Summary Schedule Cover Sheet

Company-Run Annual Stress Test Reporting Template and Documentation for Covered Institutions with Total Consolidated Assets of over $50 Billion


Summary Schedule Template

OMB: 1557-0319

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Summary Submission Cover Sheet
Income Statement Worksheet
Balance Sheet Worksheet
Capital - DFAST
General RWA
Standardized RWA
Advanced RWA
Retail Bal. & Loss Projections
Retail Repurchase Worksheet
Retail ASC 310-30 Worksheet
Securities OTTI by Security
Securities OTTI Methodology
Securities OTTI by Portfolio
Securities AFS OCI by Portfolio
Securities Market Value Sources
Trading Worksheet
Counterparty Risk Worksheet
OpRisk Scenario & Projections
PPNR Projections Worksheet
PPNR NII Worksheet
PPNR Metrics Worksheet

Sheet 1: Summary Submission Cover Sheet

DFAST-14A Summary Schedule Cover Sheet

All covered institutions are expected to complete a version of the Summary template for each required scenario - Baseline, Adverse, Severely Adverse - and additional scenarios that are named accordingly.

Covered institutions should complete all relevant cells in the corresponding worksheets, including this cover page. Covered institutions should not complete any shaded cells.

Please ensure that the data submitted in this Summary Template match what was submitted in other data templates.

Please do not change the structure of this workbook.

Please note that unlike Call Report reporting, all actual and projected income statement figures should be reported on a quarterly basis, and not on a cumulative basis.

Any questions should be directed to .

Institution Name:


OCC Charter ID:


Current Year:
2014 (Enter appropriate year)

Planning Horizon Year 1:

Planning Horizon Year 2:

Submission Date (MM/DD/YYYY):

(Enter date)

When Received:

Please indicate the scenario associated with this submission using the following drop-down menu:




Severely Adverse

Bank Additional Scenario 1

Bank Additional Scenario 2

Bank Additional Scenario 3

Bank Additional Scenario 4

Bank Additional Scenario 5

Bank Additional Scenario 6

Bank Additional Scenario 7

Bank Additional Scenario 8

Bank Additional Scenario 9

Bank Additional Scenario 10

Sheet 2: Income Statement Worksheet

Bank Income Statement

Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions
Sums in $Millions

Notes as of date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9
PQ 2 - PQ 5 PQ 6 - PQ 9 9-Quarter


1 Real Estate Loans (in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 2, 5, 8, and 14 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

2 First Lien Mortgages Sum of items 3 and 4 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

3 First Lien Mortgages

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

4 First Lien HELOAN

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

5 Second / Junior Lien Mortgages Sum of items 6 and 7 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

6 Closed-End Junior Liens

- - - - - - - - -
- - -


- - - - - - - - -
- - -

8 CRE Loans Sum of items 9, 10, and 11 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

9 Construction

- - -

10 Multifamily

- - -

11 Nonfarm, Non-residential Sum of items 12 and 13 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

12 Owner-Occupied

- - -

13 Non-Owner-Occupied

- - -

14 Loans Secured by Farmland

- - -

15 Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 16, 17, 18, and 24 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

16 First Lien Mortgages

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

17 Second / Junior Lien Mortgages

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

18 CRE Loans Sum of items 19, 20, and 21 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

19 Construction

- - -

20 Multifamily

- - -

21 Nonfarm, Non-residential Sum of items 22 and 23 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

22 Owner-Occupied

- - -

23 Non-Owner-Occupied

- - -

24 Loans Secured by Farmland

- - -

25 C&I Loans Sum of items 26 to 28 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

26 C&I Graded

- - -

27 Small Business (Scored/Delinquency Managed)

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

28 Business and Corporate Card

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

29 Credit Cards

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

30 Other Consumer Sum of items 31, 32, 33, and 34 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

31 Auto Loans

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

32 Student Loans

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

33 Other loans backed by securities (non-purpose lending)

- - -

34 Other

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

35 Other Loans Sum of items 36 to 40 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

36 Loans to Foreign Governments

- - -

37 Agricultural Loans

- - -

38 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities (secured or unsecured)

- - -

39 Loans to Depositories and Other Financial Institutions

- - -

40 All Other Loans and Leases Sum of items 41 and 42 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

41 All Other Loans (exclude consumer loans)

- - -

42 All Other Leases

- - -

43 Total Loans and Leases Sum of items 1, 15, 25, 29, 30, and 35 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -


44 Real Estate Loans (in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 45, 46, 47, and 48 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

45 First Lien Mortgages

- - -

46 Second / Junior Lien Mortgages

- - -

47 CRE Loans

- - -

48 Loans Secured by Farmland

- - -

49 Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 50, 51, and 52 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

50 Residential Mortgages

- - -

51 CRE Loans

- - -

52 Loans Secured by Farmland

- - -

53 C&I Loans

- - -

54 Credit Cards

- - -

55 Other Consumer

- - -

56 All Other Loans and Leases

- - -

57 Total Loans Held for Sale and Loans Accounted for under the Fair Value Option Sum of items 44, 49, 53, 54, 55, and 56 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -


CHECK (for firms required to complete the Trading and Counterparty Risk worksheets)
58 Trading Mark-to-market (MTM) Losses Item 10 on Trading Worksheet (flipped sign)

- - -
Matches Item 10 on Trading Worksheet (flipped sign)
59 Trading Issuer Default Losses (Trading IDR) Item 1 on Counterparty Risk Worksheet

- - -
Matches Item 1 on Counterparty Risk Worksheet
60 Counterparty Credit MTM Losses (CVA losses) Item 2 on Counterparty Risk Worksheet

- - -
Matches Item 2 on Counterparty Risk Worksheet
61 Counterparty Default Losses Item 3 on Counterparty Risk Worksheet

- - -
Matches Item 3 on Counterparty Risk Worksheet
62 Total Trading and Counterparty Sum of items 58, 59, 60, 61 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -


63 Goodwill impairment riadc216
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

64 Valuation Adjustment for firm's own debt under fair value option (FVO)

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

65 Other Losses (describe in supporting documentation)

- - -

66 Total Other Losses Sum of items 63, 64, and 65 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

67 Total Losses Sum of items 43, 57, 62, and 66 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -


68 ALLL, prior quarter

- - - - - - - - -

69 Real Estate Loans (in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 70, 74, and 78 - - - - - - - - - -

70 Residential Mortgages

- - - - - - - - -

71 First Lien Mortgages

72 Closed-End Junior Liens


74 CRE Loans

- - - - - - - - -

75 Construction

76 Multifamily

77 Nonfarm, Non-residential

78 Loans Secured by Farmland

79 Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 80, 81, and 82 - - - - - - - - - -

80 Residential Mortgages

81 CRE Loans

82 Farmland

83 C&I Loans Sum of items 84, 85, and 86 - - - - - - - - - -

84 C&I Graded

85 Small Business (Scored/Delinquency Managed)

86 Business and Corporate Cards

87 Credit Cards

88 Other Consumer

89 All Other Loans and Leases

90 Unallocated

91 Provisions during the quarter riad4230
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

92 Real Estate Loans (in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 93, 97, and 101 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

93 Residential Mortgages Sum of items 94, 95, and 96 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

94 First Lien Mortgages

- - -

95 Closed-End Junior Liens

- - -


- - -

97 CRE Loans

- - - - - - - - -
- - -

98 Construction

- - -

99 Multifamily

- - -

100 Nonfarm, Non-residential

- - -

101 Loans Secured by Farmland

- - -

102 Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 103, 104, and 105 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

103 Residential Mortgages

- - -

104 CRE Loans

- - -

105 Farmland

- - -

106 C&I Loans Sum of items 107, 108, and 109 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

107 C&I Graded

- - -

108 Small Business (Scored/Delinquency Managed)

- - -

109 Corporate and Business Cards

- - -

110 Credit Cards

- - -

111 Other Consumer

- - -

112 All Other Loans and Leases

- - -

113 Unallocated

- - -

114 Net charge-offs during the quarter Item 43
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

115 Other ALLL Changes riadc233 less riad5523

- - -

116 ALLL, current quarter Items 68, 91, and 115 less item 114 = riad3123 - - - - - - - - - -


117 Net interest income PPNR Projections Worksheet Item 13
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

118 Noninterest income PPNR Projections Worksheet Item 26
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

119 Noninterest expense PPNR Projections Worksheet Item 38
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

120 Pre-Provision Net Revenue Items 117 and 118 less item 119 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -


121 Pre-Provision Net Revenue Item 120
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

122 Provisions during the quarter Item 91 = riad4230
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

123 Total Trading and Counterparty Losses Item 62
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

124 Total Other Losses Item 66
- - - - - - - - -
- - -

125 Other Income Statements (I/S) Items

- - -

126 Realized Gains (Losses) on available-for-sale securities, including OTTI riad3196

127 Realized Gains (Losses) on held-to-maturity securities, including OTTI riad3521

128 Income (loss) before taxes and extraordinary items Sum of items 121, 125, 126, and 127, less items 122, 123, and 124 =riad4301 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

129 Applicable income taxes (foreign and domestic) riad4302

- - -

130 Income (loss) before extraordinary items and other adjustments Item 128 less item 129 =riad4300 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

131 Extraordinary items and other adjustments, net of income taxes riad4320

- - -

132 Net income (loss) attributable to Bank and minority interests Sum of items 130 and 131 = riadg104 - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

133 Net income (loss) attributable to minority interests riadg103

- - -

134 Net income (loss) attributable to Bank Item 132 less item 133 = riad4340 (must match item 4 on the Capital Worksheet) - - - - - - - - - -
- - -

135 Effective Tax Rate (%) Item 129 divided by item 128, multiplied by 100
-na- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na- -na-
-na- -na- -na-


136 Reserve, prior quarter

137 Provisions during the quarter

- - -

138 Net charges during the quarter

- - -

139 Reserve, current quarter Items 136 and 137 less item 138

Sheet 3: Balance Sheet Worksheet

Bank Balance Sheet Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline


Projected in $Millions

Notes PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9



1 Held to Maturity (HTM) rcfd1754

2 Available for Sale (AFS) rcfd1773

3 Total Securities Sum of items 1 and 2 - - - - - - - - -

Of which:

4 Securitizations (investment grade)

5 Securitizations (non-investment grade)

Total Loans and Leases

6 Real Estate Loans (in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 7, 10, 13, and 19 - - - - - - - - -

7 First Lien Mortgages Sum of items 8 and 9 = rcon5367 - - - - - - - - -

8 First Lien Mortgages

9 First Lien HELOAN

10 Second / Junior Lien Mortgages Sum of items 11 and 12 - - - - - - - - -

11 Closed-End Junior Liens = rcon5368

12 HELOCs = rcon1797

13 CRE Loans Sum of items 14, 15, and 16 - - - - - - - - -

14 Construction = sum of rconf158 and rconf159

15 Multifamily = rcon1460

16 Nonfarm, Non-residential Sum of items 17 and 18 - - - - - - - - -

17 Owner-Occupied = rconf160

18 Non-Owner-Occupied = rconf161

19 Loans Secured by Farmland = rcon1420

20 Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 21, 22, 23, and 29 - - - - - - - - -

21 First Lien Mortgages

22 Second / Junior Lien Mortgages

23 CRE Loans Sum of items 24, 25, and 26 - - - - - - - - -

24 Construction

25 Multifamily

26 Nonfarm, Non-residential Sum of items 27 and 28 - - - - - - - - -

27 Owner-Occupied

28 Non-Owner-Occupied

29 Loans Secured by Farmland

30 C&I Loans Sum of items 31 to 34 - - - - - - - - -

31 C&I Graded

32 Small Business (Scored/Delinquency Managed)

33 Corporate Card

34 Business Card

35 Credit Cards Sum of items 36 and 37 - - - - - - - - -

36 Charge Card

37 Bank Card

38 Other Consumer Sum of items 39, 40, 41, and 42 - - - - - - - - -

39 Auto Loans = rcfdk137

40 Student Loans

41 Other loans backed by securities (non-purpose lending)

42 Other

43 Other Loans and Leases Sum of items 44 to 48 - - - - - - - - -

44 Loans to Foreign Governments = rcfd2081

45 Agricultural Loans = rcfd1590

46 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities (secured or unsecured) = rcon1545

47 Loans to Depositories and Other Financial Institutions = rcfdb532+ rcfdb533+ rcfdb534+ rcfdb536+ rcfdb537+ rcfdj454

48 All Other Loans and Leases Sum of items 49 and 50 - - - - - - - - -

49 All Other Loans (exclude consumer loans) = rconj451

50 All Other Leases = rcfdf163

51 Total Loans and Leases Sum of items 6, 20, 30, 35, 38, and 43 - - - - - - - - -


52 Real Estate Loans (in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 53, 56, 59, and 65 - - - - - - - - -

53 First Lien Mortgages Sum of items 54 and 55 - - - - - - - - -

54 First Lien Mortgages
- - - - - - - - -

55 First Lien HELOAN
- - - - - - - - -

56 Second / Junior Lien Mortgages Sum of items 57 and 58 - - - - - - - - -

57 Closed-End Junior Liens
- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

59 CRE Loans Sum of items 60, 61, and 62 - - - - - - - - -

60 Construction

61 Multifamily

62 Nonfarm, Non-residential Sum of items 63 and 64 - - - - - - - - -

63 Owner-Occupied

64 Non-Owner-Occupied

65 Loans Secured by Farmland

66 Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 67, 68, 69, and 75 - - - - - - - - -

67 First Lien Mortgages
- - - - - - - - -

68 Second / Junior Lien Mortgages
- - - - - - - - -

69 CRE Loans Sum of items 70, 71, and 72 - - - - - - - - -

70 Construction

71 Multifamily

72 Nonfarm, Non-residential Sum of items 73 and 74 - - - - - - - - -

73 Owner-Occupied

74 Non-Owner-Occupied

75 Loans Secured by Farmland

76 C&I Loans Sum of items 77, 78, and 79 - - - - - - - - -

77 C&I Graded

78 Small Business (Scored/Delinquency Managed)
- - - - - - - - -

79 Business and Corporate Card
- - - - - - - - -

80 Credit Cards
- - - - - - - - -

81 Other Consumer Sum of items 82, 83, 84, and 85 - - - - - - - - -

82 Auto Loans
- - - - - - - - -

83 Student Loans
- - - - - - - - -

84 Other loans backed by securities (non-purpose lending)

85 Other
- - - - - - - - -

86 Other Loans and Leases Sum of items 87 to 91 - - - - - - - - -

87 Loans to Foreign Governments

88 Agricultural Loans

89 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities (secured or unsecured)

90 Loans to Depositories and Other Financial Institutions

91 All Other Loans and Leases Sum of items 92 and 93 - - - - - - - - -

92 All Other Loans (exclude consumer loans)

93 All Other Leases

94 Total Loans and Leases Sum of items 52, 66, 76, 80, 81, and 86 - - - - - - - - -

Loans Held for Sale and Loans Accounted for under the Fair Value Option

95 Real Estate Loans (in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 96, 97, 98, and 99 - - - - - - - - -

96 First Lien Mortgages Item 7 less 53 - - - - - - - - -

97 Second / Junior Lien Mortgages Item 10 less 56 - - - - - - - - -

98 CRE Loans Item 13 less 59 - - - - - - - - -

99 Loans Secured by Farmland Item 19 less 65 - - - - - - - - -

100 Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices) Sum of items 101, 102, and 103 - - - - - - - - -

101 Residential Mortgages Items 21 and 22 less 67 and 68 - - - - - - - - -

102 CRE Loans Item 23 less 69 - - - - - - - - -

103 Loans Secured by Farmland Item 29 less 75 - - - - - - - - -

104 C&I Loans Item 30 less 76 - - - - - - - - -

105 Credit Cards Item 35 less 80 - - - - - - - - -

106 Other Consumer Item 38 less 81 - - - - - - - - -

107 Other Loans and Leases Item 43 less 86 - - - - - - - - -

108 Total Loans Held for Sale and Loans Accounted for under the Fair Value Option Sum of items 95, 100, 104, 105, 106, and 107 - - - - - - - - -

109 Unearned Income on Loans rcfd2123

110 Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses rcfd3123 - - - - - - - - -

111 Loans and Leases (Held for Investment and Held for Sale), Net of Unearned Income and Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Item 51 less items 109 and 110 = rcfdb529 + rcfd5369 - - - - - - - - -


112 Trading Assets rcfd3545


113 Goodwill rcfd3163

114 Mortgage Servicing Rights rcfd3164

115 Purchased Credit Card Relationships and Nonmortgage Servicing Rights rcfdb026

116 All Other Identifiable Intangible Assets rcfd5507

117 Total Intangible Assets Sum of items 113 to 116 - - - - - - - - -


118 Cash and cash equivalent rcfd0081 + rcfd0071

119 Federal funds sold rconb987

120 Securities purchased under agreements to resell rcfdb989

121 Premises and Fixed Assets rcfd2145

122 OREO Sum of items 123 to 125 =rcfd2150 - - - - - - - - -

123 Commercial

124 Residential

125 Farmland

126 Collateral Underlying Operating Leases for Which the Bank is the Lessor (1) Sum of items 127 and 128 - - - - - - - - -

127 Autos

128 Other

129 Other Assets rcfd2130 + rcfd3656 + rcfd2160 less item 126

130 Total Other Sum of items 118 – 122, 126 and 129 - - - - - - - - -

131 TOTAL ASSETS Sum of items 3, 111, 112, 117, and 130 = rcfd2170 - - - - - - - - -


132 Deposits in domestic offices rcon6631 + rcon6636

133 Deposits in foreign offices, Edge and Agreement subsidiaries, and IBFs rcfn6631 + rcfn6636

134 Deposits Sum of items 132 and 133 - - - - - - - - -

135 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase rconb993 + rconb995

136 Trading Liabilities rcfd3548

137 Other Borrowed Money rcfd3190

138 Subordinated Notes and Debentures rcfd3200

139 Subordinated Notes Payable to Unconsolidated Trusts Issuing TruPS and TruPS Issued by Consolidated Special Purpose Entities bhckc699

140 Other Liabilities rcfd2930

141 Memo: Allowance for off-balance sheet credit exposures rcfdb557

142 Total Liabilities Sum of items 134 to 140 = rcfd2948 - - - - - - - - -

Equity Capital

143 Perpetual Preferred Stock and Related Surplus rcfd3838

144 Common Stock (Par Value) rcfd3230

145 Surplus (Exclude All Surplus Related to Preferred Stock) rcfd3839

146 Retained Earnings rcfd3632

147 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI) rcfdb530

148 Other Equity Capital Components rcfda130

149 Total Bank Equity Capital Sum of items 143 to 148 = RCFD3210 (must equal item 17 of the RI-A section on the DFAST Capital Worksheet) - - - - - - - - -

150 Noncontrolling (Minority) Interests in Consolidated Subsidiaries rcfd3000

151 Total Equity Capital Sum of items 149 and 150 = rcfdg105 - - - - - - - - -


152 Unused Commercial Lending Commitments and Letters of Credit rcfdF164 + rcfdF165 + rcfdJ457 + rcfdJ458 + rcfdJ459 + rcfd3819 + rcfd6550 + rcfd3821+ rcfd3411

The following cells provide checks of the internal consistency of the projected schedules. Please ensure that these cells are all "TRUE" before the worksheet is submitted.

Balance Sheet
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Footnotes to the Balance Sheet Worksheet

(1) Refers to the balance sheet carrying amount of any equipment or other asset rented to others under operating leases, net of accumulated depreciation. The total should correspond to the amount provided in Call Report Schedule RC-F Line 6, item 14 in the instructions. The amount included should only reflect collateral rented under operating leases and not include collateral subject to capital/ financing type leases.

Sheet 4: Capital - DFAST

Bank Capital Worksheet (DFAST): XYZ in Baseline

Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions
Sums in $Millions
Notes As of Date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9
PQ 2 - PQ 5 PQ 6 - PQ 9 9-Quarter

Schedule RI-A—Changes in Bank Equity Capital

1 Total bank equity capital most recently reported for the end of previous QUARTER riad3217
- - - - - - - - -
- - -
2 Effect of changes in accounting principles and corrections of material accounting errors riadb507

- - -
3 Balance end of previous QUARTER as restated (sum of items 1 and 2) riadb508
- - - - - - - - -
- - -
4 Net income (loss) attributable to bank Must match item 134 on the Income Statement Worksheet = riad4340

- - -

Sale of perpetual preferred stock (excluding treasury stock transactions):

5 Sale of perpetual preferred stock, gross

- - -
6 Conversion or retirement of perpetual preferred stock

- - -

Sale of common stock:

7 Sale of common stock, gross

- - -
8 Conversion or retirement of common stock

- - -
9 Sale of treasury stock bhck4782

- - -
10 Purchase of treasury stock bhck4783

- - -
11 Changes incident to business combinations, net riad4356

- - -
12 Cash dividends declared on preferred stock riad4470

- - -
13 Cash dividends declared on common stock riad4460

- - -
14 Other comprehensive income riadb511

- - -
15 Change in the offsetting debit to the liability for Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) debt guaranteed by the bank holding company bhck4591

- - -
16 Other adjustments to equity capital (not included above)* riad4415

- - -
17 Total bank equity capital end of current period (sum of items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, less items 10, 12, 13) Must match item 139 on the Balance Sheet Worksheet = riad3210

- - -

Schedule RC-R per general risk-based capital rules

Tier 1 capital

18 Total bank equity capital Item 17 =rcfd3210 or aaab3210 - - - - - - - - - -

19 Net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities (if a gain, report as a positive value; if a loss, report as a negative value) rcfd8434 or aaab8434

20 Net unrealized loss on available-for-sale equity securities (report loss as a positive value) rcfda221 or aaaba221

21 Accumulated net gains (losses) on cash flow hedges and amounts recorded in AOCI resulting from the initial and subsequent application of FASB ASC 715-20 (former FASB statement No. 158) to defined benefit postretirement plans (if a gain, report as a positive value; if a loss, report as a negative value) rcfd4336 or aaab4336

22 Nonqualifying perpetual preferred stock rcfdb588 or aaabb588

23 Qualifying Class A noncontrolling (minority) interests in consolidated subsidiaries rcfdb589 or aaabb589

24 Qualifying restricted core capital elements (other than cumulative perpetual preferred stock) rcfdg215 or aaabg215

25 Qualifying mandatory convertible preferred securities of internationally active bank holding companies rcfdg216 or aaabg216

26 Disallowed goodwill and other disallowed intangible assets rcfdb590 or aaabb590

27 Cumulative change in fair value of all financial liabilities accounted for under a fair value option that is included in retained earnings and is attributable to changes in the bank's own creditworthiness (if a net gain, report as a positive value; if a net loss, report as a negative value) rcfdf264 or aaabf264

28 Subtotal (sum of items 18, 23, less items 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27) rcfdc227 or aaabc227 - - - - - - - - - -

29 Disallowed servicing assets and purchased credit card relationships rcfdb591 or aaabb591

30 Disallowed deferred tax assets rcfd5610 or aaab5610

31 Other additions to (deductions from) Tier 1 capital** rcfdb592 or aaabj189

32 Tier 1 capital (sum of items 28 and 31, less items 29 through 30) rcfd8274 or aaabj169

Tier 2 capital

33 Qualifying subordinated debt, redeemable preferred stock, and restricted core capital elements (except Class B noncontrolling (minority) interest) not includable in items 24 or 25 rcfd5306 or aaab5306

34 Cumulative perpetual preferred stock includable in Tier 2 capital rcfdb593 or aaabb593

35 Allowance for loan and lease losses includable in Tier 2 capital rcfd5310

36 Unrealized gains on available-for-sale equity securities includable in Tier 2 capital rcfd2221 or aaabj173

37 Other Tier 2 capital components rcfdb594

38 Tier 2 capital (sum of items 33 through 37 ) rcfd5311 or aaabj178 - - - - - - - - - -

39 Allowable Tier 2 capital (lesser of item 32 or 38) rcfd8275 or aaabj179 - - - - - - - - - -

40 Deductions for total risk-based capital rcfdb595 or aaabb595

41 Total risk-based capital (sum of items 32 and 39 less item 40) rcfd3792 or aaabj182 - - - - - - - - - -

Regulatory Capital per Revised Regulatory Capital Rule (July 2013)

42 AOCI opt-out election? (enter "1" for Yes; enter "0" for No) rcoap838

Common equity tier 1
As of Date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9

43 Common stock and related surplus, net of treasury stock and unearned employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) shares rcfap742

44 Retained earnings rcfd3632

45 Accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) rcfab530

46 Common equity tier 1 minority interest includable in common equity tier 1 capital rcfap839

47 Common equity tier 1 before adjustments and deductions (sum of items 43 through 46); where applicable, report all line items reflective of transition provisions rcfap840

Common equity tier 1 capital: adjustments and deductions

48 Goodwill net of associated deferred tax liabilities (DTLs) rcfap841

49 Intangible assets (other than goodwill and mortgage servicing assets (MSAs)), net of associated DTLs rcfap842

50 Deferred tax assets (DTAs) that arise from net operating loss and tax credit carryforwards, net of any related valuation allowances and net of DTLs rcfap843

If Item 42 is “1” for “Yes”, complete items 51 through 55 only for AOCI related adjustments.

51 AOCI related adjustments: Net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities (if a gain, report as a positive value; if a loss, report as a negative value) rcfap844

52 AOCI related adjustments: Net unrealized loss on available-for-sale preferred stock classified as an equity security under GAAP and available-for-sale equity exposures (report loss as a positive value) rcfap845

53 AOCI related adjustments: Accumulated net gains (losses) on cash flow hedges (if a gain, report as a positive value; if a loss, report as a negative value) rcfap846

54 AOCI related adjustments: Amounts recorded in AOCI attributed to defined benefit postretirement plans resulting from the initial and subsequent application of the relevant GAAP standards that pertain to such plans (if a gain, report as a positive value; if a loss, report as a negative value) rcfap847

55 AOCI related adjustments: Net unrealized gains (losses) on held-to-maturity securities that are included in AOCI (if a gain, report as a positive value; if a loss, report as a negative value) rcfap848

If Item 42 is “0” for “No”, complete item 56 only for AOCI related adjustments.

56 AOCI related adjustments: Accumulated net gain (loss) on cash flow hedges included in AOCI, net of applicable tax effects, that relate to the hedging of items that are not recognized at fair value on the balance sheet (if a gain, report as a positive value; if a loss, report as a negative value) rcfap849

57 Other deductions from (additions to) common equity tier capital 1 before threshold-based deductions: Unrealized net gain (loss) related to changes in the fair value of liabilities that are due to changes in own credit risk (if a gain, report as a positive value; if a loss, report as a negative value) rcfaq258

58 All other deductions from (additions to) common equity tier 1 capital before threshold-based deductions rcfap850

59 Non-significant investments in the capital of unconsolidated financial institutions in the form of common stock that exceed the 10 percent threshold for non-significant investments rcfap851

60 Subtotal (item 47 minus items 48 through 59) rcfap852

61 Significant investments in the capital of unconsolidated financial institutions in the form of common stock, net of associated DTLs, that exceed the 10 percent common equity tier 1 capital deduction threshold (item 92) rcfaap853 - - - - - - - - - -

62 MSAs, net of associated DTLs, that exceed the 10 percent common equity tier 1 capital deduction threshold (item 97) rcfap854 - - - - - - - - - -

63 DTAs arising from temporary differences that could not be realized through net operating loss carrybacks, net of related valuation allowances and net of DTLs, that exceed the 10 percent common equity tier 1 capital deduction threshold (item 100) rcfap855 - - - - - - - - - -

64 Amount of significant investments in the capital of unconsolidated financial institutions in the form of common stock; MSAs, net of associated DTLs; and DTAs arising from temporary differences that could not be realized through net operating loss carrybacks, net of related valuation allowances and net of DTLs; that exceeds the 15 percent common equity tier 1 capital deduction threshold (item 105) rcfap856

65 Deductions applied to common equity tier 1 capital due to insufficient amount of additional tier 1 capital and tier 2 capital to cover deductions rcfap857

66 Total adjustments and deductions for common equity tier 1 capital (sum of items 61 through 65) rcfap858

67 Common equity tier 1 capital rcfap859 - - - - - - - - - -

Additional tier 1 capital

68 Additional tier 1 capital instruments plus related surplus rcfap860

69 Non-qualifying capital instruments subject to phase out from additional tier 1 capital rcfap861

70 Tier 1 minority interest not included in common equity tier 1 capital rcfap862

71 Additional tier 1 capital before deductions rcfap863

72 Additional tier 1 capital deductions rcfap864

73 Additional tier 1 capital rcfap865

Tier 1 capital

74 Tier 1 capital (sum of items 67 and 73) rcfa8274 - - - - - - - - - -

Tier 2 capital

75 Tier 2 capital instruments plus related surplus rcfap866

76 Non-qualifying capital instruments subject to phase out from tier 2 capital rcfap867

77 Total capital minority interest that is not included in tier 1 capital rcfap868

78 Allowance for loan and lease losses includable in tier 2 capital rcfa5310

79 (Advanced approaches that exit parallel run only): eligible credit reserves includable in tier 2 capital rcfw5310

80 Unrealized gains on available-for-sale preferred stock classified as an equity security under GAAP and available-for-sale equity exposures includable in tier 2 capital rcfaq257

81 Tier 2 capital before deductions rcfap870

82 (Advanced approaches that exit parallel run only): Tier 2 capital before deductions, reflective of transition procedures rcfwp870

83 Tier 2 capital deductions rcfap872

84 Tier 2 capital rcfa5311

85 (Advanced approaches that exit parallel run only): Tier 2 capital, reflective of transition procedures rcfw5311

Total capital

86 Total capital (sum of items 74 and 84) rcfa3792 - - - - - - - - - -

87 (Advanced approaches that exit parallel run only): Total capital(sum of items 74 and 85) rcfw3792 - - - - - - - - - -

10%/15% Threshold Deductions Calculations

Significant investments in the capital of unconsolidated financial institutions in the form of common stock, net of associated DTLs

88 Gross significant investments in the capital of unconsolidated financial institutions in the form of common stock

89 Permitted offsetting short positions in relation to the specific gross holdings included above

90 Significant investments in the capital of unconsolidated financial institutions in the form of common stock net of short positions (greater of item 88 minus 89 or zero)
- - - - - - - - - -

91 10 percent common equity tier 1 deduction threshold (10 percent of item 60)
- - - - - - - - - -

92 Amount to be deducted from common equity tier 1 due to 10 percent deduction threshold (greater of item 90 minus item 91 or zero)
- - - - - - - - - -

MSAs, net of associated DTLs

93 Total mortgage servicing assets classified as intangible

94 Associated deferred tax liabilities which would be extinguished if the intangible becomes impaired or derecognized under the relevant accounting standards

95 Mortgage servicing assets net of related deferred tax liabilities (item 93 minus item 94)
- - - - - - - - - -

96 10 percent common equity tier 1 deduction threshold (10 percent of item 60)
- - - - - - - - - -

97 Amount to be deducted from common equity tier 1 due to 10 percent deduction threshold (greater of item 95 minus item 96 or zero)
- - - - - - - - - -

DTAs arising from temporary differences that could not be realized through net operating loss carrybacks, net of related valuation allowances and net of DTLs

98 DTAs arising from temporary differences that could not be realized through net operating loss carrybacks, net of related valuation allowances and net of DTLs

99 10 percent common equity tier 1 deduction threshold (10 percent of item 60)
- - - - - - - - - -

100 Amount to be deducted from common equity tier 1 due to 10 percent deduction threshold (greater of item 98 minus item 99 or zero)
- - - - - - - - - -

Aggregate of items subject to the 15% limit (significant investments, mortgage servicing assets and deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences)

101 Sum of items 90, 95, and 98
- - - - - - - - - -

102 15 percent common equity tier 1 deduction threshold (15 percent of item 60)

103 Sum of items 92, 97, and 100
- - - - - - - - - -

104 Item 101 minus item 103
- - - - - - - - - -

105 Amount to be deducted from common equity tier 1 due to 15 percent deduction threshold, prior transition provision (greater of item 104 minus item 102 or zero)

Total Assets for the Leverage Ratio

106 Average total consolidated assets rcfd3368

107 Deductions from common equity tier 1 capital and additional tier 1 capital rcfap875 - - - - - - - - - -

108 Other deductions from (additions to) assets for leverage ratio purposes rcfab596

109 Total assets for the leverage ratio (item 106 minus items 107 and 108) rcfaa224


110 Tier 1 common capital***

111 Common equity tier 1 (item 67) rcfap859 - - - - - - - - - -

112 Tier 1 capital per general risk-based capital rules (item 32) rcfd8274 or aaabj169 - - - - - - - - - -

113 Tier 1 capital per revised regulatory capital rule (item 74) rcfa8274 - - - - - - - - - -

114 Total capital per general risk-based capital rules (item 41) rcfd3792 - - - - - - - - - -

115 Total capital per revised regulatory capital rule (item 86) rcfa3792 - - - - - - - - - -

116 (Advanced approaches that exit parallel run only): Total capital per revised regulatory capital rule (item 87) rcfw3792 - - - - - - - - - -

117 Total risk-weighted assets using general risk-based capital rules; reflective of Tier 1 common capital deductions and adjustments rcfda223

118 Total risk-weighted assets using standardized approach

119 (Advanced approaches that exit parallel run only): total risk-weighted assets using advanced approaches rules rcfwa223

120 Total assets for the leverage ratio per revised regulatory capital rule(item 109)

121 Tier 1 common ratio (%)

122 Common equity tier 1 ratio (%) rcfap793

123 Common equity tier 1 ratio (%)(Advanced approaches that exit parallel run only) rcfwp793

124 Tier 1 capital ratio (%) rcfa7206

125 Tier 1 capital ratio (%)(Advanced approaches that exit parallel run only) rcfw7206

126 Total capital ratio (%) (item 114 or 115 divided by item 117 or 118) rcfa7205

127 Total capital ratio (%)(Advanced approaches that exit parallel run only) rcfw7205

128 Tier 1 leverage ratio (%) rcfa7204

Preferred stock (including related surplus) eligible for inclusion in Tier 1 capital: bhck5479

129 Noncumulative perpetual preferred stock bhckc498

130 Other noncumulative preferred stock eligible for inclusion in Tier 1 capital (e.g., REIT preferred securities) bhcka507

131 Other cumulative preferred stock eligible for inclusion in Tier 1 capital (excluding TruPS)

Treasury stock (including offsetting debit to the liability for ESOP debt): bhck5483

132 In the form of perpetual preferred stock bhck5484

133 In the form of common stock

Restricted core capital elements included in Tier 1 capital: bhckg219

134 Qualifying Class B no controlling (minority) interest bhckg220

135 Qualifying Class C no controlling (minority) interest) bhck5990

136 Qualifying cumulative perpetual preferred stock bhckc502

137 Qualifying TruPS bhckg221

138 Goodwill net of any associated deferred tax liability

An internationally active bank is a bank that (1) as of the most recent year-end estimates total consolidated assets equal to $250 billion or more or (2) on a consolidated basis, as of the most recent year-end estimates total on-balance-sheet foreign exposure of $10 billion or more.

139 Is the bank internationally active for purposes of the qualifying restricted core capital limit tests?

Yes No

Schedule RC-F—Other Assets

140 Net deferred tax assets rcfd2148

Schedule RC-G—Other Liabilities

141 Net deferred tax liabilities rcfd3049

Schedule HC-M—Memoranda

142 Total number of bank holding company common shares outstanding bhck3459

Issuances associated with the U.S. Department of Treasury Capital Purchase Program:

143 Senior perpetual preferred stock or similar items bhckg234

144 Warrants to purchase common stock or similar items bhckg235

Disallowed Deferred Tax Assets Calculation (Schedule RC-R Instructions)

145 (a) Enter the tier 1 subtotal Item 28 - - - - - - - - - -

146 (b) Enter 10% of the tier 1 subtotal 10% of Item 145 - - - - - - - - - -

147 (c) Enter the amount of deferred tax assets to be used when calculating the regulatory capital limit

148 Enter any optional adjustment made to item 141 in item 148 as allowed in the Call Report instructions Item 140 less items 141 and 147 - - - - - - - - - -

149 (d) Enter the amount of taxes previously paid that the bank could recover through loss carrybacks if the bank temporary differences (both deductible and taxable) fully reverse at the report date****

150 (e) Amount of deferred tax assets that is dependent upon future taxable income max(item 147 less item 149, 0) - - - - - - - - - -

151 (f) Enter the portion of (e) that the bank could realize within the next 12 months based on its projected future taxable income. Future taxable income should not include net operating lsos carry forwards to be used during the next 12 months or existing temporary differences that are expected to reverse over the next 12 months.

152 (g) Enter minimum of (f) and (b) min(item 151, item 146) - - - - - - - - - -

153 (h) Subtract (g) from (e), cannot be less than 0 (must equal item 30) max(item 150 less item 152, 0) - - - - - - - - - -

154 Future taxes paid used to determine item 152

155 Future taxable income consistent with item 152

Supplemental Capital Action Information (report in $Millions unless otherwise noted)*****

156 Cash dividends declared on common stock

157 Common shares outstanding (Millions)

158 Common dividends per share ($) Item 156 divided by item 157 - - - - - - - - - -

159 Issuance of common stock for employee compensation

160 Other issuance of common stock

161 Total issuance of common stock Sum of items 159 and 160

162 Share repurchases to offset issuance for employee compensation

163 Other share repurchase

164 Total share repurchases Sum of items 162 and 163

Supplemental Information on Trust Preferred Securities Subject to Phase-Out from Tier 1 Capital

165 Outstanding trust preferred securities

166 Trust preferred securities included in Item 24


*Please break out and explain below other adjustments to equity capital:


**Please break out and explain below other additions to (deductions from) Tier 1 capital:


***Tier 1 common is calculated as Tier 1 capital less non-common elements, including perpetual preferred stock and related surplus and minority interest in subsidiaries. Specifically, non-common elements must include the following items captured in the Call Report: Schedule RC, line item 23 net of Schedule RC-R, line item 5; and Schedule RC-R, line item 6.

****The carryback period is the prior two calendar tax years plus any current taxes paid in the year-to-date period. Please provide disaggregated data for item 149 as follows:

169 Taxes paid during the fiscal year ended two years ago

170 Taxes paid during the fiscal year ended one year ago

171 Taxes paid through the as-of date of the current fiscal year

*****Please reconcile the Supplemental Capital Action and RI-A projections (i.e., allocate the capital actions among the RI-A buckets):


The following cells provide checks of the internal consistency of the projected schedules. Please ensure that these cells are all "TRUE" before the worksheet is submitted.

Disallowed DTA
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Sheet 5: General RWA

Bank General RWA Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Call Report reference times applicable credit conversion factor and/or risk-weight Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions

as of date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9

General Credit Risk (Including counterparty credit risk and non-trading credit risk) (General risk-based capital rules)

1 Cash and due from depository institutions rcfd0010

2 Held-to-maturity securities (HTM) rcfd1754

3 Available-for-sale securities (AFS) rcfd1773

4 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell rcfdc225

5 Loans and leases rcfd5369+rcfdb528-rcfd3123

6 Derivative contracts rcfda167

7 Unused commitments with an original maturity exceeding one year rcfd3833

8 Unused commitments with an original maturity of one year or less to asset-backed commercial paper conduits rcfdg591

9 Other off-balance-sheet rcfdb546+rcfd3821+rcfd3411+rcfd3429+rcfd3433+rcfda250+rcfdb541+rcfdb675+rcfdb681

10 Other credit risk rcfd3545+rcfdkb639

11 General Credit RWA (sum of lines 1 through 10)
- - - - - - - - - -

Market Risk

12 Value-at-risk(VaR)-based capital requirement

13 Stressed VaR-based capital requirement

14 Incremental risk capital requirement

15 Comprehensive risk capital requirement (excluding non-modeled correlation)

16 Non-modeled Securitization
- - - - - - - - - -
17 Net Long

18 Net Short

19 Specific risk add-on (excluding securitization and correlation)
- - - - - - - - - -
20 Sovereign debt positions

21 Government sponsored entity debt positions

22 Depository institution, foreign bank, and credit union debt positions

23 Public sector entity debt positions

24 Corporate debt positions

25 Equity

26 Capital requirement for de minimis exposures

27 Market risk equivalent assets rcfd1651 - - - - - - - - - -

28 Excess allowance for loan and lease losses (General risk-based capital rules) rcfda222

29 Allocated transfer risk reserve rcfd3128

30 Total RWA (General risk-based capital rules) rcfda223 - - - - - - - - - -

Memoranda for Derivative Contracts (provide balances consistent with Call Report instructions for each MDRM code)

31 Current credit exposure across all derivative contracts covered by risk-based capital standards rcfd8764

Notional principal amounts of derivative contracts:

32 Interest rate contracts rcfd3809 + rcfd8766 + rcfd8767

33 Foreign exchange contracts rcfd3812 + rcfd8769 + rcfd8770

34 Gold contracts rcfd8771 + rcfd8772 + rcfd8773

35 Other precious metals contracts rcfd8774 + rcfd8775 + rcfd8776

36 Other commodity contracts rcfd8777 + rcfd8778 + rcfd8779

37 Equity derivative contracts rcfda000 + rcfda001 + rcfda002

38 Investment grade credit derivative contracts rcfdg597 + rcfdg598 + rcfdg599

39 Subinvestment grade credit derivative contracts rcfdg600 + rcfdg601 + rcfdg602

Sheet 6: Standardized RWA

Bank Standardized RWA Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Notes Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions

as of date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9

Standardized Approach (Revised regulatory capital rule, July 2013)

Balance Sheet Asset Categories

1 Cash and balances due from depository institutions

2 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell

3a Securities (excluding securitizations): Held-to-maturity

3b Securities (excluding securitizations): Available-for-sale

Loans and leases on held for sale

4a Residential Mortgage exposures

4b High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE) exposures

4c Exposures past due 90 days or more on nonaccrual

4d All other exposures

Loans and leases, net of unearned income

5a Residential mortgage exposures

5b High Volatility Commercials Real Estate (HVCRE) Exposures

5c Exposures past due 90 days or more on nonaccrual

5d All other exposures

6 Trading assets (excluding securitizations that receive standardized charges)

7 All other assets

On‐balance sheet securitization exposures

8a Held‐to‐maturity securities

8b Available‐for‐sale securities

8c Trading assets that receive standardized charges

8d All other on‐balance sheet securitization exposures

9 Off‐balance sheet securitization exposures

10 RWA for Balance Sheet Asset Categories (sum of items 1 though 8d)
- - - - - - - - - -

Derivatives and Off-Balance-Sheet Asset Categories (Excluding Securitization Exposures)

11 Financial standby letters of credit

12 Performance standby letters of credit and transaction related contingent items

13 Commercial and similar letters of credit with an original maturity of one year or less

14 Retained recourse on small business obligations sold with recourse

15 Repo-style transactions (excluding reverse repos)

16 All other off-balance sheet liabilities

17a Unused commitments: Original maturity of one year or less, excluding ABCP conduits

17b Unused commitments: Original maturity of one year or less to ABCP

17c Unused commitments: Original maturity exceeding one year

18 Unconditionally cancelable commitments

19 Over-the-counter derivatives

20 Centrally cleared derivatives

21 RWA for Derivatives and Off-Balance-Sheet Asset Categories (sum of items 10 through 20)
- - - - - - - - - -

22 RWA for purposes of calculating the allowance for loan and lease losses 1.25 percent threshold

Market Risk

23 Value-at-risk(VaR)-based capital requirement

24 Stressed VaR-based capital requirement

25 Incremental risk capital requirement

26 Comprehensive risk capital requirement (excluding non-modeled correlation)

27 Non-modeled Securitization
- - - - - - - - - -
28 Net Long

29 Net Short

30 Specific risk add-on (excluding securitization and correlation)
- - - - - - - - - -
31 Sovereign debt positions

32 Government sponsored entity debt positions

33 Depository institution, foreign bank, and credit union debt positions

34 Public sector entity debt positions

35 Corporate debt positions

36 Equity

37 Capital requirement for de minimis exposures

38 Market risk equivalent assets rcfd1651 - - - - - - - - - -

39 Risk-weighted assets before deductions for excess allowance of loan and lease losses and allocated risk transfer risk reserve

40 LESS: Excess allowance for loan and lease losses

41 LESS: Allocated transfer risk reserve

42 Total risk-weighted assets (item 39 minus items 40 and 41)
- - - - - - - - - -

43 Memoranda Items -- Derivatives

44 Current credit exposure across all derivative contracts covered by the regulatory capital rule

45 Notional principal amounts of over-the-counter derivative contracts (sum of lines 46a through 46g)
- - - - - - - - - -
46a Interest rate

46b Foreign exchange rate and gold

46c Credit (investment grade reference asset)

46d Credit (non-investment grade reference asset)

46e Equity

46f Precious metals (except gold)

46g Other

47 Notional principal amounts of centrally cleared derivative contracts (sum of lines 48a through 48g)
- - - - - - - - - -
48a Interest rate

488b Foreign exchange rate and gold

48c Credit (investment grade reference asset)

48d Credit (non-investment grade reference asset)

48e Equity

48f Precious metals (except gold)

48g Other

Sheet 7: Advanced RWA

Bank Advanced RWA Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

FFIEC 101 reference Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions

as of date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9
Advanced Approaches Credit Risk (Including CCR and non-trading credit risk), with 1.06 scaling factor and Operational Risk

1 Credit RWA Sum of AABGJ151, AABGJ198 - - - - - - - - - -
2 Wholesale Exposures
- - - - - - - - - -


3 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ124



5 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ125



7 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ126



9 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ127



11 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ128


13 Counterparty Credit Risk
- - - - - - - - - -
14 RWA of eligible margin loans, repostyle transactions and OTC derivatives with crossproduct netting—EAD adjustment method AABGJ129

15 RWA of eligible margin loans, repostyle transactions and OTC derivatives with crossproduct netting—collateral reflected in LGD AABGJ130

16 RWA of eligible margin loans, repostyle transactions—no cross-product netting—EAD adjustment method AABGJ131

17 RWA of eligible margin loans, repostyle transactions—no cross-product netting—collateral reflected in LGD AABGJ132

18 RWA of OTC derivatives—no cross-product netting—EAD adjustment method AABGJ133

19 RWA of OTC derivatives—no crossproduct netting—collateral reflected in LGD AABGJ134

20 Retail Exposures
- - - - - - - - - -

Residential mortgage— closed-end first lien exposures

21 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ135


Residential mortgage— closed-end junior lien exposures

23 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ136


Residential mortgage—revolving exposures

25 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ137


Qualifying revolving exposures

27 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ138


Other retail exposures

29 Balance Sheet Amount AABBJ139


Securitization Exposures (72 Federal Register 69288, December 7, 2007)

31 Balance Sheet Amount Sum of AABBJ140, AABBJ141, AABBJ142

32 RWA Sum of AABGJ140, AABGJ141, AABGJ142, AABGJ143

33 Securitization Exposures (Revised regulatory capital rule, July 2013)
- - - - - - - - - -

Subject to supervisory formula approach (SFA)

34 Balance Sheet Amount

35 RWA

Subject to simplified supervisory formula approach (SSFA)

36 Balance Sheet Amount

37 RWA

Subject to 1,250% risk-weight

38 Balance Sheet Amount

39 RWA

40 Cleared Transactions (Revised regulatory capital rule, July 2013)
- - - - - - - - - -

Derivative contracts and netting sets to derivatives

41 Balance Sheet Amount

42 RWA

Repo-style transactions

43 Balance Sheet Amount

44 RWA

Default fund contributions

45 Balance Sheet Amount

46 RWA

47 Equity Exposures RWA Sum of AABGJ144, AABGJ145,AABGJ146

Other Assets

48 Balance Sheet Amount Sum of AABBJ147, AABBJ148, AABBJ149

49 RWA Sum of AABGJ147, AABGJ148, AABGJ149

50 CVA Capital Charge (risk-weighted asset equivalent)(Revised regulatory capital rule, July 2013)
- - - - - - - - - -
51 Advanced CVA Approach
- - - - - - - - - -
52 Unstressed VaR with Multipliers

53 Stressed VaR with Multipliers

54 Simple CVA Approach

55 Assets subject to the general risk-based capital requirements AABGJ198

Operational RWA

56 Operational RWA AABGJ154

57 Total risk-based capital requirement for operational risk without dependence assumptions AASAJ084

Market Risk

Market RWA
- - - - - - - - - -
58 VaR-based capital requirement

59 Stressed VaR-based capital requirement

60 Incremental risk capital requirement

61 Comprehensive risk capital requirement (excluding non-modeled correlation)

62 Non-modeled Securitization
- - - - - - - - - -
63 Net Long

64 Net Short

65 Specific risk add-on (excluding securitization and correlation)
- - - - - - - - - -
66 Sovereign debt positions

67 Government sponsored entity debt positions

68 Depository institution, foreign bank, and credit union debt positions

69 Public sector entity debt positions

70 Corporate debt positions

71 Equity

72 Capital requirement for de minimis exposures

73 Market risk equivalent assets
- - - - - - - - - -

74 Other RWA

75 Excess eligible credit reserves not included in tier 2 capital AABGJ152

76 Total RWA
- - - - - - - - - -

Sheet 8: Retail Bal. & Loss Projections

Bank Retail Balance and Loss Projection Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions
Q3 Actual PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9

First Lien Mortgages (in Domestic Offices)

1 Balances

2 New originations

3 Paydowns

4 Asset Purchases

5 Asset Sales

6 Loan Losses

7 Cumulative interim loan losses - Non PCI

8 Cumulative interim loan losses - PCI

First Lien HELOANs (in Domestic Offices)

9 Balances

10 New originations

11 Paydowns

12 Asset Purchases

13 Asset Sales

14 Loan Losses

15 Cumulative interim loan losses - Non PCI

16 Cumulative interim loan losses - PCI

Closed-End Junior Liens (in Domestic Offices)

17 Balances

18 New originations

19 Paydowns

20 Asset Purchases

21 Asset Sales

22 Loan Losses

23 Cumulative interim loan losses - Non PCI

24 Cumulative interim loan losses - PCI

HELOCs (in Domestic Offices)

25 Balances - - - - - - - - - -
26 Balance from vintages < PQ 1

27 Balance from vintage PQ 1 - PQ 5

28 Balance from vintage PQ 6 - PQ 9

29 Paydowns

30 Asset Purchases

31 Asset Sales

32 Loan Losses

33 Cumulative interim loan losses - Non PCI

34 Cumulative interim loan losses - PCI

First Lien Mortgages and HELOANs (International)

35 Balances

36 New originations

37 Paydowns

38 Asset Purchases

39 Asset Sales

40 Loan Losses

41 Cumulative interim loan losses - Non PCI

42 Cumulative interim loan losses - PCI

Closed-End Junior Liens and HELOCs (International)

43 Balances

44 New originations

45 Paydowns

46 Asset Purchases

47 Asset Sales

48 Loan Losses

49 Cumulative interim loan losses - Non PCI

50 Cumulative interim loan losses - PCI

Corporate Card (Domestic)

51 Balances

52 Paydowns

53 Asset Purchases

54 Asset Sales

55 Loan Losses

Business Card (Domestic)

56 Balances

57 Paydowns

58 Asset Purchases

59 Asset Sales

60 Loan Losses

Charge Card (Domestic)

61 Balances - - - - - - - - - -
62 Balance from vintages < PQ 1

63 Balance from vintage PQ 1 - PQ 5

64 Balance from vintage PQ 6 - PQ 9

65 Paydowns

66 Asset Purchases

67 Asset Sales

68 Loan Losses

Bank Card (Domestic)

69 Balances - - - - - - - - - -
70 Balance from vintages < PQ 1

71 Balance from vintage PQ 1 - PQ 5

72 Balance from vintage PQ 6 - PQ 9

73 Paydowns

74 Asset Purchases

75 Asset Sales

76 Loan Losses

Business and Corporate Card (International)

77 Balances

78 Paydowns

79 Asset Purchases

80 Asset Sales

81 Loan Losses

Bank and Charge Card (International)

82 Balances

83 Paydowns

84 Asset Purchases

85 Asset Sales

86 Loan Losses

Auto Loans (Domestic)

87 Balances

88 New originations

89 Paydowns

90 Asset Purchases

91 Asset Sales

92 Loan Losses

Auto Loans (International)

93 Balances

94 New originations

95 Paydowns

96 Asset Purchases

97 Asset Sales

98 Loan Losses

Auto Leases (Domestic)

99 Balances

100 New originations

101 Paydowns

102 Asset Purchases

103 Asset Sales

104 Loan Losses

Auto Leases (International)

105 Balances

106 New originations

107 Paydowns

108 Asset Purchases

109 Asset Sales

110 Loan Losses

Student Loan

111 Balances

112 New originations

113 Paydowns

114 Asset Purchases

115 Asset Sales

116 Loan Losses

Small Business Loan - Scored (Domestic)

117 Balances

118 New originations

119 Paydowns

120 Asset Purchases

121 Asset Sales

122 Loan Losses

Small Business Loan - Scored (International)

123 Balances

124 New originations

125 Paydowns

126 Asset Purchases

127 Asset Sales

128 Loan Losses

Other Consumer Loans and Leases (Domestic)

129 Balances

130 New originations

131 Paydowns

132 Asset Purchases

133 Asset Sales

134 Loan Losses

Other Consumer Loans and Leases (International)

135 Balances

136 New originations

137 Paydowns

138 Asset Purchases

139 Asset Sales

140 Loan Losses

Sheet 9: Retail Repurchase Worksheet

Bank Retail Repurchase Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Scenarios for which row should be reported


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only Delinquency Validity Check
Delinquency Status as of 3Q (Excluding Exempt Population)


Covered Insitution Baseline Only 1
Past due 30 to 89 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 90 to 179 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 180+ days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Net Credit Loss Realized to-date (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Repurchase Requests Outstanding (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Estimated Lifetime Net Credit Losses (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios

Table A.3 Loss Projections for LOANS SOLD TO FANNIE MAE

$Millions Projected in $Millions

Projection Validity Check

PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 or Later Total

Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve

All Scenarios 1


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only Delinquency Validity Check
Delinquency Status as of 3Q (Excluding Exempt Population)


Covered Insitution Baseline Only 1
Past due 30 to 89 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 90 to 179 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 180+ days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Net Credit Loss Realized to-date (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Repurchase Requests Outstanding (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Estimated Lifetime Net Credit Losses (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios

Table B.3 Loss Projections for LOANS SOLD TO FREDDIE MAC

$Millions Projected in $Millions

Projection Validity Check

PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 or Later Total

Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve

All Scenarios 1


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only Delinquency Validity Check
Delinquency Status as of 3Q (Excluding Exempt Population)


Covered Insitution Baseline Only 1
Past due 30 to 89 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 90 to 179 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 180+ days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Net Credit Loss Realized to-date (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Repurchase Requests Outstanding (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Loss to-date due to Denied Insurance

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Estimated Lifetime Net Credit Losses (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios

Table C.3 Loss Projections for LOANS INSURED BY THE US GOVERNMENT (e.g. FHA, VA)

$Millions Projected in $Millions

Projection Validity Check

PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 or Later Total

Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve

All Scenarios 1


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only Delinquency Validity Check
Delinquency Status as of 3Q (Excluding Exempt Population)


Covered Insitution Baseline Only 1
Past due 30 to 89 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 90 to 179 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 180+ days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Net Credit Loss Realized to-date (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Repurchase Requests Outstanding (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Estimated Lifetime Net Credit Losses (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios


Projection Validity Check
$Millions Projected in $Millions

PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 or Later Total

Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve

All Scenarios


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only Delinquency Validity Check
Delinquency Status as of 3Q (Excluding Exempt Population)


Covered Insitution Baseline Only 1
Past due 30 to 89 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 90 to 179 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 180+ days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Net Credit Loss Realized to-date (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Repurchase Requests Outstanding (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Estimated Lifetime Net Credit Losses (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios


$Millions Projected in $Millions

Projection Validity Check

PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 or Later Total

Projected Future Losses to Bank Charged to Repurchase Reserve

All Scenarios 1


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only Delinquency Validity Check
Delinquency Status as of 3Q (Excluding Exempt Population)


Covered Insitution Baseline Only 1
Past due 30 to 89 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 90 to 179 days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Past due 180+ days

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Net Credit Loss Realized to-date (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Repurchase Requests Outstanding (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Estimated Lifetime Net Credit Losses (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios
Projected Future Losses to BANK Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios


$Millions Vintage

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Original UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Outstanding UPB (Excluding Exempt Population)

Covered Insitution Baseline Only
Projected Future Losses to BANK Charged to Repurchase Reserve (Excluding Exempt Population)

All Scenarios

Table F.3 Loss Projections for WHOLE LOANS SOLD

$Millions Projected in $Millions

Projection Validity Check

PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 or Later Total

Projected Future Losses to BANK Charged to Repurchase Reserve

All Scenarios 1

Table G.3 TOTAL Loss Projections

$Millions Projected in $Millions

PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 or Later Total

Projected Future Losses to BANK Charged to Repurchase Reserve

- - - - - - - - - - -
All Scenarios

Actual in $Millions


Reserve, prior quarter -

Provisions during the quarter -

Net charges during the quarter -

Reserve, current quarter -

Table H.1 Sold Loans subject to completed settlements

$Millions Vintage

Loans sold to Fannie Mae 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (Total)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (No remaining liability)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (liability remains)


Total Settlement paid

Portion of Settlement for contractual Representation and Warranty claims (excluding any penalties, damages, etc)


Loans sold to Freddie Mac 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (Total)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (No remaining liability)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (liability remains)


Total Settlement paid

Portion of Settlement for contractual Representation and Warranty claims (excluding any penalties, damages, etc)


Loans insured by the US Government (i.e. FHA/VA) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (Total)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (No remaining liability)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (liability remains)


Total Settlement paid

Portion of Settlement for contractual Representation and Warranty claims (excluding any penalties, damages, etc)


Loans Securitized with Monoline Insurance 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (Total)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (No remaining liability)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (liability remains)


Total Settlement paid

Portion of Settlement for contractual Representation and Warranty claims (excluding any penalties, damages, etc)


Loans Securitized without Monoline Insurance 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (Total)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (No remaining liability)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (liability remains)


Total Settlement paid

Portion of Settlement for contractual Representation and Warranty claims (excluding any penalties, damages, etc)


Whole Loans Sold 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unallocated Total

Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (Total)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (No remaining liability)


Original UPB: Loans covered by completed settlements (liability remains)


Total Settlement paid

Portion of Settlement for contractual Representation and Warranty claims (excluding any penalties, damages, etc)

Sheet 10: Retail ASC 310-30 Worksheet

Bank ASC 310-30 Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions
Item First Lien Mortgages Data Clarifications: as of date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9
1 Carry Value Input as Positive

2 Allowance Input as Positive

3 Net Carry Value Calculated - - - - - - - - - -

4 Unpaid Principal Balance Input as Positive

5 Initial Day 1 Non-Accretable Difference (NAD) to Absorb Cash Flow Shortfalls on PCI Loans Input as Positive

6 Quarter Ending Non Accretable Difference (NAD) Input as Positive

7 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to NAD) Input as Negative

8 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to Allowance) Input as Negative

9 Provisions to Allowance Prov/(Reverse)

10 Quarterly Charge-offs to NAD Input as Negative

11 Quarterly Charge-offs to Allowance Input as Negative

12 Accretable Yield Remaining Input as Positive

13 Accretable Yield Accreted to Income Input as Negative

14 Effective Yield (%) Input as Percentage

Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions
Item Second Lien HELOANs Data Clarifications: as of date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9
1 Carry Value Input as Positive

2 Allowance Input as Positive

3 Net Carry Value Calculated - - - - - - - - - -

4 Unpaid Principal Balance Input as Positive

5 Initial Day 1 Non-Accretable Difference (NAD) to Absorb Cash Flow Shortfalls on PCI Loans Input as Positive

6 Quarter Ending Non Accretable Difference (NAD) Input as Positive

7 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to NAD) Input as Negative

8 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to Allowance) Input as Negative

9 Provisions to Allowance Prov/(Reverse)

10 Quarterly Charge-offs to NAD Input as Negative

11 Quarterly Charge-offs to Allowance Input as Negative

12 Accretable Yield Remaining Input as Positive

13 Accretable Yield Accreted to Income Input as Negative

14 Effective Yield (%) Input as Percentage

Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions
Item HELOCs Data Clarifications: as of date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9
1 Carry Value Input as Positive

2 Allowance Input as Positive

3 Net Carry Value Calculated - - - - - - - - - -

4 Unpaid Principal Balance Input as Positive

5 Initial Day 1 Non-Accretable Difference (NAD) to Absorb Cash Flow Shortfalls on PCI Loans Input as Positive

6 Quarter Ending Non Accretable Difference (NAD) Input as Positive

7 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to NAD) Input as Negative

8 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to Allowance) Input as Negative

9 Provisions to Allowance Prov/(Reverse)

10 Quarterly Charge-offs to NAD Input as Negative

11 Quarterly Charge-offs to Allowance Input as Negative

12 Accretable Yield Remaining Input as Positive

13 Accretable Yield Accreted to Income Input as Negative

14 Effective Yield (%) Input as Percentage

Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions
Item Other (specify in documentation) Data Clarifications: as of date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9
1 Carry Value Input as Positive

2 Allowance Input as Positive

3 Net Carry Value Calculated - - - - - - - - - -

4 Unpaid Principal Balance Input as Positive

5 Initial Day 1 Non-Accretable Difference (NAD) to Absorb Cash Flow Shortfalls on PCI Loans Input as Positive

6 Quarter Ending Non Accretable Difference (NAD) Input as Positive

7 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to NAD) Input as Negative

8 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to Allowance) Input as Negative

9 Provisions to Allowance Prov/(Reverse)

10 Quarterly Charge-offs to NAD Input as Negative

11 Quarterly Charge-offs to Allowance Input as Negative

12 Accretable Yield Remaining Input as Positive

13 Accretable Yield Accreted to Income Input as Negative

14 Effective Yield (%) Input as Percentage

Actual in $Millions Projected in $Millions
Item Portfolio to be acquired (specify in documentation) Data Clarifications: as of date PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9
1 Carry Value Input as Positive

2 Allowance Input as Positive

3 Net Carry Value Calculated - - - - - - - - - -

4 Unpaid Principal Balance Input as Positive

5 Initial Day 1 Non-Accretable Difference (NAD) to Absorb Cash Flow Shortfalls on PCI Loans Input as Positive

6 Quarter Ending Non Accretable Difference (NAD) Input as Positive

7 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to NAD) Input as Negative

8 Cumulative Charge-offs to Date (to Allowance) Input as Negative

9 Provisions to Allowance Prov/(Reverse)

10 Quarterly Charge-offs to NAD Input as Negative

11 Quarterly Charge-offs to Allowance Input as Negative

12 Accretable Yield Remaining Input as Positive

13 Accretable Yield Accreted to Income Input as Negative

14 Effective Yield (%) Input as Percentage

Sheet 11: Securities OTTI by Security

Bank Projected OTTI for AFS Securities and HTM Security: XYZ in Baseline

Projected OTTI for AFS Securities and HTM Security

For each position that incurred a loss in P&L, please state the identifier value for each trade (e.g., CUSIP, ISIN or SEDOL value) and the amount of loss projected (over the entire forecast horizon). Create a separate line item for each position. Total projected losses should reconcile to the total sum of projected losses (across all quarters) provided in the Securities OTTI by Portfolio tab of this schedule. Responses should be provided in $Millions.

Identifier Value Actual MM/DD/YYYY
Amortized Cost
Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI


Sheet 12: Securities OTTI Methodology

Bank High-Level OTTI Methodology and Assumptions for AFS and HTM Securities by Portfolio: XYZ in Baseline

High-Level OTTI Methodology and Assumptions for AFS and HTM Securities by Portfolio

Please complete the unshaded cells in the table provided.

AFS and HTM Securities Threshold for Determining OTTI

(please provide one of the following responses: price-based threshold, ratings-based threshold, cash flow model-based threshold, or other threshold)
Aggregate Cumulative Lifetime Loss on Underlying Collateral
(% Original Balance)
Discount Rate Methodology

(please state whether a market-based or accounting-based (e.g., book price/purchase price) discount rate is used)
Please provide the name(s) of any vendor(s) and any vendor model(s) that are used Were all securities reviewed for potential OTTI (yes/no) for stress testing? Macroeconomic/financial variables used in loss estimation
1 Agency MBS

2 Auction Rate Securities




6 Common Stock (Equity)

7 Auto ABS

8 Credit Card ABS

9 Student Loan ABS

10 Other ABS (excl HEL ABS)

11 Corporate Bond

12 Covered Bond

13 Domestic Non-Agency RMBS (incl HEL ABS)

14 Foreign RMBS

15 Municipal Bond

16 Mutual Fund

17 Preferred Stock (Equity)

18 Sovereign Bond

19 US Treasuries & Agencies

20 Other*

*For 'Other' AFS and HTM securities, please provide name of security type in row 28 above (currently labeled "Other"). Please add additional rows if necessary.

Sheet 13: Securities OTTI by Portfolio

Bank Projected OTTI for AFS and HTM Securities by Portfolio: XYZ in Baseline

Projected OTTI for AFS and HTM Securities by Portfolio

Please provide the credit loss portion and non-credit loss portion of projected OTTI (for relevant portfolios) for the quarters detailed in the tables below. Responses should be provided in $Millions. Values should be quarterly, not cumulative.

OTTI related to the security’s credit loss is recognized in earnings, whereas the OTTI related to other factors (defined as the non‐credit loss portion) is included as part of a separate component of other comprehensive income (OCI). For only those securities determined to be other-than-temporarily impaired, banks should provide both projected losses that would be recognized in earnings and any projected losses that would be captured in OCI.

Amortized Cost should represent all Securities held, regardless of if they are impaired or not.

Only securities projected to experience an other-than-temporary impairment loss in the P&L should be reported in the "Credit Loss Portion" and "Non-Credit Loss Portion" columns below. Securities not projected to be other-than-temporarily impaired (for example, any securities implicitly or explicitly guaranteed by the U.S. government or any other securities for which no OTTI is projected) should not be reported in this tab. OTTI values should be stated as positive values.

PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9

AFS Securities Accounting Intent (AFS, HTM) Actual MM/DD/YYYY
Amortized Cost
Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI Credit Loss Portion Non- Credit Loss Portion Total OTTI
1 Agency MBS









2 Auction Rate Securities




































6 Common Stock (Equity)









7 Auto ABS









8 Credit Card ABS









9 Student Loan ABS









10 Other ABS (excl HEL ABS)









11 Corporate Bond









12 Covered Bond

13 Domestic Non-Agency RMBS (incl HEL ABS)









14 Foreign RMBS









15 Municipal Bond









16 Mutual Fund









17 Preferred Stock (Equity)









18 Sovereign Bond









19 US Treasuries & Agencies









20 Other*









0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -

*For 'Other' AFS securities, please provide name of security type in row 28 above (currently labeled "Other"). Please add additional rows if necessary. If adding additional rows, please ensure that grand totals sum appropriately.

Sheet 14: Securities AFS OCI by Portfolio

Bank Projected OCI and Fair Value for AFS Securities: XYZ in Baseline

Projected OCI and Fair Value for AFS Securities

Banks should estimate and provide fair market values of AFS securities based on a re-pricing of positions held on the reporting date. Responses for Fair Market Values and Projected OCI should be provided in $Millions. The “Fair Value Change Rate” should be estimated based on the re-pricing of positions held at the beginning of each quarter. The ratio should be determined based upon the rate of fair value change at a portfolio level based upon a weighted average basis of the change between beginning and ending fair value for each asset (The “Fair Value Change Rate” is not a ratio of projected OCI to Beginning Fair Value). Responses should be provided as a % ratio.

Projected OCI Based on Macro-Economic Scenario

AFS Securities Total Actual Fair Market Value MM/DD/YYYY Beginning Fair Market Value PQ 1 Fair Value Rate of Change PQ1 Projected OCI -
PQ 1
Beginning Fair Market Value PQ 2 Fair Value Rate of Change PQ2 Projected OCI -
PQ 2
Beginning Fair Market Value PQ 3 Fair Value Rate of Change PQ3 Projected OCI -
PQ 3
Beginning Fair Market Value PQ 4 Fair Value Rate of Change PQ4 Projected OCI -
PQ 4
Beginning Fair Market Value PQ 5 Fair Value Rate of Change PQ5 Projected OCI -
PQ 5
Beginning Fair Market Value PQ 6 Fair Value Rate of Change PQ6 Projected OCI -
PQ 6
Beginning Fair Market Value PQ 7 Fair Value Rate of Change PQ7 Projected OCI -
PQ 7
Beginning Fair Market Value PQ 8 Fair Value Rate of Change PQ8 Projected OCI -
PQ 8
Beginning Fair Market Value PQ 9 Fair Value Rate of Change PQ9 Projected OCI -
PQ 9
Total Projected OCI in all Quarters Estimated Total Fair Market Value after OCI Shock applied to all Quarters
1 Agency MBS

2 Auction Rate Securities




6 Common Stock (Equity)

7 Auto ABS

8 Credit Card ABS

9 Student Loan ABS

10 Other ABS (excl HEL ABS)

11 Corporate Bond

12 Covered Bond

13 Domestic Non-Agency RMBS (incl HEL ABS)

14 Foreign RMBS

15 Municipal Bond

16 Mutual Fund

17 Preferred Stock (Equity)

18 Sovereign Bond

19 US Treasuries & Agencies

20 Other*

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - -

* For 'Other' AFS securities, please provide name of security type in row 26 above (currently labeled "Other"). Please add additional rows if necessary.

Sheet 15: Securities Market Value Sources

Bank Actual AFS and HTM Fair Market Value Sources by Portfolio: XYZ in Baseline

Actual AFS and HTM Fair Market Value Sources by Portfolio

Please provide information on actual fair market values as of the reporting date.

AFS and HTM Securities Principal Market Value Source
Please state whether a vendor or proprietary model is used. If using a 3rd party vendor, please provide the name(s) of the 3rd party vendor(s).
In general, how often are securities normally marked (e.g., daily, weekly, quarterly, etc.)?

1 Agency MBS

2 Auction Rate Securities




6 Common Stock (Equity)

7 Auto ABS

8 Credit Card ABS

9 Student Loan ABS

10 Other ABS (excl HEL ABS)

11 Corporate Bond

12 Covered Bond

13 Domestic Non-Agency RMBS (incl HEL ABS)

14 Foreign RMBS

15 Municipal Bond

16 Mutual Fund

17 Preferred Stock (Equity)

18 Sovereign Bond

19 US Treasuries & Agencies

20 Other*

*For 'Other' AFS and HTM securities, please provide name of security type in row 28 above (currently labeled "Other"). Please add additional rows if necessary.

Sheet 16: Trading Worksheet

Bank Trading Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Effective date:


P/L Results in $Millions Firmwide Trading Total
Contributions from
Higher-Order Risks

Firmwide CVA
Hedges Total

1 Equity

2 FX

3 Rates

4 Commodities

5 Securitized Products

6 Other Credit

7 Private Equity

8 Other Fair Value Assets

9 Cross-Asset Terms

10 Total -


1-6) The categories above (Equities, FX, Rates, etc.) are NOT meant to denote lines of business

or desks, but rather firmwide totals by risk stripe.

5) "Securitized Products" is defined as the contribution to P/L from exposures detailed on the

Securitized Products and Agencies worksheets.

6) "Other Credit" is defined as the contribution from all credit products other than those

specified on the "Securitized Products" or "Agencies" worksheets.

9) Cross-Asset Terms are those intra-asset risks attributable to the co-movement of mulitple asset classes.

For example, an equity option paying off in a foreign currency would have both Equity and FX risk. The

P/L due to this co-dependence would be entered into row 9.

(B) Higher order risks are those inter-asset risks attributable to terms not represented in the FR-Y14Q.

The highest order term represented in the 14Q will vary based on the specific asset class. For example,

the commodity spot vol grids do not capture risks attributable to the co-movement of multiple

underlying commodities.

When reporting P/L numbers above, report profits as positive numbers and losses as negative numbers.

Sheet 17: Counterparty Risk Worksheet

Bank Counterparty Risk Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Losses should be reported as a positive value.

1 Issuer Default Losses (Trading Book) -
1a Issuer Default losses from securitized products
1b Issuer Default losses from other credit sensitive instruments

2 Counterparty Credit MTM Losses (CVA losses) -
2a Counterparty CVA losses
2b Offline reserve CVA losses

3 Counterparty Default Losses
3a Impact of Counterparty Default hedges

Sheet 18: OpRisk Scenario & Projections

Bank Op Risk Scenario Input Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

For the inputs into each scenario, provide the type of data, a brief description of the loss events (including events from an operational risk scenario analysis process), the unit of measure (UOM), and the contribution of those events to the operational loss projection. Provide any supporting information including statistical results, data, summary tables, and additional descriptions in a separate document and cross-reference the document to the respective question/item. Rows should be added if necessary.

Contribution ($millions) PY 1 PY 2 Total

Type of Data Brief Description

Unit of Measure (UOM) PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9












Total ($millions) $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $-

Note: Please add more rows if needed.


Sheet 19: PPNR Projections Worksheet

Bank PPNR Projections Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Instructions: Bank to complete non shaded cells only; all shaded cells with embedded formulas will self populate. Quarterly items should be reported by quarter, and not on a year-to-date basis.

Please indicate if deposits are 25% or more of total liabilities

Net Interest Income Designation Field - Populated Automatically

Call Report Codes
Projected in $Millions

Please indicate if deposits are 25% or more of total liabilities

Net Interest Income by Business Segment: (17)

PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9

Yes, deposits are 25% or more of total liabilities
1 Retail and Small Business

- - - - - - - - -

No, deposits are less than 25% of total liabilities
1A Domestic (11)

- - - - - - - - -

1B Credit and Charge Cards (10)

1C Mortgages

1D Home Equity

Specify reporting designation for net interest income HERE

1E Retail and Small Business Deposits

Primary Net Interest Income

1F Other Retail and Small Business Lending

Supplementary Net Interest Income

1G International Retail and Small Business (16)

2 Commercial Lending

3 Investment Banking

4 Merchant Banking / Private Equity

5 Sales and Trading

- - - - - - - - -

5A Prime Brokerage

5B Other

6 Investment Management

7 Investment Services

8 Treasury Services

9 Insurance Services

10 Retirement / Corporate Benefits Products

11 Corporate / Other

12 Optional Immaterial Business Segments (7)

13 Total Net Interest Income (1)

- - - - - - - - -

Non Interest Income by Business Segment: (17)

14 Retail and Small Business

- - - - - - - - -

14A Domestic

- - - - - - - - -

14B Credit and Charge Cards (10)

- - - - - - - - -

14C Credit and Charge Card Interchange Revenues - Gross

14D Other

14E Mortgages and Home Equity

- - - - - - - - -

14F Production

- - - - - - - - -

14G Gains/(Losses) on Sale (18)

14H Other

14I Servicing

- - - - - - - - -

14J Servicing & Ancillary Fees

14K MSR Amortization (20)

14L MSR Value Changes due to Changes in Assumptions/Model Inputs/Other Net of Hedge Performance (19)(21)

14M Other

14N Provisions to Repurchase Reserve / Liability for Residential Mortgage Representations and Warranties (contra-revenue) (12)

14O Retail and Small Business Deposits

- - - - - - - - -

14P Non Sufficient Funds / Overdraft Fees - Gross

14Q Debit Interchange - Gross

14R Other (22)

14S Other Retail and Small Business Lending

14T International Retail and Small Business (16)

15 Commercial Lending

16 Investment Banking

- - - - - - - - -

16A Advisory

16B Equity Capital Markets

16C Debt Capital Markets

16D Syndicated / Corporate Lending

17 Merchant Banking / Private Equity

- - - - - - - - -

17A Net Investment Mark-to-Market

17B Management Fees

17C Other

18 Sales and Trading

- - - - - - - - -

18A Equities

- - - - - - - - -

18B Commission and Fees

18C Other (23)

18D Fixed Income

- - - - - - - - -

18E Rates

18F Credit

18G Other

18H Commodities

- - - - - - - - -

18I Commission and Fees

18J Other

18K Prime Brokerage

- - - - - - - - -

18L Commission and Fees

18M Other

19 Investment Management

- - - - - - - - -

19A Asset Management

19B Wealth Management / Private Banking

20 Investment Services

- - - - - - - - -

20A Asset Servicing

- - - - - - - - -

20B Securities Lending

20C Other

20D Issuer Services

20E Other

21 Treasury Services

22 Insurance Services

23 Retirement / Corporate Benefits Products

24 Corporate / Other

25 Optional Immaterial Business Segments (7)

26 Total Non-Interest Income (2) (26)

- - - - - - - - -

27 Total Revenues

- - - - - - - - -

Non Interest Expense:

28 Compensation Expense

- - - - - - - - -

28A Salary (14)

28B Benefits (14)

28C Commissions (6)

28D Stock Based Compensation

28E Cash Variable Pay

29 Operational Risk Expense (8)

- - - - - - - - -

30 Provisions to Repurchase Reserve / Liability for Residential Mortgage Representations and Warranties (12)

31 Professional and Outside Services Expenses (13)

32 Expenses of Premises and Fixed Assets

33 Amortization Expense and Impairment Losses for Other Intangible Assets

34 Marketing Expense

- - - - - - - - -

34A Domestic Credit and Charge Card Marketing Expense (10)(15)(17)

34B Other

35 Other Real Estate Owned Expense

36 Provision for Unfunded Off-Balance Sheet Credit Exposures (to build/decrease item 139 (RCFDB557) in Balance Sheet)

37 Other Non-Interest Expense (4)

38 Total Non-Interest Expense (3)

- - - - - - - - -

39 Projected PPNR (5)
RIAD4074-RIAD4079-RIAD4093+RIADC216-Line Item #40
- - - - - - - - -

40 Valuation Adjustment for firm's own debt under fair value option (FVO) (9) (27)

41 Goodwill Impairment

42 Loss resulting from trading shock exercise (if applicable) (24) (25)

- - - - - - - - -

Footnotes to the PPNR Projections Worksheet

(1) Amount should equal item 49 of the PPNR NII Worksheet, if completed.

(2) Excludes Valuation Adjustment for firm's own debt under fair value option (FVO) in item 40.

(3) Excludes Goodwill Impairment included in item 41.

(4) Provide a further break out of significant items included in Other Non-Interest Expense such that no more than 5% of Non Interest Expense are reported without further breakout:

(5) By definition, PPNR will calculate as Net Interest Income plus Non-Interest Income less Non-Interest Expense, excluding items broken out in items 40-41.

(6) Report commissions only in "Commissions" line item 28C; do not report commissions in any other compensation line items.

(7) See instructions for guidance on related thresholds. List segments included in this line item.

(8) All operational loss items, including operational losses that are contra revenue amounts or cannot be separately identified, should be reported in the operational risk expense. Any legal consultation or retainer fees specifically linked to an operational risk event should be included in the Operational Risk Expense. Include all Provisions to Litigation Reserves / Liability for Claims related to Sold Residential Mortgages and all Litigation Settlements & Penalties in this line item and not any other items.

(9) List segments from which item was excluded:

(10) Include domestic bank issued credit and charge cards including those that result from a partnership agreement.

(11) Applies to line items 1A-1F; US and Puerto Rico only.

(12) Provisions to build any non-litigation reserves/accrued liabilities that have been established for losses related to sold or government-insured residential mortgage loans (first or second lien). Do not report such provisions in any other items; report them only in line items 14N or 30, as applicable.

(13) Include routine legal expenses (i.e legal expenses not related to operational losses) here.

(14) Do not report stock based and cash variable pay compensation here.

(15) Include both direct and allocated expenses. Report any expenses that are made to expand the company’s card member and/or merchant base, facilitate greater segment penetration, enhance the perception of the company’s credit card brand, and/or increase the utilization of the existing card member base across the spectrum of marketing and advertising mediums.

(16) Revenues from regions outside the US and Puerto Rico.

(17) See Instructions for description of standardized Business Segments/Lines. Unless specified otherwise, all numbers are global.

(18) Gains/(Losses) from the sale of mortgages and home equity originated through all production channels (retail, broker, correspondent, etc.) with the intent to sell. Such gains/losses should include deferred fees and costs that are reported as adjustments to the carrying balance of the sold loan, fair value changes on loan commitments with rate locks that are accounted for as derivatives, fair value changes on mortgage loans held-for-sale designated for fair value treatment, lower-of-cost or market adjustments on mortgage loans held-for-sale not designated for fair value treatment, fair value changes on derivative instruments used to hedge loan commitments and held-of-sale mortgages, and value associated with the initial capitalization of the MSR upon sale of the loan.

(19) Report changes in the MSR value here and not in any other items. Report changes in the MSR hedges here and not in any other items.

(20) Include economic amortization or scheduled and unscheduled payments, net of defaults under both FV and LOCOM accounting methods.

(21) Include MSR changes under both FV and LOCOM accounting methods.

(22) Among items included here are debit card contra-revenues and overdraft waivers, as applicable.

(23) Report all Non-Interest Income for Equities Sales and Trading, excluding Prime Brokerage (to be reported as a separate line item) and excluding Commissions and Fees. This includes trading profits and other non-interest non-commission income.

(24) Banks should not report changes in value of the MSR asset or hedges within the trading book.

(25) List segments from which item was excluded:

(26) Exclude result of trading shock exercise (where applicable), as it is reported in item 42.

(27) List Call Report RI Schedule items in which this item is normally reported although excluded from PPNR for this report:

The following cells provide checks of the internal consistency of the PPNR Template schedules. Please ensure that these cells are all "TRUE," or "N/A" before the worksheet is submitted.

Net Interest Income agrees between worksheets


Sheet 20: PPNR NII Worksheet

Bank PPNR Net Interest Income Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Instructions: All banks for which deposits comprise 25% or more of total liabilities for any reported period in any Call Report must complete this worksheet. Banks to complete non shaded cells only; all shaded cells with embedded formulas will self populate. Quarterly items should be reported by quarter, and not on a year-to-date basis.

Please indicate if deposits are 25% or more of total liabilities

Net Interest Income Designation Field - Populated Automatically

Projected in $Millions

Average Asset Balances ($Millions) (1)
PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9

1 First Lien Residential Mortgages (in Domestic Offices)

2 Second / Junior Lien Residential Mortgages (in Domestic Offices)
- - - - - - - - -

2A Closed-End Junior Liens

2B Home Equity Lines Of Credit (HELOCs)

3 C&I Loans (7)

4 CRE Loans (in Domestic Offices)

5 Credit Cards

6 Other Consumer
- - - - - - - - -

6A Auto Loans

6B Student Loans

6C Other, incl. loans backed by securities (non-purpose lending)

Please indicate if deposits are 25% or more of total liabilities
7 Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices)
- - - - - - - - -

Yes, deposits are 25% or more of total liabilities
7A Residential Mortgages (First and Second Lien)

No, deposits are less than 25% of total liabilities
7B Other

8 Other Loans & Leases (10)

9 Nonaccrual Loans (5)

10 Securities (AFS and HTM) - Treasuries and Agency Debentures

11 Securities (AFS and HTM) - Agency RMBS (both CMOs and pass-throughs)

12 Securities (AFS and HTM) - Other

13 Trading Assets

14 Deposits with Banks & Other

15 Other Interest/Dividend Bearing Assets (2)

16 Other Assets

17 Total Average Asset Balances
- - - - - - - - -

Average Rates Earned (%) (9)

18 First Lien Residential Mortgages (in Domestic Offices)

19 Second / Junior Lien Residential Mortgages (in Domestic Offices)

19A Closed-End Junior Liens


20 C&I Loans (7)

21 CRE Loans (in Domestic Offices)

22 Credit Cards

23 Other Consumer

23A Auto Loans

23B Student Loans

23C Other, incl. loans backed by securities (non-purpose lending)

24 Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices)

24A Residential Mortgages (First and Second Lien)

24B Other

25 Other Loans & Leases

26 Nonaccrual Loans (5)

27 Securities (AFS and HTM) - Treasuries and Agency Debentures

28 Securities (AFS and HTM) - Agency RMBS (both CMOs and pass-throughs)

29 Securities (AFS and HTM) - Other

30 Trading Assets

31 Deposits with Banks & Other

32 Other Interest/Dividend Bearing Assets

33 Total Interest Income
- - - - - - - - -

Average Liability Balances ($Millions)

34 Deposits-Domestic (6)
- - - - - - - - -

34A Non-Interest-Bearing Demand

34B Money Market Accounts

34C Savings

34D NOW, ATS, and other Transaction Accounts

34E Time Deposits

35 Deposits-Foreign (6)
- - - - - - - - -

35A Foreign Deposits

35B Foreign Deposits-Time

36 Fed Funds, Repos, & Other Short Term Borrowing
- - - - - - - - -

36A Fed Funds

36B Repos

36C Other Short Term Borrowing (11)

37 Trading Liabilities

38 Subordinated Notes Payable to Unconsolidated Trusts Issuing Trust Preferred Securities (TruPS) and TruPS Issued by Consolidated Special Purpose Entities

39 Other Interest-Bearing Liabilities (3)(11)

40 Other Liabilities (11)

41 Total Average Liability Balances
- - - - - - - - -

Average Liability Rates (%) (9)

42 Deposits-Domestic (6)

42A Non-Interest-Bearing Demand (8)
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

42B Money Market Accounts

42C Savings

42D Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW), Automatic Transfer Service (ATS), and other Transaction Accounts

42E Time Deposits

43 Deposits-Foreign (6)

43A Foreign Deposits

43B Foreign Deposits-Time

44 Fed Funds, Repos, & Other Short Term Borrowing

44A Fed Funds

44B Repos

44C Other Short Term Borrowing

45 Trading Liabilities

46 Subordinated Notes Payable to Unconsolidated Trusts Issuing TruPS and TruPS Issued by Consolidated Special Purpose Entities

47 Other Interest-Bearing Liabilities (3)(11)

48 Total Interest Expense
- - - - - - - - -

49 Total Net Interest Income (4)
- - - - - - - - -

Footnotes to the Net Interest Income Worksheet

(1) Exclude nonaccrual loans from lines 1-8, reporting these balances in item 9. Include purchased credit impaired loans.

(2) Break out and explain nature of significant items included in Other Interest/Dividend Bearing Assets such that no more than 5% of total Average Asset Balances are reported without a further breakout.

(3) Break out and explain nature of significant items included in All Other Interest Bearing Liabilities Balances such that no more than 5% of total Liability Balances are reported without a further breakout.

(4) Amount should equal item 13 of the PPNR Projections Worksheet.

(5) Institutions are to provide additional details within the supporting documentation; the composition of the non-accrual loans by key loan type over the reported time periods for each of the scenarios.

(6) A sum of average domestic and foreign deposits should be equal to a sum of average RCON6631, RCON6636, RCFD6631, and RCFD6636.

(7) Report C&I Graded, Small Business (Scored/Delinquency Managed), Corporate Card, Business Card

(8) Rates are equal to zero by definition.

(9) All rates are annualized.

(10) Include loans secured by farmland here (RCFD1420) and other loans not accounted for in the other categories.

(11) A Sum of line items 36C and 39 equals a sum of RCFD3190, RCFD3200, and interest-bearing liabilities reported in RCFD2930; line item 40 captures non-interest bearing liabilities in RCFD2930

Are Other Average Interest-Bearing Asset Balances more than 5% of Total Average Interest-Bearing Asset Balances?

Are Other Average Deposit and Interest-Bearing Non-Deposit Liability Balances more than 5% of Total Average Interest-Bearing Liability Balances?

Sheet 21: PPNR Metrics Worksheet

Bank PPNR Metrics Worksheet: XYZ in Baseline

Instructions: Banks to complete non shaded cells only; all shaded cells with embedded formulas will self populate. Quarterly items should be reported by quarter, and not on a year-to-date basis.


Call Report Codes
PQ 1 PQ 2 PQ 3 PQ 4 PQ 5 PQ 6 PQ 7 PQ 8 PQ 9

A. Metrics by Business Segment/Line (9)

Retail and Small Business Segment

Domestic (24)

Credit and Charge Cards

1 Total Open Accounts – End of Period


2 Credit and Charge Card Purchase Volume


3 Credit and Charge Card Rewards/Partner Sharing Expense (23) (34)


Mortgages and Home Equity

4 Average Third-Party Residential Mortgages Serviced (3)


5 Residential Mortgage Originations Industry Market Size – Volume (25)


6 Mortgages and Home Equity Sold during the quarter (26) RCONF070+RCONF071+RCONF674+RCONF675

7 Servicing Expenses (8)


Retail and Small Business Deposits

8 Total Open Checking and Money Market Accounts – End of Period (31)


9 Debit Card Purchase Transactions


International Retail and Small Business (12)

10 Credit Card Revenues (1)


Investment Banking Segment

11 Number of Employees (15)


12 Compensation - Total (8)


13 Stock Based Compensation and Cash Variable Pay (8)



14 Deal Volume


15 Industry Market Size - Fees


16 Industry Market Size - Completed Deal Volume


17 Backlog (30)


Equity Capital Markets

18 Deal Volume


19 Industry Market Size - Fees


20 Industry Market Size - Volume


Debt Capital Markets

21 Deal Volume


22 Industry Market Size - Fees


23 Industry Market Size - Volume


Syndicated Lending

24 Deal Volume


25 Industry Market Size - Fees


26 Industry Market Size - Volume


Merchant Banking / Private Equity

27 AUM (10)


Sales and Trading Segment

28 Number of Employees (15)


29 Total Proprietary Trading Revenue


30 Compensation - Total (8)


31 Stock Based Compensation and Cash Variable Pay (8)



32 Average Asset Balance


Fixed Income

33 Average Asset Balance



34 Average Asset Balance


Prime Brokerage

35 Average Client Balances (13)


36 Transaction Volume


Investment Management Segment

Asset Management

37 AUM - Total (10)

- - - - - - - - -
37A AUM - Equities


37B AUM - Fixed Income


37C AUM - Other


38 Net Inflows/Outflows


Wealth Management/Private Banking

39 AUM - Total (10)

- - - - - - - - -
39A AUM - Equities


39B AUM - Fixed Income


39C AUM - Other


40 Net Inflows/Outflows


41 Number of Financial Advisors (11)


Investment Services Segment

Asset Servicing

42 Assets under Custody and Administration


Issuer Services

43 Corporate Trust Deals Administered


B. Firm Wide Metrics: PPNR Projections Worksheet

44 Number of Employees RIAD4150

45 Revenues - International

- - - - - - - - -
45A Revenues - APAC (2) (16)


45B Revenues - EMEA (2) (17)


45C Revenues - LatAm (2) (18)


45D Revenues - Canada (2)


46 Revenues - Domestic

- - - - - - - - -
47 Severance Costs (14)


48 Collateral Underlying Operating Leases for Which the Bank is the Lessor (22)

- - - - - - - - -
48A Auto

- - - - - - - - -
48B Other

- - - - - - - - -
49 OREO Balance RCFD2150
- - - - - - - - -
49A Commercial

- - - - - - - - -
49B Residential

- - - - - - - - -
49C Farmland

- - - - - - - - -
50 Non-Recurring PPNR Items (32)


51 Trading Revenue RIADA220

52 Net Gains/(Losses) on Sales of Other Real Estate Owned (19) RIAD8561

C. Firm Wide Metrics: Net Interest Income Worksheet (Required only for Banks that were required to complete the Net Interest Income Worksheet)

53 Carrying Value of Purchased Credit Impaired (PCI) Loans RCFDC780

54 Net Accretion of discount on PCI Loans included in interest Revenues


55 Loans Held for Sale - First Lien Residential Liens in Domestic Offices (Average Balances)


56 Average Rate on Loans Held for Sale-First Lien Residential Liens in Domestic Offices


Quarter End Weighted Average Life of Assets (4) (6)

57 First Lien Residential Mortgages (in Domestic Offices) (33)


58 Closed-End Junior Residential Liens (in Domestic Offices)


59 Home Equity Lines Of Credit (HELOCs)


60 C&I Loans


61 CRE Loans (in Domestic Offices)


62 Credit Cards


63 Auto Loans


64 Student Loans


65 Other, incl. loans backed by securities (non-purpose lending) (7)


66 Residential Mortgages (First and Second Lien, Not in Domestic Offices)


67 Other Real Estate Loans (Not in Domestic Offices)


68 Other Loans & Leases


69 Securities (AFS and HTM) - Treasuries and Agency Debentures


70 Securities (AFS and HTM) - Agency RMBS (both CMOs and pass-throughs)


71 Securities (AFS and HTM) - Other


72 Trading Assets


73 All Other Earning Assets


Quarter End Weighted Average Life of Liabilities (4) (6)

74 Domestic Deposits - Time


75 Foreign Deposits-Time


76 Fed Funds


77 Repos


78 Other Short Term Borrowing


79 Trading Liabilities


80 Subordinated Notes Payable to Unconsolidated Trusts Issuing TruPS and TruPS Issued by Consolidated Special Purpose Entities


81 All Other Interest Bearing Liabitilies


Average Domestic Deposit Repricing Beta in a 'Normal Environment' (5)

For upward rate movements For downward rate movements Assumed Floor

82 Money Market Accounts

basis points

83 Savings

basis points

84 NOW, ATS, and other Transaction Accounts

basis points

85 Time Deposits

basis points

Average Foreign Deposit Repricing Beta in a 'Normal Environment' (5)

86 Foreign Deposits

basis points

87 Foreign Deposits-Time

basis points

88 New Domestic Business Pricing for Time Deposits (27)

88A Curve (if multiple terms assumed) (28)

88B Index rate (if single term assumed) (29)

88C Spread relative to the Index Rate (29)

basis points

Footnotes to the PPNR Metrics Worksheet

(1) Provide metrics data for all quarters, but only if International Retail and Small Business Segment revenues exceeded 5% of Total Retail and Small Business Segment and Total Retail and Small Business revenue exceeded 5% of total revenues in any of the last four actual quarters requested in the PPNR schedule.

(2) Provide regional breakouts for all quarters but only if international revenue exceeded 5% of the total revenue in any of the last four actual quarters requested in the PPNR schedule.

(3) Average oustanding principal balance fo residential mortgage loans the bank services for others.

(4) The Weighted Average Life should reflect the current position, the impact of new business activity, as well as the impact of behavioral assumptions such as prepayments or defaults, based on the expected remaining lives, inclusive of behavioral assumptions. It should reflect the weighted average of time to principal actual repayment (as modeled) for all positions in that portfolio, rounded to the nearest monthly term. For revolving products, the WAL should reflect the underlying repayment behavior assumptions assumed by the institution, which would include contractual repayments, any assumed excess payments or prepayments, and defaults.

(5) A rate movement in an environment where the repricing assumption assumed by each of the major deposit products is not restricted by a cap, floor, or zero. Beta should be reported as a balance-weighted average of the betas of the line items that contribute to the roll up point requested, with an as-of date equal to the reporting date.

(6) Reference PPNR Net Interest Income worksheet for product definitions.

(7) Corresponds to line item 7C on the Net Interest Income worksheet.

(8) Include both direct and allocated expenses.

(9) "Metrics by Business Segment/Line" correspond to Business Segments/Lines on PPNR Submission worksheet, unless explicitly stated otherwise. See Instructions for defintions of standardized Business Segments/Lines. Unless specified otherwise, all numbers are global. Only line items with "Industry Market Size" in the name are industry/market-wide items; all other items are bank-specific.

(10) Assets under Management

(11) Provide a relevant headcount number (e.g. financial advisors, portfolio managers) to facilitate the assessment of revenue productivity in the Wealth Management/Private Banking business line.

(12) Regions outside the US and Puerto Rico.

(13) Report the grossed up "interest" balances that result from prime brokerage activities.

(14) List items on PPNR Projections worksheet that include this item if any:

(15) Full-time equivalent employees at end of current period (RIAD4150) for a given segment only.

(16) Asia and Pacific region (incl. South Asia, Australia, and New Zealand)

(17) Europe, Middle East, and Africa

(18) Latin America, including Mexico

(19) List Business Segments reported on PPNR Projections Worksheet that include this item if any:

(20) List Business Segments reported on PPNR Projections Worksheet that include this item if any:

(21) List Business Segments reported on PPNR Projections Worksheet that include this item if any:

(22) Refers to the balance sheet carrying amount of any equipment or other asset rented to others under operating leases, net of accumulated depreciation. The total in line item 49 should correspond to the amount provided in Call Report Schedule RC-F Line 6, item 14 in the instructions. The amount included should only reflect collateral rented under operating leases and not include collateral subject to capital/ financing type leases.

(23) Credit cards (including charge cards). List which line item(s) on PPNR Submission worksheet contain(s) the Cards Rewards/Partner Sharing contra-revenues and/or expenses.

(24) Applies to line items 1-9; US and Puerto Rico only.

(25) Total domestic mortgages originated during the quarter.

(26) Call Report name is "Residential Mortgages Sold During the Quarter"; this metric need not be limited to Mortgages and Home Equity business line.

(27) New business pricing for time deposits refers to the anticipated average rate on newly issued domestic time deposits, including renewals. Given that time deposits have a stated maturity, all time deposits issued for that time period are considered new business.

(28) The term “curve” refers to the reference rate used to price time deposits. Given that the pricing of time deposits is dependent on the term, the institution should provide the overall curve used to price time deposits. If the institution only assumes a single maturity term for new issuances, complete line 88B and 88C only, otherwise complete line 88A only.

(29) If the institution only assumes a single maturity term for new issuance, then the institution should provide the relative index and spread used to estimate new business pricing in lieu of the curve.

(30) A backlog should be based on probability weighted fees. The data should be consistent with historical internal reporting, not by market measurement. The last quarter should be the Bank’s latest backlog estimate.

(31) Provide description of the accounts included in this line item (e.g. Negotiable Order of Withdrawal, Interest Bearing Checking, Non Interest Bearing Demand Deposit Account, Money Market Savings, etc.)

(32) Please break out and explain nature of non-recurring items included in PPNR. Also indicate which items on PPRN Projections worksheet include the items broken out in footnote 32:

(a) Revenues (Net Interest Income + Non Interest Income)

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

(b) Non Interest Expenses

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

$ Milllion

(33) For WAL, exclude from the reported number Loans Held For Sale

(34) Note if this item includes any contra-revenues other than Rewards/Partner Sharing (e.g. Marketing Expense Amortization)

Do international revenues exceed 5% of total revenues?

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