFAs / SAs 354 19,824 0.25 4,956 5,208

(252) (252)
Paid Lunch Revenue 210.20(b)(13) & 210.14(e)(7) SA maintains records of paid reimbursable lunch prices obtained from SFAs. FNS-828 56 354 19,824 0.20 3,965 4,172

(207) (207)
Professional Standards 210.20(b)(15) SA maintains documentation of compliance with professional standards for State directors of School Nutrition Programs.
56 1 56 0.25 14 28

(14) (14)
Competitive Foods 210.18(h)(6) SA maintains documentation of LEA/SFA compliance with nutrition standards for competitive foods.
56 118 6,608 0.25 1,652 1,739

(87) (87)
State Agency Level Total
56 1,419 79,464 1.59 126,451 104,737 0 0 21,714 21,714
School Food Authority/Local Education Agency Level

210.9(b)(19) SFA maintains files of children directly certified.
19,822 4 79,288 0.65 51,537 52,145

(608) (608)
Competitive Foods 210.11(b)(2) LEAs & SFAs maintain documentation of compliance with nutrition standards for all competitive food for sale to students.
19,822 1 19,822 20.00 396,440 417,160

(20,720) (20,720)

210.15(b)(1) & 210.8(a)(5) SFA maintains documentation of participation data by school to support monthly Claim for Reimbursement and data used in the claims review process.
Based on SAE allocation data 19,822 10 198,220 Often automated with little manual review 5.00 991,100 2,085,800

(1,094,700) (1,094,700)
Six Cents Certification 210.15(b)(2) & 210.7(d)(2) SFAs maintain documentation to support performance based reimbursement and the attestation of compliance.
19,822 1 19,822 0.25 4,956 15,644

(10,688) (10,688)

210.15(b)(4) & 210.9(b)(18&20) SFA maintains files of school meal applications.
19,822 1 19,822 2.66 52,727 55,482

(2,755) (2,755)
Paid Lunch Revenue 210.15(b)(6) & 210.14(e) SFA maintains calculations of average paid lunch prices and adjustments.
19,822 1 19,822 5.00 99,110 104,290

(5,180) (5,180)
Paid Lunch Revenue 210.15(b)(7) & 210.14(f) SFA documents revenue from sale of nonprogram foods accrues to the nonprofit school food service account and is compliant with requirements.
19,822 1 19,822 10.00 198,220 208,580

(10,360) (10,360)
Professional Standards 210.15(b)(8); 210.30(g) SFA maintains documentation of compliance with professional standards for school nutrition directors, managers and personnel.
19,822 1 19,822 0.25 4,955 5,215

(260) (260)

210.18(k)(2) SA maintains documented corrective action for review by FNS. - MOVED/MERGED INTO SA TASK
SFAs / 3 due to a review every 3 years 6,607
- 6.00 - 41,898

(41,898) (41,898)


- -
School Food Authority Level Total
19,822 20 396,440 4.54 1,799,045 2,986,214 0 0 (1,187,169) (1,187,169)
School Level

210.10(m) School maintains written statements signed by a license physican of the need for substitutions and recommending alternate foods.
Estimate 30% of schools might have this occur. 30,400 1 30,400 0.08 2,432 8,140

(5,708) (5,708)
Competitive Foods 210.11(b)(2) Organizations responsible for food service in schools maintain records.
101,332 1 101,332 0.50 50,666 508,735

(458,069) (458,069)

210.15(b)(1) School maintains documentation of participation data by school to support the Claim for Reimbursement.
101,332 180 18,239,760 0.15 2,735,964 2,948,628

(212,664) (212,664)

210.15(b)(2)(3) & 210.10(a)(3) Schools maintain production and menu records.
101,332 180 18,239,760 0.25 4,559,940 2,934,842

1,625,098 1,625,098

210.15(b)(5) & 210.13(b&c) School maintains food safety records and records from most recent food safety inspection.
101,332 120 12,159,840 0.02 243,197 366,138

(122,941) (122,941)

81,517 - - 0.02 - 293,461

(293,461) (293,461)

210.13(b) Schools shall post the most recent food safety inspection and provide a copy upon request. MOVED TO REPORTING
101,747 - - 0.08 - 16,890

(16,890) (16,890)
Professional Standards 210.15(b)(8); 210.30 DUPLICATE OF SFA BURDEN - REMOVE
101,747 - - 0.25 - 25,437

(25,437) (25,437)



School Level Total
101,332 481.30 48,771,092 0.16 7,592,199 7,102,271 - - 489,928 489,928

Total Recordkeeping Burden
121,210 406 49,246,996 0.19 9,517,695 10,193,222 0 0 (675,527) (675,527)

Program Rule Estimated # Record-keepers Records Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Record Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Due to Authorizing Statute Due to Program Change - Rule Due to an Adjustment Total Difference

121,210 404.20 48,993,578 0.18 8,645,325 8,812,874 0 0 (167,549) (167,549)

0 -

Paid Lunch Revenue 39,700 1.50 59,468.0 5.07 301,294.8 317,042.0


Nutrition Standards -
- -


Six Cents Certification 19,822 1.00 19,822.0 0.25 4,955.7 15,643.5


0 -
- -


Competitive Foods 121,210 1.05 127,762.0 3.51 448,758.0 927,634.0


Professional Standards 121,625 0.16 19,878.0 0.25 4,969.5 30,680.0


Local Wellness Policy -
- -


0 -
- -


FNS-10 56 354.00 19,824.0 3.00 59,472.0 57,862.0


FNS-13 56 1.00 56.0 1.00 56.0 20,858.0


FNS-640 56 118.00 6,608.0 8.00 52,864.0 10,628.0


Total 121,210 880.92 49,246,996 21.26 9,517,695 10,193,222 0 0 -167,549 -675,527

Sheet 2: Reporting


A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Respondents Responses per Respondents Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Due to Authorizing Statute Due to Program Change - Direct Certification Rule Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level

210.5(d)(2) & 210.20(a)(2) SA submits quarterly report on amounts of Federal Program funds expended and obligated. Moved into FPRS (included in its ICR) FNS-777 0 4 - 0.25 - 56

-56 -56

210.7(d)(1)(iv) SAs review submitted certification materials and notify SFAs of the certification determination
One time certification no longer required. 0 372 - 2.00 - 41,664

-41664 -41664

210.20(a)(9) & 210.14(e)(7) State agencies shall report prices charged by each SFA for paid lunches to FNS Moved into FPRS (included in its ICR) FNS-828 0 1 - 10.00 - 570

-570 -570

210.18(d)(2) & 210.18(i) & 210.18(o)(1) & 210.20(a)(5) State agencies shall report to FNS of the names of large school food authorities exceeding administrative review thresholds.
50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 1 56 0.20 11 11


210.18(j) SA notifies SFAs in writing of review findings, corrective actions, deadlines, and potential fiscal action with right to appeal.
56 #SFAs divided by 3 (every three years) 19,822 / 3 = 6607 divided by 56 SAs = 118 118 6,608 8.00 52,864 15,769

37095 37,095

210.19(f) SA provides the CACFP SA with a list of all NSLP schools with at least 50% or more children eligible for free or reduced price meals by February 1 each year. MOVED FROM RECORDKEEPING
56 1 56 2.00 112 Hours were approved for recordkeeping. 0

112 112

210.20(a)(6) & 210.18(n)&(o)(2) SAs shall report to FNS the results of reviews by March 1 of each school year. FNS-640 56 1 56 1.00 56 56


210.20(a)(8) SA reports to FNS schools' compliance with the food safety inspections requirements.
56 1 56 1.50 84 84


210.25 Grant closeout report
0 2 - 3.20 - 358

-358 -358

210.20(a)(2)&(3)&(4)&(9)&(10) & 210.5(d)(1)&(2) & 210.14(e)(7) & 210.17(g) SA reporting burden for electronic reports accounted for in the Food Program Reporting System (FPRS) ICR #0584-0594. FNS-10, FNS-13, FNS-777, FNS-828

State Agency Level Total
56 122.00 6832 7.78 53127 58568 0 0 (5,441) -5441
School Food Authority/Local Education Agency Level

210.9(b)(21) SFA provides SA with list of all schools with at least 50% free or reduced-price enrolled children and the attendance boundaries for those schools upon request of a CACFP sponsor of homes.
19,822 1.25 24,778 0.25 6,194 42,236

-36,042 -36,042

210.9(c)(7) SFAs review NSLP afterschool care prgrograms
482 2 964 0.25 241 241

0 0

210.15(a)(1) & 210.8(b)&(c) SFA submits to the SA monthly claims for reimbursement and eligibility data for enrolled children for October.
19,822 School year is typically 10 months. 10.15 201,193 1.00 201,193 378,155

-176,962 -176,962

210.15(a)(2)&(4) & 210.9(a&b) & 210.7(d)(2) SFA submits to the SA an application, agreement, Free and Reduced Price Policy Statement, commodity preference, and annual certifications.
19,822 1 19,822 0.25 4,956 5,228

-273 -273

210.15(a)(3) & 210.18(k)(2) SFA submits to the SA a written response to reviews documenting corrective action for Program deficiencies.
6,607 1 6,607 8.00 52,856 41,898

10,958 10,958

210.15(a)(7) SFA reports to the SA the number of safety inspections obtained by each school.
19,822 1 19,822 0.50 9,911 10,429

-518 -518
Paid Lunch Revenue 210.15(a)(8) & 210.14(e)(7) School food authorities shall report prices of paid lunches for each school to the State agency.
19,822 1 19,822 0.25 4,956 5,214

-259 -259

210.7(d)(2) School food authorities submit certification documentation to the State agency for performance based reimbursement.
20,858 No longer required as it should be fully implemented. 0 0 4.50 0 93,861

-93,861 -93,861

School Food Authority Level Total
19,822 14.782 293,008 0.96 280,307 577,262 0 0 -296,955 -296,955
School Level

210.9(b) Daily meal counts recorded by category. DUPLICATE OF RECORD KEEPING BURDEN.
101,747 0 0 0.50 0 508,735

-508,735 -508,735

210.13(b) Schools shall post the most recent food safety inspection and provide a copy upon request. MOVED FROM RECORDKEEPING *This portion of the burden is listed in ROCIS under third-party disclosure
101,332 2 202,664 0.10 20,266 Hours were approved for recordkeeping. 0

20,266 20,266

School Level Total
101,332 2.000 202,664 0.10 20,266 508,735 - - (488,469) (488,469)

Total Reporting Burden
121,210 4.15 502,504 0.70 353,700 1,144,565 0 0 (790,865) (790,865)

Program Rule Estimated # Respondents Responses per Respondents Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Due to Authorizing Statute Due to Program Change - Direct Certification Rule Due to an Adjustment Total Difference

0 -
- -


0 -
- -


0 -
- -


0 -
- -


Sheet 3: 60 day Summ







This is the Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs column 'J'

Sheet 4: Burden Summary

ICR #0584-0006, National School Lunch Program 7 CFR Part 210 - Summary

Estimated # Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses (Col. BxC) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours (Col. DxE)

State Agency Level 56 1,419 79,464 1.5913 126,451
School Food Authority Level 19,822 20 396,440 4.5380 1,799,045
School Level 101,332 481 48,771,092 0.15567 7,592,199
Recordkeeping Total 121,210 406 49,246,996 0.19326447 9,517,695

State Agency Level 56 122 6,832 7.7762 53,127
School Food Authority Level 19,822 15 293,008 0.956653 280,307
School Level 101,332 2 202,664 0.1000 20,266
Reporting Total 121,210 4 502,504 0.7038758 353,700
TOTAL BURDEN FOR NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM 121,210 410.44 49,749,500 0.20 9,871,395

Sheet 5: Notes

Date User Initials Comments
7/21/15 SW This is the Burden doc using the redesigned template. Revisions made to include two impending merges from two rules.
7/22/15 SW Other adjustments to burden also made to remove requirements no longer active such as certification.
8/21/15 SW Submitted burden chart to PRAO with 60 day notice.

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