COPS Progress Report

COPS Progress Report

COPS Progress Report Template 20140107_GDHighlighted

COPS Progress Report

OMB: 1103-0102

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OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

COPS Active Progress Report
Project Implementation Status
Hiring Questions
This survey pertains to the  COPS officer position(s) awarded under the following grant as
of < Last day of the reporting period>.
Rehires (PreRehires (PostGrant Program
Grant Number
New Hires
Application Layoffs) Application Layoffs)


1) As of < Last day of the reporting period>, how many COPS grant position(s) were filled?
Rehires (PreRehires (PostApplication Layoffs) Application Layoffs)
Grant Program
Grant Number
New Hires

1.A) How many of the filled positions
were Veterans?
1.B) How many of the filled positions
were School Resource Officers (SRO)?
2) As of < Last day of the reporting period>, how many of the unfilled COPS grant position(s) do you intend to
Rehires (PreRehires (PostGrant Program
Grant Number
New Hires
Application Layoffs) Application Layoffs)
2.A) Of the CHRP position(s) that you intend to fill, what is the status of each of these position(s).
Recruiting/hiring process has not yet started
In the recruiting/hiring process (e.g., career fairs, interviews, background checks)
In the training academy
2.B) Of the CHRP position(s) that you intend to fill, what is the expected start date of the position(s).
Number of positions scheduled to start in 0-3 months
Number of positions scheduled to start in 4-6 months
Number of positions scheduled to start in 7-9 months
Number of positions scheduled to start in 10-12 months
3) As of < Last day of the reporting period>, how many of the unfilled grant position(s) are not going to be
Rehires (PreRehires (PostGrant Program
Grant Number
New Hires
Application Layoffs) Application Layoffs)

3.A) Please describe the reason why the above position(s) will not be filled.

*For the position(s) you do not intend to fill, please contact your Grant Program Specialist at 1-800-421-6770 to discuss a grant modification and/or

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

COPS hiring grantees are required to retain all sworn officer position(s) awarded under the Hiring grant with
state and/or local funds for a minimum of 12 months at the conclusion of 36 months of federal funding for each
awarded position. This means that the retained COPS funded position(s) must be added to your agency’s law
enforcement budget, over and above the number of locally-funded sworn officer positions that would exist in the
absence of the grant. Absorbing your COPS-funded officer positions through attrition (rather than adding extra
positions to your budget with additional funding) does not meet the retention requirement.
 I certify by checking this box that, as stated in my original grant application, my agency plans to retain the
additional sworn officer position(s) awarded under the Hiring grant with state and/or local funds for a minimum of
12 months at the conclusion of 36 months of federal funding for each awarded position.
 Please check this box if your agency has any questions about the retention requirement and/or is concerned
about your agency’s ability to retain the officer position(s) due to fiscal distress or other extenuating circumstances.
The COPS Office will contact you to provide you with additional grant implementation assistance. Please provide a
brief explanation below of your question or concern.
(please explain in 1000 characters or less):

5) Does your agency require programmatic assistance for the grant(s) listed below at this time to ensure
successful implementation of this project?
Yes 
 No 

Clear Selection

5.A) Please identify what type of programmatic assistance you require.
Federal Training
Grant Community
Modification Extension Policing Withdrawa Problems Report Technical Retention
Hiring Question Assistance Issue
Needed Assistance l Needed










(please explain in 1000 characters or less):

Tribal Hiring
Grant Number:
Grant Program:
6) Please identify the specific crime and public safety problem(s) that your Tribe is addressing through this
grant funding.
Gang Violence Crimes





6.A) For the problem(s) identified above, please describe your progress in addressing the problem(s), and how
you are measuring the impact of your efforts.

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

Non-Hiring Questions
7) During the reporting period, did your agency complete the purchase of all of the equipment, technology,
training, and/or other cost items in your approved project budget?
Grant Number:
Grant Program: Select...


Yes 
 No 
 NA 
7.A) Please check the reason(s) below that best explains why you have not completed all of your purchases
(check all that apply):
Change in
Vendor Procurement Technical
in Progress Administration Delays






(please explain in 1000 characters or less):

8) Has your agency hired all non-sworn/civilian personnel awarded in your approved project budget?
Grant Number:
Grant Program:
Yes 
 No 
 NA 
8.A) Please check the reason(s) below that best describes the hiring status (check all that apply):
Lack of
Change in
Hiring in Progress






(please explain in 500 characters or less):

9) During the reporting period, has your agency satisfied all the programmatic grant requirements?
Grant Number:
Grant Program:
Yes 
 No 
9.A) Do you plan to meet the grant requirements and fully implement this grant in subsequent reporting
Yes 
 No 

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

9.A.1) Please explain why you do not plan to fully implement this grant (1000 characters or less):

10) Does your agency require programmatic assistance at this time to ensure successful implementation of this
Grant Number:
Grant Program:
Yes 
 No 
10.A) Please identify what type of programmatic assistance you require. (Check all that apply):
Federal Consultant Training
Modification Extension Approva Community Withdrawa Report Approval Technical
Needed l Needed Policing Asst l Needed Question Needed Assistance Other










(please explain in 1000 characters or less):

Tribal Non Hiring
Grant Number:
Grant Program:
11) Please identify the specific crime and public safety problem(s) that your Tribe is addressing through this
grant funding.
Gang Violence Crimes





11.A) For the problem(s) identified above, please describe your progress in addressing the problem(s), and how
you are measuring the impact of your efforts.

12) Does your agency currently intend to assess the results of this project?
Yes 
 No 
12.A) Please explain why you not plan to assess the results of this project. (1000 characters or less).

Grant Program

Grant Number

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

13) Please discuss the status of each goal and deliverable scheduled to be achieved, as of the reporting period,
including any barriers or challenges you have experienced in implementing your project. In addition, please
discuss your progress in evaluating the effectiveness and outcomes of activities implemented as a result of this
project, and how this progress is consistent with the COPS Office's mission to advance Community Policing
through increasing the capacity of law enforcement agencies to implement community policing strategies.
(Please explain in 2,000 characters or less):

14) Please describe any planned marketing efforts for the deliverables or project outcomes.
(Please explain in 2,000 characters or less):

COPS Hiring Program Community Policing Progress Report Questions
COPS Office grants must be used to reorient the mission and activities of law enforcement agencies toward the community
policing philosophy or enhance their involvement in community policing. Community policing is a philosophy that
promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to
proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues, such as crime, social disorder, and fear of
Prior to receiving grant funding under the fiscal year (FY) 2011 COPS Hiring Program (CHP), your agency was required to
describe in your grant application how hiring additional officers would assist in implementing and/or enhancing community
policing strategies. The purpose of the community policing section within this COPS Progress Report is to assess your
agency’s progress in implementing your community policing plan (CP Plan) and specific community policing activities
during the grant reporting period. It is also intended to ensure that your agency satisfies the requirements for COPS funding
under this program.
In completing your CP Plan under the CHP program(s) , your agency identified specific crime or disorder problem(s) and
the partners with whom you would engage through your requested COPS funding. Additionally, your agency was asked to
provide plans regarding your proposed organizational transformation strategies.
Based on your original CP Plan, this report includes the following required four sections for completion:
I. Problem Solving*
II. Partnerships*
III. Community Policing Plan Goals*
IV. Organizational Transformation
*Sections I, II and III are specific to each problem type previously identified in the CP Plan.
For questions regarding the community policing implementation section within the progress report, or for guidance on
submitting a modified CP Plan under this grant, please contact the COPS Progress Report Team at 800-659-7379 or see
additional instructions at

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

I. Problem Solving
This section requests information about your agency’s progress in identifying, assessing, and addressing the
specific problem(s) types identified in your COPS Hiring Program Community Policing plan. It also requests
information about community policing activities implemented during the reporting period.
15) Your agency previously identified 0  problem(s) under your FY 2011 CHP grant which you
committed to direct agency resources in a problem-solving effort. For each problem type below, please
indicate the current status of your problem-solving efforts within this grant reporting period.
Previously Identified Problem Type(s)
(A) Plan (B) Currently (C) Problem (D) No Longer
Addressed or
Intend to
Address this




15.A) Describe the community policing activities that were implemented during the current reporting
period and/or how your COPS-funded positions* were further integrated into problem-solving activities
and partnerships to address
(2000 characters or less).
*If your agency hired new officers for the COPS-funded positions but deployed experienced locally-funded
officers to fulfill the community policing requirements of the COPS grant, please describe the community
policing activities of the deployed experienced officers.

15.B) Describe briefly why the following problem type(s) are no longer a focus of this grant. Reasons may
relate to shifting priorities in your agency/community or other reasons which should be explained below.
NOTE: Do not provide details in the response below on new problem types that your agency may have
initiated. You will be given the opportunity to describe any new problem types in Question 1.B.2.
Problem Type

Identify the reasons this problem type is no longer being
addressed (500 characters or less for each entry)
 Determined no longer a priority for our agency and/or
community but will divert grant resources to address other
 Resources provided under this grant do not allow for
addressing all problems identified in application
 Chose not to address the problem due to the following reason
(s) (500 characters or less):

15.B.1) Did your agency initiate any new problem types during this reporting period? New initiatives are
those not identified in the original grant proposal, not referenced in previous progress reports, and which are
supported through funds/personnel provided by this grant.
Yes 
No 
Problem(s) available
New Problem Type

Briefly Describe the Nature of this New Problem
and Why it has Become a Priority (90 characters
or less per entry)

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

15.C) The COPS Hiring Program requires that COPS-funded positions are used to implement and
advance community policing. Your agency indicated that it has addressed and/or completed the problem
areas identified in your community policing plan. However, your agency is still required to continue
community policing throughout the grant period. Upon successful completion of all objectives and tasks
proposed in your Community Policing Plan, in what other ways will you use grant funds to promote and
advance Community Policing in your agency?
























Sharing of relevant crime and disorder information with community members
through town hall meetings, public awareness campaigns, etc.
Train citizens in community policing (e.g. community mobilization and
problem solving)
Conduct or sponsor surveys of citizens to identify and prioritize neighborhood
Regularly meet with community groups and/or local government agencies to
address community problems
Collaborate with other agencies that deliver public services (e.g. parks and
recreation, social services, public health, mental health, code enforcement,
school safety services).
Use COPS funded officers to support organizational change and the
implementation of community policing strategies
Engage the community in the development of responses to community problems
Develop tailored responses to crime and disorder problems that address the
underlying conditions that contribute to them
Enhance technology equipment to better prevent and/or respond to crime and
disorder incidents
Evaluation of techniques employed which improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the community policing plan
Other: Please describe other activities you plan to engage in to help promote
community policing.

16) For each problem your agency is currently addressing (or plans to address), please identify the
source(s) of information you are currently examining (or plan to examine) in order to better understand
the problem?
The box to the left indicates the information source(s) identified in the original grant or most recent progress

Information Source(s)
Routinely collected law
enforcement data/information
related to the problem (e.g.,
arrest, incident reports, calls for

(A) Plan
Indicated Examine



(B) Currently


(D) No Longer
Intend to




OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

The location and/or time aspects
of the problem (e.g., mapping)
The conditions and
environmental factors related to
the problem
The strengths and limitations of
current responses to the problem
Non-law enforcement
data/information related to the
problem (e.g., insurance crash
data, census data, survey data)
Existing research and best
practices related to the problem
Data/information from
community partners related to
the problem (e.g., resident
associations, business groups,
non-profit community service
Information about offenders
contributing to the problem (e.g.,
offender interviews, arrest
Information about victims and/or
stakeholders affected by the
problem (e.g., crime reports,
victim interviews)
Strengths and weaknesses of
previous responses to the
None of the above ( if in CAP)














































above prechecked
Note: “None of Above” can only be selected if it was originally chosen in your COPS Hiring Program

17) For each problem your agency is currently addressing (or plans to address), has your agency or will
your agency address the following source(s) of information in order to assess your agency’s response to
the problem?
The box to the left indicates the source(s) of information indicated in the original grant or most recent
progress report.

Information Source(s)
Routinely collected law
enforcement data/information
related to the problem (e.g.,
arrest, incident reports, calls for

(A) Plan
Indicated Examine



(B) Currently


(D) No
Intend to




OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

Data/information regarding
whether the response was
implemented as planned
Police data collected for this
specific problem (e.g., problemspecific surveys, field interview
contact cards, etc.)
Non-police data/information
related to the problem (e.g.,
insurance crash data, other
government agency data, census
data, survey data)
Data/information from the
community related to the
problem (e.g., resident
associations, business groups,
non-profit community service
Information about offenders
contributing to the problem (e.g.,
offender interviews, arrest
records, probation/parole data)
Information about victims and/or
stakeholders affected by the
problem (e.g., crime reports,
victim interviews)
None of the above ( if in CAP)































above prechecked
Note: “None of Above” can only be selected if it was originally chosen in your COPS Hiring Program

16) For each problem your agency is currently addressing (or plans to address), please identify the source
(s) of information you are currently examining (or plan to examine) in order to better understand the
The box to the left indicates the information source(s) identified in the original grant or most recent progress

Information Source(s)
Routinely collected law
enforcement data/information
related to the problem (e.g.,
arrest, incident reports, calls for
The location and/or time aspects
of the problem (e.g., mapping)
The conditions and
environmental factors related to

(B) Currently
Previously (A) Plan to
Indicated Examine


(D) No
Intend to
















OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

the problem
The strengths and limitations of
current responses to the problem
Non-law enforcement
data/information related to the
problem (e.g., insurance crash
data, census data, survey data)
Existing research and best
practices related to the problem
Data/information from
community partners related to
the problem (e.g., resident
associations, business groups,
non-profit community service
Information about offenders
contributing to the problem (e.g.,
offender interviews, arrest
Information about victims and/or
stakeholders affected by the
problem (e.g., crime reports,
victim interviews)
Strengths and weaknesses of
previous responses to the
None of the above ( if in CAP)




































above prechecked
Note: “None of Above” can only be selected if it was originally chosen in your COPS Hiring Program

17) For each problem your agency is currently addressing (or plans to address), has your agency or will
your agency address the following source(s) of information in order to assess your agency’s response to
the problem?
The box to the left indicates the source(s) of information indicated in the original grant or most recent progress

Information Source(s)
Routinely collected law
enforcement data/information
related to the problem (e.g.,
arrest, incident reports, calls for
Data/information regarding
whether the response was
implemented as planned
Police data collected for this

(A) Plan
Indicated Examine

(B) Currently


(D) No
Intend to











OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

specific problem (e.g., problemspecific surveys, field interview
contact cards, etc.)
Non-police data/information
related to the problem (e.g.,
insurance crash data, other
government agency data, census
data, survey data)
Data/information from the
community related to the
problem (e.g., resident
associations, business groups,
non-profit community service
Information about offenders
contributing to the problem (e.g.,
offender interviews, arrest
records, probation/parole data)
Information about victims and/or
stakeholders affected by the
problem (e.g., crime reports,
victim interviews)
None of the above ( if in CAP)


























above prechecked
Note: “None of Above” can only be selected if it was originally chosen in your COPS Hiring Program

II. Partnerships
Community Policing relies heavily on partnerships and relationships between law enforcement and the community
it serves. This section requests information about your agency’s effort in establishing and/or maintaining
partnerships identified in your CP plan.
18) Your agency previously identified the following external groups/organizations (column 1) with whom
you would initiate or enhance a partnership to develop responses to the problem area identified. What
progress has your agency made in working with the partners listed below?


(A) Partnerships (B) Partnerships

(C) Partnership
Established During
Grant but no Longer










18.A) Have you established any new partnerships during this reporting period?
Yes 
No 

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

18.B) Name the most important external groups/organizations that your agency will initiate or enhance a
partnership with to develop responses to this problem. Note: You will be limited to listing no more than
three partners per public safety problem.
Partner 1
For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner:
 Local government agencies (non-law enforcement, e.g. probation/parole, parks and
recreation, code enforcement, etc.)
 Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, community redevelopment groups,
social service providers, resident associations)
 Businesses operating in the community
 Tribal law enforcement agencies
 Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies (non-tribal) including through multi
jurisdictional/regional partnerships
 Local educational institutions (schools/colleges/universities)
 Individual stakeholders (persons residing, working, or with an interest in the community
or problem)
Partner 2
For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner:
 Local government agencies (non-law enforcement, e.g. probation/parole, parks and
recreation, code enforcement, etc.)
 Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, community redevelopment groups,
social service providers, resident associations)
 Businesses operating in the community
 Tribal law enforcement agencies
 Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies (non-tribal) including through multi
jurisdictional/regional partnerships
 Local educational institutions (schools/colleges/universities)
 Individual stakeholders (persons residing, working, or with an interest in the community
or problem)

Partner 3
For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner:
 Local government agencies (non-law enforcement, e.g. probation/parole, parks and
recreation, code enforcement, etc.)
 Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, community redevelopment groups,
social service providers, resident associations)
 Businesses operating in the community
 Tribal law enforcement agencies
 Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies (non-tribal) including through multi
jurisdictional/regional partnerships
 Local educational institutions (schools/colleges/universities)

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

 Individual stakeholders (persons residing, working, or with an interest in the community
or problem)

III. Community Policing Plan Goals
This section requests information about the goals previously identified by your agency in response to the public
safety issue(s) identified in your CP plan. Although you may have multiple goals, a maximum of three primary
goals were allowed in the CP plan. During the grant period, we encourage agencies to create a system that
documents your progress towards achieving their identified goals.
19) Based on the original goals identified for this problem, please indicate what goals were accomplished, as
they relate to your response to the problem areas identified and your implementation of community
policing within this reporting period.

Previously Identified Goal(s)
Eliminating the problem
Reducing the number of incidents
Increasing public trust in your
Reducing the seriousness of the
incidents or the amount of harm
Reducing the number of victims
and/or repeat victims
Reducing the number of offenders
and/or repeat offenders
Moving the problem to another area
Getting other agencies and/or
stakeholders to assume
responsibility for the problem
Improving the response to the
Improving citizen perceptions of
the problem
Increasing the number of
Reducing the number of calls for
None of the Above ( IF in CAP)


(A) Plan to
Currently Being

(B) Goal

(C) No Longer
Intend to
Accomplish this

















































Note: “None of Above” can only be selected if it was originally chosen in your COPS Hiring Program application.

IV. Organizational Transformation
As one of the three pillars of community policing, organizational change is integral to ensuring that your agency’s
management, structure, personnel, and information systems support, and ultimately help sustain and institutionalize
community partnerships and proactive problem-solving efforts. These changes focus on the way that departments
are organized and managed, and how the infrastructure and operations can be changed to support the philosophical
shift behind community policing.

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

In this section, you will be asked to provide information on your agency’s progress in implementing the
organizational change(s) identified in your agency’s CP plan. The information provided in this progress report helps
to ensure that your agency satisfies the requirements for COPS funding under this program, and that the use of these
funds will initiate or enhance your agency’s capacity to implement community policing strategies.
20) As identified in your CP plan, what progress has your agency made in implementing internal changes to
personnel management? Please select below to indicate the current status of this activity. Agencies may
identify up to 2 internal changes to personnel management that will be addressed with grant funds.)
(D) No Longer
(C) Change
Intend to
Internal Changes to Personnel
Previously (A) Plan to (B) Currently Successfully Implement this
Indicated Implement Implementing Implemented
Flexibility in officer shift assignments
to facilitate addressing specific problems
Assignment of officers to specific
neighborhoods or areas for longer
periods of time to enhance customer
service and facilitate more contact
between police and citizens.
Recruitment and hiring practices that
reflect an orientation towards problem
solving and community engagement
In-service training for officers on basic
and advanced community policing
Field training officer (FTO) programs
that teach and test problem solving,
community engagement, and critical
thinking skills
Further define and clarify community
policing roles and expectations for
Personnel evaluation systems that
assess officer activities,
accomplishments, and performance
related to problem solving and
community engagement
Early intervention systems that help
identify officers who may be showing
early signs of stress, personal problems,
and questionable work conduct
First-line supervisory skills to support
officer problem solving and community
engagement activities
Career development and/or promotional
processes that reinforce problem
solving and community engagement
None of the above














































NOTE: None of the above
requirement #34
above prechecked for
Note: “None of Above” can only be selected if it was originally chosen in your COPS Hiring Program application.

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

21) Based on the information provided in your CP plan, what progress has your agency made in
implementing the following internal changes to agency management? Please select below to indicate the
current status of this activity. Agencies may identify up to 2 internal changes to agency management that will be
addressed with grant funds.)
(C) Change (D) No Longer
Intend to
Internal Changes to Agency
Previously (A) Plan to (B) Currently Implemente Implement
this Change
Indicated Implement Implementing
Agency mission statement, vision,
and/or goals that reflect the core
values of community policing
Agency strategic plan that outlines the
goals and objectives around community
policing and other departmental priorities
Organizational performance
measurement systems that include
community policing metrics, and
conduct annual assessments of
agency performance
Technology systems that provide
officers, analysts, and the community
better and more timely access to data
and information
Mediation strategies to resolve citizen
Collection, analysis, and use of
crime data and information in
support of problem solving goals
Formal accreditation process
System to capture and track problem
solving and partnership efforts and
Conducting an organizational
assessment of community policing
Level and frequency of communication
with the community on crime problems
and agency activities to enhance
Police officer ethical conduct initiative
(e.g. procedural justice, values-based
policing, etc.)
None of the above





















NOTE: None of the above
requirement #34
above prechecked for
Note: “None of Above” can only be selected if it was originally chosen in your COPS Hiring Program application.

22) Has your agency utilized any COPS Resources (e.g., On-line materials, Publications, Problem-Solving
Guides, COPS-funded Training, etc.) to assist in you with your community policing plan?
Yes 
No 
If you wish to request COPS publications or obtain information on additional COPS resources, please visit the
COPS Office website at www.cops.usdoj.govupon completion of this report or contact the COPS Office Response

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

Center at 800.421.6770, or by email at
23) Do you need any technical assistance in implementing your agency’s CP Plan?
Yes 
No 
Please visit the COPS Office website at www.cops.usdoj.govto request COPS publications or obtain additional
information on training or other COPS resources to assist in implementing your agency’s community policing plan.
If you have specific questions regarding the implementation of your plan, you may also contact the COPS Office
Response Center at 800.421.6770, or by email at
24) Do you have any best practices or success stories that you would like to share with the COPS Office
related to your community policing plan? (2000 characters or less).
The town of Weaverville, North Carolina received a $250,000 COPS Office grant to hire two police officers. These
two new police officers were placed on patrol on and around the local high school, where there had been a
substantial increase in school violence. As a result of these new officers engaging in community policing activities
with the students, parents and surrounding neighborhood, the reported of incidents of school violence have dropped
dramatically and the police department will have officers on permanent duty in this area.

Community Policing Capacity
Community Policing
25) Please explain how COPS funding has enhanced your agencies ability to implement community policing
activities. (2,000 characters or less).

The questions in this section refer to the grant number(s) identified below and how it may have increased your
agency’s community policing capacity.
Grant Program
Grant Number
Award Amount

Increasing Community Policing Capacity: Grant Resources
Develop Community/Law Enforcement Partnerships
The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s grant(s) have assisted your agency
to increase your capacity to develop collaborative partnerships with individual and organizational stakeholders in the
community you serve.
Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does
not apply to you please select “N/A.”
26) Has the grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

P1 - Share relevant crime and disorder information with community members.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8
P2 - Actively seek input from the community regarding identifying and prioritizing neighborhood problems.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8
P3 - Engage the community in the development of responses to community problems.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8
P4 - Collaborate with other agencies that deliver public services (e.g., parks and recreation, social services,
public health, mental health, code enforcement).
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8

The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s grant(s) have assisted your agency
to increase your capacity to use problem-solving. Problem-solving is an analytical process for systematically 1)
identifying and prioritizing problems, 2) analyzing problems, 3) responding to problems, and 4) evaluating problemsolving initiatives. Problem-solving involves an agency-wide commitment to go beyond traditional police responses to
crime to proactively address a multitude of problems that adversely affect quality of life.
Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does
not apply to you please select “N/A.”

27) Has the grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the
PS1 - Integrate problem-solving into patrol work.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8
PS2 - Identify and prioritize crime and disorder problems by having officers examine patterns and trends
involving repeat victims, offenders, and locations.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8
PS3 - Explore the underlying factors and conditions that contribute to crime and disorder problems.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 2
 3
 4
 5
 6
 7
 8
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
PS4 - Develop tailored responses to crime and disorder problems that address the underlying conditions that
contribute to them.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8

Organizational Change
The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s grant(s) have assisted your agency
to increase your capacity to transform your agency environment, organizational structure, personnel, practices, and
policies to support the community policing philosophy and community policing activities.
Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does
not apply to you please select “N/A.”

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

28) Has the grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your agency’s capacity to do the
OC1 - Institute organizational changes that support the implementation of community policing strategies.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8
OC2 - Incorporate community policing principles into your agency’s mission/vision statement and strategic
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 2
 3
 4
 5
 6
 7
 8
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
OC3 - Institutionalize community policing principles into a corresponding set of policies, practices and
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 2
 5
 8
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
OC4 - Institute community policing agency-wide.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 2
 3
 4
 5
 6
 7
 8
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 

Increasing Technological Capacity
The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) your agency’s <> grant(s) have
assisted your agency to increase your technological capacity to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder
Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does
not apply to you please select “N/A.”
29) Has the <> grant assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your
agency’s capacity to do the following?
T1 - Ensure agency staff have proper access to relevant data (e.g., calls for service, incident and arrest data,
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8
T2 - Analyze and understand problems in the community.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8
T3 - Improve your agency’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 2
 3
 4
 5
 6
 7
 8
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
T4 - Provide officers with necessary equipment to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 3
 4
 6
 7
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A 
 2
 5
 8

Increasing Community Policing Capacity: Training and Technical Assistance Resources
The COPS Office is interested in determining to what extent (if any) the COPS Office has provided training or
technical assistance to your agency to advance community policing.
30) Have you received training or technical assistance, with respect to implementing community policing, from
the COPS Office or COPS-sponsored training providers?
Yes 
 No 
Please use a 10-point scale, where “1” means “Strongly Disagree” and “10” means “Strongly Agree.” If an item does

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

not apply to you please select “N/A.”
30.A) Has the training and/or technical assistance that you received from the COPS Office increased your
agency’s capacity to do the following?
Train1 - Develop collaborative partnerships with individual and organizational stakeholders in the
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 2
 5
 7
 8
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 3
 4
 6
 9
 N/A

Train2 - Engage in problem-solving to prevent, respond to, and/or better analyze crime.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 2
 3
 4
 5
 6
 7
 8
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A

Train3 - Institute organizational changes that support the implementation of community policing strategies.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 2
 3
 4
 5
 6
 7
 8
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A

Train4 - Improve technological capabilities to better prevent and/or respond to crime and disorder incidents.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 2
 5
 7
 8
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 3
 4
 6
 9
 N/A

Train5 - Effectively implement the strategies presented to better prevent and/or respond to crime and
disorder incidents.
1(Strongly Disagree) 
 2
 3
 4
 5
 6
 7
 8
 9
 10(Strongly Agree) 
 N/A

Train6 - Did you share the information that you learned with others?
Yes 
 No 
31) Do you have any best practices or success stories that you would like to share with the COPS Office related
to your community policing activities?

Survey Feedback
32) The COPS Office is committed to continuously improving our processes and systems based upon grantee
feedback. Please rate your overall satisfaction with this online Progress Report.
1(Highly Dissatisfied) 
 4
 7
 9
 10(Highly Satisfied) 
 2
 3
 5
 6
 8
33) If you have any additional comments regarding using the Progress Report System, please share those
comments below.
(please explain in 2000 characters or less):

OMB Control Number: 1103-0102
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXX

Certification and Contact Information
If you would like to provide any additional comments, please feel free to include them below.

Title of Person Completing this Report:

First and Last Name of Person Completing this Report (if applicable):

E-mail of Person Completing this Report:

Phone Number of Person Completing this Report:

 I certify that the information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
understand that false statements or claims made in connection with COPS grant awards may result in fines, imprisonment,
debarment from participating in Federal grants or contracts, and/or any other remedy available by law to the Federal
Government. Please be advised that a hold may be placed on COPS grant awards if it is deemed that the agency is not in
compliance with federal civil rights laws and/or is not cooperating with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation.

Please type your name here in place of your signature:

The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up to one hour per response including time for searching existing data
sources, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the report. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of the
collection of this information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of
Justice, 1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530; and to the Public Use Reports Project, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office
of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20530.
You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this
application is 1103-#### and the expiration date is MM/DD/YYYY.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft InfoPath - COPS Progress Report Template 20140107-Tri
File Modified2014-01-14
File Created2014-01-13

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