[cover letter to accompany survey]
Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Arcata Field Office
Recreation Visitor Survey
Dear Visitor:
You were recently contacted in person at a Humboldt County BLM recreation site (either Samoa Dunes, Mike Thompson Wildlife Area (South Spit), Ma-le’l Dunes, or Lost Coast Headlands) by a student from Humboldt State University. At that time you agreed to participate in this study of recreation visitors to BLM public lands.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary and all of your answers will remain completely anonymous. Please carefully read all directions and mark your responses clearly. There are no penalties for not answering any or all of the questions. Your cooperation is extremely important since each person surveyed will represent many others who will not be surveyed. Humboldt State University will summarize the results to the answers you provide. The information provided will not be used beyond the purposes of this study
The Bureau of Land Management will use the comments you provide to improve customer satisfaction with BLM program areas. You do not have to respond to this or any other Federal-agency sponsored information collection that does not display a currently valid OMB control number. We estimate that the survey will take 30 minutes to complete. You may direct comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this survey to: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (1040-0001), Bureau Information Collection Clearance Officer (WO-630), 1849 C Street, NW, Room 2134LM, Washington, DC 20240.
If you have any questions, please contact Steven Martin, at Humboldt State University, either by email steven.martin@humboldt.edu or by telephone (707-826-4147). Thank you very much for your help!
Study conducted by Humboldt State University
Department of Environmental Science and Management
1 Harpst Street, Arcata, CA 95521
Thanks again!
OMB control #1040-0001 Exp. 6/30/2015
1. Was visiting these BLM public lands the main reason for taking your trip?
_____ Yes
_____ No
2. How many people, including yourself, were in your group? _____
3. About how long did your visit last?
( ) less than 1 hour
( ) at least 1 hour to less than 2 hours
( ) at least 2 hours to less than 4 hours
( ) 4 hours or more
4. What type of overnight accommodation did you use while in the area? (please all that apply)
I didn't stay overnight in the area
I live locally and stayed in my own house/apt. or rental unit
Camped on public lands (not in a campground)
Camped in a public campground
Bed and Breakfast
Stayed with friends or relatives
Commercial campground
Other (specify) ____________
5. Which of the following information sources did you use for this trip? First, all the boxes that apply in column A, then how helpful each information source was, if you used it.
Column A: Yes, used |
Not at all helpful |
Slightly helpful |
Moderately helpful |
Very helpful |
BLM brochures/maps |
Non-BLM brochures/maps |
Past personal experience |
Friends/relatives |
Travel books/guides/magazines |
Outdoor magazines |
Newspaper travel section |
California Welcome Center |
Visitor Center/Chamber |
Internet |
Signs/roadside displays |
Rangers/BLM staff |
Commercial Guides |
Local business people |
Travel club (AAA, etc.) |
Other (specify) |
6. Overall, how satisfied were you with your visit to this BLM public land area? (circle one)
Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
2 3 4 5
7. To what extent did each of the following contribute to your satisfaction while visiting these BLM public lands? (please check one box for each row)
Did not contribute 1 |
Contributed slightly 2 |
Contributed some 3 |
Contributed moderately 4 |
Contributed greatly 5 |
a. the natural environment (e.g., beaches, bluffs) |
b. cultural places (e.g., historic sites) |
c. the companionship of the people in my group |
d. the opportunity to think and reflect |
e. convenient location and ease of access |
f. physical and mental benefits |
g. opportunity to develop skills and abilities |
h. feeling that the site was safe to be in |
i. feeling that my valuables (e.g., vehicle) were secure |
8. We are interested in other recreation sites you visited as part of this outing. Please mark all the sites on the list below that you visited as part of this outing.
Ma'lel Dunes North (USFWS)
Ma’lel Dunes South (BLM)
Moonstone Beach
Little River Dunes State Park
Clam Beach
Mad River County Park
Samoa Dunes
Mike Thompson Wildlife Area/South Spit
Headwaters Forest Reserve
Lost Coast Headlands
Centerville Beach County Park
Other ___________________________________________________
9. Which activities did you participate in during the visit to BLM public lands, and how important was each activity to your decision to visit the area? Please check one response for each activity.
This activity was a major reason for this trip |
Participated, but not a major reason for this trip |
Did not participate in this activity |
ATV Riding |
Auto Touring/Sightseeing |
Four-Wheel Driving |
Motorcycling: Dirt Bike |
Attending Special Events |
Picnicking |
Social Gatherings |
Mountain Biking |
Road Biking |
Hiking/Walking |
Horseback Riding |
Hunting |
Running |
Surfing |
Paragliding |
Photography |
Dog Walking |
Environmental Learning |
Viewing Interpretive Exhibits |
Watching Wildlife |
Visit Historic Sites |
Bird Watching |
Canoeing/Kayaking |
Fishing |
Waterside Play/Sports |
Surf Kayaking |
Swimming |
Write-In: |
10. Next, please write in which activities from the previous list were your most satisfying activities for this visit.
1st _______________ 2nd _______________ 3rd _______________
11. Please estimate the number of other groups of people you saw during your visit to this BLM site.
________ groups
12. How often do you visit this location? (Where you were contacted for the study)
( ) 1 time per week or more
( ) 1-3 times per month
( ) Once every few months
( ) 1-2 times per year or fewer
( ) This is my first visit
13. Has the behavior of any other group or individual ever interfered with your enjoyment of the BLM recreation area where you were contacted for this study?
____ No ____ Yes
If Yes, please describe the group or individual activity that made your experience less enjoyable.
14. Please indicate how important each of the following services was to you when you planned for and visited the BLM recreation area where you were contacted for this study. Then, using a school report card format, please grade the BLM with an A (excellent), B (above average or very good), C (average), D (below average or not very good), F (failing), or DK (don’t know) to let us know how well you think the BLM is managing the area with regard to each of these services.
Very important |
Important |
Somewhat important |
Not important |
Grade for BLM |
a. Signs have necessary information |
b. Helpful directional signs to the area |
c. Clean restrooms |
d. Access roads in good condition |
e. Adequate parking |
f. BLM people in the area are friendly and courteous |
g. BLM people in the area are professional and competent |
h. Your vehicle is safe from the threat of vandalism |
i. Managers notify you of natural hazards in the area |
j. Opportunity for personal freedom without too many restrictions |
k. Able to find a BLM person when needed |
l. Brochures and maps clearly communicate information about recreation opportunities |
m. Area rules and regulations are clearly communicated |
n. Area rules and regulations are reasonable |
o. The area is safe to visit |
15. People recreate for a variety of reasons. Please indicate 1) how important each of the following were as reasons for your visit to the BLM recreation area where you were contacted, and 2) the extent to which you were able to obtain that experience.
Importance to you |
Personal Benefit Outcomes |
Able to Attain |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Not at all attained 1 |
Slightly attained 2 |
Moderately attained 3 |
Mostly attained 4 |
Completely attained 5 |
Developing your skills and abilities |
Enjoying the area’s wildlife, scenery, views and aesthetics |
Exploring on my/our own |
Enjoying risk-taking adventures |
Enjoying closeness to family/friends |
Enjoying group affiliation and togetherness |
Experiencing the natural surroundings |
Learning more about things here |
Getting some needed physical exercise |
Experiencing adventures and excitement |
Releasing or reducing some built- up mental tensions |
Escaping everyday responsibilities for a while |
Enjoying the solitude |
Enjoying frequent access to outdoor physical activity |
Being with others who enjoy the same things I do |
For the challenge or sport |
Reflecting on my character and personal values |
16. Managers would like to know more about the personal benefits that are desired and attained by participating in recreation visits to BLM public lands. Please indicate 1) how desirable each of the following benefits is to you when making the decision to visit BLM public lands, and 2) the degree to which you were able to attain each benefit as a result of your recreation visit.
Personal Benefit Outcomes |
Not at all desirable 1 |
Slightly desirable 2 |
Moderately desirable 3 |
Very desirable 4 |
Extremely desirable 5 |
Not at all attained 1 |
Slightly attained 2 |
Moderately attained 3 |
Mostly attained 4 |
Completely attained 5 |
Restored my mind from stress/tension/anxiety |
Improved physical fitness and health |
Enhance sense of personal freedom |
Improved sense of control over my life |
Greater self-confidence |
Living a more outdoor-oriented lifestyle |
Restored my body from fatigue |
Developing stronger ties with my family or friends |
Greater freedom from urban living |
Greater respect for private property and local lifestyles |
Closer relationship with natural world |
Greater understanding of the importance of nature to my quality of life |
Improved balance of work and play in my life |
Improved outdoor recreation skills |
Greater awareness of this community as a special place |
Increased opportunity for artistic expression |
17. Managers would like to know more about the community, environmental and economic benefits that are desired and attained from participating in recreation visits to BLM public lands. Please indicate 1) how desirable each of the following benefits is to you, and 2) the degree to which you believe each of these benefits was attained by you as a result of your recreation visit.
Community, Environmental, and Economic Benefit Outcomes |
Not at all desirable 1 |
Slightly desirable 2 |
Moderately desirable 3 |
Very desirable 4 |
Extremely desirable 5 |
Not at all attained 1 |
Slightly attained 2 |
Moderately attained 3 |
Mostly attained 4 |
Completely attained 5 |
Greater household awareness of and appreciation for our cultural heritage |
Increased desirability as a place to live or retire |
Strengthening relationships with family and friends |
Maintenance/preservation of distinctive community atmosphere |
Heightened sense of community pride and satisfaction |
Increased awareness and protection for natural landscapes |
Greater community ownership and stewardship of our public lands |
Greater protection of fish, wildlife, and plant habitat from growth, development, and public use impacts |
Increased work productivity |
Increased local tourism revenue |
Greater sense of safety in the area |
Reduced negative impacts such as litter, vegetative trampling, and unplanned trails |
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire!
Are there any other issues that BLM managers need to address, or do you have any other
comments you would like to make about the area and its management?
File Type | application/msword |
Author | tjd236 |
Last Modified By | Donald Bieniewicz |
File Modified | 2015-06-17 |
File Created | 2015-06-17 |