Foreign Quarantine Regulations (42 CFR 71)
(OMB Control No. 0920-0134)
Supporting Statement B
Request for Revision of Currently Approved Data Collection
Submitted 10/19/2015
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, N.E., MS C12
B. Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods 2
1. Respondent universe and Sampling Methods 2
2. Procedures for the Collection of Information 2
3. Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Deal with No Response 4
4. Tests of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken 4
5. Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and Individuals Collecting and/or Analyzing Data 4
There are no statistical methods used in the collection of information.
The regulations at 42 CFR part 71 outline the respondent universe, which is any importer or filer who seeks to bring certain animals, animal products, or other CDC-regulated item into the United States; any commander or master of an air or maritime conveyance with an ill person meeting certain criteria, or death aboard; or any individual who is subject to federal quarantine or isolation. In the event of an outbreak of a public health event of international concern, the respondent universe is potentially expanded to include any traveler who enters the United States. There are no sampling methods employed in this information collection.
CDC requires that certain information from individuals seeking to import certain animals and cargo into the United States by submitted to CBP, with whom CDC consults, to determine if any public health risk is present. CDC also requires certain signs and symptoms suggestive of communicable disease, and any death, to be reported by air and sea conveyance operator before arriving in the United States. U.S. Quarantine Stations are located at 20 ports of entry and land-border crossings where international travelers arrive. The jurisdiction of each Station includes air, maritime, and/or land-border ports of entry. Quarantine Station staff work in partnership with international, federal, state, and local agencies and organizations to fulfill their mission to reduce morbidity and mortality among immigrants, refugees, travelers, expatriates, and other globally mobile populations. This work is performed to prevent the introduction, transmission, and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States.
With regard to this revision, the information collection involving animals, other than nonhuman primates, is accomplished both prior to and when individuals arrive at ports of entry. Currently, dogs not accompanied by proof of rabies vaccination, including those that are too young to be vaccinated (i.e. less than 3 months of age), may be admitted if the importer completes a confinement agreement CDC form 75.37 “NOTICE TO OWNERS AND IMPORTERS OF DOGS: Requirement for Dog Confinement and confines the animal until it is considered adequately vaccinated against rabies. As a result of the Federal Register Notice concerning the Issuance and Enforcement Guidance for Dog Confinement Agreements, CDC primarily uses a “preapproval” process for persons seeking to import inadequately immunized dogs into the United States. Importers are advised to contact CDC by electronic mail or postal mail to explain their need to import inadequately immunized dogs and request permission from CDC to import these dogs under the terms of a dog confinement agreement that would be issued at the port of entry. CDC reviews these requests and responds to importers either granting or denying their requests. Granted requests receive a signed letter from CDC to present to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the port of entry as proof that the importer may be issued a dog confinement agreement. CDC Form 75.37 NOTICE TO OWNERS AND IMPORTERS OF DOGS: Requirement for Dog Confinement continues to be issued at the port of entry by CBP or CDC officers.
CDC is requesting to change this process. This will involve reducing the number of CDC Form 75.37 NOTICE TO OWNERS AND IMPORTERS OF DOGS: Requirement for Dog Confinement and replacing them with the Application For Permission To Import A Dog Unimmunized Against Rabies. If the importer meets the criteria for importation of unimmunized dogs outlined in the 2014 Federal Register Notice, CDC will send the importer a Permit to Import a Dog Unimmunized against Rabies – Single Entry. This permit will be presented to CBP at the time when the dog enters the United States.
No other changes to the procedures for the collection of information is requested in this revision.
CDC is maintaining the ability to accept voluntary submission of CDC regulated imports via ITDS/ACE. CDC retains the right to collect information from hard copy documents currently approved by OMB and requested via this revision. The information collected is that required to ascertain that the type and number of animals are within the regulated animal categories, and that the animals are healthy upon visual inspection.
Reporting of death or illness onboard aircrafts can be reported via Air Traffic Control, who will notify CDC’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) through the Domestic Events Network; the EOC will notify the appropriate CDC Quarantine Station and the local health department of jurisdiction. Quarantine staff will communicate with the airline’s designated point of contact to obtain necessary information about the death or ill traveler. Alternatively, the aircraft operator may communicate with the airline’s land-based point of contact (e.g., Operations Center, Flight Control, airline station manager). The airline’s point of contact will notify CDC by contacting the Quarantine Station with jurisdiction for the arrival airport or CDC Emergency Operations Center, who will notify the appropriate Quarantine Station.
Reporting of illness or death aboard maritime conveyances is accomplished by the use of sections 1-3 of the Maritime Illness and Death Investigation Form Maritime Conveyance Cumulative Influenza/Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) Form, or through radio or email as long as all the required data elements are present. These forms are then emailed to CDC containing information sufficient to determine if further public health actions is needed.
Reporting of gastrointestinal illnesses are reported to CDC’s Vessel Sanitation Program is reported via a common Web-based application; Maritime Illness and Death Reporting System (MIDRS),
The requirements for the importation of animals and certain other cargo are codified in regulations in 42 CFR part 71. If individuals do not respond to the data collections, they are prohibited from importing animals or other cargo potentially posing a public health risk. Electronic submission of information concerning CDC-regulated products via ITDS/ACE is voluntary at this current time; therefore CDC has maintained the requisite burden hours to collect import related information via hard copies.
CDC requires certain signs and symptoms suggestive of communicable disease, as well as any death to be reported by air and sea conveyance operator before arriving in the United States (42 CFR 71.21). Not responding to this data collection is a violation of regulation.
CDC has limited the amount of information requested in the permit application part of this revision to the minimum amount necessary to determine if a dog poses a risk of communicable disease spread if imported into the United States.
In discussions with CBP, CDC has limited the data included in the PGA messages sets to that needed to identify the item intended for important and assess its risk for spread of communicable disease into the United States. In addition, CDC is limiting the future use of hard copy or scanned images via the Document Imaging System to those which cannot accurately be reviewed without seeing a hard copy or scanned version.
CDC currently collects certain import and traveler-related information under this previously approved information collection. The electronic systems used for this information collection are continually updated and improved for quality of data collection and ease of use for the public, industry, and CDC program administrators.
Not Applicable
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