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pdfe-snaps Instructional Guide
CoC Registration
and CoC Review Instructional Guide
Version 1, 2014
CoC Registration and CoC Review
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 1
Overview of the Registration Process ............................................................................. 1
CoC Registration Flow Chart .......................................................................................... 2
Overview of this Instructional Guide ............................................................................... 3
Highlights for the FY 2014 CoC Program Competition .................................................... 4
Accessing e-snaps ........................................................................................................ 6
Existing Users ................................................................................................................ 7
New e-snaps Users ........................................................................................................ 7
Adding and Deleting Registrants .................................................................................... 8
Add a Registrant ................................................................................................. 9
Delete a Registrant ............................................................................................11
Edit Registrant Information .................................................................................11
Accessing CoC Registration ...................................................................................... 12
CoC Applicant Profile ....................................................................................................13
Funding Opportunity Registration ..................................................................................14
Creating the CoC Registration Project ...........................................................................16
Submissions ..................................................................................................................19
CoC Registration ......................................................................................................... 20
Accessing the CoC Registration ....................................................................................20
Before Starting Continuum of Care Registration ............................................................21
1. Continuum of Care Organization ...............................................................................22
2. Continuum of Care Claimed Geographic Area(s) .......................................................24
3. Maximum Funding Need............................................................................................25
4. UFA Capacity - CoC Responsibilities.........................................................................27
5. UFA Financial Management ......................................................................................33
6. UFA Sub-recipients Management ..............................................................................37
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6a. UFA Sub-Recipients List..........................................................................................39
4. Attachments (#7 for UFA Attachments) .....................................................................40
Attachments for Collaborative Applicants ......................................................................41
Attachments for Collaborative Applicants Applying for a UFA designation ....................43
11. Certification .............................................................................................................45
12. Submission Summary ..............................................................................................46
Submitting the CoC Registration ........................................................................48
Exporting to PDF................................................................................................49
CoC Review ................................................................................................................. 50
Accessing CoC Review .................................................................................................51
1. Approved CoC Type Designation ..............................................................................52
2. CoC Geographic Area(s) ...........................................................................................53
3. CoC Maximum Funding Need Amounts.....................................................................54
4. Attachments ..............................................................................................................55
5. Submission Summary ................................................................................................56
Submitting the CoC Review ...............................................................................57
Exporting to PDF................................................................................................58
Agreeing With or Disputing CoC Review .................................................................. 59
Next Steps.................................................................................................................... 60
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CoC Registration and CoC Review
Welcome to the Continuum of Care (CoC) Registration and CoC Review instructional guide. This
resource covers important information about accessing and completing the CoC Registration and CoC
Review for the annual CoC Program Competition.
The FY 2014 CoC Registration period opened on July 18, 2014 and will close at 7:59:59 pm EST on
August 6, 2014.
The Collaborative Applicant is responsible for completing the modified Fiscal Year (FY) CoC Registration
for the FY 2014 CoC Program Competition Project Application Process and submitting the FY 2014 CoC
Priority Listing and Project Application. Collaborative Applicants may also apply for Unified Funding
Agency (UFA) designation.
Prior to using this instructional guide, Collaborative Applicants must have completed the
Collaborative Applicant Profile. In order to meet that requirement, the Collaborative
Applicant Profile's "Complete" button must be selected during the competition period. A
separate Applicant Profile instructional guide is available on the CoC Program Competition
Resources webpage at:
The Collaborative Applicant's name must match: 1) the CoC Applicant Profile, 2)
CoC Registration and CoC Priority Listing, AND 3) the Grant Inventory Worksheet.
Further, the Collaborative Applicant is also the only organization that can apply for
the CoC Planning funds in the project application process.
By the end of this instructional guide, you should be able to do the following:
1. Access e-snaps
2. Access, review, and submit the CoC Registration
3. Access, review to agree or disagree with, and submit the CoC Review
Overview of the Registration Process
HUD's Notice of Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Opportunity to Register and Other Important Information for
Electronic Application Submission for the FY 2014 Component of the 2013-2014 Continuum of Care
(CoC) Program Competition (modified FY 2014 CoC Registration) requires each CoC to designate a
Collaborative Applicant to register in advance of applying for funding under the FY 2014 CoC Program
Competition Project Application Process. Collaborative Applicants must complete the annual registration
using e-snaps, a web-based portal accessible at
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Each Collaborative Applicant must complete and submit a registration on behalf of the CoC in e-snaps.
Registration in e-snaps allows for all the following:
Collaborative Applicants to review the CoC geographic area approved in the FY 2013 CoC
Registration; however, Collaborative Applicants will not be able to change the geographic code(s)
listed in e-snaps as the screen is read-only.
HUD to apportion Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN) dollars associated with the CoC’s
geographic area
Collaborative Applicants to identify grants that are eligible for renewal funding with FY 2014 funds
and record the Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) through the use of the Grant Inventory
Worksheet (GIW)
HUD to calculate the Collaborative Applicant's Final Pro Rata Need amount for FY 2014 funds
HUD to inform each CoC of the amount available for CoC Planning funds
Collaborative Applicants to apply for UFA designation
HUD to inform Collaborative Applicants designated as UFA of the amount available for UFA costs
Collaborative Applicants to confirm their intent to submit project applications for FY 2014 funds on
behalf of the CoC
Is there a new Primary Contact for the organization currently serving as the Collaborative
Applicant, or has the organization designated as the Collaborative Applicant for the CoC
changed? Please see the following resource on the CoC Program Competition Resources
webpage and contact HUD Exchange Ask A Question, both located on the HUD Exchange:
Updating CoC Primary Contacts, at:
HUD Exchange Ask A Question, at:
CoC Registration Flow Chart
The following flow chart depicts the CoC Registration process. After HUD announces the opening of the
CoC Registration period, the initial Registration process will be open to Collaborative Applicants for 20
days. During the 20-day period, Collaborative Applicants will review and complete, as required, the
registration forms in e-snaps, including the UFA forms if a Collaborative Applicant is requesting UFA
As part of the Registration process, HUD requires Collaborative Applicants to update the CoC Applicant
Profile to ensure that contact information and organizational documentation is up-to-date. Then, the
Collaborative Applicant submits the Registration, HUD reviews it, and, through e-snaps, HUD provides
the Collaborative Applicant with its determinations in the CoC Review. The Collaborative Applicant may
either agree with or dispute the determinations, and then HUD finalizes the CoC Registration.
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Overview of this Instructional Guide
The organization of material in this instructional guide corresponds with the different parts of the CoC
Registration, and the instructional steps follow the progression of screens in e-snaps. The various
questions include the following:
Accessing e-snaps. All e-snaps users require usernames and passwords in order to log in to
the online e-snaps system. In order to see an organization's Applicant Profile, CoC Registration,
etc., the e-snaps user must be associated as a "registrant" with the organization's e-snaps
account. This section identifies the steps to create user profiles and add/delete registrants.
CoC Applicant Profile. The Collaborative Applicant must review the Applicant Profile, update
the information as necessary, and select the "Complete" button in order to proceed with the CoC
Registration process. This section provides an overview of this requirement. Detailed
instructions are provided in the Collaborative Applicant Profile instructional guide on the CoC
Program Competition at:
Accessing CoC Registration. After the Collaborative Applicant Profile is completed,
Collaborative Applicants must follow a series of steps in order to access the CoC Registration
forms. The steps discussed in this section include registering the Collaborative Applicant for the
FY 2014 funding process under the modified FY 2014 CoC Program Registration Notice and later
access to the FY 2014 CoC Priority Listing.
CoC Registration. After accessing the modified FY 2014 CoC Program Registration Notice,
Collaborative Applicants must complete a series of screens to provide information about the CoC.
This section provides instructions for each screen. Once the Collaborative Applicant has
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provided all required information, the Collaborative Applicant then submits the CoC Registration
for HUD review.
CoC Review. After the CoC Registrations are submitted, HUD reviews the registrations from all
CoCs and then sends a listserv message announcing when Collaborative Applicants can log in to
e-snaps to access the CoC Review on the "Submissions" screen. At that point, the Collaborative
Applicant must review HUD's determination of its maximum funding needs, and UFA designation,
if requested. This section provides instructions on how to agree with or dispute these
Next Steps. This section discusses what occurs after the Collaborative Applicant submits the
CoC Review. Collaborative Applicants that agree with and submit the CoC Review will then be
finished with the CoC Registration. HUD will review for a second time Registrations that
Collaborative Applicants dispute and submit the CoC Review.
After HUD conducts the second review, the determination is final and Collaborative
Applicant must agree and submit the CoC Review, and then the CoC will be finished with
CoC Registration. If a Collaborative Applicant fails to agree and submit the CoC Review,
the Collaborative Applicant will not have access to the FY 2014 CoC Priority Listing and
will not be able to submit project applications on behalf of the CoC for the FY 2014 CoC
Program Competition.
Highlights for the FY 2014 CoC Program Competition
There are several items to highlight FY 2014.
CoC Application. Collaborative Applicants will NOT submit a CoC Application as part of the
CoC Consolidated Application for the FY 2014 CoC Program Competition–except in the case of a
Competing CoC. See the modified FY 2014 CoC Registration Notice for registration
requirements if this occurs in your CoC. The FY 2013/FY 2014 CoC Application that was
submitted during the FY 2013 portion of the FY 2013 - FY 2014 CoC Program Competition
applies to FY 2013 and FY 2014 funding years. HUD has moved the reallocation forms from the
FY 2013/FY 2014 CoC Application to the FY 2014 CoC Priority Listing to allow Collaborative
Applicants the ability to identify any eligible renewal projects that will be reduced or eliminated to
create new projects.
Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW). Collaborative Applicants are NOT required to attach the
CoC's GIW to CoC Registration in e-snaps during the FY 2014 CoC Program Competition.
Nevertheless, Collaborative Applicants still must use the final HUD-approved GIW to enter the
CoC's Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) amount. The GIW will be a required attachment for the
CoC Priority Listing.
Importing Data. Collaborative Applicants and Project Applicants will be able to import data from
the previous CoC Registration and Project Applications. Collaborative Applicants MUST import
the FY 2013 CoC Registration information for the modified FY 2014 CoC Registration process.
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Unified Funding Agency (UFA). A Collaborative Applicant may apply for UFA designation. If
approved by HUD, the UFA-designated Collaborative Application will be eligible to apply for UFA
costs. Collaborative Applicants must submit their request for UFA designation during registration
in e-snaps. In e-snaps, the terms "CA," means Collaborative Applicant and "UFA," means the
Collaborative Applicant requesting or designated as UFA.
Regardless of whether a Collaborative Applicant was designated as a UFA for FY 2013, it must
apply for UFA designation in the FY 2014 CoC Program Competition if it intends to seek the UFA
designation during the FY 2014 funding cycle.
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Accessing e-snaps
HUD requires applicants to use e-snaps to access the CoC Registration, CoC Priority Listing, and
associated application forms that must be submitted electronically during the annual CoC Program
Competition under the CoC Registration Notice and Funding Notice for the CoC Program.
Log in
Create a user
profile here
All e-snaps users must have their own log-in credentials. Each organization should have
two people with access to e-snaps—the Primary Contact and one or more additional
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Existing Users
Direct your Internet browser to
On the left menu bar, enter the username and password, then select the login button. You
will then enter e-snaps and arrive at the "Welcome" screen.
If you forgot your password, select "Forgot your password?" under the "Login" button.
New e-snaps Users
Create an e-snaps username and password by selecting the "Create Profile" link.
Log-in as instructed under Existing Users above.
For a refresher on navigating e-snaps, the "Introduction to e-snaps Features and
Functions" resource is available on the CoC Program Competition Resources webpage on
the HUD Exchange at:
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Adding and Deleting Registrants
Having a user profile enables individuals to access e-snaps; however, only individuals who have been
associated with the organization as a Registrant (also referred to as a registered user) have the ability to
enter information in the Applicant Profile, Registration, and applications associated with the organization.
Anyone with access to an organization’s e-snaps account (i.e., who can see the organization’s Applicant
Profile, past Registrations and CoC Applications, etc.) can add or remove other Registrants by following
the instructions below.
Access Registrant
Select "Applicants" on the left menu bar.
On the "Applicants" screen, click the "Registrant" icon.
and is located to the left of the Applicant Name.
This icon looks like a person
Before anyone can be added as a Registrant in e-snaps, the individual must have an
e-snaps user profile with a username and password. The username and email address
that was used to create the e-snaps user profile will be used when adding the person as a
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Add a Registrant
Add a
Select the "Add Registrant" icon.
This icon is at the top left of the list.
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Obtain and enter
username and
email address
Enter the user name and email address of the registrant.
There is a new "Group" field. Because this item is NOT being used during the FY
2014 CoC Program Competition no action is required by you.
Select the "Add Registrant" button.
Select the "Back to List" button to return to the "Registrants" screen, where you will see the
person added to the list.
On the "Registrants" screen, select the "Back to List" button to return to the "Applicants"
For information on how to add and delete users, refer to the Adding and Deleting Users
resource on the CoC Program Competition Resources webpage on the HUD Exchange at:
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Delete a Registrant
Deleting a user removes (dissociates) the user from the Applicant Profile, which means they will no longer
be able to access the organization’s Applicant Profile, Registration, or applications; however, the deleted
user will still be able to access e-snaps.
"Delete" icon
Select the "Delete" icon
next to the person's name.
Select the "Back to List" button to return to the "Applicants" screen.
Edit Registrant Information
To edit a Registrant's information, delete the person first and then add the person again.
Select the "Delete" icon
next to the person's name.
Follow the instructions on page 10 for adding the person again with the correct information.
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Accessing CoC Registration
After the Applicant Profile is completed, Collaborative Applicants can move to the next steps required to
access the CoC Registration forms. This section covers the following:
CoC Applicant Profile
Funding Opportunity Registration
CoC Registration Projects
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CoC Applicant Profile
Collaborative Applicants must complete the Collaborative Applicant Profile before moving forward in the
CoC Registration process. For the CoC Applicant Profile to be complete, the Collaborative Applicant
must ensure the data entered in the CoC Applicant Profile is accurate and select the “Complete” button
on the Submission Summary screen of the CoC Applicant Profile within the time period of the CoC
Registration (i.e., between the opening and closing date of CoC Registration).
The Collaborative Applicant name in the CoC Applicant Profile MUST match the Collaborative Applicant
name listed on the GIW, as well as the Collaborative Applicant name under which the CoC Registration
and CoC Priority Listing are submitted. The Collaborative Applicant must be designated by the CoC to
complete the CoC Registration and all other competition related activities.
This section highlights key information needed to successfully complete this step. It does NOT provide
detailed instructions.
The Collaborative Applicant Profile instructional guide provides detailed, step-by-step
instructions for completing the Applicant Profile. It is available at
Accessing the Collaborative Applicant Profile. To access the Collaborative Applicant Profile,
log in to e-snaps, select "Applicants" on the left menu bar, ensure that the correct Applicant name
in the "Applicants" field at the top left side of the screen is selected, and select the orange folder
to the left of the Applicant name on the screen.
Important: The Collaborative Applicant MUST select the CoC process from "Applicants," not the
Project Applicant. In most cases, a Collaborative Applicant will have two different "Applicants:"
1) CoC Applicant (e.g., CoC Name-Number) for the CoC Registration and CoC Priority Listing,
and 2) Project Applicant for the CoC Planning, UFA Costs (if designated UFA) and any other
types of projects for which the Collaborative Applicant is also the Project Applicant.
Selecting the "Complete" button after the CoC Registration opening date. When the
Collaborative Applicant logs in the first time after the CoC Registration period opens, even if there
is a statement "This e.Form has been marked as complete," the Collaborative Applicant must put
the forms in edit-mode (select the "Edit" button on the “Submission Summary” screen) and select
the "Complete" button again.
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Funding Opportunity Registration
All Collaborative Applicants must register the CoC for the funding opportunity. During CoC Registration,
registering for the funding opportunity indicates to HUD that the CoC will be applying for funds during the
CoC Program Competition.
This step does not register the CoC for the competition process, but it allows the
Collaborative Applicant to proceed to the next steps to access the CoC Registration
forms in e-snaps.
Confirm the correct
Applicant listed in the
Note Funding
Opportunity Name
Select "Funding
Select "Funding Opportunity Registrations" on the left menu bar.
The "Funding Opportunity Registrations" screen appears.
Select the "Register" icon
next to "CoC Registration and Application FY2014."
The "Funding Opportunity Details" screen appears.
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The CoC is NOT yet
registered for the
Proceed through
the steps to access
and submit the CoC
When the question appears asking if you want to register the applicant for the funding
opportunity, select "Yes."
The screen will then indicate that the CoC has been registered for the funding opportunity.
Remember, this is only registering for the funding opportunity; the CoC is NOT
registered for the FY 2014 process at this point.
Select the "Back" button to return to the "Funding Opportunity Registrations" screen and
proceed to the next page for the next required steps to register.
Remember, the "Applicant" field with the dropdown menu located at the top of the screen
identifies the Applicant Profile in which you are working.
Please ensure you are working in the correct one.
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Creating the CoC Registration Project
Collaborative Applicants must create a project for the CoC Registration in e-snaps on the "Projects"
screen. Once the Collaborative Applicant "creates" the project, it will appear on this screen and the term
"CoC Registration and Application FY2014" will appear under the "Funding Opportunity Name" column.
Returning Collaborative Applicants MUST import the previous year’s CoC
Select FY2014
"Add" icon appears
after selection in
dropdown menu.
Select "Projects" on the left menu bar.
The "Projects" screen appears.
Select "CoC Registration and Application FY2014" from the "Funding Opportunity Name"
The screen refreshes and an "Add" icon
the column headings.
appears on the left side of the screen above
Select the "Add" icon.
The "Create a Project" screen appears.
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See Step 2 in
for the
import the
year’s CoC
On the "Create a Project" screen, the CoC Applicant Name will be populated.
In the "Applicant Project Name" field, enter the CoC Number followed by the words
"CoC Registration FY2014."
For example, the Scranton/Lackawanna County CoC should enter:
PA-508 CoC Registration FY2014
In the "Import Data From": field, select the CoC Registration 2013. This will ensure that
your CoC’s FY 2013 CoC Registration information is imported and will decrease the
amount of information that must be entered for the modified FY 2014 CoC Registration
If a Collaborative Applicant does not import the previous year’s CoC Registration, it
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must fully complete the modified FY 2014 CoC Registration, which may cause a
delay in HUD review.
Select "Save & Back" to return to the "Projects" screen.
The project name is listed in the menu.
Select the "View" icon
to view project details; however, it is not necessary to
enter any notes on that page.
Remember, the "Applicant" field with the dropdown menu located at the top of the screen
identifies the Applicant Profile in which you are working.
You must be working in the CoC Applicant Profile.
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After completing the CoC Applicant Profile, registering for the Funding Opportunity, and creating the CoC
Registration project, CoC Collaborative Applicants may now enter the CoC Registration and complete the
forms. You may access the CoC Registration forms through the "Submissions" screen.
Use the Filters to
find the FY 2014
Select "Submissions" on the left menu bar.
The "Submissions" screen appears.
Locate the CoC Registration project you established.
Option: Use the "Submissions Filters." Select "CoC Registration 2014" in the
Project Name field. Then select the "Filter" button to single out your project(s).
Option: Select "Clear Filters" on the top left of the "Submissions Filters" box. Then,
review the "Funding Opportunity Name / Step Name" column for "CoC Registration
and Application FY2014 / Registration FY2014."
Continue with the instructions in the next section for the completing the CoC Registration.
Remember, the "Applicant" field with the dropdown menu located at the top of the screen
identifies the Applicant Profile in which you are working.
You must be working in the CoC Applicant Profile.
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CoC Registration
The following sections identify the steps for completing the CoC registration forms in e-snaps.
Some data may pre-populate from the CoC Applicant Profile (i.e., e-snaps will populate the
data from the CoC Applicant Profile).
Review the pre-populated data. If it is not correct, you must edit the CoC Applicant Profile
making sure to select the "Complete" button after editing so that the data can be pulled
forward again.
Accessing the CoC Registration
Access the CoC Registration through the "Submissions" screen.
Access CoC
Select "Submissions" on the left menu bar.
The "Submissions" screen appears.
Select the "Folder" icon
to the left of the CoC Registration project you established with
the Funding Opportunity Name "CoC Registration and Application FY2014 / Registration
The "Before Starting" screen appears.
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Before Starting Continuum of Care Registration
Before you begin reviewing and completing the modified FY 2014 CoC Registration, review the following
information highlighted on this "Before Starting Continuum of Care Registration" screen.
If needed, review
Applicant Profile
Read this
Return to
Submissions List
The CoC Registration process will be open for 20 calendar days from the date that e-snaps opens on
July 18, 2014. HUD will assess and provide notice of approval for each registration submitted by the
registration deadline.
The "Before Starting Continuum of Care Registration" screen also contains quick links to the following:
HUD's Homeless Assistance Program Listserv, modified FY 2014 CoC Registration Notice, the HUD
Exchange, and HEARTH training and resources.
Select "Next."
When working in the CoC Registration, e-snaps users can return to the main screen by
selecting "Back to Submissions List" at the bottom of the left menu bar. The main screen is
where Applicant, Funding Opportunity Registration, Projects, and Submissions are located.
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1. Continuum of Care Organization
On the "Continuum of Care Organization" screen, review data about the CoC.
Collaborative Applicants designated as UFAs in the FY 2013 CoC Program
Competition that want to continue as UFAs MUST request UFA designation in the FY
2014 CoC Program Competition. They will not automatically be designated as UFAs.
See Step 1:
Select CA or
If "Yes," select "Save"
for additional screens to
The left menu bar will populate with the appropriate forms AFTER selecting the Type of
Collaborative Applicants that are requesting UFA designation will have access to the
additional UFA screens that must be completed in full. Collaborative Applicants that are
not applying for UFA designation will not see the UFA screens.
Throughout e-snaps, you will see "Instructions" listed at the top left of most screens. Select
"show" to open additional instructions for the screen. Select "hide" when you no longer
need the instructions.
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Select the "Type of CoC" as either CA (Collaborative Applicant) or UFA (Collaborative
Applicant requesting UFA designation).
If a Collaborative Applicant imported:
The "CoC Number and Name" is read-only for those Collaborative Applicants who imported
their information from FY 2013.
If a Collaborative Applicant is a competing CoC
(and therefore would not have imported a prior registration):
Competing CoCs will select the "CoC Number and Name" in which you are competing from
the dropdown.
The "Legal Name of Organization" field is pre-populated based on the name entered in the
CoC Applicant Profile.
The State in which the CoC claims geography is read-only.
Competing CoCs will select the state(s) in which your CoC is located.
If your CoC spans more than one state, select the Ctrl button on your keyboard as
you make your selections and then select the single right arrow button to move
your state(s) into the "Selected Items" list.
Reminder: As stated in the modified FY 2014 CoC Program Registration Notice,
competing CoCs must claim the entire CoC geographic area. See the modified FY
2014 CoC Program Registration Notice for further guidance.
The CoC merged question is read-only and based on the selection made in the FY 2013
CoC Registration process. The merger process is not allowed in the FY 2014 CoC
Program Competition.
Select "Save & Next."
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2. Continuum of Care Claimed Geographic Area(s)
On the "CoC Claimed Geographic Area(s)" screen, review the geographic area(s) that the CoC serves.
If a Collaborative Applicant imported:
This screen is read-only.
If a Collaborative Applicant is a competing CoC
and therefore would not have imported a prior registration:
Competing CoCs will select the geographic area(s) claimed by the CoC.
If your geo code is not on the list, check to be sure you have selected the correct
state(s) on the "CoC Organization" screen.
To select more than one geographic area at once, select the Ctrl button on your keyboard
as you make your selections and then select the single right arrow button to move the
geographic areas into the "Selected Items" list.
Reminder: Competing CoCs must claim all of the geographic codes for which they will
compete. See the modified FY 2014 CoC Program Registration Notice for further
Select "Save & Next.”
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3. Maximum Funding Need
This is the form used by Collaborative Applicants to enter the CoC's ARD amount, if the CoC merged in
the FY 2013 CoC Registration process, enter the FY 2013 merged amount, and indicate if the CoC
intends to reallocate projects in the FY 2014 funding process.
Annual Renewal Demand (ARD)
The ARD is the CoC's total amount for all of the eligible renewal grants that can apply for
renewal funding in the FY 2014 funding process. It includes funds only for those eligible
activities (operating, supportive services, leasing, rental assistance, HMIS and
administration) that were funded in the original grant (or the original grant as amended),
less the non-renewable activities (new construction, acquisition, rehabilitation and any
administrative costs related to these activities).
The "Maximum Amount Available for UFA Costs” field is only visible to Collaborative
Applicants who marked “UFA” on screen 1.
Enter the Total CoC’s Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) identified on the Grant Inventory
Enter the CoC's FY 2013 merged need amount as approved by HUD, if applicable. As the
modified FY 2014 Registration Notice states, there are no new HUD recognized merges in
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the FY 2014 registration process.
If not applicable, enter a "0."
The Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN) Total is read-only.
Maximum Amount Available for Planning is read-only and based on 1.25 percent of the
CoC ARD or PPRN, whichever is higher.
Maximum Amount Available for UFA Cost will only be available for Collaborative
Applicants requesting UFA designation. This field is read-only and based on .50
percent of the CoC ARD or PPRN, whichever is higher.
Select "Yes" or "No" to the question, "For this year's competition, is the CoC planning to
participate in the reallocation process?"
If you select "No," select "Save & Next" and continue to the next screen.
If you select "Yes" an additional question will appear. The Collaborative Applicant
must enter an amount that is expected to be reallocated from eligible renewal
Because the question of reallocation and the associated estimated amount is for planning
purposes only, HUD will not hold Collaborative Applicants and CoCs to their responses.
Select "Save & Next.”
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4. UFA Capacity - CoC Responsibilities
Collaborative Applicants that are not applying for UFA designation will not be able to see
UFA screens and should proceed to the 4."Attachments" screen.
However, Collaborative Applicants who may request UFA designation in the future are
invited to review the questions and criteria to become familiar with the requirements. If this
is the case, return to the first screen "Continuum of Care Organization" and change the
"Type of CoC" from "CA" to "UFA." Though questions may change from year to year,
applicants can get the general idea of what is being asked.
Once you have finished reviewing the questions, be sure to return to "Continuum of Care
Organization" and change the "Type of CoC" back to "CA" in order to complete and submit
Collaborative Applicants requesting UFA designation are required to complete the following
4. UFA Capacity - CoC Responsibilities
5. UFA Financial Management
6. UFA Sub-recipients Management
6a. UFA Sub-Recipients List
7. Attachments
On the "UFA Capacity - CoC Responsibilities" screen, enter information about how the CoC meets its
responsibilities related to CoC governance, written policies and meetings, HMIS, performance targets and
monitoring, centralized or coordinated assessment systems, written standards, coordination with
recipients, and more. These questions are in the context of the CoC and are not UFA-specific.
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Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the CoC holds at least
semi-annual full membership meetings with a published agenda. If "Yes" is selected, the
Collaborative Applicant must attach a zip file that contains copies of the published agendas
for meetings that occurred July 1, 2013 through July 1, 2014.)
Select "Yes" or "No," from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the CoC has an open
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invitation process for new members.
If "Yes", indicate the page(s) where this information can be found in the attached
CoC Governance Agreement.
There is a 350 character limit.
If "No", skip the next field.
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the CoC has a written
process to select the board.
If "Yes", identify in the next field the date the written process was approved by the
CoC. Use the calendar icon
to enter the date.
If "No", skip the next field.
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the CoC Governance
Agreement lists the committees, subcommittees, or workgroups appointed by the CoC.
If yes, indicate the page(s) where this information can be found in the CoC
Governance Agreement. There is a 250 character limit.
If "No", skip the next field.
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the governance charter,
in consultation with the Collaborative Applicant and HMIS lead, has been developed,
followed, and updated with all required procedures and policies annually.
If "Yes", identify "Yes" or "No" in the next field to indicate whether the charter
complies with Subpart B of the CoC Program interim rule and with the HMIS
If "No", skip the next field.
Enter text describing how the CoC establishes performance targets for the CoC-funded
projects. Be specific. There is a 750 character limit.
Enter text describing the applicant's process for gathering input from recipients and
subrecipients. Be specific. There is a 750 character limit.
Enter text describing the applicant's process for the evaluation of outcomes of projects
funded under the ESG and CoC Programs. Be specific. There is a 750 character limit.
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4. UFA Capacity - CoC Responsibilities (continued)
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the CoC has a
centralized or coordinated assessment system. If "Yes" is selected, the protocol for the
system must be attached.
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the CoC designated a
single HMIS for its geographic area.
Enter the name of the HMIS lead.
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu for each plan to indicate which HMIS plans
(privacy, security, and data quality) have been reviewed and approved by the CoC.
If "Yes", identify in the next field the date the plan was approved by the CoC. Use
the calendar icon
to enter the date.
If "No", skip the next field.
Enter text describing the process the CoC uses to ensure consistent participation of
recipients and sub recipients in HMIS. Be specific. There is a 750 character limit.
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4. UFA Capacity - CoC Responsibilities (continued)
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Enter text describing the process the CoC uses to ensure HMIS is administered in
compliance with the 2010 Data Standards. There is a 750 character limit.
Enter text describing the CoC's coordination efforts to implement a housing and service
system within the claimed geographic area that meet the needs of homeless individuals
(including unaccompanied youth) and families. Be specific. There is a 750 character limit.
Indicate how frequently the CoC conducts a sheltered point-in-time count by selecting "Bimonthly", "monthly", "quarterly", "semi-annually", "annually", "biennially", or "never" from
the dropdown menu.
Indicate how frequently the CoC conducts an unsheltered point-in-time count by selecting "
"Bi-monthly", "monthly", "quarterly", "semi-annually", "annually", "biennially", or "never"
from the dropdown menu.
Indicate how frequently the CoC conducts a gaps analysis by selecting " "Bi-monthly",
"monthly", "quarterly", "semi-annually", "annually", "biennially", or "never" from the
dropdown menu.
Enter text describing the process for conducting the gaps analysis.
There is a 750 character limit.
Enter text describing how the CoC is participating in the applicable Consolidated Plan(s).
There is a 750 character limit.
Enter text describing the consultation with the ESG recipient's process for allocating ESG
FY 2013 and FY 2014 funds. There is a 750 character limit.
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the CoC and ESG
recipient developed a plan for joint reporting guidelines for ESG recipients and
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the CoC and ESG
recipient developed performance measurements that will be used to measure ESG
recipients and subrecipients within the CoC’s geographic area.
Select "Save & Next.”
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5. UFA Financial Management
Collaborative Applicants that are not requesting UFA designation will not see this screen
and are not required to complete 5. UFA Financial Management. Instead, they will proceed
to the 4. "Attachments" screen.
On the "UFA Financial Management" screen, enter information about the financial management
procedures and internal controls of the Collaborative Applicant applying for UFA designation. These are
activities that the Collaborative Applicant already has in place. Do not include information about any
financial management procedures or internal controls the Collaborative Applicant is planning to
Select "Non-profit" or "State" to indicate the UFA designation the Collaborative Applicant
is requesting. "State" encompasses not only a State, but also units of local government.
The selection is dependent on which OMB circular is used by the Collaborative
Applicant: 24 CFR part 84 (nonprofit) or 24 CFR part 85 (State or unit of local
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the Collaborative
Applicant has procedures to ensure that CoC Program funds are drawn down from
LOCCS within 45 days of a subrecipient providing source documentation of eligible
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the Collaborative
Applicant Recipient has procedures in place to ensure CoC Program funds are drawn a
minimum of every 90 days.
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5. UFA Financial Management (continued)
Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown to indicate if the Collaborative Applicant has an
organizational chart that sets forth the lines of responsibilities.
If "Yes" a copy of the organization chart must be attached.
Select "Yes" to see the series of questions related to written financial management policies
and procedures addressing various areas. Once these have been viewed, if they do not
apply, select "No" and the questions will be hidden.
Enter the name of the document attached and the page(s) that include the policy and
procedures for ensuring complete disclosure of the financial results of each federallysponsored project or program. There is a 250 character limit.
Enter the name of the document attached and the page(s) that include how the source and
application of federally sponsored activities are adequately identify the source and
application of funds for federally sponsored activities. There is a 250 character limit.
Enter the name of the document attached and the page(s) that include the internal controls
that provide effective control and accountability for all funds, property, and other assets.
There is a 250 character limit.
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5. UFA Financial Management (continued)
Enter the name of the document attached and the page(s) that include a comparison of
expenditures with budget amounts for each award. There is a 250 character limit.
Enter the name of the document attached and the page(s) that include the written
procedures to minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds to recipients and
the issuance or redemption of checks, warrants, or payments by other means for program
purposes by the recipient. There is a 250 character limit.
Enter the name of the document attached and the page(s) that include the procedures that
are followed whenever advance payment procedures are used. There is a 250 character
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5. UFA Financial Management (continued)
Enter the name of the document attached and the page(s) that include the procedures for
determining the reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of costs in accordance with
the provisions of the applicable Federal cost principles and the terms and condition of the
award. There is a 250 character limit.
Enter the name of the document attached and the page(s) that include the accounting
procedures that include recording cost accounting supported by source documentation.
There is a 250 character limit.
Select "Yes" or "No" to indicate if the Collaborative Applicant has written procurement
procedures. If "Yes" is selected, the Collaborative Applicant must attach the procedures.
Select "Save & Next."
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6. UFA Sub-recipients Management
Collaborative Applicants that are not applying for designation as a UFA are not required to
complete 6. UFA Sub-recipients Management. Instead, proceed to 4. Attachments.
On the "UFA Sub-recipients Management" screen, enter information about the oversight of subrecipients
by the Collaborative Applicant applying for UFA designation. In order to qualify for UFA designation, the
Collaborative Applicant must already be implementing these practices.
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Select "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether the Collaborative Applicant has executed written
agreements with all of its subrecipients to whom CoC Program funds are allocated.
If "Yes", additional mandatory questions will appear on screen.
If "No", the applicant cannot be considered for UFA designation. Access 1. CoC
Organization form and change CoC Type to "CA", in order to continue with CoC
Registration submission.
Select "Yes" or "No" to indicate if the Collaborative Applicant has written policies and
procedures in place to bring noncompliant subrecipients into compliance.
If "Yes," enter the page(s) and the name of the attached document where this information
can be found. There is a 250 character limit.
Select "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether the Collaborative Applicant has written procedures
to ensure that "high risk" subrecipients receive proper oversight and monitoring.
Enter the name of the document attached and indicate the page(s) where the information
can be found that describes what plan of action the Collaborative Applicant has in place for
subrecipient monitoring, how it will determine performance, evaluate outcomes, and take
action against poor performers. Also, include the page(s) where that describes action will
be taken if the subrecipient does not comply with corrective actions. There is a 250
character limit.
Select "Yes" or "No" to indicate if the Collaborative Applicant reviews subrecipients for
evidence of conflicts of interest.
Enter text to describe the Collaborative Applicant's closeout procedures for its subrecipient
recipient grants and how unspent funds are recaptured. There is a 750 character limit.
Select "Save & Next.”
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6a. UFA Sub-Recipients List
On the "UFA Sub-Recipients List" screen, enter information about the subrecipients by the Collaborative
Applicant applying for UFA designation. If the applicant does not have an executed written agreement
with subrecipients, the questions on this screen will not be visible and the applicant will not be considered
for UFA designation.
Select the "Add" icon.
to add a new subrecipient.
The "Sub-Recipients List Details" screen appears.
Enter the name of the subrecipient.
Enter the date on which the written agreement was executed between the subrecipient and
the Collaborative Applicant. Use the calendar icon
to enter the date.
Enter the date on which the Collaborative Applicant last monitored or assessed the
subrecipient. Use the calendar icon
to enter the date.
Select "Yes" or "No" indicating whether the subrecipient is required to comply with OMB
Circular A-133.
If "Yes", enter the date compliance with OMB Circular A-133 was confirmed. Use
the calendar icon
to enter the date.
Select "Save & Back to List" or "Save & Add Another" as appropriate.
From the "Sub-Recipient List" screen, select "Next.”
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4. Attachments (#7 for UFA Attachments)
The screen number for Attachments depends on the "Type of CoC" selected on the "1. CoC
Organization" screen.
If "CA" is selected, Attachments is screen 4. There are a few possible attachments, none of
which is required unless the CoC merged in FY 2013 and the CoC is attaching the merger
If "UFA" is selected, Attachments is screen 7. There are 16 attachments, 13 of which are
required by HUD.
The instructions for uploading and deleting an attachment are the same for all documents. The steps are
provided for the GIW and can be applied to the other attachments.
This year, attachments that were uploaded in last year's CoC Registration will not be
available. Collaborative Applicants must upload the required attachments.
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Attachments for Collaborative Applicants
The "Attachment" screen for Collaborative Applicants that selected "CA" as the type of CoC has three
Merger Worksheet. If CoCs were approved to merge in FY 2013, the Collaborative Applicant
should submit the CoC Merger Worksheet that determined the Final Pro-Rata Need available to
the merged CoC.
Note: The screen states that the Merger Worksheet is not required, which means that the
attachment is not required for the Applicant to proceed to the next step in e-snaps.
Grant Inventory. The GIW is not a required attachment for the modified FY 2014 CoC
Other Attachment(s). At this time, there are no additional attachments required.
Select a link
Select the document name under Document Type.
The "Attachment Details" screen appears.
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Enter the
Description and
File Name.
Include the CoC
Enter the name of the document in the "Document Description" field.
Select "Browse" to the right of the "File Name" field to upload the file from your computer.
For the Grant Inventory Worksheet, the allowable formats are: zipx, ZIP*, zip, xls,
and xlsx.
Select "Save & Back to List" to return to the "Attachments" screen.
On the "Attachments" screen, select "Next.”
To delete an uploaded attachment.
Click the "Delete" icon
Confirm the deletion in the pop-up window.
that appears to the left of the document name.
For instructions on how to zip a file that may be too large to upload, refer to the Creating a
Zip File document on the CoC Program Competition Resources webpage on the HUD
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Attachments for Collaborative Applicants Applying for a UFA
The "Attachment" screen for Collaborative Applicants that selected "UFA" has 16 items:
Audit Policy and Procedures for Subrecipients
Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System
CoC Governance Charter
CoC Housing and Service System/Coordination Plan
CoC Meeting Agendas/Minutes
ESG-CoC Standards
Financial Management Systems Policies and Procedures
FY 2013 Merger Worksheet
Grant Inventory Worksheet
List of Board Leaders and Members
LOCCS Drawdown Procedures
Monitoring Guide for Subrecipients
Organizational Chart/Policies and Procedures
Procedures for High-Risk Subrecipient Management
Procurement Policies and Procedures
Other Attachment(s)
The only attachments that are NOT required are the following:
Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW)
Merger Worksheet.
Other Attachments
For instructions on how to attach these files, refer to the previous section Attachments for Collaborative
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11. Certification
On the "Certification" screen, the Collaborative Applicant Primary Contact must certify that he or she is an
authorized representative of the CoC and that data entered is truthful. It also serves as an
acknowledgement that false statements may be subject to penalty.
Select all boxes
Read the certification statements and select all checkboxes.
Select "Save & Next.”
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12. Submission Summary
After the required information has been entered and the required attachments have been uploaded, the
Collaborative Applicant must select the "Submit" button on the "Submission Summary" screen.
The "Submission Summary" screen shows the CoC Registration forms. In the "Last Updated" column, the
system will identify the following:
A date if the screen is complete
"No Input Required" if there is no input required
"Please Complete" if more information is needed
e-snaps users can go back to any screen by clicking on the screen name on the left menu bar.
Remember to select "Save" after any changes.
The "No Input Required" status on the Submission Summary indicates that additional
information for that screen is not required for the applicant to proceed to the next step in esnaps. In the context of this training guide, the Collaborative Applicant may proceed to the
next steps in the Registration process.
The "Submit" button is located at the bottom of the screen under the navigation buttons. The "Submit"
button will be active if all parts of the CoC Registration have a date in the "Last Updated" column.
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The following image shows the "Submission Summary" screen with items that still must be completed.
Note that the "Submit" button is gray-shaded and you cannot select it.
Review "Last
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Submitting the CoC Registration
The following image shows the "Submission Summary" screen after the CoC Registration has been
submitted. Note that the "Submit" button is gray-shaded. The form is marked "This e.Form has been
Collaborative Applicants that selected “UFA” as the "Type of CoC" on the CoC
Organization screen will have the UFA Capacity – CoC Responsibilities, UFA Financial
Management, UFA Sub-recipients Management, and UFA Sub-recipients List formlets
listed here.
e.Form has
been submitted
If you are not already on the "Submission Summary" screen, select it on the left menu bar.
Select the "Submit" button.
The "Submit" button will be grayed out. Below it there will be text stating, "This e.Form has
been submitted."
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Exporting to PDF
Collaborative Applicants can obtain a hard copy of the CoC Registration using the "Export to PDF" button
located at the bottom of the Submission Summary screen under the navigation buttons.
Select button to
obtain a copy of
CoC Registration
Select the "Export to PDF" button on the submission summary screen.
On the "Configure PDF Export" screen, select the screen you would like included.
Select "Export to PDF.”
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CoC Review
After the Collaborative Applicant submits the CoC Registration, the organization cannot make changes.
The next steps include the following:
HUD receives notification that the CoC Registration is ready for HUD review.
HUD staff reviews and approves, modifies, or rejects maximum funding needs.
HUD staff reviews and assesses the information and attachments submitted by Collaborative
Applicants requesting UFA designation.
HUD will issue a listserv message to its mailing lists notifying Collaborative Applicants when they
should log-in to e-snaps to review HUD's determinations provided in the CoC Registration
The Collaborative Applicant reviews and agrees with or disputes HUD's determinations regarding
the CoC type and funding needs amounts.
HUD uses mailing lists (listserv) to distribute up-to-date information to homeless service
providers, Continuums of Care, Technical Assistance providers, and other stakeholders
about HUD's homeless assistance programs, competitions, awards, policy updates, and
other vital information. HUD has numerous lists to more effectively target information that
is pertinent to a particular audience.
Go to the HUD Exchange to join a mailing list:
Collaborative Applicants should encourage all Project Applicants to join mailing lists that
provide information about their specific areas of interest.
At the top of each screen of the CoC Review, there is a "Reference Submissions" box.
This box contains a "Folder" icon
that you can select that will bring you to the
corresponding screen you filled out in your original Registration. After selecting the
"Folder" icon, to get back to where you were in your CoC Registration Review, select
"Back to CoC Approval/Disapproval" on the left menu bar.
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Accessing CoC Review
After HUD completes the review of the CoC Registrations submitted by the Collaborative Applicants, HUD
will send a listserv message notifying Collaborative Applicants when they should log in to e-snaps and
review HUD's determinations provided in the CoC Registration Review. The Collaborative Applicant will
look for the "CoC Registration and Application FY2014 / CoC Review" project on the "Submissions"
Confirm the
Log in to e-snaps.
Select "Submissions" on the left menu bar.
Select the "Folder" icon
next to the Project where the Step Name is "CoC Review."
Option: Use the "Submissions Filters" to single out your project.
Option: Select "Clear Filters" on the top left of the "Submissions Filters" box. Then,
review the "Funding Opportunity Name / Step Name" column to locate "CoC
Registration and Application FY2014 / CoC Review."
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1. Approved CoC Type Designation
On the "Approved CoC Type Designation" screen, read the available HUD comments and indicate
whether you agree or not with the approved CoC designation.
If needed, refer back
to CoC Registration
If needed, review
Applicant Profile
Select "Yes"
or "No"
Return to
Submission List
Review HUD's comments, if any.
Select "Yes" or "No" whether you agree with the approved CoC designation.
If you select "No", you will be required to enter a comment in the comment box to
be considered by HUD.
Select "Save & Next.”
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2. CoC Geographic Area(s)
On the "CoC Geographic Area(s)" screen, indicate you agree with the geographic areas. As stated in the
modified FY 2014 CoC Registration, geographic area changes are not permitted.
Select "Yes"
or "No"
Review HUD's comments, if any.
Select "Yes."
Select "Save & Next.”
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3. CoC Maximum Funding Need Amounts
On the "Maximum Funding Need Amounts" screen, read the available HUD comments and indicate
whether you agree or disagree with approved funding amounts.
"Yes" or
A Collaborative Applicant with UFA designation will also see question 6 maximum amount
available for UFA costs.
Review HUD's comments, if any.
Select "Yes" or "No" whether you agree with the approved Annual Renewal Demand (ARD)
If you select "No" you will be required to enter a comment in the comment box to
be considered by HUD.
Select "Yes" or "No" whether you agree with the approved total merged need amount.
If this field is not applicable to your CoC, the amount will be "0."
If you select "No", you will be required to enter a comment in the comment box to
be considered by HUD.
Select "Save & Next.”
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4. Attachments
On the "Attachments" screen, there is a place for attachments. Do NOT submit any attachments unless
specifically asked to do so.
If an attachment is requested, upload it the same way that attachments were provided in
the CoC Registration.
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5. Submission Summary
Once the Collaborative Applicant has completed the review, the Collaborative Applicant needs to select
the "Submit" button on the "Submission Summary" screen.
The "Submission Summary" screen shows the CoC Review forms. In the "Last Updated" column, the
system will identify the following:
A date if the screen is complete
"No Input Required" if there is no input required
"Please Complete" if more information is needed
e-snaps users can go back to any screen by clicking on the screen name on the left menu bar.
Remember to select "Save" after any changes.
The "Submit" button is located at the bottom of the screen under the navigation buttons. The "Submit"
button will be active if all parts of the CoC Review have a date or "No Input Required" in the "Last
Updated" column.
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Submitting the CoC Review
The following image shows the "Submission Summary" screen after the CoC Review has been submitted.
Note that the "Submit" button is gray-shaded. The form is marked "This e.Form has been submitted.”
has been
If you are not already on the "Submission Summary" screen, select it on the left menu bar.
Select the "Submit" button.
Once you select the "Submit" button, it will be grayed out. Below it there will be
text stating, "This e.Form has been submitted."
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Exporting to PDF
Collaborative Applicants can obtain a hard copy of the CoC Review using the "Export to PDF" button
located at the bottom of the Submission Summary screen under the navigation buttons.
Select button to
obtain a copy of
CoC Review
Select the "Export to PDF" button from the submission summary screen.
On the "Configure PDF Export" screen, select the screen you would like included.
Select "Export to PDF.”
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Agreeing With or Disputing CoC Review
If the Collaborative Applicant agrees with all items in the CoC Registration Review and submits it:
The Collaborative Applicant can no longer make changes to its CoC Review.
When available, HUD will announce the opening of the FY 2014 funding process via listserv
If the Collaborative Applicant disputes any part of the CoC Review and submits it:
HUD will again review the CoC Registration with the changes made and review the comments
included by the Collaborative Applicant.
After HUD has finished reviewing, an email will be sent to the Collaborative Applicant's primary
contact (as listed in the CoC Applicant Profile) notifying them that the CoC Registration must be
confirmed. This is the final determination by HUD.
The Collaborative Applicant will access the CoC Review Registration as seen in the screenshot
below, and select "Submit."
Enter, review,
and submit
HUD's final
When available, HUD will announce the opening of the FY 2014 funding process via listserv
Only Collaborative Applicants with a HUD-approved registration will have access to the FY 2014
CoC Priority Listing in e-snaps.
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Next Steps
Congratulations! You have completed the CoC Registration and CoC Review instructional guide.
Additional instructional guides will be available when the FY 2014 funding process is available to assist
Collaborative Applicants and individual Project Applicants in completing the CoC Priority Listing and the
New, Renewal, CoC Planning, and UFA Costs Project Applications.
Please check the CoC Program Competition Resources webpage on the HUD Exchange at: for these instructional
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File Type | application/pdf |
Author | 11500 |
File Modified | 2014-10-24 |
File Created | 2014-07-25 |