Attachment 8g
Biomonitoring Interview Questionnaire, Subsistence Anglers
New York State Department of Health
The Healthy Fishing Community Project in Syracuse, NY
October 21, 2014
Revised June 1, 2015
Readability, calculated using the Flesch-Kinkaid Readability Option in Microsoft Word, has been determined at the 3rd grade level without country names
Form Approved
OMB No. 0923-0052
Exp. Date 4/30/2017
What is your full name?
First: __________________ Last: __________________ Middle initial: ___
___ Refused
Do you have an email address?
___ Yes What is it? ________________________________________
___ No
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Do you have a phone number where we can reach you? This can be the phone number of a friend, relative, or someone who will know how to find you.
___ Yes _____________________ Home Work Cell Other: _________
_____________________ Home Work Cell Other: _________
_____________________ Home Work Cell Other: _________
___ No
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
What is your street address?
Street Number: ______ Street Name:_____________________ Unit: ____
City: ___________________________ State: _______ ZIP Code: ________
Is your mailing address different from your street address?
___ Yes What is your mailing address?
Street Number: ______ Street Name:_____________________ Unit: ____
City: ___________________________ State: _______ ZIP Code: _______
___ No
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response for total participation, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0923-XXXX).
Page 2
6. If you want your blood and urine test results sent to your doctor, what is his/her name, phone number, and address?
Name of doctor: ______________________________
Telephone number: _________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Script. Now we will begin the interview. The first part is about your background. It will help us compare your answers to other participants’ answers.
Indicate whether the person is male or female. If unsure, ask his/her sex.
___ Male
___ Female
What is your birthdate?
____ / _____ / _______ So you are _____ years old?
mm dd yyyy
Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?
___ Yes
___ No
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
What race do you consider yourself to be? (Check all that apply.)
___ White
___ Black or African American
___ Asian
___ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
___ American Indian or Alaska Native
___ Other Specify: _______________
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Page 3
Script: Next, I will ask you where you have lived.
How long have you lived at your current address?
___ Entire life
(If less than 1 year, enter 0 years and number of months. If full years reported, enter number of years and 0 months.)
_____ years _____ months
When was this home built?
___ 1978 or after
___ 1950 to 1977
___ Before 1950
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
How long have you lived in Syracuse?
___ Entire life
(If less than 1 year, enter 0 years and number of months. If full years reported, enter number of years and 0 months.)
_____ years _____ months
Script: The next group of questions will be about any behaviors or customs you have that could expose you to some contaminants found in Great Lakes fish.
On most days, do you take or use any of the following? (Check all that apply.)
___ Herbal medicine or supplements Specify: _________________________________
___ Fish oil
___ None
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes (or 5 packs) in your lifetime?
___ Yes (Ever smoker) go to #16
___ No (Never smoker) go to #20
___ Don’t know go to #20
___ Refused go to #20
Page 4
(Ever smoker) Do you smoke cigarettes now?
___ Yes (Current smoker) go to #18
___ No (Former smoker) go to #17
___ Don’t know go to #20
___ Refused go to #20
(Former smoker) How long has it been since you last smoked cigarettes regularly?
_____ months or _____ years go to #20
(Current smoker) How often do you smoke cigarettes?
___ Daily (Daily smoker) go to #19
___ Weekly go to #20
___ Monthly go to #20
___ Don’t know go to #20
___ Refused go to #20
(Daily smoker) How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?
(1 pack=20 cigarettes)
___ 1-5 per day
___ 6-10 per day
___ 11-20 per day (>1/2 and <1 pack per day)
___ >20 per day (>1 pack per day)
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Do you use chewing tobacco or snuff?
___ Yes go to #21
___ No go to #22
___ Don’t know go to #22
___ Refused go to #22
How often do you use chewing tobacco or snuff?
___ Daily
___ Weekly
___ Monthly
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Page 5
Script: The next questions are about activities or interests done as hobbies. You may do these activities for fun, to earn money, or to keep up your house.
In the past 12 months, have you or someone else in your household done any of the following activities? SHOW CARD
___ Yes go to #23
___ No go to # 25 (if female) #29 (if male)
___ Don’t know go to #25 (if female) or #29 (if male)
___ Refused go to #25 (if female) or #29 (if male)
Tell me which activities you did in the last 12 months.
SHOW CARD. (Check all that apply.)
___ Dyeing material ___ Metal work ___ None
___ Electronics assembly ___ Painting and glazing ___ Don’t know
___ Gardening or farming ___ Printmaking ___ Refused
___ Glass crafting ___ Woodworking
___ Leather crafting
Tell me which activities another household member has done in your home the last 12 months.
SHOW CARD. (Check all that apply.)
___ Dyeing material ___ Metal work
___ Electronics assembly ___ Painting and glazing ___ None
___ Gardening or farming ___ Printmaking ___ Don’t know
___ Glass crafting ___ Woodworking ___ Refused
___ Leather crafting
Page 6
If MALE go to #29
If FEMALE go to #25
Are you pregnant?
___ Yes go to #26
___ No go to #27
___ Don’t know go to #27
___ Refused go to #27
How many weeks pregnant are you?
______ weeks go to #27
___ Don’t know go to #27
___ Refused go to #27
How many children have you given birth to?
(If NONE, enter 0 go to #29)
______ child/children go to #28
___ Don’t know go to #29
___ Refused go to #29
From oldest to youngest, what year was each child born and how many months was each child breastfed? (If a child was not breastfed, enter 0 months.)
Birth order |
Birth year (yyyy) |
Months breastfed |
Birth order |
Birth year (yyyy) |
Months breastfed |
1st |
5th |
2nd |
6th |
3rd |
7th |
4th |
8th |
Page 7
Have you eaten fish or shellfish in the past week?
___ Yes go to #30
___ No go to #31
___ Don’t know go to #31
___ Refused go to #31
When was the last time you ate fish or shellfish?
___ Today (same day)
___ Yesterday (1 day ago)
___ Day before yesterday (2 days ago)
___ 3 days ago
___ 4-7 days ago
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Script: These questions are about the fish you eat that you caught yourself or by someone you know.
Compared to this model of a half-pound serving of fish, would you say that a typical meal of fish you eat is usually:
___ Less (smaller than the model)
___ Same or about the same
___ More (larger than the model)
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Have you eaten fish from any of these bodies of water in New York State?
SHOW CARD AND MAPS. (Check all that apply.)
___ Lake Ontario
___ Oswego River
___ Seneca River (downstream of Lock 24 at Baldwinsville)
___ Onondaga Lake and surrounding creeks including Sawmill Creek, Onondaga Creek, Ninemile Creek, Ley Creek and Bloody Brook
___ Don’t Know
___ Refused
Page 8 left blank
Alewife |
White sucker |
Bluegill |
Brown bullhead |
Carp |
Gizzard shad |
Golden shiner |
Largemouth bass |
Pumpkin-seed |
Small mouth bass |
Walleye |
Yellow perch |
Black crappie |
<15” |
>15” |
<15” |
>15” |
1st ask/check types of fish eaten, then go down columns for checked types |
Fillet |
Skin |
Cheek |
Liver |
Eggs/roe |
Other (specify) |
Don’t Know |
Refused to answer |
Filleted |
Gutted |
Trimmed fat |
Trimmed belly meat |
Removed cheeks |
Punctured/removed skin |
Did not clean |
Don’t know |
Refused to answer |
Pan fried |
Deep fried |
Boiled/poached |
Stew/chowder |
Grilled |
Baked/broiled |
Eaten raw |
Smoked |
Dried |
Pickled |
Don’t know |
Refused to answer |
Rock bass |
Blunt- nose minnow |
Bow-fin |
Channel catfish |
Yellow Bullhead |
Brown trout |
Emerald shiner |
Fathead minnow |
Fresh- water drum |
Long- Nose gar |
Shorthead Redhorse |
Northern pike |
Chinook Salmon |
Coho Salmon |
Atlantic Salmon |
From these bodies of water, which kinds of fish have you eaten in the last 12 months (year)? (33b) |
1ST ask/check types of fish eaten, then go down columns for checked types |
How many times per year? (34b) |
What parts of this fish (say fish type) did you usually eat? (35b) |
Fillet |
Skin |
Cheek |
Liver |
Eggs/roe |
Other (specify) |
Don’t Know |
Refused to answer |
How was (say fish type) usually cleaned? (36b) |
Filleted |
Gutted |
Trimmed fat |
Trimmed belly meat |
Removed cheeks |
Punctured/removed skin |
Did not clean |
Don’t know |
Refused to answer |
How was (say fish type) usually cooked? (37b) |
Pan fried |
Deep fried |
Boiled/poached |
Stew/chowder |
Grilled |
Baked/broiled |
Eaten raw |
Smoked |
Dried |
Pickled |
Don’t know |
Refused to answer |
Black bullhead |
Chain pickerel |
Goldfish |
Greater redhorse |
Green sunfish |
Spotfin shiner |
Lake sturgeon |
Longnose dace |
Northern hogsucker |
Quill- back |
Rainbow trout |
Round goby |
Rudd |
From these bodies of water, which kinds of fish have you eaten in the last 12 months (year)? (33c) |
1ST ask/check types of fish eaten, then go down columns for checked types |
How many times per year? (34c) |
What parts of this fish (say fish type) did you usually eat? (35c) |
Fillet |
Skin |
Cheek |
Liver |
Eggs/roe |
Other (specify) |
Don’t Know |
Refused to answer |
How was (say fish type) usually cleaned? (36c) |
Filleted |
Gutted |
Trimmed fat |
Trimmed belly meat |
Removed cheeks |
Punctured/removed skin |
Did not clean |
Don’t know |
Refused to answer |
How was (say fish type) usually cooked? (37c) |
Pan fried |
Deep fried |
Boiled/poached |
Stew/chowder |
Grilled |
Baked/broiled |
Eaten raw |
Smoked |
Dried |
Pickled |
Don’t know |
Refused to answer |
Tiger muskie |
Rainbow Smelt |
Lake Trout |
White bass |
Silver Redhorse |
American eel |
White Perch |
Other (specify) |
Other (specify) |
Other (specify) |
Other (specify) |
Other (specify) |
From these bodies of water, which kinds of fish have you eaten in the last 12 months (year)? (33d) |
1ST ask/check types of fish eaten, then go down columns for checked types |
How many times per year? (34d) |
What parts of this fish (say fish type) did you usually eat? (35d) |
Fillet |
Skin |
Cheek |
Liver |
Eggs/roe |
Other (specify) |
Don’t Know |
Refused to answer |
How was (say fish type) usually cleaned? (36d) |
Filleted |
Gutted |
Trimmed fat |
Trimmed belly meat |
Removed cheeks |
Punctured/removed skin |
Did not clean |
Don’t know |
Refused to answer |
How was (say fish type) usually cooked? (37d) |
Pan fried |
Deep fried |
Boiled/poached |
Stew/chowder |
Grilled |
Baked/broiled |
Eaten raw |
Smoked |
Dried |
Pickled |
Don’t know |
Refused to answer |
Page 13
Over your lifetime, how many years have you eaten fish out of these bodies of water?
___ Years
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
For fish caught in any of these areas, how has the total amount of fish you eat changed during the past five years?
___ Eat less
___ Same or about the same
___ Eat more
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
In the past 12 months, have you eaten waterfowl (such as ducks or geese) or bear that were hunted near any of the following bodies of water in New York State?
(Check all that apply.)
___ Lake Ontario
___ Oswego River
___ Seneca River (downstream of Lock 24 at Baldwinsville)
___ Onondaga Lake and surrounding creeks including Sawmill Creek, Onondaga Creek, Ninemile Creek, Ley Creek and Bloody Brook
___ Don’t Know
___ Refused
In the past 12 months, about how many times did you swim, dive, or wade (including wading for fishing or hunting) in any of these bodies of water? SHOW CARD AND MAPS.
(If never, enter 0 times.)
_____ times
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Page 14
In the past 12 months, have you eaten fish from any of these other bodies of water in New York State? SHOW CARD
___ Finger Lake Region lakes, ponds, or rivers Specify: ________________________
___ Skaneateles Creek
___ Erie Canal
___ Canadice Lake (Ontario County)
___ Other bodies of water in the sportfish advisories Specify: ______________________
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Script: The following questions are about fish bought at a store or supermarket. Please do not include fish from restaurants.
Which of these fish that was bought at a store or supermarket have you eaten in the past 12 months? SHOW CARD. (fill in answers by checking type of fish in table below)
Check the answer given |
Grouper |
Shark |
Swordfish |
Salmon (including canned) |
Tuna (canned) |
Tuna (not canned) |
Ate in last 12 months (43) |
None |
Don’t know |
Refused |
None |
Don’t know |
Refused |
Over your lifetime, how many years have you eaten any of these fish bought at a store or supermarket? SHOW CARD.
(If never or less than 1 year, enter 0 years.)
Grouper |
Shark |
Swordfish |
Salmon (including canned) |
Tuna (canned) |
Tuna (not canned) |
Years |
Don’t know |
Refused |
page 15
Script: The following questions are about typical grocery store or market foods that you may have eaten in the past 12 months. The purpose of the following four questions is to estimate if you have a high animal fat diet or low animal fat diet.
In the past 12 months, how often did you eat meals with… SHOW CARD.
Whole eggs?
(If never, enter 0 times per year.)
___ times per (circle one) week month year
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Whole milk products (including 2% milk)?
(If never, enter 0 times per year.)
___ times per (circle one) week month year
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Poultry meat?
(If never, enter 0 times per year.)
___ times per (circle one) week month year
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Red meat?
(If never, enter 0 times per year.)
___ times per (circle one) week month year
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Page 16
Script: "We also want to know about your education and occupation, and about your family's income."
What is the highest grade level of school or degree you have completed?
___ 8th grade or less ___ Bachelor’s degree
___ 9th to 11th grade, no diploma ___ Postgraduate, professional, or doctoral degree
___ High school graduate or GED ___ Don’t know
___ Some college, no diploma ___ Refused
___ Associate degree
Have you had a job in the past 12 months?
___ Yes go to #52
___ No go to #54
___ Don’t know go to #54
___ Refused go to #54
Script: I would like to know what type of work you’ve done and the kind of business where you worked in the past 12 months.
Currently, what is your job or job title and the kind of business or organization where you work?
Job 1. __________________________ Industry 1. __________________________
(Optional) What are your usual activities or duties? __________________________
If you had more than one job in the past 12 months, tell me about each one.
If no additional jobs, go to #19.
Job 2. __________________________ Industry 2. __________________________
(Optional) What are your usual activities or duties? ___________________________
Job 3. __________________________ Industry 3. __________________________
(Optional) What are your usual activities or duties? ___________________________
Job 4. __________________________ Industry 4. __________________________
(Optional) What are your usual activities or duties? ___________________________
Page 17
Including yourself, how many family members currently live with you? Your family includes everyone currently living with you who is related to you by birth, marriage, or adoption.
_______ members
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Can you tell me your total family income in {LAST CALENDAR YEAR} before taxes?
(Check one only.)
___ Less than $15,000
___ $15,000 to less than $25,000
___ $25,000 to less than $35,000
___ $35,000 to less than $50,000
___ $50,000 to less than $75,000
___ $75,000 to less than $100,000
___ $100,000 or more
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
Have you heard about the health advice on eating fish caught from New York State waters?
___ Yes, From who or where did you hear it? _________________________________
___ No
___ Don’t know
___ Refused
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-24 |