Ambulatory Medical Care Survey OMB
NOTICE - Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office; 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0234). Assurance of Confidentiality - All information which would permit identification of an individual, a practice, or an establishment will be held confidential, will be used for statistical purposes only by NCHS staff, contractors, and agents only when required and with necessary controls, and will not be disclosed or released to other persons without the consent of the individual or the establishment in accordance with section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 242m) and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (PL-107-347). |
Physician Workflow Supplement Year 2013
The purpose of the Physician Workflow study is to collect information about the experiences office-based physicians are having with and without electronic health records (EHR). Your participation is greatly appreciated and voluntary. Your answers are completely confidential. If you have questions or comments about this survey, please call 866-966-1473.
This survey asks about ambulatory care, that is, care for patients receiving health services without admission to a hospital or other facility. |
1. Do you directly care for any ambulatory patients in your work?
2. For this question, please think about a normal week—that is, a week with a normal caseload, with no holidays, vacations, or conferences. Overall, at how many office locations do you see ambulatory patients in a normal week? (Please exclude hospital emergency or outpatient departments)? ____________ locations 3. Do you see ambulatory patients in any of the following settings? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. 1□ Private solo or group practice 2□ Freestanding clinic/urgicenter (not part of a hospital outpatient department) 3□ Community Health Center (e.g., Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), federally funded clinics or “look-alike” clinics) 4□ Mental health center 5□ Non-federal government clinic (e.g., state, county, city, maternal and child health, etc.) 6□ Family planning clinic (including Planned Parenthood) 7□ Health maintenance organization or other prepaid practice (e.g., Kaiser Permanente) 8□ Faculty practice plan (An organized group of physicians that treat patients referred to an academic medical center) 9□ Hospital emergency or outpatient departments 10□ None of the above
4. At which of the settings in question 3 do you see the most ambulatory patients? WRITE THE NUMBER NEXT TO THE BOX YOU CHECKED. __________
5. What are the county, state, zip code and telephone number of the reporting location?
6a. How many physicians, including you, work at the reporting location? WRITE BELOW.
6b. How many physicians, including you, work at this practice (including physicians at the reporting location, and physicians at any other locations of the practice)?
1□ 1 physician 2□ 2-3 physicians 3□ 4-10 physicians 4□ 11-50 physicians 5□ 51-100 physicians 6□ More than 100 physicians |
7. How many of the following types of staff are associated with the reporting location? If none, mark box provided. ___ Number of midlevel providers (NP, PA) □None ___ Number of clinical staff (RN, MA) □None ___ Number of administrative/non-clinical staff □None
8. Is the reporting location a single- or multi-specialty (group) practice?
1□ Single 2□ Multi-specialty
9. Are you a full or part owner, employee, or an independent contractor at the reporting location?
1□ Owner 2□ Employee 3□ Contractor
10. Who owns the reporting location? CHECK ONE.
1□ Physician or physician group 2□ Insurance company, health plan, or HMO 3□ Community health center 4□ Medical/academic health center 5□ Other hospital 6□ Other health care corporation 7□ Other
11. Does the reporting location receive any additional compensation beyond routine visit fees for offering Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) type services or does the reporting location participate in a certified PCMH arrangement? ![]()
1□ Yes, we participate 2□ No, but we plan to participate 3□ No, and we don’t plan to participate 4□ Uncertain
12. Does the reporting location participate in a Pay-for-performance arrangement in which you can receive financial bonuses based on your Performance?
1□ Yes, we participate 2□ No, but we plan to participate 3□ No, and we don’t plan to participate 4□ Uncertain
13. Does the reporting location participate in an Accountable Care Organization or similar arrangement by which you may share savings with insurers (including private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and other public options)?
1□ Yes, we participate 2□ No, but we plan to participate 3□ No, and we don’t plan to participate 4□ Uncertain
14. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with practicing medicine?
1□ Very satisfied 2□ Somewhat satisfied 3□ Somewhat dissatisfied 4□ Very dissatisfied
15. Please consider the following statement: “I am able to provide high quality care to most of my patients at the reporting location.” Would you say you…
1□ Strongly agree 2□ Somewhat agree 3□ Somewhat disagree 4□ Strongly disagree |
The next questions are about electronic health records (EHR) systems.
16. Which of the following best describes the reporting location’s current EHR adoption status?
1□ We are actively using an EHR system that was installed more than 12 months ago. (skip to 17) 2□ We are actively using an EHR system that was installed within the past 12 months. (skip to 17) 3□ We are not actively using an EHR system but have one installed. (skip to 17) 4□ We do not have an EHR system. (go to 16a)
16a. Do you plan to ever implement an EHR system?
1□ Yes (skip to 17) 2□ No (go to 16b) 3□ Uncertain (go to 16b)
16b. Why do you not plan on implementing an EHR system? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. 1 □ No systems fit with my specialty 2 □ Plan to retire soon 3 □ Lack of time 4 □ Lack of staff 5 □ Lack of financial resources 6 □ Privacy/security concerns 7□ Other, specify:_______________________
17. Medicare and Medicaid offer incentives to practices that demonstrate “meaningful use of health IT.” At the reporting location, are there plans to apply for these incentive payments? 1□ Yes, we already applied (Skip to 18) 2□ Yes, we intend to apply (Skip to 18) 3□ No, we will not apply (Go to 17a) 4□ Uncertain if we will apply (Go to 17a) 17a. Please indicate the reasons for not applying for incentives. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
1□ Not qualified as an “eligible provider” 2□ The process to apply is difficult 3□ Not familiar with the incentive program 4□ Unsure that incentives will actually be paid 5□ My EHR system does not exchange health information electronically with other providers (e.g., EHR systems “don’t talk to each other”) 6□ Not prepared to implement electronic prescribing 7□ Other reason for not applying: Please specify: ________________________________________________________________ 18. Has the reporting location received any type of assistance from a Regional Extension Center? 1□ Yes 2□ No 3□ Uncertain 4□ I am not familiar with the term regional extension center |
19. Please answer the 3 questions to the right of this box about the following clinical workflow tasks for the reporting location. |
How important is the task to delivering better patient care? |
How often is the task performed at this location? |
Is this task computerized? |
Very important |
Somewhat important |
Not important |
Often |
Sometimes |
Never |
Yes |
No |
Population management:
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Quality improvement:
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Patient communication/access to health data:
1□ |
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Coordination of care:
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20. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about using an EHR system: |
Strongly Agree |
Somewhat Agree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
4□ |
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21. How much of an influence do you think the following would have on your decision to adopt an EHR System? |
Major Influence to Adopt |
Minor Influence to Adopt |
Not an Influence |
1□ |
2□ |
3□ |
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If you have an EHR system (see Question 16), answer Questions 22 to 31. Otherwise, skip to Question 33. |
22. This question is about the ways that an EHR system might affect your reporting location. Has your EHR system: |
Yes, within the past 30 days |
Yes, but not within the past 30 days |
Not at all |
Not Applicable |
1□ |
2□ |
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work from home)? |
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23. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your EHR system?
1□ Very satisfied
2□ Somewhat satisfied
3□ Somewhat dissatisfied
4□ Very dissatisfied
24. Would you purchase this EHR again?
1□ Yes
2□ No
3□ Uncertain
25. In which year did you install your EHR system?
Year (YYYY): _ _/_ _/_ _/_ _ 2□ Unknown
26. What is the name of the current EHR system? CHECK ONLY ONE BOX. 1□ Allscripts 2□ Amazing Charts 3 □ Athenahealth 4□ Cerner 5□ eClinicalWorks 6□ e-MDs 7□ Epic 8□ GE/Centricity 9□ Greenway Medical 10□ NextGen 11□ Practice Fusion 12□ McKesson/ 13□ Sage/Vitera Practice Partner 14□ Other please specify_________ 15□ Unknown
27. Does your current system meet meaningful use criteria as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)? 1□ Yes (Skip to 28) 2□ No (Go to 27a) 3□ Uncertain (Go to 27a)
27a. Are there plans to upgrade your system to meet meaningful use criteria? 1□ Yes 2□ No 3□ Uncertain 28. Which of the following best represents your EHR system? 1□ Stand-alone (Client server) – A self-contained system, where data and application functionality are delivered onsite. 2□ Web-based design (Cloud system or Application Service Provider (ASP)) – Service provider hosts the EHR system and stores data. Practice accesses the system and data through the internet.
29. How many hours, on average, did clinical staff spend in training to use your practice’s EHR? 1□ 1 to 8 hours 2□ 9 to 40 hours 3□ 41 to 80 hours 4□ Over 80 hours 5□ Did not receive training
30. How many hours, on average, did non-clinical staff spend in training to use your practice’s EHR? 1□ 1 to 8 hours 2□ 9 to 40 hours 3□ 41 to 80 hours 4□ Over 80 hours 5□ Did not receive training
31. As a result of implementing an EHR, did you experience any changes in clinical staff (e.g., other MDs, RNs, MAs) at the reporting location? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. 1□ Yes, overall clinical staff increased 2□ Yes, overall clinical staff decreased 3□ Yes, shift in responsibilities among existing staff 4□ No clinical staff changes 5□ Uncertain
32. As a result of implementing an EHR, did you experience any changes in non- clinical/administrative staff at the reporting location? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. 1□ Yes, overall administrative staff increased 2□ Yes, overall administrative staff decreased 3□ Yes, shift in responsibilities among existing staff 4□ No administrative staff changes 5□ Uncertain ![]()
Over the past year, has the following increased, decreased, or stayed about the same for the reporting location?
![]() Was this due, in part, to the EHR? 1□ Yes 2□ No 3□ Uncertain 4□ N/A 33. Practice revenue has… ![]() 1□ increased 2□ decreased 3□ stayed about the same 4□ Uncertain (Go to 34)
![]() Was this due, in part, to the EHR? 1□ Yes 2□ No 3□ Uncertain 4□ N/A
34. Number of office visits has… ![]() 1□ increased 2□ decreased 3□ stayed about the same 4□ Uncertain (Go to 35)
35. Can patients seen at the reporting location do any of the following online activities? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. 1□ View test results online 2□ Request referrals online 3□ Request refills for prescriptions online 4□ Request appointments online 5□ Incorporate patient generated/device data (e.g. blood glucose) 6□ My patients cannot do any of the above activities 7□ Uncertain
36. At the reporting location, are there plans for installing a new EHR system within the next 12 months?
1□ Yes
2□ No
3□ Maybe
4□ Unknown
37. Who completed this survey?
1□ The physician to whom it was addressed
2□ Office staff
3□ Other
Please add your comments in the box below.
Thank you for your participation. Please return your survey in the envelope provided.
If you have misplaced this envelope, please send this survey to the following address: Boxes for Admin Use
2605 Meridian Parkway, Suite 200, Durham, NC 27713
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Jamoom, Eric (CDC/OSELS/NCHS) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |