published 60-day FRN


United States Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (USEITI) Revenue Information Collection

published 60-day FRN

OMB: 1012-0012

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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Notices
impose. The USCIS, Application for
Travel Document, (Form I–131), has
been approved by OMB and assigned
OMB control number 1615–0013. USCIS
is making no changes to this form in
connection with the implementation of
the HFRP Program and this notice.
USCIS estimates that the HFRP Program
will result in an average of 5,000 Form
I–131 filings per year. The current OMBapproved estimated number of annual
respondents filing Form I–131 is
940,671. USCIS believes it has
overestimated the number of
individuals who will use this form to
apply for immigration benefits to the
degree that additional respondents who
will use it to file a HFRP Programrelated request will be covered within
the 940,671 estimated. Because USCIS is
not changing the collection instrument
or increasing its burden estimates in
connection with this notice, it is
publishing no notice under the PRA and
making no revisions to the currently
approved burden for OMB control
number 1615–0013.
Additional information about the
HFRP program and the application
process will be posted on the USCIS
Web site at
Dated: December 11, 2014.
Leo´n Rodrı´guez,
Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
[FR Doc. 2014–29533 Filed 12–17–14; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. ONRR–2014–0002; DS63610000
DR2PS0000.CH7000 145D0102R2]

Office of Natural Resources Revenue;
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection–United
States Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiative (USEITI)
Revenue Information Collection,
Comment Request
Office of Natural Resources
Revenue (ONRR), Interior.
ACTION: Notice of a new information

To comply with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), we are inviting comments on an
information request that we will submit
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval. This
Information Collection Request (ICR)
covers the voluntary paperwork
requirements for participation in the
United States’ implementation of the
Extractive Industries Transparency
Initiative (EITI). It encompasses

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upcoming requests that certain
companies voluntarily provide
information on the amount of revenue
which they have paid to the Federal
government for extracting Federallyowned natural resources.
DATES: Submit written comments on or
before February 17, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on this ICR to ONRR by using one of the
following three methods (please use
ONRR 2014–0002 as an identifier in
your comment):
1. Electronically, go to http:// In the entry titled
‘‘Enter Keyword or ID,’’ enter ONRR–
2014–0002 and then click ‘‘Search.’’
Follow the instructions to submit public
comments. ONRR will post all
2. Mail comments to Mr. Luis Aguilar,
Regulatory Specialist, ONRR, P.O. Box
25165, MS 61030A, Denver, Colorado
3. Hand-carry or mail comments,
using an overnight courier service, to
ONRR. Our courier address is Building
85, Room A–614, Denver Federal
Center, West 6th Ave. and Kipling St.,
Denver, Colorado 80225.
questions on technical issues, contact
Mr. Jon Swedin, Program Analyst, at
(303) 231–3028, or email For other
questions, contact Mr. Luis Aguilar,
telephone (303) 231–3418, or email You may also
contact Mr. Aguilar to obtain copies, at
no cost, of (1) the ICR, (2) any associated
form, and (3) the regulations that require
us to collect the information.
Title: United States Extractive
Industries Transparency Initiative
(USEITI) Revenue Information
OMB Control Number: 1012—0NEW.
Bureau Form Number: United States
Extractive Industries Transparency
Initiative (USEITI) Company Payment
Reporting Template.
Abstract: The Secretary of the U.S.
Department of the Interior is responsible
for mineral resource development on
Federal and Indian lands and the Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS). Under various
laws, the Secretary’s responsibility is to
manage mineral resources production
on Federal and Indian lands and the
OCS, collect the royalties and other
mineral revenues due, and distribute the
funds collected under those laws. ONRR
performs the royalty management
functions and assists the Secretary in
carrying out the Department’s
responsibility. We have posted those
laws pertaining to mineral leases on

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Federal and Indian lands and the OCS
In September 2011, President Obama
announced the U.S. commitment to
domestic implementation of EITI, a key
element of the President’s Open
Government Partnership commitments.
President Obama appointed the
Secretary of the Interior as the senior
U.S. official to lead USEITI
implementation. EITI is a voluntary
global effort designed to strengthen
transparency, accountability, and public
trust for the revenues paid and received
for a country’s oil, gas, and mineral
resources. The Administration renewed
its commitment to implement EITI in
the December 2013 U.S. Open
Government National Action Plan. By
signing onto the global EITI standard,
the U.S. Government will help ensure
that American taxpayers are receiving
every dollar due for the extraction of
these valuable public resources. The
EITI Standard contains the set of
requirements that countries need to
meet in order to be recognized first as
an EITI Candidate and, ultimately, an
EITI-Compliant Country. In March 2014,
the U.S. became the first G7 country to
achieve Candidate Country status. When
fully implemented, EITI will ensure
more transparency in how the country’s
natural resources are governed and also
will provide full disclosure of
government revenues from its extractive
The following laws and executive
initiative are applicable to USEITI,
including the Secretary’s and ONRR’s
management of mineral resource
production, revenue, and information
disclosure obligations:
• U.S. Open Government National
Action Plan
• Freedom of Information Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. 552)
• Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, as
amended (43 U.S.C. 1331–56b),
including provisions of the Energy
Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15801
et seq.)
• Federal Oil and Gas Royalty
Management Act of 1982 as amended
by the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty
Simplification and Fairness Act of
1996 (30 U.S.C. 1701–1759).
• Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30
U.S.C. 1001–28)
• Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181–
• Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired
Lands (30 U.S.C. 351–60)
General Information
International EITI requirements direct
participating governments to publish
annual reports to help citizens




Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Notices

understand how governments manage
their extractive sectors. The U.S. Open
Government National Action Plan
commits the U.S. to publish the first
United States EITI report in 2015 and to
achieve EITI compliance in 2016. An
Independent Administrator produces
the annual reports, which include
parallel public disclosures by both the
government and companies, of the
payments that companies have made to
the government on their oil, gas, and
mining development. In order to
produce the USEITI annual reports, the
Independent Administrator will collect
revenue information from extractive
companies who meet payment
thresholds. The requested information
will include the amounts of royalties,
rentals, and other payments related to
mineral development that companies
have made to the Federal Government.
The Independent Administrator will not
collect items of a sensitive nature such
as proprietary data, Personally
Identifiable Information, etc. EITI is a
voluntary initiative, and companies are
not required to provide the requested

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OMB Approval
We will request OMB approval to
collect this information. If the Secretary
does not collect this information, the
United States will not become an EITI
Compliant Country, limiting the
Secretary’s ability to provide more
transparency in how the country’s
natural resources are governed,
including better transparency on our
country’s revenue collection process.
Frequency: Annually.
Estimated Number and Description of
Respondents: 76 extractive companies
who meet annual revenue payment
Estimated Annual Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Hour’’ Burden for the
76 extractive companies who meet
annual revenue payment thresholds:
5,776 hours.
Estimated Annual Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Non-hour’’ Cost
Burden: We have not identified a ‘‘nonhour’’ cost burden associated with the
collection of information.
We have not included in our
estimates certain requirements
performed in the normal course of
business, considered as usual and
Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) provides that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control

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Comments: Before submitting an ICR
to OMB, PRA Section 3506(c)(2)(A)
requires each agency to ‘‘* * * provide
60-day notice in the Federal Register
* * * and otherwise consult with
members of the public and affected
agencies concerning each proposed
collection of information * * *.’’
Agencies must specifically solicit
comments to: (a) Evaluate whether the
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the agency to perform its
duties, including whether the
information is useful; (b) evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information; (c) enhance the quality,
usefulness, and clarity of the
information collected; and (d) minimize
the burden on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
The PRA also requires agencies to
estimate the total annual reporting
‘‘non-hour cost’’ burden to respondents
or recordkeepers resulting from the
collection of information. If you have
costs to generate, maintain, and disclose
this information, you should comment
and provide your total capital and
startup cost components or annual
operation, maintenance, and purchase
of service components. You should
describe the methods that you use to
estimate (1) major cost factors, including
system and technology acquisition, (2)
expected useful life of capital
equipment, (3) discount rate(s), and (4)
the period over which you incur costs.
Capital and startup costs include,
among other items, computers and
software that you purchase to prepare
for collecting information and
monitoring, sampling, and testing
equipment, and record storage facilities.
Generally, your estimates should not
include equipment or services
purchased: (i) Before October 1, 1995;
(ii) to comply with requirements not
associated with the information
collection; (iii) for reasons other than to
provide information or keep records for
the Federal Government; or (iv) as part
of customary and usual business, or
private practices.
We will summarize written responses
to this notice and address them in our
ICR submission for OMB approval,
including appropriate adjustments to
the estimated burden. We will provide
a copy of the ICR to you, without
charge, upon request. We also will post
the ICR at
Public Comment Policy: ONRR will
post all comments, including names and
addresses of respondents at http:// Before including

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Personally Identifiable Information (PII),
such as your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
information in your comment(s), you
should be aware that your entire
comment (including PII) may be made
available to the public at any time.
While you may ask us, in your
comment, to withhold PII from public
view, we cannot guarantee that we will
be able to do so.
Dated: December 11, 2014.
Kristen Sarri,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Policy,
Management and Budget.
[FR Doc. 2014–29657 Filed 12–17–14; 8:45 am]

Fish and Wildlife Service

Draft Environmental Assessment and
Draft Habitat Conservation Plan;
Anderson Tract; Proposed
Development of 60.7 Acres in Bexar
County, Texas
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability; request
for comments.

Under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended, we,
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
invite the public to comment on an
incidental take permit application for
take of the federally listed goldencheeked warbler, including a draft
Habitat Conservation Plan and draft
Environmental Assessment; the take
would result from clearing and
construction of a residential
development on the 60.7-acre Anderson
Tract in Bexar County, Texas.
DATES: Comments: We will accept
comments received or postmarked on or
before February 17, 2015. Any
comments that we receive after the
closing date may not be considered in
the final decisions on these actions.
ADDRESSES: You may obtain copies of
all documents and submit comments on
the applicant’s incidental take permit
application by one of the following
methods. Please refer to the permit
number (TE–29216B) when requesting
documents or submitting comments.
• U.S. Mail: U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Division of Endangered
Species—HCP Permits, P.O. Box 1306,
Room 6034, Albuquerque, NM 87103.
• Electronically: fw2_hcp_permits@



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File Modified2014-12-18
File Created2014-12-18

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