Table of Changes Form


Application for Citizenship and Issuance of Certificate Under Section 322

Table of Changes Form

OMB: 1615-0087

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Form N-600K, Application for Citizenship and

Issuance of Certificate Under Section 322

OMB Number: 1615-0087


Reason for Revision: Edits based on OMB passback

Current Page Number and Section

Current Text

Proposed Text

Print or type your answers fully and accurately in black ink. Write “N/A” if an item is not applicable. Write “None” if the answer is none. Failure to answer all of the questions may delay your Form N-600K.

Print or type the answers fully and accurately in black ink. Write “N/A” if an item is not applicable. Write “None” if the answer is none. Failure to answer all of the questions may delay the Form N-600K

Page 1,

Part 1. Information About Your Eligibility

Part 1. Information About Your Eligibility (check only one box)

The application is being filed on your behalf. You are under 18 years of age and:

1. The BIOLOGICAL child of a qualifying U.S. citizen (USC) parent filing this form.

2. The ADOPTED child of a qualifying USC parent filing this form.

3. The grandchild of a qualifying USC grandparent or the child ward of a USC legal guardian filing this form within 5 years of the death of my USC parent.

[Page 1]

Part 1. Information About the Child’s Eligibility (check only one box)

The application is being filed for a child. The child is under 18 years of age and:

[No Change]

[No Change]

3. The grandchild of a qualifying USC grandparent or the child ward of a USC legal guardian filing this form within 5 years of the death of the USC parent.

Page 1,

Part 2. Information About You, the Child (for whom this application is being filed)

Part 2. Information About You, the Child (for whom this application is being filed)

1. Current Legal Name (do not provide a nickname)

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

2.   Name exactly as it appears on your Permanent Resident Card (if applicable)

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

3. Other name(s) you have used since birth (if applicable. Include nicknames.)

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

4. U.S. Social Security Number

(if applicable)

5. Date of Birth


6. Country of Birth

7. Country of Citizenship/Nationality

8. Gender Male/Female

9. Height Feet/Inches

10. Home Address

Street Number and Name (do not provide a P.O. Box in this space unless it is your ONLY address.)

Apartment Number



ZIP Code

Province (foreign address only)

Country (foreign address only)

Postal Code (foreign address only)

11. Mailing Address

C/O (in care of name)

Street Number and Name



ZIP Code

Province (foreign address only)

Country (foreign address only)

Postal Code (foreign address only)

12. Daytime Phone Number

Work Phone Number (if any)

Evening Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number (if any)

13. E-Mail Address (if any)

14. Marital Status

Single, Never Married




Marriage Annulled

Other (explain):

15.  Information about your admission into the United States and current immigration status (Do NOT complete this section. The USCIS officer will complete it with you during the interview.)

You arrived in the following manner:

Port of Entry (City/State)

Date of Entry (mm/dd/yyyy)

Current Immigration Status

Exact Name Used at Time of Entry

16. Do you know of any prior application for citizenship or for a U.S. passport?

17. Were you adopted?

Date of Adoption (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date Legal Custody Began (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date Physical Custody Began (mm/dd/yyyy)

18. Were your parents married to each other when you were born (or adopted)?

[Page 1]

Part 2. Information About the Child (for whom this application is being filed)

[No Change]

2.   Name exactly as it appears on the Permanent Resident Card (if applicable)

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

3. Other name(s) used since birth (if applicable. Include nicknames.)

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

10. Home Address

Street Number and Name (do not provide a P.O. Box in this space unless it is the ONLY address.)

Apartment Number



ZIP Code

Province (foreign address only)

Country (foreign address only)

Postal Code (foreign address only)

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

15.  Information about the admission into the United States and current immigration status (Do NOT complete this section. The USCIS officer will complete it during the interview.)

Arrived in the following manner:

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

16. Was there any prior application for citizenship or for a U.S. passport?

17. Was the child adopted?

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

18. Were the child’s parents married to each other when the child was born (or adopted)?

Page 2,

Part 3.  Information About Your U.S. Citizen Biological or Adoptive Parent (Provide information about yourself below if you are a U.S. citizen father or mother applying on behalf of your eligible child. Provide information about the child's U.S. citizen parent in the sections noted if you are the U.S. citizen grandparent or legal guardian.)

Part 3.  Information About Your U.S. Citizen Biological or Adoptive Parent (Provide information about yourself below if you are a U.S. citizen father or mother applying on behalf of your eligible child. Provide information about the child's U.S. citizen parent in the sections noted if you are the U.S. citizen grandparent or legal guardian.)

1. Current legal name of U.S. citizen father or mother submitting this Form N-600K.

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

2. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

3. Country of Birth

4. U.S. Social Security Number (if applicable)

5.   Home Address

Street Number and Name (do not provide a P.O. Box in this space)

Apartment Number



ZIP Code

Province (foreign address only)

Country (foreign address only)

Postal Code (foreign address only)

6. Daytime Phone Number

Work Phone Number (if any)

Evening Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number (if any)

7. E-Mail Address (if any)

8. Your parent is a U.S. citizen by:

Birth in the United States

Acquisition after birth through naturalization of alien parent(s)

Birth abroad to U.S. citizen parent(s)

Certificate of Citizenship Number

A-Number (if known)


Date of Naturalization (mm/dd/yyyy)

Place of Naturalization (name of court and City/State or USCIS office location)

Certificate of Naturalization Number

A-Number (if known)

9. Has your U.S. citizen father or mother ever lost U.S. citizenship or taken any action that would cause loss of U.S. citizenship?

Yes (provide full explanation on an additional sheet(s) of paper.)


10. Marital History

A. How many times has your U.S. citizen father or mother been married (including annulled marriages and marriage(s) to the same person)?

B. What is your U.S. citizen father or mother's current marital status?

Single, Never Married




Marriage Annulled

Other (explain):

C.  Information about your U.S. citizen father's or mother's current spouse:

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

Country of Birth

Country of Citizenship/Nationality

Spouse's Home Address

Street Number and Name (do not provide a P.O. Box in this space)

Apartment Number



ZIP Code

Province (foreign address only)

Country (foreign address only)

Postal Code (foreign address only)

Date of Marriage (mm/dd/yyyy)

Place of Marriage (City/State or Country)

Spouse's Immigration Status

U.S. Citizen

Permanent Resident

Other (explain):

D. Is your U.S. citizen father's or mother's current spouse also your biological (or adopted) parent?

11. Member of U.S. Armed Forces

A. Is the sponsoring U.S. citizen parent a member of the U.S. Armed Forces?

B. If you answered yes, then are you are on official orders authorizing you to accompany and reside with your sponsoring U.S. citizen parent who is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces?

NOTE: If your U.S. citizen biological or adoptive parent is filing this application AND has the required physical presence in the United States, skip Part 4 and go directly to Part 5.

[Page 2]

Part 3. Information About the Child’s U.S. Citizen Biological or Adoptive Parent (Provide information about the U.S. citizen father or mother applying on behalf of the eligible child. Provide information about the child's U.S. citizen parent in the sections noted if the U.S. citizen grandparent or legal guardian is filing this form.)

1. Current legal name of U.S. citizen parent

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

8. The parent is a U.S. citizen by:

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

9. Has the U.S. citizen father or mother ever lost U.S. citizenship or taken any action that would cause loss of U.S. citizenship?

Yes (provide full explanation on an additional sheet(s) of paper.)


10. Marital History

A. How many times has the U.S. citizen father or mother been married (including annulled marriages and marriage(s) to the same person)?

B. What is the U.S. citizen father or mother's current marital status?

[No Change]

C.  Information about the U.S. citizen father's or mother's current spouse:

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

D. Is the U.S. citizen father's or mother's current spouse also the child’s biological (or adoptive) parent?

[No Change]

[No Change]

B. If the answer is yes, then are there official orders authorizing the child to accompany and reside with the sponsoring U.S. citizen parent who is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces?

NOTE: If the U.S. citizen biological or adoptive parent is filing this application AND has the required physical presence in the United States, skip Part 4 and go directly to Part 5.

Page 4,

Part 4. Information About Your Qualifying U.S. Citizen Grandparent (complete this part only if your U.S. citizen parent (or adoptive parent), grandparent, or legal guardian is applying for citizenship for you, and the U.S. citizen parent has not been physically present in the United States for 5 years; 2 years of which were after the age of 14.)

Part 4. Information About Your Qualifying U.S. Citizen Grandparent (complete this part only if your U.S. citizen parent (or adoptive parent), grandparent, or legal guardian is applying for citizenship for you, and the U.S. citizen parent has not been physically present in the United States for 5 years; 2 years of which were after the age of 14.)

1. Current legal name of U.S. citizen grandfather or grandmother submitting this Form N-600K.

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

2. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

3. Country of Birth

4. U.S. Social Security Number (if applicable)

5.   Home Address

Street Number and Name (do not provide a P.O. Box in this space)

Apartment Number



ZIP Code

Province (foreign address only)

Country (foreign address only)

Postal Code (foreign address only)

6. Daytime Phone Number

Work Phone Number (if any)

Evening Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number (if any)

7. E-Mail Address (if any)

8. My grandparent is a U.S. citizen by:

Birth in the United States

Acquisition after birth through naturalization of alien parent(s)

Birth abroad to U.S. citizen parent(s)

Certificate of Citizenship Number

A-Number (if known)


Date of Naturalization (mm/dd/yyyy)

Place of Naturalization (name of court and City/State or USCIS office location)

Certificate of Naturalization Number

A-Number (if known)

9. Has your grandparent ever lost U.S. citizenship or taken any action that would cause loss of U.S. citizenship?

Yes (provide full explanation on an additional sheet(s) of paper)


[Page 4]

Part 4. Information About the Child’s Qualifying U.S. Citizen Grandparent (complete this part only if the U.S. citizen parent (or adoptive parent), grandparent, or legal guardian is applying for citizenship for the child, and the U.S. citizen parent has not been physically present in the United States for 5 years; 2 years of which were after the age of 14.)

1. Current legal name of U.S. citizen grandparent

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

8. The grandparent is a U.S. citizen by:

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

9. Has the grandparent ever lost U.S. citizenship or taken any action that would cause loss of U.S. citizenship?

Yes (provide full explanation on an additional sheet(s) of paper)



Part 5. Physical Presence in the United States From Birth Until Filing of Form N-600K (Provide the dates that your U.S. citizen parent or grandparent was present in the United States. If your U.S. citizen parent has not been physically present in the United States for 5 years, 2 years of which were after the age of 14, then you must use the physical presence of your U.S. citizen grandparent.)

Part 5. Physical Presence in the United States From Birth Until Filing of Form N-600K (Provide the dates that your U.S. citizen parent or grandparent was present in the United States. If your U.S. citizen parent has not been physically present in the United States for 5 years, 2 years of which were after the age of 14, then you must use the physical presence of your U.S. citizen grandparent.)

Indicate whether this information relates to your U.S. citizen parent or to your qualifying grandparent

U.S. Citizen Parent

U.S. Citizen Grandparent

Physical Presence in the United States (mm/dd/yyyy)









NOTE: If your U.S. citizen biological/adoptive parent is filing this application, skip Part 6 and go directly to Part 7.

[Page 5]

Part 5. Physical Presence in the United States From Birth Until Filing of Form N-600K (Provide the dates that the U.S. citizen parent or grandparent was present in the United States. If the U.S. citizen parent has not been physically present in the United States for 5 years, 2 years of which were after the age of 14, then the child must use the physical presence of the U.S. citizen grandparent.)

Indicate whether this information relates to the U.S. citizen parent or to the qualifying grandparent

U.S. Citizen Parent

U.S. Citizen Grandparent

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

NOTE: If the U.S. citizen biological/adoptive parent is filing this application, skip Part 6 and go directly to Part 7.

Page 6,

Part 6. Information About Your Legal Guardian (complete this part only if your legal guardian is filing this application in lieu of a deceased U.S. citizen parent)

Part 6. Information About Your Legal Guardian (complete this part only if your legal guardian is filing this application in lieu of a deceased U.S. citizen parent)

1. Current legal name of U.S. citizen father or mother submitting this Form N-600K.

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

2. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

3. Country of Birth

4. U.S. Social Security Number (if applicable)

5.   Home Address

Street Number and Name (do not provide a P.O. Box in this space)

Apartment Number



ZIP Code

Province (foreign address only)

Country (foreign address only)

Postal Code (foreign address only)

6. Daytime Phone Number

Work Phone Number (if any)

Evening Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number (if any)

7. E-Mail Address (if any)

8. My legal guardian is a U.S. citizen by:

Birth in the United States

Acquisition after birth through naturalization of alien parent(s)

Birth abroad to U.S. citizen parent(s)

Certificate of Citizenship Number

A-Number (if known)


Date of Naturalization (mm/dd/yyyy)

Place of Naturalization (name of court and City/State or USCIS office location)

Certificate of Naturalization Number

A-Number (if known)

9. Date of Legal Guardianship (mm/dd/yyyy)

10. Name of Authority that Granted Legal Guardianship

11. Address of Authority that Granted Legal Guardianship

[Page 6]

Part 6. Information About the Legal Guardian (complete this part only if the legal guardian is filing this application in lieu of a deceased U.S. citizen parent)

1. Current legal name of the legal guardian

Family Name (last name)

Given Name (first name)

Middle Name (if applicable)

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

8. The legal guardian is a U.S. citizen by:

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]


Part 7. Preferred Location and Date for Interview

Part 7. Preferred Location and Date for Interview

1. Location (USCIS Office, City, or State

2. Preferred Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

USCIS will attempt to accommodate your preferences.

NOTE: Interview date should be at least 90 days after filing Form N-600K and before your (the child's) 18th birthday.

[Page 6]

Part 7. Preferred Location and Date for Interview

1. Location (USCIS Office, City, or State)

2. Preferred Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

USCIS will attempt to accommodate the requested preferences.

NOTE: Interview date should be at least 90 days after filing Form N-600K and before the child's 18th birthday.


Part 8. Your Signature (USCIS will reject your Form N-600K if it is not signed.)

Part 8. Your Signature (USCIS will reject your Form N-600K if it is not signed.)

I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States, that this application, and the evidence submitted with it, is all true and correct. I authorize the release of any information from my records that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services needs to determine eligibility for the benefit I am seeking.

Your Signature

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

[Page 7]

Part 8. Signature (USCIS will reject an unsigned Form N-600K.)

I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States, that this application, and the evidence submitted with it, is all true and correct. I authorize the release of any information that USCIS may need to determine eligibility for the benefit being sought.


Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


Part 9. Signature of Person Who Prepared This Form For You (if applicable)

Part 9. Signature of Person Who Prepared This Form For You (if applicable)

I declare that I prepared this application at the request of the above person. The answers provided are based on information of which I have personal knowledge and/or were provided to me by the above-named person in response to the questions contained on this application.

Preparer's Printed Name

Preparer's Signature

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Preparer's Firm or Organization Name (if applicable)

Preparer's Daytime Phone Number

Preparer's Fax Number

Preparer's Email Address

Preparer's Address

Street Number and Name (do not provide a P.O. Box in this space)

Apartment Number



ZIP Code

Province (foreign address only)

Country (foreign address only)

Postal Code (foreign address only)

NOTE: Do not complete the part below until the USCIS officer instructs you to do so at the interview.

[Page _]

Part 9. Signature of Person Who Prepared This Form (if applicable)

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]


Part 10. Affidavit

Part 10. Affidavit

I, the parent/grandparent/legal guardian, _____ do swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States, that I know and understand the contents of this application signed by me, and the attached supplementary pages number ( ) to ( ) inclusive, that the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that corrections number ( ) to ( ) were made by me or at my request.

Applicant, Parent or Legal Guardian's Signature

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Subscribed and sworn or affirmed before me upon examination of the applicant and U.S. citizen parent/grandparent/legal guardian on ____ at _____.

Interviewing USCIS Officer's Name and Title

Interviewing USCIS Officer's Signature

[Page 7]

Part 10. Affidavit (At the time of Interview)

[No Change]

Parent, Grandparent or Legal Guardian's Signature

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]


Part 11. USCIS Officer Report and Recommendation

Part 11. USCIS Officer Report and Recommendation

On the basis of the documents, records and the testimony of person examined, and the identification upon personal appearance of the underage beneficiary, I find that all the facts and conclusions set forth under oath in this application are:

1. true and correct;

2. The applicant derived or acquired U.S. citizenship on (mm/dd/yyyy)

3. The applicant derived or acquired U.S. citizenship through (check the box next to the appropriate section of law or, if the section of law is not reflected, write the applicable section of law in the space next to “Other”)

Section 322(a)(2)(A) of the INA (Parent residence);

Section 322(a)(2)(B) of the INA (Grandparent residence); or

Other _____

I recommend that this Form N-600K be: Approved/Denied

Issue Certificate of Citizenship in the Name of

USCIS Officer's Name and Title

USCIS Officer's Signature

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

I do [] do not [] concur with the USCIS officer's recommendation of the Form N-600K.

USCIS Field Office Director's Signature

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

[Page 8]

Part 11. USCIS Officer Report and Recommendation

[No Change]

1. True and correct;

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]

[No Change]


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-27

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