Online Application (OA)

United States Coast Guard Academy Introduction Mission Program Application and Supplemental Forms


Online Application (OA)

OMB: 1625-0121

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Online Application Login

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OMB Control No: 1625-NEW
Expiration Date: mm/dd/yyyy

User Login

Welcome to the United States Coast Guard Academy Introduction Mission (AIM) Program
USCGA applications are not part of the ApplyYourself (AY) network and therefore require
you to create a unique username and password. Even if you already have an AY account
that you've used to apply to another institution, you'll need to create a new one using the
"create account" button (on the right) before you can access our applications. This new AY
account allows you to save your progress on our applications, so that you can return to
work on your applications over several sessions and transmit your information to us
through a secure server. If you previously created an AY account to apply to our AIM
Program, you can and should use that account to apply to the Class of 2018.
Please carefully read all instructions that appear throughout our applications. You can only
submit an application once, so updates will need to be provided to the Admissions Office
via e-mail for inclusion in your record. By accessing our applications, you are confirming
that you have read and understand our Privacy Act Statement. All information submitted to
USCGA, including your personal statements, is protected under the Privacy Act.

Please input your login
information below to open your
User Name:

Forgot your User Name or

Create Account

If you are new to our application
and do not already have a User
Privacy Act Statement: In accordance with 5 USC 552(e)(3), the following information is
Name, please click on the button
provided to you when supplying personal information to the USCG: (1) Authority which
below to register for a new
authorizes the solicitation of the information: 14 USC 182(a); (2) The Principal Purpose for
this information is to ensure that the applicant is basically qualified to apply for the USCGA
or AIM Program; (3) Routine uses which may be made of the information: a) As
background information on applicants for the selection process; b) To contact the
applicant; c) The social security number may be used as a unique identifier; d) To
Technical Support
determine if there are existing USCG records on the applicant; and e) In performance of
the duties of officials and employees of the USCG, in managing and contributing to the
Security Information
USCGA or AIM Program selection process and tendering appointments to the same; (4)
Disclosure of the information is voluntary, but the applicant will not be considered further if
the information is not provided. Submissions of Evaluators will not be disclosed to the
applicant without Evaluator consent. Release to any other individual/entity is only as
required by law.
OMB No. 1625-NEW (Expires: mm/dd/yyyy): An agency may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
valid OMB control number. The Coast Guard estimates that the average burden for this
form is 180 minutes. You may submit comments concerning the accuracy of this estimate
or any suggestions for reducing the burden to

Application System Requirements


Supported browsers include Internet Explorer 8 & 9 (Windows), Firefox 3.6 & 7
(Mac), Firefox 3 and 7 (Windows), Chrome 12 (Windows and Mac), Safari 4 & 5
(Mac), (Macintosh users - OS X).
While the majority of features will work with other browsers, we can only guarantee
full compatibility and offer support for the browsers mentioned above.
If you are using Internet Explorer 6, we strongly recommend upgrading to version 9
as version 6 does not meet our minimum security requirements.
If you are using Compatibility View with Internet Explorer, some pages may not look
as intended. We recommend removing from your list of sites that
have Compatibility View enabled.
For IE8:
 In Internet Explorer, open the Tools menu at the top and select Compatibility
View Settings.
 Select under "Websites you've added to Compatibility
View." 12/10/2012

Online Application Login





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 Click Remove.
For IE9:
 In Internet Explorer, right-click on the gear icon in the upper right hand
corner, next to the "favorites" star icon. (If you don't see this gear icon or your
"File" and "Tools" menus at the top of your window, press your F10 key to
make them show.)
 Select Command bar.
 Open the Tools menu near the top and select Compatibility View Settings.
 Select under "Websites you've added to Compatibility
 Click Remove.
If you are using one of the supported browsers and are experiencing problems, we
encourage you to upgrade to the latest version. If you still experience problems after
upgrading, please make sure that your browser is set to accept cookies. Also, make
sure the following browser settings are enabled:
 JavaScript must be enabled.
 Popup blockers must be disabled.
If your browser has a section for trusted sites, please enter these two URLs:
You will need Adobe Reader 6.0 or higher to download, view and print PDF files.
While PDF files should work with most other PDF viewers, we can only guarantee
full compatibility and support for Adobe Reader 6.0 or higher.
If your email offers a whitelist, please add the following address:
For security reasons, we recommend that you should logout of the online
application after each session. 12/10/2012

United States Coast Guard Academy | Testchris1 Testmcmunn1

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Main Menu:

Message Center

Status Legend
Not Started

Class of 2017
Application Deadlines

Early Action, Group 1:
October 15th
Early Action, Group 2:
November 15th
Regular Admissions:
February 1st

USCGA 2017 Application


Submission Status: Not Submitted
AIM Program Application
Submission Status: Not Submitted

Notification Dates
Early Action, Group 1:
By December 24th
Early Action, Group 2:
By February 1st
Regular Admissions:
By April 15th

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United States Coast Guard Academy | Chris McMunn

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Welcome, Chris! Your application is in progress.
USCGA AIM Application
Applicant Information
Family Information
Educational Information
Extracurricular Information
Additional Information
Personal Statements

Check Your Application



Chris McMunn
Thank you for your interest in the United States Coast Guard
User Name: mcmunn1
Academy and the AIM Program. This application must be
completed online and submitted electronically. You do not have
to complete your application in one sitting - you may save your
AIM Program Application
progress and return to work on your application until it is ready to
submit. You can quickly switch between sections of the
Submission Status:
application by using the navigational links located on the left side
Not Submitted
of the screen.
If possible, consider completing the "Recommendations" section
first to allow those individuals to begin working on your letters of
recommendation while you are working on your application.
Once you have completed your application, use the "Submit"
button located at the top of the page to begin the process of
electronically sending your application to our office.
Please note that you can only submit your application once
and, once submitted, you will not be able to make changes
to your application using the online system; however, you
may submit corrections via e-mail.

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Last Date Accessed:
12/10/2012 2:52:59 AM EST

Helpful Hints
User License Agreement

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USCGA AIM Application
Applicant Information
Family Information
Educational Information
Extracurricular Information
Additional Information
Personal Statements


Applicant Information
* Indicates a required field

Name and Social Security Number
Legal First Name *
Legal Middle Name


Legal Last Name *

Check Your Application


Social Security Number *

Mailing Address
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *


Select One
Required if living in the U.S.

Country *

Select One


Zip or Postal Code *

Telephone Numbers and Email
Primary Phone Number
(###) ###-####

Alternate Phone Number
(###) ###-####

International Phone Number
Email Address *
We will occasionally send official correspondence only via email, so please
ensure you're providing us an address you will maintain and check at least
once a week.

Personal Information
Height *


Weight *


Date of Birth *
You must be 16-17 years old to attend the AIM Program

City of Birth *
County of Birth
Required if born in the U.S.

State of Birth


Select One
Required if born in the U.S.

Country of Birth *

Select One

 12/10/2012

United States Coast Guard Academy | Chris McMunn

Gender *

Select One 

Marital Status *

Select One

Citizenship *

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Select One
If you hold dual citizenship, please choose the other country below.

Other Country of Citizenship
Are you fluent in another
language? *


Select One

 Yes 
 No
If you are fluent (reading, speaking, and writing) in a language other than
English, enter the other language below.

Other Language(s)
Are you of Hispanic or Latino
ethnicity or heritage? *

Select One


Regardless of your answer to the previous question, please select all of the races which best describe
you. *

 African-American or Black (including Africa and the Caribbean)
 Asian (including Indian subcontinent and the Philippines)
 Native American or Alaska Native (including all original peoples
of the Americas)
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (original peoples)
 White (including Middle Eastern)
 Decline to answer
Have you ever been detained, arrested, summoned into court or participated in a diversion or probation
program? *

 Yes 
 No
If yes, please briefly explain.


Characters left in your response 300

Do you have any tattoos,
brandings, or body piercings? *

 Yes 
 No

If yes, please briefly describe.


Characters left in your response 300

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USCGA AIM Application
Applicant Information
Family Information
Educational Information
Extracurricular Information
Additional Information
Personal Statements


Family Information
* Indicates a required field

Mother's Information
Is she living? *


Mother's First Name

Check Your Application

Mother's Last Name

 Yes 
 No

Work Phone
(###) ###-####

Home Phone
(###) ###-####

International Phone Number
Email Address
Is your mother a graduate of one
of the federal service academies?
Did your mother graduate from
college? *


Select One

 Yes 
 No

College(s) attended (if any)
Highest Education Level

Select One

Was or is your mother a member
of the armed forces? *

Select One

Highest Rank Held

Select One 


Mother's Address
Does your mother have a
different mailing address than

 Yes 
 No

Mailing Address


Select One
Required if living in the U.S.


Select One


Zip or Postal Code

Father's Information
Is he living? *

 Yes 
 No

Father's First Name
Father's Last Name 12/10/2012

United States Coast Guard Academy | Chris McMunn

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Work Phone
(###) ###-####

Home Phone
(###) ###-####

International Phone Number
Email Address
Is your father a graduate of one
of the federal service academies?
Did your father graduate from
college? *


Select One

 Yes 
 No

College(s) attended (if any)
Highest Education Level

Select One

Was or is your father a member
of the armed forces? *

Select One

Highest Rank Held

Select One 


Father's Address
Does your father have a different
mailing address than you?

 Yes 
 No

Mailing Address


Select One
Required if living in the U.S.



Select One

Zip or Postal Code

Other Information
Parents' Marital Status

Select One 

If you answered other, please
If not with both parents, with
whom do you reside?
Do you have siblings?

 Yes 
 No

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USCGA AIM Application
Applicant Information
Family Information
Educational Information
Extracurricular Information
Additional Information
Personal Statements


Educational Information
* Indicates a required field

Current High School
Type of School *

Select One 


If you are a home school student, and you cannot locate your program using the "Look up" system,
please enter 777771 for the CEEB code.

Check Your Application

CEEB Code *

Look up

School Name *
School Address *
City *
Zip or Postal Code *

Telephone Number*
(###) ###-####

Attended From *

Graduation Date *

Have you attended
another high school? *

 Yes 
 No

Previous High School
Type of School

Select One 

If you are a home school student, and you cannot locate your program using the "Look up" system,
please enter 777771 for the CEEB code.

Look up

School Name
School Address
Zip or Postal Code

Telephone Number
(###) ###-####

Attended From

Attended To 12/10/2012

United States Coast Guard Academy | Chris McMunn

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Colleges and Universities
College Code

Look up

College/University Name
Zip or Postal Code

Attended From

Attended To

Anticipated Senior Courses
Please list the courses you are planning to take during your senior year in high school or at
college. You may enter up to eight courses.
Course Name 1
Course Name 2
Course Name 3
Course Name 4
Course Name 5
Course Name 6
Course Name 7
Course Name 8

Academic Information
What is your intended
major? *
Are you a member of the
National Honor Society? *

Select One


 Yes 
 No

Briefly list any academic
honors you received while
in high school or college.


Characters left in your response 300

Have you taken either the
SAT or ACT exam? *

 Yes 
 No

Will you or did you receive any special accommodations - such as extended or unlimited time - when
taking the SAT Reasoning or ACT exam? *

 Yes 
 No
If yes, please briefly


Characters left in your response 300 12/10/2012

United States Coast Guard Academy | Chris McMunn

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Standardized Test Scores
SAT Critical Reading
SAT Math Score
SAT Writing Score
ACT English Score
ACT Math Score
ACT Writing Score

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USCGA AIM Application
Applicant Information
Family Information
Educational Information
Extracurricular Information
Additional Information
Personal Statements

Check Your Application


Extracurricular Information
* Indicates a required field

Activity 1
Please list the three most meaningful extracurricular activities that you have participated in.

Select One


If other, please list activity.
Grade Level Participated*

 10
 11

Varsity Letter

 10
 11

Team Captain

 10
 11

Leadership Position

 10
 11

If offered, I plan to participate in
this activity at the Academy*

 Yes 
 No

Coach/Advisor Name*
Coach/Advisor Telephone

(###) ###-####

Activity 2

Select One


If other, please list activity.
Grade Level Participated

 10
 11

Varsity Letter

 10
 11

Team Captain

 10
 12/10/2012

United States Coast Guard Academy | Chris McMunn

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 11
Leadership Position

 10
 11

If offered, I plan to participate in
this activity at the Academy

 Yes 
 No

Coach/Advisor Name
Coach/Advisor Telephone

(###) ###-####

Activity 3

Select One


If other, please list activity.
Grade Level Participated

 10
 11

Varsity Letter

 10
 11

Team Captain

 10
 11

Leadership Position

 10
 11

If offered, I plan to participate in
this activity at the Academy

 Yes 
 No

Coach/Advisor Name
Coach/Advisor Telephone

(###) ###-####

Activity 4
Please list up to three additional extracurricular activites you'd like us to know about.

Select One


If other, please list activity.
Grade Level Participated

 10
 11
 12/10/2012

United States Coast Guard Academy | Chris McMunn

Varsity Letter

Page 3 of 5

 10
 11

Team Captain

 10
 11

Leadership Position

 10
 11

If offered, I plan to participate in
this activity at the Academy

 Yes 
 No

Coach/Advisor Name
Coach/Advisor Telephone

(###) ###-####

Activity 5

Select One


If other, please list activity.
Grade Level Participated

 10
 11

Varsity Letter

 10
 11

Team Captain

 10
 11

Leadership Position

 10
 11

If offered, I plan to participate in
this activity at the Academy

 Yes 
 No

Coach/Advisor Name
Coach/Advisor Telephone

(###) ###-####

Activity 6

Select One

 12/10/2012

United States Coast Guard Academy | Chris McMunn

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If other, please list activity.
Grade Level Participated

 10
 11

Varsity Letter

 10
 11

Team Captain

 10
 11

Leadership Position

 10
 11

If offered, I plan to participate in
this activity at the Academy

 Yes 
 No

Coach/Advisor Name
Coach/Advisor Telephone

(###) ###-####

Work Experience
List up to two jobs you have held during the past three years.
Specific nature of work
Employed From

Employed To

Approximate number of hours
worked per week
Employer Telephone Number
(###) ###-####

Work Experience 2
Specific nature of work
Employed From

Employed To

Approximate number of hours
worked per week
Employer Telephone Number
(###) ###-#### 12/10/2012

United States Coast Guard Academy | Testchris1 Testmcmunn1

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USCGA AIM Application
Applicant Information
Family Information
Educational Information
Extracurricular Information
Additional Information
Personal Statements

Check Your Application


Additional Information
* Indicates a required field

Preferred AIM Sessions
If you are only available for one session, please list it as both your first and second choice.
First Choice *

Select One


Second Choice*

Select One


Not Available
July 1-7 2012
July 8-14 2012
July 15-21 2012
Select all that apply

Medical Information
Are you currently taking
medication for ADHD/ADD,
asthma, or diabetes? *

 Yes 
 No

Is your vision in either eye not
correctable to 20/20 or are you
colorblind? *

 Yes 
 No

Do you have any allergies that
have resulted in respiratory
problems or have you ever
passed out or had severe chest
pain from exercising? *
Have you had knee or shoulder
surgery since July 2011? *

 Yes 
 No

 Yes 
 No

If you answered yes to any of
these questions, please briefly


Characters left in your response 500

USCGA Information
How did you first learn about the
Coast Guard Academy? *
Detailed Source *

Select One



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USCGA AIM Application
Applicant Information
Family Information
Educational Information
Extracurricular Information
Additional Information
Personal Statements

We require your guidance counselor, or an appropriate school
official, to submit an official high school transcript along with a
letter of recommendation. In addition, you may request up to two
optional letters of recommendation from any source.
Individuals submitting letters of recommendation for your AIM
application must submit them electronically through the online
system to ensure they are added to your record.

Recommendation Provider List
Check Your Application

A recommendation provider is an individual who will complete
and submit a recommendation form on your behalf.
How the online recommendation process works:


Click the "Recommendation Provider List" button above.
Insert the name and contact information of each
recommendation provider.
Once the recommendation provider information is saved,
an email will be sent to the online recommendation
provider with an access code and instructions on how to
proceed with the online recommendation.
When the recommendation provider submits the form to
our office it will become a part of your application.
You can view the status of your online recommendations
each time you log into your application account.
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Additional Information
Your Recommendations will
automatically be matched to
your application upon
The access code is valid for 180
days from the date you input
and save their information.
To complete the
Recommendation online, a
Recommendation provider must
have a valid email address.
If you would like to send a
reminder, check the box next to
his/her name and click on the
"resend" button. This will
automatically generate a
reminder email.

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USCGA AIM Application
Applicant Information
Family Information
Educational Information
Extracurricular Information
Additional Information
Personal Statements


We require your guidance counselor, or an appropriate school official, to submit an official high
school transcript along with a letter of recommendation. In addition, you may request up to two
optional letters of recommendation from any source.
The individual submitting your official high school transcript must submit it electronically through the
online system to ensure it is added to your record. Your application will not be considered
complete, and therefore will not be reviewed, until your high school transcript is received via
the online system.

Recommendation Provider

Recommendation Provider


Check Your Application

No Recommendation Providers have been entered yet. Click the button below to
identify one of your Recommendation Providers.

Please note that notification emails will indicate "United States Coast Guard
Academy" as the sender but will come from If they use
a spam-blocking tool, please ask them to add this email address to their list of
known/safe addresses.
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Please Complete the Following

USCGA AIM Application
Applicant Information
Family Information
Educational Information
Extracurricular Information
Additional Information
Personal Statements


Recommender First Name:*
Recommender Last Name:*
Street Address (Line 1):
Street Address (Line 2):
Postal Code:

Check Your Application



-- Select --


-- Select --


(###) ###-#### for a U.S. number
Email Address:*
Relationship to you:*

-- Select -
Application cannot be submitted until a recommendation provider
has been added with Role of English Instructor, Guidance
Counselor, Math Instructor, and PFE Administrator

We require all applicants submit an official high school transcript. Will this recommender be
providing one along with their letter of recommendation?*

 Yes
 No

Do you wish to waive your right to examine this letter of recommendation?*

 Yes
 No
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, students have access to their
education record, including letters of recommendation. However, students may waive their
right to see letters of evaluation, in which case the letters will be held in confidence.

* indicates a required field
If you would like to include a personal note in the notification email that is delivered, please use
the space below:


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title
File Modified2014-07-25
File Created2012-12-10

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