Synthetic Cannabinoid Use - Patient (or Surrogate) Inter

Emergency Epidemic Investigation Data Collections - Expedited Reviews

Appendix2_Patient Interview Questionnaire

Adverse Health Effects Associated with Synthetic Cannabinoid Use - Mississippi, 2015

OMB: 0920-1011

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Form Approved;

OMB No. 0920-1011;

Exp Date: 03/31/2017

Adverse Health Effects Associated with
Synthetic Cannabinoid Use — Mississippi, 2015



Emergency Department (ED):_________________________or Coroner/Medical Examiner Name___________________

pATIENT identification

(prepopulate from medical record if applicable)

Full Name (Last Name, First Name)

Medical Record Number

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy)








I will start by asking some demographic questions

  1. Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

  1. Race (check all that apply):

Amer Ind/AK native Asian Black/Afr Am

Native HI/other PI White

Other (specify)___________________________

Don’t Know Refused

  1. Are you a student? Yes No Refused

If yes: which level? Elementary Junior high High school

College Vocational/trade school Graduate School

  1. Are you employed? Yes No Refused


Now I want to shift and ask you about your general health and health history.

  1. Prior to your recent visit to the ER, would you say your health was

Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor Don’t know Refused

  1. Prior to you recent visit to the ER, had a doctor or nurse ever told you that you have…

High blood pressure: Yes No Don’t Know Refused

Heart disease: Yes No Don’t Know Refused Specify___________________________

Kidney disease: Yes No Don’t Know Refused Specify___________________________

Liver disease: Yes No Don’t Know Refused Specify___________________________

Diabetes Yes No Don’t Know Refused

Seizure disorder Yes No Don’t Know Refused Specify___________________________

Mental illness Yes No Don’t Know Refused Specify___________________________

Substance addiction Yes No Don’t Know Refused Specify___________________________

Other Yes No Don’t Know Refused Specify___________________________

  1. Do you regularly take any medicine prescribed by your doctor?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

If yes: please tell me three things: the name of each medication you take; the reason why, or the health condition for which you take it; and finally, whether you took any of these medicines in the 24 hours before your visit to the ER.

Name: ___________________ Condition: ___________________ used in 24 hours before visit to ER

Name: ___________________ Condition: ___________________ used in 24 hours before visit to ER

Name: ___________________ Condition: ___________________ used in 24 hours before visit to ER

Name: ___________________ Condition: ___________________ used in 24 hours before visit to ER


Now I’m going to ask you about the substance(s) you used 24 hours before going to the ER. This information will not be shared with any law enforcement and may help us prevent others from getting sick.

  1. Did you drink any alcoholic beverages during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER?

Yes No Don’t know Refused

If yes: was this your first time using alcohol? Yes No Don’t know Refused

If yes: please specify type of alcoholic beverage and amount consumed (be as specific as possible, for example 3 8-oz. beers or 2 shots of tequila)__________________________________________

  1. Did you use synthetic or “fake” marijuana during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER?

Yes No Don’t know (skip to question 11) Refused (skip to question 11)

If yes: when you were using it did you know you were using synthetic or “fake” marijuana?

Yes No Don’t know Refused

If no: what substance did you think you were using__________________________

  1. Approximately how long after you used synthetic or “fake” marijuana did you first feel sick?

Specify in minutes_______________________ Don’t Know Refused

  1. Did you use any prescription medicine or over-the-counter medicine for non-medical reasons during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER? Yes No Don’t know Refused

If yes: please specify___________________________________________

  1. Did you use any other recreational substances(s) during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER? This would include recreational substances such as cocaine, meth, heroin, and others.

Yes No Don’t know Refused

If yes: specify drug(s)______________________________________________________________

  1. In what order or combination did you take these substances during the 24 hours before you first felt sick?

If no drug history (i.e. Questions 9, 11, 12 are all No, Don’t know, or Refused) GO TO CLOSING STATEMENT.


Now I am going to ask you about each recreational drug or medication you used during the 24 hours before your ER visit

Note: Chart synthetic marijuana first and DO NOT chart alcohol.

  1. Substance # 1: ________________________

14.1 Thinking about the (substance 1) you used during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER, did this

(substance 1) have a brand/street name___________________________ Don’t Know Refused

Please describe the packaging: ________________________________ Don’t Know Refused

14.2 Was this your first time using this substance? Yes No Don’t Know Refused

If yes, skip to question 14.7

14.3 Have you used this specific brand before Yes No Don’t Know Refused

If no, skip to question 14.7

If yes: how many times? Once 2-5 times > 5 times

14.4 Have you been sick before after using this brand?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

14.5 Did using this substance make you feel the same way it did other times you have used it?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

Notes (optional)_______________________________

14.6 Did the substance taste or smell like it did the other times you have used it?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

Notes (optional)_______________________________

14.7 How did you use this substance during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER?

Smoke Eat or Swallow Snort Intravenous Other____________

14.8 Did you use it in a different way than you usually use it?

Yes No Don’t have normal method Don’t Know Refused

14.9 How much of this substance did you use during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER?

amount = _______ unit (check only one) = grams packets puffs hits bowls blunts

other, specify_____________________ Don’t Know

14.10 How did you get this substance? please, check all that apply

convenience store gas station tobacco store head shop pharmacy

Please specify store name/location: ____________________________________

dealer friend family member

internet, please specify website ________________________________

event (e.g. party), please specify________________________________

other, please specify_________________________________________

Don’t know Refused

14.11 How many days before your recent visit to the ER did you get this substance?

Same Day (0 days) # of Days _________

Don’t know Refused

14.12 If you got it from a friend, family member, an acquaintance, or a dealer, where did they get it from?

check all that apply

convenience store gas station tobacco store head shop pharmacy

Please specify store name/location: ____________________________________

dealer friend family member

internet, please specify website ________________________________

event (e.g. party), please specify________________________________

other, please specify_________________________________________

Don’t know Refused

14.13 Did anyone else you know use this substance from the same source (same packet, baggy, joint, etc.)?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

If yes: do you know if these people also got sick? Yes No Don’t Know Refused

If yes: did they have to go to the hospital because of it? Yes No Don’t Know Refused

Repeat “DETAILS OF RECENT RECREATIONAL DRUG USE” section (use Appendix A) for each recreational drug.

If no history of synthetic marijuana use, skip to AWARENESS QUESTIONS.


Now I am going to ask you general questions about your use of synthetic marijuana

  1. How often do you use synthetic or “fake” marijuana?

one time only (this episode) less than once a month 1-3 times a month once a week

2-3 times a week 4 - 6 times a week once a day more than once a day Refused

If one time only, skip to question 17

  1. How long have you been using synthetic or “fake” marijuana at this frequency?

first time less than 1 year 1–2 years 3–5 years 6–10 years more than 10 years

Don’t Know Refused

  1. How old were you when you first tried synthetic or “fake” marijuana? Age (in years)______

Don’t Know Refused

  1. Why do you choose to use synthetic or “fake” marijuana? ___________________________________


Finally, I want to ask you about your awareness of synthetic marijuana and a few closing questions

  1. Before your recent visit to the ER, were you aware that using synthetic or “fake” marijuana could cause severe illness? Yes No Don’t Know Refused

  1. Are you aware that over the last month many people in the state of Colorado have been getting sick after using synthetic or “fake” marijuana? Yes No Don’t know Refused

If yes: how did you find out? (check all that apply)

TV/Radio, specify_______________________

Social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), specify___________________

internet website (specify)_______________________


family member

other (specify)________________________________

  1. Have you continued to use synthetic or “fake” marijuana since your recent visit to the ER?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused


  1. What contact information works best if another public health person needs to speak with you again?

___________________________________________________ ☐ Don’t Know Refused

  1. If you have any leftover product(s) from the 24 hours before your illness started, would you be willing to provide it for possible testing? Yes No


APPENDIX A MRN:_______________________ Last Name: _________________________

  1. Substance #_____: ___________________

14.1 Thinking about the (substance 1) you used during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER, did this

(substance 1) have a brand/street name___________________________ Don’t Know Refused

Please describe the packaging: ________________________________ Don’t Know Refused

14.2 Was this your first time using this substance? Yes No Don’t Know Refused

If yes, skip to question 14.7

14.3 Have you used this specific brand before Yes No Don’t Know Refused

If no, skip to question 14.7

If yes: how many times? Once 2-5 times > 5 times

14.4 Have you been sick before after using this brand?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

14.5 Did using this substance make you feel the same way it did other times you have used it?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

Notes (optional)_______________________________

14.6 Did the substance taste or smell like it did the other times you have used it?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

Notes (optional)_______________________________

14.7 How did you use this substance during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER?

Smoke Eat or Swallow Snort Intravenous Other____________

14.8 Did you use it in a different way than you usually use it?

Yes No Don’t have normal method Don’t Know Refused

14.9 How much of this substance did you use during the 24 hours before your recent visit to the ER?

amount = _______ unit (check only one) = grams packets puffs hits bowls blunts

other, specify_____________________ Don’t Know

14.10 How did you get this substance? please, check all that apply

convenience store gas station tobacco store head shop pharmacy

Please specify store name/location: ____________________________________

dealer friend family member

internet, please specify website ________________________________

event (e.g. party), please specify________________________________

other, please specify_________________________________________

Don’t know Refused

14.11 How many days before your recent visit to the ER did you get this substance?

Same Day (0 days) # of Days _________

Don’t know Refused

14.12 If you got it from a friend, family member, an acquaintance, or a dealer, where did they get it from?

check all that apply

convenience store gas station tobacco store head shop pharmacy

Please specify store name/location: ____________________________________

dealer friend family member

internet, please specify website ________________________________

event (e.g. party), please specify________________________________

other, please specify_________________________________________

Don’t know Refused

14.13 Did anyone else you know use this substance from the same source (same packet, baggy, joint, etc.)?

Yes No Don’t Know Refused

If yes: do you know if these people also got sick? Yes No Don’t Know Refused

If yes: did they have to go to the hospital because of it? Yes No Don’t Know Refused

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74 Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1011)

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File Created2021-01-25

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