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pdfSection 5 Notices and Supports
User Guide - Secondary
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Delivery Order # GS00Q09BGD0022
Task Order # EP-G11H-00154
Project # TDD 9.21
Version 1.0
December 22, 2014
Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................................... i
List of Exhibits ............................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................1
System Requirements ........................................................................................................2
Supported Browsers .....................................................................................................2
Screen Resolution ........................................................................................................2
Secondary Agent/Consultant Functions..............................................................................3
Log into Section 5 Notices and Supports Application ....................................................4
Home Screen Navigation ..............................................................................................5
Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms .........................................................................7
Create Passphrase .....................................................................................................10
Enter Passphrase .......................................................................................................12
Navigation Tree ..........................................................................................................13
Action Bar ...................................................................................................................21
Attach Documents ......................................................................................................23
Search Substance Registry Services ..........................................................................28
Add Facility .................................................................................................................33
Create Joint/Letter of Support PMN Form.........................................................................36
Create Joint Submission .............................................................................................36
General Form Information (Joint PMN) .................................................................36
Agent Information .................................................................................................39
Technical Contact Information ..............................................................................44
Chemical Identification ..........................................................................................47
Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances .......................................................................49
Class 2 Substances ..............................................................................................55
Additional Chemical Information ...........................................................................58
Polymer Identification Information .........................................................................63
Monomers and Other Reactants ...........................................................................67
Production Volume and Hazard/Safety Information ...............................................72
Use Information ....................................................................................................75
Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet .......................................................80
Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) .................. 88
Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) Attach
Documents ...........................................................................................................90
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Site Information.....................................................................................................94
Sites Controlled By Others ....................................................................................95
Submitter Operation Information ...........................................................................97
Occupational Exposures .....................................................................................102
Environmental Releases .....................................................................................105
Industrial Sites Controlled By Others .................................................................. 110
Exposures/Releases ...........................................................................................113
Byproduct Information .........................................................................................118
Optional Pollution Prevention ..............................................................................119
Additional Attachments .......................................................................................122
Attachment Summary .........................................................................................124
Optional Cover Letter ..........................................................................................126
Upload XML ........................................................................................................127
Create Biotechnology Joint/Letter of Support ................................................................. 130
Joint and Letter of Support Process .......................................................................... 130
General Form Information ...................................................................................130
Technical Contact Information ............................................................................ 132
Optional Cover Letter ..........................................................................................135
Create Bona Fide Letter of Support ................................................................................137
Edit Bona Fide Form .................................................................................................137
General Document Information ........................................................................... 137
Primary Contact Information ...............................................................................138
Technical Contact Information ............................................................................ 140
Chemical Identification Information ..................................................................... 142
Class 1 or 2/Biotechnology Chemical Substances .............................................. 144
Class 2/Biotechnology Substances ..................................................................... 148
Polymer Identification Information ....................................................................... 150
Monomers and Other Reactants ......................................................................... 153
Use Information ..................................................................................................156
Document Management......................................................................................157
Optional Cover Letter ..........................................................................................159
Preview ..........................................................................................................................160
Validate ..........................................................................................................................162
Submit to EPA via CDX ..................................................................................................164
Submitting Official Information ..................................................................................164
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Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Submitting On Behalf Of Company ........................................................................... 166
Submission Process: Validation ................................................................................168
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Certification ................. 170
CROMERR Login .....................................................................................................171
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Security Question ........ 172
Submit to CDX ..........................................................................................................173
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Submission .................. 174
Download Copy of Record ..............................................................................................176
Create an Amendment ...................................................................................................178
Resources ......................................................................................................................180
Appendix A. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ........................................................... 183
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 3-1: Section 5 Notices and Supports User Roles Matrix ..................................................4
Exhibit 3-2: Chemical Information Submission System Screen ...................................................5
Exhibit 3-3: Section 5 Notices and Supports Home Screen .........................................................7
Exhibit 3-4: Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms Screen ......................................................10
Exhibit 3-5: Create Passphrase Screen.....................................................................................12
Exhibit 3-6: Enter Passphrase Screen .......................................................................................13
Exhibit 3-7: Navigation Prompt ..................................................................................................14
Exhibit 3-8: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 1) ..................................................16
Exhibit 3-9: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 2) ..................................................17
Exhibit 3-10: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 3) ................................................18
Exhibit 3-11: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 4) ................................................19
Exhibit 3-12: Biotechnology Navigation Tree .............................................................................20
Exhibit 3-13: Bona Fide Navigation Tree (Class 1 or 2/Biotechnology Chemical Substances)... 20
Exhibit 3-14: Bona Fide Navigation Tree (Polymer) ...................................................................21
Exhibit 3-15: Action Bar – Validate ............................................................................................22
Exhibit 3-16: Action Bar – Save .................................................................................................22
Exhibit 3-17: Action Bar – Preview ............................................................................................22
Exhibit 3-18: Action Bar – Submit ..............................................................................................23
Exhibit 3-19: Help – Links .........................................................................................................23
Exhibit 3-20: Section 5 Document Types and Subtypes ............................................................25
Exhibit 3-21: Attach Documents Pop-Up Window (PMN or Biotechnology) ............................... 27
Exhibit 3-22: Attach Documents Pop-Up Window (Bona Fide) ..................................................28
Exhibit 3-23: Search Substance Registry Services Pop-Up Window ......................................... 30
Exhibit 3-24: Chemical Not Found In Substance Registry Services Pop-Up Window ................ 32
Exhibit 3-25: Add Facility Message Pop-Up Window .................................................................34
Exhibit 3-26: Add Facility Pop-Up Window ................................................................................35
Exhibit 4-1: General Form Information Screen (Joint PMN) .......................................................39
Exhibit 4-2: Agent Information Screen (Joint PMN) ...................................................................41
Exhibit 4-3: Add Agent Pop-Up Window ....................................................................................43
Exhibit 4-4: Technical Contact Information Screen (Joint PMN) ................................................45
Exhibit 4-5: Add Technical Contact Window ..............................................................................47
Exhibit 4-6: Chemical Identification Screen (Joint PMN) ............................................................49
Exhibit 4-7: Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) .......................... 53
Exhibit 4-8: Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) .......................... 54
Exhibit 4-9: Class 2 Substances Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) .................................................57
Exhibit 4-10: Class 2 Substances Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) ...............................................58
Exhibit 4-11: Additional Chemical Information Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) ............................ 62
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Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 4-12: Additional Chemical Information Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) ............................ 63
Exhibit 4-13: Polymer Identification Information Screen (Joint PMN) Scroll 1 ............................ 66
Exhibit 4-14: Polymer Identification Information Screen (Joint PMN) Scroll 2 ............................ 67
Exhibit 4-15: Monomers and Other Reactants Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) ............................ 71
Exhibit 4-16: Monomers and Other Reactants Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) ............................ 72
Exhibit 4-17: Production Volume and Hazard/Safety Information Screen (Joint PMN)............... 75
Exhibit 4-18: Use Information Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) .....................................................79
Exhibit 4-19: Use Information Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) .....................................................80
Exhibit 4-20: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) ....... 87
Exhibit 4-21: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) ....... 88
Exhibit 4-22: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) Screen (Joint
PMN) ........................................................................................................................................90
Exhibit 4-23: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) Attach
Documents Window (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) ...............................................................................92
Exhibit 4-24: Physical and Chemical Properties Worksheet – Continued (Optional) Attach
Documents Window (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) ...............................................................................93
Exhibit 4-25: Submitter Controlled Site Information Screen (Joint PMN) ................................... 95
Exhibit 4-26: Sites Controlled By Others Screen (Joint PMN)....................................................97
Exhibit 4-27: Submitter Operation Information Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) .......................... 101
Exhibit 4-28: Submitter Operation Information Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) .......................... 102
Exhibit 4-29: Occupational Exposures Screen (Joint PMN) ..................................................... 105
Exhibit 4-30: Environmental Releases Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) ...................................... 109
Exhibit 4-31: Environmental Releases Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) ...................................... 110
Exhibit 4-32: Industrial Sites Controlled By Others Screen (Joint PMN) .................................. 113
Exhibit 4-33: Exposures/Releases Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 1) ............................................ 116
Exhibit 4-34: Exposures/Releases Screen (Joint PMN) (Scroll 2) ............................................ 118
Exhibit 4-35: Byproduct Information Screen (Joint PMN) ......................................................... 119
Exhibit 4-36: Optional Pollution Prevention Screen (Joint PMN) .............................................. 122
Exhibit 4-37: Additional Attachments Screen (Joint PMN) ....................................................... 124
Exhibit 4-38: Attachment Summary Screen (Joint PMN) ......................................................... 126
Exhibit 4-39: Optional Cover Letter Screen (Joint PMN) .......................................................... 127
Exhibit 4-40: Upload XML Screen ...........................................................................................129
Exhibit 5-1: General Form Information Screen (Joint Biotechnology) ...................................... 132
Exhibit 5-2: Technical Contact Information Screen (Joint Biotechnology) ................................ 133
Exhibit 5-3: Add Technical Contact Window ............................................................................ 135
Exhibit 5-4: Optional Cover Letter Screen ...............................................................................136
Exhibit 6-1: General Document Information Screen (Letter of Support) ................................... 138
Exhibit 6-2: Primary Contact Information Screen ..................................................................... 140
Exhibit 6-3: Technical Contact Information Screen .................................................................. 142
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Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 6-4: Chemical Identification Information Screen........................................................... 143
Exhibit 6-5: Class 1 or 2/Biotechnology Chemical Substances Screen.................................... 147
Exhibit 6-6: Class 2/Biotechnology Substances Screen (Scroll 1) ........................................... 149
Exhibit 6-7: Class 2 Substances Screen (Scroll 2) .................................................................. 150
Exhibit 6-8: Polymer Identification Information Screen ............................................................ 153
Exhibit 6-9: Monomers and Other Reactants Screen .............................................................. 156
Exhibit 6-10: Use Information Screen ......................................................................................157
Exhibit 6-11: Document Management Screen ......................................................................... 158
Exhibit 6-12: Optional Cover Letter Screen .............................................................................159
Exhibit 7-1: Preview Biotechnology Form Screen .................................................................... 160
Exhibit 7-2: Preview Biotechnology Form PDF ........................................................................ 161
Exhibit 8-1: Section 5 Notices and Supports Validation Pop-Up Window ................................ 163
Exhibit 9-1: Submitting Official Information Screen.................................................................. 166
Exhibit 9-2: Submitting On Behalf Of Company Screen........................................................... 168
Exhibit 9-3: Submission Process: Validation Screen ............................................................... 169
Exhibit 9-4: Submission Process: PDF Generation Screen ..................................................... 170
Exhibit 9-5: Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Certification Screen . 171
Exhibit 9-6: Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Login Screen ........... 172
Exhibit 9-7: Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Security Question
Screen ....................................................................................................................................173
Exhibit 9-8: Submit to CDX Screen .........................................................................................174
Exhibit 9-9: Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Submission Screen . 175
Exhibit 10-1: Download Copy of Record Screen...................................................................... 176
Exhibit 10-2: Download Prompt Screen ...................................................................................177
Exhibit 11-1: Section 5 Notices and Supports Form – Amendment ......................................... 178
Exhibit 11-2: Unlock Prompt Message ....................................................................................179
Exhibit 12-1: Resources Screen (Scroll 1) ...............................................................................181
Exhibit 12-2: Resources Screen (Scroll 2) ...............................................................................182
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Revision Log
Initial Draft of User Guide
Final Section 5 Notices and Supports
Secondary Agent/Consultant User
C. Yeh
A. Jaynes
J. DeRosa
J. Ritchey
C. Yeh
J. Bronick
Incorporated Release 1.00
enhancements, other OPPT
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
This document presents the user guide for the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT)
Section 5 Notices and Supports application submission process. This document is the user guide
for the Secondary Agent/Consultant user of the Section 5 Notices and Supports application.
The Section 5 Notices and Supports application is the electronic, web-based tool provided by
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the submission of Section 5 Notices and Supports
data. As a Secondary Agent/Consultant, you can create or modify a Joint Form/Letter of Support
for a Section 5 Notices and Supports form. You can also delete Joint Section 5 Notices and
Supports forms, submit amendments to Joint submissions and download the Copy of Record
(CoR). You will not have the ability to submit Joint Forms or Letters of Support, but may submit
amendments to these forms.
For questions concerning the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 5 Notices and
Supports software requirements, please contact the Central Data Exchange (CDX) Help Desk
at or call 1-888-890-1995 between the hours of 8 am – 6 pm Eastern
Standard Time (EST). For questions concerning the TSCA Section 5 Notices and Supports
reporting requirements, please contact the TSCA Hotline at or
call 202-554-1404 between the hours of 8:30 am – 5:00 pm EST.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
System Requirements
To use the Section 5 Notices and Supports application to submit a Section 5 Notices and
Supports form, the following are required:
• An e-mail account
• JavaScript enabled web browser
• Internet access
• Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher
• CDX username and password
Supported Browsers
• Internet Explorer (IE) 7 or above (Internet Explorer 8 or higher is recommended; issues
found using IE 7 will be resolved on a case-by-case basis during post-production and known
issues within IE 7 are identified within the appropriate sections of this guide)
− Go to the following link to download:
• Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or above
− Go to the following link to download:
• Safari 4 or above
− Go to the following link to download:
• Google Chrome
− Go to the following link to download:
• Opera
Go to the following link to download:
Screen Resolution
• Screen resolution should be set to 1024 x 768 or greater.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Secondary Agent/Consultant Functions
This section describes how to:
• Access the application
• Navigate the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen
• Create, edit, amend, or delete the Section 5 Notices and Supports Letters of Supports and
Joint Submissions for a Premanufacture Notice (PMN) form, Biotechnology form, and/or
Bona Fide
• Upload an extensible markup language (XML) file
• Download a Copy of Record
The Secondary Agent/Consultant is not responsible for the submission of original Letters of
Support and/or Joint forms for PMN, Biotechnology, or Bona Fide. The Secondary
Agent/Consultant can create, edit, amend, or delete Joint Forms or Letters of Support.
The system uses Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) encryption security
during the submission signing process.
The Secondary Agent/Consultant can be responsible for receiving the unique identification
number that will be sent after an original Section 5 Notices and Supports form was submitted and
designated by the Primary Authorized Official (AO) or Primary Agent/Consultant as pending a
Joint Form and/or Letter of Support form.
You can save the form at any point during the data entry process. The save functionality will
allow you to return to that same submission at any point in the future. You can print the
submission at any point; however, the ‘Not For Submission’ watermark will be placed on the
form anytime the form is printed prior to actual submission.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-1 displays a table of the capabilities of user roles within the Section 5 Notices and
Supports application.
Exhibit 3-1: Section 5 Notices and Supports User Roles Matrix
Log into Section 5 Notices and Supports Application
After you create an account in CDX, click the ‘Secondary Agent/Consultant’ link for the
Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs (CSPP) data flow to navigate to the ‘Chemical
Information Submission System’ screen.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Chemical Information Submission System’ screen:
Exhibit 3-2: Chemical Information Submission System Screen
Navigation: To access the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen, select ‘TSCA Section
5 Notices and Supports - ePMN’ from the drop-down menu and click the ‘OK’ button.
Home Screen Navigation
You can access the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen by selecting ‘TSCA Section 5
Notices and Supports - ePMN’ from the submission type drop-down menu on the ‘Chemical
Information Submission System’ screen and clicking the ‘OK’ button.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
The Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen is the first screen within the Section 5
Notices and Supports application. It provides you with links and tabs to access the ‘Section 5
Notices and Supports Forms’ and ‘Resources’ screens. To navigate to any of these screens, click
the corresponding screen link (highlighted in blue text), or click the screen tab (located within
the application header). The links and tabs provide the same functionality.
There is a ten (10) minute logout timer for this application; the application will automatically log
you out after ten minutes of inactivity and navigate you back to the CDX login screen.
• Forms: Click the ‘Forms’ link or tab to navigate to the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports
Forms’ screen. You can create, modify, or delete a Section 5 Notices and Supports form
using the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen. For additional details about the
‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen, please refer to Section 3.3.
• Resources: Click the ‘Resources’ link or tab to navigate to the ‘Resources’ screen. You can
find the Section 5 Notices and Supports user guide, as well as useful links for guidance
documents on the ‘Resources’ screen. For additional details about the ‘Resources’ screen,
please refer to Section 12.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-3 shows a screen capture for the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen:
Exhibit 3-3: Section 5 Notices and Supports Home Screen
Navigation: Click the ‘Forms’ link or tab to access the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’
Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms
You can access the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen by clicking the ‘Forms’ link
from the Section 5 Notices and Supports ‘Home’ screen, or by clicking the ‘Forms’ tab located
within the application header.
Only one Section 5 Notices and Supports Form is created per form alias, which helps
differentiate between forms. Each column within the table of the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports
Forms’ screen can be sorted by clicking the individual column headers.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Start New Form: To create a new Section 5 Notices and Supports Joint Submission/Letter of
Support, click the ‘Start New Form’ button. You will be required to enter the unique
identification number supplied by the Primary AO or Primary Agent/Consultant and create a
passphrase that will be associated with your particular form. Make sure to create a passphrase
that you will remember, as it cannot be retrieved or reset. Refer to Section 3.4 for further
instructions on creating a new passphrase.
Edit an ‘In Progress’ Form: To modify an existing Section 5 Notices and Supports form, click
the ‘Alias’ link for a form with a status of ‘In Progress.’ You are required to enter the passphrase
associated with that particular form to access and edit the form. Refer to Section 11 for further
instructions on viewing and modifying a form that is ‘In Progress.’
Amend a submitted form: To edit an already submitted Section 5 Notices and Supports form
(i.e., to create an amendment), you must first unlock the particular form by clicking the ‘Lock’
icon ( ) under the ‘Action’ column. You are required to enter the passphrase associated with
that particular submission to gain access and continue amending the submission. All further
changes that are made will be submitted as an amendment. Refer to Section 11 for further
instructions on creating an amendment.
The ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen displays the following columns of
• Alias: Displays the form alias you provided within the ‘General Form Information,’ within a
PMN or Biotechnology form or the ‘General Document Information’ screen within a Bona
Fide Notice. The ‘Alias’ column will display a default alias comprised of a form type, date
stamp and time stamp in the following format: Form Type-YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS Time
Zone if you accept the auto-generated ‘Form Alias’ on the first screen in a Section 5 Notices
and Supports form. A form alias is helpful when a user or company has multiple forms and/or
when you must differentiate between forms. Click the form alias link to navigate to the
‘Enter Passphrase’ screen to access a form.
• Type: Displays the form type pertaining to the reported chemical substance or mixture. This
column can contain the following values: ‘Joint PMN,’ ‘Joint Biotechnology,’ or ‘Joint Bona
• Subtype: This column will not populate for a Secondary Agent/Consultant.
• Case Number: Displays the form case number pertaining to the reported chemical substance
or mixture after EPA receives the submission. In all cases, the ‘XX’ represents the fiscal year
in which the form was submitted, and the ‘XXXX’ represents the order in which the form
was received. A consolidated submission will generate sequential case numbers for each
chemical identified within the form and will display all case numbers associated with that
specific form. If the form has not been submitted and received, the ‘Case Number’ field
remains blank.
− A PMN submission can have the following case number formats: P-XX-XXXX for PMN,
Modifications, X-XX-XXXX for LOREX, XM-XX-XXXX for LOREX Modifications, TXX-XXXX for TMEA, and I-XX-XXXX for Mock PMN notice types.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
A Biotechnology form can have the following case number formats: J-XX-XXXX for
MCAN, R-XX-XXXX for TERA, G-XX-XXXX for Tier I Exemption, H-XX-XXXX for
Tier II.
Bona Fide Notices will have a case number format of BF-XX-XXXX.
• Status: Displays the status of the Section 5 Notices and Supports form. The values will
display as either ‘In Progress’ or ‘Submitted.’
• Modify Date: Displays the date the form was last modified.
• Submission Date: Displays the date the form was submitted to EPA via CDX. This date
populates only after the form has been submitted.
• Copy of Record: Click the ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) to navigate to the ‘Enter Passphrase’
screen, then the ‘Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Login’ screen
to continue to the ‘Copy of Record’ screen. The ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) displays only
after the form has been completed. Refer to Section 10 for further instructions on
downloading the Copy of Record. If you have just submitted via CDX, the ‘Copy of Record’
icon ( ) may take 15-20 minutes to display. In addition, you must refresh the ‘Section 5
Notices and Supports Forms’ screen for the ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) to display.
• Action: Displays a ‘Delete’ icon ( ) for all forms with a status of ‘In Progress.’ Click the
‘Delete’ icon to delete a form. This column displays a ‘Lock’ icon ( ) for all forms that
have been submitted and are not ‘In Progress.’ You can unlock a form by clicking the ‘Lock’
icon ( ) and unlocking the form. The form will remain unlocked and display the ‘Unlocked’
icon ( ) until the form is resubmitted as an amendment by a Secondary Agent/Consultant.
• Items Per Page: Select a value (‘25,’ ‘50,’ ‘75,’ or ‘100’) from this drop-down menu to
specify the number of forms to display on a single page.
• Export Options: Displays ‘CSV,’ ‘Excel,’ ‘XML,’ and ‘PDF’ links for you to export the
‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen in one of the specified formats as an Excel
spreadsheet, Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file, XML, or portable document format
(PDF). The export options section will not display until a form is created.
• Start New Form: Click this button to start a new form and navigate to the ‘Create
Passphrase’ screen. This button is only available to Authorized Officials and
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen:
Exhibit 3-4: Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms Screen
Navigation: Click the ‘Start New Form’ button to navigate to the ‘Create Passphrase’ screen.
Create Passphrase
To start a new Section 5 Notices and Supports Joint/Letter of Support for a PMN,
Biotechnology, or Bona Fide Notice, click the ‘Start New Form’ button. The ‘Create Passphrase’
screen provides a text field for you to enter in the unique identification number supplied by the
Primary AO or Primary Agent/Consultant and create a passphrase to associate that passphrase
with the form.
The application uses the passphrase as an encryption key to protect the contents of the form. You
are responsible for remembering the passphrase and distributing it to the appropriate individuals.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
If you forget the passphrase, you will not have access to the form and will not be able to view,
print, submit, or make changes. If you lose or forget the passphrase, you must create a new form
and passphrase. For security reasons, the system administrator does not have access to the
passphrase and will not be able to retrieve it or reset it to a new one.
Unique Identifier: Enter in the unique identifier that was provided by the Primary AO or
Primary Agent/Consultant.
New Passphrase: To associate a passphrase with a form, enter a passphrase that is at least 8
characters in length. To protect your account, your passphrase should contain a combination of
letters and numbers. The passphrase you create may include spaces, but should not contain
special characters (for example, +,?, and *). You can associate the same passphrase with multiple
You will be responsible for remembering the passphrase and distributing it to only
authorized Supports for an individual form. If you forget the passphrase, you will not be
able to access the Section 5 Notices and Supports form to print, submit, or make changes.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Create Passphrase’ screen for a Secondary
Exhibit 3-5: Create Passphrase Screen
Navigation: Create a passphrase and click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘General Form
Information’ screen in a PMN or Biotechnology form. Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the
‘General Document Information’ screen in a Bona Fide Notice.
Enter Passphrase
To edit a form click the ‘Alias’ link for a Section 5 Notices and Supports form with a status of
‘In Progress’ on the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen. The ‘Enter Passphrase’
screen requires you to enter the passphrase that is associated with the form.
Enter Passphrase: Enter the passphrase that was originally created and associated with the
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen:
Exhibit 3-6: Enter Passphrase Screen
Navigation: Enter the passphrase that was originally created and associated with the form and
click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘General Form Information’ screen in a PMN or
Biotechnology form. Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘General Document Information’
screen in a Bona Fide Notice.
Navigation Tree
The navigation tree is located on the left hand side of each screen. It allows you to navigate
between the various screens within the application and the different sections of the form. You
can perform the following functions using the navigation tree:
• Open and close the navigation tree: A navigation arrow that opens and closes the
navigation tree is located to the right of the navigation tree to provide more visual form
space. Click the arrow ( ) on the open navigation tree to close the navigation tree and
increase the space of the form content. Likewise, click the arrow ( ) on the closed navigation
tree to open the navigation tree.
• Collapse and Expand folders: Each section of the form falls under a collapsible folder
within the navigation tree which allows you to save space or easily view items in the
navigation tree. When a folder is expanded, you can click the minus sign (-), the ‘Folder’
icon ( ), or the folder title link to collapse that section of the navigation tree. When a folder
is collapsed, you can click the plus sign (+), the ‘Folder’ icon ( ), or the folder title link to
expand that section of the navigation tree. When you place your cursor over a folder title
link, it will highlight in red.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
• Navigate between screens: You can use the navigation tree to navigate between the various
screens within the application and the different sections of the form. A ‘Form’ icon ( )
denotes each section of a form. Click a ‘Form’ icon ( ) or a section title link to navigate
between screens. You are required to save all information entered on a particular screen
before navigating to the next screen or all entered information will be lost. A prompt will
appear after you click a link in the navigation tree indicating, ‘Are you sure you want to leave
the current page? Any unsaved changes will be lost.’ Click the ‘OK’ button to navigate to the
requested screen without saving any of the data in the previous screen. Click the ‘Cancel’
button to close the prompt and remain on the current screen.
Exhibit 3-7 shows a screen capture of the navigation prompt window:
Exhibit 3-7: Navigation Prompt
• Delete chemical folders: Click the ‘Delete’ icon ( ) that displays at the bottom of each
folder within the navigation tree of a PMN form to delete specific chemical folders. When a
chemical folder is deleted, all information entered within the deleted chemical report is lost
and cannot be retrieved. Click the ‘Add Consolidated Chemical’ link and fill in all
corresponding data to add a new chemical report. This delete functionality is not applicable
to the Biotechnology or Bona Fide Notice and is unavailable when amending a PMN form.
• Copy chemical folders: Click the ‘Copy’ icon ( ) that displays at the bottom of each
chemical folder within the navigation tree of a PMN form to copy a specific chemical folder.
When a chemical folder is copied, the chemical name, Chemical Abstracts Service Registry
Number (CASRN), and attached documents are removed from the copied chemical. This
copy functionality is not applicable to the Biotechnology or Bona Fide Notice forms, and is
unavailable when amending a PMN form.
• Delete ‘Submitted Controlled Operations’ or ‘Operations Controlled By Others’: Click
the ‘Delete’ icon ( ) that displays at the bottom of each ‘Submitter Controlled Operations’
or ‘Operations Controlled by Others’ folder within the navigation tree to delete a specific
operations folder. When a ‘Submitter Controlled Operations’ or ‘Operations Controlled By
Others’ folder is deleted, all information entered within the deleted operation is lost and
cannot be retrieved. Click the ‘Add Operation’ link under the appropriate operations folder
and fill in all corresponding data to add a new ‘Submitter Controlled Operations’ or
‘Operation Controlled By Others’ folder. The delete functionality is not applicable while a
user is navigating on a screen within the ‘Operations Controlled by Others’ folder. This
delete functionality is not applicable to a Biotechnology form or a Bona Fide Notice.
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Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
• Upload XML: The system displays an ‘Upload XML’ button in the navigation tree to allow
a user to upload an XML file into a PMN form or Joint PMN form, or to export an existing
PMN form into an XML file format. A user may also upload eTSCA thick client files into a
PMN form. If an XML file is uploaded into an existing form, the contents of that XML file
overwrite the contents within the PMN form. For more information about the upload XML
functionality, refer to Section 4.1.27 for additional information.
Please note that in IE 7, the scroll bar within the navigation bar may freeze and portions of the
scroll bar may be missing which can prevent you from using the navigation tree. If the scroll bar
freezes, click the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons on a page to navigate, or click other links within
the navigation tree to continue within the form.
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘PMN’ navigation tree (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 3-8: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 1)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘PMN’ navigation tree (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 3-9: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 2)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘PMN’ navigation tree (Scroll 3):
Exhibit 3-10: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 3)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘PMN’ navigation tree (Scroll 4):
Exhibit 3-11: Premanufacture Notice Navigation Tree (Scroll 4)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘Biotechnology’ navigation tree:
Exhibit 3-12: Biotechnology Navigation Tree
Exhibit 3-13 shows a screen capture of the ‘Bona Fide’ navigation tree (Class 1 or
2/Biotechnology chemical substances):
Exhibit 3-13: Bona Fide Navigation Tree (Class 1 or 2/Biotechnology Chemical
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
Secondary Agent/Consultant
December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-14 shows a screen capture of the ‘Bona Fide’ navigation tree (Polymer):
Exhibit 3-14: Bona Fide Navigation Tree (Polymer)
Action Bar
The action bar is located at the bottom of the form section on each screen. You can perform the
following functions using the action bar:
• Validate: Click the ‘Validate’ icon ( ) at any stage of completing a Section 5 Notices and
Supports form. A ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Validation’ pop-up window generates
when you click the ‘Validate’ icon ( ) if you disable the pop-up blocker within your
internet browser. The ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Validation’ pop-up window displays a
report of all warning messages and validation errors. On screens that display an
expandable/collapsible field set, you must click the ‘Save’ button displayed within the
expandable/collapsible field set to save the information entered within the field set before the
‘Validate’ functionality initiates. Refer to Section 8 for more information on validating a
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
The following exhibits, Exhibit 3-15, Exhibit 3-16, Exhibit 3-17, and Exhibit 3-18, show screen
captures for the action bar:
Exhibit 3-15: Action Bar – Validate
• Save: Click the ‘Save’ icon ( ) at any stage of completing a Section 5 Notices and Supports
form. To generate and access links to other pages of the form within the navigation tree, you
must click the ‘Save’ icon ( ) within the action bar. After you click the ‘Save’ icon ( ),
you will receive a prompt indicating that all data entered in the form has been saved
successfully. The save function does not validate any data entered. On screens that display an
expandable/collapsible field set, you must click the ‘Save’ button displayed within the
expandable/collapsible field set to save the information entered before being able to click the
‘Save’ icon ( ) located within the action bar, or use the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons to
navigate to another page. Click the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons on a form to save the data
entered within a form. Click the ‘X’ button in the upper right-hand corner of the form in your
browser to close the form without saving.
Exhibit 3-16: Action Bar – Save
• Preview: Click the ‘Preview’ icon ( ) at any stage of completing a Section 5 Notices and
Supports form to preview the form. After you click the ‘Preview’ icon ( ), you will be given
the option to view a regular version of the PDF (the confidential business information (CBI)
version of the form or the non-CBI version of the form if the form contains no CBI) or a
sanitized version of the PDF. Choosing either option will generate and display a watermarked
PDF of the form in a separate tab of your internet browser. Please note that attachment
header sheets no longer generate within the PDF.
Exhibit 3-17: Action Bar – Preview
• Submit: As a Secondary Agent/Consultant you may click the ‘Submit’ icon ( ) to only
submit amendments to Joint Forms or Letters of Supports or after you or the Support have
completed all sections of the Section 5 Notices and Supports submission process. You do not
have the ability to submit original Letters of Support for PMN, Bona Fide Notices, or
Biotechnology forms.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-18: Action Bar – Submit
Please note that in IE 7, the action bar may align to the left or right of the screen when viewing
certain sections of the form.
• Help Links: You can click any of the ‘Help’ links, located at the bottom of each screen, at
any stage of completing a Section 5 Notices and Supports form.
− If you click the ‘CDX Homepage’ link, the application takes you to the CDX Homepage.
− If you click the ‘MyCDX Homepage’ link, the application takes you to the CDX Login
− If you click the ‘EPA Homepage’ link, the application takes you to the EPA Homepage.
− If you click the ‘Terms and Conditions’ link, the application takes you to the CDX Terms
and Conditions screen.
− If you click the ‘Privacy Notice’ link, the application takes you to the CDX Privacy and
Security Notice screen.
Exhibit 3-19 shows a screen capture of the ‘Help’ links:
Exhibit 3-19: Help – Links
Attach Documents
The ‘Attach Document’ button displays on various screens within a Section 5 Notices and
Supports form, and provides functionality for you to attach supporting documents where needed.
Click the ‘Attach Document’ button displayed on a screen to access the ‘Attach Documents’
pop-up window. You can attach a file and enter a description, number of pages, and indicate CBI
status. There is no limit on the size of the file that can be attached; however, the application
prevents a user from uploading an empty document.
The system allows you to claim an uploaded document as CBI. If you claim a document as CBI,
the system requires you to upload a sanitized version of the attached document. If you wish to
change a CBI attachment to be non-CBI by un-checking the ‘CBI’ checkbox, a warning appears
to notify you that un-checking the ‘CBI’ checkbox will delete the sanitized file. If you neglect to
populate a required field and click the ‘OK’ button, an error message will display to indicate the
missing field and the application deletes the previously attached file.
After you upload a document to be attached, the ‘Attach Documents’ pop-up window will close
and the document’s information will display in a table format on the screen. Depending on the
screen, the attachment table may display the section of the page the file is associated with, the
file name and file extension of the document, a description of the document, the number of pages
in the document, and if the document was claimed CBI. Click the ‘Delete’ icon ( ) located
under the ‘Actions’ column to delete unwanted documents. To view, open, or edit previously
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
attached documents, click the appropriate file name of the document within the ‘File Name’
column of the document table to view previously entered document information.
Please note that in IE 7, the ‘Cancel’ button within the ‘Attach Documents’ pop-up window
disappears and reappears when checking the ‘CBI’ checkbox.
• Type: Select the document type from the drop-down menu of the document that you upload.
For additional information regarding document types, refer to Exhibit 3-20. This is a required
• Subtype: Select the document type from the drop-down menu of the document that you
upload. For additional information regarding document subtypes, refer to Exhibit 3-20. This
is a required field when displayed.
• Attachment: Click the ‘Browse’ button to generate the ‘File Upload’ window to search for a
particular file on your hard drive. The application prevents the upload of empty documents.
The attached file can be one of the following file types: .pdf, .mol, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx,
.doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .gif, .jpg, .png, .bpm, .fas, .gbk, or .embl.
• Description: Enter the description associated with the document. Submitters should not
include any CBI information in the description of the file information. This is a required
• Number of Pages: Enter the number of pages in a document. This is a required field.
• Check to claim the attachment as CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the attached
document as confidential. Un-checking the ‘CBI’ checkbox for a CBI document generates a
warning notifying you that un-checking the CBI claim will delete the sanitized file.
• Sanitized Attachment: Click the ‘Browse’ button to generate the ‘File Upload’ window to
search for a particular file on your hard drive. The attached file can be one of the following
file types: .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .gif, .jpg, .png, .bpm, .fas, .gbk, or
.embl. For any attached document claimed as CBI, you will be required to attach a sanitized
version of the document.
• Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to cancel the attach document process.
• OK: Click the ‘OK’ button to attach and link the document uploaded on the ‘Attach
Documents’ window to the form. If a field is missing, a warning message will display
notifying you that all attachments must be re-attached and the missing field must be
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-20 displays a table of the document types and subtypes for each Section 5 Notices and
Supports form:
Exhibit 3-20: Section 5 Document Types and Subtypes
Form Type
Document Type
Aquatic Ecotoxicity
Document Subtypes
• Algae Toxicity
• Fish Acute Toxicity
• Fish Chronic Toxicity
• Invertebrate Acute Toxicity
• Invertebrate Chronic Toxicity
Chemical Structure Diagram
• Not applicable (N/A)
• N/A
• BCF/BAF (bioconcentration factors / bioaccumulation
• Biodegradation
• Fugacity
• Hydrolysis
• Monitoring data (e.g., air, water, soil, biota, human)
• Partitioning (e.g., Koc, Kd, Kow, Koa, Henry’s law
• Photolysis
• N/A
Genetic Toxicity
• Chromosomal Aberrations Assay
• Genetic Mutation Assay
• Unscheduled DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) Synthesis
Health Toxicity
• Acute Toxicity
• Carcinogenicity
• Combined RepeatedDose/Developmental/Reproductive Toxicity
• Dermal Irritation
• Developmental Toxicity
• Eye Irritation
• Immunotoxicity
• Neurotoxicity
• Pharmacokinetics/Metabolism
• Repeated-Dose Toxicity
• Reproductive Toxicity
• Sensitization
IES Report
• N/A
• A free text field generates for a user to provide a
description of the document type
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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Form Type
Document Type
Document Subtypes
Process Diagram - Other
• N/A
Process Diagram – Submitter
• N/A
Safety Datasheet
• MSDS/SDS (material safety data sheet / safety data
• Technical Datasheet
Terrestrial Ecotoxicity
• Avian Toxicity
• Invertebrate Toxicity
• Plant Toxicity
Published Literature
• N/A
Regs and Certifications
• N/A
• Identification (ID) Sequence Data
• Other ID Data
• Strain History
• Construct Methodology
• Construct Data
• Gene Sequence Data
• Human Health Effects
• Environmental Effects
• Pathogenicity Data
• Antibiotic Resistance
• Metabolism
• N/A
Manufacturing Details
• N/A
Use Details
• N/A
Inactivation Data
• N/A
• A free text field generates for a user to provide a
description of the document type
Spectrum of Substance
• N/A
Statement of
• N/A
Statement of Research and
• N/A
• A free text field generates for a user to provide a
description of the document type
CBI Substantiation K
• N/A
• N/A
Bona Fide
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-21 shows a screen capture of the ‘Attach Documents’ pop-up window that displays
within the majority of forms:
Exhibit 3-21: Attach Documents Pop-Up Window (PMN or Biotechnology)
Navigation: Click the ‘Cancel’ button or ‘X’ icon in the upper right-hand corner to cancel the
document attachment process. Click the ‘OK’ button to attach the document to the form and
navigate back to the original screen from which the document attachment process was initiated.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-21 shows a screen capture of the ‘Attach Documents’ pop-up window for a Bona Fide
Exhibit 3-22: Attach Documents Pop-Up Window (Bona Fide)
Navigation: Click the ‘Cancel’ button or ‘X’ icon in the upper right-hand corner to cancel the
document attachment process. Click the ‘OK’ button to attach the document to the form and
navigate back to the original screen from which the document attachment process was initiated.
Search Substance Registry Services
The ‘Search SRS’ button displays on various screens within a Section 5 Notices and Supports
form to identify chemicals that may be stored in SRS.
Search SRS: Click the ‘Search SRS’ button to generate the ‘Search Substance Registry
Services’ window. You can search for the reported chemical(s) by either the ‘Chemical Abstracts
Service Registry Number (CASRN)’ or ‘CA Index Name or Other Synonym.’ The application
also offers the option of entering user-specified chemical information by clicking the ‘Create
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December 22, 2014
New Chemical’ button. Click the ‘Create New Chemical’ button to generate the ‘Chemical Not
Found In Substance Registry Services’ window and enter chemical information by filling in the
‘Chemical Name’ and ‘CASRN’ (if desired) field under the manual entry field set.
The system allows you to enter each chemical by clicking the ‘OK’ button located at the bottom
of the ‘Search SRS’ window. Once you enter all known chemical information and click the ‘OK’
button, the chemical information saves and populates into the chemical description table. The
‘Actions’ column of the chemical table allows you to delete chemicals that have been added.
The Section 5 Notices and Supports application contains functionality to prevent a user from
adding duplicate chemicals within a multi-component submission. The application checks
chemicals in the following order:
• If both chemicals have CASRNs, they will be compared.
• If only one chemical has a CASRN, they will not be compared and are considered different.
• If neither chemical has a CASRN, their chemical names will be compared.
An error message generates within the expandable/collapsible field set if a user attempts to add a
duplicate chemical within a multi-component submission.
Please note in IE 7, the CSPP logo might be misaligned in the ‘Search Substance Registry
Services’ pop-up window.
• CASRN: Enter the chemical abstracts service registry number of the chemical; this field
accommodates dashes. Either the ‘CASRN’ or ‘CA Index Name or Other Synonym’ field is
required when searching SRS.
• CA Index Name or Other Synonym: Enter the chemical abstract ‘(CA) Index Name or
Other Synonym’ of the chemical. This field displays the following options: ‘Matches
Exactly,’ ‘Contains,’ and ‘Begins With.’ Either the ‘CASRN’ or ‘CA Index Name or Other
Synonym’ field is required when searching SRS.
• Search SRS: Click the ‘Search’ button to initiate the database search for the ‘CASRN’ or
‘CA Index Name or Other Synonym’ for the desired chemical.
• Create New Chemical: Click the ‘Create New Chemical’ button to generate the ‘Chemical
Not Found In Substance Registry Services’ pop-up window.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-23 shows a screen capture of the ‘Search Substance Registry Services’ pop-up
Exhibit 3-23: Search Substance Registry Services Pop-Up Window
Navigation: Click the ‘Search SRS’ button on the ‘Search Substance Registry Services’ pop-up
window to initiate the database search for the ‘CASRN’ or ‘CA Index Name or Other Synonym.’
After SRS returns results, select the radio button associated to a chemical, click the ‘OK’ button
on the ‘Search Substance Registry Services’ pop-up window, close the ‘Search Substance
Registry Services’ pop-up window, and navigate back to the screen from which the SRS search
was initiated where the chemical information will be populated.
If the chemical is not found in the ‘Search Substance Registry Services’ pop-up window, click
the ‘Create New Chemical’ button to generate the ‘Chemical Not Found In Substance Registry
Services’ pop-up window.
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December 22, 2014
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the entered chemical as confidential. The ‘CBI’
checkbox will not be displayed on the ‘Chemical Not Found In Substance Registry Services’
window for the ‘Class 1 or 2 Chemical Substances,’ ‘Polymer Identification Information,’ or
the ‘Monomers and Other Reactants’ screen.
• Chemical Name: Enter the chemical name. This is a required field.
• CASRN: Enter the CASRN, if available.
• Maximum Percent: Enter the maximum percentage for the impurity. This field is displayed
only in the ‘Chemical Not Found in Substance Registry Services’ pop-up window on the
‘Additional Chemical Information’ screen within a PMN form.
• Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate back to the ‘Search Substance Registry
Services’ pop-up window.
• OK: Click the ‘OK’ button to enter the manually entered chemical information into the fields
on the screen from which the SRS search was initiated.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-24 shows a screen capture of the ‘Chemical Not Found In Substance Registry Services’
pop-up window:
Exhibit 3-24: Chemical Not Found In Substance Registry Services Pop-Up Window
Navigation: Click the ‘OK’ button to save the specified chemical information and navigate back
to the screen from which the SRS search was initiated where the chemical information will be
populated. Click the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate back to the ‘Search SRS’ pop-up window. Click
the ‘X’ located in the upper right-hand corner to close the pop-up window and navigate back to
the screen from which the SRS search was initiated.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
Add Facility
The ‘Add Facility’ button displays on the ‘Submitter Operation Information’ screen and the
‘Industrial Sites Controlled By Others’ screen within a PMN form. This button also displays on
the ‘Submitter Site Identification’ screen within a Bona Fide form. The ‘Add Facility’ button is
used to generate the ‘Add Facility’ pop-up window and select the applicable sites for which you
will be reporting. The ‘Add Facility’ drop-down menu contains the sites that all AO users within
the same organization are registered for within CDX registration; additional facilities can be
added within CDX to further populate this drop-down menu.
If you are not registered to any facilities within CDX registration, or you have finished
identifying all possible sites, a message displays within a pop-up window notifying you to add
additional sites within your CDX registration profile to add additional sites to a form.
Click the ‘Add Facility’ button to generate the ‘Add Facility’ pop-up window which displays the
following fields: ‘Select a site from the drop-down menu below,’ ‘CBI,’ ‘Alias,’ ‘EPA Registry
ID,’ ‘Facility Name,’ ‘Facility Address,’ ‘City,’ ‘State,’ and ‘Postal Code.’ Each individual site
may be claimed as CBI.
• Select a site from the drop-down menu below: Select a site that you will be reporting on
from the drop-down menu.
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the facility information as confidential.
• Alias: Enter the site alias. This is a required field if a Joint Submission or Letter of Support is
pending for the form.
• EPA Registry ID: Displays the EPA registry ID of the site selected from the drop-down
• Facility Name: Displays the name of the site selected from the drop-down menu.
• Facility Address: Displays the address of the site selected from the drop-down menu.
• City: Displays the city of the site selected from the drop-down menu.
• State: Displays the state of the site selected from the drop-down menu.
• Postal Code: Displays the postal code of the site selected from the drop-down menu.
• Add Facility: Click the ‘Add Facility’ button to add the selected site to the main page from
which you are initiating the search.
• Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to cancel the process of adding a site.
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-25 shows a screen capture of the ‘Add Facility’ pop-up window:
Exhibit 3-25: Add Facility Message Pop-Up Window
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December 22, 2014
Exhibit 3-26 shows a screen capture of the ‘Add Facility’ pop-up window:
Exhibit 3-26: Add Facility Pop-Up Window
Navigation: Click the ‘Add Facility’ button to add the selected site to the screen from which you
initiated the site identification process.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS Section 5 Notices and Supports User Guide
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December 22, 2014
Create Joint/Letter of Support PMN Form
Anyone who plans to manufacture or import a new chemical substance for a non-exempt
commercial purpose is required by Section 5 of TSCA to provide EPA with notice before
initiating the activity, known as a PMN form. This PMN must be submitted at least 90 days prior
to the manufacture or import of the chemical.
The PMN joint process will be a multistep process with coordination needed on the behalf of
Secondary AOs and Secondary Agents/Consultants. The Primary AO will first identify that a
Joint Submission and/or Letter of Support(s) will supplement the original PMN form. Based on
the selection, the ‘Joint Submission’ folder and/or ‘Letter of Support’ folder generates in the
navigation tree. Each folder will contain a section for the Primary AO to enter contact
information and instruction information with the Joint and/or Letter of Support unique
identification number.
When the Primary AO accesses the relevant ‘Joint’ or ‘Letter of Support’ folder in the original
PMN form, the Primary AO will enter the Secondary Agent/Consultant’s contact information on
the ‘Letter of Support Submitter Information’ screen, or the ‘Joint Submitter Information’ screen.
The email address entered on the ‘Letter of Support Submitter Information’ or ‘Joint Submitter
Information’ screen will be used to send the Secondary Agent/Consultant the unique
identification number via an un-encrypted email sent by the Primary AO. The ‘Joint Submission
Information’ or ‘Letter of Support Submission Information’ screen in the ‘Joint’ or ‘Letter of
Support’ folder displays the unique identification number that will be sent to the Secondary
Agent/Consultant by the Primary AO and a text box for the Primary AO to provide instructions
or information to the Secondary Agent/Consultant about what is to be filed.
The Secondary Agent/Consultant will register in CDX and access the Section 5 Notices and
Supports application. Once you arrive at the ‘Section 5 Notices and Supports Forms’ screen,
click the ‘Start New Form’ button and navigate to the ‘Create Passphrase’ screen. For ‘Joint
PMN’ and ‘Letter of Support’ forms, the process of completing the form will work in the same
way as the Primary AO, other than being able to enter a foreign address for a ‘Letter of Support’
submitter. Once the Secondary Agent/Consultant has created a new form and assigned a
passphrase, the Secondary Agent/Consultant may enter the required information within the form.
On the ‘Create Passphrase’ screen, the Secondary Agent/Consultant will enter the unique
identification number sent via email from the Primary AO’s form. Once the Secondary
Agent/Consultant has entered the unique identification number, the Joint/Letter of Support form
Create Joint Submission
As a Secondary Agent/Consultant, you can create, modify, unlock, and/or delete Letters of
Support or Joint forms.
General Form Information (Joint PMN)
You can navigate to the ‘General Form Information’ screen by entering the unique identification
number provided by the Primary AO and creating a passphrase on the ‘Create Passphrase’
screen. The ‘General Form Information’ screen provides fields for you to identify information
that is specific to the form type of the original PMN form.
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December 22, 2014
The ‘General Form Information’ screen presents a list of text fields and checkboxes for you to
input identifying information for the specific form. You will have the option to assign a ‘Form
Alias’ which you will use to identify the form. A form alias is helpful when a user or company
has multiple forms and/or when you must differentiate between forms to the help desk. Upon
navigating to the ‘General form Information’ screen, a default form alias generates in the
following format:
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2015-03-13 |
File Created | 2015-03-13 |