Movement of Household Goods: Customer Satisfaction In-Depth Interviews

Generic Clearance of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

PRA-2126NEW.HHG Gen Survey Instructions Indepth Interviews.07162015.BR.Use

Movement of Household Goods: Customer Satisfaction In-Depth Interviews

OMB: 2126-0061

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OMB NO: 2126-0061


A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2126-0061. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to range from 15 – 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-RRA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590.

Instruments, Instructions and Scripts for

Movement of Household Goods: Customer Satisfaction In-Depth Interviews

Research Data-Gathering Design:

A total of 30 total participants will be selected, at random, from those respondents who completed the online panel and subsequently indicated a willingness to participate in the qualitative research. The 30 participants will complete Interview 1, Persona and Emotion Sheets, and Interview 2 as detailed in the sections that follow (for a total of 30 completed 60-minute interviews). The estimated burden hours for Interviews 1 and 2 will be approximately 30 minutes each, and completion of the Persona and Emotion Sheets will require approximately 15 minutes. Respondent classifications will be determined during the qualitative research analysis, taking into account experience with the moving process and experience with FMCSA communication products.

Customer Satisfaction In-Depth Interviews Online Screener

The online screener will be utilized to ensure participants are Recent Movers and Pre-Movers and to determine their willingness to participate in a 60-minute interview process.

Interview 1 (30 minutes)

Knowledge Testing: 30 total interviews focusing on respondents’ knowledge and familiarity with the moving process. Determine new (relevant knowledge and/or content) information obtained from prior to the moving process. Also, establish initial baseline for overall satisfaction level with the moving process. As an outcome of their responses to this interview, respondents will be divided into the following sub-segments:

  1. 10 highly knowledgeable (experienced)

  2. 10 knowledgeable (somewhat experienced)

  3. 10 not knowledgeable (inexperienced)

Persona and Emotion Sheets (15 minutes)

At the conclusion of Interview 1, the moderator will ask respondents to visit and complete both the Persona (entitled “The FMCSA Website as a Person” for Respondent use) and Emotion Sheets online. Respondents will not view the site live during Interview 2 because the moderator is, at least in part, trying to determine both the relevance and memorability of the site.

Persona Sheets: This exercise requires the respondents to ascribe attributes to the FMCSA website – as if the website were an actual person. The framework used to develop this Sheet is based on both a User Experience (U/E) and User Interface (U/I) models. This sheet is designed to determine respondents’ subliminal responses in terms of four primary deliverables to gauge whether the FMCSA website is:

  1. Easy to learn

  2. Efficient to use and navigate once learned

  3. Pleasant to use

  4. Useful

Emotion Sheets: The “Emotions” exercise is designed to reflect a more global response as to how the respondent generally feels toward the Persona he or she just created. As the Persona is the website and not the respondent, it is not to be automatically assumed that the respondent would necessarily like or feel an affinity toward that Persona. Although the respondent is not aware, for analysis purposes, the emotions on the sheet are randomly divided into four basic categories, each with varying degrees of intensity. These are: (a) positive, (b) negative, (c) puzzled, and (d) ambivalent. Along with the specific answers provided in the Persona Sheet, these more global emotional responses will help to indicate important areas for both confirmation and extended discussion in Interview 2. With regard to each of the sheets, some of the responses may be consistent – providing a reliable indication of how the respondent intuitively and spontaneously feels about that issue – either positively or negatively. Other responses might actually, or only at first blush, appear to be in conflict with each other, usually indicating areas of confusion either puzzlement or ambivalence. In these instances, the moderator will know to specifically direct his probes and engage the respondent in extended discussion in order to identify those specific reasons informing these types of responses.

Interview 2 (30 Minutes)

Utility Testing: 30 total interviews focusing on the utility of FMCSA website. Determine new (relevant knowledge content) obtained from the site. Determine its usability. Identify any intrinsic barriers or apprehension points to the site. Identify visceral reactions to the site and its messaging as it relates to actual utility.

  1. 10 highly knowledgeable (experienced)

  2. 10 knowledgeable (somewhat experienced)

  3. 10 not knowledgeable (inexperienced)

Satisfaction Testing: 30 total interviews using respondents from the utility testing phase to determine degree of satisfaction derived from FMCSA communications. Determine “what satisfaction means” to consumers as it relates to FMCSA communication and the moving process as a whole. Identify correlations between actual utility and satisfaction. Identify correlations between barriers and apprehension points and satisfaction. Identify correlations between visceral reactions and satisfaction.

  1. 10 highly knowledgeable (experienced)

  2. 10 knowledgeable (somewhat experienced)

  3. 10 not knowledgeable (inexperienced)

The IDIs will be conducted in a conversational manner and structured to engage the respondents in the areas outlined below.

Standards to Assess Communication Effectiveness:

Recall: The degree and extent of the audience’s unaided recall of specific pre-determined key concepts and overall “take-aways”. Consumers tend (although not in all circumstances) to retain things they like more than dislike (i.e., it is far easier for most people to recall their 5 favorite television commercials or movies than to recall their 5 worst.)

Comprehension: The higher the comprehension of data, the higher the probability of aided and unaided recall, either of which (and preferably unaided recall) is a pre-requisite to content-related behavior modification.

Attitude: Attitude is another measure of the probability of future behavior. With the qualitative data obtained in this Information Study we would seek information on attitudes toward both FMCSA messaging as well as the distribution method of messaging.

Engagement/Likeability: These are prime requisites for message retention which, as stated earlier, is a necessary condition precedent to the likelihood of motivation and ultimately, attitudinal change and/or behavioral modification.

Research Transactional Description:

Test degree of unaided recall:

  1. Each respondent will be asked to recall as much as he or she can with respect to the purpose of FMCSA communication materials and the desired information to be learned for the materials. Specific lines of questioning may seek to identify why recall is lacking or why recall is apparent. Other questions may include why specific information is easily recalled.

  1. Obviously, the greater the recall the more likely the message is perceived as favorable, and as such the more likely it would tend to motivate a prescribed behavior.

Test accuracy of understanding:

  1. The comprehensive purpose of FMCSA communication products, and

  2. Pre-determined core utility of FMCSA communication products:

  1. In increasing levels of complexity, hypothetical situations (developed from respondents’ comments or criticisms of the FMCSA site during the interviews) will be given to each respondent for him or her to apply key learnings.

  2. Testing the degree and extent of practical applications will provide a relative scope of the likelihood of communication products influencing future behavior.

Importance of the message:

  1. The importance of moving fraud prevention messaging will be tested against messaging on price, reputation, etc. to determine the relative importance of fraud prevention in consumers’ minds. Additionally, message and purpose of FMCSA communication products will be explored versus other messaging sources on the moving process and moving fraud, e.g. advertising, not-for-profit, word of mouth, etc.

  1. Utilizing qualitative findings, questioning will explore respondents’ feelings on message sources and delivery methods—contrasting feelings on specific sources against utility and satisfaction. Identifying perceptions in reliability of informational sources and the underlying perception of FMCSA as informational source.

  2. Respondents will then be asked to explain and defend their ranking, and to list and describe communications they perceive as both more and less important and reliable, and why.

How, if at all, can FMCSA communication products and distribution methods be improved (Satisfaction)?:

  1. At this point each respondent should have developed an idea of what their consumer satisfaction model is specifically linked to the moving process and communication products related to moving fraud—either through direct experience or perceptions based on expectations (as guided by the trajectory of the study).

  1. This should better facilitate a guided discussion that will then take place as to ways and means by which each respondent thinks that (a) the content, and (b) the method and channels of delivery could be improved, if at all.






A qualitative research study is being conducted on behalf of the United States Department of Transportation. The study will require a moderator to contact you via phone for two 30-minute in-depth interviews and depending on your responses, your total time commitment will be approximately 60 minutes. Your answers will be kept confidential and you will receive $70 if you complete both interviews.


S1. Please indicate your gender. (Please select a single response)

  1. Male

  2. Female

S2. Which of the following best describes your history of interstate moves?

(meaning you moved from one state to another state) (Please select a single response)

  1. I’m currently planning an interstate move in the next 3 to 6 months (Pre-Mover)

  2. I’m currently making an interstate move (Recent Mover)

  3. I completed an interstate move in the last 6 months (Recent Mover)

  4. I completed an interstate move, but longer than 12 months ago (Thank and Terminate)

  5. I’ve never moved from one state to another state (Thank and Terminate)

[IF S2=1 (Pre-Mover), ASK S3]

S3. How do you plan to move your possessions in your upcoming interstate move? (Please select all that apply)

  1. I will personally hire a moving company (Continue to S5a)

  2. I will lease a truck/trailer/pod (Thank and Terminate)

  3. I will use my own vehicle or a friend’s vehicle (Thank and Terminate)

  4. My move will be arranged by the military or government (Thank and Terminate)

  5. My move will be arranged by a corporate relocation service (Thank and Terminate)

  6. Some other way (Thank and Terminate)

  7. Don’t Know/Refuse (Thank and Terminate)

[IF S2=2 OR 3 (Recent Mover), ASK S4]

S4. Which one of the following best describes what you did when planning your most recent interstate move? (Please select one from Group A, and Select as many as apply from Group B)


Group A:

  1. Considered hiring a moving company, but did not hire one (Continue to S5b)

  2. Hired a moving company (Continue to S5b)

  3. Never considered or hired a moving company (Thank and Terminate)

Group B:

  1. Leased a truck/trailer/pod

  2. Used my own vehicle or a friend’s vehicle

  3. My move was arranged by the military or government

  4. My move was arranged by a corporate relocation service

  5. Some other way (Specify)__________________


S5. Which of the following best describes your role in considering or selecting a moving company to conduct a household goods move from one state to another state, defined as an interstate move?


Which of the following best describes your role in considering or selecting the moving company for your most recent move? (Please select a single response)

(Please select a single response)

  1. I am the primary decision-maker in my household (Continue)

  2. I make decisions jointly with someone else in my household (Continue)

  3. I influence the decisions, but someone else is the primary decision-maker (First n=500 Flag as Terminate – Skip to Demographics, After first n=500, Thank and Terminate)

  4. I do not participate in the decisions in my household (First n=500 Flag as Terminate – Skip to Demographics, After first n=500, Thank and Terminate)


These next few questions will ensure we are talking to a wide range of consumers. 

The responses you provide will be grouped together with others and will not be shown individually or linked directly back to you.

D1. Which of the following groups contains your current age? (Please select a single response)

  1. Under 25

  2. 25 – 34

  3. 35 – 44

  4. 45 – 54

  5. 55 – 64

  6. 65 or above

  7. Prefer to not say

D2. What is your total household income before taxes? (Please select a single response)

  1. Less than $20,000

  2. $20,000 – $39,999

  3. $40,000 – $59,999

  4. $60,000 – $99,999

  5. $100,000 – $149,999

  6. $150,000 – $199,999

  7. $200,000 or more

  8. Prefer to not say

D3. Are you of Hispanic or Latino ancestry? (Please select a single response)

  1. Yes

  2. No

D4. What is your race? (Please select a single response)

  1. White

  2. Black or African American

  3. Asian

  4. American Indian or Alaska Native

  5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

D5. Please select the state in which you reside.

Drop Down - List 48 Continental United States

99. Prefer to not say


We have different qualifications for this research and the group for which you qualify has been filled. Thank you for participating in this survey. Have a great day!





Hi, my name is [Moderator Name] and I’m an independent market researcher. I am conducting research about interstate residential moving for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. This is part one of a two part interview, the second part will be conducted sometime within 7 to 14 calendar days from today. Each of which will last approximately 30 minutes.

If it’s alright with you, I would like to ask you some questions about your recent moving experience. If you don’t know or cannot recall the answer to any question, that is fine. It is much better to say “I don’t know” or “I forget” than to struggle to provide an answer you’re just not sure of.

None of the questions I’m going to ask are designed to be invasive in any way, but if for any reason, you do not wish to answer a question, just let me know and we’ll quickly move on. Also, please do not hesitate to express your true thoughts and feelings. I am an independent researcher and have no practical or financial interest in any of the information you provide whether it be positive or negative. In fact, none of the information you provide to me will be attributed to you personally. When I write my report I only refer to overall or percentage responses and never at any time do I or anyone else reveal or otherwise publish any names. If you are comfortable with this may I proceed?

[ ] No [Thank and terminate] [ ] Yes [Continue]

Q1. Before you made your most recent interstate move, were you aware of any issues or topics that you thought might be helpful to know when making a decision to retain the services of an interstate moving company?

[ ] No [“THANK YOU” – proceed to Question 5]

[ ] Yes [Proceed to Question 2, below]

Q2. What issues or topics were you aware of? [List each issue below]







Q3. Now I’m going to ask you some questions about each of the issues or topics you just mentioned [MODERATOR INSTRUCTIONS: Start with the first mentioned and then proceed in order down the list in Question 2 With regard to each issue ask the questions in Question 3, below and, if applicable, Question 4]

With regard to [name each issue in the order given in question 2], before conducting your move, how much about the topic did you know? [MODERATORS INSTRUCTIONS: Probe to determine what questions they had relevant to each topic and whether or not they had the answers or were able to ascertain any of the answers.]

  1. Topic _______________

[ ] A lot [Proceed to Question 4]

[ ] A little [Proceed below to next issue listed in Question 2]

  1. Topic _______________

[ ] A lot [Proceed to Question 4]

[ ] A little [Proceed below to next issue listed in Question 2]

  1. Topic _______________

[ ] A lot [Proceed to Question 4]

[ ] A little [Proceed below to next issue listed in Question 2]

  1. Topic _______________

[ ] A lot [Proceed to Question 4]

[ ] A little [Proceed below to next issue listed in Question 2]

  1. Topic _______________

[ ] A lot [Proceed to Question 4]

[ ] A little [Proceed below to next issue listed in Question 2]

  1. Topic _______________

[ ] A lot [Proceed to Question 4]

[ ] A little [Proceed below to next issue listed in Question 2]

Q4. [MODERATOR INSTRUCTION: With regard to each of the issues listed below, for analysis purposes the Moderator should have a working knowledge of most of the relevant issues and answers a consumer should know with regard to interstate moving. For the next interview, the Moderator will also have this knowledge and will review each of the respondent’s responses given here and will consult this questionnaire for both the relevancy and accuracy questions listed below]:

  1. Please tell me what if anything you knew about [name the first topic in Q3. A _______________] before your recent move.

  1. How and where did you accumulate this knowledge (i.e., where did you get this information: Past experience? Someone told you? You read it somewhere? Other?)

  1. [MODERATOR INSTRUCTION: For each of the following questions Q4 (1-6), the below “Relevancy” and “Accuracy” questions are NOT to be asked of the respondent. It should be completed by the Moderator before proceeding to the next question and immediately after he/she has assessed the respondent’s completed answer above.]

  1. Relevancy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  2. Accuracy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  1. Please tell me what if anything you knew about [name the next topic in Q3. B _______________] before your recent move.

  1. How and where did you accumulate this knowledge (i.e., where did you get this information: past experience? Someone told you? You read it somewhere? Other?)

  1. Moderator’s opinion as to:

  1. Relevancy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  2. Accuracy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  1. Please tell me what if anything you knew about [name the next topic in Q3. C _______________] before your recent move.

  1. How and where did you accumulate this knowledge (i.e., where did you get this information: past experience? Someone told you? You read it somewhere? Other?)

  1. Moderator’s opinion as to:

  1. Relevancy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  2. Accuracy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  1. Please tell me what if anything you knew about [name the next topic in Q3. D _______________] before your recent move.

  1. How and where did you accumulate this knowledge (i.e., where did you get this information: past experience? Someone told you? You read it somewhere? Other?)

  1. Moderator’s opinion as to:

  1. Relevancy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  2. Accuracy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  1. Please tell me what if anything you knew about [name the next topic in Q3. E _______________] before your recent move.

  1. How and where did you accumulate this knowledge (i.e., where did you get this information: past experience? Someone told you? You read it somewhere? Other?)

  1. Moderator’s opinion as to:

  1. Relevancy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  2. Accuracy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  1. Please tell me what if anything you knew about [name the next topic in Q3. F _______________] before your recent move.

  1. How and where did you accumulate this knowledge (i.e., where did you get this information: past experience? Someone told you? You read it somewhere? Other?)

  1. Moderator’s opinion as to:

  1. Relevancy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

  2. Accuracy [ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

Q5. Which one of these options best approximates your experience with regard to your most recent interstate residential move?

[ ] Very uncomfortable and nerve wracking.

[ ] Somewhat uncomfortable and nerve wracking.

[ ] Hardly uncomfortable and nerve wracking.

  1. Please explain why you chose this answer:

That completes your first interview. Thank you very much for your time and attention to these questions. If it’s alright with you I would like to connect with you again by telephone sometime between 7 and 14 calendar days from today to ask you some more questions, this time about your experience browsing the “Protect Your Move” website at After browsing the site, I’d like you to go to complete two sheets that I am going to send to you via email. If you will provide your email address I will send those sheets to you. If you agree, you will be compensated for the upcoming interview. Are you agreeable to visiting this site and then afterwards answering some more questions I will have for you regarding your browsing experience?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If Yes, please look at your calendar and let’s choose a date and time I can call you.

Call back date and time:

Shall I use this same telephone number or would you like for me to call using a different number. If so, that number is _____________________________.

Finally, could you please provide your email address so I can send the sheets I mentioned to you.

To confirm, your email address is:




[This sheet will be made into a template that can be completed by respondents.]

The Protect Your Move Website as a Person

INSTRUCTIONS: Please begin by closing your eyes for a minute and imagine the Protect Your Move website is a person. For example, based on your general feelings after visiting the site, would it be a male or a female? Old or young? Likable or not? Would he or she be trustworthy? What would be your immediate intuitive responses to these questions – those set in your emotional “gut” well before your logical brain could then explain them?

Then, please open your eyes and answer each of the questions about the website person you imagined that are asked in the sheet below. Please remember, and this is important, that you are answering these questions as the website “person” would, and NOT how you would respond if asked personally. In fact, you may find that some of the answers you might provide for the website person might be very different from how you would answer if the questions were being asked about you. When completed, please save this sheet and complete the next sheet.

Hi, my name is [ ] Jack / [ ] Jill, and I am __________________ years old.

I grew up in this kind of neighborhood ___________________________

_______________________________, and I hung-out with these types of kids ____________________________________________________.

Those who like me would say that ______________________________


and those who do not like me would say that _____________________


Most people who know me however would say that (please choose only one):

[ ] I am very easy to get along with

[ ] I am somewhat easy to get along with

[ ] I am hard to get along with

The one thing that worries me the most is ________________________ ___________________________________________________, because __________________________________________________________.

What I like most about myself is _______________________________, and what I like least about myself is ____________________________.

I work better: (choose only one) [ ] Alone [ ] With Others

What I do best is ___________________________________________, and what I am not very good at is ______________________________

____________________________, and what I would like to do better is


In school I found that my schoolwork was (please choose only one):

[ ] Very easy to learn

[ ] Somewhat easy to learn

[ ] Hard to learn

Most people who know me think that I am (choose only one please):

[ ] Very reliable

[ ] Somewhat reliable

[ ] Not very reliable at all

If I had to choose only one board game to play for fun it would be (please choose only one):

[ ] Chess

[ ] Checkers

Most people who know me would say that I am this type of friend ____


My favorite sport to play is ___________________________________.

The sport that I am best at is __________________________________.

The sport that I am worst at is _________________________________.

If my life were to be made into a movie, it would be a (choose 2 that would most apply):

[ ] Documentary [ ] Drama [ ] Comedy

[ ] Adventure [ ] Tragedy

And the character who would best play me would be: (could be anyone, alive or dead, famous or not famous, real person, movie, tv or book person or cartoon character): __________________________, because _________________________________________________________.





[This sheet will be made into a template that can be completed by respondents.]

INSTRUCTIONS: Now that you’ve completed the person, please click on as many or as few emotions on this page as you feel when you think about the website person you just created. This should be a quick exercise so please just go with your immediate “gut” feelings. In fact, the less thinking the better! Please don’t take a lot of time and don’t worry if you don’t click any emotions, only a few, or a lot. This is not a test, just a way to reflect how, if at all, you feel about the person you just created. When completed, please save this sheet and email this and your completed person sheet to


  • Aggressive

  • Alienated

  • Angry

  • Annoyed

  • Anxious

  • Apathetic

  • Bashful

  • Bored

  • Cautious

  • Confident

  • Confused

  • Curious

  • Depressed

  • Determined

  • Disappointed

  • Discouraged

  • Disgusted

  • Embarrassed

  • Enthusiastic

  • Envious

  • Ecstatic

  • Excited

  • Exhausted

  • Fearful

  • Frightened

  • Frustrated

  • Guilty

  • Happy

  • Helpless

  • Hopeful

  • Hostile

  • Humiliated

  • Hurt

  • Hysterical

  • Innocent

  • Interested

  • Jealous

  • Lonely

  • Loved

  • Lovestruck

  • Mischievous

  • Miserable

  • Negative

  • Optimistic

  • Pained

  • Paranoid

  • Peaceful

  • Proud

  • Puzzled

  • Regretful

  • Relieved

  • Sad

  • Satisfied

  • Shocked

  • Shy

  • Sorry

  • Stubborn

  • Sure

  • Surprised

  • Suspicious

  • Thoughtful

  • Undecided

  • Withdrawn


Hi, this is [Moderator Name]. I am contacting you today for our previously scheduled follow-up call.

I am going to ask you some questions about your experience browsing the “Protect Your Move” website. Again, these questions are not designed to be invasive and if for any reason, you do not want to answer, please let me know and we’ll immediately move on. If you don’t know or cannot recall the answer to any question, that is fine. It is much better to say “I don’t know” or “I forget” than to struggle to provide an answer you’re just not sure of. As always, none of your responses will be attributed to you personally. If this is ok with you, let’s begin:

Q1. Did you have an opportunity to visit the FMCSA “Protect Your Move” website since the last interview we conducted with you?

[ ] No [Thank and terminate] [ ] Yes [Continue]

Q2. How many visits to the website did you make?

Q3. How long ago was your last visit to the website?

[ ] Less than 7 days [ ] Between 7 and 14 days

Q4. How long did you spend looking at the website during each visit?

Q5. On which platform(s) did you look at the website [i.e., laptop, PC, tablet, pad, phone]?

Q6. Were you alone when looking at the website or were there others present looking at the website with you?

[ ] Alone [ ] Others present

Q7. How would you rate the website in terms of how easy or hard it was to “get around?”

[ ] Easy [ ] Not so easy [ ] Hard

Please explain:

Q8. Compared to other informational sites you are aware of, how would you rate this website in terms of how easy or hard it was to “get around?” [Moderator: Be prepared to explain what an “informational site” is]?”

[ ] Easy [ ] Not so easy [ ] Hard

Please explain - and if you can, refer to some other informational sites you have in mind.

Q9. With respect to the interstate residential moving issues you mentioned in the previous interview we conducted with you that you were already aware of before your move [Moderator: Name them from the previous interview], were any of them not included and discussed on the website?

[ ] All issues were included [proceed to Question 11]

[ ] Not all of the issues were included. Please list:

Q10. With regard to the issues not discussed on the website, after having reviewed the website do you now think that any of these issues should have been discussed on the website?

[ ] If No, which ones and why?

[ ] If Yes, which ones and why?

We have just been talking about some interstate residential moving issues that you were already aware of before your recent move that were not included or discussed on the website, now I’m going to ask you if there were any issues you mentioned in the previous interview that you were already aware of before your move that are included and discussed on the website [Moderator: Name them again]?:

Q11. Can you recall which issues?

[ ] No [ ] If yes, which ones:

Q12. Was the information about these known issues easy to access?

[ ] If yes, why?

[ ] If No, why?

Q13. Did you find the information provided comprehensive and complete?

[ ] Yes

[ ] If No, why?

Q14. Did the information provided on the website offer any new learnings about your known issues that you didn’t know before going on the website?

[ ] Yes (Continue to 14A)

[ ] No (Continue to 14G)

Q14A. Please describe what new learnings the website provided.

Q14B. Did you find any reason to question the accuracy of these new learnings?

[ ] Yes (Continue to 14C)

[ ] No (Continue to 14D)

Q14C. Which information do you think was inaccurate and why?

Q14D. Did you find these new learnings relevant to your recent moving experience?

[ ] Yes (Continue to 14E)

[ ] No (Continue to 14F)

Q14E. Which new information did you find relevant to your recent moving experience and why? (Continue to Question 15)

Q14F. Which new information did you not find relevant to your recent moving experience and why? (Continue to Question 15)

Q14G. Would you have preferred that the website did provide additional information you were not already aware of? In other words, were you satisfied with the information provided?

Q15. We have been talking about information that is either included on the website or not that you were already aware of before your recent move. Now I want to ask you, if there was there any information provided on the website that you were NOT already aware of before your recent move?

[ ] Yes (Continue to 15A)

[ ] No (Continue to 16)

Q15A. What information was provided on the website that you were not already aware of before your recent move?

Q15B. Did you find any reason to question the accuracy of this new information?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No (Continue to 15D)

Q15C. Which information that you were not already aware of before you recent move do you think was inaccurate and why?

Q15D. Did you find this new information relevant either to your anticipated needs or your actual moving experience?

[ ] Yes (Continue to Q15E)

[ ] No (Continue to Q15F)

Q15E. Which information did you find relevant to your anticipated needs and why? (Continue to Q16)

Q15F. Which information that you were not already aware of before your recent move did you not find relevant to your anticipated needs and why? (Continue to Q16)

Q16. Did you experience any difficulty using the website?

[ ] No [ ] If Yes, “please explain:”

Q17. Overall, did your experience on the website exceed your expectations?

[ ] If No, please explain:

[ ] If Yes, please explain:

Q18. Do you have any specific or general suggestions as to how to improve this website?

[ ] No [ ] If Yes, “please discuss:”

Now I am going to ask you some questions about your recent move in terms of things having to do with your time while planning your move, then during your move, and then your overall experience after your move.

Q19. When you were contemplating and preparing for your move, how would you rate your anxiety level?

[ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

Q20. What was it that made you feel this way?

Q21. While you were conducting your move, how would you rate your anxiety level?

[ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

Q22. What was it that made you feel this way?

Q23. After your move was all over and then thinking back on this recent experience, how in retrospect, would you rate your anxiety level?

[ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

Q24. What was it that made you feel this way?

That concludes the interview. Thank you for your time. I will now need to get a little more information from you in order to arrange for delivery of your payment.

Name _________________________________

Street address ___________________________

City, state, zip code ______________________

Phone Number __________________________


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleRequest for Approval under the “Generic Clearance for the Collection of Routine Customer Feedback” (OMB Control Number: XXXX-Y
AuthorUSDOT User
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-25

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