Treasury International Capital Form BQ-2, "Part 1-Report of Foreign Currency Liabilities and Claims of Financial Institutions and of Their Domestic Customers' Foreign Currency Claims With Foreign Resi

Treasury International Capital Form BQ-2, "Part 1-Report of Foreign Currency Liabilities and Claims of Financial Institutions and of Their Domestic Customers' Foreign Currency Claims with Foreign Resi


Treasury International Capital Form BQ-2, "Part 1-Report of Foreign Currency Liabilities and Claims of Financial Institutions and of Their Domestic Customers' Foreign Currency Claims With Foreign Resi

OMB: 1505-0020

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Reports by Financial Institutions of Liabilities to, and Claims on,
Foreign Residents by U.S. Residents

Report of U.S. Dollar Claims of Financial Institutions on Foreign Residents


Report of U.S. Dollar Liabilities of Financial Institutions to Foreign Residents


Report of Customers’ U.S. Dollar Liabilities to Foreign Residents


Report of Customers’ U.S. Dollar Claims on Foreign Residents

BQ-2 Part 1

Report of Foreign Currency Liabilities and Claims of Financial Institutions
and of their Domestic Customers’ Foreign Currency Claims with Foreign

Part 2

Report of Customers’ Foreign Currency Liabilities to Foreign Residents
Report of Maturities of Selected Liabilities and Claims of Financial
Institutions with Foreign Residents

Department of the Treasury
Federal Reserve Bank System
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


Table of Contents




Organization of the Instruction Book 



Purpose and Notice Under Paperwork Reduction Act 
Organization of the TIC B Forms 
Authority and Penalties 
Other Statistical Reports 



Who Must Report 
Insurance/Reinsurance Business 
Consolidation/Combination Rules 
Forms to be Used to Report Cross Border Positions 
Exemption Levels 



D.  Accounting Issues 
1.  General 
2.  Foreign Currency Denominated Positions 
3.  Charge‐offs 



Reporting the Location of Foreign Counterparties 
Countries and Other Areas 
Determining Residency 



Submission of Reports 
Where to Report 
Due Dates 
Alternative Methods of Reporting 
Signature Requirements 
Reporter ID Number 
Record Keeping Requirement 
Review of Data and Requests for Revised Data 



A.  What to Report 
1.  Reportable Claims 
2.  Specific Exclusions 



Column Definitions 
Type of Foreign Counterparty 
Type of Instrument 
"Of Which" Column Definitions (Columns 7, 8, and 9) 


“Of Which” Row Definitions 



Table of Contents




Total IBF Assets (8300‐3) 
Negotiable CDs (8110‐8) 
Unpaid insurance claims (8132‐9) 
Claims on Foreign‐Resident Non‐Bank Financial Institutions (8133‐7) 
Assets Written Off This Reporting Period (8200‐9) 



A.  What to Report 
1.  Reportable Liabilities 
2.  Specific Exclusions 



Column Definitions 
Type of Foreign Counterparty 
Type of Instrument 
"Of Which" Column Definitions (Columns 8 and 9) 



“Of Which” Row Definitions 
IBF Liabilities (8300‐3) 
Repurchase Agreements (8400‐7) 
Non‐interest Bearing Liabilities (8130‐2) 
Unpaid insurance claims and prepaid insurance premiums (8132‐9) 
Liabilities to Foreign‐Resident Non‐Bank Financial Institutions      (8133‐7) 





A.  What To Report 
1.  Reportable Customers’ Liabilities 
2.  Specific Exclusions 
3.  Reporting of Securities 
4.  Reporting of Syndicated Loans to U.S. Residents Placed Overseas 



Column Definitions 
Type of Foreign Holder 
Type of Instrument 



Memorandum Section Definitions ‐ Liabilities by Sector of U.S. Debtor and by Instrument 
U.S.‐Resident Bank Debt 
U.S. Government Debt 
U.S. Resident Non‐Bank Financial Institutions’ (NBFIs) Debt 



A.  What to Report 
1.  Reportable Customers’ Claims 
2.  Specific Exclusions 

Table of Contents




Column Definitions 
Non‐Negotiable Foreign Deposits (Column 1) 
Negotiable CDs (Column 2) 
All Short‐Term Negotiable Securities (Column 3) 
Other Claims (Column 4) 



"Of Which” Row Definitions 
Commercial Paper (8161‐2) 
Claims of U.S. Banks (8163‐9) 
Claims of U.S.‐ Resident Non‐Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) (8134‐5) 



A.  What to Report 
1.  Reportable Own Liabilities (Columns 1 and 2) 
2.  Specific Exclusions 
3.  Reportable Own Claims (Columns 3 and 4) 
4.  Specific Exclusions 
5.  Reportable Customers’ Claims (Columns 5 and 6) 
6.  Specific Exclusions 



Column Definitions 
Type of Instrument—Own Liabilities 
Type of Instrument—Own Claims 
Type of Instruments—Customers’ Claims 



"Of Which” Row Definitions 
Total IBF Liabilities/Assets (8300‐3) 
Foreign Currency Detail (8500‐1 to 8500‐5) 
Negotiable CDs (8110‐8) 
Short‐Term Negotiable Securities (8120‐5) 
Repurchase/Resale Agreements (8400‐7) 
Unpaid insurance claims and prepaid insurance premiums (8132‐9) 
Liabilities to and Claims on Foreign‐Resident Banks (8138‐8) 
Liabilities to and Claims on Foreign‐Resident Non‐Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) (8133‐7) 





A.  What to Report 
1.  Reportable Customers’ Liabilities 
2.  Specific Exclusions 
3.  Reporting of Securities 
4.  Reporting of Syndicated Loans to U.S. Residents Placed Overseas 





Column Definitions 
Type of Instrument 

Table of Contents



What to Report 



Part 1: Liabilities to Foreign Residents‐ Remaining Maturities 
Column Definitions 
Row Definitions 



Part 2: Claims on Foreign Residents – Remaining Maturities 
Column Definitions 
Row Definitions 












Table of Contents


REVISIONS, Summary of:
-- May 2013. These instructions apply only to reports with as-of dates on or after December 31, 2013.
As a consequence of the recent global financial crisis, international reporting standards for collecting and
reporting economic and financial data were enhanced. TIC B forms are consequently revised to reflect
the new standards.
The following changes apply to all TIC B forms:
(a) The “who must report” section of the instructions is revised. Beginning with the reports as of
December 31, 2013, the organizations required to file the TIC B forms will include all types of U.S.resident financial institutions (including, but not limited to banks, other depository institutions,
brokers/dealers, bank/financial holding companies, investment banks, insurance companies, credit card
issuers, money market funds, pension funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, trusts, finance
companies, mortgage companies, commodity brokers and dealers, investment advisors and managers,
loan brokers). More specifically, all financial institutions that previously filed TIC C forms (form CQ-1 and
form CQ-2) will file TIC B forms beginning with the reports as of December 31, 2013. Those financial
institutions changing from filing the TIC C forms to filing the TIC B forms will not be required to file the
TIC C forms after the reports as of November 30, 2013.
(b) The instructions for these forms have been updated to add guidance for reporting on the new “of
which” rows described in (g) through (l) below and the new section and columns described in (l).
(c) The General Instructions have been reorganized and contain new guidance on reporting accrued
interest and insurance/reinsurance business, and on where to report.
(d) Several sections of the instructions, including the glossary, incorporate changes to clarify the
reporting requirements, such as the consolidation/ combination rules, valuation rules, and reporting the
location of foreign counterparties.
(e) Except for the TIC BQ-3, the list of countries for reporting the location of foreign counterparties will
be increased by six. This is the result of deleting Netherlands Antilles (3720-6), removing “Montenegro”
from “Serbia and Montenegro (1321-8),” and adding Kosovo (1347-1), Montenegro (1362-5), Bonaire,
Sint Eustatius and Saba (3616-1), Curaçao (3618-8), St. Martin and St. Barthelemy (3647-1), Sint
Maarten (3619-6), and South Sudan (5339-2).
(f) Changes to Form BC: 1. As a result of the action in (a) above, the title of Form BC is changed to
“Report of U.S. Dollar Claims of Financial Institutions on Foreign Residents.” 2. In the “of which” items at
the end of the form, a new row has been added to collect “Claims on Foreign-Resident Non-Bank
Financial Institutions.” Data are reportable in columns 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. 3. In the “of which” items at the
end of the form, a new row has been added to collect “Unpaid Insurance Claims.” Data are reportable in
columns 3, 5, 6 and 8.
(g) Changes to Form BL-1: 1. As a result of the action in (a) above, the title of Form BL-1 is changed to
“Report of U.S. Dollar Liabilities of Financial Institutions to Foreign Residents.” 2. In the “of which” items
at the end of the form, a new row has been added to collect ”Liabilities to Foreign-Resident Non-Bank
Financial Institutions.” Data are reportable in columns 5 through 9. 3. In the “of which” items at the end
of the form, a new row has been added to collect “Unpaid Insurance Claims and Prepaid Insurance
Premiums.” Data are reportable in columns 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8.
(h) Changes to Form BL-2: 1. As a result of the action in (a) above, the title of Form BL-2 is changed to
“Report of Customers’ U.S. Dollar Liabilities to Foreign Residents.” 2. In the memorandum section at the
end of the current form, the eight rows are changed to eight “of which” rows that have the same eleven
columns as do the other rows in the form. The first, fourth and fifth “Of Which” rows (8102-7, 8144-2,
8146-9) are unchanged and data are reportable in column 10. In the second “of which” item for “Total

Table of Contents


U.S. – Resident Bank Debt; Loans to Banks” (8141-8), data are reportable in columns 3, 6, 9 and 10. This
item previously collected data for only the “Grand Total” column (Column 10). 3.In the “of which” item at
the end of the form for “Total U.S. – Resident Bank Debt; Short-Term Negotiable Securities Issued by
Banks” (8142-6), data are reportable in columns 2, 5, 8 and10. This item previously collected data for
only the “Grand Total” column (Column 10). 4. The sixth row of the “of which” items, that was previously
labeled “Liabilities of Other U.S. Debtor Sectors,” is now labeled “Liabilities of U.S.-Resident Non-Bank
Financial Institutions (NBFIs)” and a new code has been added in the code column. Data are reportable
only in column 10. Previously, there was no data collected on this row. 5. The seventh row (8150-3),
which was previously labeled “Other short-term negotiable securities” is now labeled “Short-term
Negotiable Securities issued by NBFIs.” Data are reportable only in columns 2, 5, 8 and 10. This item
previously collected data for only the “Grand Total” column (Column 10). 6. The eighth row (8155-8),
which was previously labeled “Loans to Others,” is now labeled “Loans to NBFIs.” Data are reportable
only in columns 3, 6, 9 and 10. This item previously collected data for only the “Grand Total” column
(Column 10).
(i) Changes to Form BQ-1: 1. As a result of the action in (a) above, the title of Form BQ-1 is changed to
“Report of Customers’ U.S. Dollar Claims on Foreign Residents.” 2. In the “of which” items at the end of
the form, a new row has been added to collect ”Claims of U.S.-Resident Non-Bank Financial Institutions.”
Data are reportable in columns 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
(j) Changes to Form BQ-2: 1. As a result of the action in (a) above, the title caption of Form BQ-2, Part I,
is changed to “Report of Foreign Currency Liabilities and Claims of U.S. Financial Institutions, and of their
Domestic Customers’ Foreign Currency Claims with Foreign Residents” and the title caption of Part II is
changed to “Report of Customers’ Foreign Currency Liabilities to Foreign Residents.” 2. In the “of which”
items at the end of the form, a new row has been added to collect claims and liabilities denominated in
Swiss francs. Data are reportable in columns 1 through 6. 3. In the “of which” items at the end of the
form, a new row has been added to collect “Unpaid Insurance Claims and Prepaid Insurance Premiums.”
Data are reportable in columns 2 and 4. 4. In the “of which” items at the end of the form, a new row has
been added to collect “Claims on / Liabilities to Foreign-Resident Banks.” Data are reportable in columns
1 through 7. 5. In the “of which” items at the end of the form, a new row has been added to collect
”Claims on / Liabilities to Foreign-Resident Non-Bank Financial Institutions.” Data are reportable in
columns 1 through 7.
(k) Changes to Form BQ-3: 1. The name of the form is changed to “Report of Maturities of Selected
Claims and Liabilities of Financial Institutions with Foreign Residents”. This and the following revisions of
the form respond to the changes in (a) above and to international reporting standards calling for
reporting of maturities of claims and liabilities. 2. The title “Part 1: Liabilities to Foreign Residents –
Remaining Maturities” is added at the top of page 2 to describe the existing one-half page table that
collects information on liabilities. 3. A new section is added on page 2 of the form entitled “Part 2: Claims
on Foreign Residents - Remaining Maturities” that collects information on claims. The new section has
three rows labeled: “Demand Deposits, Arrears, Resale Agreements Under Continuing Contract, and
Items With No Fixed Maturity;” “Maturing in 1 Year or Less;” and “Maturing In Over 1 Year.” The new
section has four columns for data entry with the following titles: column 1 is “Non-Negotiable Foreign
Deposits & Brokerage Balances [reported on BC (col. 1) & BQ-2, Part 1 (col. 3)];” column 2 is “Resale
Agreements & Other Claims [reported on BC (cols. 3, 5) & BQ-2, Part 1 (col. 4)];” column 3 is “Loan
Claims Excluding Resale Agreements [reported on BC (cols. 3, 5) & BQ-2, Part 1 (col. 4)];” and column 4
is “Grand Total [sum of columns 1-3].”

Table of Contents



General Instructions
A. Organization of the Instruction Book
This instruction book covers the Treasury International Capital (TIC) “B” report forms
(Forms BC, BL-1, BL-2, BQ-1, BQ-2, and BQ-3). It is divided into the following sections:

Section I (General Instructions) - The general instructions describe the purpose of
the TIC B forms and a variety of administrative issues, including the authority under
which the data are collected and confidentiality conditions. The general instructions
also describe the treatment of issues common to all of the TIC B forms, including
exemption levels, who should report, accounting issues, and the determination of
the location of the foreign resident. Finally, information on the submission of reports
is provided.


Sections II-VII (Specific Form Instructions) - These sections explain the specific
reporting requirements for each TIC B form. The specific instructions include the
kinds of information that should be reported and instructions relating to the columns
and memorandum rows for each form. To avoid excessive repetition, the
instructions and definitions build upon the information in the general instructions,
the glossary, and the appendices.


Section VIII (Glossary) - The glossary presents definitions, discussions of accounting
issues, and other topics that require more extensive treatment than is practical to
include in the body of the instructions.


Section IX (Appendices) – Provides the following appendices:

Flowcharts that show reporting requirements graphically.


Geographical Classification List: Country and organizational codes for
reporting on the TIC forms.


Foreign Official Institutions List: Certain foreign institutions classified as
“official” for reporting on the TIC forms.

The forms and a copy of these instructions are available on the Internet at the U.S.
Treasury's website

B. Introduction
1. Purpose and Notice Under Paperwork Reduction Act
The purpose of the Treasury International Capital B forms is to gather timely and
reliable information on the levels of, and changes in, U.S. international portfolio
capital positions. This information is needed for the preparation of the U.S. Balance
of Payments Accounts and the U.S. International Investment Position, as well as for
the formulation of U.S. international financial and monetary policies. The data are
also needed to enable the United States to comply with standards for providing data
on cross-border financial positions, including adherence to the International
Monetary Fund’s Special Data Dissemination Standard. Aggregate data are
published in the Treasury Bulletin and the Federal Reserve Bulletin and are available
on the Treasury website at Instructions


center/tic/pages/index.aspx. Some aggregate data are also provided to the Bank for
International Settlements for its use in compiling widely-used international statistics.
2. Organization of the TIC B Forms
The TIC B forms, the data collected, and frequency of each form are as follows:

TIC B Forms: Data Collected and Frequency

Data Collected From U.S. Resident Financial



Report of U.S. Dollar Claims of Financial Institutions
on Foreign Residents



Report of U.S. Dollar Liabilities of Financial
Institutions to Foreign Residents



Report of Customers’ U.S. Dollar Liabilities to Foreign Monthly


Report of Customers’ U.S. Dollar Claims on Foreign


Part 1: Report of Foreign Currency Liabilities and
Claims of Financial Institutions And of their Domestic
Customers’ Foreign Currency Claims with Foreign
Part 2: Report of Customers’ Foreign Currency
Liabilities to Foreign Residents


Report of Maturities of Selected Liabilities and Claims Quarterly
of Financial Institutions with Foreign Residents


These forms have been reviewed and approved by OMB under the following OMB
control numbers: BC/ 1505-0017; BL-1/ 1505-0019; BL-2/ 1505-0018; BQ-1, 15050016; BQ-2, 1505-0020 and BQ-3, 1505-0189.
The Treasury Department has estimated the average burden associated with the
collection of information on each B form per respondent, but these will vary widely
across reporting institutions: (a) BC/BC (SA): an overall average burden of 9.33
hours, based on 17 hours for each major respondent and 8.5 hours for each other
respondent. (b) BL-1: an overall average burden of 6.5 hours, based on 12 hours for
each major respondent and 6 hours for each other respondent. (c) BL-2: an overall
average of seven and one-half hours, based on eleven hours for each major
respondent and five and one-half hours for each other respondent. (d) BQ-1: an
overall average of two and one-fifth hours, based on four hours for each major
respondent and two hours for each other respondent. (e) BQ-2: an overall average
of 6.25 hours, based on 10 hours for each major respondent and 5 for each other
respondent. (f) BQ-3: an overall average of 4 hours per respondent. These
estimates include the time it will take to read the instructions, gather the necessary
facts, and fill out the forms. Comments concerning the accuracy of these burden
estimates and suggestions for reducing reporting burden should be directed to the
IA Office of Program Services, U.S. Treasury Department, Washington, D.C. 20220,
General Instructions


Attention: International Portfolio Investment Data Systems; or the Office of
Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project, Washington, D.C. 20503.
(Please reference the appropriate OMB control number as listed at the end of
previous paragraph .)
3. Authority and Penalties
These reports are required by law (22 U.S.C. 286f; 22 U.S.C. 3103; E.O.10033, as
amended; 31 C.F.R. 128.1(a)). Failure to report can result in a civil penalty of not
less than $2,500 and not more than $25,000. Willful failure to report can result in
criminal prosecution and upon conviction a fine of not more than $10,000; and if an
individual, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. Any officer, director,
employee, or agent of any corporation who knowingly participates in such violation
may, upon conviction, be punished by a like fine, imprisonment, or both (22 U.S.C.
3105 (a) and (b); 31 C.F.R. 128.4 (a) and (b)).
4. Confidentiality
Data reported on these forms will be held in confidence by the Department of the
Treasury, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal
Reserve Banks acting as fiscal agent of the Treasury. The data reported by
individual respondents will not be published or otherwise publicly disclosed;
information may be given to other Federal agencies, insofar as authorized by
applicable law (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.). Aggregate data
derived from reports on these forms may be published or otherwise disclosed only in
a manner that will does not specifically identify any individual respondent.
5. Other Statistical Reports

The TIC C forms are filed by all U.S. entities other than financial institutions. On
the TIC C forms, these entities report positions with unaffiliated foreign-resident
entities that are either short-term securities or non-securities.


The TIC D form is filed by all major U.S.-resident participants in derivatives
markets. This form is designed to obtain data on holdings of, and transactions
in, financial derivative contracts with foreign residents. Data are collected in
aggregate form to facilitate timely reporting.


The TIC SLT form is filed by all U.S.-resident custodians, issuers and endinvestors. On the TIC SLT form, these entities report aggregate consolidated
holdings of long-term U.S. securities for the accounts of foreign residents,
foreign securities for the accounts of U.S. residents (their own account or their
customers) and all securities issuances by the U.S.-resident units of their entity
to foreign residents that are not held by a U.S. resident custodian.


The TIC S form is filed by all entities that purchase (or sell) long-term securities
directly from (or to) foreign residents. This form is designed to obtain data on
foreign residents’ purchases and sales of all long-term securities (including
equities and shares of mutual funds). Data are collected in aggregate form to
facilitate timely reporting.

General Instructions



To improve the accuracy of the TIC system and collect information on positions
in securities, detailed security-by-security data are collected on a less frequent
basis. Two data collection systems are used:

Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities, Including Selected Money Market
Instruments (Form SHL) - Approximately every five years, all significant
U.S. resident custodians of short-term debt, long-term debt, and equity
securities are required to provide detailed security-by-security information
on foreign holdings of U.S. securities. Also required to report are
significant U.S. issuers of bearer bonds and U.S. issuers of securities that
are held by foreign residents but not through U.S. custodians. In the
years between these benchmark surveys, the largest of these reporters
are required to submit this security-by-security information annually
(Form SHLA).


U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, Including Selected Money Market
Instruments (Form SHC) - Approximately every five years, all significant
U.S. resident custodians of foreign securities and U.S.-resident end
investors holding securities without using U.S.-resident custodians are
required to report detailed security-by-security information on their
holdings of foreign securities. In the years between these benchmark
surveys, the largest of these reporters are required to submit this
security-by-security information annually (Form SHCA).


The Treasury Foreign Currency (TFC) forms are designed to obtain data on the
assets, liabilities, and forward positions of large U.S.-resident institutions (both
banking and non-banking) in specified foreign currencies.


Direct Investment - Data on cross-border Direct Investment are collected by the
Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce. The data
collections are designed to obtain comprehensive data on the transactions and
positions between affiliated U.S. and foreign companies (“multinational
companies”), and on the overall operations of multinational companies. To be
affiliated, a U.S. company must own or control 10 percent or more of the voting
securities of an incorporated foreign business (or an equivalent interest in an
unincorporated foreign business), or a foreign company must own or control 10
percent or more of the voting securities of an incorporated U.S. business (or an
equivalent interest in an unincorporated U.S. business).

C. Who Must Report
The following types of entities located in the United States must file TIC B reports if
reportable claims, liabilities, or customer claims/liabilities meet or exceed the specified
exemption levels shown below:

Banks, refer to depository institutions located in the United States that include the

Commercial banks


United States branches and agencies of foreign banks


Trust companies that conduct commercial banking business

General Instructions



Industrial banks, private or unincorporated banks


Banking Edge Act and Agreement corporations


New York State Article XII corporations


Mutual or stock savings banks, building or savings and loan associations,
cooperative banks, credit unions, homestead associations, and other similar
depository institutions


Non-deposit and limited purpose trust companies


Non-bank banks


The Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Bank Holding Companies (BHCs), Financial Holding Companies ( FHCs), and Savings
and Loan Holding Companies (SLHC)


Securities brokers and dealers, regardless of their affiliations with other entities. (See
glossary for definition.)


All other financial institutions including institutions that are primarily engaged in
proprietary investments and/or the provision of financial services to other
organizations and households. These services include but are not limited to, financial
intermediation services whose functions are predominantly: the extending of credit
for business purposes; underwriting services; financial management services; credit
origination services; credit card services; and pension services.
“All other financial institutions” include, but are not limited to:

Mutual funds


Money market funds


Pension funds (should only report debt positions with unaffiliated foreign


Investment banks


Private equity funds


Real estate investment trust (REITS)


Credit card issuers


Hedge funds




Finance companies


Mortgage companies


Factors and other financial intermediaries who extend short-term business
credit to finance inventories or carry accounts receivable


Futures commission merchants

General Instructions



Insurance companies (should only report debt positions with unaffiliated
foreign residents)

1. Insurance/Reinsurance Business
Insurance and reinsurance companies should report unearned premiums and unpaid
claims (including claims incurred but not yet reported) with unaffiliated foreign
residents as follows:
Reporting should be by the company that deals directly with the foreign
counterparty. Thus, if a U.S. insurance broker or other intermediary is responsible
for obtaining/placing the contract with the foreign counterparty, the reporting should
be by the U.S. intermediary, not the underwriter/reinsurer.
2. Consolidation/Combination Rules
U.S.-resident banks (Section C ) including those owned by a bank holding company
(BHC), financial holding company (FHC), or savings and loan holding company
(SLHC) should consolidate all of their United States resident branches and
subsidiaries including their International Banking Facilities (IBFs), except for their
owned or controlled Banks, insurance underwriting subsidiaries, pension funds, and
securities brokers and dealers. (Positions of Bank subsidiaries, insurance
underwriting subsidiaries, pension funds, and security brokers and dealers are
reported on separate TIC “B” forms.)
U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs), U.S. financial holding companies (FHCs), and
U.S. saving and loan holding companies (SLHC) should consolidate all of their U.S.resident subsidiaries except for their owned or controlled Banks, securities brokers
and dealers, pension funds, and insurance underwriting subsidiaries. (Positions of
Bank subsidiaries, insurance underwriting subsidiaries, pension funds, and security
brokers and dealers are reported on separate TIC “B” forms.)
Securities brokers and dealers, including those securities brokers and dealers owned
by a BHC, FHC, or Bank, should consolidate all of their U.S.-resident subsidiaries
except for their owned or controlled pension funds and insurance underwriting
subsidiaries. (Positions of insurance underwriting subsidiaries and pension funds are
reported on separate TIC “B” forms.)
Insurance companies, including insurance underwriting subsidiaries owned by a BHC,
FHC, Bank, securities broker and dealer, or all other financial institution should
prepare consolidated B reports for their insurance underwriting subsidiaries in the
United States. Insurance companies should only report debt with unaffiliated foreign
entities. Financial companies that are subsidiaries of insurance companies but are
not insurance underwriting subsidiaries should prepare their own consolidated Breports.
Pension funds, including pension funds owned by a BHC, FHC, Bank, securities
broker and dealer, or all other financial institution should prepare consolidated B
reports for their pension fund subsidiaries in the United States. Pension funds should
only report debt with unaffiliated foreign entities. Financial companies that are
subsidiaries of pension funds but are not pension funds should prepare their own
consolidated B-reports.
General Instructions


Banking Edge Act and Agreement corporations should report for all of their branches
and subsidiary companies including their International Banking Facilities (IBFs),
excluding the parent organization. For further information, see the consolidation
rules in the General Instructions of the FR 2886b, the Quarterly Consolidated Report
of Condition and Income for Edge and Agreement Corporations (available at
United States branches and agencies of a foreign bank located in the same state and
within the same Federal Reserve District should submit a consolidated report for
these offices, including their International Banking Facilities (IBFs), to the Federal
Reserve Bank in whose District they operate. U.S branches and agencies of a foreign
bank that are located in either different states or different Federal Reserve Districts,
should submit separate reports to the Federal Reserve Bank(s) in whose District they
“All Other Financial Institutions” should prepare consolidated B reports for
themselves and their U.S. resident subsidiaries except for their owned or controlled
securities brokers and dealers, insurance underwriting subsidiaries, and pension
funds. (Positions of security brokers and dealers, insurance underwriting
subsidiaries, and pension funds are reported on separate TIC “B” forms.)
All U.S. resident companies that are owned 50 percent or more of the voting
securities, or an equivalent interest (control) should be consolidated. Trusts and
Variable Interest Entities (VIEs) for which the reporter is the trustee or primary
beneficiary should be included as governed by ASC – 810.
3. Forms to be Used to Report Cross Border Positions
Reporters sometimes have difficulty deciding what types of organizations and what
part of an organization should file the different types of Treasury International
Capital (TIC) reports. The types of reporters and the corresponding TIC reports that
should be filed are summarized in the table below.

General Instructions


TIC Reporting for Various Reporter Types
Type of Reporter

Reports Reports

Banks and other depository institutions located in the U.S.
(including limited purpose banks that are subsidiaries of BHCs
and FHCs and of all other companies).


Securities brokers and dealers (including those that are
subsidiaries of BHCs and FHCs and of all other companies).


U.S.-resident BHCs, FHCs, and SLHCs for themselves and for
all U.S.-resident subsidiaries other than Banks, securities
brokers and dealers, insurance underwriting companies, and
pension funds.


Banks, BHCs, FHCs, SLHCs, and all other financial institutions
for their U.S. – resident insurance underwriting companies;
report only debt positions with unaffiliated foreign residents


Insurance companies, including insurance underwriting
subsidiaries; report only debt positions with unaffiliated
foreign residents


Pension funds, including pension funds subsidiaries; report
only debt positions with unaffiliated foreign residents


All other U.S.-resident financial institutions.


U.S. non financial holding companies (for themselves and for
all of their U.S.-resident subsidiaries).


All other non financial U.S.-resident entities that are not more
than 50 percent owned by another U.S.-resident entity.


4. Exemption Levels
Exemption levels are applied to the consolidated reportable claims and liabilities of
the reporting entity using the consolidation rules described above. For example, in
applying the exemption rules, the establishing Bank should include its International
Banking Facilities (IBFs).
A reporter is exempt from any form (or part) shown in the following table if: (a) the
total reportable claims/liabilities for all geographic areas (Row 9999-6) to be
reported in that form (part) are less than the amount in the “Grand Total” column
below; and (b) its total reported claims/liabilities for every individual geographic area
are less than the amount in the “Individual Country Data” column below.
However, once the exemption level for a form or part is exceeded, the reporter
should continue to submit the form or part for the remainder of the calendar year.

General Instructions


Exemption Levels for TIC Reporting
Exemption Levels
(Report if greater than or equal to
either level)
Form / Part


Grand Total of all
Geographic Areas
(Row 9999-6)

Country Data
(any country


Reporter's own dollar claims on foreign

$50 million

$25 million


Reporter's own dollar liabilities to foreign

$50 million

$25 million


Reporter's U.S. customers' dollar liabilities
to foreign residents

$50 million

$25 million


Reporter's U.S. customers' dollar claims on
foreign residents

$50 million

$25 million

BQ-2, Part 1,
Columns 1-6

Reporter's foreign currency liabilities and
claims and its domestic customers’ foreign
currency claims with foreign residents

$50 million

$25 million

BQ-2, Part 2,
Columns 1-3
(Row 9980-5)

Total of reporter's domestic customers'
foreign currency liabilities to foreign

$50 million

No country

Total reported data
on Forms BL-1 & BQ2, Part 1, Columns
1+2, Grand
Total of all
Geographic Areas
(Row 9999-6)

BQ-3 (Part I)

Maturity schedule for selected liabilities
of reporters to foreign residents (total of
U.S. dollar & foreign currencydenominated liabilities)

$4 billion

No country

Total reported data
on Forms BC & BQ-2,
Part 1, Columns 3+4,
Total of all
Geographic Areas

(Row 9999-6)
BQ-3 (Part II)

Maturity schedule for selected claims of
reporters to foreign residents (total of
U.S. dollar & foreign currencydenominated claims)

General Instructions

$4 billion

No country


D. Accounting Issues
1. General
All amounts should be reported gross, using settlement date accounting. Securities
should be reported in millions of U.S. dollars at the face value. All other instruments
should be reported in millions of U.S. dollars at the outstanding contractual amount
less any impairments or accrued interest (if applicable). Accrued interest receivables
and payables should be reported separately. Do not enter decimals or negative
values in any cell of a form. Claims with negative balances should be reported as
liabilities; liabilities with negative balances should be reported as claims.
Data reported on all TIC B reports should be the balances outstanding at the “close
of business” as of the last business day of the period covered by the reports. The
time designated as the close of business should be reasonable and applied
2. Foreign Currency Denominated Positions
For foreign currency-denominated positions reported on the BQ-2 and BQ-3, report
the U.S. dollar equivalent of the foreign currency amounts, converted by using the
closing spot exchange rate on the as-of date of the report.
3. Charge-offs
Respondents should deduct from claims any charge-offs or specific reserves where
there has been an identified loss. Charge-offs or specific reserves made during the
reporting period should be totaled and reported on Form BC in the row titled “Assets
written off this reporting period” (row 8200-9) only in the initial period when they
are established. Claims should not be reduced by any general or valuation reserves.

E. Reporting the Location of Foreign Counterparties
1. Countries and Other Areas
Positions with foreign residents should be reported for the country or geographical
area in which the direct counterparty legally resides (e.g., the country of
incorporation, or, for a branch, of license). Do not report positions based on the
currency of denomination of the instrument, the country of the parent institution of
the counterparty (i.e., nationality), the country of issuance of the instrument, or the
country of a guarantor (i.e., ultimate risk). Please note: branches of U.S. residents
located outside the U.S. are foreign residents. U.S.-resident branches of foreign
banks are U.S. residents.
2. Examples

A respondent has a reportable liability denominated in yen to a British company
located in Italy. A Spanish bank guarantees the liability. The liability should be
reported for the location in which the direct counterparty resides (Italy), not the
location of the guarantor (Spain) or the nationality of the counterparty (United

General Instructions



A respondent has a reportable claim on a Cayman Islands branch of a U.S. bank.
The claim should be reported for the location in which the direct counterparty
resides (Cayman Islands), not the location of that bank’s head office (United

3. Determining Residency
Counterparty residence is determined by the country of legal residence (e.g., the
country of incorporation, or, for a branch, of license). For example:

Partnerships, trusts, and funds are residents of the country in which they are
legally organized. (For example, pension funds of International and Regional
Organizations are residents of the country of residence of the pension fund.)


Banks, BHCs, FHCs, SLHC, foreign banking organizations (FBOs), securities
brokers and dealers, corporations and subsidiaries of corporations are residents
of the country in which they are incorporated (not the country of the head office
or primary operations).


Bank branches are residents of the country in which they are licensed (not the
country of the head office).


Individuals are residents of the country in which they are domiciled.


Entities or individuals that file an IRS Form W-8, indicating that they are foreign
residents, are treated as such, unless they are residents of Puerto Rico or U.S.
territories, such as Guam. Residents of Puerto Rico and U.S. territories are U.S.
residents. If an IRS form is not available, the mailing address can be used to
determine residency.




International and Regional Organizations (See Appendix I) are residents of the
International and Regional Organizations areas, not the countries in which they
are located. Positions with the Red Cross and the Institute of International
Finance are reported as International (Note: These institutions are “other
foreigners”, not Foreign Official Institutions.)


Positions with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the European Central
Bank (ECB), the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), the Bank of Central
African States (BEAC), and the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO),
should each be reported opposite their name in the List of Foreign Economies
and Organizations.


Positions with branches or agencies of Foreign Official Institutions should be
reported opposite the country that owns the Foreign Official Institution. (A list of
Foreign Official Institutions is located in Appendix C.)

F. Submission of Reports
1. Where to Report
Banks, Savings and Loan Holding Companies (SLHC), Bank Holding Companies and
Financial Holding Companies (BHCs and FHCs) should file with the Federal Reserve
District Bank in which the reporter is located, unless instructed by the Reserve Bank
General Instructions


in the District in which the entity has its head office. Securities brokers and dealers
(including securities brokers and dealers owned by Banks or BHCs, FHCs) and all
other financial institutions should file their reports with the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, regardless of location. Data may be submitted through the Internet.
The Reporting Central System is fast, easy to use, and secure. You can submit
reports quickly and easily either using online data entry or via spreadsheet file
transfer. Reporting Central provides a confirmation of data receipt at the Federal
Reserve Bank and checks the validity of your submission. Reporting Central saves
time and delivery costs, avoids possible mail delays, and eliminates paper and fax
transmissions. For more information on Reporting Central, log on to or call your
Federal Reserve Bank contact for TIC reporting.
2. Due Dates
The dates by which the TIC B reports must be received are as follows:

TIC B Reporting Due Dates


Date to be received



No later than the 15th calendar day following the last
day of the month



No later than the 20th calendar day following the last
day of March, June, September, and December

If the due date of a report falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the
following business day.
3. Alternative Methods of Reporting
Data may also be reported on computer printouts in the same format as the printed
reports. The Federal Reserve Bank to which the report is to be filed must approve
proposed computer printouts in advance of the first submission.
4. Signature Requirements
The cover page of the TIC B forms (which can be printed by the respondents from
the TIC website at must be signed by a duly
authorized officer of the institution. For electronic filers, the signature page should
be retained by the reporter.
5. Reporter ID Number
Each reporting entity has been assigned an "RSSD ID" number by the Federal
Reserve System. To ensure proper processing, this ID must be entered in the space
provided on each form. If you do not know your RSSD ID number, please call the
Federal Reserve Bank to which your reports are submitted.

General Instructions


6. Record Keeping Requirement
Reports must be retained for 3 years from the date of submission.
7. Review of Data and Requests for Revised Data
Federal Reserve System staff review data submitted on the TIC forms. As a result of
their review and editing procedures, Reserve Bank staff may ask reporters to explain
unusual changes or submit revisions, as necessary. Since these data are extremely
time-sensitive, respondents should respond as quickly as possible to these requests.

General Instructions


II. TIC Form BC: Report of U.S. Dollar Claims of Financial
Institutions on Foreign Residents
A. What to Report
1. Reportable Claims
Financial institutions, except insurance companies and pension funds, report all U.S.
dollar-denominated claims on foreign residents, including affiliates, own foreign
offices (both banking and nonbanking), and unaffiliated counterparties unless
specifically excluded. Insurance companies and pension funds should only report
U.S. dollar-denominated claims on unaffiliated foreign residents unless specifically
Claims are defined consistently with regulatory reports such as the bank “Call”
reports and include all amounts in the reporter’s “Due to/due from” accounts, unless
in an instrument that is specifically excluded below.
Reportable claims include:

Deposit balances due from banks of any maturity (including non-negotiable CDs)


Negotiable certificates of deposit of any maturity


Brokerage balances (see glossary for more information)


Customers’ overdrawn accounts


Loans and loan participations of any maturity


Resale agreements and similar financing agreements


Short-term negotiable and non-negotiable securities (original maturity of one
year or less)


Money market instruments (e.g., commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances) with
an original maturity of one year or less


Reinsurance recoverables (see glossary for more information)


Assets Under Management (AUM) (not held by a U.S. custodian)


Accrued interest receivables


All reportable claims should be reported gross (e.g., no ASC Subtopic 210-20

2. Specific Exclusions

Long-term securities (no contractual maturity or an original maturity of over one
year), including equities and any long-term notes, bonds, and debentures of the
reporting institution. (Purchases and sales to foreign residents of long-term
securities should be reported on the TIC S and positions should be reported on the
TIC SLT and the SHC(A).)


Credit commitments (e.g., unused loan commitments and unused loan facilities), and
contingent liabilities.

BC Instructions



Derivatives, including forwards, futures, options, swaps, and warrants.


Spot foreign exchange contracts.


Precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) and currencies in transit to or from the United
States or held outside the United States for the account of the reporter.


Foreign currency-denominated claims. (These should be reported on the BQ-2.)


Securities borrowing agreements in which one security is borrowed in return for
another. (Resale type agreements, including securities lending, are reportable only
if the reporter transferred cash in return for the security.)


Claims in the form of short-term securities or certificates of deposit for which a U.S.resident custodian is used (should be reported by the U.S. custodian on the TIC BQ1).

B. Column Definitions
The amounts allocated to each column are based on the type of foreign counterparty
and the type of instrument.
1. Type of Foreign Counterparty
a. Foreign Banks and Foreign Official Institutions (Columns 1, 2, and
Foreign banks are all foreign-resident banks (defined under the laws of the host
country), including commercial banks, savings banks, development banks,
discount houses and other similar foreign institutions that are not Foreign Official
Institutions (see below). Include in these columns, claims on all foreign banking
offices of the reporter (including branches). Claims on foreign affiliated and
unaffiliated nonbanking offices and subsidiaries of the reporter and a non-bank
parent of the reporter should be reported as “All Other Foreigners” (Columns 4
and 5).
Foreign Official Institutions are:

Treasuries, including ministries of finance, or corresponding departments of
national governments; central banks, including all departments thereof;
stabilization funds, including official exchange control offices or other
government exchange authorities; and diplomatic and consular
establishments and other departments and agencies of national


Banks, corporations, or other agencies (including development banks and
other institutions that are majority-owned by central governments) that are
fiscal agents of national governments and perform activities similar to those
of a treasury, central bank, stabilization fund, or exchange control authority.

Note: Appendix C (Foreign Official Institutions List) includes the major Foreign
Official Institutions that have come to the attention of the Federal Reserve Banks
and the Department of the Treasury, but it does not purport to be exhaustive.
Whenever a question arises as to whether or not an institution should be

BC Instructions


classified as “official,” consult the Federal Reserve Bank with which you file
b. All Other Foreigners (Columns 4 and 5)
All Other Foreigners are all foreign residents that do not meet the definitions of a
foreign bank or Foreign Official Institution. Include in these columns, positions
with affiliated foreign non-banking offices and subsidiaries of the reporter.
These foreign resident entities include non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs)(see
glossary for the definition); non-financial corporations, partnerships, and
individuals; departments and agencies of foreign state, provincial, and local
governments; and foreign government-sponsored corporations.
2. Type of Instrument
a. Non-Negotiable Foreign Deposits (Column 1)
Report all deposits due from foreign banks and Foreign Official Institutions
including demand, time (e.g., non-negotiable CDs), and savings deposits
(including Eurodollar deposits, but excluding negotiable certificates of deposit).
Also include in this column any brokerage balances (see glossary for definition)
due from foreign banks.
b. Negotiable CDs & All Short-Term Negotiable Securities (Column 2)
Report in this column all negotiable certificates of deposit (of any maturity) and
all negotiable securities (including money market instruments) with an original
maturity of one year or less, issued by foreign banks and Foreign Official
Institutions. (See glossary for definition of securities.)
c. Other (Columns 3 and 5)
Report in column 3 all reportable claims (as described in Section II.A above) on
foreign banks and Foreign Official Institutions except non-negotiable foreign
deposits reported in column 1 and negotiable CDs and negotiable short-term
securities reported in column 2. Include in column 3 funds loaned under resale
agreements and similar financing agreements to foreign banks and Foreign
Official Institutions, , claims on foreign banks from insurance claims not yet paid,
prepaid insurance premiums, and accrued interest receivables Also include in
column 3 all non-negotiable short-term securities of foreign banks and Foreign
Official Institutions.
Report in column 5 all reportable claims (as described in Section II.A above) on
all other foreign residents except short-term securities reported in column 4.
Include in column 5 funds loaned under resale agreements and similar financing
agreements to all other foreign residents, claims on foreign insurers from
insurance claims not yet paid, prepaid insurance premiums, and accrued interest
receivables. Also include in column 5 all non-negotiable short-term securities of
all other foreign residents and all brokerage balances (see glossary for definition)
due from foreign securities brokers and dealers.

BC Instructions


d. All Short-Term Negotiable Securities (Column 4)
Report in this column all short-term negotiable securities issued (with an original
maturity of one year or less) (including money market instruments) by foreign
residents other than foreign banks and Foreign Official Institutions.
3. "Of Which" Column Definitions (Columns 7, 8, and 9)
a. Foreign Official Institutions (Column 7)
Report all claims included in columns 1 through 3 that are due from Foreign
Official Institutions (see definition above).
b. Own Foreign Offices (Column 8) (Not applicable for insurance
underwriting companies and pension funds)
Report all claims included in columns 1 through 5 that are due from the
reporter’s own foreign offices (both banking and nonbanking), including
anydirect foreign parent, any non-U.S. branch or agency, and any foreignresident office indirectly owned through a U.S. subsidiary depository or non
depository financial institution. Reporters should exclude offices of the reporter’s
parent’s non-banking or banking subsidiaries as own foreign offices, even though
these claims are reportable in columns 1 through 5 (See glossary for definition of
own foreign offices).
c. Resale Agreements (Column 9)
Report the amounts included in columns 3 and 5 that represent funds loaned
toforeign residents under resale agreements and similar financing arrangements.
These amounts should be reported gross (i.e., no ASC Subtopic 210-20 netting).

C. “Of Which” Row Definitions
1. Total IBF Assets (8300-3)
In each column, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row (9999-6) which
represent claims of your International Banking Facilities (IBFs) on foreign residents.
2. Negotiable CDs (8110-8)
In the unshaded cell (column 2), report the total amount included in the Grand Total
row (9999-6) which represents negotiable certificates of deposit issued by foreign
3. Unpaid insurance claims (8132-9)
In columns 3, 5, 6 and 8, U.S. – resident insurance underwriters should report
reinsurance recoverables (see glossary for definition) due from unaffiliated foreignresident insurance companies that are also included in the Grand Total row (99996).

BC Instructions


4. Claims on Foreign-Resident Non-Bank Financial Institutions (8133-7)
In columns 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row
(9999-6) which represent claims that are due from foreign-resident non-bank
financial institutions (NBFIs) (see glossary for the definition).
5. Assets Written Off This Reporting Period (8200-9)
Report the amount of charge-offs or specific reserves for reportable claims taken
partially or entirely during the reporting period. Only report charge-offs during the
period in which they were established. Do not include general reserves. (See
General Instructions Section I.D for detailed information on charge-offs.)

BC Instructions


III. TIC Form BL-1: Report of U.S. Dollar Liabilities of Financial
Institutions to Foreign Residents
A. What to Report
1. Reportable Liabilities
Financial institutions, except insurance companies and pension funds, report all U.S.
dollar-denominated liabilities to foreign residents including affiliates, own foreign
offices (both banking and nonbanking), and unaffiliated counterparties, unless
specifically excluded. Insurance companies and pension funds should only report
U.S. dollar-denominated liabilities to unaffiliated foreign residents unless specifically
Liabilities are defined consistently with regulatory reports such as the bank “Call”
reports and include all amounts in the reporter’s “Due to/due from” accounts, unless
in an instrument that is specifically excluded below.
Reportable liabilities include:

Non-negotiable deposits of any maturity, including non-negotiable certificates of


Brokerage balances (see glossary for more information)


Overdrawn deposit accounts


Loans of any maturity excluding drawn syndicated loans where there is a U.S.
administrative agent (see glossary for more information)


Short-term non-negotiable securities (an original maturity of one year or less)


Repurchase agreements and similar financing agreements


Insurance technical reserves (see glossary for definition)


Accrued interest payables


All reportable liabilities should be reported gross (e.g., no ASC Subtopic 210-20).

2. Specific Exclusions

Long-term securities (no contractual maturity or an original maturity of over one
year), including equities and any long-term notes, bonds, and debentures of the
reporting institution. (Purchases and sales transactions with foreign residents of
long-term securities should be reported on the TIC S and positions with foreign
residents of long-term securities should be reported on the TIC SLT and the


Negotiable certificates of deposit. These should be reported by the U.S.
custodian or the U.S. issuer (if a U.S. – resident custodian is not used) on the
BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ-2 (if foreign currency-denominated).


Negotiable short-term securities. These should be reported by the U.S. custodian
or the U.S. issuer (if a U.S. – resident custodian is not used) on the BL-2 (if
dollar-denominated) or BQ-2 (if foreign currency-denominated).

BL-1 Instructions



Contingent liabilities.


Derivatives, including forwards, futures, options, swaps, and warrants.


Spot foreign exchange contracts.


Precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) and currencies held in the respondent’s vaults
for foreign residents, in transit to or from the United States, or held outside the
United States for the respondent’s account or the account of the respondent’s
customers located in the United States.


Foreign currency-denominated liabilities. (These should be reported on the BQ2.)


Foreign residents’ deposits or brokerage balances swept into money market or
other mutual funds. (These should be reported on the TIC S.)


Securities lending agreements in which one security is lent in return for another.
(Repurchase type agreements are reportable only if the reporter has lent a
security for cash.)


Loans from a foreign resident that are serviced by a U.S. resident (including the
reporter’s own offices).

B. Column Definitions
The amounts allocated to each column are based on the type of foreign counterparty
and the type of instrument.
1. Type of Foreign Counterparty
a. Foreign Official Institutions (Columns 1 and 2)
Foreign Official Institutions are:

Treasuries, including ministries of finance, or corresponding departments of
national governments; central banks, including all departments thereof;
stabilization funds, including official exchange control offices or other
government exchange authorities; and diplomatic and consular
establishments and other departments and agencies of national


Banks, corporations, or other agencies (including development banks and
institutions that are majority-owned by central governments) that are fiscal
agents of national governments and perform activities similar to those of a
treasury, central bank, stabilization fund, or exchange control authority.

Note: The list in Appendix C (Foreign Official Institutions List) includes the major
Foreign Official Institutions that have come to the attention of the Federal
Reserve Banks and the Department of the Treasury, but it does not purport to be
exhaustive. Whenever a question arises as to whether or not an institution
should be classified as “official,” consult the Federal Reserve Bank with which
you file reports.

BL-1 Instructions


b. Foreign Banks (Columns 3 and 4)
Foreign Banks are all foreign-resident banks (defined under the laws of the host
country), including commercial banks, savings banks, development banks,
discount houses and other similar foreign institutions that do not qualify as a
Foreign Official Institution. Include in these columns, liabilities to all affiliated
banking offices (including branches).
Positions with foreign affiliated nonbanking offices and subsidiaries of the
reporter and non-bank parent of the reporter should be reported as To All Other
Foreigners (Columns 5 and 6).
c. All Other Foreigners (Columns 5 and 6)
All Other Foreigners are all foreign residents that do not meet the definitions of a
foreign bank, or Foreign Official Institution. Include in these columns, positions
with affiliated foreign non-banking offices and subsidiaries of the reporters.
These foreign resident entities include non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs)
(See glossary for the definition), non-financial corporations, partnerships, and
individuals, departments and agencies of foreign state, provincial, and local
governments, and foreign government sponsored corporations.
2. Type of Instrument
a. Non-Negotiable Deposits and Brokerage Balances (Columns 1, 3,
and 5)
Depository institutions should report all non-negotiable deposit liabilities,
including demand, time, and savings deposits and non-negotiable certificates of
deposits, including those placed at its International Banking Facility (IBFs).
Depository institutions and securities brokers and dealers should report all
brokerage balances of foreign residents. Brokerage balances are cash balances
held in brokerage and margin accounts of foreign residents, including affiliated
foreign residents, whether these funds may be freely withdrawn or are held to
support positions in futures, securities or other financial instruments. (See
glossary for further information.)
Both depository institutions and securities brokers and dealers should exclude
balances swept into a money market fund, government securities fund, or other
kind of mutual fund. (Mutual fund shares, including money market mutual fund
shares, purchased or sold by foreign residents are reported as equity securities
on the TIC S form.)
b. Other (Columns 2, 4, and 6)
Report in these columns all reportable liabilities (as described in Section III.A)
other than non-negotiable deposits and brokerage balances reported in columns
1, 3, and 5. Include in these columns loans from foreign residents (including
repurchase agreements and overdrawn deposit accounts), insurance claims
payable, unearned (prepaid) insurance premiums, accrued interest payable, and
non-negotiable short-term securities issued by the reporter.

BL-1 Instructions


3. "Of Which" Column Definitions (Columns 8 and 9)
a. Own Foreign Offices (Column 8) (Not applicable for insurance
underwriting companies and pension funds)
Report all liabilities included in columns 3, 4,5, and 6 that are due to the
reporter’s own foreign offices (both banking and nonbanking), including any
direct foreign parent, any non-U.S. branch or agency, and any foreign-resident
office indirectly owned through a U.S. subsidiary depository or non depository
financial institution. Reporters should exclude offices of the reporter’s parent’s
non-banking or banking subsidiaries as own foreign offices, even though these
liabilities are reportable in columns 3 through 6 (see glossary for definition of
own foreign offices).
b. Repurchase Agreements (Column 9)
Report the amounts included in columns 2, 4, and 6 that represent funds
borrowed under repurchase agreements and similar financing agreements.
These amounts should be reported gross (i.e. no ASC Subtopic 210-20 netting).

C. “Of Which” Row Definitions
1. IBF Liabilities (8300-3)
In each column, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row (9999-6) which
represent the liabilities of the reporter’s International Banking Facilities (IBFs) to
foreign residents.
2. Repurchase Agreements (8400-7)
In columns 2, 4, 6, and 8, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row
(9999-6) which represent funds borrowed from foreign residents under repurchase
agreements. The Grand Total of row 8400-7 (column 7) should be equal to the
Grand Total (row 9999-6) of column 9.
3. Non-interest Bearing Liabilities (8130-2)
Report all non-interest bearing deposits and loans reported in columns 1 through 6
in the Grand Total row (9999-6). Include all non-interest bearing liabilities to foreign
offices reported in columns 3, 4, 5, and 6 regardless of the nature of the
4. Unpaid insurance claims and prepaid insurance premiums (8132-9)
In columns 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8, report for U.S. – resident underwriting business the
total amount of unpaid insurance claims (See glossary for definition) and prepaid
insurance premiums (see glossary for definition) due to unaffiliated foreign-resident
policyholders that are also included in the Grand Total row (9999-6).

BL-1 Instructions


5. Liabilities to Foreign-Resident Non-Bank Financial Institutions
In columns 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row
(9999-6) which represent liabilities to foreign-resident non-bank financial institutions
(NBFIs). (See glossary for definition.)

BL-1 Instructions


IV. TIC Form BL-2: Report of Customers' U.S. Dollar Liabilities
to Foreign Residents
A. What To Report
1. Reportable Customers’ Liabilities
Report all U.S. dollar-denominated liabilities of U.S. residents to foreign residents of
the types listed below:
a. Custody Items
Include liabilities of U.S. residents which a reporter holds in custody for the
account of foreign residents. Reportable custody items are:

Short-term (an original maturity of one year or less) negotiable and nonnegotiable debt securities (including money market instruments). Include
securities that have been temporarily “transferred out” by foreign residents
under repurchase agreements or similar agreements. Include short-term
securities of the U.S. Treasury, federal agencies, and federally-sponsored
enterprises. (see section below on reporting of securities.)


Negotiable certificates of deposit of any maturity issued by either the
reporter or another U.S. resident depository institution and held by the
reporter for foreign residents.

b. Liabilities to Managed Foreign Offices


Liabilities of U.S. residents other than those subject to TIC B reporting
(See Section I.D.) to managed foreign offices of the reporter. Managed
foreign offices are offices for which a majority of the responsibility for
business decisions (e.g., decisions with regard to lending, asset
management, funding, or liability management), or the responsibility for
recordkeeping for that foreign office resides at the reporter.
Loans Placed Overseas


Foreign holdings of loans and loan participations to U.S. residents that are
serviced by the reporter, whether held by affiliated or non-affiliated


Liabilities of U.S. residents to foreign residents from loan syndications in
which the reporter is the administrative agent.

d. Short-term Negotiable Securities
Short-term negotiable securities issued by the reporter directly in a foreign
market where no U.S. custodian (other than the reporter) is used.
(Refer to the flowcharts in Appendix A that outline reporting responsibility for
customer liabilities.)

BL-2 Instructions


2. Specific Exclusions

Long-term securities (no contractual maturity or an original maturity of over one
year), including equities and any long-term notes, bonds and debentures.


Precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) and currencies held in the reporter’s vaults for
foreign residents.


Assets, including short-term securities held in custody for customers, which have
been temporarily received by foreign residents as collateral under resale
agreements or similar financing agreements.


Foreign currency-denominated liabilities. (These should be reported on Part 2 of
the BQ-2.)


Short-term non-negotiable securities issued by your own institution. (These
should be reported on the BL-1.)

3. Reporting of Securities
U.S.-resident custodians should report all short-term negotiable securities (see
glossary for definition of securities) held for foreign residents (whether issued by the
reporter or another U.S. resident) on the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ-2 (Part
2) (if foreign currency-denominated).
If a TIC B reporter issues a short-term negotiable security directly in a foreign
market, and a U.S.-resident custodian is not used, the reporter should report the
security on the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ-2 (Part 2) (if foreign currencydenominated) as if the reporter were acting as the U.S. custodian.
By contrast, if a TIC B reporter issues a short-term non-negotiable security directly in
a foreign market, the reporter should include the security on the BL-1 (if U.S. dollardenominated) or BQ-2 (Part 1) (if foreign currency-denominated). The BL-2 and BQ2 (Part 2) should only include short-term non-negotiable securities held in custody
for foreign customers other than the reporter.
Although negotiable certificates of deposit are not considered securities for the TIC
reports, they are treated in a manner similar to short-term negotiable securities. All
foreign-held negotiable certificates of deposit of U.S. depository institutions
(regardless of maturity) whether issued by the reporter or by another U.S.
depository institution should be reported on the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ2, Part 2 (if foreign currency-denominated), if the reporter is the U.S. custodian or if
no U.S. custodian is used.
4. Reporting of Syndicated Loans to U.S. Residents Placed Overseas
A reporter acting as an administrative agent for a syndicated loan to a U.S. resident
that includes foreign creditors should report the U.S. resident’s loan liability to
foreign residents on the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ-2 (Part 2) (if foreign
Only the amount of the loan facility that is drawn down on the as of date of the
report should be reported. (Undrawn commitments should be excluded from the TIC
reports.) Report only the portion of the loan drawn by the obligor’s U.S. offices.
Loans extended to foreign affiliates of U.S. borrowers should be excluded.
BL-2 Instructions


Loans to U.S. residents where a reporter’s foreign office acts as an administrative
agent for the syndication should be excluded. These loan liabilities should be
reported directly by the U.S. resident borrower on the TIC BL-1 or CQ-1 as

B. Column Definitions
1. Type of Foreign Holder
a. Foreign Official Institutions (Columns 1, 2 and 3)
Foreign Official Institutions are: Treasuries, including ministries of finance, or
corresponding departments of national governments; central banks, including all
departments thereof; stabilization funds, including official exchange control
offices or other government exchange authorities; and diplomatic and consular
establishments and other departments and agencies of national governments,
Banks, corporations, or other agencies (including development banks and
institutions that are majority-owned by central governments) that are fiscal
agents of national governments and perform activities similar to those of a
treasury, central bank, stabilization fund, or exchange control authority.
Note: The list in Appendix C (List of Foreign Official Institutions) includes the
major Foreign Official Institutions that have come to the attention of the Federal
Reserve Banks and the Department of the Treasury, but it does not purport to be
exhaustive. Whenever a question arises whether or not an institution should, in
accordance with the instructions on the TIC forms, be classified as official,
consult the Federal Reserve Bank with which you file reports.
b. Foreign Banks (Columns 4, 5 and 6)
Foreign Banks are all foreign-resident banks (defined under the laws of the host
country), including commercial banks, savings banks, development banks,
discount houses and other similar foreign institutions that do not qualify as a
Foreign Official Institution. Include in these columns, liabilities to all foreign
affiliated banking offices (including branches). Positions with foreign affiliated
non-banking offices and subsidiaries of the reporter should be reported as All
Other Foreigners (Columns 7, 8, and 9).
c. All Other Foreigners (Columns 7, 8 and 9)
All Other Foreigners are all foreign residents that do not meet the definitions of a
foreign bank, or Foreign Official Institution. Include in these columns, positions
with affiliated foreign nonbanking offices and subsidiaries of the reporter. These
foreign resident entities include non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) (See
glossary for the definition), non-financial corporations, partnerships and
individuals, departments and agencies of foreign state, provincial, and local
governments, and foreign government sponsored corporations.

BL-2 Instructions


2. Type of Instrument
a. Short-Term U.S. Treasury Obligations (Columns 1, 4 and 7)
Report foreign residents’ holdings of short-term (original maturity of one year or
less) instruments that are direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury.
Do not include securities issued by or guaranteed by other U.S. government
agencies (e.g., Government National Mortgage Association (GMNA)), federallysponsored enterprises (e.g., Federal National Mortgage Association (FMNA)), and
state and local governments. (Securities of these types of institutions are
included in Columns 2, 5, and 8).
b. Negotiable CDs and Negotiable Short-term Securities (Columns 2, 5
and 8)
Report foreign residents’ holdings of negotiable certificates of deposit (of any
maturity) and short-term (original maturity of one year or less) negotiable
securities (including money market instruments). (See glossary for definition of
securities). Include in these columns all short-term negotiable securities other
than those issued directly by the U.S. Treasury and included in columns 1, 4, and
c. Other Custody Liabilities (Columns 3, 6, and 9)
Report foreign residents’ holdings of all reportable liabilities (See Section IV.A,
What to Report) other than short-term U.S. Treasury Obligations (Columns 1, 4
and 7) and negotiable CDs and negotiable short-term securities (Columns 2, 5
and 8). Include in these columns loans to U.S. residents from foreigners foreign
residents that are serviced by the reporter (including drawn syndicated loans
where the reporter acts as an administrative agent) and loans to U.S. residents
other than those subject to TIC B reporting from managed foreign offices of the
reporter. Also include in these columns all custodial holdings of non-negotiable
d. Negotiable Certificates of Deposits Held for Foreign Residents in
Columns 2, 5, or 8 (Column 11)
Report negotiable certificates of deposit held for foreign residents included in
Columns 2, 5, or 8.

C. Memorandum Section Definitions - Liabilities by Sector of U.S.
Debtor and by Instrument
In this section, report the customers’ liabilities reported above categorized by sector of
U.S. issuer and the type of instrument used. (Note that in these rows, only selected
categories of liabilities are required to be reported. Therefore, in most cases, the rows
will not sum to total liabilities.)
1. U.S.-Resident Bank Debt
a. Total U.S. Bank Debt Row (8102-7)
Report the total of all liabilities included in column 10 of the Grand Total row
(9999-6) for which U.S. banks are the debtor.
BL-2 Instructions


b. Loans to U.S. Banks Row (8141-8)
In columns 3, 6, 9, and 10, report loans (see glossary for definition) to U.S.
banks from foreign residents that are included in the Total Bank Debt row (81027).
c. Short-term Negotiable Securities Issued by U.S. Banks Row (81426)
In columns 2, 5, 8, and 10, report all short-term (original maturity of one year or
less) negotiable securities issued by U.S. banks held by foreign residents that are
included in the Total Bank Debt row (8102-7). Do not include negotiable
certificates of deposit and non-negotiable securities.
2. U.S. Government Debt
a. Total U.S. General Government Row (8144-2)
Report the total of all debt issued by the U.S. Treasury and state and local
governments located in the United States that were reported in the Grand Total
(9999-6). Do not include debt issued by U.S. government agencies (e.g.,
GMNA), federally-sponsored enterprises (e.g., FNMA), and U.S. government
corporations (e.g. TVA).
b. Total U.S. Agencies Row (8146-9)
Report the total of all debt issued by, or guaranteed by, U.S. government
agencies (e.g., GNMA), or federally-sponsored enterprises (e.g., FNMA) and were
reported in the Grand Total Row (9999-6). This includes mortgage-backed
securities that were issued by, guaranteed by, or are the obligation of a federal
agency, a federal instrumentality, or a government-sponsored enterprise (see
glossary for more information), including participation certificates, pass-throughs,
CMOs, and REMICs. Exclude liabilities of the U.S. Treasury. These should be
reported in the Total Government Liabilities row (8144-2). Exclude privatelyissued mortgage-backed securities that are not guaranteed by the U.S.
government or federally sponsored enterprises, even if the underlying collateral
is government guaranteed. These should be reported in the Short-term
Negotiable Securities Issued by U.S. NBFIs row (8136-1).
3. U.S. Resident Non-Bank Financial Institutions’ (NBFIs) Debt

Debt of U.S.-Resident Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs)

Report the total of all liabilities included in column 10 of the Grand Total row
(9999-6) for which U.S.- resident non-bank financial institutions are the debtor.
b. Loans to U.S. NBFIs Row (8135-3)
In columns 3, 6, 9, and 10, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row
(9999-6), which represent all loans (see glossary for definition) from foreign
residents to U.S.- resident non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) (see glossary
for the definition), other than to U.S. banks (reported in row 8141-8),
governments, and U.S. agencies. Include in this row loans to U.S. resident NBFIs
from foreign residents that are serviced by the reporter, (or the reporter acts as
BL-2 Instructions


administrative agent) and loans to U.S.- resident NBFIs from managed offices of
the reporter.
c. Short-term Negotiable Securities Issued by U.S. NBFIs Row (81361)
In columns 2, 5, 8, and 10, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row
(9999-6), which represent all short-term (original maturity of one year or less)
negotiable securities issued by U.S.- resident non-bank financial institutions
(NBFIs) (See glossary for the definition), other than U.S. banks (reported in Row
8142-6), the federal government, state and local governments and U.S. agencies
(as defined above), held by foreign residents. Do not include non-negotiable

BL-2 Instructions


V. TIC Form BQ-1: Report of Customers' U.S. Dollar Claims on
Foreign Residents
A. What to Report
1. Reportable Customers’ Claims
Report all U.S. dollar-denominated claims of U.S. residents on foreign residents of
the types listed below:
a. Custody Items
Include all liabilities of foreign residents that the reporter holds in custody for the
account of U.S. residents. Reportable custody items are: Short-term (an original
maturity of one year or less) negotiable and non-negotiable debt securities
(including money market instruments) issued by a foreign resident. Include
foreign resident-issued securities that have been temporarily ”transferred out” by
U.S. residents under repurchase or similar agreements. Negotiable certificates of
deposit of any maturity issued by a foreign resident and held by the reporter for
U.S. residents.
b. Claims on Managed Offices
Claims of U.S. residents other than those subject to TIC B reporting on managed
foreign offices of the reporter. Managed foreign offices are offices for which a
majority of the responsibility for business decisions (e.g., decisions with regard
to lending, asset management, funding, or liability management), or the
responsibility for recordkeeping for the foreign office resides at the reporter.
c. Funds Placed Overseas
Claims of U.S. residents on foreign offices of the reporter resulting from the
reporter’s transfers of funds from the accounts of U.S. residents on the reporter’s
books to the books of foreign offices under pre-arranged “sweep” agreements.
(See glossary for more information.)
d. Brokerage Balances
Brokerage balances of U.S residents placed abroad through the reporter.
Brokerage balances are cash balances in brokerage and margin accounts,
whether these funds may be freely withdrawn or are held to support positions in
futures, securities, or in other financial instruments. (See glossary for more
(Refer to the flowcharts in Appendix A that outline reporting responsibility for
customer claims.)
All reportable claims should be reported gross (e.g., no ASC Subtopic 210-20
2. Specific Exclusions

Long-term securities (no contractual maturity or an original maturity of over one
year), including equities and any long-term notes, bonds, and debentures.

BQ-1 Instructions



Assets, including short-term securities held in custody for customers, which have
been temporarily received as collateral under resale agreements or similar
financing agreements.


Foreign currency-denominated claims. (These should be reported on Part 1 of
the BQ-2.)


Administrative agents for syndicated loans should exclude loans to foreign
borrowers by U.S. creditors. (Although administrative agents are required to
report U.S. syndicated loan liabilities, they are not required to report U.S.
syndicated loan claims. These claims are reported directly by the U.S. creditor.)


Short-term securities held in your own security portfolio or trading account.
(These should be reported on the BC.)

B. Column Definitions
The amounts allocated to each column are based on the type of instrument.
1. Non-Negotiable Foreign Deposits (Column 1)
Report claims of U.S. residents on foreign offices of the reporter resulting from the
reporter’s transfers of funds from the accounts of U.S. residents on the reporter’s
books to the books of foreign offices as a deposit under pre-arranged “sweep”
agreements. However, exclude from this column funds transferred into non-deposit
accounts (loans) at foreign offices under pre-arranged “sweep” agreements. (These
are reported in column 4.) (See glossary for more information.) Include in this
column any deposits of U.S. residents other than those subject to TIC B reporting
that are held at managed foreign offices of the reporter. Include in this column
brokerage balances (see glossary for definition) of U.S. residents placed abroad.
2. Negotiable CDs (Column 2)
Report U.S. residents’ holdings of negotiable certificates of deposit of any maturity
issued by foreign banks.
3. All Short-Term Negotiable Securities (Column 3)
Report U.S. residents’ holdings of short-term (original maturity of one year or less)
negotiable securities issued by foreign residents (including money market
instruments) (see glossary for definition of securities).
4. Other Claims (Column 4)
Report U.S. residents’ holdings of all reportable claims (See Section V.A, What to
Report) other than non-negotiable foreign deposits (Column 1), negotiable CDs
(Column 2), and short-term negotiable securities (Column 3). Include in this column
U.S. residents’ holdings of short-term non-negotiable securities issued by foreign
residents and all claims of U.S. residents on foreign offices of the reporter resulting
from the reporter’s transfers of funds from the accounts of U.S. residents on the
reporter’s books to the books of foreign offices in the form of a borrowing under prearranged “sweep” agreements (see glossary for more information.) Funds
transferred into deposit accounts at foreign offices under pre-arranged “sweep”
BQ-1 Instructions


agreements are reported in column 1. Also include claims in the form of a borrowing
by non-U.S. residents on managed offices of the reporter.

C. "Of Which” Row Definitions
1. Commercial Paper (8161-2)
In the cell in column 3, report the total amount included in the Grand Total row
(9999-6) which represents commercial paper issued by foreign residents and held for
the account of U.S. residents.
2. Claims of U.S. Banks (8163-9)
In each column, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row (9999-6) for
which U.S. depository institutions are the customer of the reporter. Banks are the
type of entities listed in the General Instruction, Section D.I.
3. Claims of U.S.- Resident Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs)
In each column, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row (9999-6) for
which U.S.- resident non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) (See glossary for the
definition) are the customer of the reporter.

BQ-1 Instructions


VI. TIC Form BQ-2, Part 1: Report of Foreign Currency Liabilities
and Claims of Financial Institutions, and of their Domestic
Customers’ Foreign Currency Claims with Foreign
A. What to Report
1. Reportable Own Liabilities (Columns 1 and 2)
Financial institutions, except insurance companies and pension funds, report all
foreign currency-denominated liabilities (converted to U.S. dollars using the spot
exchange rate on the as of date) to foreign residents including affiliates, own foreign
offices (both banking and nonbanking), and unaffiliated counterparties, unless
specifically excluded. Insurance companies and pension funds should only report
foreign currency-denominated liabilities (converted to U.S. dollars using the spot
exchange rate on the as-of date) to unaffiliated foreign residents unless specifically
Liabilities are defined consistently with regulatory reports such as the bank “Call”
reports and include all amounts in the reporter’s “Due to/due from” accounts, unless
in an instrument that is specifically excluded below.

Reportable liabilities include: Non-negotiable deposits of any maturity, including
non-negotiable certificates of deposit


Brokerage balances (see glossary for more information)


Overdrawn deposit accounts


Loans of any maturity (see glossary for more information)


Short-term non-negotiable securities (an original maturity of one year or less)


Repurchase agreements and similar financing agreements


Insurance technical reserves (see glossary for more information)


Accrued interest payables

All reportable liabilities should be reported gross (e.g., no ASC Subtopic 210-20
2. Specific Exclusions

Long-term securities (no contractual maturity or an original maturity of over one
year), including equities and any long-term notes, bonds, and debentures of the
reporting institution. (Purchases and sales transactions with foreign residents of
long-term securities should be reported on the TIC S and positions with foreign
residents of long-term securities should be reported on the TIC SLT and SHL(A).)


Negotiable certificates of deposit. These should be reported by the U.S.
custodian on Part 2 of this form (if foreign currency-denominated) or BL-2 (if
dollar-denominated). If the reporter issues short-term negotiable certificates of

BQ-2 Part I Instructions


deposit, and a U.S. –resident custodian is not used, the reporter should report
these on the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ-2 (Part 2) if foreign-currency

Negotiable short-term securities. These should be reported by the U.S.
custodian or the U.S. issuer (if a U.S. –resident custodian is not used) on Part 2
of this form (if foreign currency-denominated) or BL-2 (if dollar-denominated).


Contingent liabilities.


Derivatives, including forwards, futures, options, swaps, and warrants.


Spot foreign exchange contracts.


Precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) and currencies held in the respondent’s vaults
for foreign residents, in transit to or from the United States, or held outside the
United States for the respondent’s account or the account of the respondent’s
customers located in the United States.


U.S. dollar-denominated liabilities. (These should be reported on the BL-1.)


Foreign residents’ deposits or brokerage balances swept into money market or
other mutual funds. (These should be reported on the TIC S.)


Securities lending agreements in which one security is lent in return for another.
(Repurchase-type agreements are reportable only if the reporter has lent a
security for cash.)

3. Reportable Own Claims (Columns 3 and 4)
Financial institutions, except insurance companies and pension funds, report all
foreign currency-denominated claims (converted to U.S. dollars using the spot
exchange rate on the as of date) on foreign residents including affiliates, own
foreign offices (both banking and nonbanking) and unaffiliated counterparties unless
specifically excluded. Insurance companies and pension funds should only report
foreign currency-denominated claims (converted to U.S. dollars using the spot
exchange rate on the as of date) on unaffiliated foreign residents unless specifically
Claims are defined consistently with regulatory reports such as the bank “Call”
reports and include all amounts in the reporter’s “Due to/due from” accounts, unless
in an instrument that is specifically excluded below.
Reportable claims include:

Deposit balances due from banks of any maturity, including non-negotiable
certificates of deposit


Negotiable certificates of deposit of any maturity


Brokerage balances (see glossary for more information)


Customers’ overdrawn accounts


Loans and loan participations of any maturity


Resale agreements and similar financing agreements

BQ-2 Part I Instructions



Reinsurance recoverables (see glossary for more information)


Short-term negotiable and non-negotiable securities (original maturity of one
year or less)


Money market instruments (e.g., commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances) with
an original maturity of one year or less


Assets Under Management (AUM) (not held by a U.S. custodian)


Accrued interest receivables

All reportable claims should be reported gross (e.g., no ASC Subtopic 210-20
4. Specific Exclusions

Long-term securities (no contractual maturity or an original maturity of over one
year), including equities and any long-term notes, bonds, and debentures of the
reporting institution. (Purchases and sales to foreign residents of long-term
securities should be reported on the TIC S and positions with foreign residents of
long-term securities should be reported on the TIC SLT and the SHCA.)


Credit commitments (e.g., unused loan commitments.)


Derivatives, including forwards, futures, options, swaps, and warrants.


Spot foreign exchange contracts.


Precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) and currencies in transit to or from the United
States or held outside the United States for the account of the reporter.


U.S. dollar-denominated claims. (These should be reported on the BC.)


Securities borrowing agreements in which one security is borrowed in return for
another. (Resale type agreements are reportable only if the reporter transferred
cash in return for the security.)

5. Reportable Customers’ Claims (Columns 5 and 6)
Report all foreign currency-denominated claims of U.S. residents (converted to U.S.
dollars using spot exchange rate on the as of date) on foreign residents of the types
listed below:
a. Custody Items
Include all liabilities of foreign residents which the reporter holds in custody for
the account of U.S. residents. Reportable custody items are:

Short-term (an original maturity of one year or less) negotiable and nonnegotiable debt securities (including money market instruments) issued by a
foreigner. Include foreign-issued securities that have been temporarily
”transferred out” by U.S. residents under repurchase or similar agreements.


Negotiable certificates of deposit of any maturity issued by a foreign resident
and held by the reporter for U.S. residents.

BQ-2 Part I Instructions


b. Claims on Managed Offices
Claims of U.S. residents other than those subject to TIC B reporting on managed
foreign offices of the reporter. Managed foreign offices are offices for which a
majority of the responsibility for business decisions (e.g., decisions with regard
to lending, asset management, funding, or liability management), or the
responsibility for recordkeeping for the foreign office resides at the reporter.
c. Funds Placed Overseas
Claims of U.S. residents on foreign offices of the reporter resulting from the
reporter’s transfers of funds from the accounts of U.S. residents on the reporter’s
books to the books of foreign offices under pre-arranged “sweep” agreements.
(See glossary for more information.)
d. Brokerage Balances
Brokerage balances of U.S residents placed abroad through the reporter.
Brokerage balances are cash balances in brokerage and margin accounts,
whether these funds may be freely withdrawn or are held to support positions in
futures, securities, or in other financial instruments. (See glossary for more
(Refer to the flowcharts in Appendix A that outline reporting responsibility for
customer claims.)
6. Specific Exclusions

Long-term securities (no contractual maturity or an original maturity of over one
year), including equities and any long-term notes, bonds, and debentures.


Assets, including short-term securities held in custody for customers, which have
been temporarily received as collateral under resale agreements or similar
financing agreements.


U.S. dollar-denominated claims. (These should be reported on the BQ-1.)


Administrative agents for syndicated loans should exclude loans to foreign
borrowers by U.S. creditors. (Although administrative agents are required to
report U.S. syndicated loan liabilities, they are not required to report U.S.
syndicated loan claims. These claims are reported directly by the U.S. creditor.)


Short-term securities held in your own security portfolio or trading account.
(These should be reported as the reporter’s own claims in columns 3 and 4 of
this report.)

B. Column Definitions
1. Type of Instrument—Own Liabilities
a. Non-Negotiable Deposits (Column 1)
Depository institutions should report all non-negotiable deposit liabilities,
including demand, time, and savings deposits and non-negotiable certificates of
deposits (but not negotiable certificates of deposit), including those placed at its
International Banking Facility (IBFs). Depository institutions and securities
BQ-2 Part I Instructions


brokers and dealers should report all brokerage balances of foreign residents.
Brokerage balances are cash balances held in brokerage and margin accounts of
foreign residents, including affiliated foreign residents, whether these funds may
be freely withdrawn or are held to support positions in futures, securities or
other financial instruments. (See glossary for further information.)
Both depository institutions and securities brokers and dealers should
exclude balances swept into a money market fund, government securities
fund, or other kinds of mutual fund. (Mutual fund shares, including
money market mutual fund shares, purchased or sold by foreign residents
are reported as equity securities on the TIC S.)
b. Other Liabilities (Column 2)
Report in column 2 all reportable liabilities (as described in Section VI.A., What to
Report) due to foreign residents other than non-negotiable deposits and
brokerage balances reported in column 1. Include loans, repurchase
agreements, and overdrawn deposits accounts. Also, include in this column any
short-term non-negotiable securities issued by the reporter. (Negotiable CDs
and negotiable short-term securities should be reported in Part 2.)
2. Type of Instrument—Own Claims
a. Non-Negotiable Foreign Deposits (Column 3)
Report in column 3 all deposits due from foreign banks and Foreign Official
Institutions including demand, time, and savings deposits (excluding negotiable
certificates of deposits). Also include in this column all brokerage balances (see
glossary for definition) due from foreign security brokers and dealers and foreign
b. Other Claims (Column 4)
Report in column 4 all reportable own claims (as described in Section VI.A., What
to Report) on foreign residents other than non-negotiable foreign deposits
reported in column 3. Include in column 4 funds loaned under resale
agreements and similar financing agreements of foreign residents and all nonnegotiable securities issued by foreign residents.
3. Type of Instruments—Customers’ Claims
a. Non-Negotiable Foreign Deposits (Column 5)
Report claims of U.S. residents on foreign offices of the reporter resulting from
the reporter’s transfers of funds from the accounts of U.S. residents on the
reporter’s books to the books of foreign offices as a deposit under pre-arranged
“sweep” agreements. However, exclude from this column funds transferred into
non-deposit accounts (loans) at foreign offices under pre-arranged “sweep”
agreements. (These are included in column 6.) (See glossary for more
information.) Also include any deposits of U.S. residents other than those
subject to TIC B reporting that are held at managed foreign offices of the
reporter. Include in this column brokerage balances (see glossary for definition)
of U.S. residents placed abroad.
BQ-2 Part I Instructions


b. Other Customers’ Claims (Column 6)
Report U.S. residents’ holdings of all reportable claims (See Section VI.A, What
To Report) other than non-negotiable foreign deposits (Column 5). Include in
this column U.S. residents’ holdings of short-term non-negotiable securities and
claims of U.S. residents on foreign offices of the reporter resulting from the
reporter’s transfers of funds from the accounts of U.S. residents on the reporter’s
books to the books of foreign offices in the form of a borrowing under prearranged “sweep” agreements. (See glossary for more information.) Exclude
from this column funds transferred into deposit accounts at foreign offices under
pre-arranged “sweep” agreements. (These are reported in column 5.) Also
include claims of U.S. residents, other than those subject to TIC B reporting, on
managed foreign offices of the reporter.

C. "Of Which” Row Definitions
1. Total IBF Liabilities/Assets (8300-3)
In columns 1 through 4, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row (99996) which represent the liabilities (columns 1 and 2)/claims (columns 3 and 4) of the
reporter’s International Banking Facilities (IBFs) to foreign residents.
2. Foreign Currency Detail (8500-1 to 8500-5)
For each column, report the amounts (converted into U.S. dollars using the spot
exchange rate on the as of date of the report) of positions reported in the Grand
Total row (9999-6) that are denominated in Canadian Dollars (8500-1), Euros (85002), Pounds Sterling (8500-3), Japanese Yen (8500-4), and Swiss Francs (8500-5).
3. Negotiable CDs (8110-8)
Report in columns 4 and 6, the total amount included in the Grand Total row (99996) which represents negotiable certificates of deposit issued by foreign residents.
4. Short-Term Negotiable Securities (8120-5)
Report in columns 4 and 6, all negotiable securities (including money market
instruments) with an original maturity of one year or less, issued by foreign
residents. (See glossary for definition of securities). Do not include negotiable
certificates of deposit or non-negotiable securities.
5. Repurchase/Resale Agreements (8400-7)
In column 2, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row (9999-6) which
represent funds borrowed from foreign residents under repurchase agreements and
similar financing arrangements. In the cell in column 4, report the amounts included
in the Grand Total row (9999-6) which represent funds loaned to foreign residents
under resale agreements and similar financing arrangements. These amounts
should be reported gross (i.e., no ASC Subtopic 210-20 netting).
6. Unpaid insurance claims and prepaid insurance premiums (8132-9)

BQ-2 Part I Instructions


In column 2, report for U.S.- resident insurance underwriting business the total
amount of unpaid insurance claims (See glossary for definition) and prepaid
insurance premiums (See glossary for definition) due to unaffiliated foreign-resident
policyholders that are also included in the Grand Total row (9999-6).
In column 4, U.S. – resident insurance underwriters should report reinsurance
recoverables (See glossary for definition) due from unaffiliated foreign-resident
insurance companies that are also included in the Grand Total row (9999-6).
7. Liabilities to and Claims on Foreign-Resident Banks (8138-8)
Foreign-resident banks (defined under the laws of the host country), include
commercial banks, savings banks, development banks, discount houses, and other
similar foreign institutions.
In columns 1, 2, 3, and 4, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row
(9999-6) which represent foreign currency-denominated reporter’s liabilities to and
claims on foreign-resident banks. Include in this row, liabilities to and claims on your
own and affiliated (subsidiaries of the parent) foreign-resident banks (including
In columns 5 and 6, report the amounts included in Grand Total row (9999-6) which
represent foreign currency-denominated claims of U.S. resident customers of the
reporter on foreign-resident banks.
8. Liabilities to and Claims on Foreign-Resident Non-Bank Financial
Institutions (NBFIs) (8133-7)
This memorandum item covers liabilities to and claims on foreign-resident non-bank
financial institutions (NBFIs) (See glossary for the definition).
In columns 1, 2, 3, and 4, report the amounts included in the Grand Total row
(9999-6) which represent foreign currency-denominated reporter’s liabilities to and
claims on foreign-resident NBFIs. Include in this row, liabilities to and claims on your
own and affiliated (subsidiaries of the parent) foreign-resident NBFIs.
In columns 5 and 6, report the amounts included in Grand Total row (9999-6) which
represent foreign currency-denominated claims of U.S. resident customers of the
reporter on foreign-resident NBFIs.

BQ-2 Part I Instructions


VII. TIC Form BQ-2 , Part 2: Report of Customers’ Foreign
Currency Liabilities to Foreign Residents
A. What to Report
1. Reportable Customers’ Liabilities
Report all foreign currency-denominated liabilities of U.S. residents (converted to
U.S. dollars using the spot exchange rate on the as of date) to foreign residents of
the types listed below:
a. Custody Items
Include liabilities of U.S. residents held in custody for the account of foreign
residents. Reportable custody items are:

Short-term (an original maturity of one year or less) negotiable and nonnegotiable debt securities (including money market instruments). Include
securities that have been temporarily ”transferred out” by foreign residents
under repurchase agreements or similar agreements. (See section below on
reporting of securities.)


Negotiable certificates of deposit of any maturity issued by either the
reporter or another U.S. resident depository institution and held by the
reporter for foreign residents.

b. Liabilities to Managed Foreign Offices

Liabilities of U.S. residents, other than those subject to TIC B reporting, to
managed foreign offices of the reporter. Managed foreign offices are offices
for which a majority of the responsibility for business decisions (e.g.,
decisions with regard to lending, asset management, funding, or liability
management), or the responsibility for recordkeeping for that foreign office
resides at the reporter.

c. Loans Placed Overseas

Foreign holdings of loans and loan participations to U.S. residents that are
serviced by the reporter, whether held by affiliated or non-affiliated parties.


Liabilities of U.S. residents to foreign residents from loan syndications in
which the reporter is the administrative agent.

d. Short-term negotiable securities issued by the reporter directly in a
foreign market where no U.S. custodian (other than the reporter) is
(Refer to the flowcharts in Appendix A that outline reporting responsibility for
customer liabilities.)
2. Specific Exclusions

Long-term securities (no contractual maturity or an original maturity of over one
year), including equities and any long-term notes, bonds, and debentures.

BQ-2 Part II Instructions



Precious metals (e.g., gold, silver) and currencies held in reporter’s vaults for
foreign residents.


Assets, including short-term securities held in custody for customers, which have
been temporarily received by foreign residents as collateral under resale
agreements or similar financing agreements.


U.S. dollar-denominated liabilities. (These should be reported on the BL-2).


Short-term non-negotiable securities issued by your own institution. (These
should be reported on the BL-1, if U.S. dollar-denominated or on the BQ-2, Part
1, if foreign currency-denominated.)

3. Reporting of Securities
All short-term negotiable securities (see glossary for definition of securities) held for
foreign residents (whether issued by the reporter or another U.S. resident) are
reported on the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ-2, Part 2 (if foreign currencydenominated) by U.S. custodians.
If a reporter issues a short-term negotiable security directly in a foreign market, and
a U.S. resident custodian is not used, the reporter should report the security issue on
the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ-2 Part 2 (if foreign currency-denominated) as
if the reporter were acting as the U.S. custodian.
By contrast, if a TIC reporter issues a short-term non-negotiable security directly in a
foreign market, the reporter should include the security on the BL-1 (if U.S. dollardenominated) or BQ-1 (Part 1) (if foreign currency-denominated). The BL-2 and BQ2 (Part 2) should only include short-term non-negotiable securities held in custody
for customers.
Although negotiable certificates of deposit are not considered securities for the TIC
reports, they are treated in a manner similar to short-term negotiable securities. All
foreign-held negotiable certificates of deposit of U.S. depository institutions
(regardless of maturity) whether issued by the reporter or by another U.S.
depository institution should be reported on the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ2, Part 2 (if foreign currency-denominated), if the reporter is the U.S. custodian or if
no U.S. custodian is used.
4. Reporting of Syndicated Loans to U.S. Residents Placed Overseas
A reporter acting as an administrative agent for a syndicated loan to a U.S. resident
that includes foreign creditors should report the U.S. resident’s loan liability to
foreign residents on the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ-2 (Part 2) (if foreign
Report only the amount of the loan facility that is drawn down as of the report date.
(Undrawn commitments should be excluded from the TIC reports.) Report only the
portion of the loan drawn by the obligor’s U.S. offices. Exclude loans extended to
foreign affiliates of U.S. borrowers.
Exclude loans to U.S. residents where a reporter’s foreign office acts as an
administrative agent for the syndication. The U.S. resident borrower should report
these loan liabilities directly on the TIC BL-1 or CQ-1 as appropriate.
BQ-2 Part II Instructions


B. Column Definitions
1. Type of Instrument
a. Negotiable CDs (Column 1)
Report foreign residents’ holdings of negotiable certificates of deposit (of any
maturity). (See the sub-section above “Reporting of Securities” for further
b. All Short-term Negotiable Securities (Column 2)
Report all foreign-resident holdings of negotiable securities (including money
market instruments) with an original maturity of one year or less. (See glossary
for definition of securities and the sub-section above “Reporting of Securities” for
further information.)
c. Other Liabilities (Column 3)
Report foreign residents’ holdings of all liabilities (see Section VI.A, What to
Report) other than negotiable CDs (Column 1), and short-term negotiable
securities (Column 2). Include in this column, loans to U.S. residents that are
serviced by the reporter and loans to U.S. residents, other than those subject to
TIC B reporting, from managed foreign offices of the reporter.

BQ-2 Part II Instructions


VIII. TIC Form BQ-3: Report of Maturities of Selected Liabilities
and Claims of Financial Institutions with Foreign Residents
A. What to Report
Report all claims and liabilities of the types specified below contained on the reporter’s
BC, BL-1 and BQ-2 forms for the same as of date, by remaining maturity. (All
negotiable securities and negotiable CDs are excluded from this report.) Remaining
maturity is the amount of time remaining from the report date until the final contractual
maturity date or the next call date. (All foreign currency-denominated claims and
liabilities should be converted to U.S. dollars using the spot exchange rate on the as of

B. Part 1: Liabilities to Foreign Residents- Remaining Maturities
1. Column Definitions
The amounts allocated in each column are based on the type of instrument.
a. Non-Negotiable Deposits & Brokerage Balances (Column 1)
Report all non-negotiable deposits and brokerage balances included in columns
1, 3, and 5 (Grand Total row 9999-6) of the BL-1 and column 1 (Grand Total
Row 9999-6) of the BQ-2, Part 1.
b. Repurchase Agreements and Other Liabilities (Column 2)
Report all repurchase and similar financing agreements included in the BL-1 in
the Repurchase Agreement row (8400-7) and in column 2 of the BQ-2, Part 1, in
the Repurchase Agreement row (8400-7). Also include all other liabilities
reported on the BL-1 (columns 2, 4, and 6) and BQ-2, Part 1 (column 2) other
than loan liabilities (See glossary for more information) that are included in
column 3 of this form.
c. Loan Liabilities (Column 3)
Report the total amount of loans (see glossary for more information) excluding
repurchase and similar agreements (included in column 2 of this form) reported
on the BL-1 Columns 2, 4, and 6 and on the BQ-2, Part 1, Column 2. Exclude
from this column all liabilities other than loans.
2. Row Definitions
The amounts allocated to each row are based on remaining maturity.
a. Demand Deposits (8010-1)
In column 1, report the amount of liabilities to foreign residents (both U.S.
dollar- and foreign currency-denominated) that are payable on demand. Include
in this row interest bearing demand deposits and brokerage balances.

BQ-3 Instructions


b. Arrears (8020-9)
In each column, report the amount of liabilities to foreign residents (both U.S.
dollar- and foreign currency-denominated) that are past due. The past due
status of a liability should be determined in accordance with its contractual
repayment terms.
c. Non-Interest Paying Items Without A Fixed Maturity Including
Repos Under a Continuing Contract (8030-6)
In each column, report non-interest bearing liabilities to foreign residents (both
U.S. dollar- and foreign currency-denominated) that have no stated maturity or
that rollover under continuing contract including non-interest bearing demand
deposits and brokerage balances . (Items originally sold at a discount are
considered interest-bearing, even if they do not have a stated interest payment.
Therefore, no liabilities sold at a discount should be reported in this row.)
d. Other Items Without a Fixed Maturity, Including Repos Under a
Continuing Contract (8040-3)
In each column, report interest bearing liabilities to foreign residents (both U.S.
dollar- and foreign currency-denominated) that have no stated maturity or that
rollover under continuing contract.
e. Other, 90 Days or Less (8051-9)
In each column, report interest and non-interest bearing liabilities to foreign
residents (both U.S. dollar- and foreign currency- denominated) with a remaining
maturity of less than 91 days.
f. Over 90 Days to 180 Days (8052-7)
In each column, report interest and non-interest bearing liabilities to foreign
residents (both U.S. dollar- and foreign currency-denominated) with a remaining
maturity of over 90 days but no more than 180 days.
g. Over 180 Days to 270 Days (8053-5)
In each column, report interest and non-interest bearing liabilities to foreign
residents (both U.S. dollar- and foreign currency- denominated) with a remaining
maturity of over 180 days but no more than 270 days.
h. Over 270 Days to 1 Year (8054-3)
In each column, report interest and non-interest bearing liabilities to foreign
resident (both U.S. dollar- and foreign currency- denominated) with a remaining
maturity of over 270 days but no more than 1 year. (Year may be defined based
upon 360 days, 365 days, or 1 calendar year, based upon the reporter’s business

Over 1 Year to 2 Years (8055-1)

In each column, report interest and non-interest bearing liabilities to foreign
residents (both U.S. dollar- and foreign currency- denominated) with a remaining
maturity of over 1 year but no more than 2 years. (“Year” may be defined based
upon 360, 365 days, or 1 calendar year based upon the reporter’s business
BQ-3 Instructions


j. Over 2 Years (8057-8)
In each column, report interest and non-interest bearing liabilities to foreign
residents (both U.S. dollar- and foreign currency- denominated) with a remaining
maturity of over 2 years. (“Year” may be defined based upon 360, 365 days, or
1 calendar year based upon the reporter’s business practices.)

C. Part 2: Claims on Foreign Residents – Remaining Maturities
1. Column Definitions
The amounts allocated in each column are based on the type of instrument.
a. Non-Negotiable Deposits & Brokerage Balances (Column 1)
Report all non-negotiable deposits and brokerage balances included in column 1
(Grand Total row 9999-6) of the BC and column 3 (Grand Total row 9999-6) of
the BQ-2, Part 1.
b. Resale Agreements and Other Claims (Column 2)
Report all resale and similar financing agreements included in column 9 (Grand
Total row 9999-6) of the BC and in column 4 of the BQ-2, Part 1, in the
Repurchase/Resale Agreement row (8400-7). Also include all other claims
reported on the BC (columns 3 and 5) and BQ-2, Part 1 (column 4) other than
loan claims (See glossary for more information) that are in included in column 3
of this form.
c. Loan Claims Excluding Resale Agreements (Column 3)
Report the total amount of loans (See glossary for more information), excluding
resale and similar financing agreements (included in column 2 of this form),
reported on the BC columns 3 and 5 and on the BQ-2, Part 1 (column 4). Exclude
from this column all claims other than loans.
2. Row Definitions
The amounts allocated to each row are based on remaining maturity.
a. Demand Deposits, Arrears, Resale Agreements Under Continuing
Contract, And Items With No Fixed Maturity (8139-6)
In column 1, report the amount of claims on foreign residents (both U.S. dollar
and foreign currency denominated) that are receivable on demand such as
demand deposits and brokerage balances.
In columns 2 and 3, report the amount of claims on foreign residents (both U.S.
dollar and foreign currency denominated) that are past due (Arrears). The past
due status of a loan or other asset should be determined in accordance with its
contractual repayment terms. Furthermore, loans, leases, debt securities, and
other assets are to be reported as past due when either interest or principal is
unpaid under the circumstances specified in Schedule RC-N of the FFIEC 031.
Also report claims on foreign residents that have no stated maturity or that
BQ-3 Instructions


rollover under continuing contract excluding demand deposits and brokerage
b. Maturing in 1 Year or Less (8143-4)
In each column, report claims on foreign residents (both U.S. dollar and foreign
currency denominated) with a remaining maturity of 1 year or less.
c. Maturing in Over 1 Year (8147-7)
In each column, report claims on foreign residents (both U.S. dollar and foreign
currency denominated) with a remaining maturity of over 1 year. (“Year” may be
defined based upon 360 days, 365 days, or 1 calendar year based upon the
reporter’s business practices.)

BQ-3 Instructions


IX. Glossary
Administrative Agent
An institution responsible for administering a loan, acting on behalf of all lenders, and acting as
a conduit for all payments in a loan syndication. An administrative agent should report drawn
loan syndications to U.S. resident borrowers owed to foreign residents on the BL-2 (if dollardenominated) or the BQ-2 (if foreign currency-denominated).
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)
Negotiable certificates, typically issued by a U.S.-resident company for securities (usually shares
of stock) issued by a foreign corporation. The securities are backed by the foreign securities,
which are held in a custodial account, either at the issuing bank or by an agent. The ADRs
themselves may be held in U.S. or foreign banks. ADRs are considered foreign securities and,
purchases and sales of ADRs, by U.S. residents are reportable on the TIC S report. (To avoid
double counting, the custodial holdings of the foreign securities are not reportable.) ADR
holdings are not reportable on the TIC B reports.
Brady Bonds
Collateralized dollar-denominated bonds issued by a foreign government or central bank in
exchange for loans under the Brady Plan. Brady Bonds are considered long- term debt
securities and are excluded from the TIC B reports. These securities should be reported on the
TIC S report.
Brokerage Balances
Cash balances: 1) held by U.S. residents in brokerage and margin accounts with foreign
residents; and 2) held by foreign residents in brokerage and margin accounts at U.S.-resident
entities. Brokerage balances should be reported gross and include funds that may be freely
withdrawn or held to support positions in futures, securities or other financial instruments. The
following are examples that generate cash balances in brokerage balances:

Cash proceeds from selling securities short.


Cash margin or collateral placed to support open positions in futures (initial,
maintenance and margin) or options on exchanges, over-the-counter derivatives, and
excess cash margin or collateral retained from previous settlements of positions.


Cash margin lent to foreign for their purchases of securities.


Cash interest and dividends on securities that have been pledged as collateral with
foreign residents. Brokerage balances held at foreign entities should be reported on the
BC (if they are the reporter’s own dollar claims), on the BQ-1 (if they are U.S. dollardenominated customer claims of a reporter), or on the BQ-2 (if they are foreign
currency- denominated claims). Liabilities to foreign residents from brokerage balances
should be reported on the BL-1 (if they are the reporter’s own dollar liabilities) and on
the BQ-2 (if they are foreign currency denominated liabilities).

Commercial Paper
A promissory note either unsecured or backed by assets such as loans or mortgages. They are
usually sold at a discount and customarily have a fixed maturity of 270 days or less. Holdings
of commercial paper should be reported on the B reports at face value, as a short-term



Credit Balances
Liabilities to a third party that are incidental to, or that arise from, the exercise of banking
powers, including the payment of checks and lending of money. They must be no larger than
necessary for the specific transaction. Credit balances are reported as deposits on the BL-1 and
as demand deposits on the BQ-3.
A bank or other organization that manages or administers the custody or safekeeping of stock
certificates, debt securities, or other assets for institutional and private investors.
The unpaid balance of money or its equivalent received or held by a bank in the usual course of
business and for which it has given or is obligated to give credit, either conditionally or
unconditionally, including balances in a checking, savings, or time account, or which are
evidenced by its certificate of indebtedness, or other similar name, or a check or draft drawn
against a deposit account and certified by the bank, or a letter of credit or a traveler's check on
which the bank is primarily liable. U.S. deposits held by foreign residents (other than
negotiable certificates of deposit) should be reported on the BL-1 (if U.S. dollar-denominated)
or the BQ-2 (Part 1) (if foreign currency-denominated). U.S. negotiable certificates of deposit
held by foreign residents should be reported on the BL-2 (if U.S. dollar-denominated) or the
BQ-2 (Part 2) (if foreign currency-denominated). Non-negotiable deposits held by U.S. residents
at foreign banks should be reported on the BC (if it is the reporter’s own U.S. dollardenominated claim), on the BQ-1 (if it is the U.S. dollar-denominated claim of a customer of the
reporter), or in the appropriate column of the BQ-2 for the reporter’s own or customer’s
foreign currency-denominated claim. (Also see glossary entry for Negotiable Certificate of
Depository Receipts
See American Depository Receipts (“ADR”). Related types of depository receipts, such as Global
Depository Receipts, are reported in the same manner as ADRs
Derivative Contracts
A derivative contract is a financial instrument or other contract with all three of the following

It has: (a) one or more underlyings; (b) one or more notional amounts; and (c)
payment provisions. These terms determine the amount of the settlement or
settlements, and, in some cases, whether or not a settlement is required.


It requires no initial net investment, or an initial net investment that is much smaller
than would be required for other types of contracts that would be expected to have a
similar response to changes in market factors.


Its terms require or permit net settlement, it can readily be settled net by a means
outside the contract, or it provides for delivery of an asset that puts the recipient in a
position not substantially different from net settlement.

Derivative contracts are excluded from the B reports. Embedded derivatives that are not
bifurcated under FAS 133 should not be separated from the host contract and should be
reported on the TIC B reports. However, if an embedded derivative is bifurcated, the derivative
should be excluded from the B reports.



Development Banks
Entities owned by national governments other than the United States and are established to
promote economic development of sectors of the economy, such as trade, housing, agriculture,
finance and industry. Claims on and liabilities to development banks are reportable on the TIC
B reports. Unless the development bank also performs the functions of a foreign official
institution, development banks should be reported as private banks, even if owned by the
government. (For further information, see the instructions for “type of foreign counterparty,”
on the specific instructions for the form in question.)
Direct Investment
Investment in which a resident of one country obtains a degree of influence over the
management of a business enterprise in another country. The criterion used to define direct
investment is ownership of at least 10 percent of the voting securities of an incorporated
business enterprise or the equivalent interest in an unincorporated business enterprise. U.S.
direct investment abroad represents the ownership or control, directly or indirectly, by one U.S.
resident (U.S. parent) of at least 10 percent of a foreign business enterprise, which is called a
foreign affiliate. Foreign direct investment in the United States represents the ownership or
control, directly or indirectly, by one foreign resident (foreign parent) of at least 10 percent of a
U.S. business enterprise, which is called a U.S. affiliate. For guidance on how to apply the direct
investment criterion in the case of a limited partnership, see “Limited partnerships and direct
investment” below.
Direct investment transactions and positions include the equity that gives rise to control or
influence and intercompany lending, i.e., debt between affiliated enterprises. However, debt
between selected affiliated financial intermediaries is not classified as direct investment because
it is not considered to be so strongly connected to the direct investment relationship.
The financial intermediaries covered by this case are:

deposit-taking corporations;


securities brokers and dealers;


financial and bank holding companies;


investment funds; and


other financial intermediaries.

However, insurance companies and pensions funds are financial intermediaries that are not
covered by this case and their debt positions with their affiliates are part of direct investment.
Since insurance companies and pension funds are not covered by this case, insurance
companies and pension funds should only report debt positions with unaffiliated foreign firms.
Therefore, all direct investment transactions and positions should be excluded from the TIC
system. These transactions and positions should instead be reported to the Bureau of Economic
Analysis (BEA). U.S. residents in direct investment relationships are required to file reports with
BEA unless exempt.



Foreign Resident
Any individual, corporation, or other organization located outside the United States. A
corporation incorporated outside the United States is a foreign resident even if it has no
physical presence outside the United States. Foreign residents include:

Foreign governments and any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including
all foreign official nonbanking institutions, even if located in the United States (e.g., an
embassy, consulate, or other diplomatic establishment of a foreign country). (However,
all U.S. subsidiaries of foreign corporations are U.S. residents.)


Entities that have filed an IRS Form W-8, indicating that the individual or entity is a
nonresident alien or foreign entity not subject to certain United States information return
reporting or to backup withholding rules.


Any corporation or other organization located outside the United States, including the
branches, subsidiaries, and other affiliates of U.S. entities located abroad.


Individuals, including citizens of the United States, residing outside the United States.

EXCEPTION: Official international or regional organizations or subordinate or affiliated agencies
thereof, created by treaty or convention between sovereign states, even if located in the United
States, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD or World
Bank), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the United Nations (UN), are also considered
foreign residents.
Foreign-Resident Custodian
A custodian located outside the United States, including a foreign affiliate of a U.S. custodian.
Reporters should determine the location of a custodian according to the country where the
custodian is incorporated, or otherwise legally established, not according to the country of
custodian’s parent firm, and not according to the location of the custodian’s operations center.
Foreign Subcustodian
A foreign institution that holds in safekeeping foreign securities for a U.S. resident custodian.
Insurance Technical Reserves
Insurance technical reserves are liabilities of the insurance companies to policyholders and
beneficiaries which represent the amounts identified by insurance companies to account for the
prepayment of insurance premiums and reserves for unpaid claims incurred but not yet paid.
These reserves quantify the outstanding loss liabilities for insurance claims which have been
reported and not paid or which have been incurred but not reported (IBNR).
International Banking Facilities (IBFs)
A set of asset and liability accounts, segregated on the books of the United States establishing
entity. IBFs are permitted to hold only assets and liabilities of foreign residents, residents of
Puerto Rico and United States territories and possessions, other IBFs, and United States and
foreign offices of the establishing entity. (See Federal Reserve Regulation D for more
information.) The assets and liabilities of IBFs should be combined with those of the U.S.
banking offices on the TIC B reports in all rows, except the IBF memo rows on the BC, BL-1 and
BQ-2 reports.



A loan is generally an extension of credit resulting from direct negotiations between a lender
and a borrower. The loan may have originated through direct negotiations with the borrower or
it may have been originated by another lender that directly negotiated with a borrower. Loans
may take the form of promissory notes, acknowledgements of advance, due bills, invoices,
overdrafts, acceptances, and similar written or oral obligations. Loans include:

Acceptances of other banks purchased in the open market


Customer’s liability to the reporting institution on drafts paid under letters of credit for
which the bank has not been reimbursed


Paper pledged by the bank whether for collateral to secure bills payable or for any other


Factored accounts receivable


Participations (acquired or held) in a single loan or pool of loans or receivables (see
discussion of Participations)


Drawn syndicated loans (see instructions in the BL-2 and BQ-2 for more information and
reporting instructions)


Repurchase/resale agreements, where securities have been transferred in return for
cash balances

Loans exclude those instruments that meet the definition of a security. (See glossary entry for
Securities). Loans are reportable on the TIC B reports, regardless of maturity.
Loan Servicing Arrangements, Loan Servicer
An arrangement whereby one party (the loan servicer) agrees to collect payments from
borrowers on behalf of the holder(s) of the loan. The loan servicer may be the originator of the
loans, or may be another institution. The loan servicer/administrative agent should report the
outstanding loans to U.S. resident borrowers owed to foreign residents on the BL-2 ( if U.S.
dollar-denominated), or the BQ-2 (if foreign currency-denominated).
Nationalized Banks
Institutions owned by foreign central governments that are classified as banks in their
respective countries. Nationalized banks are classified as foreign private commercial banks,
unless they function as foreign official institutions.
Negotiable Certificates of Deposit
Certificates of deposit evidenced by a negotiable (transferable) instrument or deposit in book
entry form evidenced by a receipt or similar acknowledgement issued by the bank, that
provides on its face that the amount of such deposit is payable to bearer or any specified
person (e.g., deposit notes, bank notes). Negotiable certificates of deposit are not considered
securities on the TIC reports. All foreign-held U.S. negotiable certificates of deposit (regardless
of maturity) whether issued by the reporter or by another depository institution should be
reported on the BL-2 (if dollar-denominated) or BQ-2 (if foreign currency-denominated). U.S.
held foreign negotiable certificates of deposits should be reported on the BC or BQ-1 (if dollardenominated), or the BQ-2 (if foreign currency-denominated).
Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs)
Businesses and institutions other than “banks” and “public,” as defined above, that are primarily
engaged in proprietary investments and/or in the provision of financial services to other


organizations and households. These services include, but are not limited to financial
intermediation services whose functions are predominantly: the extending of credit for business
purposes, brokerage services, underwriting services, financial management services, credit
origination services, credit card services, insurance services, and pension services. Types of
non-bank financial organizations include, but are not limited to:

Securities brokers/dealers


Bank holding companies (BHCs)


Financial holding companies (FHCs)


Insurance companies


Money market funds


Pension funds


Investment banks


Private equity funds


Credit card issuers


Hedge funds




Finance companies


Mortgage companies


Factors and other financial intermediaries who extend short-term business credit to
finance inventories or carry accounts receivable

For data reporters who use NAICS codes for their counterparties, here are the codes for entities
that are NBFIs:
 all codes under 52, Finance and Insurance, excluding 5211 (central banks) and 5221
(deposit-taking institutions)
 551111 bank holding companies
 551112(part) financial holding companies, insurance holding companies
For data reporters who use the GICS classification system for their counterparties, here are the
codes for entities that are NBFIs: [ The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) system
was developed by Morgan Stanley Capital International and Standard & Poor’s, and the web site
is at:]
 4020
diversified financials
 4030
 404020 real estate investment trusts (REITS)

An overdraft exists when a depository institution honors a check or draft drawn against a
deposit account in which insufficient funds are held. Overdrafts should be reported gross and



not netted against good balances. Overdrawn accounts at foreign banks are reported on the
BL-1. Foreign customers’ overdrawn accounts are reported on the BC.
Own Foreign Offices
Own foreign offices are foreign offices (banking and nonbanking) of the reporter, including any
foreign office indirectly owned through a U.S. subsidiary depository or non depository financial
institution. In addition, reporters owned by a foreign resident should include its direct foreign
parent and any non U.S. branches or agencies as own foreign offices. Reporters should
exclude offices of the reporter’s parent’s non-banking or banking subsidiaries as own foreign
Therefore, the reporter should include as own foreign offices the following if applicable:

The reporter’s own non U.S. offices
The reporter’s own foreign parent bank
The foreign parent banks non U.S. bank branches and agencies
The reporter’s own U.S. depository institution’s and/or non depository institution’s
foreign resident offices

A loan agreement whereby one bank contracts with other banks to participate in making a loan
to a borrower. Each participant should report the amount of its own share in the participated
loan. (Also see the BL-2 instructions for the reporting of syndicated loans.)
A policyholder is the party that owns an insurance policy.
Prepaid Insurance Premiums
Prepaid insurance premiums are the consideration paid by policyholders to insurance
underwriters in exchange for the provision of defined future benefits or for the indemnification
against specified insured losses. The portion of premiums associated with the unexpired
portion of the term of coverage should be reported as liabilities of U.S. – resident insurance
underwriters to foreign-resident policyholders.
Reinsurance Recoverables
Reinsurance recoverable represent reimbursements expected by U.S.- resident insurance
underwriters, under reinsurance contracts governing underwriting coverage ceded to a foreign
– resident insurer, for paid and unpaid claims, claims settlement expenses, and other policy
Repurchase/Resale Agreements
A repurchase agreement is a transaction involving the sale of financial assets by one party to
another, subject to an agreement by the seller to repurchase the assets at a specified date or in
specified circumstances. A resale agreement (also known as a reverse repurchase agreement)
is a transaction involving the purchase of financial assets by one party from another, subject to


an agreement by the purchaser to resell the assets at a specified date or in specified
Except as otherwise noted below under the discussion of ASC Topic 860, Transfers and
Servicings, all repurchase and resale agreement transactions with foreign residents in which
cash balances are provided as part of the transaction, are to be reported as borrowings from, or
loans to, foreign residents collateralized by the underlying assets. In each case the amount of
cash received/provided should be reported. In particular:

U.S. dollar-denominated funds received from foreign residents from repurchase
agreements are reported as liabilities on the BL-1, by country, and in memorandum row
8400-7. (The transfer of the securities should be excluded from purchases or sales on
the TIC S Form.)


U.S. dollar-denominated funds lent to foreign residents through resale agreements
should be reported as claims on either the BC or BQ-1. (The receipt of the securities as
collateral should be excluded from purchases or sales on the TIC S Form.)

Funds denominated in foreign currency received or lent under repurchase agreements
with foreign residents should be reported on the BQ-2.
Please note that all repurchase agreements should be reported gross (i.e., ASC Subtopic 21020should not be applied).

If a repurchase agreement does not qualify as a secured borrowing under ASC Topic 860,
Transfers and Servicings, the selling institution should account for the transaction as a sale of
financial assets and a forward commitment to repurchase the security. Similarly, if a resale
agreement does not qualify as a borrowing under ASC Topic 860, Transfers and Servicings, the
purchasing institution should account for the transaction as a purchase of financial assets and a
commitment to sell. In these cases, the transfer of the securities should be reported on the TIC
S and the exchange of cash should be excluded from the TIC B forms. Securities lending
agreements in which one security is loaned in return for another are not reportable on the TIC
Securities are any bill, note, bond, debenture, equity or similar instrument that is commonly
referred to as a security, excluding certificates of deposit. (In cases where it is not clear if a
specific instrument is a security, contact the Federal Reserve Bank to which you submit your
TIC reports.) Securities may be negotiable (tradable in secondary markets) or non-negotiable
(not tradable in secondary markets).
Securities are classified as short-term (original maturity of one year or less) or long-term
(original maturity of more than one year). Long-term securities include securities with no
stated maturity, including equity securities such as common stock, preferred stock, certificate of
interests, partnership interests, and mutual fund shares. Long-term securities are excluded
from the TIC B forms and should be reported only on the TIC S form.
Short-term securities, which include money market instruments such as Treasury bills, shortterm agency securities, commercial and finance paper, discounted bankers’ acceptances, and
short-term notes, should be reported on the TIC B forms, following the instructions in Sections
A and B of this booklet for each form. A summary of these reporting requirements follows:



The Reporting of Short-Term Securities

DollarNon-dollardenominated denominated

A TIC B reporter holds a foreign security for its own account


BQ-2, Part 1

A TIC B reporter holds a foreign security for the account of
another institution/person


BQ-2, Part 1

A TIC B reporter issues a non-negotiable security to a
foreign resident (or to anyone in a foreign market)


BQ-2, Part 1

A TIC B reporter issues a negotiable security (including all
bearer instruments) in a foreign market (unless the security
is known to be held by a U.S. custodian other than the


BQ-2, Part 2

A TIC B reporter holds a negotiable or non-negotiable
security issued by a U.S. resident than other than itself, for
a foreign owner


BQ-2, Part 2


If multiple U.S. custodians are involved in the holding of a negotiable security, the U.S.
custodian nearest the end-claimant should report.
Securities Brokers and Dealers
Generally, securities brokers are entities that regularly engage in effecting securities
transactions for others. A securities dealer is an entity that engages in buying securities for its
own account. However, the definition of securities dealers excludes depository institutions and
other institutions acting in a fiduciary capacity. (See the Securities Exchange Act for a list of
the activities that constitutes a dealer.)
Settlement Date Accounting
Under settlement date accounting, assets purchased are not recorded until settlement date.
Settlement date accounting should be used on the TIC B forms.
A company in which another company (parent) owns 50% or more of the voting securities, or
an equivalent interest (control).
Sweep Agreements
Sweep agreements are contractual agreements between institutions and their customers that
allow funds to be automatically transferred to another account at the same institution, another
institution, or into a financial instrument. When funds of U.S. nonbank residents are swept to a
non-U.S. office of a B reporter, the B reporter should report the funds held at the non-U.S.
office on the BQ-1.
United States
The fifty (50) States of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the following: American Samoa,
Baker Island, Guam, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway
Islands, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Wake Island.


Unpaid Insurance Claims
Liabilities of U.S. – resident insurance underwriters to foreign-resident policyholders, for losses
that have incurred but no yet reported (IBNR) and for reported unpaid claims. In addition, U.S.
– resident insurance underwriters should recognize as claims, the portion of liabilities that will
be recovered from foreign-resident reinsurers (See reinsurance recoverables).
U.S. Military Facilities
Offices of United States banks located in foreign countries that provide financial services to
persons in the United States Armed Forces stationed abroad. For purposes of these reports,
United States military facilities are classified as banking offices located in the United States.
U.S. Resident
Any individual, corporation, or other organization located in the United States, including
branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates of foreign entities located in the United States.
Corporations incorporated in the United States are considered to be U.S. residents even if they
have no physical presence in the United States.



X. APPENDIX A: Reporting Requirement Flowcharts
Treatment of Short-term Securities and CDs
Situation 1 - A U.S. resident has a liability to a foreign resident in the form of a short-term
security or a certificate of deposit (of any maturity)

Flowchart 1A: A U.S.-resident custodian is used


Flowchart 1B: Two U.S.-resident custodians are used


Flowchart 1C: No U.S.-resident custodian is used for a negotiable instrument


Flowchart 1D: No U.S.-resident custodian is used for a non-negotiable instrument

Situation 2 - A U.S. resident has a claim on a foreign resident in the form of a short-term
security or a certificate of deposit (of any maturity)

Flowchart 2A: A U.S.-resident custodian is used


Flowchart 2B: No U.S.-resident custodian is used


Flowchart 2C: A U.S.-resident custodian and a U.S.-resident subcustodian are used

Treatment of Other Claims and Liabilities
Situation 3 - A U.S. resident has a loan from a foreign resident which is serviced by a TIC B
reporter (U.S.-resident financial institution)

Flowchart 3: Responsibility of loan servicing office

Situation 4 - A U.S. resident has a claim on a foreign office which is managed by the U.S. office
of a depository institution

Flowchart 4A: Claims of a U.S. resident other than a financial institution


Flowchart 4B: Claims of a U.S.-resident financial institution

Situation 5 - The assets of a U.S. resident are "swept" into an overseas account or asset

Flowchart 5: Funds "swept" overseas

Situation 6 - Drawn syndicated loans of U.S. residents held by foreign residents
Flowchart 6A: A U.S.-resident administrative agent is used
Flowchart 6B: No U.S.-resident administrative agent is used


Situation 1: A U.S. resident has a liability to a foreign resident in the form of
a short-term security or a certificate of deposit (of any maturity)
Flowchart 1A: A U.S.-resident custodian is used
Foreign person/investor

U.S. resident issuer
does not report the
security or CD on the
TIC forms.

U.S.-resident custodian

Report on the BL-2 (if U.S.
dollar-denominated) or on
the BQ-2, Part 2 (if foreign

Flowchart 1B: Two U.S.-resident custodians are used
U.S. issuer

U.S. institution A that
maintains a custodial
relationship with U.S.
resident custodian B

Does not report

Foreign person/investor

U.S.-resident institution B
that is a custodian for a
foreign resident or foreign

Report on the BL-2 (if U.S.
dollar-denominated) or on
the BQ-2, Part 2 (if foreign

Note that if multiple U.S. custodians are involved, the U.S. custodian nearest
the foreign end-claimant should report. The U.S. issuer does not report.


Flowchart 1C: No U.S.-resident custodian is used for a negotiable
U.S. TIC B issuer

Foreign-resident person
or custodian

on the BL-2 (if U.S. dollardenominated) or on the
BQ-2, Part 2 (if foreign

Note: All negotiable securities and negotiable CDs issued directly in a
foreign market should be reported in this manner.

Flowchart 1D: No U.S.-resident custodian is used for a nonnegotiable instrument
U.S. TIC B issuer

person or custodian

Report AS AN ISSUER on the
BL-1 (if U.S. dollardenominated) or on the BQ-2,
Part 1 (if foreign currencydenominated).

Note: On the BL-1, non-negotiable CDs are reported as “non-negotiable
deposits” and non-negotiable short-term securities are reported as "other."


Situation 2: A U.S. resident has a claim on a foreign resident in the form of a
short-term security or a certificate of deposit (of any maturity)
Flowchart 2A: A U.S.-resident custodian is used
U.S. person/investor

U.S.-resident custodian

Report on the BQ-1 (if
U.S. dollar-denominated)
or on the BQ-2, Part 1 (if
foreign currencydenominated).

Flowchart 2B: No U.S.-resident custodian is used
U.S. person/investor

Foreign custodian,
debtor, or issuer

Report on the BC (if U.S.
dollar-denominated) or
on the BQ-2, Part 1 (if
foreign currencydenominated) or on the
TIC CQ-1 (if not a TIC B
report filer).


Flowchart 2C: A U.S.-resident custodian and a U.S.-resident
subcustodian are used
U.S. person/investor

U.S. Institution A that
maintains a custodial
relationship with U.S.
resident custodian B

Report on the BQ-1 (if
U.S. dollardenominated) or on
the BQ-2, Part 1 (if
foreign currencydenominated).

Foreign issuer or
foreign custodian

U.S. resident
institution B that
maintains custodian
A's custody account

Does not report

Note that the custodian closest to the U.S.-resident claimant reports.


Situation 3: A U.S. resident has a loan from a foreign resident which is
serviced by a TIC B reporter (U.S.-resident , financial institution)
Flowchart 3: Responsibility of loan servicing office
U.S. borrower


Foreign office or bank
Serviced by:

U.S. TIC B reporter

Report loans to U.S.
residents on the BL-2 (if U.S.
dollar-denominated) or the
BQ-2, Part 2 (if foreign
currency-denominated) as
"Other Customers’


Situation 4 - A U.S. resident has a claim on a foreign office which is managed
by the U.S. office of a depository institution
Flowchart 4A: Claims of a U.S. resident other than a financial
U.S. resident (other
than a U.S. financial

Claims in the
form of deposits
or loans

Foreign (e.g.,
Nassau) office of
Bank A
Managed by:
U.S. office of Bank A

Report the claims on the
TIC BQ-1 (if U.S. dollardenominated) or the TIC
BQ-2, Part 1 (if foreign

Flowchart 4B: Claims of a U.S.-resident financial institution

U.S. financial
Claims in
the form
of deposits
or loans

Foreign (for
example,Nassau) office of
Bank A
Managed by:
U.S. office of Bank A

Report the claim on the BC (if
U.S. dollar-denominated) or
on the BQ-1, Part 2 (if
foreign currencydenominated).

Does not report


Situation 5: The assets of a U.S. resident are "swept" into an overseas
account or asset
Flowchart 5: Funds "swept" Overseas
U.S. person/investor

U.S. office of Bank A

U.S. office reports as
a custody claim on the
BQ-1 (if dollar
denominated) or on
the BQ-2, Part 1 (if
foreign currency

Transfers funds
in account at
U.S. office to a
foreign account
under prearranged sweep

U.S. resident's account at
a foreign office or
institution or other asset


Situation 6: Drawn Syndicated loans of U.S. residents held by foreign
Flowchart 6A: A U.S.-resident administrative agent is used
U.S. resident borrower


Foreign lender

U.S. administrative agent

U.S. administrative agent
reports on the BL-2 (if U.S.
dollar currency-denominated)
or the BQ-2, Part 2 (if foreign

Flowchart 6B: No U.S.-resident administrative agent is used
U.S. resident borrower


Foreign lender

Since no U.S. administrative
agent is used, the U.S.
borrower reports the liability
to foreign residents on the
BL-1 (or TIC CQ-1 if not a
TIC B filer).


XI. APPENDIX B: Geo. Class.: Codes for foreign countries, areas
and organizations
The most recent version of this appendix is now a separate document.
A copy is on the TIC website, next to these instructions, at:


XII. APPENDIX C: List of Selected Foreign Official Institutions
The most recent version of this appendix is now a separate document.
A copy is on the TIC website, next to these instructions, at:


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - TIC B short-Draft Instr_2-13-06_notmarked2.doc
File Modified2013-06-12
File Created2006-02-13

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