Justification for Change & Crosswalk

EIP February 2014 Change Request.docx

Emerging Infections Program

Justification for Change & Crosswalk

OMB: 0920-0978

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Emerging Infections Program

Change Request

February 2014

Amy McMillen, MPH

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

Office of the Director

1600 Clifton Rd

Atlanta GA 30333




The National Center for National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is requesting approval of changes to four data collection forms that have previously been approved under OMB no. 0920-0978; expiration date 8/31/2016.

These forms are used to conduct surveillance to determine the incidence and epidemiologic characteristics of invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, group A Streptococcus, group B Streptococcus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella spp., specific foodborne diseases that is captured within FoodNet and Influenza (specifically for the All Age Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance (Flu Hosp) project).

The forms for which approval for changes are being sought include:

  1. 2014 ABCs Case Report Form — (Attachment 1)

  2. 2014 ABCs Invasive Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Case Report Form — (Attachment 2 )

  3. 2014 ABCs Neonatal Infection Expanded Tracking Form — (Attachment 3 )

  4. 2014 ABCs Legionellosis Case Report Form — (Attachment 4)

  5. 2014 FoodNet Variable list — (Attachment 5)

  6. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Case Report Form — (Attachment 6)

  7. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey — (Attachment 7)

  8. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey (Spanish) — (Attachment 8)

  9. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form — (Attachment 9)

  10. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form (Spanish) — (Attachment 10)

Description of Changes

Minor changes are being requested for the 2014 ABCs Case Report Form, the 2014 ABCs Invasive Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Case Report Form, the 2014 Neonatal Infection Expanded Tracking Form and the 2014 ABCs Legionellosis Case Report Form in order to streamline and enhance disease surveillance for the pathogens under surveillance.

Minor changes are being requested for the 2014 FoodNet Variable list in order to improve disease surveillance under FoodNet surveillance.

Minor changes are being requested for the 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Case Report Form, 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey, 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey (Spanish), 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form, 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form (Spanish) to improve surveillance of hospitalized cases affected by influenza.

The changes from the previously approved forms are minimal and the addition of forms translated to Spanish will not result in a change to previously estimated burden hours, as per communication with surveillance officers (form respondents).

Detailed Description of Changes

  1. 2014 ABCs Case Report Form changes include:

    1. Question 27: Underlying conditions or prior illnesses

      • Two checkboxes, ‘Chronic Renal Insufficiency’ and ‘Renal Failure/Dialysis’ have been removed.

      • Two checkboxes, ‘Chronic Kidney Disease’ and ‘Current Chronic Dialysis’ were added to distinguish between persons with underlying renal conditions that do or do not require dialysis.

    2. Question 30, ‘Is patient currently attending college?’ has been moved to the left to be better grouped with other questions specific to cases of N. meningitidis.

  1. 2014 ABCs Invasive Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Case Report Form changes include:

    1. The order of the questions have been reordered to improve logic flow and shading added to indicate core variables

    2. Question 18: Supplemental Pneumonia Questions, has been removed.

    3. Hospital discharge date was moved to question on patient outcome.

    4. New question added, ‘If yes, (to culture collected > 3 days after hospital admission) was the case selected for full CRF based on sampling frame 1:10?’

    5. Modified question on BMI- added text’ (do not calculate, only if available in the MR).’

    6. Underlying conditions

      • Changed ‘AIDS or CD4 count < 200’ to ‘AIDS’

      • Changed ‘Chronic Renal Insufficiency’ to ‘Chronic Kidney Disease’

      • Added checkbox for ‘Chronic Cognitive Deficit’, to more closely match the Charlson co-morbidity index.

    7. Changed title of question from ‘Classification – Healthcare-associated and community-associated’ to ‘Prior healthcare exposure – Healthcare associated and community-associated’.

  1. 2014 ABCs Neonatal Infection Expanded Tracking Form changes include:

    1. Question 9: new question 9c. added; ‘Were any ICD-10 codes reported in the discharge diagnosis of the infant’s chart? This was added to capture ICD-10 codes.

    2. Question 9: new question 9d. added ; ‘If yes, were any of the following ICD-10 codes reported in the discharge diagnosis of the chart?’ This was added to capture ICD-10 codes.

    3. Question 19: will no longer indent ‘If delivery was by C-section…’. This will be left aligned to match the rest of the form’s questions.

    4. Question 26: An unknown checkbox was added for unknown dates of prenatal care visits, to indicate that the question was reviewed and data was missing.

  1. 2014 ABCs Legionellosis Case Report Form changes include:

    1. Question 22: Discharge diagnosis; we are adding ICD-10 codes to the appropriate variables capturing ICD-9 codes, where matching ICD-10 codes exist.

    2. Question 23: Underlying conditions or prior illnesses

        • Two checkboxes, ‘Chronic Renal Insufficiency’ and ‘Renal Failure/Dialysis’ have been removed.

        • Two checkboxes, ‘Chronic Kidney Disease’ and ‘Current Chronic Dialysis’ were added to distinguish between persons with underlying renal conditions that do or do not require dialysis.

  1. 2014 FoodNet Variable list changes include:

    1. Variable 2: Expanded the list of responses for ‘AgClinicTestType’ to reflect new tests that are now being used in clinical labs.

    2. Variables 80 & 81: Added two new variables (‘DXO157’ and ‘DXO157TestType’) related to culture-independent testing for STEC.

    3. Variables 10-57: Added new variables to capture case exposure information to be used for attribution estimates. These variables were developed by a working group consisting of CDC and state health department sites over a two-year period. Variables were pilot-tested in 4 sites for a three-month period for Salmonella and Campylobacter cases. These variables are already being captured by state health departments on their state forms.

  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Case Report Form

    1. To better characterize the types of FluSurv-NET cases, a question has been added to differentiate between patients admitted to the hospital versus those who are kept under observation for 24 hours or more.

    2. To better classify patient’s residence before hospitalization, we have replaced the long term care facility information open text fields and replaced them with checkboxes of the most common responses for residence prior to hospitalization.

    3. Question regarding whether or not patient worked in the healthcare industry has been removed.

    4. To better capture information regarding symptoms at the time of admission, question E2 “Reason for current admission” has been rephrased to “Acute conditions at admission”.

    5. To better understand high risk behaviors associated with influenza hospitalizations, questions regarding previous and current smoking status and previous and current alcohol abuse have been added

    6. A question has been added for the patient’s total number of ICU admissions during current hospitalization to better capture the history of the hospitalization since a patient may have more than one admission to state forsmthe ICU.

    7. The antiviral treatment section of the case report form has been reformatted to better capture treatment information, including method of administration and multiple series of medications

    8. The options for terms abstracted from radiographic reports were modified slightly to harmonize with other surveillance tools already in use in similar catchment areas.

    9. The options available for discharge locations have been modified to make the form consistent with the information encountered by the surveillance officers when abstracting data from medical charts.

    10. Vaccination history for mothers of patients < 6 months of age will no longer be collected.

    11. The section on vaccination status was simplified. We will capture vaccination status according to each data source used at the surveillance area and vaccine type will no longer be collected.

    12. Pneumococcal vaccination status will no longer be collected.

  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey

    1. To reflect changes made in the 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Case Report Form, the 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey was simplified.

        • Vaccination history for mothers of patients < 6 months of age will no longer be collected.

        • The vaccine type will no longer be collected.

        • Pneumococcal vaccination status will no longer be collected.

  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey (Spanish)

    1. To better obtain surveillance information of Spanish-speaking individuals, the 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey has been translated into Spanish.

  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form

    1. Instructions on where to proceed after the interviewee consents to the continuation of the interview has been changed to better reflect this season’s instructions.

  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form (Spanish)

    1. To better obtain surveillance information of Spanish-speaking individuals, the 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form has been translated into Spanish.

Cross walk of 2014 form changes

  1. 2014 ABCs Case Report Form

Question on 2013 form

Question on 2014 form

27. Underlying conditions

1 □ Chronic Renal Insufficiency

1 □ Renal Failure/Dialysis

27. Underlying conditions

1 □ Chronic Kidney Disease

1 □ Current Chronic Dialysis

  1. 2014 ABCs Invasive Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Case Report Form

Question on 2013 form

Question on 2014 form

18. Supplemental Pneumonia Questions. Please complete if the patient was determined to have pneumonia per question 15a (Timeframe of interest: within +/- 3 calendar days of initial culture)


9. Was the patient hospitalized, at the time of, or in the 30 calendar days, after initial culture?

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 9 □ Unknown

If yes, date of admission: MM/DD/YYYY

Date of discharge: MM/DD/YYYY

18. Patient Outcome

9 □ Unknown

1 □ Survived

Date of discharge: MM/DD/YYYY

2 □ Died

Date of death: MM/DD/YYYY

17. Classification – Healthcare-associated and community-associated: (Check all that apply)

1 □ Culture collected >3 calendar days after hospital admission.

11. Was culture collected >3 calendar days after hospital admission?

1 □ Yes (HO-MRSA case)

2 □ No (Complete CRF, CA-MRSA or HACO-MRSA case)

If yes, was the case selected for full CRF based on sampling frame 1:10?

1 □ Yes (Complete CRF)

2 □ No (STOP data abstraction)

8f. BMI: _____ □ unknown

12e. BMI: _____ (do not calculate, only if available in MR)

□ unknown

16. Underlying conditions

1 □ AIDS or CD4 count <200

1 □ Chronic Renal Insufficiency

20. Underlying conditions

1 □ AIDS

1 □ Chronic Renal Disease

1 □ Chronic Cognitive Deficit

17. Classification – Healthcare-associated and community-associated: (Check all that apply)

21. Prior Healthcare Exposure - Healthcare-associated and community-associated: (Check all that apply)

  1. 2014 ABCs Neonatal Infection Expanded Tracking Form

Question on 2013 form

Question on 2014 form


9c. Were any ICD-10 codes reported in the discharge diagnosis of the infant’s chart?


9d. IF YES, were any of the following ICD-10 codes reported in the discharge diagnosis of the chart? (Check all that apply)

1 □ B36: Bacterial sepsis of newborn

1 □ B36.0: Sepsis of newborn due to streptococcus, group B

1 □ B36.1: Sepsis of newborn to other and unspecified streptococci

1 □ B95.1: Streptococcus, group b as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere

1 □ A40.1: Sepsis due to streptococcus, group B

1 □ A40.9: Streptococcus sepsis, unspecified

1 □ B95.5: Unspecified streptococcus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere

1 □ G00.2: Streptococcal meningitis

26. Please record the following: the total number of prenatal visits AND the first and last visit dates to the prenatal provider as recorded in the labor and delivery chart.

No. of visits: ___

First visit: MM/DD/YYYY

Last visit: MM/DD/YYYY

26. Please record the following: the total number of prenatal visits AND the first and last visit dates to the prenatal provider as recorded in the labor and delivery chart.

No. of visits: ___

First visit: MM/DD/YYYY

Last visit: MM/DD/YYYY

1 □ Unknown

  1. 2014 ABCs Legionellosis Case Report Form

Question on 2013 form

Question on 2014 form

22. Discharge diagnosis

1 □ 482.84 (Legionnaire’s disease)

1 □ 482 (Other bacterial pneumonia)

1 □ 482.3 (Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria)

1 □ 482.83 (Other gram-negative bacteria)

1 □ 482.89 (Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria)

1 □ 482.9 (Bacterial pneumonia unspecified)

1 □ 483 (Pneumonia due to other specified organism)

1 □ 483.8 (Pneumonia due to other specified organism)

1 □ 484 (Pneumonia in infectious diseases classified elsewhere)

1 □ 484.8 (Pneumonia in infectious diseases classified elsewhere)

1 □ 485 (Bronchopneumonia, organism unspecified)

1 □ 486 (Pneumonia, organism unspecified)

1 □ None of these listed

1 □ No ICD-9 codes in chart

22. Discharge diagnosis

1 □ 482.84/A48.1 (Legionnaire’s disease)

1 □ 482 (Other bacterial pneumonia)

1 □ 482.3 (Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria)

1 □ 482.83/J15.6 (Other gram-negative bacteria)

1 □ 482.89/J15.8 (Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria)

1 □ 482.9/J15.9 (Bacterial pneumonia unspecified)

1 □ 483 (Pneumonia due to other specified organism)

1 □ 483.8/J16.8 (Pneumonia due to other specified organism)

1 □ 484 (Pneumonia in infectious diseases classified elsewhere)

1 □ 484.8/J17 (Pneumonia in infectious diseases classified elsewhere)

1 □ 485/J18.0 (Bronchopneumonia, organism unspecified)

1 □ 486/J18.9 (Pneumonia, organism unspecified)

1 □ None of these listed

1 □ No ICD codes in chart

23. Underlying conditions

1 □ Chronic Renal Insufficiency

1 □ Renal Failure/Dialysis

23. Underlying conditions

1 □ Chronic Kidney Disease

1 □ Current Chronic Dialysis

  1. 2014 FoodNet Variable list

Variable list 2012

Variable list 2014

2. AgClinicTestType

1 □ Immunocard STAT! EHEC (Meridian);

1 □ Duopath Verotoxins (Merck);

1 □ Premier EHEC (Meridian);

1 □ ProSpecT STEC (Remel);

1 □ VTEC Screen (Denka Seiken);

1 □ ImmunoCard STAT! Crypto/Giardia (Meridian);

1 □ XPect Cryptosporidium (Remel);

1 □ XPect Crypto/Giardia (Remel);

1 □ ColorPAC Crypto/Giardia (Becton Dickinson);

1 □ ProSpecT Cryptosporidium (Remel);

1 □ ProSpecT Crypto/Giardia (Remel);

1 □ Wampole EIA Cryptosporidium;

1 □ TechLab EIA Cryptosporidium;

1 □ Crypto CELISA (Cellabs);

1 □ Para-TECT Crypto Antigen 96 (Medical Chemical Corporation);

1 □ Triage parasite panel (BioSite)

ProSpecT Campylobacter assay (Remel);

1 □ PREMIER™ CAMPY assay (Meridian);

1 □ ImmunoCard STAT! CAMPY (Meridian);

1 □ Xpect Campylobacter assay (Remel);

1 □ Other;

1 □ Unknown

2. AgClinicTestType

1 □ Alere Shiga Toxin Quik Chek

1 □ Immunocard STAT! EHEC (Meridian);

1 □ Duopath Verotoxins (Merck);

1 □ Premier EHEC (Meridian);

1 □ ProSpecT STEC (Remel);

1 □ VTEC Screen (Denka Seiken);

1 □ Alere Giardia/Crypto Quik Chek

1 □ ImmunoCard STAT! Crypto/Giardia (Meridian);

1 □ XPect Cryptosporidium (Remel);

1 □ XPect Crypto/Giardia (Remel);

1 □ ColorPAC Crypto/Giardia (Becton Dickinson);

1 □ ProSpecT Cryptosporidium (Remel);

1 □ ProSpecT Crypto/Giardia (Remel);

1 □ Wampole EIA Cryptosporidium;

1 □ TechLab EIA Cryptosporidium;

1 □ Crypto CELISA (Cellabs);

1 □ Para-TECT Crypto Antigen 96 (Medical Chemical Corporation);

1 □ Triage parasite panel (BioSite)

ProSpecT Campylobacter assay (Remel);

1 □ PREMIER™ CAMPY assay (Meridian);

1 □ ImmunoCard STAT! CAMPY (Meridian);

1 □ Xpect Campylobacter assay (Remel);

1 □ Other;

1 □ Unknown


10. CEA_Beef

11. CEA_Beef_grnd

12. CEA_Beef_out

13. CEA_Beef_unckgrnd

14. CEA_Berries

15. CEA_Bird

16. CEA_Cantaloupe

17. CEA_Cat

18. CEA_Chicken

19. CEA_Chx_grnd

20. CEA_Chx_out

21. CEA_Dairy

22. CEA_Dog

23. CEA_Eggs

24. CEA_Eggs_out

25. CEA_Eggs_unck

26. CEA_Farm_ranch

27. CEA_Fish

28. CEA_Fish_unck

29. CEA_Herbs

30. CEA_Lettuce

31. CEA_Live_poultry

32. CEA_Milk_raw

33. CEA_Odairy_raw

34. CEA_Ountreat_water

35. CEA_Pig

36. CEA_Pocketpet

37. CEA_Pork

38. CEA_Raw_cider

39. CEA_Reptile_amphib

40. CEA_Ruminants

41. CEA_Seafd

42. CEA_Seafd_unck

43. CEA_Sewer_water

44. CEA_Sick_contact

45. CEA_Sick_pet

46. CEA_Softcheese

47. CEA_Softcheese_raw

48. CEA_Spinach

49. CEA_Sprouts

50. CEA_Swim_treat

51. CEA_Swim_untreat

52. CEA_Tomatoes

53. CEA_Turkey

54. CEA_Turkey_grnd

55. CEA_Turkey_out

56. CEA_Watermelon

57. CEA_Well_water

Responses for all variables listed above (□Yes; □No; □Unknown)


80. DXO157

1 □ Positive;

1 □ Negative;

1 □ Not tested


81. DXO157TestType

1 □ ImmunoCard STAT! O157 (Meridian)

1 □ Diatherix;

1 □ Luminex;

1 □ Metametrix;

1 □ Other

  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Case Report Form

Question on 2011-12 Form

Question on 2013-14 Form


C2. Admission Type:


Observation Only

C12. Was patient a resident of an institutional setting or other chronic care facility prior to hospitalization (e.g., nursing home, prison, long-term care facility)?




C13. Where did patient reside at the time of hospitalization? Indicate TYPE of residence.

Private residence

Rehabilitation facility

Group home/Retirement home

Assisted living/Residential care


Nursing home


Other, specify: _____________________

C12a. If yes, indicate TYPE of facility: ____________________


C13. Does patient work in the healthcare industry?





E2.Reason for current admission (Check all that apply):

Acute respiratory illness

Asthma and/or COPD exacerbation


Other respiratory or cardiac conditions

Other, neither respiratory nor cardiac conditions


E2. Acute conditions at admission (Check all that apply):

Acute respiratory illness

Asthma and/or COPD exacerbation



Other respiratory or cardiac conditions

Other, neither respiratory nor cardiac conditions



E7.  Smoker:





E8.  Alcohol abuse:





F1a. Number of ICU Admissions   _________


I1a. If yes, indicate which antiviral medication(s) were used, or check unknown:

Antiviral Medication(s) Unknown


Question on 2011-12 Form

Question on 2013-14 Form

I1a. If yes, indicate which antiviral medication(s) were used, or check unknown:

Amantadine (Symmetrel)

                Series 1:  [Start Date]   [End Date]     Series 2:  [Start Date]   [End Date]

Rimantadine (Flumadine)

                Series 1:  [Start Date]   [End Date]     Series 2:  [Start Date]   [End Date]

Zanamivir (Relenza)

                Series 1:  [Start Date]   [End Date]     ­[Frequency and Dose]

Series 2:  [Start Date]   [End Date]    [Frequency and Dose]

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)

                Series 1:  [Start Date]   [End Date]     ­[Frequency and Dose]

Series 2:  [Start Date]   [End Date]    [Frequency and Dose]

Other, specify: ______________

                Series 1:  [Start Date]   [End Date]     ­[Frequency and Dose]

Series 2:  [Start Date]   [End Date]    [Frequency and Dose]

I2a-I5a. Treatment 1-4:

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)

Zanamivir (Relenza)

Amantadine  (Symmetrel)

Rimantadine (Flumadine)

Other, specify: _______________________________



I2b-I5b.  Method of Administration: 


Intravenous (IV)




I2c-I5c. Start Date: ___/____/____

Start Date Unknown


I2d-I5d. End Date: ____/____/____

End Date Unknown


I2e-I5e. Dose _________________

Dose Unknown


I2f-I5f. Frequency: _________________

Frequency Unknown

J2b. For first abnormal chest x-ray, please check all that apply:

Report not available


Cannot rule out pneumonia

Air space density/opacity


Interstitial infiltrate

Pleural effusion

Single lobar infiltrate

Multiple lobar infiltrate (unilateral or bilateral)

Other, specify: ______________

J2b. For first abnormal chest x-ray, please check all that apply:

Report not available


Interstitial infiltrate

Air space density/opacity


Pleural effusion/empyema



Lobar (NOT interstitial) infiltrate

Cannot rule out pneumonia

ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)


Question on 2011-12 Form

Question on 2013-14 Form


J2c. Please specify location for bronchopneumonia/pneumonia/consolidation/lobar infiltrate/air space density/opacity:

Single lobar

Multiple lobar (unilateral)

Multiple lobar (bilateral)


K3a. If discharged alive, please indicate to where:


Other hospital


Long-term care facility

Other, specify: _______________________


K2a. If discharged alive, please indicate to where:


Other hospital

Hospice/Home hospice


Rehabilitation Facility

Group home/Retirement home

Assisted living/Residential Care

Home with Services

Nursing home

Other, specify: _____________________


M1. Did patient’s mother receive the influenza vaccine during fall or winter of the current influenza season?





M1a. If yes, specify mother’s vaccine type:

Injected Vaccine – Trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV)

Nasal Spray – Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV)

Vaccine type unknown


M2b. If yes, specify patient’s vaccine type:

Injected Vaccine – Trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV)

Nasal Spray – Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV)

Vaccine type unknown


M2c. If patient ≥ 18 years and received injected vaccine (TIV), please specify type:

Regular IM

High dose IM


TIV type unknown


M4. Did patient receive any type of pneumococcal vaccine at any age?





Question on 2011-12 Form

Question on 2013-14 Form

M4a. If yes, please provide dosage date information:

Dose 1 ___/ ___/ ___                                Dose 2 ___/ ___/ ___

Dose 3 (Pediatrics Only) ___/ ___/ ___     Dose 4 (Pediatrics Only) ___/ ___/ ___


M4b. If patient ≥ 65 years, was vaccine received within last five years?





  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey

Question on 2011-12 Form

Question on 2013-14 Form

Patients <6 months old:

1) Did [you (if speaking to patient’s mother)/patient’s mother] receive the influenza vaccine during fall or winter of the current influenza season?

                 Yes (go to Q1a)

                 No (go to Q2)

                 Unknown (go to Q2)


Patients <6 months old:

1a) If yes, what vaccine type did [you/the patient’s mother] receive?

                 Shot [Injected vaccine --Trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV)]

                 Spray [Nasal spray -- Live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV)]

                 Unknown


Patients <6 months old:

1b) What type of injected vaccine did [you/patient’s mother] receive?

                 Regular IM

                 High dose IM

                 Intradermal

                 TIV type unknown


Patients <6 months old:

2) At any time, did [your child/patient’s name] receive the pneumonia vaccine [may need to read: pneumococcal, PCV(7), PCV(13), or Prevnar®]?

                 Yes

                 No 

                 Unknown


Patients <6 months old:

2a) Can you tell me the dates [your child's/patient’s name] received the pneumonia vaccine?

                1)   _____-_____-________ [MM-DD-YYYY]

                2)   _____-_____-________ [MM-DD-YYYY]

                3)   _____-_____-________ [MM-DD-YYYY]

                4)   _____-_____-________ [MM-DD-YYYY]


Patients <6 months old:

3) Can you tell me what is [your child’s/patient’s name] race (check all that apply)?

 White

 Black or African American

 Asian/Pacific Islander

 American Indian or Alaska Native

 Multiracial, unspecified

 Not specified (refused)

Are you / they….?

 Hispanic or Latino

 Non-Hispanic or Latino


Children>6 months old and Adults:

1b) Did [you/child’s name] receive a shot or was it sprayed into their nose?

                 Shot [Injected vaccine --Trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV)]

                 Spray [Nasal spray -- Live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV)]

                 Unknown


Children  >6 months old:

3). At any time, did [you/child’s name] receive the pneumonia vaccine [may need to read: pneumococcal, PCV(7), PCV(13), or Prevnar®]?

                 Yes

                 No

                 Unknown


Adult Patient:

1b) Did [you/child’s name] receive a shot or was it sprayed into their nose?

                 Shot [Injected vaccine --Trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV)]

                 Spray [Nasal spray -- Live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV)]

                 Unknown


Adult Patient:

1c) What type of injected vaccine did [you/patient’s name] receive?

                 Regular IM

                 High dose IM

                 Intradermal

                 TIV type unknown


Adult Patients:

2) At any time, did [you/patient’s name) receive the pneumonia vaccine [may need to read: pneumococcal,  Pneumovax®]?

                 Yes

                 No

                 Unknown


  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey (Spanish)

    1. To better obtain surveillance information of Spanish-speaking individuals, the 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Vaccination History Telephone Survey has been translated into Spanish.

  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form

Question on 2011-12 Form

Question on 2013-14 Form

Hello.  My name is __________ from the _____[state] Department of Public Health.  May I speak to ______ [patient’s name /parent of [child’s name] ] . We are working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health departments to learn more about influenza disease or the flu.  To do this, we are talking to people who have been in the hospital with the flu.  We want to look at things that may affect their illness and whether they were vaccinated against the flu.  

Because you/your child [or NAME if speaking with proxy] were in the hospital for the flu beginning on _______[day admitted], I would like to ask you a few questions about whether you/your child [or NAME if speaking with proxy] received the flu vaccine this season.  This will take about five minutes. Your participation is voluntary and if you choose to refuse it will not affect any medical care or benefits you receive.  All of your responses will be kept confidential as much as the law allows.  You may refuse to answer any questions and may stop at any time.  This information will help [State/Local Health Department] and CDC better describe influenza-associated hospitalizations.  Additionally, this information may help us improve vaccination recommendations for flu and better protect the public’s health.  There is no other benefit to you for answering these questions.  There is also no risk to you.  If you have any questions about the study, you may call _____[state contact] at the Department of Public Health at XXX-XXX-XXXX.  Do you have any questions before I begin?

May I continue with this interview?                                 Yes                          No

If YES, go to Appendix D.

If NO: Thank you for your time.  Have a good day.

Hello.  My name is __________ from the _____[state] Department of Public Health.  May I speak to ______ [patient’s name /parent of [child’s name] ] . We are working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health departments to learn more about influenza disease or the flu.  To do this, we are talking to people who have been in the hospital with the flu.  We want to look at things that may affect their illness and whether they were vaccinated against the flu.  

Because you/your child [or NAME if speaking with proxy] were in the hospital for the flu beginning on _______[day admitted], I would like to ask you a few questions about whether you/your child [or NAME if speaking with proxy] received the flu vaccine this season.  This will take about five minutes. Your participation is voluntary and if you choose to refuse it will not affect any medical care or benefits you receive.  All of your responses will be kept confidential as much as the law allows.  You may refuse to answer any questions and may stop at any time.  This information will help [State/Local Health Department] and CDC better describe influenza-associated hospitalizations.  Additionally, this information may help us improve vaccination recommendations for flu and better protect the public’s health.  There is no other benefit to you for answering these questions.  There is also no risk to you.  If you have any questions about the study, you may call _____[state contact] at the Department of Public Health at XXX-XXX-XXXX.  Do you have any questions before I begin?

May I continue with this interview?                                 Yes                          No

If YES, go to Appendix F.

If NO: Thank you for your time.  Have a good day.

Question on 2011-12 Form

Question on 2013-14 Form

Hello.  My name is __________ from the _____[state] Department of Public Health.  May I speak to ______ [patient’s name /parent of [child’s name] ] . We are working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health departments to learn more about influenza disease or the flu.  To do this, we are talking to people who have been in the hospital with the flu.  We want to look at things that may affect their illness and whether they were vaccinated against the flu.  

Because you/your child [or NAME if speaking with proxy] were in the hospital for the flu beginning on _______[day admitted], I would like to ask you a few questions about whether you/your child [or NAME if speaking with proxy] received the flu vaccine this season.  This will take about five minutes. Your participation is voluntary and if you choose to refuse it will not affect any medical care or benefits you receive.  All of your responses will be kept confidential as much as the law allows.  You may refuse to answer any questions and may stop at any time.  This information will help [State/Local Health Department] and CDC better describe influenza-associated hospitalizations.  Additionally, this information may help us improve vaccination recommendations for flu and better protect the public’s health.  There is no other benefit to you for answering these questions.  There is also no risk to you.  If you have any questions about the study, you may call _____[state contact] at the Department of Public Health at XXX-XXX-XXXX.  Do you have any questions before I begin?

May I continue with this interview?                                 Yes                          No

If YES, go to Appendix D.

If NO: Thank you for your time.  Have a good day.

Hello.  My name is __________ from the _____[state] Department of Public Health.  May I speak to ______ [patient’s name /parent of [child’s name] ] . We are working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health departments to learn more about influenza disease or the flu.  To do this, we are talking to people who have been in the hospital with the flu.  We want to look at things that may affect their illness and whether they were vaccinated against the flu.  

Because you/your child [or NAME if speaking with proxy] were in the hospital for the flu beginning on _______[day admitted], I would like to ask you a few questions about whether you/your child [or NAME if speaking with proxy] received the flu vaccine this season.  This will take about five minutes. Your participation is voluntary and if you choose to refuse it will not affect any medical care or benefits you receive.  All of your responses will be kept confidential as much as the law allows.  You may refuse to answer any questions and may stop at any time.  This information will help [State/Local Health Department] and CDC better describe influenza-associated hospitalizations.  Additionally, this information may help us improve vaccination recommendations for flu and better protect the public’s health.  There is no other benefit to you for answering these questions.  There is also no risk to you.  If you have any questions about the study, you may call _____[state contact] at the Department of Public Health at XXX-XXX-XXXX.  Do you have any questions before I begin?

May I continue with this interview?                                 Yes                          No

If YES, go to Appendix F.

If NO: Thank you for your time.  Have a good day.

  1. 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form (Spanish)

    1. To better obtain surveillance information of Spanish-speaking individuals, the 2013-14 FluSurv-NET Influenza Surveillance Project Consent Form has been translated into Spanish.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCDC User
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-28

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