2011 PPC Questionnaire

Police Public Contact Survey (PPCS)

Attachment 7 - PPCS Questionnaire

Police Public Contact Survey

OMB: 1121-0260

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2011 Police Public Contact Survey OMB Supporting Statement

Attachment 7

Final 2011 PPCS collection instrument


INTRO: Now I would like to ask some questions about any contacts you may have had with the police. {We estimate the survey will take between 2 to 10 minutes depending on your responses.}

1. Before I get to the questions about contacts you may have had with the police, I would like to find out how often you usually drive? Do you currently drive… (Read answer categories.)

1. Every day or almost every day?

2. A few days a week?

3. A few days a month?

4. A few times a year?

5. Never?

2. Do you know any police officers that work in your neighborhood by name or by sight?

1. Yes

2. No

3. I am going to read some questions about experiences you may have had seeking help or assistance from the police. Have you approached or sought help from the police for any of the following reasons in the last 12 months?

a. Have you reported any kind of crime, disturbance, or suspicious activity to the police?

1. Yes

2. No

b. Have you reported a non-crime emergency such as a traffic accident or medical emergency to the police?

1. Yes

2. No

c. Have you participated in block watch or other anti-crime programs WITH police?

1. Yes

2. No

d. Have you approached or sought help from the police in the last 12 months for something I haven’t mentioned?

1. Yes Specify ______________________________

2. No

The following are questions about any time in the last 12 months when police have initiated contact with you. In the last 12 months:

e. Have you been stopped by the police while in a public place, but not a moving vehicle? This includes being in a parked vehicle?

1. Yes

2. No

f. Have you been stopped by the police while driving a motor vehicle?

1. Yes

2. No

g. Have you been the passenger in a motor vehicle that was stopped by police?

1. Yes

2. No

h. Have you been involved in a traffic accident that was reported to the police?

1. Yes

2. No

i. Have you been arrested?

1. Yes

2. No

j. Have you been stopped or approached by the police in the last 12 months for something I haven’t mentioned?

1. Yes

2. No

CHECK ITEM A: Did the respondent answer ‘Yes’ to at least one item, a-j, in Q3?

1. Yes Ask Question 4

2. No End Interview

4. Thinking about the times you initiated contact with the police and the times they initiated contact with you, how many face-to-face contacts did you have with the police during the last 12 months? (NOTE: A face-to-face contact is defined as one that involved verbal communication or contact in which the officer turns his or her direct interaction towards you.)

______________________ (0-999) Number of contacts

CHECK ITEM B: Did the respondent report more than one type of contact with police in question 3a-j? (NOT including 3d and 3j)

1. Yes Skip to 5b

2. No Ask Q5a

5a. You mentioned [Fill from Q3]. Did this happen more than once in the last 12 months?

1. Yes

2. No


Voluntary Contact (Q3a, OR Q3b, OR Q3d, OR Q3h) Skip to Q71

Block Watch (Q3c) Skip to CHECK ITEM R

Street Stop (Q3e) Skip to Q6

Traffic Stop (Q3f OR Q3g) Skip to Q38

Arrest or other contact (Q3i OR Q3j) Skip to Q80

5b. You just mentioned several contacts with the police: [Fill from Q3]. Which of these was the most recent?

___________________________ (answer from the options in the fill)

5c. You mentioned that [Fill from Q5b] was the most recent contact you had with the police. Did this happen more than once in the last 12 months?

1. Yes

2. No

CHECK ITEM B2: What was the most recent contact the respondent reported?

Reported a crime, disturbance, suspicious person, non-crime emergency to the police, or was involved in a traffic accident that was reported to the police, or sought help from the police for something not mentioned (Q3a, OR Q3b, OR Q3d, OR Q3h) Skip to Q71

Participated in block watch (Q3c) Skip to CHECK ITEM R

Stopped by the police while in a public place but not a moving vehicle (Q3e) Go to Q6

Stopped by the police while driving, or been the passenger in a vehicle that was stopped by police (Q3f OR Q3g) Skip to Q38

Arrest or other contact (Q3i OR Q3j) Skip to Q80

B. Characteristics of Street Stop


INTRO: Please tell me ONLY about the MOST RECENT contact you had with the police.

6. Earlier you mentioned having contact with the police while in a public place but not in a vehicle. Did the police give a reason for stopping you?

1. Yes

2. No

7. Were there any other persons with you at the time of the stop?

1. Yes

2. No Skip to Q9
(PROBE IF NECESSARY: Did the person(s) you were with observe your contact with the police?)

8. How many other persons were with you at the time of the stop?

___________________ (1-99) number of persons

CHECK ITEM C: Did the police give a reason for stopping the vehicle? Is 1 selected in Q6?

Yes Go to Q9

No Skip to Q10

9. What was the reason given for this stop?

Did the police…

a. suspect you of something?

1. Yes

2. No

b. match you to the description of someone they were looking for?

1. Yes

2. No

Were the police…

c. seeking information about another person?

1. Yes

2. No

d. investigating a crime?

1. Yes

2. No

e. providing a service or assistance to you?

1. Yes

2. No

CHECK ITEM D: Was the respondent alone at the time of the stop? Is 2 selected for Q7?

Yes Skip to Q9h

No Go to Q9f

f. Did someone you were with match the description of someone the police were looking for?

1. Yes

2. No

g. Was someone you were with suspected of something?

1. Yes

2. No

h. Was there some other reason?

1. Yes Specify ______________________________

2. No

10. At the beginning of your most recent contact with police, was there one or more than one officer present?

1. One officer

2. More than one officer

3. Don’t know

11. Would you say the officer(s) had a legitimate reason for stopping you?

1. Yes

2. No

CHECK ITEM E: Was there one officer present? Is 1 selected in Q10?

Yes Go to Q12


CHECK ITEM E1: Was there more than one officer present? Is 2 selected in Q10?

Yes Skip to Q14

No Go to Q16

12. Was the police officer of Hispanic or Latino origin?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

13. What was the race of the police officer? You may select one or more. (Read each category in bold.)

1. White

2. Black or African American

3. American Indian or Alaska Native

4. Asian

5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

6. Don’t know


14. Was one or more of the police officers of Hispanic or Latino origin?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

15. Were one or more of the police officers: (Read each category in bold.) You may select one or more for each officer.

1. White?

2. Black or African American?

3. American Indian or Alaska Native?

4. Asian?

5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander?

6. Don’t know

16. About what time of day did this contact occur?

During Day

1. After 6am – 12 noon

2. After 12 noon – 6pm

3. Don’t know what time of day

At night

4. After 6pm – 12 midnight

5. After 12 midnight – 6am

6. Don’t know what time of night


7. Don’t know whether day or night

17. Did this traffic stop occur in the same city or town where you live?

1. Yes

2. No

18. How many minutes would you say this stop lasted?

_____________________ (1-99) number of minutes

19. Do you believe this stop was an appropriate amount of time?

1. Yes

2. No, too long

3. No, too short

4. Don’t know

C. Outcome of Street Stop

20. During this contact were you ticketed or given a warning?

1. Warning Skip to Q22

2. Ticketed Go to Q21

3. Neither Skip to Q23

4. Don’t know Skip to Q23

FR instruction: Any document provided to the respondent from the police that requires the respondent to have a repair or other service to their vehicle, such as a “work order” or “order for required maintenance” should be coded as “Neither.”

21. What were you ticketed for?


_______________________________________________________ Skip to Q23

22. Were you given a written warning or a verbal warning?

1. Verbal

2. Written

3. Both

4. Neither

5. Don’t know

23. Did the police give you a direct command during this contact?

1. Yes Go to Q24

2. No Skip to Q26

3. Don’t know/remember Skip to Q26

24. Did you comply with the request of the police officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

25. Which of these factors influenced how you responded to the request by the officer?

Was it:

a. because it was a police officer?

1. Yes

2. No

b. because the officer was respectful or considerate?

1. Yes

2. No

c. because the officer was fair?

1. Yes

2. No

d. because the officer convinced you it was the right thing to do?

1. Yes

2. No

e. because the officer was trying to help?

1. Yes

2. No

f. because the officer pushed you?

1. Yes

2. No

g. because the officer yelled at you?

1. Yes

2. No

h. because the officer handcuffed you?

1. Yes

2. No

i. because the officer threatened to use a weapon?

1. Yes

2. No

j. because the officer issued another threat?

1. Yes

2. No

k. because the officer aimed a weapon at you?

1. Yes

2. No

l. because you don’t trust the police?

1. Yes

2. No

m. because the police were hassling you?

1. Yes

2. No

n. because you were already late for something?

1. Yes

2. No

o. because the officer was not helpful?

1. Yes

2. No

p. because the officer was not respectful or considerate?

1. Yes

2. No

q. because the officer was not being fair?

1. Yes

2. No

r. because it was not the right thing to do?

1. Yes

2. No

s. because the officer was rude?

1. Yes

2. No

t. don’t know/remember why?

1. Yes

2. No

u. other reason?

1. Yes Specify _________________________

2. No

26. Did the police do any of the following:

a. Shout at you?

1. Yes

2. No

b. Curse at you?

1. Yes

2. No

c. Threaten to arrest you?

1. Yes

2. No

d. Threaten you with [a ticket/other tickets]?

1. Yes

2. No

e. Threaten to use force against you?

1. Yes

2. No

f. Actually push or grab you?

1. Yes

2. No

g. Handcuff you?

1. Yes

2. No

h. Actually kick or hit you?

1. Yes

2. No

i. Actually spray you with a chemical or pepper spray?

1. Yes

2. No

j. Actually use an electroshock weapon against you, such as a stun gun?

1. Yes

2. No

k. Actually point a gun at you?

1. Yes

2. No

l. Use any other type of force?

1. Yes Specify ___________________________________

2. No

CHECK ITEM F: Is there at least one ‘Yes’ response in Q26?

Yes Go to Q27

No Skip to Q29

27. You mentioned that the police [Fill from Q26]. Do you feel that (this action was/these actions were) necessary?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

28. Do you feel any of the force used or threatened against you was excessive?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

29. At any time during this contact did you…

a. Disobey or interfere with the officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

b. Try to get away?

1. Yes

2. No

c. Push, grab, or hit the police officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

d. Resist being handcuffed, arrested, or searched?

1. Yes

2. No

e. Complain to the officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

f. Argue with the police officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

g. Curse at, insult, or verbally threaten police officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

h. Physically do anything else?

1. Yes Specify ____________________________________________

2. No

CHECK ITEM G: Was there any physical interaction between the respondent and the police that could have resulted in injuries? Any ‘Yes’ in Q26f-m OR Q27b-d,h?

Yes Go to Q30

No Skip to Q32

30. Were you injured as a result of this contact?

1. Yes Go to Q31

2. No Skip to Q32

3. Don’t know Skip to Q32

31. Did you seek medical attention for these injuries?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

32. During this contact were you arrested?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

33. At any time during this stop, did the police officer(s):

a. Actually search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

b. ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

34. Whether or not the police officer(s) asked for PERMISSION, at anytime during this stop did you GIVE the police officer(s) PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

CHECK ITEM H: Was the respondent personally searched? Q33a = ‘Yes’?

Yes Go to Q35


Don’t know Skip to CHECK ITEM I

35. Do you think the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

36. During the search, did the police officer(s) find any illegal items, such as a weapon, drugs, or an open container of alcohol?

1. Yes

2. No Skip to CHECK ITEM I

3. Don’t know Skip to CHECK ITEM I

CHECK ITEM I: Was the respondent arrested and personally searched? Q32 = 1 AND Q33a = 1?

Yes Go to Q37

No Skip to Q80

37. Earlier you said that you were arrested and searched. Did the search occur before you were arrested?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know


D. Characteristics of Traffic Stop


INTRO: Please tell me ONLY about the MOST RECENT contact you had with the police.

38. At the beginning of your most recent contact with the police, was there one or more than one officer present?

1. One officer Go to Q39

2. More than one officer Skip to Q41

3. Don’t know/remember Skip to Q43

39. Was the police officer of Hispanic or Latino origin?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

40. What was the race of the police officer? (respondent can select one or more)

1. White

2. Black or African American

3. American Indian or Alaska Native

4. Asian

5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

6. Don’t know


41. Was one or more of the police officers of Hispanic or Latino origin?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

42. Were one or more of the police officers: (respondent can select one or more)

1. White

2. Black or African American

3. American Indian or Alaska Native

4. Asian

5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

6. Don’t know

43. About what time of day did this contact occur?

During Day

1. After 6am – 12 noon

2. After 12 noon – 6pm

3. Don’t know what time of day

At night

4. After 6pm – 12 midnight

5. After 12 midnight – 6am

6. Don’t know what time of night


7. Don’t know whether day or night

CHECK ITEM J: Was the respondent the driver during a traffic stop? Q3f=1 OR Q5b=8?

Yes Go to Q44

No Go to Q46

44. Were there any other persons in the vehicle with you at the time of the traffic stop?

1. Yes Go to Q45

2. No Go to Q46

45. How many other persons were in the vehicle with you at the time of the traffic stop?

_____________________ (1-99) number of persons

46. Did this traffic stop occur in the same city or town where you live?

1. Yes

2. No

47. How many minutes would you say the traffic stop lasted?

____________________________ (1-999) number of minutes

48. Do you believe this stop was an appropriate amount of time?

1. Yes

2. No, too long

3. No, too short

4. Don’t know

E. Reasons for Traffic Stop

49. Did the police officer(s) give a reason for stopping the vehicle?

1. Yes Go to Q50a

2. No Skip to Q51

3. Don’t know Skip to Q51

50a. Was the reason speeding?

1. Yes Skip to Q51

2. No

50b. A vehicle defect?

1. Yes Skip to Q51

2. No

50c. A record check (for example, a license plate, driver’s license or vehicle registration)?

1. Yes Skip to Q51

2. No

50d. A roadside check for drunk drivers?

1. Yes Skip to Q51

2. No

50e. A seatbelt violation?

1. Yes Skip to Q51

2. No

50f. An illegal turn or lane change?

1. Yes Skip to Q51

2. No

50g. A stop sign or stop light violation?

1. Yes Skip to Q51

2. No

50h. Using a cell phone while driving?

1. Yes Skip to Q51

2. No

50i. Was there some other reason?

1. Yes Specify _________________________________________

2. No

51. Would you say that the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason for stopping you?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

52. During this contact were you given a ticket? Please exclude any verbal or written warnings given to you by the police.

1. Yes

2. No Skip to Q56

3. Don’t know Skip to Q56

CHECK ITEM K: Was the respondent the driver of the vehicle in which the police gave reason for traffic stop? Q5b=8 AND Q49=1?

Yes Skip to Q53


CHECK ITEM K1: Was the respondent the driver of a vehicle in which the police gave reason for traffic stop? Q3f=1 AND Q49=1?

Yes Ask Q53

No Skip to Q55

53. Earlier you said that the police stopped you for [Fill from Q5]. Was this what you were ticketed for?

1. Yes

2. No Skip to Q55

3. Don’t know Skip to Q55

54. Were you ticketed for anything else?

1. Yes

2. No Skip to Q57

55. What were you ticketed for?


Skip to Q57

56. Were you given a written warning or a verbal warning?

1. Verbal

2. Written

3. Both

4. Neither

5. Don’t know

FR instruction: Any document provided to the respondent from the police that requires the respondent to have a repair or other service to their vehicle, such as a “work order” or “order for required maintenance” should be coded as “Neither.”

57. Did you get out of the vehicle at anytime because the police asked or told you to?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

58. Did the police do any of the following:

a. Shout at you?

1. Yes

2. No

b. Curse at you?

1. Yes

2. No

c. Threaten to arrest you?

1. Yes

2. No

d. Threaten you with [a ticket/other tickets]?

1. Yes

2. No

e. Threaten to use force against you?

1. Yes

2. No

f. Actually push or grab you?

1. Yes

2. No

g. Handcuff you?

1. Yes

2. No

h. Actually kick or hit you?

1. Yes

2. No

i. Actually spray you with a chemical or pepper spray?

1. Yes

2. No

j. Actually use an electroshock weapon against you, such as a stun gun?

1. Yes

2. No

k. Actually point a gun at you?

1. Yes

2. No

l. Use any other type of force?

1. Yes Specify ___________________________________

2. No

CHECK ITEM L: Is there at least one ‘Yes’ response in Q58?

Yes Go to Q59

No Skip to Q61

59. You mentioned that the police [Fill from Q26]. Do you feel any of these actions were necessary?

1. Yes

2. No

60. Do you feel any of the force used or threatened against you was excessive?

1. Yes

2. No

61. At any time during this contact did you…

a. Disobey or interfere with the officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

b. Try to get away?

1. Yes

2. No

c. Push, grab, or hit the police officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

d. Resist being handcuffed, arrested, or searched?

1. Yes

2. No

e. Complain to the officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

f. Argue with the police officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

g. Curse at, insult, or verbally threaten police officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

h. Physically do anything else?

1. Yes Specify ____________________________________________

2. No

CHECK ITEM M: Was there any physical interaction between the respondent and the police that could have resulted in injuries? Any ‘Yes’ in Q58f-m OR Q60b-d,h?

Yes Go to Q62

No Skip to Q64

62. Were you injured as a result of this contact?

1. Yes Go to Q63

2. No Skip to Q64

3. Don’t know Skip to Q64

63. Did you seek medical attention for these injuries?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

64. During this contact were you arrested?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

65. At any time during this stop, did the police officer(s):

a. Actually conduct a vehicle search?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

b. ASK PERMISSION to conduct a vehicle search?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

c. Actually search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

d. ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

66. Whether or not the police officer(s) asked for PERMISSION, at any time during this stop did you GIVE the police officer(s)…

a. PERMISSION to conduct a vehicle search?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

b. PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

CHECK ITEM N: Did the police conduct a vehicle search? Q65a = 1?

Yes Go to Q67


Don’t know Skip to CHECK ITEM O

67. Do you think the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason to search the vehicle?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

CHECK ITEM O: Did the police search the respondent? Q65c = 1?

Yes Go to Q68


Don’t know Skip to CHECK ITEM P

68. Do you think the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

CHCEK ITEM P: Did the police officer(s) search the vehicle or the respondent? Q65a = 1 OR Q65c =1?

Yes Go to Q69

No Skip to Q80

69. During the search, did the police officer(s) find any illegal items, such as a weapon, drugs, or an open container of alcohol?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

CHECK ITEM Q: Was the respondent arrested and a search of vehicle or respondent performed? Q64 = 1 AND Q65a or Q65c =1?

Yes Go to Q70

No Skip to Q80

70. Earlier you said that you were arrested and searched. Did the search occur before or after you were arrested?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

Skip to Q80

F. Outcome of Voluntary Contacts


INTRO: Please tell me ONLY about the MOST RECENT contact you had with the police.

71. You mentioned contacting the police for the most recent [Fill from Q5/Q3]. Was this contact face-to-face with a police officer(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

72. How did you contact the police?

1. Called the police

2. Went to police station

3. Officer came to my house

4. Other Specify _____________

5. Don’t remember

FR instruction: This includes calls made to 911, 311, a sheriff’s office or any other type of law enforcement.

73. Were the police helpful?

1. Yes

2. No

74. Did the situation improve after you contacted the police?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

75. Were you satisfied with the police response during your most recent contact?

1. Yes

2. No

76. Would you be more likely, less likely, or just as likely to contact the police in the future for a SIMILAR problem?

1. More likely to call

2. Less likely to call

3. Just as likely to call

4. Don’t know

77. Would you be more likely, less likely, or just as likely to contact the police in the future for a DIFFERENT problem?

1. More likely to call

2. Less likely to call

3. Just as likely to call

4. Don’t know

78. About what time of day did this contact occur?

During Day

1. After 6am – 12 noon

2. After 12 noon – 6pm

3. Don’t know what time of day

At night

4. After 6pm – 12 midnight

5. After 12 midnight – 6am

6. Don’t know what time of night


7. Don’t know whether day or night

79. How many minutes would you say this contact lasted?

____________________________________ (1-999) number of minutes

80. Do you believe the police spent an appropriate amount of time with you?

1. Yes

2. No, too much time

3. No, too little time

4. Don’t know

81. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police behaved properly?

1. Yes Skip to Q83

2. No Go to Q81

3. Don’t know Go to Q81

82. Did you file a complaint against the police?

1. Yes Go to Q82

2. No Skip to Q83

83. With whom did you file the complaint?

1. the police

2. citizen review board

3. Don’t know

84. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police treated you respectfully?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

CHECK ITEM R: Did the respondent have more than one face-to-face contact in the last 12 months? Q4 > 1?



CHECK ITEM S: Was the respondent the driver in a traffic stop, in the most recent contact? Q3f=1?

Yes Skip to CHECK ITEM T

No Go to Q84

85. During any of your EARLIER contacts with police in the last 12 months, were you the DRIVER in a TRAFFIC STOP?

1. Yes

2. No

CHECK ITEM T: Was force used or threatened against the respondent in the most recent contact? Q4>1 AND at least one box marked 1 in Q26 or Q58?

Yes Skip to CHECK ITEM U

No Go to Q85

86. During any of your EARLIER contacts with police in the last 12 months, did the police USE or THREATEN TO USE for against you?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

CHECK ITEM U: Is this the last household member to interview?


No Interview next household member


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