Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program (HOPQDRP) (CMS-10250)

ICR 201508-0938-011

OMB: 0938-1109

Federal Form Document

ICR Details
0938-1109 201508-0938-011
Historical Inactive 201412-0938-001
HHS/CMS 21225
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program (HOPQDRP) (CMS-10250)
Revision of a currently approved collection   No
Comment filed on proposed rule and continue 02/05/2016
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 08/28/2015
OMB is withholding approval at this time. Prior to publication of the final rule, the agency should provide a summary of any comments related to the information collection and their response, including any changes made to the ICR as a result of comments. In addition, the agency must enter the correct burden estimates.
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
01/31/2017 36 Months From Approved 01/31/2017
5,115,060 0 5,115,060
6,060,452 0 6,060,452
0 0 0

Section 109(a) of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (TRHCA) (Pub. L. 109-432) amended section 1833(t) of the Social Security Act by adding a new subsection (17) that affects the payment rate update applicable to Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) payments for services furnished by hospitals in outpatient settings on or after January 1, 2009. Section 1833(t)(17)(A) of the Act, which applies to hospitals as defined under section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the Act, requires that hospitals that fail to report data required for quality measures selected by the Secretary in the form and manner required by the Secretary under section 1833(t)(17)(B) of the Act will incur a reduction in their annual payment update (APU) factor to the hospital outpatient department fee schedule by 2.0 percentage points. Hospital OQR Program payment determinations are made based on Hospital OQR Program quality measure data reported and supporting forms submitted by hospitals as specified through rulemaking. To reduce burden, a variety of different data collection mechanisms are employed, with every consideration taken to employ existing data and data collection systems.

PL: Pub.L. 109 - 432 109(a) Name of Law: Quality reporting for hospital outpatient services and ambulatory surgical center services
   PL: Pub.L. 111 - 148 3014 Name of Law: Affordable Care Act

0938-AS42 Proposed rulemaking 80 FR 39200 07/08/2015


IC Title Form No. Form Name
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Notice of Participation Web based (CY 2017)
Hospital Outpatiennt Quality Data Program - Data Validation (CY 2017)
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program -Web based OP-31 (CY 2017)
Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting CY 2016 - CY 2018 CMS-10250, CMS-10250, CMS-10250, CMS-10250 Extroadinary Circumstances Form ,   Notice of Participation Form ,   Validation Review for Reconsideration Request ,   Reconsideration Request Form
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Data Abstraction (CY 2015)
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Data Abstraction (CY 2014)
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Notice of Participation (CY 2014) CMS-10250, CMS-10250, CMS-10250, CMS-10250 Request for Reconsideration Part 1 ,   Request for Reconsideration Part 2 ,   Extroadinary Circumstances ,   Notice of Participation
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Notice of Participation (CY 2015) CMS-10250 Notice of Participation
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Data Abstration (CY 2016)
Hospital Outpatient Quality Program - Notice of Participation (CY 2016) CMS-10250 Notice of Participation
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Data Validation (CY 2016)
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program -- Data Abstration (CY 2017)
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Data Validation (CY 2015)
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Data Validation (CY 2014)
Hospital Outpatient Quality Data Program - Administrative (CY 2017)

Miscellaneous Actions
Miscellaneous Actions
The change in the burden hours is the result of the proposed transition of the Hospital OQR payment determination cycle to align with the ASCQR payment determination cycle and of the proposed adoption of two web-based measures. This submittal we have annualized the burden hours for CY 2016 through CY 2018.

Yes Part B of Supporting Statement
Denise King 410 786-1013


On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that the collection of information encompassed by this request complies with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3).
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding the proposed collection of information, that the certification covers:
    (i) Why the information is being collected;
    (ii) Use of information;
    (iii) Burden estimate;
    (iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a benefit, or mandatory);
    (v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
    (vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control number;
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.

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