Attachment N: PHEP Assessment Instrument (Word Version)
Form approved
OMB No. 0920-0879
Expiration date: 04/30/2017
Survey Welcome and Background
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has contracted with NORC at the University of Chicago (NORC) to conduct a survey of state, territorial and local health departments to identify which areas of public health and emergency response, need research to validate, improve and better inform programmatic and policy decisions. The questions in the survey are aligned with several of the CDC Public Health Preparedness Capabilities: National Standards for State and Local Planning that were previously identified as priorities by CDC and Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement grantees. We ask you to review each question in the survey and determine to what extent the question addresses an issue where a stronger evidence base could advance PHPR practice in your health department.
We ask that your health department’s Director of Public Health Preparedness or a designee with direct knowledge of preparedness activities complete this survey. If your health department does not employ a Preparedness Director, please designate a staff person who has direct knowledge and/or primary responsibility for preparedness activities to complete the survey. Included within this survey are questions about epidemiological investigation and public health laboratory testing (if applicable). Please consult with the appropriate staff within these departments to complete these sections of the survey.
We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. This survey is estimated to take 30 minutes to complete. Your responses will help CDC to better understand the research needs of health departments related to public health emergency preparedness and response. Your participation is voluntary, and you may skip questions or stop the survey at any time without any adverse consequences. Data from the survey will be shared with CDC, but will not be linked to the identity of a particular respondent or organization. For more information about this survey, please contact Michael Meit at
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing the instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Rd, NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0879).
SECTION 1: Background
Instructions: These questions should be completed by the Preparedness Director or a designee at your health department with primary responsibility for or direct knowledge of your health department’s preparedness activities.
Job Title: _______________
Are there staff at your health department who currently participate in research activities related to public health emergency preparedness? (NOTE: Research activities use systematic procedures to collect or develop new information that contributes to generalizable knowledge and improves public health practice. This does not include activities related to cooperative agreement reporting (e.g., CPG assessments) conducting exercises, hotwashes and after-action reports.)
Don’t Know
Does your health department collaborate with any of the following entities to design, conduct, analyze or interpret results from research activities (as defined above) related to public health emergency preparedness and response? Please select all that apply.
State health department(s) (other than your own)
Local health department(s) (other than your own)
Territorial health department(s) (other than your own)
Schools of public health and/or programs of public health
Other universities or colleges (aside from schools and/or programs of public health)
Public health institutes (PHIs)
Community-based organizations
State associations of county and city health officials (SACCHOs)
Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Centers (PERRCs)
Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs)
Clinical health care system or hospital
None of these
Others (please specify): ______________
Does your health department allocate any funding received for public health preparedness to support research activities?
Don’t Know
Please rate the extent to which you are personally familiar with the existing research and literature on public health emergency preparedness and response.
Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
Somewhat familiar
Moderately familiar
Extremely familiar
Would you like more information/training on existing research and literature on public health emergency preparedness and response?
(Optional) If yes, please describe: _________
SECTION 2: Topics in Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response
Instructions: Below we present a list of questions about PHPR activities. The questions map to several of the CDC Public Health Preparedness Capabilities: National Standards for State and Local Planning that were previously identified as priorities by CDC and PHEP grantees. Please read each question and determine to what extent the question addresses an area of public health and emergency response that needs research to validate, improve and better inform programmatic and policy decisions. For the purposes of this survey, we define “important” as: The extent to which the question addresses an area of PHPR practice that is a problem, and would deliver the best initial return on investment if research was conducted to build the evidence base addressing that issue. If you are unsure about a question’s importance, select Don’t Know. If the topic does not apply to your health department’s PHEP activities, select N/A.
Part A: Biosurveillance
Capability 13: Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to public health surveillance and epidemiological investigation that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
B: Community Resilience
Capability 1: Community Preparedness
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
N/A -- |
Are there other questions or topics related to community preparedness that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Part C: Countermeasures and Mitigation
Capability 8: Medical Countermeasures Dispensing
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to medical countermeasure dispensing that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Capability 9: Medical Materiel Management and Distribution
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to medical materiel management and distribution that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Capability 14: Responder Safety and Health
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to responder safety and health that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Part D: Incident Management
Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to emergency operations coordination that are important areas where additional information is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Part E: Information Management
Capability 4: Emergency Public Information and Warning
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to emergency public information and warning that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Capability 6: Information Sharing
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to information sharing that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Part F: Surge Management
Capability 10: Medical Surge
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to medical surge that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Capability 15: Volunteer Management
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to volunteer management that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Part G: Cross-Cutting Preparedness Topics
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there questions or topics related to other PHEP capabilities (e.g., Capability 2 – Community Recovery, Capability 11 – Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions, Capability 5 – Fatality Management, or Capability 7 – Mass Care) that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Does your local health department conduct laboratory activities?
[If yes, continue to Part H, Question #74. If no, end survey.]
Part H: Public Health Laboratory
Capability 12: Public Health Laboratory Testing
To what extent is each question below an important area where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department? |
Not at all important 1 |
Slightly important 2 |
Moderately important 3 |
Very important 4 |
Extremely important 5 |
Don’t Know -- |
-- |
Are there other questions or topics related to public health laboratory performance that are important areas where additional knowledge is needed to advance PHPR practice in your health department?
If yes, please specify: _______________
Survey Conclusion
Thank you for participating in this survey.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Alexa Brown |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |