Form 0920-17EO NORA AFF SC questionnaire_Appendix 2

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIOSH 2)

NORA AFF SC questionnaire_Appendix 2

NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Council

OMB: 0920-0953

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OMB No.0920-0953
Expires XX/XX/XXXX

NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Sector Council Questionnaire
Purpose of the questionnaire

The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify worker and workplace safety and health topics and
issues that you believe are the highest priority for safety and health research in the next 10 years in
the U.S. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sector.The results will be used to facilitate discussions of
these priorities, towards the creation of a new NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Research
The questions have been organized into three main sections. Within each section, there are
questions that address agriculture, forestry and fishing as subsectors. You may skip sections or
particular questions for which you do not want to give your feedback. Your responses are
confidential and will be reported at the upcoming NORA Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Sector
Council meeting as part of the aggregate results of every person who responds to this survey. Your
responses will not be connected back to you as an individual.
Please click Next to start the questionnaire.

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia
30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0953).


NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Sector Council Questionnaire
Section 1: Research Priorities for the Agriculture Subsector

Questions in this section ask you to identify and prioritize the topics and issues that you believe
are the highest priority to improve the safety and health of farmworkers and their families. You have
the option to skip this section.
1. Would you like to...


NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Sector Council Questionnaire
Section 1:Research Priorities for the Agriculture subsector

2. For each agriculture safety hazard listed below, select the level of priority with which the hazard needs
to be addressed by safety and health research and/or research to practice activities (e.g., providing
education, training and resources). Please consider that although is important to address all the hazards,
some may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need
for new information, or some other reason.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Machinery (e.g., balers,
mowers, augers, and
Industrial vehicles (e.g.,
farm tractors and
All-Terrain Vehicles
Unmanned aerial
vehicles (drones)
Automated, semiautonomous, and
autonomously operated
ground based
agricultural vehicles
Working surface (related
to trips and falls)
Grain bins and silos
Other (please specify hazard and level of priority)


3. For each agriculture health hazard listed below, select the level of priority with which the hazard needs
to be addressed by safety and health research and/or research to practice activities (e.g., providing
education, training and resources).Please consider that although is important to address all the hazards,
some may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need
for new information, or some other reason.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Ergonomic hazards
Respiratory hazards
Pesticides and other
Other physical hazards
(e.g., ultraviolet
radiation, cold)
Zoonotic infections and
other animal exposures
Violence in the
Other stressful
agricultural working
conditions (e.g.,
economic forces,
weather, isolation)
Stress and mental health
Other (please specify hazard and level of priority)


4. For each surveillance activity (including periodic data collection) listed below, select its level of priority.
Low Priority

Moderate Priority

High Priority

Exploration of new
occupational injury,
illness, hazard, and
exposure data collection
Improving worker
demographic information
at the national and state
level (e.g., enhancing
existing employment
demographic data
,creating new systems to
better characterize the
Analysis of existing
surveillance data to the
level of detail possible
(e.g., type of outcome,
cause, demographic
incidence and/or
Other (please specify)


5. For each vulnerable group, please indicate whether agriculture safety and health research focusing
specifically on that group is of low, moderate, or high priority.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Foreign-born workers
Recent immigrants
Women farmers and
Young workers
Older workers
Physically and
Unpaid family workers
Other (please specify group and level of priority)

6. What other agricultural safety or health issues should be a research priority or area for collaboration?


NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Sector Council Questionnaire
Section 2: Research Priorities for the Fishing subsector

Questions in this section ask you to identify and prioritize the topics and issues that you believe
are the highest priority to improve the safety and health of commercial fishing workers and their
families. You have the option to skip this section.
7. Would you like to...


NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Sector Council Questionnaire
Section 2: Research Priorities for the Fishing subsector

8. For each cause of injuries (fatal and non-fatal) among commercial fishing workers listed below, select
the level of priority with which it needs to be addressed by safety and health research and/or research to
practice activities (e.g., providing education, training and resources). Please consider that although is
important to address all the causes, some may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the
population affected, a pressing need for new information, or some other reason.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Falls overboard
Injuries related to
vessels disasters
On-board injuries
On-shore injuries
Diving injuries
Other (please specify)

9. For each safety hazard related to on-board injuries (fatal and non-fatal) among commercial fishing
workers listed below, select the level of priority with which it needs to be addressed by safety and health
research and/or research to practice activities (e.g., providing education, training and resources). Please
consider that although is important to address all the causes, some may have a higher priority because of
the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a pressing need for new information, or some other reason.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Deck winch
Slips, trips and falls
Struck by fishing gear or
other equipment
Fish processing factory
Other (please specify)


10. For each health hazard among commercial fishing workers listed below, select the level of priority with
which the hazard needs to be addressed by safety and health research and/or research to practice
activities (e.g., providing education, training and resources). Please consider that although is important to
address all the causes, some may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population
affected, a pressing need for new information, or some other reason.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Ergonomic hazards
Stress and mental health
conditions (wet,cold,
wind and sun)
(e.g., Freon, Ammonia)
or particulate matter
(e.g., diesel exhaust)
Other (please specify)

11. For each vulnerable group, please indicate whether fishing safety and health research focusing
specifically on that group is of low, moderate, or high priority.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Foreign-born workers
Recent immigrants
Women workers
Young workers
Older workers
Physically and
Other (please specify group and level of priority)

12. What other fishing safety or health issues should be a research priority or area for collaboration?


NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Sector Council Questionnaire
Section 3:Research Priorities for the Forestry subsector

Questions in this section ask you to identify the topics and issues that you believe are the highest
priority to improve the safety and health of logging and forestry workers and their families.
13. Would you like to...


NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Sector Council Questionnaire
Section 3: Research priorities for the Forestry subsector

14. For each cause of injuries among forestry and logging workers listed below, select the level of priority
with which it needs to be addressed by safety and health research and/or research to practice activities
(e.g., providing education, training and resources). Please consider that although is important to address all
the causes, some may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a
pressing need for new information, or some other reason.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Heavy equipment/
machinery (e.g.,
skidders, loaders)
Tools (e.g., chainsaws)
Uneven ground, forest
debris and other
Electric lines
Fire hazards
Bites, stings and other
animal exposures
Hazards associated with
loading and transporting
Other (please specify)


15. For each health hazard among forestry and logging workers listed below, select the level of priority
with which it needs to be addressed by safety and health research and/or research to practice activities
(e.g., providing education, training and resources). Please consider that although is important to address all
the causes, some may have a higher priority because of the magnitude of risk, the population affected, a
pressing need for new information, or some other reason.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Ergonomic hazards
conditions (wet,cold,
wind and sun)
Toxic chemicals
Drug and alcohol use
Chronic diseases
Stress and mental health
Other (please specify)


16. Select the level of priority for each research need below to improve the safety of forestry workers.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

factors that
limit the
adoption of
safe logging
practices and
treatment of
related injuries
Improve the
quality and
availability of
(PPE and
for the use of
alcohol and
prescription or
other drugs,
by forestry
Build future
capacity in
safety and
health for the
forestry sector
via advanced
in safety
technology to
Other (please specify)


17. For each vulnerable group, please indicate whether forestry safety and health research focusing
specifically on that group is of low, moderate, or high priority.
Low priority

Moderate priority

High priority

Recent immigrants
Seasonal workers
Women workers
Young workers
Older workers
Physically and
Other (please specify)

18. What other forestry safety or health issues should be a research priority or area for collaboration?


NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Sector Council Questionnaire
Additional Questions

* 19. From the selections below, please select the best representation of your organization or group.
Other Governmental Agency
Non-Profit Organization
Professional Association
Trade Association
Insurance Company
Manufacturer of Equipment and Exposure Controls
Agriculture, Forestry or Fishing Employer
Academic Researcher
Other (please specify)

* 20. Please indicate the length of experience (in years) in occupational safety and health that you have in
each subsector.
0 to 1 year

2-5 years

6-15 years

More than 15 years



NORA Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Sector Council Questionnaire

We appreciate the time you have taken and thank you for helping shape the next decade of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing safety and health research through NORA.
Please click Done to submit your survey.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2016-11-15
File Created2016-11-14

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