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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 74 / Friday, April 17, 2015 / Notices
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. CP15–137–000]
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Rockies Express Pipeline LLC; Notice
of Application
Take notice that on March 30, 2015,
Rockies Express Pipeline LLC. (REX),
370 Van Gordon Street, Lakewood,
Colorado 80228–1519, filed with the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
an application under section 7(c) of the
Natural Gas Act (NGA) to construct,
install, own, operate and maintain
certain additional mainline compression
and ancillary facilities that upon
completion will comprise REX’s
proposed REX Zone 3 Capacity
Enhancement Project. Specifically, the
REX Zone 3 Capacity Enhancement
Project facilities, upon construction,
will increase the Zone 3 east-to-west
capacity by 800,000 Dekatherms per day
(Dth/d) from receipts at Clarington,
Ohio to corresponding deliveries of
520,000 Dth/d and 280,000 Dth/d to
Lebanon, Ohio and Moultrie County,
Illinois, respectively.
The complete application is on file
with the Commission and open for
public inspection, and is accessible online at, using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link. It is also available for
review in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room in Washington, DC.
There is an ‘‘eSubscription’’ link on the
Web site that enables subscribers to
receive email notification when a
document is added to a subscribed
docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
Online service, please email, or call
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
Any questions regarding this
application should be directed to David
Haag, Vice President of Regulatory,
Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, 370 Van
Gordon Street, Lakewood, Colorado
80228–1519, phone (303) 763–3258.
Pursuant to section 157.9 of the
Commission’s rules, 18 CFR 157.9,
within 90 days of this Notice the
Commission staff will either: Complete
its environmental assessment (EA) and
place it into the Commission’s public
record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or
issue a Notice of Schedule for
Environmental Review. If a Notice of
Schedule for Environmental Review is
issued, it will indicate, among other
milestones, the anticipated date for the
Commission staff’s issuance of the final
environmental impact statement (FEIS)
or EA for this proposal. The filing of the
EA in the Commission’s public record
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for this proceeding or the issuance of a
Notice of Schedule for Environmental
Review will serve to notify federal and
state agencies of the timing for the
completion of all necessary reviews, and
the subsequent need to complete all
federal authorizations within 90 days of
the date of issuance of the Commission
staff’s FEIS or EA.
There are two ways to become
involved in the Commission’s review of
this project. First, any person wishing to
obtain legal status by becoming a party
to the proceedings for this project
should, on or before the comment date
stated below, file with the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426,
a motion to intervene in accordance
with the requirements of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.214 or 385.211)
and the Regulations under the NGA (18
CFR 157.10). A person obtaining party
status will be placed on the service list
maintained by the Secretary of the
Commission and will receive copies of
all documents filed by the applicant and
by all other parties. A party must submit
7 copies of filings made in the
proceeding with the Commission and
must mail a copy to the applicant and
to every other party. Only parties to the
proceeding can ask for court review of
Commission orders in the proceeding.
However, a person does not have to
intervene in order to have comments
considered. The second way to
participate is by filing with the
Secretary of the Commission, as soon as
possible, an original and two copies of
comments in support of or in opposition
to this project. The Commission will
consider these comments in
determining the appropriate action to be
taken, but the filing of a comment alone
will not serve to make the filer a party
to the proceeding. The Commission’s
rules require that persons filing
comments in opposition to the project
provide copies of their protests only to
the party or parties directly involved in
the protest.
Persons who wish to comment only
on the environmental review of this
project should submit an original and
two copies of their comments to the
Secretary of the Commission.
Environmental commenters will be
placed on the Commission’s
environmental mailing list, will receive
copies of the environmental documents,
and will be notified of meetings
associated with the Commission’s
environmental review process.
Environmental commenters will not be
required to serve copies of filed
documents on all other parties.
However, the non-party commenters
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will not receive copies of all documents
filed by other parties or issued by the
Commission (except for the mailing of
environmental documents issued by the
Commission) and will not have the right
to seek court review of the
Commission’s final order.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filings of comments, protests,
and interventions via the internet in lieu
of paper. See 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii)
and the instructions on the
Commission’s Web site (
under the ‘‘e-Filing’’ link. Persons
unable to file electronically should
submit an original and 5 copies of the
protest or intervention to the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. Eastern
Daylight Savings Time on May 4, 2015.
Dated: April 13, 2015.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2015–08877 Filed 4–16–15; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. IC15–6–000]
Commission Information Collection
Activities (FERC–725B); Comment
Request; Extension
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of information collection
and request for comments.
In compliance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A), the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission or
FERC) is soliciting public comment on
the requirements and burden 1 of the
information collection described below.
DATES: Comments on the collection of
information are due June 16, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
(identified by Docket No. IC15–6–000)
by either of the following methods:
• eFiling at Commission’s Web site:
• Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
1 The Commission defines burden as the total
time, effort, or financial resources expended by
persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or
provide information to or for a Federal agency. For
further explanation of what is included in the
information collection burden, reference 5 Code of
Federal Regulations 1320.3.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 74 / Friday, April 17, 2015 / Notices
Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.
Instructions: All submissions must be
formatted and filed in accordance with
submission guidelines at: http:// For user assistance contact
FERC Online Support by email at, or by phone
at: (866) 208–3676 (toll-free), or (202)
502–8659 for TTY.
Docket: Users interested in receiving
automatic notification of activity in this
docket or in viewing/downloading
comments and issuances in this docket
may do so at
Ellen Brown may be reached by email
at, telephone
at (202) 502–8663, and fax at (202) 273–
Type of Request: Three-year extension
of the information collection
requirements for the collection
described below with no changes to the
current reporting requirements.
Comments: Comments are invited on:
(1) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) the accuracy of the agency’s
estimates of the burden and cost of the
collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility and clarity of the
information collection; and (4) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
FERC–725B, Mandatory Reliability
Standards for Critical Infrastructure
OMB Control No.: 1902–0248.
Abstract: The information collected
by the FERC–725B, Reliability
Standards for Critical Infrastructure
Protection, is required to implement the
statutory provisions of Section 215 of
the Federal Power Act (FPA) (16 U.S.C.
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On January 18, 2008, the Commission
issued order 706,2 approving eight
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
Reliability Standards submitted by the
North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC) for Commission
approval. The CIP version 1 Reliability
Standards, (CIP–002–1 through CIP–
009–1),3 require certain users, owners,
and operators of the Bulk-Power System
to comply with specific requirements to
safeguard critical cyber assets. These
standards help protect the nation’s
Bulk-Power System against potential
disruptions from cyber-attacks. The CIP
Reliability Standards include one actual
reporting requirement and several
recordkeeping requirements.
Specifically, CIP–008–1 requires
responsible entities to report cyber
security incidents to the Electricity
Sector-Information Sharing and
Analysis Center (ES–ISAC). In addition,
the eight CIP Reliability Standards
require responsible entities to develop
various policies, plans, programs, and
procedures. However, the CIP
Reliability Standards do not require a
responsible entity to report to the
Commission, ERO or Regional Entities,
the various policies, plans, programs
and procedures. Nonetheless, a showing
of the documented policies, plans,
programs and procedures is required to
demonstrate compliance with the CIP
Reliability Standards.
The Commission approved minor
changes in CIP versions 2 and 3
Reliability Standards on September 30,
2009, and March 31, 2010,4
respectively. On April 19, 2012, the
Commission issued Order No. 761,
approving the CIP version 4 Standards
(CIP–002–4 through CIP–009–4) and an
implementation plan that scheduled
their enforcement to begin October 1,
2014.5 The fundamental change in the
CIP version 4 Standards was that all
2 Mandatory Reliability Standards for Critical
Infrastructure Protection, Order No. 706, 122 FERC
¶ 61,040.
3 Every version of the CIP Reliability Standards
may be found on the NERC Web site at http://
4 129 FERC ¶ 61,236 (2009) (approving Version 2
of the CIP Reliability Standards); North American
Electric Reliability Corp., and 130 FERC ¶ 61,271
(2010) (approving Version 3 of the CIP Reliability
5 Version 4 Critical Infrastructure Protection
Reliability Standards, Order No. 761, 77 FR 24,594
(Apr. 25, 2012), 139 FERC ¶ 61,058 (2012), order
denying reh’g, 140 FERC ¶ 61,109 (2012).
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subject entities would use the same
‘bright line’ criteria to determine which
of the facilities they owned were subject
to the required policies, plans, programs
and procedures (which remained nearly
the same as for prior versions).
On November 22, 2013, the
Commission issued Order No. 791,
approving the CIP version 5 Standards
(CIP–002–5 through CIP–009–5, CIP–
010–1 and CIP–011–1) and the proposed
implementation plan. The CIP version 5
Standards are currently scheduled to be
implemented and enforceable beginning
April 2016. Order No. 791 eliminated
the enforceability of the CIP version 4
Standards. The Commission also
approved nineteen new or revised
definitions associated with the CIP
version 5 Standards for inclusion in the
Glossary of Terms Used in NERC
Reliability Standards (NERC Glossary).
The CIP version 5 Standards identify
and categorize BES Cyber Systems using
a new methodology based on whether a
BES Cyber System has a Low, Medium,
or High Impact on the reliable operation
of the bulk electric system. At a
minimum, a BES Cyber System must be
categorized as a Low Impact asset. Once
a BES Cyber System is categorized, a
responsible entity must comply with the
associated requirements of the CIP
version 5 Standards that apply to the
impact category. The CIP version 5
Standards include 12 requirements with
new cyber security controls, which
address Electronic Security Perimeters
(CIP–005–5), Systems Security
Management (CIP–007–5), Incident
Reporting and Response Planning (CIP–
008–5), Recovery Plans for BES Cyber
Systems (CIP–009–5), and Configuration
Change Management and Vulnerability
Assessments (CIP–010–1).
Type of Respondent: Entities
registered with the North American
Electric Reliability Corporation.
Estimate of Annual Burden: There are
three tables presenting burden
associated with CIP Reliability
Standards in the following section.
• The first table illustrates burden
associated with CIP version 5 Reliability
• The second table illustrates burden
associated with CIP version 3 and 4
Reliability Standards.
• The third and last table is a
summation of the total burden for all
active CIP-related Reliability Standards
(i.e. CIP Versions 3–5).
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 74 / Friday, April 17, 2015 / Notices
[Version 5]
Groups of registered entities
Classes of entity’s facilities requiring
Number of
Total hours in
year 1
Total hours in
year 2
Total hours in
year 3
Low ...................................................
Low ...................................................
Medium .............................................
Low ...................................................
Medium (New) ..................................
Low (Blackstart) ...............................
Medium or High ................................
Total ...........................................
The total annual burden (related to CIP
Version 5 only) is 672,708 hours when
averaging Years 1–3 [(1,133,220 hours +
731,980 hours + 152,924 hours) ÷ 3 =
672,708 hours]. The total annual cost
averaged over Years 1–3 is $50,883,633
(672,708 hours * $75.64 6 =
Regarding CIP standards unaffected
by CIP Version 5, the estimated burden
has been adjusted to account for a
reduction in affected entities.7 The
applicable estimate related to CIP
Version 3 and 4 standards (related to the
active components) is provided in the
table below. (For display purposes, the
numbers in the tables below have been
rounded, however exact figures were
used in the calculations.)
[Version 3 and version 4] 8
Number of respondents
number of
responses per
Total number
of responses
burden and
cost per
Total annual
burden hours
and total
annual cost
Cost per
1,415 ....................................................................................
The following items represent the
estimated total annual burden for
FERC–725B and includes all burden
associated with CIP Reliability
• Number of respondents: 1,415 (Not
all entities with CIP-related functions
will be obligated to comply with every
CIP reliability standard.)
• Total Annual Burden Hours:
• Total Annual Cost: $91,830,137
(1,214,042 hours * $75.64 =
• Average Cost per Respondent:
$64,898 12 ($91,830,137 ÷ 1,415 entities
= $64,898).
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Dated: April 13, 2015.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2015–08875 Filed 4–16–15; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 184–246]
El Dorado Irrigation District; Notice of
Application Accepted for Filing,
Soliciting Comments, Motions To
Intervene, and Protests
7 The estimate has been decreased from 1,475 to
1,415. The NERC Compliance Registry indicated
that as of 1/14/2015, 1,415 entities were registered
for at least one CIP-related function/responsibility.
8 Reliability Standards CIP–002–3, CIP–003–3,
CIP–004–3a, CIP–005–3a, CIP–006–3a, CIP–007–3c,
CIP–008–3, and CIP–009–3.
9 This figure is rounded for display in the table.
The actual number is 382.56813 and is used in the
calculations above.
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10 541,334
Take notice that the following
hydroelectric application has been filed
6 The estimates for cost per response are derived
using the following formula: Average Burden Hours
per Response * $75.64 per Hour = Average Cost per
Response. The hourly cost figure comes from May
2014 data on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Web site
The figure is a mathematical average of the cost of
wages and benefits related to legal services
($129.68), technical employees ($58.17), and
administrative support ($39.12).
9 383
with the Commission and is available
for public inspection:
a. Type of Application: Application
for Temporary Variance of Minimum
Flow Requirements.
b. Project No.: 184–246.
c. Date Filed: April 9, 2015.
d. Applicant: El Dorado Irrigation
District (licensee).
e. Name of Project: El Dorado Project.
f. Location: South Fork American
River and its tributaries in El Dorado,
Alpine, and Amador counties,
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)–825(r).
h. Applicant Contact: Brian Deason,
Hydroelectric Compliance Analyst,
(530) 642–4064, or
i. FERC Contact: John Aedo, (415)
369–3335, or
10 This figure is rounded for display in the table.
The actual number is 541,333.91 and is used in the
calculations above.
11 CIP Versions 3 and 4 (remaining components
of Version 3 and 4), and 5.
12 This figure is rounded. The actual number is
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2015-04-17 |
File Created | 2015-04-17 |