OMB Approval No.: 1840-
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Talent Search (TS) Program
for Program Year 2014-15
Section I: Project Identification, Certification and Warning
A. Project Identification
1. PR/Award Number [pre-populated]: __________________________________________________________
2. Name of Grantee [pre-populated]: ___________________________________________________________
3. Address (City, State, Zip) [pre-populated]: _____________________________________________________
4. Name of Project Director [pre-populated]: ____________________________________________________
5. Phone Number [pre-populated]: ________________ Fax Number [pre-populated]:____________________
E-mail Address [pre-populated]: _____________________________________________________________
6. Report Period [pre-populated]: ____________________________ to _______________________________
7. Name of Data Entry Person: ________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________ E-mail Address: __________________________________
B. Certification: We
certify that the performance report information reported and
submitted electronically on
_________ is readily verifiable.
The information reported is accurate and complete to the best of our
__________________________________ ___________________________________
Name of Project Director (Print) Name of Certifying Official (Print)
__________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature and Date Signature and Date
C. Warning: Any person who knowingly makes a false statement or misrepresentation on this report is subject to penalties which may include fines, imprisonment, or both, under the United States Criminal Code and 20 U.S. C. 1097. Further Federal funds or other benefits may be withheld under this program unless this report is completed and filed as required by existing law (20 U.S.C. 1231a) and regulations (34 CFR 75.591 and 75.720)
Authority: Public Law 102-325, as amended.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 16 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit (Education General Administrative Regulations, 34 CFR 75.591 and 75.720; program regulations, 34 CFR Part 643 and Title IV, Section 402A and 402B of Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (Public Law 102-325). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202-4536 or e-mail and reference the OMB Control Number 1840-XXXX. Note: Please do not return the completed annual performance report to this address.
Section II: Demographic Profile of Project Participants and Listing of Target Schools |
Number |
Participants Funded to Serve [pre-populated] |
1. _-Upward Bound (UB) |
2. _-Upward Bound Math-Science (UBMS) |
3. Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) |
4. _-Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) |
5. GEAR UP |
6. Other |
1. Seniors who completed the FAFSA |
2. Seniors who completed the FAFSA and also enrolled in postsecondary education |
Number of participants served who did not attend a target school ______________
Please list all the target schools served during this budget period. For each target school, include the school’s identification number listed in the Common Core of Data (CCD) of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the name of the school, its city, state, zip code, and the number of participants served during the reporting period. A Web link to the CCD data will appear on the Web application to assist you in finding the NCES school identification numbers for your target schools.
This section will be pre-populated for projects that had grants in 2010-11. Please enter the requested information for each of the target schools served by the project and/or update or correct the data in the pre-populated list of target schools. Also, please check pre-populated NCES identification numbers for accuracy.
NCES School ID # |
School name |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Number served |
Section III: Educational Status of Talent Search Participants (at the time of first service in the reporting year) |
Number |
not organized by grade (see instructions) |
Section IV: Educational Status of Talent Search Participants (at end of reporting period or the following fall)
In this section, all the standard objectives are listed for your Talent Search project. The percentage for each of these standard objectives will be pre-populated in the online Web application for all grantees. The pre-populated numbers are based on the information provided on the Program Profile sheet submitted with your approved FY 2011 application. No changes may be made to these percentages on this form. However, if the pre-populated number reflects a data entry error, you must contact your assigned program specialist to resolve the problem. So as to allow the Department to report aggregated data gathered in a uniform manner, all TS grantees must report outcomes based on the standard objectives identified in the FY 2011 application.
To better facilitate data collection, please enter a positive numeric value in each field. For fields not applicable to your project, please enter zero (0). If more than one response is possible for a given participant, choose the most recent status. Also, please refer to the “Definitions that Apply” section in the APR instructions for additional information on commonly used terms (e.g., rigorous program of study, regular high school diploma, graduation within standard number of years) that are new in this APR.
OBJECTIVE : Secondary School Persistence
____% of non-senior participants served each project year will complete the current academic year and continue in school for the next academic year, at the next grade level
Educational Status of Middle and Non-Senior High School Participants |
Number |
A1. Persisted in school for next academic year at next grade level or graduated high school |
A2. Persisted in school for next academic year at same grade level |
A3. Dropped out of school A4. Deceased |
___________________ |
A5. Other |
A6. Unknown |
A7. Total (must equal sum of Section III, A1 and A2) |
Calculation Rules for the Secondary School Persistence Objective:
The denominator is the number of participants, at time of first service in the reporting period, who were in middle school and high school but were not seniors (sum of Section III, A1 and A2) minus participants who are deceased (Section IV, A4).
The numerator is the number of participants in the denominator who persisted in school for the next academic year at the next grade level, or who graduated high school (Section IV, A1).
OBJECTIVE: Secondary School Graduation
Secondary School Graduation (regular secondary school diploma)
_____% of seniors served during the project year will graduate during the project year with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years.
Secondary School Graduation (rigorous program of study)
____% of seniors served during the project year will complete a rigorous secondary school program of study and will graduate during the project year with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years.
Educational Status of High School Seniors (Include below only those participants that were reported as high school seniors (or in grade 12 in an alternative education program) at the time of first service in the reporting year (Section III, A3).
Number |
B1. Received regular secondary school diploma within standard number of years but did not complete a rigorous program of study |
B2. Received regular secondary school diploma and completed a rigorous program of study within standard number of years |
B3. Received a regular secondary school diploma but not within the standard number of years. |
B4. Received an alternative award (e.g., certificate of attendance or a high school equivalency certificate). |
B5. Neither graduated high school nor received an alternative award B6. Deceased B7. Other |
____________________ |
B8. Unknown |
B9. Total (must equal sum of Section III, A3) |
B10. Secondary school dropouts (III.A5) and relevant “Other” participants (III.A6) who completed secondary education |
Calculation Rules for the Secondary School Graduation (regular diploma) Objective:
The denominator is the number of participants, at time of first service in the reporting period, who were seniors (Section III, A3) minus participants who are deceased (Section IV, B6).
The numerator is the sum of number of participants who graduated high school with regular secondary school diploma within standard number of years and those that received a regular secondary school diploma and completed a rigorous program of study within the standard number of years (Section IV, B1 and B2).
Calculation Rules for the Secondary School Graduation (rigorous program of study) Objective:
The denominator is the number of participants, at time of first service in the reporting period, who were seniors (Section III, A3) minus participants who are deceased (Section IV, B6).
The numerator is the number of participants who graduated high school with regular secondary school diploma and completed rigorous program of study within standard number of years (Section IV, B2).
C. OBJECTIVE: Postsecondary Education Enrollment
____% of participants, who have graduated with a regular secondary school diploma, during the project year, will enroll in an institution of higher education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or will have received notification, by the fall term immediately following high school, from an institution of higher education, of acceptance but deferred enrollment until the next academic term (e.g., spring term).
In line 1, please indicate, by type of high school credential, the number of participants who enrolled in postsecondary education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or by the next academic term if the institution deferred the participant’s enrollment. Also indicate in line 2 the number of participants who, within the same timeframe, did not enroll (or did not receive notification of deferred enrollment) in PSE. Listed below the table are the types of credentials to which the columns refer.
(a) Enrollment status |
(b) IV.C1 |
(c) IV.C2 |
(d) ST of IV.C1 + C2 |
(e) IV.C3 |
(f) IV.C4 |
(g) IV.C5 |
(h) ST of IV.C3, C4, and C5 |
(i) TL of cols. (d) + (h) |
1.Enrolled in PSE or notified of deferred enrollment |
* |
2.No evidence of enrollment or deferred enrollment; or unknown status |
Totals |
** |
*** |
*Total of line 1 should equal grand total of placement table in section IV.D. **Subtotal of col. d should equal IV.B1 + B2. ***Subtotal of col. h should equal IV.B3 + B4 + B5 + B7. |
IV.C1: Received regular diploma within standard number of years, and did not complete a rigorous program of study
IV.C2: Received regular diploma within standard number of years, and completed a rigorous program of study
IV.C3: Received a regular diploma but not within the standard number of years
IV.C4: Received an alternative award (e.g., certificate of attendance or high school equivalency certificate)
IV.C5: Neither graduated high school nor received an alternative award; or was included in IV.B7, “Other.”
Calculation Rules for the Postsecondary Enrollment Objective:
The denominator is the number of participants that graduated high school with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years (includes both those who completed, and those who did not complete, a rigorous program of study [Section IV, B1 and B2]).
The numerator is those enrolled in cell 1(d).
Please indicate the number of participants enrolled in a program of postsecondary education, as reported in Section IV.C, by type and control of the postsecondary institution and by the type of high school credential received. The types of credentials referred to in the columns are found in Section IV.C. The total number of participants enrolled in all types of postsecondary institutions should equal the sum of those listed as enrolled in Section IV.C, cell 1(i).
(a) Type of institution |
(b) IV.C1 |
(c) IV.C2 |
(d) ST of IV.C1 + C2 |
(e) IV.C3 |
(f) IV.C4 |
(g) IV.C5 |
(h) ST of IV.C3, C4, and C5 |
(i) TL of cols. (d) + (h) |
1.Public 2-yr institution |
2.Private 2-yr institution |
3.Public 4-yr institution |
4.Private 4-yr institution |
5.Vocational/trade institution |
6.Proprietary school |
7.Unknown institution |
8.Totals |
* |
*Grand total should equal the sum of those listed as enrolled in IV.C, cell 1(i).
OBJECTIVE: Postsecondary Attainment
____% of participants served during the project year who enrolled in an institution of higher education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or by the next academic term (e.g., spring term) as a result of acceptance but deferred enrollment will complete a program of postsecondary education within six years.
Please indicate which interpretation of the objective’s wording was followed when the project established the objective rate for postsecondary attainment. Note that the only distinction between the two choices is item 4 in the second interpretation.
The target population, or denominator, of this objective would include postsecondary enrollees that 1) received regular high school diplomas without completing a rigorous program of study, 2) received regular high school diplomas and completed a rigorous program of study, and 3) received a regular secondary diploma but not within standard number of years (the sum of the number of students in Section IV, C1, C2, and C3), or
The target population, or denominator, of this objective would include postsecondary enrollees that 1) received regular high school diplomas without completing a rigorous program of study, 2) received regular high school diplomas and completed a rigorous program of study, 3) received a regular secondary school diploma but not within standard number of years, AND 4) received an alternative award (e.g., certificate of attendance or high school equivalency certificate). This second interpretation uses the sum of the number of students in Section IV, C1, C2, C3, and C4.
Note: Once an interpretation has been selected in the 2011-12 APR, it cannot be changed for the remainder of the current grant cycle to maintain consistent PE calculations across all PE assessment years.
To help projects keep track of the students’ progression to postsecondary attainment, projects are required to report the first and last names of the students who enrolled in postsecondary education during the 2011-12 project year. Projects may choose to track all students listed or a randomly selected group using the method stated in the appendix of the instructions.
So that projects need not manually enter the names of each postsecondary enrollee, the online Web application will be designed so that a project can upload an Excel file with the list of postsecondary enrollees. The Excel file must include the first and last name of each enrollee. For a project that will be tracking a random sample, the spreadsheet must also include a column that indicates whether the student is part of the sample. The project may add additional columns to the Excel spreadsheet, such as the student’s middle initial and/or an identifying number, provided this number is not the student’s social security number or date of birth.
Please indicate the method your project will be implementing to track the postsecondary attainment status of postsecondary enrollees:
My project will be tracking the postsecondary attainment status of ALL postsecondary enrollees for the entirety of the grant cycle.
My project will be tracking the postsecondary attainment status of a random sample of postsecondary enrollees using the methodology stated in the APR instructions for the entirety of the grant cycle.
Note: Once a tracking selection has been made in the 2011-12 APR, it cannot be changed for the remainder of the current grant cycle to maintain consistent tracking methodology.
1 Please see APR instructions for the definition of dual enrollment. Include both seniors and non-seniors in this field.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | billie.chow |
Last Modified By | Kate Mullan |
File Modified | 2015-06-04 |
File Created | 2015-06-04 |