Form 71.32(b) Attachment A4 - 6 Code of Federal Regulations part 29.8(

Foreign Quarantine Regulations

Attachment A4 - 6 Code of Federal Regulations part 29.8(b)

Importer Documentation of Non Infectiousness (no form; authorithy under 71.32 (b)

OMB: 0920-0134

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§ 29.8

6 CFR Ch. I (1–1–13 Edition)

These checks may also be waived in exigent circumstances.
(c) Use and Storage. When PCII is in
the physical possession of a person,
reasonable steps shall be taken, in accordance with procedures prescribed by
the PCII Program Manager, to minimize the risk of access to PCII by unauthorized persons. When PCII is not in
the physical possession of a person, it
shall be stored in a secure environment.
(d) Reproduction. Pursuant to procedures prescribed by the PCII Program
Manager, a document or other material
containing PCII may be reproduced to
the extent necessary consistent with
the need to carry out official duties,
provided that the reproduced documents or material are marked and protected in the same manner as the original documents or material.
(e) Disposal of information. Documents
and material containing PCII may be
disposed of by any method that prevents unauthorized retrieval, such as
shredding or incineration.
(f) Transmission of information. PCII
shall be transmitted only by secure
means of delivery as determined by the
PCII Program Manager, and in conformance with appropriate federal
(g) Automated Information Systems.
The PCII Program Manager shall establish security requirements designed
to protect information to the maximum extent practicable, and consistent with the Act, for Automated Information Systems that contain PCII.
Such security requirements will be in
conformance with the information
technology security requirements in
the Federal Information Security Management Act and the Office of Management and Budget’s implementing policies.
§ 29.8 Disclosure of Protected Critical
Infrastructure Information.
(a) Authorization of access. The Under
Secretary for Preparedness, the Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection, or either’s designee may
choose to provide or authorize access
to PCII under one or more of the subsections below when it is determined
that this access supports a lawful and
authorized government purpose as enu-

merated in the CII Act or other law,
regulation, or legal authority.
(b) Federal, State and Local government
sharing. The PCII Program Manager or
the PCII Program Manager’s designees
may provide PCII to an employee of
the Federal government, provided, subject to subsection (f) of this section,
that such information is shared for
purposes of securing the critical infrastructure or protected systems, analysis, warning, interdependency study,
recovery, reconstitution, or for another
appropriate purpose including, without
limitation, the identification, analysis,
prevention, preemption, and/or disruption of terrorist threats to the homeland. PCII may not be used, directly or
indirectly, for any collateral regulatory purpose. PCII may be provided
to a State or local government entity
for the purpose of protecting critical
infrastructure or protected systems, or
in furtherance of an investigation or
the prosecution of a criminal act. The
provision of PCII to a State or local
government entity will normally be
made only pursuant to an arrangement
with the PCII Program Manager providing for compliance with the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section
and acknowledging the understanding
and responsibilities of the recipient.
State and local governments receiving
such information will acknowledge in
such arrangements the primacy of PCII
protections under the CII Act; agree to
assert all available legal defenses to
disclosure of PCII under State, or local
public disclosure laws, statutes or ordinances; and will agree to treat
breaches of the agreements by their
employees or contractors as matters
subject to the criminal code or to the
applicable employee code of conduct
for the jurisdiction.
(c) Disclosure of information to Federal,
State and local government contractors.
Disclosure of PCII to Federal, State,
and local contractors may be made
when necessary for an appropriate purpose under the CII Act, and only after
the PCII Program Manager or a PCII
Officer certifies that the contractor is
performing services in support of the
purposes of the CII Act. The contractor’s employees who will be handling
PCII must sign individual nondisclosure agreements in a form prescribed


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Office of the Secretary, DHS

§ 29.8

by the PCII Program Manager, and the
contractor must agree by contract,
whenever and to whatever extent possible, to comply with all relevant requirements of the PCII Program. The
contractor shall safeguard PCII in accordance with these procedures and
shall not remove any ‘‘PCII’’ markings.
An employee of the contractor may, in
the performance of services in support
of the purposes of the CII Act and when
authorized to do so by the PCII Program Manager or the PCII Program
Manager’s designee, communicate with
a submitting person or an authorized
person of a submitting entity, about a
submittal of information by that person or entity. Contractors shall not
further disclose PCII to any other
party not already authorized to receive
such information by the PCII Program
Manager or PCII Program Manager’s
Designee, without the prior written approval of the PCII Program Manager or
the PCII Program Manager’s designee.
(d) Further use or disclosure of information by State, and local governments. (1)
State and local governments receiving
information marked ‘‘Protected Critical Infrastructure Information’’ shall
not share that information with any
other party not already authorized to
receive such information by the PCII
Program Manager or PCII Program
Manager’s designee, with the exception
of their contractors after complying
with the requirements of paragraph (c)
of this section, or remove any PCII
markings, without first obtaining authorization from the PCII Program
Manager or the PCII Program Manager’s designees, who shall be responsible for requesting and obtaining written consent from the submitter of the
(2) State and local governments may
use PCII only for the purpose of protecting critical infrastructure or protected systems, or as set forth elsewhere in these rules.
(e) Disclosure of information to appropriate entities or to the general public.
PCII may be used to prepare advisories,
alerts, and warnings to relevant companies, targeted sectors, governmental
entities, ISAOs or the general public
vulnerabilities to critical infrastructure as appropriate pursuant to the CII

Act. Unless exigent circumstances require otherwise, any such warnings to
the general public will be authorized by
the Secretary, Under Secretary for
Preparedness, Assistant Secretary for
Cyber Security and Telecommunications, or Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection. Such exigent
circumstances exist only when approval of the Secretary, the Under Secretary for Preparedness, Assistant Secretary for Cyber Security and Telecommunications, or the Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection
cannot be obtained within a reasonable
time necessary to issue an effective advisory, alert, or warning. In issuing
advisories, alerts and warnings, DHS
shall consider the exigency of the situation, the extent of possible harm to
the public or to critical infrastructure,
and the necessary scope of the advisory
or warning; and take appropriate actions to protect from disclosure any information that is proprietary, business
sensitive, relates specifically to, or
might be used to identify, the submitting person or entity, or any persons or
entities on whose behalf the CII was
submitted, or is not otherwise appropriately in the public domain. Depending on the exigency of the circumstances, DHS may consult or cooperate with the submitter in making
such advisories, alerts or warnings.
(f) Disclosure for law enforcement purposes and communication with submitters;
access by Congress, the Comptroller General, and the Inspector General; and whistleblower protection—(1) Exceptions for
disclosure. (i) PCII shall not, without
the written consent of the person or
entity submitting such information, be
used or disclosed for purposes other
than the purposes of the CII Act, except—
(A) In furtherance of an investigation
or the prosecution of a criminal act by
the Federal government, or by a State,
local, or foreign government, when
such disclosure is coordinated by a
Federal law enforcement official;
(B) To communicate with a submitting person or an authorized person on
behalf of a submitting entity, about a
submittal of information by that person or entity when authorized to do so
by the PCII Program Manager or the
PCII Program Manager’s designee; or


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§ 29.9

6 CFR Ch. I (1–1–13 Edition)

(C) When disclosure of the information is made by any officer or employee
of the United States—
(1) To either House of Congress, or to
the extent of matter within its jurisdiction, any committee or subcommittee thereof, any joint committee thereof or subcommittee of any
such joint committee; or
(2) To the Comptroller General, or
any authorized representative of the
Comptroller General, in the course of
the performance of the duties of the
Government Accountability Office.
(ii) If any officer or employee of the
United States makes any disclosure
pursuant to these exceptions, contemporaneous written notification must be
provided to DHS through the PCII Program Manager.
(2) Consistent with the authority to
disclose information for any of the purposes of the CII Act, disclosure of PCII
may be made, without the written consent of the person or entity submitting
such information, to the DHS Inspector
(g) Responding to requests made under
the Freedom of Information Act or State,
local, and tribal information access laws.
PCII shall be treated as exempt from
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and any State or local law
requiring disclosure of records or information. Any Federal, State, local, or
tribal government agency with questions regarding the protection of PCII
from public disclosure shall contact
the PCII Program Manager, who shall
in turn consult with the DHS Office of
the General Counsel.
(h) Ex parte communications with decisionmaking officials. Pursuant to section 214(a)(1)(B) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, PCII is not subject to
any agency rules or judicial doctrine
regarding ex parte communications
with a decisionmaking official.
(i) Restriction on use of PCII in civil actions. Pursuant to section 214(a)(1)(C) of
the Homeland Security Act of 2002,
PCII shall not, without the written
consent of the person or entity submitting such information, be used directly
by any Federal, State or local authority, or by any third party, in any civil
action arising under Federal, State,
local, or tribal law.

§ 29.9 Investigation and reporting of
violation of PCII procedures.
(a) Reporting of possible violations.
Persons authorized to have access to
PCII shall report any suspected violation of security procedures, the loss or
misplacement of PCII, and any suspected unauthorized disclosure of PCII
immediately to the PCII Program Manager or the PCII Program Manager’s
designees. Suspected violations may
also be reported to the DHS Inspector
General. The PCII Program Manager or
the PCII Program Manager’s designees
shall in turn report the incident to the
appropriate Security Officer and to the
DHS Inspector General.
(b) Review and investigation of written
report. The PCII Program Manager, or
the appropriate Security Officer shall
notify the DHS Inspector General of
their intent to investigate any alleged
violation of procedures, loss of information, and/or unauthorized disclosure, prior to initiating any such investigation. Evidence of wrongdoing resulting from any such investigations
by agencies other than the DHS Inspector General shall be reported to the Department of Justice, Criminal Division,
through the DHS Office of the General
Counsel. The DHS Inspector General
also has authority to conduct such investigations, and shall report any evidence of wrongdoing to the Department
of Justice, Criminal Division, for consideration of prosecution.
(c) Notification to originator of PCII. If
the PCII Program Manager or the appropriate Security Officer determines
that a loss of information or an unauthorized disclosure has occurred, the
PCII Program Manager or the PCII
Program Manager’s designees shall notify the person or entity that submitted the PCII, unless providing such
notification could reasonably be expected to hamper the relevant investigation or adversely affect any other
law enforcement, national security, or
homeland security interest.
(d) Criminal and administrative penalties. (1) As established in section
214(f) of the CII Act, whoever, being an
officer or employee of the United
States or of any department or agency
thereof, knowingly publishes, divulges,
discloses, or makes known in any manner or to any extent not authorized by


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