Correction Notice of 11/16/2010

Correction Notice.pdf

Uniform Report of DBE Awards/Commitments and other DBE Program Collections

Correction Notice of 11/16/2010

OMB: 2105-0510

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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 16, 2010 / Notices
to organizations whose proposals
demonstrate a quality, cost-effective

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VI. Award Administration Information
VI.1. Award Notices: Final awards
cannot be made until funds have been
appropriated by Congress, allocated and
committed through internal Bureau
procedures. Successful applicants will
receive a Federal Assistance Award
(FAA) from the Bureau’s Grants Office.
The FAA and the original proposal with
subsequent modifications (if applicable)
shall be the only binding authorizing
document between the recipient and the
U.S. Government. The FAA will be
signed by an authorized Grants Officer,
and mailed to the recipient’s
responsible officer identified in the
Unsuccessful applicants will receive
notification of the results of the
application review from the ECA
program office coordinating this
VI.2 Administrative and National
Policy Requirements: Terms and
Conditions for the Administration of
ECA agreements include the following:
Office of Management and Budget
Circular A–122, ‘‘Cost Principles for
Nonprofit Organizations.’’
Office of Management and Budget
Circular A–21, ‘‘Cost Principles for
Educational Institutions.’’
OMB Circular A–87, ‘‘Cost Principles
for State, Local and Indian
OMB Circular No. A–110 (Revised),
Uniform Administrative Requirements
for Grants and Agreements with
Institutions of Higher Education,
Hospitals, and other Nonprofit
OMB Circular No. A–102, Uniform
Administrative Requirements for
Grants-in-Aid to State and Local
Governments. OMB Circular No. A–133,
Audits of States, Local Government, and
Non-profit Organizations.
Please reference the following
websites for additional information:
VI.3. Reporting Requirements: You
must provide ECA with a hard copy
original plus one copy of the following
A final program and financial report
no more than 90 days after the
expiration of the award.
A concise, one-page final program
report summarizing program outcomes
no more than 90 days after the
expiration of the award. This one-page
report will be transmitted to OMB, and
be made available to the public via

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OMB’s website—as
part of ECA’s Federal Funding
Accountability and Transparency Act
(FFATA) reporting requirements.
An SF–PPR, ‘‘Performance Progress
Report’’ Cover Sheet with all program
reports, including the SF–PPR–E and
SF–PPR–F. Quarterly program and
financial reports which should include
both quantitative and qualitative data
you have available.
Award recipients will be required to
provide reports analyzing their
evaluation findings to the Bureau in
their regular program reports. (Please
refer to IV. Application and Submission
Instructions (IV.3.d.3) above for Program
Monitoring and Evaluation
All data collected, including survey
responses and contact information, must
be maintained for a minimum of three
years and provided to the Bureau upon
All reports must be sent to the ECA
Grants Officer and ECA Program Officer
listed in the final assistance award
VII. Agency Contacts
For questions about this
announcement, contact: Callie Ward
(; 202–632–6431),
Office of Citizen Exchanges, ECA/PE/C/
PY, SA–5, Floor 3, Department of State,
Washington, DC 20037. All
correspondence with the Bureau
concerning this RFGP should reference
the above contact and ECA/PE/C/PY–
Please read the complete
announcement before sending inquiries
or submitting proposals. Once the RFGP
deadline has passed, Bureau staff may
not discuss this competition with
applicants until the proposal review
process has been completed.
Notice: The terms and conditions
published in this RFGP are binding and
may not be modified by any Bureau
representative. Explanatory information
provided by the Bureau that contradicts
published language will not be binding.
Issuance of the RFGP does not
constitute an award commitment on the
part of the Government. The Bureau
reserves the right to reduce, revise, or
increase proposal budgets in accordance
with the needs of the program and the
availability of funds. Awards made will
be subject to periodic reporting and
evaluation requirements per section VI.3

PO 00000

Dated: November 9, 2010.
Ann Stock
Assistant Secretary for Educational and
Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2010–28832 Filed 11–15–10; 8:45 am]

Office of the Secretary
[Docket No. DOT–OST–2010–0025]

Notice of Request for Reinstatement of
Previously Approved Information

Notice; Correction

In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the Department
published a 60-Day notice on February
2, 2010 (75 FR 5369) and a subsequent
notice (‘‘30-Day notice’’) on June 25,
2010 (75 FR 36463). As noted in both
notices, the Department incorrectly
estimated a total of 1,057 respondents
and annual burden of 1,311,000 hours.
The Department also provided the
incorrect address for which the public
should request further information
related to the relevant Information
Collection Request. The Department is
correcting the documents as set forth



Robert C. Ashby, Office of the Secretary,
Office of Assistant General Counsel for
Regulation and Enforcement,
Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
DC 20590, (202) 366–9310 (voice) (202)
366–9313 (fax) or at

Number of Respondents: 1,250.
Frequency of Response: Once/twice a
Estimated Total Burden on
Respondents: 9,000 hours.
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended;
and 49 CFR 1:48.
Issued in Washington, DC, on November
10, 2010.
Patricia Lawton,
Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of
the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2010–28776 Filed 11–15–10; 8:45 am]

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2010-11-15
File Created2010-11-15

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