Control Number: 1024-0224
Park Service
Expiration Date: 5-31-2019
U.S. Department of the Interior
National Park and Preserve Backcountry [Day and Overnight] Hiker
Experience Survey
perspective matters!
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: The National Park Service is authorized by the NPS Research Mandate (54 USC 100702) to collect this information. This information will be used by park managers to understand visitors’ perceptions of bison-safety at Yellowstone National Park. Responses to this request are voluntary and anonymous. Your name will never be associated with your answers, and all contact information will be destroyed when the data collection is concluded. No action may be taken against you for refusing to supply the information requested. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number and expiration date.
BURDEN ESTIMATE: We estimate that it will take about 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire. You may send comments concerning the burden estimates or any aspect of this information collection to: Dr. Rose Keller, Denali National Park &Preserve Social Scientist; (email).
Welcome to Denali National Park and Preserve! You have been selected to help park management to understanding more about the experiences of backcountry hikers here at Denali. Now that you are returning from your adventure, we would like to hear from you, because your feedback is critical and this survey is the only way we will know if we are meeting the recreation goals, opportunities to explore, learn, and wildlife experiences you expected while visiting Denali. Your responses will provide us with insight that we may use in our backcountry management strategies. Please take the time to complete the survey and return it before you leave the bus ride.
SECTION 1: Background Information
1a. How many visits have you made to Denali National Park backcountry?
1a. ____First visit , or _______visits (write in #)
1b. From the options given, what is your primary motivation for visiting Denali?
1b. (choose best option)
_____ to experience solitude and nature
_____ to experience a sense of adventure/challenge
_____ to view wildlife
_____ to view scenery
_____ to explore my sense of self
1c. What is your level of wilderness experience?
____Novice (0-2 wilderness trips)
____Somewhat experienced (3-5 trips)
____Very experienced (6 or more trips)
SECTION 2: Backcountry Information
2a. Did you spend any time hiking on [named (maintained)] trails?
2a. ____Yes ____No
2a. If Yes, which one(s)? ________________________________________
2b. Would you prefer fewer or more maintained trails in the backcountry?
2b. ___Fewer ____More ____Same ____Don’t know
2c. Did Denali National Park staff provide you with sufficient information to hike in the backcountry?
2c. ____Yes ____No
2d. Did you come to Denali specifically to hike off-trail?
2d. ____Yes ____No
2e. Did you rely on social media to plan your hike in the backcountry?
2e. ___Yes ____No
2f. If YES, which sources?
2f. Check all that apply
___Magazine/online (write) ______________________
___Online hiker/explorer forum
___Guide/Tour book (write)____________________
___Gaia GPS
___GPS product support
___ iNaturalist
___Geocaching Apps
___ Other (write) ______________________________
NOTE: This version of this question will only appear in the DAY HIKER survey
2g. Check the box according to your best approximation of the number of times today you heard or saw each of the following items in the table below Be sure to write in the Backcountry UNIT #(s) or trails you were on today. (If needed the Survey interviewer has a reference map to help you to identify the Unit Numbers).
Day Hike |
Number of encounters during your day |
Backcountry UNIT # (s)_____, ______ (write in) |
0 times |
1-2 times |
3-5 times |
5-10 times |
Over 10 times |
Motorized noise (Includes noise from construction, buses and other vehicles on park road. Excludes aircraft noise) |
Aircraft noise (Includes fly-overs, landings, takeoffs) |
Modern equipment (Includes bikes, equipment, chain saws, vehicles. Excludes backpacking equipment) |
Landscape modifications (Includes trails, rock cairns, trampled vegetation. Excludes park road) |
Other Park visitors (How often did you encounter other visitors, or groups smaller than 6 people?) |
Large Groups of Park visitors (Encounters with groups larger than 6 people) |
Rangers (How often did you encounter Park rangers?) |
Researchers/Research Teams (how often did you come across researchers?) |
Park Road (how much of your day did you see it?) CHECK one |
not at all |
some of the day |
most of the day |
all day
At any time during the day did you see: Litter or Human Waste? |
Yes No |
NOTE: The following two questions will be added and will only appear in the OVERNIGHT version of the survey. There will be three similar tables for the respondent to complete that account for at least three days in the backcountry.
Were you ABLE to Camp out of Sight of Others? |
Yes No |
Did you WANT to camp out of sight of others? |
Yes No |
SECTION 3: The Denali Wilderness
3a. Our goal is to maintain the wilderness character of Denali. We would like for your to first tell us how important each of the following wilderness experiences are when you are in the backcountry (Check the box corresponding to how importance of each experience). Then Check the box to rate the quality the experience you had here
Wilderness Experiences |
Quality of the Experience |
Important |
Somewhat Important |
High Quality |
Decent Quality |
Poor Quality |
Feeling of Solitude |
Feeling of being in a pristine environment |
Viewing Wolves |
Viewing Bears |
Viewing Dall Sheep |
Being away from noise |
Having unconfined Recreation: being able to travel freely, no designated campsites |
Being spiritually |
Fostering intimacy with close group |
Undeveloped |
Being surrounded by natural sounds |
Feeling independent and self-reliant |
Challenging myself/Adventure |
3b. If you selected the feeling of solitude as important in the table above, then tell us what would be the maximum number of people you could encounter per day to an overall feeling of solitude that would still rate as important?
3b. Write in a maximum # of people/day : ________________
NOTE: This question will only appear in the DAY HIKER SURVEY
3c. If offered, would you use a commercial (tour) service for day hiking in the Denali backcountry?
____Yes ____No
NOTE: This question will only appear OVERNIGHT SURVEY
3c. Did you get your first choice of unit for the backcountry? ____Yes ____No
3d. Would you use an online reservation system for overnight stays in the Denali backcountry? (Check one) _____Yes ____No
3e. Based upon your answers in question #2 Please tell us how each item below affected your overall enjoyment during your trip. (Check one)
How much did each of the following you experienced impact your overall enjoyment? |
V |
P |
N |
N |
V |
The amount of motorized noise |
The amount of aircraft noise |
Seeing modern equipment |
Seeing trampled vegetation or rock cairns |
Seeing the Park road |
Seeing other Park visitors (less than 6 per group) |
Seeing large groups of visitors (6 or more per group) |
Seeing/encountering Rangers |
Seeing/encountering Research Teams |
Camping out of sight of others |
3f. How acceptable to you is each of the following potential events on your trip? (Please check one response).
Never Acceptable |
Sometimes Acceptable |
Always Acceptable |
Don’t Know |
Encounter more than 2 groups/day in wilderness |
Encounter more than 2 groups/ day on trails |
Experience between 2-5 times/day aircraft noise |
Experience more than 5-times /day aircraft noise |
See evidence of human impact in wilderness |
See evidence of human impact next to trails |
4: Personal Perspective
4a. Please tell us the level of support you have for each of the following actions. Check one box for each statement to indicate if you strongly oppose or strongly support the action in the first column. (Please select one response)
Strongly Oppose |
Oppose |
Neither Support/Oppose |
Support |
Strongly Support |
More scientific research in Park |
More guided/tourist activities in Park |
Expanded Biking opportunities in the Park |
Limiting visitor numbers in Denali’s wilderness |
Mandatory wildlife safety and Leave No Trace talks for day hikers |
New trail systems in Wonder Lake/Kantishna area |
Improved relations with Subsistence users of the Park and Preserve |
Improve wildlife viewing opportunities. Check the most important animal you would like to view
Cooperate more closely with State to regulate sport hunting and trapping around park boundaries. |
Cooperate more closely with other federal, state and private lands to conserve natural and cultural resources. |
4b Trust and Relevancy
Not at all |
A little |
Some |
A lot |
Don’t know |
How much do you trust the National Park Service? |
Nationally |
At [NPS SITE]? |
In your opinion, how relevant is the National Park Service: |
Locally (specifically in your local area) |
Nationally |
Internationally |
Much worse |
Worse |
Stayed the same |
Better |
Much better |
In the last decade, how has your level of trust in National Park Service Management changed? |
At Denali? |
Locally (specifically in your local area) |
At the national level? |
In the last decade, has your level of trust in other federal agencies (such as EPA, BLM, etc.,) changed |
Nationally |
Locally (specifically in your local area) |
In the last decade, has your level of trust in non-federal entities (such as NGOs, corporations etc.,) changed? |
Nationally |
Locally (specifically in your local area) |
5. Demographic Questions
5a. What is your gender? (Please write in) _________
5b. In what year were you born? (Please write in) _________
5c. For you only, are you Hispanic or Latino
___ Yes ___ No
What is your race? (Check all that apply).
____Alaskan Native or American Indian
____Black or African American
____Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
5d. What is your primary occupation? (write in)
5e. What was your household’s total income in the past 12 months? ____________ ($), or: what category fits best?
___under 25,000 ____70,000—99,999 ____200,000 or more
___26,000—39,999 ____100,000—150,000 ____prefer not to answer
___40,000– 69,999 ____150,000—200,000
5f. How many people are in your household? __________ (number of people)
5g. What is the total anticipated cost of this trip to Denali from when you left home to when you return? ($)__________________
5h. Where are you visiting from? (Check one, and write in)
Alaska (provide zip code) ________________
are you a year-round or seasonal resident? _______Year-round /_______Seasonal
Other U.S. State (provide State) ________
International (provide Country) _______________________________
5i. What is your level of formal education? (Check one)
Some high school
High school graduate
Vocational/trade school certificate
Some college
Two-year college degree
Four-year college degree [or Bachelor’s degree]
Master’s Degree [or Graduate degree]
Ph.D., M.D., J.D., or equivalent
5j How many are in your group? (Write in) ___________________
5k. What kind of group are you travelling with this trip? (Check one)
Family N/A
Friends Family and Friends
Guided tour (which one?) ___________________________________________________
(Please use the space on the back page to provide additional comments)
THANK YOU for your help and feedback. Your experience in Denali’s Backcountry truly matters!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | RHKeller |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-24 |